Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 25 Nov 1920, p. 6

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THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER. 35, 1980. THE BRITISH WHIG| CUMY FOODMIUPIN. ime: scm tho soos and rer | reson tha miss 1 he mort bn = 87th YEAR. In discussing the sanitary food |taxes. Taking into comsideration the | Postany pase df him. Jou resals ihe : by-law, which 'the Board of Health | past record of the merchants, it 13] per that he Ey nis talent ig [asked 1t to ratify, the View appeared anita. sale Owes: that. there Sotivto growbois' bo "Tt Have been taken by the city | be a real cause for complaint in this and was bitterly punished? nthe | {council that anything which would | saqa. The conditions as put for | last great day many wili id why | increase the cost of' living should { ward by Ald: Steacy certainly show [ET Ar il Dent, Bot be put int effect, The conc) | two things; first, thas too large a1 had no talent to bury." and the Ac- {passed clauses of the by-law which | percentage of these taxes is' taken cusing Spirit will look bored and say | would not add expense to the con- | up by the cost of coMections, and, WHE 3 Yawn: Tan | sumer, but struc k out clauses that second, that the actual collection of | mats as in your attic all you ; f | might take a little more from his the taxes pute too heavy a burden "But, Master, T never went up ints pocket. Is this not false economy ? bility upon | MY attic." And the Accusing Spirit {It the covering of fresh meats and and too great a responsi Jit Wpo will ery, "On your way' 'Give some- | other perishable articles brought to | the shoulders of the retallef. one else a show! Next!" market would add to the health of | Another aspect of the case which Brothers, each of us ran make this the community, would it not be | deserves attention is that put forward oid world better gaan is, 5d we lby t . 3 facturars' As. | #ave the material. We have been worth while ? The tendency of |ty the Canadlan Manufacturers As looking for ft in the cellar. in the municipal 'councils to put dollars | sociation. In a memorial asking for pantry--toe often in the pantry--in and cents before health is a very |the abolition of the luxury tax they | the drawing room, in the library, but | bad practice. How forward some perfectly logical, | W® never go up into the attic. This, In Ih, me TTT OO Hn BIBBY'S Overcoat and Suit Prices Revised We are offering faultlessly designed and expertly tailored Suits and Overcoats at the lowest prices in years. OVERCOATS : --The Newton. * Revised Price --The Form-Fit. ' { --The Tourist. J $2 7.50 See window display of these Coats' --The New-- \ ULSTERETTES The Polar ) The Renwood The Rayfie The Royce $35.00 Dandy all wool Cheviots and Friezes. : 1] TOE too, in spite of the fact that history, » Cr ROUBLES and at the same time Important, rea- | pi caoreq and profane, illustrates Published Daily and Semi-Weekly by| ADJUSTING LABOR TROUBLES, | sons for their request. Summed up, | the amazing fact that all the good BRITISH WHIG PUBLISHING An indication of the great amount they claim that the luxury tax is in- | things in the universe come out of CO., LIMITED ; a bv the € Es of succesful work dots by the Cana. juring business, discouraging invest- | 22 attic. J. G. Elliott Prealdest o J . "Paradise Lost," the sewing ma- Lem ditor am dish Railway Board of Adjustment |." ., .iung unemployment. | chine, the Ford car, the sulky plow, M ing Direet 0 i RBDEINS Dirogwet [Number Die is Fodisatod i 4 Taps: They claim that the public have the rubber-tipped pencil, the fountain TELEPHONES ust issued covering the operations ad Business Office ....... By 243 10% botw g Ade ve 1913, | E7eatly curtailed 'thelr purchases of | DEB, Tubber heels, Levine gum, Editorial Rooms artes of that body beiween August, ' | articles on which the tax is Raced. Postage stamps, Bear Deel, Ae D fob Office and August, 1920, the first two years | der, cough lozenges, corsets, and a - . : This is borne out by the retailers. | "M45 Kad 'a Little Lamb" all came SUBSCRIPTION RATES of its existence. The board consists t of ms 143? (Dally Edition) 3 ich | They put forward the contention that | out of an attic! Qne. year, delivered in city .. of twelve members, six of ' wh "1 free buying would follow a removal] When Ole Dan and Mom Losee One gear CH ELE SLE on were selected by the Canadian Rail- : ith at Dao | went to the Girls' Home in Bullock's Qne year, to United States 5.9% way War Board and compensated by | Of the tax, with the result that buy- | Corners and took out a little mite (Semi-Weekly Edition) | vy i {ing would be stimulated, and more | of a thing, biz-eyed and shy, they One year, b sh 1.00} the rafiways ,and six by the execu: | l0y t would be available It | bullded better than they knew. They One Yar, r nie isin advance 31-82 tive officers of the organization of | SEP yimen Ayal able, MH put her and her littie imitation 77 Six and three months pro rata. { rallway employees, and compensated | Must be admitted that their argu-|j.., trunk up in the attic. She | ments are reasonable and sound. dwelt in the attic--she spent her life On the other hand, the claim is | there, except when she was work- made that the luxury tax is securing 35. The Losses jre pitty well olf little revenue for the government. sweetest, thé most precious, the most a er | hoods of railway employees and the | The official returns show that the | sacred, the most potential thing they Attached Is one of the best Job print. | Orders of railway conductors and amount collected is in excess of what 43 ity the attic ing offices in Canada. . | telegraphists. No less than eighty-| Was expected, but this is nuliffied Rossiter stood staring at the Runt {seven disputes, complaints and 'by the high percentage of collec- | with startled eyes. The circulation of THE BRITISH || claims were disposed of by the board | tion costs. In any case it is an un- ie I am Josephine Tudor," she WHIG is authenticated by the | in the two-year period, and a | Wise policy to impose taxes which They have been seeking you all ABC | synopsis of the claims and the deci- | are going to place a burden upon the | par (he world. In Australia, in Audit Bureau of Circulations. {sion in each case is set out in the merchants, who are already well | South Africa, in the islands of the report. That the board cdnducted its | taxed, which is going to injure busi- | sea, a4 they pave combed the ori | business along economical lines is in- | ness and cause unemployment. Such Auiarieal somsinent tor you an dicated by its financial statement, |taxes can only be detrimental to the "You are IT!" roared John Ros- which shows that the eighty-sevea|commercial and social life of the na- | siter." : matters inquired into involved @ to- tion, and the revenue secured is not The Witwam Rub ig The greatest need. of the times is [tal cost of less than eighteen thou- | sufficient to warrant such a condition. Fc Rtor ay Enis arm, something we can step on to acceler- | sand dollars. The share of the cost { These taxes should either be com- ' ate our wits. [met by the railway organizations | pletely abolished or some radical Revised Price 4 IAEA OUT-OF-TOWN REPRESENTATIVES | by these organizations, F. Calder, 22 St. John St, Montreal | 5 | ¥. M. Thompson, 40% Lumsden Bldg! Paring the period covered by the | Toronto. '| report the board dealt with all dis- | Letters to the Editor are published | putes affecting the various brother- only over the actual name of the. NOBBY SUITS Handtailored garments --revised prices $24.75--$35.00--$45.00 - [BIBBY'S I Potty Tome | smounted to slightly Jess than Din | cianges made In the methods by | s- oO AAO o-da, the grea nite States . \ t a ttt ata it rt, turkey vil get it .where that other | iousand skein orks oy Which they ale coNested. Walt Mason - Turkey got it. | month for each member of such or- THE POET PHILOSOPHER 1 | ! ARE [0 I i | POULTRY BAND WE ARE PLEASED You have to admit that the ! farmers are adept at organizing ; | FINDING EMPLOYMENT. ) MUSINGS OF THE KMAKR THE GREAT BLESSING. | | T0 ANNOUNCE East Elgin showed it. AW, t the &) I had a weary siege of sickness | ~--IN--- "Pew | ; . . ae ovaws YOpon says Pa 2 Ly that called for pink and purple pills; | ob t i That we can again offer governmen as n ns Ing s 5 y humble roll lost all its thickness | CELLU and ALUMINUM--PLAIN d NUMBERED | - t 0 to take the bak The Runt and the Rascal my hu oll lo | and NU) 2 . we th o Cie ato a. { ways and means of assisting return- (No. 12) When 1 had paid the doctors' bills. | We carry a complete line of supplies for the ultry busi IMPORTS) FRENCH PEAS g : : : : {ed soldiers who may be out of em-| During this autumn I' noticed in| And pharmacists and well trained | : pouluy business. IMPORTED FRENCH BEANS that was grown at war prees. ployment during the winter which is | the papers a news item tg the effect | nurses were chasing to me up the | PMPORTED FRENCH MUSH i OOMS someone in Vancouver had dis- | road, and undertakers with thdir | x . We speak of a man as being "dead |at hand. It is to be hoped that the he oom a Sn Yascouy a it a | hearses were hanging round my sad | BUNT'S broke" because when he, is broke he | despatch is founded on fact, for un- | Rybens?--in hig attic. Most of us, | abode. Now I am feeling vastly . . might as well be/ dead. | doubtedly there are many ex-servica | if we explore our attics, would find | better, the gout and mumps have left ! HARDWARE. KING ST. PHONE 388. / ], th ith misgiving and dread. | Peerless treasures. Some folks have | my frame, likewise lumbago, croup | ~ efor j pons. wi agiving "7" | bats and rats in thelr attics, but there | and tetter, though rheumatiz still | Jas. REDDEN & Co. To keep a hquse hot and yet use | months with mdsbiving and dread. be few attics that,do not contain | Plays its game, No longer do I wear | op - Phones 30 and 990, precious little coal is now worrying | The Peterboro Examiner points out some precious thing, the value of | 8 plaster, there is no poultice on -- many people. They have a problem | that in Toronto alone it is estimated | which the careless possessor knows my 260m, ad Plu not toared by Mdak oa their hands. east 8,000 . | nothing. Many a man goes through saster, or by the ills that royn tat tisle wre at | 8,9 vet life in comparative obscurity and un- | me swarm. . If one has health he is & ¥ > hd erans out of work--very few of them to talk comparative poverty and all the while | craven to talk to grief and trouble The price of gasoline has dropped vith enough savings to carry them | he had something in his attic that if.| Sore, and croak, like Edgar Allan's WwW FARMS FOR SALE it cents In England. Paste this = throjigh the crisis. The averag:|put on the market would pay the | raven, in legendas ay. Never. R . : @ top of your gas tank where the workin { 1 » | national debt. It is pitiful to think | more." ealth is the only thing that king man has found it impossible § . : 3 next pirate will see it. : of people who toiled all their lives | Matters, beside it other boons are Kingston, on a leadi p to-put by very much of his earnings, | © stubborn and unproductive piece | Y8ih, and men are surely mad as hat- ® vg on with is $0 by The rum in rummage is sald to and a few weeks' unemployment of land and escaped the poorhouse by | ters who kick when they are free rices on urs 40 feot--amall dwelling, nearly be the real cause for rummage sales | leaves him in a position that is far | the skin of their teeth. With toil and | from pain. Recovered from my in- new; about 46 acres now under - cultivation; about 30 acres of any. case < 2 digestion, and convalescent from the from enviable. And so jt is with | Suffering they obtained the bare ! ] So he 38 Jopalar. 1a ay case, they y necessaries of life, and none of its | itch, I fice my tasks without a ques- valuable wood, chiefly maple. eem y intoxicating ! Te TT ttt it tants Time to think of Christmas shop- ping. Yule-tide is just around the corner, -- ~All new goods 419 acres, 8 miles from hundrpds of returned soldiers luxuries. They put brown sugar in | tion, and life seems full and sweet Price $4,000. throughout the country who will| their tea and they got the tea for | and rich. Yes, ugly problems crowd 85 acres on the Bath Road; Women in the pulpit,--and they |Soon be in desperate straits if the | forty cents a pound. Yet all these | Around me, and threats and hings in- ee pleasant location on the y bitter, hungry years right under their | Vade my den, but they can't daunt of Quinte; over 80 acres 1 are growing in numbers--may be an | §0vernment does not come to Sete feet lurked untold wealth. Down [Mme or confound me, for I am feel- class soll under cultivation: @ttraction for a while, but the sphere | 88sistance. These men, or a M3= | under their potato patch lay a tideless | Ing well again, ; 3 good buildings. Price $6500. is a man's and people know it. jority of them, do not want charity; | sea of oil wider than Lake Erie. And --~WALT MASON, | We have also a large list of they want work, and the authorities | they died poor! en} farms of ail sizes and prices, ou Yr : J. Lo us whether lithographers were a |lic work can be carried on during ol), but it is ble to x9 up into T. . ckhart product of Lithuania. We said no, (the winter months so that employ- y a people to ted oe ting u 1 Y | Real Estate and Insurance they came from our print shop! ment shall be provided for as many | this thrilling tale will not have been blood By a KINGSTON, Ont. leas f : - at least some of her colonies ; Tur- | perity, when men are in great de-| you thought all along that it was an billousness and ) . periods of depression, when indus-| YOCate away baok in the last century. Bouses in Kingston often think the | "Ort. forces, there will be a big | may go up into your attic to lookior ready to absorb the unemployed. 16.50 per ton Sea Salmon Had- * 9? . (ada. We have undertaken our larg- - . %he eight-hour men with a sixteen ; Carrying 50c. extra. -------------- as possible. It has been often argued | told in vain. Go up into your attic liver. Dr Chase's Kid Phooe 1038w or 1797, k8y demands a revision of the peace mand in the industrial world, should | old chromo that your grandfather got \ Sppear. One pill 2 In Oregon they have found caves Man alive, it 15 not a chromo--'tis a i: Lake On » y tario Trout same kind of heat pertains to thejr | PrOSTAMMe of government work a vandyke Sud BOL set it. That is STOVE COAL altogether likely. ut you may get 4 ie.8 s.0i0.0 0 00 residences. i. | an idea. There is hardly a man who N » Unfortunalely the reverse of th COAL reiezestis cio2ereieion . : nfortunately the reverse is UT Le reise; i RF $16.50 per ton dock, Halibut and Dour wife needs very strenuously to |®St Public expenditures in boom : ® . eo 3 unionize the home," gave out a valu- | times, and cut down our expendi- PHONE 185. ALL SALES FOR CASH. Phone orders C.0.0. ; ommion I's able thought. tures on such work.to the bone' in e m davies 0 x the season of slackness and d - : a S5teion vf Maknd wid Serre . l SOWARDS COAL CO. Conntn Font Beers ese 4 a A> good lady recently enquired of L would do well to consider 'what pub-| = True, it takes money to bore for Germany demands the return of |¢hat governments, in tite of pros- fhig Jveking 34 en tani sad Pills set" the liver i i BROCK STREET | 1 -- hoadaohes { ! 4 a i from treaty. Who won this war anyway ? | ountail Public works 80 that in the |as a premium with the Farmer's Ad- \ 25¢. a bex, all dealers. tries close down or reduce their » Beated by nature. Ocoupants of Rembrandt and you are rich! You by \ EGC COAL $16 50 i See 9.0 0 0.0 4a avs . 3 Tee. per ton and Whitefish, Fresh $ y I'res ------D The 600d minister who said that | Dolley has been. carried oit ta Can- | gE NNNNNEENRNNRENRNRNARESNENARERR Pea Coal . : iomiare 2 . oie. $15.00 per ton Doubtless there are diplomats |slon. But in the crisis that is ap- who think' of everlasting peace as | parently before us mow, municipal, an era when the little fellows will | provincial and federal governments PHONE 597 a lis still while the big fellows frisk | must all exert their best efforts to . 4 we 4 ~ T N---- x . . thelr pockets. © | grapple with the problem of unem- f : Sign Paintin 1 g and mi Crescent Wire Works ) -------------- A sanctimonious: crook. Dis. beth ployment, which threatens many Fencing, Guards, Baskets, Flower > sections of the country and in some N «JAMES S. ROBINSON bord- *s, Wire Work of all kinds, mary. at ts , yi : exposed at Barrie and a year for o facte.ed cities is more than a threat. 373 paget Street PARTRIDGE & so¥, : fraud is his deserts. This sort of a Robinson Bros' 01d Stand 62 King Street West. deceiver is the mest contemptibla THE SALES AND LUXURY TAXES, BEEF---PORK--LAMB 'AND "BACON - re i | Phone 2350. Residence 013m. || The Delaware, Lackawanna and kind that walks on the earth. i That something is wrong with the ; , of] eo Western. Railroad's The British War Relief Fund is 288s and luxury taxes put into force PO RK \ uni er vie 1 open for subscriptions, but it would | With the last budget seems to be | Cel b d Shoulder Roasts .......................24c1b. | ebrate __séem as if the purse strings of King- | QuKe apparent from the protests . - jane are hard to be pulled open. which are coming in from men in all Chops-. . ..-. EUR BIER LL) INSURANCE AND ope is In desperate straits and |Walks of life. .Ot course, it would lega..............0a. oi SE ds upon thousands of her |bebard to find a tax which would be Scranton In daily communication with Mont- SERVES YOU RIGHT jhans cry aloud for pity and help. | Popular, but, as a rule, the objec- L A M B : S---------- tions are raised, not by the merch- F \ \ 1b . : ritain has a loquacious ambassa- | ants, but by the consuming public. | I" ronts ~.24¢. Ib. : 3 5 ke Siete mmo ue slain iaeieleinie ann ain oe ate real and Toronto Stock Exchanges. drink, - hot or cold -- GBF at Washington, and yet what he | The merchants of Canada in gene al i if Foo or avis, : or gener, Loins ST aie Wate a .iaruiee .30¢c. 1b. Dominlon, Provincial and Municl when, where and as you like. Says is pertinent and important. His [have always given thelr hearty co Ch pal Bonds for sale. ; ' sagacity prevents him "from [operation to all measures of thxa- OPB vo cinsise unite midon ai een. 0c 1h. We have a full line of The Standard Anthracite ng anything that could be ro tion for which they had to take the 281 KING STREET 'GENUINE THERMOS ° The only Coal handled by od as not according to the best responsibility. During the war they B A C oO N . '- 568 & 1087 LES and LUNCH KITS Phones i J BOTT tuditions of British diplomacy. : : : 3 Mrspieg. SII, Juss fos: Sweet Pickled Bacon, sliced . . . ... ........42¢c.1b. : fla i recon oneregsion PAU ck Ter ara 'ere Wiltshire Bacon, sliced... 4Be. and nen Hl GTAWTOF Bave taken place in this district, | been guilty of whining when there Boneless Corned Beef I RE .20¢c. ELLIOTT & WILLIAMSO ; 2 , eat... .... .45¢. AvTonomiLe PAIRING Dr. Chown's Drug Store Phone 9. Foot of ween Se. thus releasing a number of preach- | Was no cause for it. Davies' Teais great val ers for work in the Canadian west,| In view of this fact, it is a matter 1 - where they are urgently needed. |WOrthy of attention that the merch- --Nothing finer to be had. re am in connection. ~ This' is the kind of church union |ants all over Canada, and particular : : - "|| Phomes: Shop 1085. Res. 15375. +185 Princess St. Phone 343. "Ty » Mate busindsy dal we that is worth while. ly those of this city, should raise a . 37s BRboR STREET s Tou wile 2 tess anes dlen. ner A 2 WA Lai

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