. / mw---'"THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. - a Sx AY, DEC 1 TE STINE GOES 0 TE iY [ Chr po || Takes Place Saturday Night-- Racy Local News and Items of i : ® QuaLITY Lg | = Address by Capt. Henri |° General Public Interest. : Vv ? de Man. Try Chadwick's Coal. Phone 67. | i ave Wo 0 ars 0- , é h « WIN EVERY MUFF. IN OUR Although experiencing a number |, I [8008 tune. Fhote 1544.0. W i : {Of draw-backs, Queen's students are | here Wag no session of the police | J : STOCK £ | Planning for ane of the largest and {ooftrt op 'Wednesday morning. | > 9 [ best parades ever held in Kingston, | Joseph Hodge; piano-tuner phone | i & v ' RMER PRICES this evening Everybody is en- | » lot's te i - 5S LESS 40%, AND 50% FROM FORME those 38d even Tooth th in EW, 2rFaallers Juek sods, sal] To morrow The Montreal Star Ad vances From $3.00 to $5.00 THIS IS MUFF WEATHER Is new to a large number at the | ana Corre ces of DALY s| ' . This is your opportunity to select a h gh quality, stylish ang nay all ary svxioug 3 Darin! now! At MAHOOD'S, he i welbmade Muff, at mort exceptional reductions he a in-]. After six months rental we will | fi The M t I Star i it] in the C di Daili R Thin the college will have a float in- | : ; ! 3 € lviontrea ar 1s without a peer in the Canadian allies ALASKA SABLE JUFPS-... 5 00 10 $75.00 cluding Arts IL.evana and Theology. | allow mone; paid a Toms poly | P ' NOW ormerly : : ray 825.00 to $40.00 The students have found that fire- { 2 hu ase of piano, C. W. L 4 GOLDEN FOX MUFFS-- WOr3S, which were always a fea- | George R. Gordon, son of S. Gor- | § 0.00 'te ture of the old parades, have become | a se ccept yg . . Formerly. ; $ani0 to 380.00 {ture of the ola parade the fears are | 40, Elphin. has Toronts petiei]§ and the best financial pages of any daily newspaper. rat emnes . a hry 9 : going to the €xpense of having an | force. 1 ~~ » : > MOLE SKIN MUFFS-- J 2razaene sure caizes Lisutfol. George Hunter, who | : Orders at the $3.00 rate will be received up to 9.00 p.m. Or- Formerly 35.00 to $56.50 Natur ga ade Will start at 7.30 p.m recently left for New York to resida | ) Saturday (postp-re night) | 1 TY er islf 1 1 NOW .$25.00 to $35.00 i Sod roton pre bic Big Pig | id hig So be a Ruveen 18 i ders may be phoned to 919, if pay ment 1s made not later than Wed- § college, along Union to Barrie street, | ying. goo oa x : : BEAVER MUFFS-- i} | up Barrfe to Princess, down Princess | Private sale of household furni- | J nesday, December Ist. out Wellington to | ture at the residence of Mrs. Thos. . Formerly ...$42 to $70 ij | lo Wellington, | ) tra Yes ery af; y $ d West, to King, to Barrie, up Barrie | McAuley, King street west, avery af NOW ......$30. to $35 1 to Stuart, and then to the college | teriioon and evening. dives aif Renewals will be received at the old $3.00 rate if placed to- i}! grounds y . = : \ Ci IFFS-- ' the Collingwood Shi building Com- RACCOON MUFFS 4 bipe band is to lead the proces- | pany's ib Where oa el Formerly . ..$18 to $3; Sion, assisted by a band of musicians { "repairs 'and tie up for the NOW ..810 to 825 i] from the college. It is expected that | 89 Pp p the ladies wil] be $n vans owing to | Winien, carrying from 30 to 40 pages of ne ws daily. Exclusive cable service night, no matter when your present subscription expires, overheated furnace caused | the ¢ i \ ang | i v FINE CANADIAN MINK MUFFS-- j the Sonditien of the weather "14 some trouble at 191 Princess street | Formerly tesa $25.00 to $90.00 | It permission fo {at 10.23 p.m, Tuesday, but there i : . NOW rr a, $20.00 to $50.00 § the university autaantoitned from | a8. no Jamage. The firemen Y re e 0 e e 00 ore a ly rant (given a rum, 0 BLACK FOX MUFFS-- 8 ce { 2 mal dance will be held in During the month of December we Formerly | cur "e . $35.00 to $57.50 Hall a Peis | | NOW tah $25.00 to $33.00 RL on = Telure of the pasnders. [ will put on a great clearing sale of |} - BLACK WOLF MUFFS -- Mani, n 3 ' inh | ready made clothing and gents' 'furn- | T l h 9 0 E ¢ i Formerly . i a. $20.00 to $27.50 Th oF a ly covered with [| ishings, also clothing made to mea | | e ep one 91 pen ven ngs NOW £ 2ree.,... $ 06.00 to $20.00 cal" faculty "fughy tean, wos nef | sure, Prevost, Brock street. 1 PERSIAN LAMB MUFFS-- Science by a score of 18.0 in id Harold Webb, aged two years, ia | Formerly ; $25.00 to $42.00 final fixture in Queen's. int , | fant son of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Webb, [ Mount Chesney, passed away on Tuesday. The bereaved parents re- NEW » : Cot tin $17.00 10 $30.00 rugby sehedule. © Medi, HU DSON SEAL MUFFS-- ete: first game from Arts, $nd the play-| }© : : Formerly : mravian., 549.50 ers have been waiting for the harq | "®i¥e heartfeit sympathy. NOW ." sersieeay.., $30.00 rus Snow Harry Mills, who has been em- . . Crust of snow to melt, in order to c STOLES and NECKPIECES-- make the final game possible In | Ploved by the firm of McKelvey & At corresponding reductions defeating Science, the championship Birch for some time, has been ap- : YOUR INSPECTION INVITED returns to the medica] faculty gag Pointed instructor in tinsmithing at 1] | they were defeated by Science in the (the Portsmouth penitentiary, : . . | finals last year, . Aff interesting musical service is | 0 n C ay, Limited i { to be held next Sunday evening in | The Medicals sh i - forit als whirl bo Bg the First Congregational church, al- . , . y i 80 a recital of sacred music on Tues- ingston's Reliable Fur House Ge day evening, Dec. 7th, consisting ef J \ 149-157 BROCK ST. ners stole the b | or&an, violin, vocal' solos, quartettes, What $25.00 Will Do At This Store on Thursday tse Eb ete. € game was the Guard Ross Davis, who has been Se ---- er ----tmna. "Meds" margin in danger. The 4 Seem | Quarter tl Scorch Ei but in Ara a member of the staff of the Ports- s | Second the wing proved favorable, | MOUth penitentiary for twenty-one 8 . 40d four point were hooted py | 76ars and three montns, har tone It will buy your choice of a rack filled with Ladies' Botany Serge JA. . } WORK WANTED FOR : [ "Doc" Campbell. Toward, the eng ja. iis resignation took effect last . 2 - : : ki Of the quarter a touch was made |RIght. Dresses. or your choice of a rack filled with beautiful style Silk Dress- DINTAL SURGEON. AEE Stl ttsdntodtego gn] | but was not converted. In the second An aged fan, Who was picked up | half, the Science team showed more | "Y the police some days ago, on a nson and Wellington | 2 Cabinci-makers. ! 3 g a ¢ | . . . y Corner of Johns. Phone 86a | 4 Male Hookkeobers with (raining | opposition per ea' A0¥ed mors chargo | of yagrancy. was gen al es, in Charmeuse or Georgette Combinations, Sizes up to 40 and one {in typewriting earned touch was made, and a long yay ke bes 2% Stann el ; 3 Wlactric Hirers un by Smith gave the winne ty, 8 0 2 F uns] : : . ~~ | 3 Electrical Winer onal SHIR gar or snorian er | Ville, ANd It fs Ropes tp triends | priced as high as $45.00 each _ + +... Thursday, your choice, $25.00 Mac st e . ; ro 3 Mot Mechanics which also was not converted. - A there will look after him. | notor Mechanics In our report of the closing meet- | -- v int in t ast p | ORDER YOUR FALL ffi : croutenr | Che" scoring: |" uerter completed | In + aa Lawn Bowing Club I moer we omiite 0 rention e | L Gas and-Steam Engineer | v : . iv- | bOWls won by Messrs. Turcotte and $5.00 EACH > FF 3 Yilcanizer Capt.Henri de Mann, M.C., deliv- 1 : ted by Willi al | Avbly Vocational Depirtment, | S770 the frat sommes op ra tae Lrusented by Wil : : now tor your new Suite cod fill Apply 2060, or POL Purell | be given at the.pmivorsity mr ied ote thay Ton Sean re IE | Voile, Georgette and Crepe de Chene Blouses--best shades, but in We make both Ladies and | frome " ' tly eg) "21 by a number of representative men, | P ® | Men's Suits. Prices reasonable, [| Kingston. (In Convocation hall Tuesday after. |PUrpose. brok . . " . noon." Capt. de Mann. whe adr: a | roken sizes; priced up to $11.95. Also a few Ladies Eiderdown You Wi anne in ti 2 cou | A teins nm ant w F. e ' | audiences at the university last year Book Your Passage Overseas and who has been str 'y ing industrial Treat For Aged Peoples M YAMPOLSKY i | Thin Fall or for Xmas, with conditions in America preparatory to The Girls' Fellowship, Club of the F. CANWAY returning to Belgium, spoke on "The Y.W|C.A. paid a visit to the Home ad PRINCESS REET Ocean Steamship Ticket Agent Psychology of Workmanship," for the Aged on Tuesday evening, . All Lt 239 BAGOT eeu | The speaker directed his remarks and gave the inmates a fine treat. 4 Limes. A 39 Igo "7 "| to the discontent and unrest that ex- {The entertainment was under the HALF PRICE ome 1197. | Ists among the workmen of the day. | charge of Miss Jamieson, The secre. SE --==1/ To a great extent this is due to the | tap , Miss Packer, also was resent. > . sw . , . < [| fact the same interest in the product | Tha' prs ck consisted of songs Our big range of Ladies' and Chil dren's Winter Coats are moving AS USUA i i n : 3roused by the workmen in | ang "recitations. Oranges, candies : {| these days of mmechinery as was dod . le. ill aroused in the earlier years when aad apples Were Provided out rapidly at exactly sis {| ora Ee m-- Our Prices are still Going Down [||| most of the worx was done by hand. To Care a Cold in One Day. ® Bargains if Take Grove's LAXATIVE BROMO 3 DAYS' SPECIAL MH ay om UININE tablets. The genuine bears : fi 2 ll W. F. NICKLE WON'T say 1% signature of E. A Senvine 30c. $2750emStinles. stuns; trame: il puta Sein i IF HE WOULD ACCEPT SRR i ¥ | : NEN FS | Frontenac Deanery. $2080--Union street; Ports- Hi SHORTENING | [Fhe haadonshi D3 he ontarly -A Drie sesston of the Frontenac ew al AW | orf 1 1 Kimonas; priced upto $895. ... - Thursday, your choice, $5.00 500 1bs. Snow. Flake . .26¢. Ib. Deaner " : . +g 5 { Y was held on Tuesday, but ; Howth} a) i i AE SYRUP | ered. the business was chiefly 'of = routine "Th L electric light; largel o {if 10 doz: tins; 2s 27¢, tin se---- nature. A rally of Sunday school : "» 5 = LOS Wheén interviewed on Wednesday / i e waus us tore $1730--Carlisle st.: frame: § I Rig R - | regarding the work of the penitent. | °*CRerS Was held in the evening. y y y rooms; B. and C.; barn and {| 100 bags White Rose, 13 n [ary commission, W. F. Nickle, one of Art mt arrose nim garage. trsarii a NE DRE |the members, stated that they were > | Baker's Cocoa, 34s 3 about to leave for Boston, where they $4300--Albert street; brick; 7 Brevi Jie... .. 20 | would Investigate the penal system rooms; hardwood floors; hot [fl (||| Belleville Creamery : lin use. wonvr rv water heating; electric Tight; { EXTRA--SALYZ XMAS. |, Just now Mr. Nftkle's name is be- ossession May 1st. | RUITS NOW O} {|l{ ing made use of in connection with wld. il lo, : DO YOU WANT TO. OWN YOUR OWN HOME? P 1H! FRUITS NOW ON {If | the vacant leadership of the Conser- % | ers to e or : H vative party in Ontario and when i > % il asked whether he would accept the j ' ; 0 en & i Position. he sald he was Jot quite o " When The Time Comes, : (||| prepared to answer. He would not h t Kingston, R. R. 5, Nov. 30.-- (To vt im , Se - wy o . Rea) Eetate ax Insurance il CASH AND CARRY {| %8 that he was not offered the leey. ( ris mas [the Br oe Whig of Saturday A semi-detac hed stone dwelling, with one acre of good garden land; 86 Brock 8t. Phone 396 or 631 [| ||| ALFRED and PRINCESS STS, ership or wha! ais action wou... be'if a statement appears that the farmers rouse heated by hot water; electr cally lighted: 3 piece bath; jn the convention at Toros to asked him Sho : Lare afrald to appear with Dr. Ed- good condition. Immediate Posse ssion. to accept it. » pping wards, M.P., at his meeting. ff The farmers have been bullied and $6000 20 DAYS TO DO IT dittated to so long that the Whig evi- Mr ree 2 002 KINGSTON sEounEs pacenlg Ti compa shat ime [| 70 PEP hea ote THIS 18 A RARE ChANGE. ~ eft for f Christ 1 $ 'k. ; k v ill = CAMPBELL'S -- will soon aig by. ee iH.) stock. Y Syone dues not ow | wil E. W. MULLIN & SON les "Miss Drealize" From Farm your shopping until the last [| | has been reached and that the farm- Specialists in Good Real Estate and Fire Insurance F F in- Indi ers will now attend to their own bu- Ree hin buyers get best choice, best the people, anyway? The farmers A BIG DRIVE IN HATS thing---"do it now." Early fi [siness themselves. What is worrying Cor. Johnson and Division Streets, -. . . Phenes 589w and 589J, On Tuesday, the Kingston Gentle- | fi service and escape' the. usual fl don't seem uneasy about anything. men's Drivifg and Matinee Ciub re {ff hristmas * " | When the time comes, when the Bov- ceived a priv addition to its stock | {i Chix . Tush, {ernment cannot stay in power any in "Miss urealise," a three year-old ||| o | longer, the farmers will have a can- trotter, that arrived from the Laura | [i i | didate in the field, chosen hy ballot Hall farm, Indiana, by G.T.R. As | i | Among a number, who will be a two year-old sh¢ made a record : ll | prepared to deal with public ques- of 2.24% as a trotter and «2.15 in Y ll | tions as the need may arise, : a pace. ni will be Salad a3 a : *.D Yours very rly WhLY Pik 8 . pacer entirely by her owner, Rupert : --A, BE. BLL } . A ieevanan sy; ohn over. Rupert | curser If High Grade Boots at . 1 4H 4 - pedigree ghows her to be from "Peter The Great," the famous trotter, and | lj Fh , | \ champioft speed producer of the con- \ 1 v 1 3 tinent sinbe 1910. The members of a ned / : i the club are congratulating the own. \ RN bs ® er upon his good fortune. HIRI WR All our $5.00 and $6.00 Hats now going at $3.75 , Dinah Differeq. y oan , £ : A big laugh is going the rounds at I AR" Black and Brown, narrow and wide toes, the expense of a certain painless den. - | ys : : tist. Seems a darky woman who had : I ; . , light and heavy weights. You save $3.00 or been sultering od some time with a Re i oy ~ . : I toothache" &0t up courage ; » Late Derry. e ache £0 to this dentist to ase Eliza Jane Derry passed away at morecn every paitr. it extracted. But the minute he 249 Barrie street on Wednesday, af- ose otha: ooh Oath began to TOMES CS repens, over six : nos about?" Donte beniking such a ter of the aie James 424 win ore Steve |]. Martin painless dentist?" demanded that. of this city, and resided here - ot | worthy as he hastily closed e win- her lite. She was a T e - . i . ys x v dows. "'Mebbe oy but ¥ ain't," : First Congregational srk and er 5 Shoes of Merit and Distinction | howled Dinah. passing is a personal | a wide ------ circle of friends. She is survived 180 PRINCESS STREPT. Had Bethel Rventny, by her brother, W. H. Dersd, Riugs- : 4 The AYPA. of George's - MM. e, church held a "Scotoh night" at thelr 3 is to take A | regular meeting on Tuesday eyven- place to Cataraqui cemetery on Fri. Burns High School has been seized boys as girls in the high school sty- [ ing. There were Scotch songs with ii | day afternoon, Rev. Mr. James offici- | with the feministic idea of leader- | dent body. ' 122 PR NCESS STREET | bag-pioe selections, while the refresh~ i ating. ship and has chosen Miss June Dal-| Two Surviving members of the S| ments consisted of Scotoh dishes. i ---- ton manager of the baseball team [crew of the targe W. J. Pirrie, angl | + 22 | The niémbers had a very Pleasant | 1 ! At Burns, Ore., since the election and Miss Donegan editor of the |the body of a third were foung by SO 75 Nov. Tud of 8 mumatr mayor, Whe schol Taper Toese or as marr jialoly ot Cave Johmson, yeh. | |g E All Hats over this price snide 2800 off. Ht ii