Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 25 Nov 1920, p. 5

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THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 1920. irlrid 2 Ber PYEe \ \ \ t WINTER IS HERE Sée our windows and choose your HOT WATER BOTTLE For one cent per day we in- sure the kiddies against cold feet at night. A Hot Water Bottle is the policy. Austin's Drug Store Ask for a Kodak Catalog. Austin's Drug Store Corner Kiang and Market Square Kingston - Phone 230 ~~ New Goods AT THE UNIQUE GROCERY AND MEAT MAKKET RAISINS--CURRANTS--PEELS FIGS--DATES -- PRUNE WINE -- MEAT -- CANNED | FRUIT and VEGETABLES, | | 21 THE DAI LY BRITISH W HIG. Just a 'suspicion' of H.P. Sauce gives that finishing touch which makes your plate of Oysters so enjoy- able. You try it! H.P --rich, Oriental fruits and sgficen blended with Fare Mait Vinegar, with the cunning which comes from long, long experience. So ~--naxt time it's Oystors lot BUILDING ? REPAIRS OR ALTERATIONS? Estimates given by . QO. Aykroyd & Son Main Street. Phone 1670. C, H. PICKERING, Prop. 490 and 492 Princess Street. Phone 530. | : Angrove's Repairs Seales, Talking Machines, Bicyeles, | (eDATiment with Kingston and Vicinity A Real Bargain. black ser suits, straight , regular value 3 Prevost Clothing k street Name of New Park. ¢ new park of Pembroke is to "The Pembroke Riverside The property has been pur- from T. D. Giroux, | At Work in Picton. | Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Thompson, | Ardea, are spending a couple of | weeks at the home of their son, Her- | bert Thompson, Picton. Mr. Thomp- | son is a carpenter and he is remodell- {ing his son's house. { Boy's Eye Injured. | Master Stuart'St. Michael, the five- { year-old son of Hector St. Michael, | Renfrew, had a pair of scissors run | into his eye last week. Dr. McKin- {non was at once called and is doing { everything possible to save the sight | of Stuart's eye. | tt Given Two German Guns, | The school board of Perth has {been alloted two German machine i guns, No0s.'4739 and 7417, by the di- | rector of war trophies, gether likely one will be placed in { the collegiate and one in the public | | school. { To Make a Survey. The engineering bureau of the war headquarters at Rl It is alto- | with furious ded guilty and 5. They also ent with Mn n $150 to cover rand pay | were made Forsyth costs of d doctors bil Mra. For Donates Silver Cup, Frank J. Halliday, Winnipeg, bro- ther of Mre. A. W. Easton, Renfrew, and one of the t Successful grad- uates of the many of that class turn- ed out by the Renfrew' Collegiate Institute, has offered for competition by the students a beautiful silver cup, the Style of contest to be left to %he discretion of Principal Bryan. The latter says that the trophy is one of the handsomest that he has ever seen and that it certainly ealls for a more than ordinary competition. It may be offered as a prize in the gym- nasium department, Mr.' Giroux Resigns. At the council meeting, Pembroke, T. D. Giroux tendered his resignation as one of the representatives of the west ward, this action being render- ed necessary by the facet that Mr. Giroux. is selling to the town the large block of land in Glrouxville for | park purposes. The council, while regretting that such a step was ne- cessary, acceptqd the resignation. | The vacancy will not be filled. Coun- i ux wos a useful member, taking his duties sertousiy and giv- ing cl attenti to m.nicipal busi- | Baby Carriages, Lawn Mowers, ete. We | Luffalo, N. Y., has started a surver ¢f | ness generally and his own depart- | do repair work ri { | satisfaction. 197 WELLINGTON STRERT ght and guarantee | (jayton, N. Y., harbor for the p | pose of ascertaining what improve | IIe rt. | DR. A Ww WINNETT | T | id ° * Engagement Announced, DINTAL SURGEON. | Mr. and Mrs, Urias Nelson, Dem- | orestviile, Ont., announce the engage- | Corner of Johnson and Wellington ment of their daughter, Edna Row- | Streets | | -W. R. McRae & Co. | | | | you wait, cast iron, aluminum, steel, brass, Phone 368 REPAIRS! REPAIRS! We weld broken Auto Frames while Also any broken parts in etc All welds guaranteed to hold. KINGSTON WELDING SHOP 43 FRINCESS STREET, GOLDEN LION BLOCK. ena, to William F. Addison, Toronto. The marriage is to take place in Howard Park Methodist church, To- ronto, the first part of December. Passed Away. After four long years of suffering, Mrs. Fred Lambert passed away at her home on Park avenue, Carleton Place, on Nov. 11th, whose malden name was Mary Ann Moore, was born in Marlboro town- Deceased, | iment (property, | particular. fire and light) in . the ratepayers ess in the future will | aspire again to municipal honors, An Honor to Subscribe. ( | There is one Prince Edward Old | Boy that the town and county feel {proud of, says the Picton Times, and {that is Prof. Iva Martin, an old Athol boy, 'who is one of the finest mathe- | maticians in Canada and occupies the important position of professor of mathematics and director of studies at the Royal Military College, King- ston. Prof. Martin has most gener- ously forwarded his cheque for $25 | to the secretary of the memorial fund; stating in his letter him much pleasure to subs the Prince Edward Old Boj orial, and that he considered honor to be permitted to do sO Gananoque's Assessment, The total assessmd yf Gananoque for 1920 is $1,588,215, compared with $1,532,017, an increase of $56,- 198. Of this amount $30,278 is an ac- tual increase on the assessment, on general and school purposes, while the balance $25,920, will be an in- crease on the general tax only. The exemption of $25,920 granted to the Ontario Wheel Co., for a term of years. has now expired, During the period of exemp for school rates neral tax, so tha ly and paid no ge- in 1921 the town will now receive the general tax on | the school | this sum in addition to tax. It must not be supposed that there will be any reduction in the tax rate, in consequence of the in- | creased assessment, as it is evident | there must be an increase. The esti- mate for the county rate was $7,000, | but instead of that the town has to pay $13,595, $6,595 in excess of the estimate, A Splendid Citizen. Thos. A. Low, Renfrew, was the first to develop the waterpower on the Bonnechere and for twenty years he has been the moving spirit and guiding hand of many of Renfrew's| largest and most thriving manmfac- turing plants. In Pembroke MrZ Low started his business career brains, courage and ambition as his biggest assets, and today he is num- bered among Ontario's most success- | To him Renfrew | ful manufacturers. is very largely indebted for the de- velopment which perjenced in the past twD decades, and while he has given employment to hundreds of the citizens he has made the town known all over. this continent and beyond by the products of his factories. Big and broad and generous. Mr. Low has from a civic standpoint been a most valuable citi- | zen, supporting liberally all progres- | i good | sive movements and every cause, and among the outstanding men of these progressive towns he occupies a foremost place. both | on they were liable | with | the town. has ex-| BEAUTIFUL HARDWOOD FLOORS A new £ floor of Clear Maple, Birch dr - Oak will transform that living room. Have it laid in fall or winter, when the house is heated and carpenters are not so busy. S. ANGLIN & CO. Woodworking Factory and Lumber Yards, Bay and Wellington Streets, KINGSTON, Ont. Office Phone 60. Factory ' Phone 14.8. BULBS We #¢il] have a large assort ment at prices that are right, BASKETS See our shipment from Japan. Not buying. too early for Christmas A. D. HOLTON PRINCESS 51HRKET - - 280 - - Phone, 661; Res., 20S0W. FLORIST ASK YOUR GROCER FOR KINNEY and COLLIVER'S FRESH MINCE MEAT Made at PICTON -.. . ONTARIO REMEMBER I 5 nd hs ho od | ship in 1874, a daughter of the late { Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Moore. Rev. H. W. Reede Accepts: Rev. H. W. Reede, a former pastor of Pittsburg Presbyterian Church, who has been located in Newark, N. J., for several years, has accepted a call to the Presbyterian church at NLR Pastilles . When doing your Christmas Shopping, that [Barges For Tie Week One Toronto Wind - Mill 24 Foot, in If your blood is watery, thin and poor, just try Vital Tablets, tha | French Remedy for making and pur- | itying your blood, your skin will | become clear, and color will return | to your face. Price 50c. a box, 6 for | Blytheswood in the presbytery of | $2.50, at all drug stores... The Sco- | Chatham, and will be Inducted short- | bell Drug Company, Montreal, Que. |1Y. ' | Sold in Kingston by Mahood's Drug | Store. you could not give a present that will be more appreciated and useful than a "COMFYDOWN" MATTRESS or a DOWN COMFORTER very sfeacious in per Hye le ol 2 Chi A Gift From Workers. ~ Good Condition E. Brawley Flour and Feel Man SYDENHAM, ONTARIO. a | PATTON'S DYE WORKS (Late Montgomery's) | FOR SALE An excellent fT rm of 150 acres, good building, splendid land. Another farm of 100 acres, seven miles from the city -- $4,600. W. H. GODWIN & SON Real Estate and Insurance 89 Brock Street. Phone 424, | Kingston's Only Dyer. Dry Cleaning a Specialty. Phone 214. 849 Princess St. ---- TRY | DID YoU EVER ther reliable makes of Marma- fades, Jam and Jellleg for ele al: Bon Marche Grocery Cor. King and Earl Streets License No. 3-37149 Phone 1544. Papeteries Perfumes, Toilet Sets. See our stock XMAS IS 'ALMOST HERE Our Holiday Goods Have Arrived and are now on display Xmas. Greeting Cards, 5, 10, 15¢. up Calendars, Manicure Rolls, Nellsqn's Chocolates teecee mm... 20¢ to $3.50 before you buy. Prouse's Drug Store Opposite St. Andrew's Church (Ice Cream Bricks always om hand) Watches and Clocks Repaired --by-- G W. LYORS Call or 'phone and your or der will be promptly attended to Note change of address: Phon - 1836. 207 Princess St. / Our Motto: "QUALITY AND SERVICE" FRIENDSHIPS For Choice Groceries and Provisions "2 STORES-- 210 Division Street. Corner of Pine & Cowdy Sts. Orders called for if desired. Good Black Tea .:.35¢c. per 1b. 10 Ibs. for ,........$3.25 -¢@harm Tea .60 and 70c. per 1b. 3 1b. given free with every 3¢ Ji Closed on Wednesdays at 1 p.m. B. O. SMITH, Manager. Telephone 469, LLERSWO PowpEers HAVE A WARM PLACE IN THE HEARTS OF MOTHERS FOR THEY HAVE PROVED THAT THEY ARE ONE OF THE MOST EFFICIENT AND BENEFICIAL REMEDIES THAT CAN BE GIVEN TO A CHILD, THEY ARE SWEET AND EASILY TAKEN AND QUICKLY ERADICATE THESE WRETCHED PARASITES FROM THE SYSTEM. CONTAIN NO NARCOTICS 'We Are Offering Our Entire Stock at Greatly Reduced Prices. --=Men's and Boys' Suits and Overcoats in all the latest shades and styles, ~--Swegter Coats. Mufflers. Mitts; Gloves. Underwear. Socks. --Caps ----Boots and Rubbers. ~The prices we are asknig ca beat anywhere. L ZACKS 271 PRINCESS STREET : George Crawford, who recently re- tired from active duty in the C.P.R. shops at Carleton Place, entered the employ of the Brockville and Ottawa railroad in 1872, and has been em- ployed since continuously. as a black- smith. He was presented with a purse of gold by his fellow workmen on his retirement, To Grant Permission, | The good roads committee of the | county of Renfrew at a special ses- | sion unanimously decided to recom- | mend to the county council that the | O'Brien Company Ltd. (the Calabogie { Light and Power Company) be per- mitted to erect poles on the provin- cial highways where desired to carry their transmission line from Renfrew to Arnprior. To Roljgthe Streets. Col. Mackie, M.P., has offered thé town of Pembroke the use of the big road roller at Petawawa camp and it is intended to bring it down and ex- periment with it in the rolling of the business section of Pembroke street following snow storms. It {3 beliéved that the street can be kept in much better condition at very small ex- pense by the use Bf the roller. Death of a Farmer, Adam Easton, a well known farme. of the third concession of Thurlow, died of heart failure after an illness of some duration. He was a member of the Methodist church. Mourning his loss aré his widow, one son, R. F., at home and one daughter, Mrs. (Rev.) R. J. Merriman, Manila. Mr. Easton was in his sixty-third year, Former Resident Dies in Vancouver, It was with sorrow that many Athenlan friends of Walter Leander, | Vancouver, B.C., heard of his death. He was the only child of the late Dr. {and Mrs. Leander, of Frankville. His parents died when he was a mere {child and he came to Athens to live | with his grandmother, Mrs. S. Stone, | with whom he resided until he went | out into the world for himself, | . Rebuild and Enlarge Theatre. The Palace Theatre, Belleville, de- stroyed by fire, will be immediately rebuilt, and will be enlarged in re- gard to the seating capacity by the erection of a balcony which will seat 250 persons. This will give the new theatre seating capacity of nearly 800. Mayor Riggs owns the bufld- (ings, and the new theatre will be conducted by the Griffin Amusement Company. 3 ! Hauling and Marketing Eggs. The egg producers of Renfrew county have lately been getting or- ganized for the co-operative hand- ling and marketing or eggs. The final organization meeting of share- holders to elect a board of directors is to be held in Renfrew early next month. Already thers are ninety- five shareholders and it is hoped to shares being valued at $50 each. It is intended to establish fifteen eol- lecting stations from which eggs will be drawn to the central plant in Ren- frew by motor truck. ------------ Fined For Furious Driving. As a sequel to an accident of sev- etal days ago whereby Mrs. A. M. {Forsythe was thrown from her buggy | near Kemptvill-, while driving home, and was severely injured, James Dool and Walter Hool, two 'young men from Oxford Station, appeared before Justice of the Peace Waterson at bring the number up to 100; the | lalcum and baby's tender skin after a bath with Cuticura Soap. 28e. end ET Cotes Sa, mS. Woy Mantras. Poy = San ON 9oo Drops 35D Maier kl Don't throw away your ed Mattresses. We renovate all kinds make them as good as new. Get our prices. Frontenac Mattress Co 17 BALACLAVA STREET : Phone 2106w ay Choice Sirloin, Porterhouse and Round Steak .30¢, Choice Pork Chops Se, Choice Lamb Chops .35e. Cholce Roast 47... 20¢, to 25c¢. Choice Stew Lamb, 20c. to 25c¢. 1b. All kinds of Cooked and Smoked . Meats. QUICK'S YESTERN MEAT MARKET 112 CLERGY STREET | Phone 2011. GASTORIA For Infants and Children. Mothers Know That Genuine Castoria Si Use v_, For Over Thirty Years '(ASTORIA Bk Gh mae i -- If you want to be exceptionally nice to Father and Mother, give them a "Comfy- down" for Xmas. Kingston Ma SALES ROOM 1386 Princess Street Phone 2283. ress Company FACTORY B36 Princess Streeg Phone 602w. Watch Our Windows FOR SPECIAL SHOE VALUES J. H. Sutherland & Bro. w+ JHE HOME OF GOOD SHOES OVERCOATS For the best values at $20.00, $25.00, $30.00, $35.00, $40.00 BUY YOUR OVERCOAT AT TWEDDELL'S 131 Princess St. (One door below Randolph Hotel) - Rg he I ----------------

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