a 'THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. MONDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1020, a A (Founded | S47) 20% Off Every Articlein the Store. Jaeger goods only excepted. Don't Wait for the Last Minute CHRISTMAS RUSH We can serve you better if you buy now--you can obtain better satisfac- tion too because the selection is com- plete and you will be able to buy in comfort and 'ease. Mufflers Neck Wraps Gloves Sweaters Underwear Handkerchiefs 'DISCOUNT FOR CASH ONLY Neckwear, Gloves, etc., put in fancy boxes on request. Dressing Gowns House Coats Pyjamas Bath Robes Neckwear See our Overcoats OFF See our Suits . . .. ee be er ee o_o v Livingston's 75-77 BROCK STREET "If Off Your Route It Pays to Walk." L) EE ------ RE Of | Anderson Bros. Limited Princess and Division Streets Just Avvived Car-Assorted Fruits CALIFORNIA NAVEL ORANGES. _FLORIDA SWEET ORANGES. --MALAGA GRAPES. --GRAPE FRUIT. ~ LEMONS. TABLE APPLES. --COOKING APPLES. --LAGER FIGS. COOKING FIGS. Z.CAPE COD CRANBERRIES. PACKAGE DATES. ~ --BULK DATES. Very reasonable prices on this fine as- sortment of Fruits. - Phones: 458-459. Wholesale 1767. cing AIRES th pg Sm sm 5 ninind Theatrical 1 At The Grand. 'To-night Ernie Marks and his tom- | | pany of advanced repertoire and | vaudeville players will _present that | {great comedy drama, "The Price," | and sure is a hearty laugh and a de- | lightful play from start to finish. | The play has been a great success for | | several seasons, because it's chock full of fun, brimming over with good | { humor, and a story that grips the attention. There is entertainment ! galore in "The Price," with its music, | clean, bright comedy, and scenes and | situations of thrilling excitement and { touches of pathos, all so true that {it seems like a page torn from Na- | ture's book, a gréat play for the | children. Popular prices prevail. | For an evening of enjoyment go to | the Grand Opera House on the open- ling of the Ernie Marks Stock Co., | supporting the clever actress, Kittie | Marks. This clever company of en- | tertainers will appear at the Grand i Opera House for the entire week { commencing tonight, with a change |ot play nightly and six big new | vaudeville specialties between acts. | --Advt. { Depmrrmie At the Strand. | Exactness of detail in his produec- | tions has always been one of | Fobbles of Dustin Farnum, the screen | star. This same hobby -was very | much in evidencé'during the making f "Big Happiness', his latest vehi- cle, a Dustin Farnum Productions Company picture which opens to-day | at the Strand theatre for a three days | run, "Big Happiness' is released by | Robertson-Cole as a super-special and {upholds the excellent standard for | settings established by these dietri- butors. Following out Mr. Farnum's idea Of exactness it was necessary to epgage more than one hundred ex- perlenced people for the filming of {one scene. Mr. Farnum insisted on | having talented players instead of "extras" to produce the necessary "atmosphere." The picture is an in- tense drama with many colorful sce- nes of the gay, c@smopolitan life of Paris before the great war. A cafe getting used is an exact reproduction | of the famous Cafe de Paix of Paris | where men and women of the upper | strata of society and fashion gather | to laugh and chat over sparkling be- verages. An excellent cast in support | of Mr. Farnum, who gives a wonder- ful portrayal of twin brothers, adds | much to the quality of this unusual picture. Kathryn Adams, a graduate from the legitimate stage and a screen artist of recognized ability, is the heroine. Miss Adams has appear- ed In many important picture parts including the leading feminine roles in "Raffles" and "Baby . Mine."-- Advt. v |The | Richardson Children "Are In laway by thei the |. LETTER 10 HE EDITOR Wants Things Opened U Kingston, De¢, 13.--(To iy Edi- tor) : You said a remark was made that education was gathered from [ the ten-minutes' railway through | the city, and hoped it would be con- | tinued. Very good. But still 1 think we could gather more and bet- ter education, and . enable thagse willing to work to secure a living | for themselves and families, if they | would -allow the trams to run on | Sundays, and employ those out of work. There could be profit both | ways as in other cities. Open up | the picture palaces on -Sunday and {employ only those who had no work {all week. | Yours truly, | E. HOW LEY, 63 Stephen street. | P.8.--And another point, sir, open up the printing press and em- ploy a Sunday paper called the Sun- 'day Times. All would find work for the unemployed. | --E. H. | FRENCH ARE PRISONERS. | Released Captive Says Germans Still i Holding Men. Paris, Dec. 13.--That French sol- | diers are still kept prisoners in Ger- | many was the sensational statement (of Private Joseph Bling of the | twenty-sixth Territorial Regiment, before a court of inquiry at LeMans. Blin, who was captured early in the war, has only just been allowed to return to France after the personal intervention of General Dupont, head of the French mission in Germany. It appears that he received severe injuries to his head when working as a prisoner at the time of the armis- tice and was shut up as mad. Later he was released, but the Germans re- fused to give him papers or allow him to leave the country until General . Dupont took up his case. 'Blin laims positive knowledge that other Frenchmen are in the same situation' afd the French mis- sion has been instructed to hold an inquiry. ARMENIA BEYOND PALE. Not Wanted in League, Having Bolshevist. Gone Geneva, Dec. 13.--The small na- tions, which intended making an issue the change of opinion by No. 6 about the admission of Armenia at the instruction of the Allied prem- fers, will not raise the issue, As Ar- menia has gone Bolshevist, her ad- mission to the league would be a de facto recognition of the Bolshevist regime. No one in Geneva wants this, pot 3 Dies at His Wintér Home. Palm Beach, Fla., Dec. 13--Hor- ace E. Dodge, nifijonaire auto manu- facturer, died Friday night at his winter home. Mr. Dodge had been the sole head of the Dodge Brothers automobile interests since the sud- Dodge, his elder brother. Atta Boy! "I lost in Wall street," sald Bill Beal, "And I'll throw no more coin away; I'll buy a hay press and I'll deal In good Consolidated Hay." A dispute between Chili and Bo- livia in the League of Nations as- sembly Saturday has raised the pos- sibility of the withdrawal of "one country or the other from the league. den death early this year of Johm |" "Montréal It has been learned that the two | boys, aged eight and ten years, sons | {of Mr, Richardson, who resides a {424 Princess street. who were ta + mother, about throe | weeks ago, are in Montreal. The { mother of the two children, who had not been living with her Bus- {band for some time, secured the | children as they were returning | from school, and that night left the city. She first took the children to the home of her mother at Cornwall, and the following night left for Montreal. AUSTEN CHAMBERLAIN Chatetior of the British Ixechequer, is under heavy fire from the newspaper barons--Northcliffe, Rothermare, and Beaverbrook, 1 of h's refusal to| cut national e ures. { | Received Holy Communion. Three-fourths of St. Mary's congre. gation received holy communion Sun- | day, the feast day of the Immacula- | tion Conception of the Blessed Virgin | = Mary. The members of the Holy |= Name and of the A.O.H. received | communion in a body at the half-past | seven o'clock mass, with. the front | sections of the centre aisle reserved for them at that mass. Giddap! 'Men are so stubborn!" wall, No Wonder the men folks they | = I hear women =- pa They'd hu drive a soft- beaded | nail, Than drive a hard-headeq man, Ee Dies Sudden]y at Brockville. Brockville, Dec. 13.--E. W. Bouri- not, connected with financial insti- tutions in Montreal and elsewhere, | died suddenly at a local hospital Sat- | urday. He was a son of the late | Sir John Bourinot, for many years | clerk of the House of Commons. Practically Completed It. Up to the time of his death J. T. Curtis, Ottawa, was engaged in writ ing a book on the Queen's summer school. This work was in the stage of revision, and practically complete | for publication. The first and third degrees were conferred upon thirty candidates at | "| a meeting of the Knights of Colum- bus on Sunday. See and hear famous Starr | Phonograph at Smith Bros, Jewel- ers, King street, before finally decid- ing. DAILY MEMORANDUM. Trnie Marks Co, Grand, 8.15. Band at Palace Rink to-night. See top of Page Three, rigfit hand corner for nrobabilities. CHRISTMAS CARDS Beautiful designs, neatly printed with Greeting, Name and Address. Prices very reasonable. Hanson, Crozier & Edgar Merry Christmas Printers. Market Square, Kingston. BORN. CLARK«-On Dec: 11th, 1920, at Hotel Dieu Hospital, to Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Clark (nee Eva Paquin), a son (still born). ELLIOTT---In Kingston, on Dec. 1920, to Mr. and Mrs. James O. El- liott, 27 Colborne Street, a daugh- ter, KILPATRICK--To Mr. and Mrs. Ed- ward Kilpatrick, Stella, ata Island, on Dec. 11th, 1920, a son, (nee Jennie McClement). 10th, . DIED. ; % tel Dieu Monastery, on BLANEY---A¢t 20, Sister Mary Anne Dee. 12th, Blan ey. Funeral from Hotel Dieu Chapel, Tuesday morning, at 8 o'clock. IN MEMORIAM. In lov ng memory of our dear son, Tack Oousina, who passed away Dec. 1t To inestin Heaven! how sweet the thought When life's short years are past, No more to Weep, no more to past, To meet Jin Heaven at last. ~--Mother and CARD OF Benjamin and Eleanor Kells, Sune bury, felt Yihanks on 0 their friunds and neigh- Dr eron on oe rcasion of of the which destzoyed thelr h might of Sf Nov, 13th 12th, their Ea Buphe the ving pine 180 wish to wh other out-but express thei: £raticuds Ee pA ave s hob obly 56 to their ass He I A s for oe very valuable assistance | == te, ER, Ll HHH HE iH Wish to extend their most heart- | Se ' | : : 2 : jg : TUESDAY COMMENCING 10 O'CLOCK $5.00 Blouse Sale Regularly priced $8.00, $10, $12.00 up to $15.00 Without one exception this will be the greatest sale of high class Blouses in. King- ston. : 120 fashi#nable Blouses-- all bearing marks of expert workmanship -- Blouses of Georgette Crepe, Crepe de Chene, Taffeta, Silk and Tub Silk, Shantung -- V Neck, Round Neck, Half Sleeve and Long Sleeve--in a won- derful variety of styles and trimmings. Here are the colors: GEORGETTE White. Flesh. Navy. Maize. Sand. Beige. Pink. Black. ALL AT ONE PRICE You will find great comfort shopping ere. WOMEN and CHILDREN -- Handkerchiefs for all. -- Stockings, all kinds. --Gloves--full variety. --Parasols. --DBlouses. --Bath Robes. --Hand Bags. --Purses. -- Underwear--Silk or Wool. -- Beautiful Silks. 0 A DY SIZES CREPE DE CHENE Maize Flesh. Navy. 'White. Pink. Peach. $5.00 EACH 34 36 38 40 42 44 PLEASE SHOP EARLY MEN AND BOYS --Smart Neckties. --Silk or Wool Mufflers. --Wool Gloves. --Kid Gloves. --New Shirts. --Silk or Cashmere Socks. --Handkerchiefs. --Umbrellas. --Suspenders. John Laidlaw & Son, L:d. CHR = BOUDOIR SLIPPERS THE GIFT OF COMFORT . "To think of a friend's comfo rt is to be truly thoughtful. There's no gilt which will more fully express your wish es for great comfort than Boudoir Slippers. Felt Boudoir; soft Elk soles; _ Pom-pom; three colors to select from; rubber heels; $1.65 and $2.00 pair. Suede Leather Boudoir; thre e shades to select from; rubber heels; Elk soles; $2 pair. Suede Leather Boudoir; eight shades to select from; rubb er heels; Eld Soles; $2.75 pr Lockett's