Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 24 Nov 1920, p. 1

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ON SALE. Special Bargains in SHIRTS, NECKWEAR, CAPS and HATS Our best grades only Collier's The Da YEAR 87: : ASQ UITH With Regard to Outrages Against Crown Forces in Ireland --Government Anxious Over Fate of Home Rule Bill In House of Lords. _ London, Nov. 24. --H. H. Asquith, former premier aud leader of the op- position in the House of Commons, was prepared to-day to move a re- 'solution Londemning "the outrages against the crown forces and civil- fans In Ireland. The resolution he had written expressed abhorrence of the brutal assassination of offi- cers in Dublin last Sunday, deplored and condemned the action of the Irish executive department in "at- tempting to suppress crime by meth- ods of terrorism in reprisals, involv- ing Mves and property of innocent persons," and declared the urgency of taking immediate steps to bring about pacification which is demanded in the interests of Irelang and the empire. = " The government has indica that gpere is no objection to a de on the subject, but fear was expre ed to-day that further excited scer might develop during the discussion. It is said the government is rather anxious over the fate "bf the Home Rule bill in the House of Lords, where threats of rather drastic amendments have been made, » t ed Killed in Guard House, London, Nov. 24.--During a des- »> Priest's Removal Causes Excitement == Cork, Nov. 24.-- Kidnapping of three army officers at .- Waterfall, county Cork, last week, has been fol- * lowed by the posting of the following notice in Cork this morning 1 Captain Green, Captain Chambers and Lieut.- Watts are not released, un- harmed, within forty-eight leading members of the Irish repub- ate | exp | speech EDT0 MOVE RESOLUTION OF CONDEMNATION | dead prisc i | | | a -- perate attempt to escape after throw- ing bombs and firing rifles at their guards, three young Sinn Feiners, Peter Clancy, Richard McKee, and T. C. Clune, were killed in the Guard Housa at the Dublin Bridewell. The rs were leading members 'murder gang'; othe » being sought in a hou arch of Dublin, Clancy, the police declare, member of the inner circle of_the gang, McKee was chief of the explo- sives section, and member Dublin executive body of Republican Army, while Clune w an officer of the notorious Tipperary murder de All of them hac arrested connection with the Sunday morning assasstnations. of the Du of whom tc hou e been To Give the Facts. London, Nov. 24.---Complete and emphatic vindication of the British policy in Ireland, with the promise of even sterner measures if necessary, ed to be the keynote of the of Sir Hamar CGCreenwoot, Chief Secretary for Ireland, 8 | thorities a of the | the Irish sugar ; HOLIDAYS SPREAD "GRIP" IN PARIS ! 24. --Two-thirds 1abitants of Paris have According to hospi- icials, it is the fault of too vy holidays The constant :brations of saints' days, of | battle victories and of armistice and peace days, enabling em- ployees to walk the streets and inhale the damp air, has result- ed in the present widespread epidemic Nov Attempt to Extort Money By Kidnapping Youth lle, Vt., Nov. 24.--The au- re investigating an attempt hy unknown individuals to obtain | money from Mrs. Maude Laplant, of Morr was a [Hyde Park, by kidnapping her sev- | enteen-year-old son, Grover. The youth was found dazed and half frozen in'a small building in a maple orchard on Saturday night. {On Saturday morning Mrs. Laplant found in a box nailed to a post near her home a letter demanding she leave $600 in the box in payment | | for her son's return and saying that {otherwise "his body will be disposed | for upon acceptance of the treaty by of." RIVER SEVERN WILL HARN is | Western England to Obtain Limitless | Electric Power, London, Nov. in the% example set by Canadian enterprises, Irish debate to-morrow, in the House | the British ministry has planned to of Commons. The speech is®awaited | harness the River Severn for general with absorbing interest. It is declared | electric that Greenwood will face the Cam- mons member fortified by #& mass of | scheme includes b |and Wales, and even London. uilding a dam ac- captured Sinn Fein evidence giving | ross the river, by which a limitless details of a systematic plan for an ats (amount of power could be generated, tac upon the lives of Ministers and the destruction of Crown property. i DUCK HUNTER KILLED WITH Own SHOTGUN pon Accidentally charged When Boy Slips on Snow. Alexandria Bay, N.Y. Nob. 24 -- Harry Hibbard, aged sixteen, young- St ch would mean a saving of hun- to industries and to a great spurt of industry stern England. | rb {MONTREAL-TORONTO | Dis= | son of Mr. and Mrs. William Hib- | AND N. Y. AIR SERVICE To be Inaugurated Next Sum- mer--Speed of 127 Miles an Hour. Montreal, Nov, 24. --Passenger seryice by air between Montreal, To- bard, was accidentally shot and killed {ronto and ,New York, will be inau- while hunting ducks on Sand Shoals | gurated early next summer, | island, near Goose Bay, hours, | tican army will be suitably dealt with. | Ignore this at your peril. - Vengeance may. be slow, but it will be sure." Carrick-on-the-Shannon, Ireland, Hibbard was camping © with his |ada Steamship says J. W. Norcross, president of the Can- Lines, who has re- father and brothers, James and Jack, | turned from a trip of 8everal months in Mr. Hibbard"s shack on No. 9 is- {to England and the continent. While land in Goose Bay. He started out | alone to hunt and a short time late: | Sanford McCue, who. lives at Grose Nay. 24.--Removal of a welbk-kfiown | local priest to an unknown destina- tion by military officers, created -a great excitement here to-day. Arrest Last of Slayers, Quebec, Nov. 24.---Detecuve Fred Roussin wired from Port Huron, Michigan, announcing the arrest of "Little George." This will probably prove the last lap in running to earth the murderers of Toter Kostinion, who was murdered at Kenogami, on July 27th, 1918. A Quartet were concerned in this | murder, two of them, Nik Debaka and George Morhari, were hanged July in jail awaiting trial at Chicoutimi, Debaka- and Morhari, at their trial, swore that "Big Mike' and "Little George" had shot Kostinion, subse- quently robbing him. Action Is Taken. Geneva, Nov. 24,--Action in con- formity with the resolution for Ar- menian intervention, recently passed by the assembly of the League of Nations, was taken to-day by the council of the league. ¢ A campaign for $200,000 for a new English-speaking Roman Catho- He high school in Montreal started with subscriptions of $54,100. CPP PP IL EPC ITE H EEK PRINCES f + EX-GR i, ARRIVE IN ATHENS * %» +* + + % 'Athens, Nov. 24.--Pripces<An- + # dreas and Christopher" brothers # # of ex-King Constantine of % Greece, arrived in Athens this + % afternoon. The princes were es- % * corted by a large and enthusias- # tic crowd to the palace from the | # dock at which their steamer ar- iL, Wy * + ved from Italy. * | | | { { | | Childs' restaurants operating in this f er. ham and bacon orders were all {of Wales visited here recently, «& | lowered three cents a portion, while | Presented the souvenir guest book of + | liver and onions are now being ofier- | the Wentworth historical society to Bay, heard shots 'and cries for help. Going to investigate, Mr. McCue found the boy lying on the ground with a wound in his throat. The gun the boy was carrying was an old style double barreled shotgun, and the supposition is that the fresh |snow onthe ground caused him to slip and fall on the muzzle of his gun, which discharged into the throat. Mr. McCue and Holland Comstock | placed the boy in McCue's motor boat and brought him to the bay as quick- ly as posible. Dr. C. B. Forsythe was called, but there was noting he could do. | GENERAL AMNESTY 15th last, while Mike Praska is now | GRANTED IN GREECE Chamber will Meet Saturday With Conservative Leader as President. Athens, Nov. 24.--A semi-official statement, says the Chamber, which will meet next Saturday, will have the character of a Constitutional As- sembly, and that the government will ask M. Stratos, the National Con- servative party leader, to take the Presidency of the Chamber. In announcing the restoration to duty of officers who were dismissed from the army because of political opinions, the government days that other officers shall not be affected. A decree, printed in the official journal today, grants a general am- Jesty. Restaurant Prices Drop. Montreal, Nov. 24.--The three city yesterday made a substantial re- duction in some of their prifes. Liv- ed at pre-war priges. Ten cents was taken off the charge fof broiled ba- % | con, while most of the other dishes CEP EPI eee % & & 4 4 ¢ have also been reduced by five cents. Dunraven Moves the Rejection Of the Irish Home Rule Bil] _ London, Nov. 24.--The opening of | the debate on the Irish Home Rule i ' afforded a notable contrast bill in the House of Lords yesterday | Act of 1914 to the | come intno operation, Pointing out that unless this pres- ent bill was passed, the Home Rule would: automatically directly the apathy displayed when the measure | peace treaty with Turkey is ratified, consideration in Commons. The. under of was House man yd : George, and S the | he formally announced that the gov- Upper [ernment would not make itself re- House was érowded and many of the | sponsible for a simple répeal of the mbers of the Commons, including { 1914 act. Andrew Bonar Law | was ir Edward Carson, listened to |only danger to the bill Jay in a co- Lord Birkenhead said he convinced, however, that the Lord Birkenhead's speech introduc- | alition of those thinking the bill di ing the bill. crowded. Many peeresses were in | not go far enough, and those think- » gallerias, and the strangers | ing it went too far. "Strange as'it mighht seem," said the provisions of the | Lords Birkenhead, "! think it is a enhead read a letter | favorable opportunity to efiect a set- dward Carson, in which | tlement, because the Irish people are 'nionist Ledder deciared he and 5 had made up o accept the bill and work the measure loyally. ues | | sick and tired of the horrible reign | their | of terrorism." { The Earl of Dunraven, on ground that the bill was not sup- rkenhead suggested that a | ported by the majority of Irishmen mo.ive for the murder of | and afforded no prospect of a per- 2rs in Dublin Sunday was y manent settlement, moved its rejec- @ 1d declared there was evi- are Qeingz beaten. it would have on this | tion, dedlaring it an honest, but ig- norantly honest, attempt on the part Ence that the Stun Fein extremists | of the government to settle the Irish question. | | i in England, Mr. Norcross contracted for two seaplanes, which will have a capacity for carrying twelve passen- gers each, in addition to two pilots. The planes are capable of degeloping a speed of 127 miles an hour. The service will follow the water courses between the three centres, thus as- suring a maximum of safety of the passengers of the air craft, SMUGGLER'S BOAT SOLD Ford Sedan, However, Brings Better Price, $630. Ogdensburg, N.Y., Nov. 24.--A Ford sedan and a steam yacht seized by government agents in connection with violations of the Volstead act, were sold at auctipn.at the customs house here this afternoon. C. Kellar, of Morristown, secured the car for $630 and George Murrey, of Ogdens- burg, bought the steam yacht for $25. The sedan was seized Sept. 29th and the yacht Aug. 31st. Foch Optimistic of Future. Strassburg, Alsace-Lorraine, Nov. 24 --A large bronze plague commem- orating - "The Marseillaise," the French national song, which was written here in 1792 by Capt. Claude Joseph Rouget de Lisle, was present- ed to Strassburg by a delegation frof Milwaukee, Wis. The ceremony of presentation gave tor Marshal Foch an opportunity to voice his optimism as to the future. "When I recall the past and when I see the present," sui? Marshal Foch, 'I do not doubt the future that awaits us." Sidi -- Mrs. John Crerar Dead. Hamilton,. Nov. 24.---Mrs, John Crerar, widow of the formér Crown "Attorney, ied on Monday. She was well-known for her patridtic 'and philanthropic work. When the Prince she him. As Jessic Hope, Mrs. Crerar danced with a former Prince of Wales, who later became King Ed- ward, at the time of his visit to Lon- don in 1860, KINGSTON, ONTARIO. that | 24.--Following the | purposes in western England | dhe [ties of Neuilly and Sevres will find lv |out, all the treaties, including the | covenant, | Turks | stantinople or the day the Bulgari-, WEDNESDAY, NOV ALLIES CAUGHT | OFF BALANCE | | | | | Constantine Party is Working | Fas. to Restore the Ex-King. Paris, Nov. 24.--The speed with which the Constantine party in Greece is completing its programme {to restore the former king to the | throne has caught the Allies off | balance. So swiftly are events mov- ling, with the plebiscite to select the | new ruler set for Novembér 2th | {and the ratificatiod of' the Sevres | treaty due to come this week, that {even if the Allies planned to protest |against Constantine's return, their | protests would undoubtedly prove [ futile. : The iting of Constantine must accomplished simultaneously | | with the ratification of the treaty, 8 | be | Greece, the Allies would have no | possible means of retaliation , by | altering the Sevres terms to suit | themselves. | The following facts must | faced then by Allled statesmen : { Premier Rhallis logically declares | that the Greek people have of their own free will determined to have no other ruler than Constantine. The powers who signed the trea- be | themselves bound to respect the | treaty with Greece who will have alidly ratified the agreement. Haste is Urged. Furthermore, as the Temps points provide that the day the cross the Greek border-- thirty kilometers distant from Con- ans cross the border that deprives her of access to the Aegean Sea on that day, France, England and Italy will be forced to intervene. "After our wartime experiences," theyTemps continues, "can we 'pro- mise Constantine that we will pro- tect him against Turkey and Bul- garia?"' "Unless we reply to this" latest move within a week, we cannot. pre- vent the Greeks and Turks from joining hands just as the Turkish Nationalists and the Bolshevists have done. We must waste no time when the fate of such an important position is concerned. We do not know what may happen next spring, especially in the Orient and in Po- land." French opinion cannot under- stand why the ill-healtfl of Lord Curzon should delay the proposed meeting of Lloyd George and Pre- mier. Leygues, while a British ad- miral is conferring with Constantine in Lucerne. RT. HON. JESSE COLLINGS Famous Victorian parliamentarian, who died at Edgbaston, Birmingham, in' his 90th year. | i Deserted Wives Act. Regina, Sask., Nov. 24.--Among the three bills passed in the provin- cial legislature was _ one which amends the Deserted Wives' Act, au- thorizing the maximum weekly al- lowance that may be ordered by a police magistrate to a deserted wife to be increased from $10 a week, as it stands now, to $20 a week. - » . 24, 1920, $1,000,000 IN DRUGS : SEIZED IN U.S. New York, Név. 24.--More than a million dollars of nar- cotics soon will be available for use in hospitals throughout the United States as the result of seizures by government agents here within the" past two months, it is- announced by Frank L. Boyd, supervisor of the Prohibition Enforcement Department. The drugs are, principally morphine and co- caine. Ia TO RESTOCK SHELVES OF BELGIAN SAVANTS Many Rare and Valuable Vol- umes Offered by German Professors. Louvain, Belgium,"Nov, 24.--Per- sonal libraries-of German savants are being purchased to restock the shel- ves of the Louvain Library looted by the Germans in the war, The German | professors are hard hit by heavy ta- xation and the high cgst «f living and many rare and valuable volumes have thus come into the market. M. Louis Stainier, director of the Library Restoration Commitive, told a correspondent of the London Daily News here that Louvain was very grateful for the consignment of books from American well-wishers al- though, as he put it, the American collection being an essentially mod- | erh one, had more of a "universal" than a "university" character. No building yet exists in Louvain adequate to receive the new library and the books thus far obtained, in- cluding 35,000 volumes from Eng- land, are scattered wherever tempor- ary accommodation can be found for them. CLAIMS ALIMONY OF $500 A MONTH Part of the Evidence in Action Was Heard: in Camera. hos Nov. 24.--An action in which Mrs. Lillian ' Grace Orford claims interim alimony of $500 a month from her husband, Frederick Orford, of this city, described as a financier and capitalist, was com- menced before Justice Orde, at Os- goode Hall, and after two sessions the case was adjourned until Friday. Part of the morning session and also the earlier part of the sitting in the afternoon was held in camera, the evidence being in connection with events subsequent to arrivyl of the couple in England after thelr mar- riage. The plaintiff claims that the defendant is worth $500,000 and has an annual income of $25,000. Her action claims permanent alimony of $600 a month. Ex=-Kaiser's Corfu Villa "To Receive Former Owner Toronto, Corfu, Nov. 24. --Archilleion Villa, the property of the former Emperor William of Germany, is being re- painted and thoroughly put in order as if to receive a guest. The neighborhood has been clean- ed up, and the avenue leading to the villa from the main road, which during the regime of Premier Veni- zelos, was known as "Liberty ave- nue," now bears its "Avenue William 11." It is rumored here that one of the first efforts of Queen Sophia upon returning to Athens will be to se- cure consent from the Allies for a visit of the former emperor to Corfu. Premier Drury in Winnipeg Friday, December 10th Winnipeg, Nov. 24. --Firday, Dec. 10th, has been fixed for the appear- ance of Premier Drury of Ontario and Hon. T. A. Grerar before a Win- nipeg audience, to speak on the new national policy as advocated by the organized farmers of Canada. The meeting will be held in the Indus- trial Bureau, recently the scene of meetings addressed by Hon. Macken- zie King and Rt. Hon. Arthur Meighen; and will be under the aus- pices of the United Farmers of Mani- toba. Tie Argos and Torontos are order- ed to play off the last half«gf their rugby game. There will be no final or Saturday. the | aL SR SS ¢ REBUILDING SHATTERED HALIFAX. "A street of new buildings erected in the Hydrostone section of Halifax by the Govern- ment Housing Commission, replacing the build ings destroyed in the explosion of 1917. - 4 ily British Whig DOUGHTY DENIES Oregon City, Ore., Nov. 24.--John Doughty, private secretary to Am- brose Small, Toronto captialist, for whom/ 'an international search has been made since his disappearance Deceggber 28th, 1919, was arrested under the name of Charles Cooper Doughty denies any knowledge of the whereabouts of Ambrose Small He is returning to Torontp volun- tarily. A. P. Mitchell, Toronto police of- ficer, who has been here working on the case, said he recognized Doughty at Oregon City. According to Mit- chell and Oregon City police, Doughty admited his identity and confessed he took the $100,000 of bonds he is alleged to have stolen. The bonds, he said, were deposited in Chicago and would be surren- dered. The officers declared Doughty de- inied he abducted Small. He clared 'to took Small a theatre one night and lost track of him there. Doughty had obtained work in the paper mill as a common laborer and had worked up to the position of assistant foreman in one of the departments. de- to A Remarkable Mystery. The case of Ambrose J. Small, the millionaire theatre owner, is one of the most remarkable mysteries to puzzle™the police of Canada for many years. Mr. Small disappeared from Toronto, December 2nd, 1919, just after he had closed a big finan- cial deal in Montreal. He had that day deposited,a cheque for a million. dollars. in the | bank. Mr. Small placed his wife {in a car about five o'clock in the afternoon, and that is .the last she has seen of him, and no trace of him has sincé been found, or at least reported. He promised to be home for dinner, and was, apparent- ily. in good health and spirits at the | time of his disappearance. A reward of $50,000 was suse- quently offered for information of TO HELP EMIGRANTS IN OTHER LANDS -- And Also to Protect Them in Locating in Lands From Home. Rome, Nov: 24.--A syndicate with organized here to promote emigra- tion and assist the Italian emigrants in their enterprises in which they may engage In other countries. It is intended also to make a study of the opportunities offered by the for- eign countries to Italian immigrants and to protect them in their efforts {to find new homes and means of live- original title. lihood outside of Italy. | The syndicate includes in its mem- | bership some of the most important | Italian banks, steamship companies | and representatives of workmen's | organizations, both socialist and Ca- i tholic. In order to equip the emigrants for new modes of life in foreign countries, special schools have been founded to teach them to read and write and to train them for trades or for farm work. ~ It is understood here that Brazil is the country having the greatest need for workers but that Brazil re- quires, not so many individual im- migrants as it needs entire families |to populate the immense extent of land. Furthermore, Italian emigra- tion to Brazil is held somewhat in check by the belief that large cap- ital would be needed to. cut the for- ests from the 1nd which the Brazil- ian government desires to populate. It is pointed out that the syndicate now organized may furnish some of the capital required for that pur- pose. the net over- "The military tightened around Dublin' The prison flows with prisoners. a capital of 3,500,000 lire has been 1 te Collier's LAST EDITION. KNOWLEDGE ~~ OF THE FATE OF A. J. SMALL | Alleged To Have Confessed That He Took $100,000 In Bonds Which Are Deposited in Chicago And Will Be Returned. Mr. Small's whereabouts, but it | eltgitea no response. | John Doughty disappeared from the offices of the Trans-Canada | Theatre Company, Montreal, Decem= | ber 28th, 1919, and until this week | his whereabouts have been a com- | plete mystery. $15,000 Reward for Doughty. | The reward of $5,000 offered for | the arrest of Doughty was later in- jcreased to $15,000 at which figure {it now stands. Doughty had been in the employ of Small for eighteen years, having j worked himself up to a salary of $45 per week as Small's confiden- | tial secretary." The day Small sold | his theatrical holdings Doughty [ went on the pay roll of the Trans. Canada interests at a salary of $756 | per week. He went to Montreal; re- | turned to Toronto for Christmas and | himself disappeared on the follow- |ing Sunday, December 28th. / { Doughty is in his 44th year and la man of powerful physique. He used to pull stroke oar for a local | rowing crew and in his youth was Jno mean athlete. He was, however {not known as a quarrelsome man, | nor was he ever known to have been | involved in any act of violence, { He has two children by his first wife. He and his second wife sep- arated, and he took his children to live at the home of his sister. The charge of conspiracy to kid- [ nap arises out of the statement | made to the police by two local imen, who are alleged to have re- { ceived propositions to kidnap the missing theatrical magnate. | According to the two men, who I claim' that he suggested the kidnap- | ping of his then emplover, he is al: | leged to have remarked : "There's la lot of money in making away with : Small."' At that time neither regard- | ed this seriously. The charge of theft of the missings Victory bonds grows out of the dis- appearance of securities from vthe safety deposit box of the missing millionaire. Doughty, the record shows, opened the box the day that A. J. Small disappeared, though he has told Mrs. Small that it was ddhe at Mr."Small's request. Asked for the key he said he had given it back to Mr, Small. NA -------- RECEIVED STOLEN BONDS Charge Against Toronto Man Arrest. ed in Detroit, Toronto, Nov. 24.--A development in connection with the case of Louis Leblane, formerly of Montreal, sen- tenced last week to serve fourteen years in the penitentiary for house- breaking, was the arrest in Detroit, of Gordon Long, Toronto, on the charge of receiving $10,000 worth of Vie tory bonds stolen from the home of John Mathers; on Palmerston boule- vard. Judge Coatsworth a month ago postponed sentence until Leblanc had an opportunity to tell where the bonds were, and when he did not giye any information the full penalty was imposed, His honor added, however, that if the prisoner at any time gave the police any assistance in the re- covery of the bonds the matter would be brought to the attention of the minister of justice "and the man's term shortened. It is significant that the arrest of Long followed so closely after sentence had been pronounced. Newspaperman Becomes Secretary to Crerar Prince Albert, -Sask., Nov. 24. Thomas Wayling, who Yor the past two years has been on the staff of the Prince Albert Herald, leaves next month to become private secretary to the Han. T. A, Crerar, leader of the new National Progressive 'pelitical party. Mr. Wayling was for some years previous to coming to Prince Albert in newspaper work a. \Winni- Peg. f Loom a Another Jibe at Kingston. Ottawa Journal: Kingston is go= ing to get a new hotel, and put in a bid for the international chess championship. This can be played ~ over the long distance phone, and no temporary stands will have to be built to accommodate the spectators. What happened the barge, John mystery Wednesday forenpon. Every to certain the fate of the little coal carrier. The weather is blowing such a heavy gale that it has been impossible for a vessel to get close in to the Ducks, to see if the missing vessel is there. \ Capt. : John Randall, father of Capt. Harry Randall, who was in command of the Randall, is anxious to get out and search af the Ducks, but the weather is holding him back. On Wednesday morning, Capt. John Randall telephoned to Claude Cole, at Cape Vincent; to ascertain whether any person there had 'been able to get to the Ducks. Mr. Cole stated that the weather had been so rough that 'he had been gnable to make the trip, but that as soon as foe. weather cleared, the trip would be made. Mr, Cole has elevgn deer and a herd 'of cattle on Duck Island. steam- | Randall, was still a | the effort possible is being made to as- | The Steambarge John Randall ~~ Cannot Be Found At The Ducks Capt. Alexander Patenaude, of steamer City of Hamilton, passed the Pucks on his way 8 Kingston on Tuesday. He used his glass in an 'endeavor to ses if He could locate the Randall, he said he could not see any trace of her. Capt. John Randall says that it. mdy be that the vessel got inte one of the many inlets, and if such' is the case could: not be seen from the steamer, City of Hamilton, Capt. John Randall was at the Grand Opera House on Tuesday night, and asked Marjah about the missing vessel. "'That 'question wa asked me last night," said Mar} 3 'and | again say that the Ran is pt the Ducks." 5 Capt. Harry Randall was married but the other members of the crew were not. They are John Braday, engineer, Newboro, amd Harry and Gilbert Smith, Seeley"s Bay, cousin$ of Capt. Harry Randall The latter had a wide experience in navigation. He salled with his father for years.

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