TUESDAY, XOVEMBER 80, 1920, The First Bark Hickey's . We are depending upon enormous sale, of this--the Best of all Cough Mixtures-- to enable us to keep it at the oid price of 25 cents. All other mixtures have advanced to 356 and 40 cents, but we want the price and good quality to, remain the same as before, the . Get it for a quarter at Best's The Fopuiar rug Store. Phone &C, Open Sundays. -~ -- Jae Keeley Jr., M.0.D.0. Insure Against After Regrets by Using Glasses Prescribed, Made and Fitted by Keeley Jr., M.0.D.0. The optometrist of to-day to do gopd work must not only be equipped with the best mechan- ical apparatus but must have that knowledge in' its use WHICH ONLY LONG EXPERI ENCE CAN GIVE. It is this combination of minJ and machinery of experience and equipment that makes Keeley's service unique ia Kingston. ® ---- em, John Rauden, said to be the first! man to send a ship load of Canadian meat to England, died at Montreal on Monday on his ninety-seventh birth- day. | tery lime. mE _S Our Windows ARE SALESMAKERS AND BECOMING GREATER --The time of one of our sales staff is devoted to them. --They are full of suggestions for Xmas. --Are very frequently changed. --Are {Illuminated every night. --They will prove an education and a time and worry saver. ---Look over their contents for Xmas. buying. re completely --Our prices convincing. a SMITH BROS. Jewelers Limited Established 1840. 350 King Street THOMAS COPLEY Telephone 987. Wanting anything done in the carpen- | NOt SOlve the problem Estimates given on all kinds also hard-| tation among leaders of repairs and new work; wood floors of all kimds. will regreive prompt atteation. | 28 Queen Street, Auto Storage Warm or Cold. ELLIOTT & WILLIAMSON Fmoncw: Shop 1038. Res. 1337J, 378 BROCK STREET You Find It Hard to Get Help. Here is the greatest helper in the world and will soon pay for itself. Attach the coupling to the tap and this WONDERFUL WASHER does the rest. No rubbing or slaving or catching cold, standing over a steaming tub. COMOR LOW WRINGERS from .. PRESSURE WASHER $27.50 .....$4.00 to $7.50 Watch for our big Sale of Aluminumware, From Dec. 5th to 11th. McKELVEY & BIRCH, LID. Big Busy Hardware, Kingston. _THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. SHAKE-UP IN Meighen Wisis- Three Out of cc Four Bye-Elections And _ Solidifies Party. Toronto World. Ottawa, Nov, 30.--Cabinet reor- ganization so essential and so long , deferred, will' be faced by the new administration without any great delay. Premier Meighen succeeded to an office precarious and trouble- same. His first care was to stabi- lize the administration. Of bye 'elections he has won substantial victories in three. His western tour * consolidated his supporters into an enthusiastic, aggressive party and stabilized his administration. He succeeded to a factional party and has within four months made him- self chief of the post powerful poli- tical force in Canada. devote himself to reorganizatiqn of his cabinet and initiation of structive measures. It cannot be denied, that reorgani- zation is essential to the further success of the new administration. Some members of the government through age or ill health, desire to retire, others perhaps should be re- tired. There should be at least five changes in the government. There Is a long, stern fight ahead of the | administration and in that fight {success can only be obtained by men {ot strong physique and mentality | who have confidence in themselves | and in whom the people have confi- | dence. In English Canada the prime minister has ample material for re- construction purposes. Quebec is Problem. It is the Quebec situation that presents the most difficult problem ito the government. The recent ru- mors regarding Quebec representa- tion were without any real founda- tion. The names mentioned would The govern- represen- thought ment must secure Quebec of Ail orders i i a rine shmop | 20d action in that province or Jet In eco- | | matters remain as they are nomic policy the leaders in Quebec are in harmony with the govern- ment. province is to unite on past issues as against its present economic wel- | fare bound up in the maintenance of | independence. | Canada's industrial Judging by Joseph Archambault's recent utterances there may be maintained a solid Quebec in a }| spirit of revenge to the sacrifice of { material welfare. In Ottawa his ut- | terances are not taken as represen- | tative of Quebec. The government |is anxious that Quebec should re- {turn to its place in the political {affairs of the nation. It is also | known that some prominent Liber- |als are equally anxious for the con- | summation of the same object, but | they fear to face their constituents [at bye-elections, What Ottawa fears |is a still greater cleavage between. jhe two races. | Tariff Revision Follows. | Next to cabinet reorganization, | the tariff revision is of the greatest { importance.. This revision will be the chief legislation during the com- | Ing session. It will clearly define | the economic policy of each of the | three parties. Generalities will not be permitted. Each party must face | the question of protection for each industry. In committee the items will be dealt with separately, and a declaration of policy on goal, fruit, | woolens, cottons, machinery, boots and shoes, sugar, and indeed, every (item imported or produced, must be | discussed in its relation to the ne- | cessity of protection or as the source {of revenue. The tariff revision will | dissipate the mists that. now sur- round the practical "application of { the economic theories of Hon. W.-L. { Mackenzie King and Hon. T. A. {Crerar. This is equally true of the government direct taxation methods. There is no doubt but that the business profits tax will be dropped, and many believe the luxury tax should also be discarded ,the gov- ernment depending on customs, in- jcome and sales taxation for federal revenue. It is believed these would be sufficient to meet the require- i ments, and, with the elimination of { the business profits tax and luxury ! tax, industry would thrive, and the | difficulty of collecting federal rev- | enue be lessened. James K. Allen, manager of the Standard Bank of Newcastle, Ont, for twenty-five years, died in St. Mi- chael's Hospital, Toronto, at the age 'of eighty-five. He can now | con- | It is now a question if that | IT WOULD BE T00 COSTLY | I; eee To - Extend the City Water | | works System to { Portsmouth, | here appears 10 be little chance o es Commission ac- ition of the Ports- mouth co o extend the cuy wa: ter servic t village. The mat- lear was before the commission at its jneeting Mo alternoon. Chair- man Elliott favored further negotia- tions that the Portsmouth council to see what it would be willing to of- fer. Commissioner GY. Chown con- sidered that | would be too great. This was not the | time to go into such a large scheme | when costs {sioner Hewitt stated that most of | the excavation would be rock, and he Publi | ceding to t | shoyld be called upon to pay the ca-! | pital cost. If Portsmouth wanted wa- | it would have to pay for the | extension of the city system--not the commission. General Manager Fol- | ger stated that unless the penitenti- ary and Rockwood were secured as | customers, there would be little reve- | nye in the extension. The facts will | be laid before the Portsmouth coun- { cil, with the intimation that owing to | ter | high costs it is impossible for the | commission to deal With the ques- tion at present. Manager Folger presented a state- ment with regard to the gas depart- ment. It is at presgnt costing $1.94 Ito produce one thousand cubic feet | of gas. The price charged the consu- jIuers is $2. The high cost was owing to the high prices of coal and oil. { When the new generator and purifier setts are in operation, Manager Fol- | ger hopes to be able to reQuce the price to consumers to $1.90, The manager reported that in 191% the electric department lost {$1,176 In suppiring the street light- ing system. Mayor Nickle asked the ion to consider the question ot accepting from the city $20,000 | for this year's street lighting. It was { conceded, the mayor said, that the | street lighting this year was not as efficient as the citizens desired, ow- ing to power conditions over which the conunission had no control. Often inany street lights were not it. In | view of this and for other good rea- |sons, the mayor thought the $20,000 | would be enough for the street light- ing this year. The other commission- | ers decided to consiger the matter. | The acquiescence of the Provincial Hydre-Electric commission will have | t@ be secured. The manager will submit at the [ next meeting of the commission a re- { port as to the cost of doing the ne- cessary underground work in streets j that the Board of Works wishes to pave next year. : -------- A SIR ADAM BECK AT HOME An unusual photo of the Chairman of | the Ontario 'HydrofCommission, show- | ing him wielding the garden rake at! hls home in Londonk Ont. ------ The demands of the employees of the Louisburg railway, have been ac- ceded to, and therefore there will be no strike in the Dominion Coal Com- pany's' mines at Sydney, C.B. Joseph Hanlon, Ottawa, aged fifty, committed suicide Monday by cutting his throat with a razor, while in a room with his wife and other mem- bers of the family: Wesley Garrod died in hospital at hatham as a result of scalds re- ceived when he fell into a vat of boiling water at a packing plant. British Columbia's budget for the last financial year shows a surplus of three hundred and fifty thousand dollars. Joseph A. McQuade, trainmaster of wa, died Monday. ONLY TABLETS MARKED Christmas Gifts All ready-wise buyers are making their Xmas purchases. We will store yours and deliver the day before Xmas. A large assortment of: -- RUGS, MATS, CURTAINS (to suit every room), LIVING ROOM CHAIRS and TABLES in WALNUT, MAHOGANY and FUMED OAK, WICKER CHAIRS and ROCKERS UPHOLSTERED IN "TAPESTRY and CHINTZ. It will pay you to shop early. b T.F. Harrison Co, Ltd. Phone 90 "BAYER" ARE ASPIRIN Not Aspirin at All without the "Bayer Cross" package which contains complete 3- rections. Then you are getting real Aspirin--the As For Colds, Pai , Rheumatism, Ach-: ing Joints, Lum Ago, Scigtica, Neu- | ritis, and for HK wdach Toothach: Aspirin at all Handy tin boxes contain Accept only "Bayer Tablets .of lets cost but a few cents. Aspirin" in an unbroken "Bayer" also sell larger "Bayer" packages. There is only one Aspirin--"Bayer"--You must say "Bayer" rin is the trade mark (registered in Canada) of Baver Manufacture of Mono. Sceticacidester of Balicylicacid, While It is well known that Aspirin means Bayer manufacture, to assist the public against imitations, the Tablets of Bayer Company will be stamped with thelr general trads mark, the "Bayer Cross." OAT SA TT NAA the cost of extension | were so high. Commis- | four | did not think thé local commission | RA PROBS: --Wednésday, cloudy; higher temperature Emm ge --_-- a == ie a ~-- Sm re = -- -- -- ---- --_-- = a " -- --_-- --_-- ener] Les -- rs --_-- a = = -- gn == ---- --_-- ee = -- -- oe fone] = -- m= Se --_-- -- ---- == aes = 1 --_-- pe -- Pee el pe == == = = -- -- ---- -- _-- Ee --= = -- = fen = Se _-- -- Pca -- fe] == -- St a -- -- == == ann frm] = == -- -- _-- [LL ave the New York Central railroad, Otta- id VENIZELOS AWAITS z | HA Just 21 Shopping D ays, then Christmas! STEACY'S-THE - CHRISTMAS GIFT SHOP! Is ready with bountiful stocks of attractive novelty and practical gift suggestions for the early Christtmas shoppers. The prices are at the lowest ebb and assortments are co mplete in detail. PLEASE SHOP EARLY! Do not wait until Christmas week to make the gift purchases that can be completed just as well to-da y. Shop early in the month and early in the day, and a$ an incentive for early shoppers we offer: -- LO A From 9 Until 1 O'clock for the Balance of This Week Double Discount Stamps! Children A letter from Santa Claus We just re- ceived our first letter this morn- ing from Santa. Here it is:-- FROM ICELAND, NORTH POLE. STEACYS LIMITED, Kingston, Ontario. Dear Mr. Steacy:-- We are very, very busy af present, completing the details of my annual visit, and expect to leave on my long journey next Saturday. My reindeers are prancing about like mad---they are so anxious to get away. Tell all the little boys and girls | will see them soon--of course, only if they're good, because | won't have anything to do with naughty children. Tell them to write me in care of your store, and will try and 'answer their letters if | can find time. Good- bye and good luck. Lots of snow up here. Your Old Friend, SANTA CLAUS. P.S.--Tell the mothers to get busy and do their Xmas. early. NOW! Address all letters, care of Santa Claus, at:---- Steacy's - Limited "The store that forced prices to new low levels" shopping AG G0 0 ST Greeks Will See They Have Abandoned Reincarnation finitely renouncing Greece's territor- INOREASED COSTS ial gains. He is bound to sustain my policy if he wishes to remain eon the bound to delay the demobilization of the army---the election cry which proved my downfall. HIS COUNTRY'S CALL. {To Run The City of Watertown, NYy For Next Year, d Watertown, N.Y., Nov. 30.--It will cost $941,895 to run the city of Was "Many fine friends, and even some of my best friends," voted with the army against my goverhment, be- cause they believed I was deliberate- ly keeping their sons and brothers fighting. But if the army is with- drawn from Thrace and Smyrna and these sons and brothers sent home they will be the first to realize that by abandoning my policy they have abandoned also the reincarnation of the Greek Empire." 'Hood's Sarsaparilla Makes Food Taste ( Cood Creates an appetite, aids digestion, purifies the blood, and thus relieves scrofula, catarrh, the pains and of Greece. Paris, Nov. 30.--"As for myself, I am conscious that I have done. my duty and 1 will remain quietly 'in France awaiting my country's call." In these words former Premier Venizelos, of Greece, summed up in an interview his belief that Greece will*not be able to abandon the poci- cies initiated by his over-thrown gov- ernment. - "Greece voted against me," M. Venizelos said, "because the country was tired of the continued mobiliza- tion and because it was not willing to pay the price of reconstituting the glorious Greek Empire which 1 well knew could be achieved only by a sustained and arduous military ef- fort in Thrace and Smyrna. "While I do not biame the Allies for their attitude against King Con- stantine, remembering his covert hostility to the Allied cause during the war, 1 desire to remind them of the wide difference between con- curring with the Greeks and the | ®<hes of rheumatism ang gives taking of their revenge in the shape | Strength to the whole system. Nearly §0 years' phenomenal sales of the revision of the Sevres treaty, [v ! giving back to Turkey the spoils le- | teil the story of the great merit and gitimately won by Greece in the war. | ®uccess of Hood's Sarsaparilia. It "King Constantine will not dare to | 18 just the medicine you need now, return to Athens with a policy de- Hood's Pills heip--fine cathartie, {defray the {new hydro distribution lines within the town limits, tertown under the commission form of government with City Manager C. A. Bingham at the helm during the next year, according to the budget made up and ready for adoption at tomorrow evéning's council meeting. This is $113,819 more than was al-' lowed by the old council during the: current year. The proposed budget shows a cut of $145,832 from the re- quisitions of the various depart- ments, Salary Increases, especially for pos sitions created under Mr. Bingham's: regime, as well as recent appointees' Are responsible in a measure for the extraordinarily large budget. % Hydro ud For Kemptville, Oftawa, Nov. 20.--By a sweeping majority of seven to one, Kemptville property owners voted on a by-law yesterday for the purpose of raising debentures amounting to $25,000 to expense of installing" It is stated in Ottawa that labor ine = terests may make an effort to haves representative labor man appointed tc the vacancy on the Dominion Ralls way Commission, resulting from the death of A. 8. Goodeve. v