Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 25 Nov 1920, p. 2

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-- Ls RED RAE et TT i. "~~ - rH E DAILY BRIT 1 S H > WHIGC = : S THURSDAY, NOVEMToN m5, 1080.) -- -- -- ee ------ -- ES -------------------- 7 ORGINZATON 1S URGED CHLORENS AD - SOCIETY Upon Medical Men--A Ban- Dr. 3 WwW. Richafason Re- { : ; . uet Held on Wednes- elected President at the | 0 q day Evening. Annual Meeting. If y our Last Opportunity ; -- { 'The district meeting of the On- | At the annual meeting of the !§ itario Medical Association was held | Children's Aid Society, held on Wed- 0 === §§ in Kingston, on Wednesday, and was | nesday 2htordous, Dr. A. W. Rich- | SPECIAL LOW {§ concluded by a dinner at the Front- [ardson was, y an unanimuos Vote, | 0 Que 3 PRICES enac Club in the evening when the | re-elected president. | > visitors were entertained by the city |. .Dr. Richardson presided at the on Alisrations and doctors, and a number of splendid { meeting and at the opening made 2 : epat addresses were given, including an |few remarks regarding the work of.|fi ; . 4 illustrated 'lecture on the war by | the society, He said he was greatly | ' a LL Brig.-Gen. Ross. The programme | pleased over the jutercet the mem- on Canada's Greatest Daily Newspaper The Montreal Star De- included a scientific meeting at | bers of the executive had taken in * Queen's University durin the after- the work. He paid a warm tribute cember 1st the Price Advances to $5.00. noon when important subjects were {to the work carried on by John Pol- dealt with, | lie, 'the agent, and all the officials. , Dr. H. A. Boyce, president of the | The 'agent had been most faithful | | Association, wus chairman at the [in his work, and all the business |§ dinner, and in very warm terms wel- | had been carried on in a most satis- | comed the visitors. He introduced |factory manner. Dr. Richardson There are just four days only to place subscription or give re- newal. It matters not when your present subscription expires, we will r. Bingham %t the Ontario Medical {also took sion to thank ' the renewal at nl Grane Toronto, Lr Mullan, bres | indies of the Organs tome and tne || accept renewal at THREE DOLL ARS and extend your subscription dent of the Ontario Medical Associa- {Infants' Home for their sp¥endid § : tion, Toronto, and Dr. Routley, sec- | support, also the county officials for J for one year from present expiry date. retary, all of whom spoke of the great | the keen interest and support given, | importance of the organization afd [and 10 he miay wo had A apy i » . : 0 the work it had to do to protect | way helped the society. > 1H s 1}! and advance medical science, by {wards of the society were well | This Offer Good Only to Tuesday, November 30th 1! Dr. Mullen warned his hearers | housed and well cared for. | 5 : . | of the supreme importance of giving | The report of the treasurer show- Phone or mail your subscription and renewals at once to: -- their utmost co-operatfon in the |ed the society to have a surplus | work the asseclatior® was doing. He [balance of $717.78. : | pointed out the close relationship The report of John Pollie was 1is- : ' ; | . | of the medical practitioner to the so- [tened to -with interest, and a mat- : | , cia] life of the community, and de- |ter oF special note was his announce- | Ji e 0 e e 00 ore j clared that in the changes taking | ment that during the year not one |} place the medical prefession had an | child had been committed into the | important part to play in the Ye. Care LL the" Sock Ys Jac, we ik / * building of the social structure. In | might bé poin out, is > 1 T l h 19 oO E i certain walks of life, individual gain [able manner in which all the cases e ep one 9 pen ven ngs and not service was the motive. [have been handled. The aim of the} / if | This was one of the problems of | society 18 not to make @wards for il the association, and the unorgan- | the society, but rather to keep chil- mm ERROR PPR N } | ized member was a menace to the | dren im their own homes, where ti ' { profession and to himself. He told |is at all possible. ; S 3 . . + of the formation of the association Mr. Pollie stated that if the work | Reéductions on all prices quoted mn Catalogue. and what it was doing. He saw a | Of- the society had been a success | 3 i ! ! tendency toward state medicine in | during tn year, it Se Sue 10 Hey 1 * 1 | s0 'tions, but this would not | co-operatioh giv y. Cc 7 3 If you have not received one, write to-day. [bea success without the ana of the | Pollis Paid a warm tribute to the | : | support given him by the police. He | assocjati vhose as insur a nd Rilose Jum was to jusui said that at all times he was given | : © . . relation of the profession to the [the aid of the police ches. Au - John McKay Limited " public, but in recent legislation, not- | other interesting fact polute ou | ' ij ably in the Workmen's Compensa-|by Mr. Pollle was that du ng 1) THE FUR HOUSE |] | tion Act, the medical profession was Jearenot ne bey sud been sent to not properly considered, Here capi- On Teton of be G. W. Ball, al 149 to 157 Brock Street, Kingston, Ontario. | tal, the management, the worker and the public were considered only. | hearty vote of thanks Nas teidered | He claimed that the profession | to Mr. Se toy Jus able work. aug 5 pprese y on motion { Thouliriave « mpreseiiniive on the vote of thanks was also tendered to v be . There were als he. 1 | . ' . , . frm | insurance. companies ang the. six | Dr. Richardson for the work he bad | All Ladies' and Children's Winter Coats -- only the' latest i = r . ar T e ociet y. IT | Hi] benefit group to be dealt with; and | carried on for the s 1s 1 i SCO S GARAGE { unas dncatian, the Solleges and the ing relele F rederick We leh, | st yles to sho Ww y ( 1 1 i . il hospitals. I stent od ifines had to lw s, has been an ou. I he I ire Sal ein / \pril closed out all left overs) ------ Repairs, Washing and Storage. {| ba combatted 1915 Mel. hiim Tour- H Hi e C . . : i One 1015 Melnaghiin li \ it strong appeal for proper organiza- | Active worker for the" society, but ing car for snie cheap for | I ] A i th t time is unable to . . - . ek baer. Hi fll! tion in Canada. rho as ihe present Hide if Niue to Friday, your choice, of any Coat in "stock at exactly . ... . half price. 208 BAGOT STREET Fhone 1504w. : : Dr. Routley said that the key-note was, on motion ef Dr. Bell, made Hal {| to-day was organization. Under the ber of the society. | . . . title of "Proponent Inertia," he show. | 35 ROnorary membeg of the society. The balance of our stock of Ladies Silk Dresses--priced up SRERESENAMNNANNS [| vr. varices Th he part of he" poe peor ton re | resuled: an tolows = | 500 We--35 Iba. for ......500 Hi pace with tho ona ogion 16 eeh | 'progiqent, Dr. ey ichargon; ta $42.50 each. Friday, your choice ........ ... vive ea. $25.00 Xmas Photo hs Hi fecting | rersely. Thi vice-president, i ' ii PORK & BEANS | SRecting St Suverters aie was due | eagurer, 0. V. Bartels; secretary, : He ad ty | to sence of efficient organiza- ; Opens Tuesday and Saturday nights |[ll 300 tine Campbell's, 28 15¢ tin ry i Of 2.450 repiorored jroo br, W: i hanee; honorary solicitor, until after Christmas, to take i SR tioners in Ontario only 1,300 were Executive : Frederck Welch, S. R. Photographs, | . il members of the association. Three Bailey, W. H, Graham, S. T. Lilley Hours ... ... 7.80 to 10 p.m. 300 tins «+. 10¢. tin years ago the membership was but a Ayer ) er en A | 2 " 0 THE MARRISON STUDIO SALMON 200. [He advocated standardization | pop the county the same officers i OI fees as being an advantage of|,.y mentoned will act, with the Phone 1818w. 92 Princess Street. ao " a a -- 300 tins---choice Red--- fl both the doctor and the public. A § i | i . tive composed of J. W. Brad- 43c. tin Hl! branch should also be formed with | Secs Dr. G. W. 1 1 3 SUGAR | the object of bringing about a stan- | pel Willem Money and tne wor. | Draperies, Oilcloths, Linoleums, Carpets, Floor Rugs, Dress Goods, dardization of drugs. He regayded | gen 'of the count Granulated =. 10. Hl! the Workmen's Compensation bdard | ° 1" © > : : vo» . > | 5a tng thin odge of the wedge of state | \ omers Avereeed. Silks, Coatings, Sealette, Ladies Skirts. > {!l| medicine, The profession Was thor- adn a ' Hal, pegetand in Albers, bit |, OF W0Sitoy SPoning. & ory pou Must h for D ber Ist. h th {in Ontario it had no redress. He 3 : ust have more room for December Ist 1 estimated, that $4,000,000 was spent | ©f the Harrowsmith Farmers' Club +-Nence these price cuts, CASH AND CARRY ffl | annually in Ontario on quack medi- | Was held for the election of officers ALFRED and PRINCESS STS. {|| cines, whereas the public had a right | for the ensuing year. In apprecia- ' = : to demand that any man called upon | tion of the good work of last year's \ ! = e--===| {0 treat human aliments should have | officers, the meeting decided. to re- CARPENTERS, MASONS modern scientific training. He an- | elect all the present officers for an- " | ! : . | pounced that the association was |Other year. A resolution of apprecia- and PLUMBERS T 1 M hin {providing special lecturérs for local |tion was..tepdered to the manager dC es socjeties. and members of the staff of the Har- " a to buy a building Jot each. To All kinds of Phonographs re. / hoiunon o: Dr. Rowley; rowsmith. co-operative store, anys such group of men we will paired, cleaned, recharged and ' : : . , SS Suck Stoup I ma We wil iusted, Main am aed and he the membership fee at $6 a 5 Andrew's Centenary Sale, 7 "The Alwa S Bus St » "at from $200 up for-a deposit of springs for all makes in stock. year. Ross, MPP. m . i Friday, Nov. 26th, in St. Andrew's ; y V ore $25.00, balance payable in a year. Quick service, expert workman. lecture on the Lr opening his | Hall, at 3 p.m. Admission 10c. : This would enable them to have | ship. Medical Soe ihe Canadian : $he rial 8 he S1oung ready efforts to prevent the Ontario Legis- ShensTng. Work Ang. SHbLY. s 1 M PATRICK lature licensing ofher systems~ of X h a | 7 their spare time, the coar o5 fl | treatment, and but for his timely i . Csi mes SE ---- - building would be greatly re- [|| 140 SYDENHAM BT. work 1,200 mén who had never || | 1 id wh duced. A bullding loan could be Phone 2050J. recelved scientific training would | fi i R | v y Slase ed When bullding was gn- have been admitted to i in _ NOLAN-TERRION NUPTIALS . . Call for further particulars. the Province. His illustrated lec- iH | Kingston Young Man Takes Peter- DO YOU WANT TO OWN YOUR OWN HOME? = ture was most entertaining and in- | ugh § President Wilson has commuted structive. It included a description | Ji i The puis Sn rae. a ' || | the sentence of Franz von. Rintelen, | of the treatment of casualties and || at Peterborough, was the scene of a a & German convioted of war-time con- | disease with the result that typhoid, pretty wedding, Wednesday morn- ? € formerly t a | a y 80 Brock Bt. Phone 826 or 021 spiracy, on condition that he leaves rly the scourge of armies, was {ing, when Rev. Father O'Brien A semi-detached stone dwelling, a ith one acre of good garden land; . f the United States before next Janu- | Practically unknown in the Cana. | ary 1st. ' dian Army with the result that its Salted men Loar]. Tetrion, house heated by hot water; electr cally, lighted; 3 piece bath; in efficiency was unimpaired at the end | dore, of Peterborough, and Michael 800d condition. Immediate posse ssion. of the great conflict, and it was used { Nolan, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. wi 25 the Fpetrnend in the last victor. iN | George Nolan; of 196 Stuart street, AN $6000 ? A heart vote of" thank | Kingston. The bride entered the WL ny anks was tend- ju | church on the arm of her brother, ? THIS IS A RARE CHANCE. '0 ths speakers by Dr. Boyce. g i] | to the strains of the wedding march, . Fa ie ; | played by Mr. Armstrong. The bride E. WwW MULLIN & SON . - {ll looked charming in a navy blue * ST, PAUL'S SALE AND TEA, 6 | sult and bat to match and carried a "Specialists in Good Real Es ! | bouquet of sweetheart roses. She Cor. Jo reet: A Successful' Event Held on Wed- 3 | was assisted by Miss Mary Nolan, of Johnson and Division Sgreets. nesday Afternoon. t A ; 7 il | Kingston, sister of the-groomg who A ted and sale conducted by the | ll | looked pretty im a navy blue suit ladies of St. Paul's church Wed- ES | and carried a bouquet of white car- nesday afternoon and eve ng was : natons, while the groom was. sup- largely attended, and was a great || ji | ported by James Bedoré, brother of success. Miss Arthurs, president of ; ili the bride. the A.Y.P.A., received the guests. |[ll This is the 25th and should be | After the ceremony a dainty " 2 - he a table was presided over by | lll a strong reminder of the Christ- t broakvast was Jerveq at the bride's a : Glasses US. thurs, ' qlee Mrs. "Noble || - ™4# 25th--one month from to- ll! Kington Ry they at ul | Thompson, Mrs. Jordan, Miss Thurs- | [ff da. We urge early shopping-- Wl| received many beautiful presents. : * . 4 ton, Miss Cherry, Miss Dénby, Miss [fll this is the time to choose your Ml! The appy couple will reside in : 4 - rin es Grace Langsford; home-made table, Christmas gifts before the big [i | Peterborough. J F OR WOM . Mrs. Spence, Miss Spence, Miss Sa- fl rush commences. Furs make | -------------------------- iB vage; work table, Miss McClelland, | if Which is the more bacoming--a pretty pair Mrs." Asselstine; candy table, Miss the ideal gift and our enormous | FIRE IN A BANK of glasses, through which shine a pair of lus- ' | ' : ok ::: § of Elassen, through which shin w Sybil Mitchell, * Miss \ Myron, Miss stocks make the choosing easy. | AT HARROWSMITH Brown, Grey, Fawn, Taupe, Black, etc, in -A wrinkled countenance, with half closed togies, Miss Vera Sgunders received [ffl We can make to ordér on short | Damage of $600 in the Bank' | en gths lids and & frown always present? knot those present were: Dean |[| "OE any special garment. re. ff DAM20 of Nova Scotia ~~ 10,11 and 12 button | 4 " LOOK -AT YOURSELF : Starr, Archdeacon Dobbs, Rev. Dr. (fff auired or when one prefers to ffl z ' What dace your mitt or oot Lr If the igh [| Mecsiliivray, Canon J. W. Jones, || personally select the skias to [| Building. See our Special Leather Bound 12 Button hurts your eyes; if you have to squint 'When - | Rev. Dr, Wilson, Rev. W. T. G. il be used. ~ 1 On Tuesday afternoon, a fire which Gaiters In Taupe and Grey at $2.00. They looking at fine print; or 'if you are conscious of | | Brown, Rev. T. W..Savafy, Rev, J. As well as Furs we suggest In- fll started in the buflding occupied by | Ji are of excell t erial and 1 i ers ruining Jout eyes, bliuk ing or frowning, then Dr Sermon. Ret: Dr. Tormute, Rey. dian House Shoes, Furdined [ff the Bank of Nova Scotia, in the vil: | Ji oe ent materia and splendid fits you should let us fit you with glasses that will : T. McFadyen. brellas | damag open your eyes to the tu tility of going without The sum of $140 was realized. It Gloves or Mitts, Um ome iid . o to them. will be dijided as follows: $100 to Canes, Winter Coats and Caps. The fire started in the otalway Glasses that will make you see better and missions, $30 toward the furnace, | ji ' S M : look well at, consult: or. bri |and the balance to the A.Y.P.A. [ll DISCOUNTS ON OUR ENTIRE icuding to the feces] oer af i : teve . artin fund. ; i STOCK RANGE FROM | villagers, who used some chemicals | J .- : bs : ve and water, saved the raidnmicals Shoes of Merit and Distinction : : I 10 to 50% ( tine D 0 S ? Postponement of Sale, ] % being totally destroyed. . y o Velde Auction sale of L. C. Trotter, | i ALL SALES FOR CASH -------- wl Cushendall, has been postponed till Tendering a Banquet. EYESIGHT SPECIALIST + Tuesday, Nov. 30th. 0. B. Shorily, of Toronto, presi- 342 KING STREET Phone 1019w. ; : mens a dent of the Life Underwriters' Asso. : 4 d Tye By which drew the rug e Mills & Co. ciation of Canada, aifd J. H. Castle | w. gu Tonkin, Oshawa, is exhibit- | York Gounty Council plans to fd DRA y Mr. Bfown, of Ottiwa, lj | Graham. general secretary.g arrived ing in a store home-grgwn lemons, | cresse police force to cope with Furs--Hats--Millinery : { = err -t 44% 2 2 ar 11 for the House of Providence Ba. in the city this morning a " zaar, was No. 46, serial No. 105. ¥ & off are po- one weighing 1% Ibs. bandits. Mother-General, House of Provi- | | . dence. had the winning number. l - $ dsay was{died Monday evening in his 10 « Year. : en 4 Club this evening by the life insur- _ | ance men of Kingston. fomorial } labne ". a ing banquetted at the Frontenac The Victoria Cound. Veterans' Louis Faus, of South Dumf! in { }

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