y WEDNESDAY, DEC 1, 1920. §) GRAND, THLE, Your Only Ch ance to See WALTER HAMPDEN Greatest Living 5 hakespearean Actor MR. HAMPDEN WILL APPEAR AS "SHYLOCK?" in THE MERCHANT OF VENICE PRICES Es uae Beats now on sale. WHIG. ND -- { THE PEOPLE'S FORUM - | FOUND | SMALL PARCEL AT ST. AN. drew's sale. Owner may have s by applying to the Sex- THE DAILY BRITISH SO + ESPON GRA £79 "TONIGHT | h, 9 'SPECIAL PROGRAMME - [= "MAKING THE MOVIE" The Picture Made in Kingston Sde yourself.on the screen. ' . / . . Elaine Hammerstein in THE POINT OF VIEW| O'Henry F eature BIG V. COMEDY GRAND'S. ORCHESTRA Mat at 2.30| Evg at 7.30 20¢. ANY SEAT Rederved . .. 30¢, Gallery « FOR SALE. UARTER CUT OAK SINGER SKEW. a ing machine, $35.90. Apply 21 Ellls street | TWO UPRIGHT PIANOS; ONE PLAY. § er at Leases Antique Store, 507 TO LET. . } PRIVATE ROOM AND BOARD. 154 Queen Strest | CONDENSED ADVERTISING RATES: 1 lc. & word 0 Eaeh con-! thereafter, half mum charge for 2; three inser | T . se sercions, | FURNISHED RESIDENC E; 7 ROOMS; furnace; BR. and C.; 52 Kllerbeck St McCann, 86 Brock street. TWO FURNISHED BEDROOMS; conveniences, centrally located | Andrew's Hall | | ply Box 241, Whig ORice. | t St. 2 | TWO HOUNDS; COLOR WHITE, 2 lack and ta one larger ALL { | § { above rates are for cash only; charged a 20h | Princess Street. than other. 'One at Jas. Mar- | | ~-- - - i - 8 ox . AUTOMOBILE TOP® AND GUSHIONS, Ap Woodburn flea, Celluloid for coriains. Judsom's BROCK STREET. Auto Tops, Brockville. { x may have same by property at 108 ! HELI WANTED, ---- WOMAN COOK AND CHAMBER MAID, Apply 76 Princess street. FIRST CLASS ROOMS AND BOARD; all improvements; centrally iocat<] ed. Apply 243 Brock Street. | STORAGE FUR FURNITURE AND Imercaandise, clean and dry. Me-! » @8 Brock streei. 1 18 -- ABOUT 17 TONS OF HAY, WILL SELL | EY < by the lump or ton. Apply Ila s ux, Flynn, Front Road, Portsmouth. thres GENERAL, FAMILY oF Apply 61 Sydenham Street. ------------ GIRL TO CLERK IN STORE. APPLY Marbie Hall, 238 Princess Street. COMPETENT COOK, GENERAL, Ap. J to Mrs. Av. H. Craig, 5% Gore| Street. | CASE | | nd with fob; i Owner can 179 Alfred si, FILLED GRIFFIN W ora PAULINE. FREDERICK in "THE LOVES OF LETTY" "THE BRANDED FOUR" FAY TINCHER IN "GO WEST YO UNG WOMAN?» A Brig ht Comedy. R111 32 (ah 6i mul ONE LOT, 66x132 FOOT FRONTAGRE,' on South Macdonald street; che@p' for quick buyer. Batemans Rea Estate, ABOUT 130 TONS HAY; SOME IN stack and some in barn; will sell in| lump or by ton. Apply to Sam Sloan, Sunbury nn ROOMED HOUSE; IMPROVE- ments; gas and electric light Ap- ply 34 Frontenac Street, near Union Street. A FURNISHED HOUSE, WITH ALL! modern improvements: ossession LEFT December 1st. Apply J. K. Carroll King one cap do plait! Agency, 56 Brock Street. in Pply In evening to Mrs | please er 181 Eari Street | FURNISHED BEDROOM' AND A LATCH | ting room; suitable for Street. O ladies; central location: by phoning for.twy cars. Phone iz43m FOUND ARTICLES TISED FREE, Anyone nnding anything and SIX Whig, | AFPLY TO NRS, WALTER | rier of Union and Bagot | drew"s church, gold cuff link, ¥, Uwner may Same at Whig Office, DOORSTLE OF 254 Streel, parcel contain- | fancy dress, Owner | cail at above number | A GOOK. initialled have tice. | SUNDAY MORNING IN ST, AN- | } ne | CED MAID FOR GENERAL | s wh The All-Canadian Production Mademoiselle o | FOUR PURE RRED REGI STERED' heifers. holstein, coming three Due! to freshen in Apri] and May. Apply KEY, ON ALBERT Wallace Spafford, Sydenham, Ont. el may have samy | | GETING GRAPHONOLA AND TEN 1072J, | selections; your own choice, $42.80.) ork, A odg as One -- ----ee SALESMEN--CITY, TOWN OR COU N-| ag: } ADVER- Terms $7 cash: $5 per month. ©. W.| 'try--though nursery stock SITE Pad festa r - : OE a1 Lindsay, Limited, 2 Pri $ . ly wcarcehave full line whole roo; | STORAGE FOR FURNITURE. CLEAN, | Js#y: Limited. 121 Princess St and plants. Big earnings dry, air rovms: yourcwn lock and Wishing to reaca the owier may anteed s year round Your Key. Frost's Qity Storage, 2399-305 40 su Ly reporting the facts to Queen street. Phone OUTING CHESTER | | orders deli 'd complete. Experi- 526; res. 989%w. | The British Whig. The adver. | | | i ' NEWS WEEKLY | | MEN AND WOMEN'S YoTHING, house furniture, specialize in mille tary boots; buy all kinds secon hand goods; highest prices paid. Routbard. Phone 1723. 289 Prin. cess Street. i Armentieres £hce not necessary. We teach you. | tsement will be printed in thiy Limited, ontreal. | Two FRONT APARTMENTS, ESPE. Cuiunmin free of charge. clally furnished four iignt house- | 'found articies't does not fre keeping; gas for CuoKkIng and lgat, | clude Jost dogs, cattle, horses, at the Pluneer Aparunents, 212 and | etc. These, ir lost, may be ad- 214 Division street. Phone 14d4w, | vertised for in the 'Lost' column BELOW ARE NAMES OF A FEW nyt 18 parties usihg our make of Bob Slelghs, or Sleighs with our patent coupling on. Ask what they think of them:-- A. Franklin A Watts Pearl A. Nesbit, LT.CM, ORGANIST AND DIRECTOR Ca -- ke Bros. Lin beal, [ ; JOIN THE NURSING | QUEEN sT. CHURCH | RETURNED CANAD AN SOLDIERS PROFESSION - fe ---- Tmt | 'Kelvey & B a on oo as SO1TERS The Unit d States Needs | FrryisueD Rooms, 18 Goon vo. 6 MoKsivey & tren Teacher of Staging and Plano. | € nite ates eeas cality, on bathroom figor; furnges; | LOST. 7 E. Beaupre { | MIR OF FNC yr Tre | : Studio: 24 Division St. 11677. CHORUS OF ENGLISH BEAUTIES | eleetric light; gas for cooking; Thom, : D. Emmons | 100,000 More Nurses sultable for light housekeeping. | THRER OR FOUR KEYS ON SAFETY | 388 Princess street. Phone 1600, '| TENDING THE SICK > AN'S v r Pl Se ret this office, TENDING THE SICK IS WOMAN'S Bn a to © PERFECT, COLUMBIA, DAYTON . Murph . ] H, Murphy | A MUSICAL COMEDY Si Pg oiren). © Apply "Box 'U-, and receive reward ' rece >: rewar '. AUC i ION SALE lof ( ORK a: Te Princeton and Victory Bicycles, als! J. A. Henderson | Whig Office. adi 3 i i France. ro a Bi ic | anadian Soldier Life in ¥ Trance. | If you are an earnest, energetic 80 a number of ladies' and gents'! MADE IN KINGSTON FOR bial : KINGSTON PEOPLE Young woman seeking a vocation DOUBLE ARLORS | | ud 2 PINES > 3. suitable for light housekeeping | used Bicycles and motorcycles, at | Of Rare and Antique Muhoghuy Fural: PRICFS offering HAPPINESS and PROS reduced prices. Special .attention Matinee--Adllts, 50¢.; Children, 23c. SERIT furnace; electric lights; gas for McNAMEE & SLACK Siege Rent, m Street, at lo PERITY Tags given to all bicycle and bab CAr-| {Jd ) $ y | TT Evenings 25¢. to $1.30 | WE HAVE FOR SALE ALL KINDS Of &00d second hand furniture and, stoves. Any person having stoves and furniture to dispose of, we will' pay highest prices. J. FURNISHED; | AN QovaL SHAPED MINK MU FF, With brown satin back, on market, or In vicinity, Thursday a.m. Mrs. J. Hunt, Earl stree FOX HOUND, HU) G DEER AT EPA RTM by ¢ cooking; 3 miece bath. Also good | 3: Macdonel Ai Street, ut 1 DEPARTMEN HOSPITALS AND riage repair work Muller's 1eyelel Phone 1217w, 84 QUEEN ST. || hone wong Lake, near Fiower Station, D ENSARIES garage. 8 GiFrett, off Division, near - 371-373 K Solid mahogany bedroom and dining | 462 Grider reet, Buffalo, N.Y. Princess, 103i N13 King sue Favhs! Horse-shoeing and Repairing, | room, suites antique Spanish mal y Comprising the Buffalo City, Municipal : sea chests, Grandfather's clock, and Ernest Wende Hospitals--total ca- bacity, 851 beds, 8 health centers and 2 Diagnostic Clinics--recordin Qver 100,000 treatments annually. Affillateq With the University of Buffalo Medical Department. Three-year course ------ SAVE MONEY By Buying Meat in Large Quantities x Catalogue upon application to: WM. MURRAY, Auctioneer me 8914. Discount Sale CLOSES SATURDAY, DEC. 4 GET BUSY ! The weather is now cool and meat will keep fresh for any length of time. FIRST (OLASS BEEF Front quarters . .. .13c. per Ib, Hind Quarters ...1%c. per 1b. 12 Ibs. for .. 2.00 Princess Meat Market 338 Princess Street Phone 709 --Diamonds. Watches. Jewelry, Clocks. tests anens --Silverware, --Cut Glass. --Ivory and Ebony ~--Leather. R. J. Rodger, JEWELER After opening a bottle of olives 132 PRINCESS STREET pour a little olive oil on the top and keep well corked. THE GOLDEN SERVICEGARAGE Open Day and Night A. ABRAMSKY & CO., corner of King and Queen streets, opened up a grand, new, fire-proof building for Garage pur- poses. He will be able to take over one hundred cars. This building is built of solid cement, and the best of its kind in Kingston, iverything will be equippe d with tHe latest kind of ma- chinery, and mechanics of the best. All repairing will not be in full swing until Spring. Anyone wishing to store cars for the winter, will be given room at very reasonable prices. The Garage will be: well heated and lighted and Kept com- fortable, has FOR SALE Russell Street--Frame; barn andhenhouse ........... .' $1,200 Garrett Street--Frame ..... "ees Montreal Street--Brick; furnace; light Alfred Street--Brick; all modern .......... West Street--Brick; beautiful ho me. THE J. K. CARROLL AGENCY Phone 68 and 874w. 56 Brock Street a Se ---- WE O FFER Province of Saskatchewan 20 Year 6% Gold Bonds, due 1 st Oci, 1940. Price 96.62 and interest, yielding 6.309%. This is the first long-term Provincial Issue since 1914 and is a most attractive investme nt. * " City of Sarnia G7 HYDR )-ELECT RIC VEBENTURES A-J3930 Mutarities ... ... <s+0 Price to yield 6% % "1=1040 Matutities ,.. ++. ++. Price to yield 6% den & Co. Genera: Insurance 111 3 BROCK STREET George Baw lavesaneis Srokers A HONE 200 3 Sood : « - chairs, | tables, rugs. oil and water color paint- ings, rare prints and engravings, ete 14-16 Market Street. i i i | --Seat sale Thursday FRIDAY, DEC. 3rd| ONE, NIGHT ONLY QUEEN'S DRAMAMATIC CLUB Presents - STOP THIEF | A Farcical Fact in Three Acts. | Produced under the Personal Direc- tion of CHAS. A. GATES | PRICK y an CTION FAMOUS PLAYERS CANADIAN CORPCRATION, Limited Last Times To-day Sir Famous Play --with-- fi f | { | -$1.00-81.50 James Barrie's | | Dorothy Dalton | (registered). Pupils fitted for ail Branches of Nursing. Salary: $20, $25 and $30 Per montn; ist, 2nd and 3rd years. Food, lodging, uniforms, laundry and books furnished free. STRAIGHT 8-HOUR IUTY. NO MENIAL LABOR. T CL ASS FORMS JAN. 1st. WANTED "GENERAL, WANTED TO RENT A mp sized hquse; children #n fa Whig Offi ice, WANTED, A FARM TO RENT, Work on shares, by ex man James M. Baires, Westbrook, Qnt. SECOND-HAND UPRIGHT for cash or in part pa planos and grafonola, . say Limited, 12) Princess DIUM. centrally located; no mily. Apply Box AS, OR Perienced Box 2§ PIANO yment of new C. W. Lind- street, WANTED----MEN Ano ronizé J. W. Curson, barber. Men's and boys' hair cut, 20c. Shave, 10c: Razors honed 2ic. 338 Ontario St. near Brock street. " BOYS 10 PAT. AGENTS WANTED, AGENTS 500% PROFIT" ters for stores, orice windows; easg- | ily applied; will not wash off; Sampies. Acme Sign Co, Wells, Chicago, 1iL PERSONAL. -- eee HAIR, MOLES, WARTS, BIRTH. marks, skin cancers. scars, ete, re- moved permanently. Satisfactory glasses ntted ang f nished afte others have failed. itre removed, | 85 years' experi Dr. Elmer J. Lake, Kye, kar, , Throat, Skin. | | GOLD LET-| ms ce, | PAINTING AND PAPER BANGING | WHEN WANTING PAINTING OR | EN area done, drop a ecard to A. Mqunteer, 84 Arch street. ee { LAND BURVEYOR, [ F. F. MILLER, DLS, M B.Ap., Sc, C . O LC, Napanes, Ont. Land Surveyor, Walkem & Walk dS, On- | Kingston Of- | tario p em, ¥3 Clar- | fice | \ | 4) TEACHERS WANTED, PUBLIC STEN OGRAPHER, Miss Madge Edgar, expert steno- grapher, open for stenogra, hic work of any description. First class work guaranteed. Rates reasonable, e- cial rates can' be "arranged. Phone 321. White's Insurance Office, Bagot Street. men, HALF AN HOUR { id .Be Careful What You Eat ! WAGSTAFFE'S FINE OLD ENGLISH MINCEMEAT Is pure and wholesome. Life Insurance For Women Women are giving ever-increasing attention to business affairs and are employed in banks, insurance offices and other institutions earning sub- stantial salaries. The result Is that many are to-day in positions of re- sponsibility and have relatives oi friends dependent upon them, whe under former conditions, would themselves be dependent The ideal policy for the business woman is an endowment such ag is issued by The Mutual Life of Can- ad a. The Endowment Policy is payable at the end of a certa n term of years If the assured be then living, so that by means of such a policy provision } e needs of later Shoyld death occur during the endowment term a substantial es- tate is left. The endwment policy protects one's estate, saving and affords a profitable and absolutely vestment. Reserve enough from your salary to carry an Endowment. S. Roughton therefore encourages moderately secure ine | | | 60 BROCK ST. PHONE 610. | 80d was astonished to fin | the ee General Now Beadle, Speaking at a city dinner, Lord Riddell relates that he recently dined at the hall of a city livery company, d two gen- erals shaking hands very heartily with the beadle. It turned out that the beadle had himself been a gen- eral. An old soldier, he had risen from the ranks during the war, and n, having served his country, he came back and re-entered the ser- vice of a city guild. of the finest things I ever heard," said Lord' Riddell amid applause, "This was one ;| | price of lions has do WHICH END? Nulywed: Now I'm married | hope I'm at the end of my troubles. Cynic: Yes, but which end? LIONS 'AND LIONS Mrs. Gadd: This Paper sdys the ubled. Mrs. Lyon-lzer: My dear, you wouldn't believe what | spend every time | have one of them to dinner! MOMENT Wife: | don't think I've ever done @ mean thing in my life! Hubby: Only when You said yes when | proposed! : IN THE CONSERVATORY I feel as fresh as a A 1ST OR 2ND CLASS PROTESTANT | teacher for school section No. 4, Ernesttown, Salary, $500 per an-| num. Apply, stating experience to A. Wartman, secreiary-treas- | , R. R. No. 3, Collin's y. | | SITUATIONS WANTED. WOMAN, TO TAKE CARE OF SOME one. Apply Box V-80. W hig Office | AA sng | | | } | f mo \ THE POPULAR CLERK | "Why 'did Miss Passay smile so graciously on the hotel clerk?" "Because he said, 'I think Suite 16 would suit you well." | NOTICE is hereby given that all creditorg hav- ing claims against the estate of Maria Woods, who died on or about the 8rd August, 1919, are required on or about the 26th day «of December, 1920, to send to the undersigned full particu- lars of their claims and statements of their accounts. After said date the Administrator will proceed to distribute thé assets of the estate of the deceased among the parties entitled thereto having regard only to the claims of which she shall then have notice, and will pot be liable for the said assets to an person of Whose claim shall not have been recev- ed at that time. CHAS. R. WEBSTER, Sokicitor | | | November 24th;,-2920 BARGAINS! BARGAINS! FOR THE MONTH OF DECEMBER -- | BAY MARE, FOUR YEAR black, white and tan color, with let- ter T cut on left hip. J. M, Theo- bald, Kingston a Dodge Tourng. Reo Roadster. B63 McLaughlin. Overland Touring. Gray Dort. 2 Ford Trucks. All in good shape, and can be bought on easy terms. BLUE GARAGES, LIMITED Corner Queen & Bagot Sts. Phone ner, A BLACK LEATHER PURSE, WITH name inside, between corner Barrie anil Princess and corner Aberdeen arid lar] streets; contained sum or | money. Finder please return to | Whig Office. Reward. p-- - -------- ON SATURDAY, ONE BH OWN AND White spotted Water Spaniel, bitch, about four months old. Anyone harboring same after this date, will be prosecuted. Reward for return Of same at W. B. AVestlake, Ports- mouth, ready for the road, IMPORTANT SALE 0 ning Buff Orpingt Poultry Show 23rd to 26th, F PRIZE WIN. on Fowl at the in the Armouries, consisting of four trios of two hens and a male at! $16.00 per trio. $10.00 less than you' would pay outside the city. Prop erly mated for breeding. Guarar- teed splendid layers, having been bred speclally for Egg production. Enquire of Show Superintendent to S¢e them or phone 14i6w. GOLD DIAL WATCH lower Alfred, Streets, Esterre AND Fon oN Union, West or Bagot made by Kinnear & d'- Initials inside back and on fob "7. B Finder piease re- turn to Thomas Bonner 6 Lower Aifred. ps a LOST, STRAYED OR STOLEN, VALUABLE FARM FOR SALE NR hundred and fift te Y acres, situated in township of Loughboro, in 2nd Cond of said tow nship. The farm is two, and one-half miles trom Sydenhamy the buildings are 4s 1ollows: (rame dWeluing, in good condition; frame barn and other buildings; two nevey falling Springs; a good quantity of wood; title, perfect; possession can Je huiangen Lo Suit purchaser. ¥o, ull particulars, apply wo owner, Patrick Murray, RR. No, 1, Syden. ham, Unt. 8 OLD, AN vo | One having information of same, bieasé communicate with Lloyd Brown, Kingston Station, UPHCLSTERING. CALL OR DROP A © Lavine, upholster, W. HAROLD ¥OR holstering and Bene eve urderg at ou 104 Clergy street. LEGAL. { CUNNINGHAM & SMITH, BARKRIST. | ers and Solicitors, 7§ Claren Streey, Kingston. A. B. Cunning ham. Cyril Mi Smith, AMBROSE SHEA, BA, BARRIS and Solicitor. Law Offic, of King and Brock, over Bank. Money to loan. Phone 1y9y, ER Sue ARD TO w. J, 416 Bagot st. YOUR © ral repairin r drop a card to F. ' BATEMAX'S REAL ESTATE, VOR ALR VIOTORY BONLS Fuss SALE, MONEY te Loan. $1400--FRAME; 3 ROOMS; provements; good localivy. NO IM. $3,500-FOR 3 HOUSES, CONCESSION street. A ----- $3,100-FOR TWO FRAME rooms; tollet and elecrr TO RENT $17.00---FRAME HOUSE; SIX R tollet and electric light, TO R $25.00~T0 REI; semi-detached, § ments HOUSES; ¢ a_i ie l'ghta, DENTAL. E. 'KNAPY BA, L.D.S,, oilice, 28% Princess Street, 652. ooMsy A. D.D.S., Yaonue r ELSON; rooms; BRICK ¢ DRS. SPARKS AND lmprove- tists, Carnovsky's. aS mm ARCHITECT. _ POWER, SON AND DREVER, tects, Merchants' corner of Brock streets, ee FINANCIAL. STRANGE & STRANGE INSURA agents; established :n 1s6 the most reliable companie Office 3% Clarence Opposite the post office. FRONTENAC LOAN AND INVEST. ment Society; ingorporateq 1861. President, W. I. Nickle, K.C.; vice- pleaident, A Cunningham, SPARKS, 159 Wellington sireet, Phone 346. ST DEN. over TO RENT $22.00--CEMEN , BLuCn; 7 West ena; improvements; a ROOMS} stable. ARCHI. Bark Chambers, and Welllngtpn MUST RENT OR SELL BAKERY ini Odessa, owing 1 ill-health. Npi Other bakery within ten mileat store doling good business; alse ling. Apply Nubile Bond, Odessa, Ont, en ae NOE only repre. street, CARPENTERIXG, WHEN YOU WANT WH See James Selby, Contractor. University Avenue, Pp - mah ae SIGNS i By issued on city and farm ® OAnrEaTR pertiéd, municipal ang county jdebentures; mortgages purchased; 'Investment bonds for sale; deposits received and interest allowed. R C. Cartwright, manager, 37 Clar. ence street, Kingston. Emm FURNITURE FINISHING CALL OR DROP A CARD coll, 22 John street, ey GLASS, woop, uardnteed X pUsiers, showoards, ete, iiiien anda designe 205 Princess Street) SIGNS OF ALL KINDS, ete. gold leaf; artistically by Shaw, at ingston. -------- TO W. DRS. Split Pea Coal Well Rrepared wooo... .$10.00 per ton Jas. Swift & Co. - Limited | Foot of Johnson Street 20 p.c.. DISCOUNT ON TAILOR-MADE SUITS AND OVERCOATS All Men'si'and Boys' Reddy- made Suits . -20% discount. A large stock of Furniture Our Christmas display is large and attractive. Shop early. N. A. JOHNSON SEELEY'S BAY. at Naturally, being a "bug", - [play about giving up his sest to a A I Auction Sales I am the best auctioneer in Kingston. Make me prove it. BEDFORD The Auctioneer, Phone 1721 or 1428. HIGHEST PRICES PAID For Serap Iron, Metals, Rags and Paper Stoek.- If you elephone tg we will sa} promptly. 3 r ROSEN & CD. Quebec Heaters Best Stove for Garage or work shop. Cobks and other Stoves as wel t LTR Phone 705 ¢ ~ The report of Dr. Henry A. Cot- fon, medical director of the Trenton, N. J., State Hospital, shows that two patiénts have been cured of in- sapity by pulling their teeth. The removal of infected teeth of both patients, who were women, return- ed their mental conditions to normal. ' The man who makes the most d lady in a crowded car always does | 80 just as the car reaches his destin- ation,