Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 24 Nov 1920, p. 3

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WEDNESDAY, We are dependj)g enormous 'sale " Best of all Coug to enable us to keep it at the old other mixtures have advanced te 35 «nd 40 cents, want the price and good quality to reuain the sae as before, Get at for Vuone OU. -- NOV. 24, 1920, | The First Bark ---- fs Hickey's upon. the this--the Mixtures-- of h price of 25 cents. All bat we 2 quarter Eest's & Slore, at The : vpuiar a. Upen Sundays. y---- ns ' Kez! ley Jr, M.0.D.0. Insure Against After Regrets by Keeley Jr, M.O.D.O. The optometrist of to-day to do good work must not only be equipped with the best mechan- ical apparatus but must have that WHICH ONLY LONG EXPERI- ENCE CAN GIVE. It is this combination of min. and machinery of experience and Keeley's Kingston. Using Glasses Prescribed, Made and Fitted by knowledge in its use A that makes tery unique in equipment service Drummond township council ip council will | submit a by-law to the ratepayers in || January to raise $4,000 to be donat- ed t ture. JAPANNED . to the memorial hospital which is to be erected in Perth in the near fu- 208 ARE ---The time of one --Qur prices Jewelers Mepairs, =f Told In 0 Our Sar SALESMAKERS AND BECOMING GREATER staff is devoted to them. { ~They<are full of suggestions for Xmas. --Are very frequently changed --Are illuminated every night. --They will prove an education and a time and worry saver. » --Look over their contents for Xmas. buying. are completely convincing. SMITH BROS. Limited v'Esfablished 1840. " 850 King Street AUMADS COrLeY Telephone 987. Wanting anything doae 'n the earpeas Estimates given on all Kinds of repairs and mew work; also bhard- wood floors of all kinds. will receive prompt attention. ~ Que me 1 SCOTT'S GARAGE line, All order Shop: en Street. Washing and Storage One 1915 Mclinghlin Tours fug car for Sly cheap fox a yuick buye BAO SE ET Phone IND4wW. FOR CHILLY Make home comfortable our new Perfection Heat ROOMS by having one of ers in your house to light when you feel that chill that some- times means the starting of a severe cold. NICKLE-PLATED .. .. ceive. $4.50 isis... 38.50 New Quebec Heaters With oven and water front. An ideal new type of stove for a small kitchen. WithoutOven ........ WithOven'.......:. .$20.00.to0 $25.00 teers. $40.00 Large assortment to choos from. McKELVEY & BIRCH, LTD. Big Busy Hardware, Kingston. ' Wait for our Big Sale and Demonstration of Aluminum Ware, Dec. 5th to | Ith BROCK STREET rns ese of our sales | THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. . Twilight (Notice--Hereafter, the Whig, in mmoen anada, wlll make a charge of $1 | r inserting an engagement, mur rlage or reception anmouacemeant. To get the Whig's society writer, slephone No. 857w., 189 Earl street. £ 5 * dance at the Royal Military » on Saturday evening was a larly jolly one, as there were any ex-cadets in town, anxious a dance with the partners of college days, Lady 'Macdonell received the guests, and theiband of the R.C.H.A. played a splendid. pro- gramme of dance music. Supperiwas rved in thg-basement of 'the gym. during the ~sviliing. Among those resent. were: Col. and Mrs. Kenneth Perry, Col. anc Mrs. Frances Con- stantine, Prof. and Mrs. Frank Day, Mr, and Mrs, Charles Hanson, Mont- real, Mrs. Howard Penhale, Miss All- on 'Macdonell, Miss Adair, Montreal, Miss Mangaret Hemming, Miss Har- riett Gardiner, Miss Bessie Stewart, Miss Kathleen and Miss Edith Car- thers, M.ss Jean Dargavel, Elgin, Miss Helen Strange, Miss Margaret Cunningham, Miss Parker, England, Miss Mary Jone Miss Florence Emery, Miss. Louise Hill, Miss Ger- | trude McKelvey, Miss #oulkes, Miss Katherine Isabel Minnes, Miss Doris McKay, freys, Miss Cecile real, Miss Doris Browne, Miss Lucy | Waddell, Miss Mariou Grimison, Miss Clara Farrell, Miss Josephine Cos- sitt, Brockville, Miss Laura Kilborn, Miss Katle and Miss Nora Berming- ham and Miss Ayre, Montreal. * . partic SO and Harwood, Mont- | entertained at Quar- | Macdonell at the Commandant's ters, Royal Military College, I'uesday afternoon. Three tables were in play and Mrs, F. Hill was he lucky prize winner. Those play- ing were Mrs. Iva Martin, Mrs, J. Bell . Carruthers, Mrs. Alexander Macphail, Mrs. Campbell Strange, | Mrs. Frank Strange, Mrs. Bremner, Mrs. W. Bermingham, Mrs. R. E. Kent, Mrs. James Hamil- ton, Mrs. F. Hill, Miss Hora and Miss Audrey Taylor, Mrs. Norman Stewart Lesslie came in at the tea hour with Miss Rhoda Wurtell, who made the tea at the pretty table, }{ centred with pink tulle and pink carnations. Mss Adair, Montreal, and Miss Audrey Taylor, assisted Miss Alison Macdonell in the tea | room. Lady bridge A. S. Ferguson, . Professor and Mrs. | Elmhurst Apartments, entertained at supper after the concert in Grant Hall on Monday evening when their guests had the pleasure of meeting Jan Hambourg and Alberto Guerrero, whose lovely music so delighted the large audiepce who had heard these | great artists for the second time this | season and who are looking forward | to hearing them again during the win iter. Mrs. Jan Hambourg, who had come down from Toronto with her | husband, was a Welcome guest, . Col. Hugh Walkem, D.8.0.,, who was in town for the Varsity-McGiil | match was the guest of his uncle, J. B. Walkem and his aunt, Mrs. Bart- lett, at "Kewadin." Cok Walkem spent his short stay in town in visiting old friends of his boyhood days and spoke im both Sunday schools of St. George's parish, ac- comupanying Dean. Starr to St. George's .Missien, in which he was most interested. * . * A, ns Miss Gertrude Grimshaw, Division street, entertained at a. most enjoy- able tea on Friday afternoon in hon- or of her sister, Mrs. Jack O Grady. The drawing-room was very guests went out*and had a cup of tea before the big open fire, and said good-bye to Mrs, O'Grady, who leaving shortly for her home in Sud- | bury. , * i . and Mrs. lawn," entertained the play on their house guests, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Osler and Mr. and Mrs. Nor- man Seagram, Toronto. Some ol the members of the , "Dumbells" company were present and a jolly | hour was spent in music and danc- ting. . Willie Harty, * at Mr. . and Mrs. Richard AYkroyd, | with their daughters, Miss Helen {and Mis§ Crystal, Wainwright, Al- i bertd, are in the city, en route to Mr. HARRISON'S Stock Reduci All This Week Until November 27th 20% Discount on all Carpets, Curtains and Draperies We also include all Bedroom Furniture in . Walnut and Mahogany, Ivory and White achines. Enamel, 20 Oak Buffets, This is Your Opportunity. All Sales for a ing Sale Rugs, Linoléums, 15 White Sewing 4 if | Scotland, London, England, and Edinburgh, where they will spend the winter. Miss Helen Aykroyd will | remain in Edinburgh to study music and art, and to complete her educa- tion. ' § : * . . Mrelid R. Davis will raceive for the Airst time at her home, 104 «Frontenac street, on Friday, Nov. 26th, from 3.30 to 6.30, and the first Friday of each month after the New Year. 7] - - . For a dance in the;City Hall, by the staff of 'C" unit; D.S.C.R., the patronesses are Mrs. D. E. Mundell. Mrs. W. A. Jones, Mrs. J. R. Quig- ley and Mrs, RL. Reid. e » ». Mrs. A. W. Winnett, Bagot street, - "Diamond Dyes" 'No Risk Then! y Don't Spoil or Streak Material in Dyes that Fade or Run «ali palKABge ul contains directions so sitnple that any { woman can diamond dye a new, rich, | fadeless color into worn, shabby. gar- ments, draperies, coverings, whether wool, silk, linen, cotton or mixed | goods. | Buy "Diamond Dyes" --no othe: } | kind--then peffect results are guar- anteed even if you have never dyed before. Druggist has color card. idea with other papers all over! Frances | Miss Miss Barbara Bidwell, | Miss Lucile Jets | [ter have gone up to Toronto to join | on [in town for the week-end, and was Robert | | Kingston at bridge on 'Tuesday entertain ed | some of the young mairons: The prizes were won by Mrs, W, Bartlett Dalton and Mrs. Herbert Steacy. . = tt Dalton, Jr., will rst time since her | lla St, Clare apart- S on Thursday noons, Nov, 26th and Mrs. W. Bar rective for th marriage. at 6 °V ments, B and Friday aft 26th, eet, . . here have been - severa small | paXties given for Miss Re Cas- | seiman, who is in town from .Iro- | quois. . - Major and Mrs. Lawson, Clergy street, have returned to town. : Sir Arthur Curry was the guest of Brig.-Gen. and Mrs. William King during his visit to town with the Me- Gill team. Miss Jean Dargavel, who was with Dr. and Mrs. R. J. Gardiner, "The Chestnuts," for the match and the i R.M.C. dance on Saturday, returned to Eigin on Monday. Miss Helen Shearer i8 mow with Mrs. E. J. B. Pense, West street, Mrs. W. L. Goodwin, who has been visiting her daughter, Mrs. Bertram Stirling, in Sherbrooke, Que., return- ed to town on Saturday. Messrs. Padmore, William and Douglas Nickie, Toronto, were in {town for the football match and were | with Mr. and Mrs. W. F, Nickle, Eari | street, | "Mrs. M. KeMnedy and Miss Mabel { Kennedy, Johnson street, left on | Sunday to visit. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Kennedy, 24 Fylton avenue, To- ronto. Mrs. H. E. Richardson, who has oe: n in Toronto with Mr. and"Mrs" { Arthur Craig, returned to town to- | day. Mrs. W, B. | the guest of Mrs. A. W. Winnett, | got street. Mrs. Curzon-Smith and her daugh- a a YA BEY Mudie, Gananoque, is Ba- Samson. Bradshaw, Quebec, was Lieut.-Col. and Mrs. Mrs. A. E. at the Chateau. Belvidere. Dr. W. F. Jackson, who was town on Monday, has returned Brockville. Miss Morrison, Toronto, and Miss Ayre, Montreal, were in town for the week-end. Mrs. Buchanan and Mrs. Harold Beattie, Toronto, came down for the Varsity-McGill match. Mr. and Miss Campbell, Toronto, who were in town for the mateh and dance at the R.M.C., were at the Belvidere. . LJ . Mrs. John Cochran®s and Miss Ruth Cochrane, Victoria, B.C., who have been visiting Dr. W. J. Cochrane, of the Royal Victoria Hospital, Mont- real, for the past month, arrived in town to-day and will epend some time with Mrs. WYHiam Cochrane, 164 Frontenac street, before continuing their journey to the far west. § Dr. W. F. Clark has returned to Montreal ,after spending the week- end in town. Dr and Mrs! Herbert Murphy, Kamloops, B.C., are visiting the for- mer's sister, Mrs. O. D. Skelton, and Dean Skelton, Albert street. Dr. Phillips Macdonnell has re, turned from England and is with Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Macdonnell, Uni- versity avenue. Miss Josephine Comstock was in town from Brockville for the R.M.C. dance." Mr. and Mrs. up to Toronto to-daw for visit, A I es Elmer Davis went a short . » » Miss Lucille Jeffery and Miss Ce- | cile Harwood, Montreal, were in for the - McGill-Varsity match and the dancg at the Royal Military College. Stuart Livingston, Montreal, spent, the week-end wih his mother, preisy | with rosesshaded candles and many | Rose- | supper after! Saturday evening for Mrs, W. J. Livingston, Princess street Mrs. L. T. Best, Albert street, re- turned on Monday from Toronto, where she spent two very enjoyable | weeks with her many friends. - * . Mrs John Abbott an- engagement of their youngest daughter; Cora' Gladys, to Edward Harcourt, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Revell, the mar- riage, to take place quietly on Decem- ber 1st. (Continued on Page 8.) Mr. and nounce the Ladies of Sydenham street church will hold their tea and sale 'in the. Lecture Hall of the church, Nov. 25, from 3 to 7 p.m. St. Friday, Nov. Hall, "at 3 p.m. ARE FINDING ~ DIFFICULTY In Making Official Shuck, Sti=- pends Meet High Cos of Living. London, Nov. 24. --High dignitar- ies of the English church are finding difficulty in making their official stipends meet the high cost of liv- ing. Dr. Winnington Ingram, the bish- op' of London, has leased his town mansion in St. James' Square and announces that he is quite prepared to give up Fulham Palace, 'his mag- nificent official residence. The bish- Andrew's C entenary Sale. 26th, in St. Andrew's Admission 10c. A op's stipend is £10,000 a yéar. Be- ing a man of simple habits, he does 1ot-spend- £1,000 a year-on himself, et he is often heard to say that he 8 "worse off now than when he was a curate." "The archbishop of York and pri- mate of England, Cosmo Gordon Lang, declares that it is 4 ite im- possible for him to maintiin his home, Bishopthorpe Palace, and en- tertain his clergy adequately, on his official income of £9,000 a year, al- though he is a bachelor, says the Evening Standard. The bishop of Winchester, with £6,500 annual income, is in a similar plight. He has to maintain Farnham Castle, the la bishop's palace in this country, with a deer park which is one of the nights' of Eng- land. The bishop of Lichfield definitely announces that ¥e is about to change his palace fof a small house. ' He states that, although the yearly in- wm ir A * Sno ym | atternoon, when her guests were | PROBS: --Thursday, unsettled; lower Sempgrature a HTH Thursda A day of rare bargain obportiiities at Steacy's Our constant appeal is to all those thrifty women who consider only quality merchandise at prices that we guarantee to be at the lowest possible level. Y iad] I. NIUE Potash Ye. Yor ot Jn ® n 7 i they last Sale Price Broadcloth; full 54 ~~ See sary official charges .eave him only £1,200 for the upkeep of tne palace, £2,000 per bishop of Worcester, who draws £3,900, is also considering the advisability of leaving ais vast po.- ace, Hartlebury Cas..e, to t.ke a more modest dwe....g. Hoi, Peter Smith announces a sweeping change in the system for censoring movie films. One man is to be responsible. : By forever looking for -faults and short comings in your neig shbor, you overlook your.own. NL AT) iefbatritd come of his see is £4,200, the neces- CHOICE BOTANY WOOL SERGE DRESSES, $16.95 50 only, Botany Wool Navy and Black Serge Dresses --Silk em- = broidered and beaded trimmed; regular values to $37.50; while A Final Clearance GREY COTTON, 2,300 yds.--all we could secure-- at almost 1007 former retail price of this self-same Cotton was 30c. a yard; full 36 inches wide, and good quality to-day at 25c. the lowest Cotton price offered to the public for five years. TO-MORROW . ... .. FRENCH BROADCLOTH 300 yds. secured fram an insolosty suit manufacturer, of fine French in 50 New Winter Coats Regular $42.50 to $50.00 Values Tomorrow $24.95 This is positively the greatest value-giving Coat Bargain of the entire season. An op- portunity that you should avail yourself of if in need of a good, warm, all-wool winter Coat. 50 All-Wool Velour, Silvertone and 24 oz. All-Wool Chinchilla Cloth Coats -- in plain and fur-trimmed styles-- the sea- son's smartest modes and colors. Sizes 16 to 40. Your choice . . . . Sale Price, $24.95 HCE AR i ------ ----. I MILLINERY! 150 new Fall and Winter Hats-- must be disposed of in the next three days to make room for Christmas merchandise. Our entire stock to clear; all marked in plain figures. HALF PRICE 17¢. $16.95 ) saving to you. The While it lasts, at this, Nos Sr ve on 176. YARD "ven wide. T he snades are Navy, Nigger Brown and Oxford Grey; reg. $6.50. TO-MORROW .......:... See Our Window for Additional Bargains! Steacy's - "The store that forced prices to new low levels" LEH TA 0 1 .$4.48 aja las + + 0 8 ee ese as Limited NEW FALL BOOTS Al Leather Goodyear Welts--in Black and Brown. Our price . $10.00 (We carry no shoddy) RUBBERS and SPATS > -- - Sper) # their raz JACK JOHNSTON'S SHOE STORE Plone LL 70 Brocs St. WHOLE FAMILY When the hugs bird attacked Wal FIGH'S AN EAGLE [ter in tho ranch yard, he vel it by the neck and screamed Giant |B! rd Tries to Carry Off np john, his seven-year-old Eight-year-cid ne. came to the rescue, and a th | boy ran for he.p, Mrs Spauidi | peat off the, bird with a stick, af took | the eagle cked her. She Ww Bpauld- | saved whe r. Spaulding cama wi save eight-|a shotgun and dispaiched the bin spaniding from be-11t had a spread of eight feet. r by a giant sagel atl The two boys were severs! lated by ihe eagle's claws. y tacer< ch Sind 1

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