Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 27 Nov 1920, p. 13

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a RDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 1920. : THE DAILY BRITISH W HIG. 'BUY YOUR CLOTHING AT WHOLESALE PRICES Having decided to retire from active business, | could not force myself to accept a rate on the dollar and step out; A F S [ Our New Stock _ it seemed like breaking faith with my customers. If | ew amp es ~ have to take a loss, why not let the people, to whom I owe : . : oa my prosperity, receive the benefit> Now, | am going to BS COATS feo : £5 od of Winter Merchandise is complete in every place the entire stock on sale at cost. 'You can buy any IE SUITS from $7 50 up 'Some at $5, detail. It will all be placed on sale at cost. - article in the store, in any quantity, at wholesale price, and CHILDREN'S SUITS from : : . . $5.00 up. In many cases less than the factory price even for next HEAVY WORK SOX If you want fo buy SUMMER UNDER. Spring. WOOLLEN UNDERWEAR BOYS' SWEATERS from WEAR, SILK HOSE, WASH TIES, or Just a word in closing. We all know that prices have : : been highly inflated, and lower prices are long over-due: EN SYrATes Feo. ' TT but the actual price levels for next season are very little ; cost price is all we ask. below 1920. All this irresponsible newspaper "high cost YORK Thouseas a i 32.23 » of living" propaganda seems to have about as much influ- HATS from coven. $2.00 up If you feel that you need a new OVER. ence on the actual markets as the late Board of Commerce, ++. .40c. up but you can rest assured that during this great sale Men's m . .65¢. up Clothing and Furnishing prices will be cut to the. quick. in fact, anything in summer furnishings, COAT, cost price is the only price we know And an extensive list of Bargains in during this sale. . ve Watch for my price list. : Mondny's paper. A. F. RONEY. RONEY'S - PRINCESS ST. la a 3 PN rt 0 oe Bie i Pt ep ger aeu rer seen from the {lluatration, by regard- recently with her brother, Robert Congratulations are 'extended to Mr. I x s [ REMOVAL NOTICE . i ing only the leading one of the six | Miller," Wilton, who is seriously ill. and Mrs. Frank Walker, who cele- | ( shown) has a negative angle 'of in- | Mrs E E. Day has returned from [ brated the fiftieth anniversary of avie alte , cldents. It cannot, therefore, have | Glenvale. Miss Mabel Botting spent [their marriage on Nov. 20th. The i -- « | 1 | on the upper surface of the rest of and Mrs. J. W. Campbell, last week. | cert, Robinson& Wiltshire much, if any, lift on its lower sur- [qn week-enc with Miss Muriel | teachers and pupils of the Methodist | { PLUMBING and ||} Published by Special Arrangement face Apparently the rush of air Stewart. Mrs. Walter Carpenter, Sunday school are preparing for Auto Repair Shop is now located 1 N B IT ews ureau. at MARTIN'S GARAGE | TINSM HING Aerop ane | selt the series of problems to be aa % eeeg WOrked out in varying the size, shape, With%he through the slot increased: the lift Joyceville, visited her parents, Mr. [their annual Christmas tree and con- . " ~ ' LI 110 CLERGY STREET i 2} 1 number. of the slat d | < a 3 y Fas ¥ E " All kinds of work promptly at- || Now Ia the time to have your Fur- The Handley-Page Wing. [first place, a given machine will be EE nd um Hani he and 1 tended to, | | mace repaired before the cold wes- F.-Handley-Page has at last made able to lift the same load as at pre- mated that Captain Geoffrey de A : | § ther sets in. See us for prices. public the secret of the much dis- [sent with a very much reduced wing Havilland is associated with his PHONE 1192w. 203 WELLINGTON STREXT |cussed Hapdley-Page Wing. It Is area. This redustion" in wing area drawifg office in supervising the ex- Ti Phone 68S. over six months since he first niade | >it in liselt Tottee Gray any Jags. | periments, and as the famous design- » the announcement that the Drawing s y : ' . : office of his firm was at work on a | though it was confessed that the I jer of it opiate ls ons of tie new form of wing whecn would great- | wing firm reduced the €peed of the this sort of work. we may reflect ove S épairs ' * ly increase the efficiency of the-aero- | machine. In tke case of the D.H. § that difficulties only exist ia order oman S$ Right plane. Since then the aeronautical | It knocked about 10 m.p.h. of the top }.,,"} overdone ' world has been anxiously awaiting | speed (a very serious matter) but on | Th ne ER i a : I us 5 | y ! eo Xt proceeding was d¢mon- is to enjoy good health, The secret of |developments, and its interest his [the other hand it lowered the landing { stration flights by the two machines T Mi E RB E ST T E A good heaitlr is chiefly to maintain nor. | been kept awake by periodical am speed to about 44 m.p.h. which was t rhs bo J | . and the good climb and very low : : 3 3 al activity bowels, [nouncements concerning the progress | one of the greatest boons which it | landing speed of the ond~with tie Rich in flavor and delicious-- m liver, skin and kidneys, of the experipiénts. Of course many | conferred. * With smaller wings to fp wing were apparent to all. 'In an ideal stimulant of the st rumors were bruited about as to the |do the same Work as the large onés | = iy : i 3: : B y nature of the invention but the actual ['do at present, it would, of course, be | De air, however, ie ymany DH. a . secret was well kept. At last, how- Possible to indulge in much stouter Was to be expectar ' L. Chaput, Fils & Cie Limites | ever, the foreign patents have gone | Wing construction, amd accordingly bi HL » i | | the plane One can picture for one- RE Per Se A Are gr rari eames : Seales, Talking Machines. Bieyecles, Baby Carriages, Lawn Mowers, ete. We do repair work right and guaramtee satisfaction. 197 WELLINGTON STRERT All kinds of Phonographs re- through and there was a general feel- | all-metal wings became much mors | Hand \oar from another source that paired, cleaned, recharged and ing of excitement when the firm is- possible commercially, (Incident- | Nanqies Tags is of wvinton Ba} Bis a Fain sud §orormor sued an invitation to the press and [ally opinions are much divided at ke : " springs foi akes ock. x . = h 3 tion with the principle of the Alula * Quick service, expert workmag, others to attend at Cricklewood aero. present as to the desirability of all- wing, but has not yet succeeded in ship. drome to see a demonstration and metal wings, but that js another | OF . 0 . ibiae , hear"an explanatory address by Hand- story). Ny rr athoriues to that ; ley-Page himself. As a matter of | To! counteract the 108s of speed, | therefore, is that two plans have been J M PATRICK fact the attendance of the public was | Handley Page said that ultimately | made public in England for increas- . . . . not great but the press enclosure was | the wing "slats" (if | may borrow a | ing lift at the ex ense of peed, whil 149 SYDENHAM ST. It people didn't worry about trou- very well filled. | term from Venetian blinds, which ! the H.P. win, pr to Ae in born Phone 2056J. bles betorehavd. some of them | on our arrival there, we saw before | the H.P, wing will somewhat re- | tion a very greatly reduced landin | Wouldn't have a chance to worry at us two D.H. 9 aeroplanes with 240 | semble) will be. made adjustable, | speed ; =" 8 all. H.P. Puma engines, one a normal | while in flight sy that the slots can | = machine and the other with the new | pe closed and the H.P. wing convert: | Ar, tt tant' device attached to the leading edges led into a formal type high-speed A French Device, of the plane. In appearance the de- | wing, We are given to understand, Three days after the publication of | vice looked ike a false leading edge | however, that this2improvement has ' the details of the H.F. wing, a French | Made o* pluminive, ome Hm so yet advanced beyond the expert- | invention for reducing landing speed fs en inches in chord. an eld at a | mental stage. It it can be made | Was made public The principle is to | iN | distance of a few inches from the | practicable will undoubtedly mean | increase the plane area of the upper ER ! : Pisne itself br a Serie of mstal Bas: { 2 revolutfoif in commeretul fight. As {Wing while in flight Two sliding ex- ets connecting with the ribs. © | things stand, Handley Page wisely | tensions are fitted, one to the leading Your Family and Your Business - plane ftself had been cut down along | warned the pressmen against describ. | and one to the trailing edge, andl the The death of every man worth while means financial the leading edge, so that the chord ing his slot device as a revolution or | Pilot when about to land can slide | loss to those dear to him and to the undertakings in of the How wing Was equal in meas thinking that it would result in the | them outward" and so increase the * whi h he i engaged. , urement to that o the normal w ng | skies being immediately darkened by | area from, say, 30 square metres to which he Pr Po is the ideal binati A ¢ of the machine. We had expected to | the wings of innumerable aeroplanes, 50 s.m. J , it is claimed; fs A Crown ue Folicy 1s the ideal combination of pro- See something of that nature, but 'yp was an improvement, which has.| , , Say 125 m.p.h, to tection and investment. had also Sxhbued jo od the false achieved the two great advantagés tt)[38. This invention has been develop- . --ading edge adjustable and were greater lift and lower landing speed, | 8d by Levasseur, the, inventor of the | Crown Life Insurance Co., Toronto . surprised to find it an immovable | but time must elapse before the pub- | Antoinette monoplane, Robert Gas- 2 dis fixture. lie could benefit by it tambide and a M. Lath ousi . wi $ g t Me , = B y it. am, a cousin W. H. Pen arden, Kingston District Manager We Were then invited to Inspect | Of Hubert Latham. It is curious to EE -------------------------- = The fwiling giant, F. Hipaley. tige device and ask adbstions. Frank- | see how the same result of low land- | i ---------------- age, H on proceeged to Sapiain the ly, some of us were puzzled. The ing speed can be obtained in one case [piouer to the pressmen. He said that | or, slat or small wing (as can be |by employing an enormously hig | his device consisted in having slots A -- a aspect ratio and in another by effect- | right through the plane, To the un- i . : initiated it might appear that these ro a duction in Aa These will be sold at cost price. slots would allow the air to esca : i i fe frp pees dl CHAMBERLAI LN) he Ju) somideraiion roles ou High class goods which we™guar- of all lite; but as a matter of fact ex- been able to grasp the arinciples at | antee. Come mn and see them. WE HAVE A BEAUTIF UL ASSORT- actly the reverse took place. In : work in the H.P, wing, aspect ratio effect the slots in the wing would Pre : will only enter into account when \ " : ' made in the wind tunnel. The ways : ; : MENT OF ELECTRIC TABLE LAMPS " rr of pngle 23m Tg ysis At the first sign of hoarseness the ye ots are let into the wing. | Phone 44 | . 167 Princess Street II which this increased lift could be |" side Sver the bank, had some of their | Bagot and Brock Streets. ousehold effects dama . . lft ; - child subject to croup should be arrangement of one TO CHOOSE FROM FOR CHRISTMAS Perimental machine weiik She ox tre Even alter the Small ene mite Te hal the leading | furned to advantage ar , Handley ged by smoke. | SS ; Page polnsed ours mammenres Handley | Te 3.8. atlagher spent a ox days | NAA Tm ¢ Tm TTT We have neither time nor room to devote to READY-MADE OVERCOATS and intend to get rid of our stock. fore our eyes had only one slot, rough cough appears the attack | Incidence must function rather by | PRESENTS. es - *hich increased its lifting power by direct} i : may be warded off. Mothers of | directing the current of «ir than by about 55 per cent., but experiments young children should be sure itself contributing to the lift. had been made with various hum- -------- bers of slots up to five (as in the hii Dice 31 Ike reliable "The : Harro Ha, ni H. W. NEWMAN C C0. Jism rstanlil MiB Bl | me mone. A . > ed that these experiments had been 0 35 y times the cost. fre at the Bank of Neva Scotia, Mon. and 65c. ay, Mr. and Mrs, Hamilton, who re- HTT I § + Sp En ER omg on ot a I A Sa i

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