Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 1 Dec 1920, p. 4

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THE DAILY BRITISH WHIC. RatLWAY | SYSTEM GRAND TRUN NTON BERNICK, of St. Paul, Minn., who says he now eats better, sleeps better and works better as a result of taking Tan- lac. Says all his friends are talking about his fmprovement. attention given your family or friends going to or returaing from the Oid Country. For informdtion and rates app J. P. HARLEY, A. GT. RY, Kingston, Open day and 1.ight. hope 99. o ae roa ARDEN. Nov. 29.--The Ladies' box social in the hall on Thursday rig There was a ldrge gathering. { The proceeds were twenty-six dollars, | James Alexander, 8. Loyst, Willfam | Loyst, H. Alexander and Ross Miler {returned from deer hunting and | brought with them a moose weighing | 500 pounds. Visifors: Mrs. S. Hughes | and Mrs. C. Loyst at A, Miller's; Jas. | Alexander and family at Mrs. S. Ale- xander's; B. Thompson at G. Steele's. OSO STATION. Kov, 25.--The bee at Norman Tomlinson's on. Monday was a great suecess. John GQ, Bourk, Kingston, Is visiting friends around here. Mr. and Mrs. W. Kimberly, Sharbot Lake, spent Bunday at Joseph W. Bourk's. Josie H. Warren spent Monday at Clarendon. 8. C, Bourk has returned to his home in Carle- ton. Kilborn Lutz is spending a few days with his parents here. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Frances at Joseph War- ren"s. Mr, and Mrs. "Alexander Wier at W. A. Conboy's. ly to CP. ana T. Ontario. | | | ! { ever .tdo much f | | i | | { | | | Angrove's' Repairs work right and guarsatee WELLINGTON STRERT Slashing Prices in Tires, All First Tires Carrying a guaranteee of from 900 to 6.000 miles. While they last 30x3% at $17.00. Other sizes equally cheap. VULCANIZING A SPECIALTY 284 ONTARIO STRET 1 197 Davie & Barrett PLUMBING and TINSMITHING Now is tie time to have your Fure ance repuired before the cold wea. ther gets in. See us for prices. 208 WELEBINGTON STREET Phone 658, - - - PHONE 2030, "There must be something won- {dertul about Tanlac for it has made | me feel better, eat better, sleep bet- ter and work better, said Anton Ber- (nick, of 135 East Congress street, | St. Paul, Minn., a well-known em- ployee of Swift & Company. "Tanlac has Relped me so much | that all my friends are stopping me . |on the street and asking me what it Is that is making me look so well, {and of course I am always glad to | tell them it is Tanlac. I hadn't been [down sick in bed exactly, but I hadn't' felt just right for a long !time. I was all run down, had in- (digestion, my appetite was poor and nothing agreed with me. In fact, I had to force down every mouthful {I would eat and I would always ! suffer from indigestion for an hour |or so after every meal. 1 also had {headaches and would get so dizzy at times I could hardly keep from | falling. 1 simply had no ambition or energy to do anything. "Just as I have already said Tan- lac has made a brand-new man of {me and I am feeling fine now fin {every way. Of course I will always | recommend Tanlac." Tanlac is sold in Kingston by A. P. Chown, in Mountain Grove by James McDonald, and by the lead- ing druggist in every town.--Adrt, W. H. STEVENSON HORSE SHOER and BLACKSMITH, Waggons and Trucks Repafred. Prices derate. TEMPERANCE HOTEL YARD QUEEN STREET. en Cuts, Burns Hamith's Wizard Oil a Safe First Ald Treatn.ont -------- often lockjaw, blood poi- loss of an arm or leg, fife itself, re- 1 tot 3 burn or izar il is a safe and effective first aid treat. ment. It js a powerful antiseptic and Promptly applied to wounds of Pha nd will lessen the da 3 ith the Tra i to become constipated jFotkery Federation, except ra it N Jnion of | * Other liver tronble symptoms are a the Nauonat pion of price you now pay and whether pain under the right shoulder, yel- : a Address Salada, I'oronto. 8723 consolidation of power would in- like the old-fashioned purgatives gen- crease the Age of a combined. | erally do. sense of responsibility created on to, Ont. J both sides engaged in a dispute, says | - A A eco t aiat Rolls Will Put New Life in Your Player- Piano Q. R. S. Autograph Rolls veproduce exactly the individuals end expression of the aytist, WEDNESDAY, DEC 1, 1920. -- tice eget -------- eee - a een et ------ re Bema ree ---- er ---- f H . i WELL IT BE 0.B.U.? ! oe : . eartburn renee 1 NE Fragrance o 2 . T bl | This Is a Proposal Under Review in | c ' 1 rom e. Liver Trouble Eogland, : : London, Dec.,1.--A ballot will be | ; . id ' Vea $ £0 and | taken within the next few weeks, to | Bay , 1 oun Si €| od, it cannot sh' sufficient | decide whe - BF The stomach is affected : In| men, shat) be drawn together | the case of hea there is a|%& union. 5 | | Enawing apd burning pain in the The three unions of seamen are | ; E | stomach, attended by disturbed ap- taking a ballot for or against a gop: | ! > n . arate ¢ 1 atior the | petite, caused by great peldity. When Toate te pamation, Loaders Oa | ' ; vod is taken, is Er / 4 aa Amat] : as 7 that the sc ingle union | * 3 Hable is fermont, snd Modems EEE anit for ingle | Anticipates its exquisite flavour. emely sot ) ng en oc : 2 y Aid held gliremel} Sour, Som L A oi: Ee urs! When thisgcomes about the new | \ 1 Pi th Iriibea e. ease state the / 4 the Triple Alliar niners, railway- | lowness of the skin and eves, floating | men ie Banca I iio vay. specks before the ey 5, Coated 1onfue | consist of threo solidly organized bo- | bad taste in tie ns - o. | dies each with a central executive. breath, water brash, jaundice, ed possessing full authority, subject to | stipation, etc. \ ive. i the decisions of the national dele- Keep your liver active by using Bate conferences, to act on behalf Milburn's Laxa-Liver Pills and you of the whole organization will have no heartburn or other liver The newspaper points "out thai it troubles: Being purely vegetable Pap poin \ . ; in | Strike which would hold up ail the | Mrs. Mary Strome, Glasnevin, vital services of the country. If al Sask, writes:--"I have used Mil-| great industrial crisis affecting the burn's Laxa-Liver Pills, and they ( whole Alliance did reach a final stage | have cleared me of heartburn and of deadlock, a joint stoppage would $- liver trouble. I don't think they can | undoubtedly be facilitated. On the | be beaten by any other medicine, and | other hand experience of the working I can highly recommend them." of the Alliance in the years of its ex- Price 25c. a vial at all dealers or istence gas shown that the greater mailed direct on receipt of price by : the paper. HOLLEFORD, sident of this lace died in the per-| The single Transport Workers Un- Noy. 37. ~The sleighing in this dis- leon of William Randall Deceners [ion would Include dockers, canal trict f8 ideal. The epar mines are had been in failing heaith for some | ¥OTkers, dock warehousemen, motor doing a rushing business. Mrs. J. J. i time. His former home was at Leland, S1ivers, bus any tramway employees, O'Reilly is home after visiting her | po having resided here for the past carters and so on, mother and sister at Sydenham. Mrs. two years. He leaves one son. The re- H. Clow recently, visited her son at | mains were interred in Wilmur ce- Gregory and | notary, Miss Mabel Darling has re- r all the worker bile to the bowels, thus causing them | 2r® now affiliated w ines SL Transport Workers. Union will take Send us a postal for a free Sate the does not follow that the su ested they do not gripe, weaken or sicken BE 1 the power wielded the greater 'is the The T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toron- Belleville. Mrs. John OLD MYSTERY SOLVED, Trace of Hunter Lost in Woods in Michigan in 1903, Sault Ste. Marie, Mich., Dec. 1.-- Discovery of a note and watch in a tree by Archie Rarle, of Flint, Mich., while he was hunting in the woods near Hulbert, practically cleared up the mysterious disappearance of Ar- thur Kahler, of Marquetts; Mich., in 1503. wa The attention of Parle was arrest- ed by flashes of light from a metal object. Investigation proved this to be a metal watch hanging from a tree with the note 'inside, which read as follows: "1 have been lost three days. I have shot three deer and placed the same note in every deer. (Signed) '""Arth. Kahler." Kahler had long since been given up for dead. children spent a couple of weeks with | turved home after spending the past relatives at Watertown, N.Y. Mr. and | three months at Levack, "rank Best Mrs. Ross Guthrie were recent guests | a family spent Sunday at Chatfey's at Robbie Abrams'. Mr. Cox and dau- Lock. Little- Louise Vickery is ill of ghters, Rhoda and Hattie, at Van | .umonta. Mrs. W. Kerruish and Abrams'; Mr. and Mrs. Leeman at R. | Miss Mabel Darling spent Friday at Freeman's. 'C. Clarke, and family, Sy- } Wesipars, The men are still working denham, spent the week-end at S. jon the telephone line and expect to Martin's. G. Amey and famfly have | have it completed in a short time. moved from Desert Lake to spend the winter with his brother-in-law, W. J. Babcock. G. H. Reid spent a few days last week with his brother at Harrowsmith, Mrs. A. Redmond and little son have returned after | spending two weeks at Pendletom. On the 10th inst.,, Holleford lost an es- teemed young lady, when Miss Ludl- la Martin became the bride of Clark Reynolds, Verona. Firewood Large quantity of sound Railway Tles tor sale cheap. All tents reduced to clear. We need the room. L Cohen & Co. 275 Ontario St. Phone 837, Late Popular Numbers Now Ready Let the Rest of the World Ge By Tripoll--Walts Colonel Rogey--Mareh .. A Young Man's Fancy .. CHARLESTON. Nov.,.29.--Born on Nov. 26th to Mr, and Mrs. Leonard Halliday, a sou. Born on Nov. 22nd, 'to Mr. and Mrs. Ormond. K, Nunn, Mallorytown, a daughter. Mr. Fleming, Ottawa, fishery department, and Mr. Carson, Peterboro, were hers last week on of- ficial duty. Mg. and M:s. R. Foster intend going to Brockville in a few days to spend a part of the winter. Mr. and Mrs. W.' G. Crozier, were called to the Outlet by the serious illness of the former's mother, which resulted in her death. Quite a num- bar from here attended the A. H. 8. commencement at Athens on Friday evening. Mrs. W. Spence spent tho week-end at W. Halliday's. SELBY. Nov. 28.--A number from here at- tended the play at Newburgh last week. The W.M.S. is to meet on Dec. 9th. The cheese factory closed here last week for the season. Mrs. H. Ab- bott is spending a few days with friends at Empey Hill, A number are getting their fowl ready for turkgy day. A. C. Tummon attended county council at Napanee, last week, Visi- tors: Mrs. Bunner at Rev. Mr. Faris worth's; Mr. and Mrs. G. Paul and children at R. Paul's; P. Hudgin and sisters at A. Wood's; E. English at LEEDS . I. Anderson's. . MOSCOW, Nov. 29.--On Nov. "24th, Méllle Sutton, Moscow, and Robert Shilling- atiow Nov. 27. ----An old and respected re- ton, Odessa, were. united in marriage" i at Yarker, by Rev. J. F. Everson. Mr. . Ploasant little pink -3%e, tls M OTH E RI and Mrs. Shillington will reside near . Japanese Sandman .. Hold Me Feather Your Nest "To make a Q. R. 8. Roll Great Play It On a LINDSAY PLA YER-PIANO, , Write for LINDSAY Pla yer-Plano Catalogue. . PARHAM. Nov, 29.--Miss Winnie Clow is at Mr. Leslie's; Mrs. J. A. Goodfellow, at Verona; Mrs. G. A, Smith and Mrs. Gordon Smith and daughter, at T. E. Wagdr"s; Mrs. Frank Wagar antl sons, at Ard Wagar's; Mr. and Mrs. William McCumber and daugh- ter, and Mrs. McCumber, 'at W. L. Goodfellow's; Harold Barr, at W. A. Wagar's, Wagarville. Quite a num- | ber from here attended the party at' Ard Wagar's on the 24th. WwW. H. Loucks is moving into part of 'the parsonage. Mrs, Frank Wagar spent | Friday in the city. Mrs. Alton, Tich- borne, and Mrs. W. R. Wagar and son, Oshawa, at G. A. Smith's; Mr, and Mrs. Earl Howes, at Ross Howes'; Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Goodte}- low, in the city; Ard Wagar, at Frank Wagar's; Luce and Elsie Bertrim, at Lawson Cronk's. © Mrs. Gordon Smith and daughter 'have returned to Smith's Falls, accompanied by Mrs, W. R. Wagar -and son. Moscow, Dec. 1.--Russia is now making motor plows. The trial of the first one manufactured here has been most successful. Because of the scarcity of horses, it has been de- clded to turn out 160 plows monthly, | | Have Proved Successful. | | | | I 121 PRINCESS STREET rRiNaavron Oil of peppermint dropped in rat holes will rid a house of rats. em, » ) Hi A A TRE TTTITED j J Hy lees, cuts, Just as reliable foot, cold sores, and teothache. If_you are troubled elk headache try Hom | Here are fresh Master's Voice" month, yet you will a long singing and playing the world's enough range and Variety to suit Dance Records S000 the Land Where the Sweet = § | { |] proofs of the LAKE OPINIOCON, Si eonst] Hamlin's v Guaranteed., Amn Odessa where the groom is a prosper- ous farmer. On Nov. 27th, Mrs. Judge, widow of the late Edward Judge, passed away at the home of ee -- { i ------------------------. D0 If no, eall and take home sume of our Home-made Candy, YOU LIKE CHOICE CANDY? | "California Syrup of Figs" Child's Best Laxative , her son, John Judge, The funeral ser- vice was conducted on Nov. 29th, by Rev. J. Everson, assisted by Rev. W, Wilson, Roblin; interment in Moscow | Vocal Records Abide With Me Joy to the World Whispering Hope | ! ivian Holt- Lillian Roveaaie 208124 , Nosed ruse Jth You Wea the Clouds me | Trot Coleman' Beautiful Tires (Need Beautiful and you will be well pleased in the qunlity, Wateh our window for Satur day Specials in CHOCOLATES! FRUITLAND ALLAN MASO UD, PROP. 848 Princess Street. : : FOR SALE Fire, Agcident, Sickness, Plate Glass, Marine, Automo- ~ bile and Burglary Insurance, also Guarantee Bonds: The Canada Life Assurance Company's newest contracts suit any case, i+ Houses and lots of the highest grade. Store on King St. Ai stone house and. zac .nt lot well located on Princess Stree. \ Victory and other _.rat class bonds yielding 6 14 to 7%. ""Bervice cheerfully given. ' : - J.0. HUTTON cemetery. Week-end visitors were: | Mr. and Mrs. Robb; Kingston, at D: | Frink's; Miss Claire Darling, Wilton, at F. Darling's; Mr, and Mrs. H. Bradshaw, Tamworth, at C. Amey's; Mrs. W. A. Martin spent a few days last week at Sydenham. Tri uae Tret we Fideles On. Come, AT Ve Fuh mera Let the Rest of the Werld Go By--Wales Glandon "Just to Love™) 's A That Tumble Down Shack in Athlone Ridiog Pos Tree (intro. "Moon of {11316 Charles Harrison 210120 Co Dear Old Pal of Mine ban Moos --Bx Trot Coleman's Orch. Shes Vottk On June--~os Trot (latre. "Grieving fot You) fuer Dedeed ng Hood (Fairy Tale) Jaen . Instrumental Records . Hundred (AN That On Earth Do of Yi ou People n 1620 The Coming of the Year ( Now the Day fs Over Cha My Little Bimbo Down en The Bamboo Isle Fideles C Ee Billy Jones 214710 EN rr SA A x 612 Sislon o, ' Lewis James) 16015 All om 10-inch, double-sided 31.00 smith on Nov. 10th, when Miss Mar- | Did Pal Don't You Atawar Me) ) / Maid of the Moumtaine-- Parc] garet Luella Martin, Holleford, third | Whispering Lawhs James) rns Band daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Stephen | All on 18-ineh double-sided 31.00 Mata or he Yieuar : NS Martin, was united in marriage to | Clark W. Reynolds, Verona. The bride was attended by her efster, Mise Hazel Ilen Martin, while Harold Rey- nolds, brother of the groom, acted as groomsman. Rev. R. Babcock was the officiating minister. The bride was attired in a navy blue suit. She was one of Holleford's most charming girls. ' The groom is a prosperous young man of Verond. The newly- weds left by train for Toronto amd other points. Ten Million Acres Under Wheat, Ottawa, Dec. 1.---An increase of 1,120,000 acres in the area planted | in wheat in Austfalia is reported by the Canadian trade commissioner at "Melbourne, The total acreage Is placed at considerably more than 104 000,000 acres, and a yield of 147,- 000,000 bushels, or between thirteen and fourteen bushels to the «ze, is e ted. If this'estimate is vealized it be the largest yield in Aus- tralia, with two exceptions, 1915-16 and 1916-17, when 179,000,000 and 152,000,000. bushels respectively, were marketed. : Woodrow Wilson to Write. Washington, Dec. 1.--Although it has been generally understood that | § President Wilson, after he leaves the |: White House on Mareh 14th, will de- vote his time to writing, this fact be- 3 came known today with a degree of 1 A -- Wedded At Harrowsmith, Harrowsmith, Nov. 27--A wedding of much interest took place in the Free Methodist parsonage at Harrow Red Seal Records Hus, » No. 2 Pos Sirinn Rhapsody. No. du Seigneur la grace 0 a Jue Philadelpbis Orchestra $2.00 Barlee Qarusy 3.00 1 Bots dbo £1 fh He {3 4808 as Sevehitosn Clg 28 Pai Espagnole--Andande (Fourth Movement) Mons : 7e6is 99159 My Sweet Répose | Ming Shomer. Mise Louiae 3 Hear them atany "His Master's Voice" dealers Manfuotireq Oy Periiner Gram-o-phone Co., Limited Montreal 20189 Accept "nlifornia" Syrup nt Figs only--look for the name Callfornis on the package, them you are sure your child is having the best and most harmless physic for~the little stomach, liver and bowels, 'Chiliren love its fruity taste. Full directions of each bottle. You must say "Cali- fornia." } ow, 67 CLARENCE STRERTY raome 708. : A ----------------_. » eat Stock Reducing Sale \ WET v F. W. COATES (Jeweller) 158 Princess Street. Agent Victor | ictrolas | Phone 301]. hing. 2 COMMENCING THURSDAY, DEC. 2nd - 20% Discount . ON OUR ENTIRE STOCK OF BOOTS and SHOES. finality. It also became known that Mr. Wilson will make his home in . i - Washington. LE sig wg MAHOOD BROS. Phone 486w Anna Ariat Wy Wy La og v nl ww a R. J. RODGER Victor Records and Needles 132 Princess S AAT dnt a oo PVA VN t. i The Victory Shoe Store - hE a WP Maa undergraduate of the University = - ; Toronto, and a former member . . a the 67th Field Battery, has been Agents Victor-Victolas. 113 Princess Street. awarded the 1921 Rhodes scholar- RR ai A . ship for the provinee of Ontario. / Sih

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