Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 24 Nov 1920, p. 14

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L T LIVINGSTON'S (Founded 1847) This Store's Greatest Sale In response to the demand for lower prices, entire stock of Suits, Overcoats, Custom Clothing and Furnishings re- duced. 20 Per Cent Nothing reserved. Do your Christmas buying during this sale. All Sales for Cash. Goods marked in plain figures. No approval. Livingston's BROCK STREET "If Off Your Route It Pays to Walk." | THURSDAY | Brooms Made from Green Corn; 4 strings; selected anted | ea 2,000 Ibs. dry la) an Al general service picke P Broom: 50 dozen; to - clear this week CHICKENS : 50c. EACH and FOWL. 500 lbs. Sweet Pickled ' Corned Beef : .20c. Ib. (Cakbage free with orders) Order tobe filled SATURDAY 27th inst. Sweet Cider i you havethe Xmas. Plum Puddings Now's the time to make them. We have the fin- est Fruits, Peels and righ t quality youare sure of 'getting the highest price, ; Spices. a I Phones: 458459, Wholesale 1767. Allen's . ... .60c. gal... "THE THE HORSEMEN'S BANOUE 8amuel McBride, Pres. of Canadian National Racing Assn, Speaks. I The annual banquet of the Kings- ton Gentlemen's Driving "and Mati- nee Ciub was held in the British X erican hotel on Tuesday ever . and the occasion marked an epoca in the history.of the club. 1 tainment was a royal one. Fitty- LWO persons sat at the tables, and prominent, among the guests were Samuel McBride, president of the Canadian National Racing Associa- tion, Toronto; Lester Boyce, Napa- ree; Mr, Parks' and Dr. Benson, Beilevilie. Splendid addresses were given, and the music furnished by the Jazz orchestra, Hutts Harmony | Hounds, and the Kingston orchestra, was greatly appreciated. L. A. Gask | baritone, sang several songs in fine voice. M. 8. Grace, president of the club, occupied the chair, and extended a warm welcome to the members and guests. He introduced Mayor Nickle, who," after congratulating the club | upon the fine sporting spirit always shown, gave an interesting account | of civic affairs, dealing with the | finances and criticisms often heard. J. M. Hughes, ex-mayor, proposed | the toast to the club. He compli- | mented the members upon its record for clean sport. He was present at its organization, and he was glad to | know that it was now the largest rac- ing club in Ontario. Speaking of civic affairs, he said that during his | period of office there were no over- |drafts, as he believed in keeping ex- | penditure within the revenues, He | believed that if the driving club had | | control of the fair grounds there | wouid always be a good track. | (BE. J. Metcalfe, secretary, respond- | ed and told of the growth of the club | which during the, last four years had | paid out $9,808. It now had seventy members in good standing. | ~ Samuel McBride gave an account of racing in Canada during the past thirty years. He has been president {of the Toronto Driving Club for | twenty years. It was at first formed {along lines similar to the Kingstoa | club, but now carries on professional | racing, including trotters and pacers. {In 1908, a Toronto trotter, King | Brison, made the world's record. | They searched the dominion for the | best horses, and now have the high- Jest average in America. He repre- sented Canada on the Natdonal Rac: ing Board and secured concessions for ice racing, carried on from De- cember 1st to April 1st each year. The rule regarding the use of hob- | bles was the beginning of {racing in Canada. He told of the formation of the Canadian Racing | Association, which governs the sport {in this country, and the Americans | have not now the hold in Canada that | they had. Previous to 1910 every | purebred horse had to register in the | United States, but they are now | registered in Canada, and this regis- tration has become a factor in rac- ing. Mr. McBride considered that it was a great achievement when a | Canadian bred horse, owned, trained and driven by a Canadian, covered the mile in two minutes flat in the United States. Some noted €anadian horseg' were Shield Coot, trotter, | 2.04%; Eel, pacer, 2.02%: J. Patch- jen, 2.03% ; Hull, 2.04; Gratton Roy- |al, 2.06%; Amardale 'and Day | Spring. Some of these records were | made on ice, but the ice record is | not a handicap on the cummer track. | The farmers are now breeding Stan- | dard bred horses. | "Mr. McBridé told of the negotia- {tions with the dominion and provin- cial governments when race tracks were under investigation, and of se- curing concessions for harness horses. - He gave some wholesome advice for the. managers and drivers in races, and reminded his hearers | that the sport belonged to the pub- lic that demanded only good races. | Only by the strictest enforcement of rules could the sympathy and sup port of the public be secured. Other speakers were Lester Boyce, Napanee, and Mr. Parks, Belleville. 'T. Nicholson, treasurer, proposed . the toast to the reas and Mr. Hed- ley responded. A hearty vote of thanks to the speakers was moved by William Veale and seconded by Mr. . Lowry. og "Hearts of Erin." Coming. George M. Gatts' "Hearts of Erin," in which he will present the young «enor, Walter 'Scanlan, at the Grand j Opera House, Monday, Nov. 9th, one night only, is described as being like !a breath from the heather clad hills {of Ireland. It is a romance of Irish | life in the latter part of the 18th cen- | tury and is said to Ve filled with the :eal humor, the sparkling wit and the sentimént of the Irish people as they are in their native home. It is scintil- lating with bright dialogue, and, as ireland was one of the fashion cen- | ters of Europe at that period, brilli- ant costuming enhances the beauty {of the story.- The authors, Charles Bradley and Lorin Howard are mas- ! ters of this style of writing and have filled their play with the most 'inter- esting types of Irish characters. Mr. Getts has left nothing undome to make the production one of the most sumptuous ever seen in Irish drama 'and has organized a cast of unusual- ly clever players to support his young star of charming melodies, which dis- play his tenor voice to the greatést advantage. --Advt. * "Pwin Beds" Coming. Thursday and Friday, @Nov. 25th and 26th, has been marked off the theatrical calendar for the presenta- tion at the Grand Opera House ef Salisbury Field and Margaret Mayo's international comedy Success "Twin Beds" with the same great cast and { production . that will only: play' the 'principal cities . Laughter holding both its sides but illy expresses the condition of an audience witnessi "Twin Beds", A delectable story is fold of the dire calamity that befalls when six people, assorted in couples and housed in three floors of a fash- fonable big apartment house, have a Toronto, | a | --Advt, It was | the horseman'g night, and the enter- ! ' | successful engagements with David | I honest | DAILY BRITISH [m=f#tborliness upon them | which fate never intenlJed, and.of th 3iticultres of acquiring { quiet in the home when no a few feet. of lathe | rate one home fror thors have told their f taining your sympat! {and if youdon't si i Spectacle you shoul | Seats are now selling ng but a doctor. sually well Hm At the Strand, Merit has at last met its reward in the case of Thomas Meighan and the genial screen player has achiey- led stardom. His first stellar vehicle is "Civilian Clothes" adapted from | the popular stage play of the same name, The picture' will be shown | at the Strand theatre Thursday, Fri- |day and Saturday. Though still a | young man, "Tommy" Meighan has | enjoyed a stage and screen experi- | ence such as comes to few players in |a lifetime. He started his dramatic | career with Grace George and, after | I Warfield in "The Return of Peter | | Grimm" and "The College Widow," {he transferred his talents to motion | pictures. His early screen appear- | ances were in support of Mary Pick- { ford and Marguerité Clark. As the i hero of George Loane Tucker's "The { Miracle Man," he scored a huge per- | sonal success, Cecil B. DeMille's | "Male and Female," and "Why | Change Your Wife" in both of | which he' played the leading male | roles," marked further milestones in his development and led to stardom in "Civilian Clothes." is a singulafly handsome young man of genial and virile personality. { He is ideally.suited to play the ex- | soldier role in "Civilian, Clothes." | The picture, which is a Paramount, {was produced: by Hugh Ford | Martha Mansfield is the leading wo- | man.--Advt.. LL HREECREER REELED oneommannnp nny At Griffin's. To-night will be-the last oppor- | tunity to see the splendid pro- | gramme which has been pleasing the | audiences at Griffin's during the | past two days, and is headed by that great Drury, Lane melodrama, 'Stolen Orders." An- all-star caste appears in this picture, including | Kitty Gordon, Montague Love, June | Elvidge and Carlyle Blackwell. This [stirring picture of military and so- { cial' life. contains a unique element | of mystery and romance, which ap- | peals to all classes of theatregoers, | afd should be seen by all. Another | item of interest on our programme | is Jane Grey and William Courthey lin "The Inner Ring," a particularly | interesting picture of the Russian revolution, indwhich these two great stars are seen' to splendid advan- tage~ and are supported by some of the greatest stars on the speaking {stage A good ¥omedy and other | subjects complete the programme, { which will be given a final showing to-night.--Advt. \ TT ) Presentation at Inverary. On the occasion of William Gum- mer, Inverary, coming to Kingston to/ reside, the people of that section | of the country gathered on Monday | evening and made a presentation in | the form of two chairs and a table. A. A. McFadden, the reeve of the township, presided, and speeches | were made by F. S. Ferguson, C.| Loney, A. Garrett and 8S. Perry. HELL LEREAEERE y Unveiling of Chalmers Tablet, Next Sunday morning there is to be a garrison parade to Chalmers church, where a magnificent bronze, tablet to the memory of these who! served in the war is to be unveiled by Rev. Dr. Malcolm Maecgillivray, Rev. Dr. Wilson is to officiate. A Grand Concert, Grand concert, full orchestra in attendance, Princess street Metho- dist church, Nov. 25th. Rev. W. T. G. Brown, chairman. Proceeds in aid of building fund. Admission! 25¢ A decrease in both call and cur- | rent loans in Canada, and an in- | crease in deposits, together with an increase in note circulation, are the features of the bank statement for | October, issued by the department of finance, Ottawa. DAILY MEMORANDUM. See top of Page Three, right hana corner for probabilities. HANSON, CROZIER & EDGAR PRINTERS MARKET SQUARE, KINGSTON. AE Hm MARRIED, MARSHALL~--WALSH -- At St. Pat-| rick's ¢hurch, Railton, by Rev. Fr Powell, on Tuesday, Nov. 23rd, | 1920, Miss Margaret E. youngest daughter of the late Patrick Wals and Mrs. Walsh, Oates, to Thoma R. Marshall, of Taylor, Ont. PICKERING--STEVENS--At StaJames" Rectory, on November 24th, 1920, by Rev, T. WW. Savory, Alice Gertrude Stevens, daughter of thé late' Charles and Mrs. Stevens, England, to Harry Friendship Pick- ering. of Kingypton, Ont. | | bh 8 i - ' DIED. FINNIGAN-=At the Motel Dieu, King- ston, Nov. 13th, 1928, David Finni- gan, of Stella, aged 69 years, KELLY--In Glenburnie, on Nov. 1820; John Kelly, aged 91 years. Funeral from his late residence, Glen- | burnie, on Thursday morning at § o'clock, to the Church of the Holy Name, Cushendall, when 'a solemnp requiem mass will be sung for the happy repose of his soul Friends and acquaintances respectfully invited to attend. CARD OF THANKS Mr. and Mrs. Percy Wiison and fam- fly wish to thank their many Iriends and neighbors for their Kindness amd synipatay during the loss of their home and contents by fire on Monday after- nook, November 17th. --Mrs. Percy Wilson, Camden Edst, Ont. JAMES REID The Oid Firm of Undertakers. 254 and 236 PRINCESS STREET. Phone 147 for Ambulance. ROBERT J. REID The Leading Undertaker. . Phone 577. 230 Princess Street. | M.P.KEYES | 1 Undertal.er and Embalmer. { Undertaking Parlors, 228 Princess St. | Ambulance Phone 1839. JOHN CORNELIUS Undertaker and Embalmer 1 Princess Street 74 599 23ra, i ' TTT | Mr. Meighan == [EEE AO Oxford, | ™ CT TTT WHIG. ETT = -_ -- -- = == -- -- -- _-- == _-- = | | wf | 10 O'CLOCK SALE, OF SILK * DRESSES ¢ THURSDAY $49.50 | | Formerly priced $70.00 to $90.00 = = = 2 2 - = - - ES = = . Models that touch the peak in Style and Quality. To-morrow, we will place on sale 12 only, beautiful Silk Dresses, representing the == == == = = = == == = == = a = == == = -- = = sl = = = == = == = wn == very latest and most attrac- ES tive models. There are styles suitable for all types of figures, not forgetting the misses and small women. Be- low are a few examples giv- ing the exact shade, descrip- tion' of fabrics and their former pricings. Black Charmeuse and Georg ette Primming Navy Charmeuse, Georgette Combination Besige and Blue Georgette, Navy Blue Tricolette Navy Blue Crepe Meteor . . | Brown Charmeuse and Geor gette $95.00 £95.00 $90.00 $85,00 16, 18, 20. Women's sizes: 36, 38 and 40. 'All One Price--Your Pick . vi tsavuvasnnai va 349.50 CHARMING WINTER COATS The most exquisite styles created for the s - Misses' sizes: = == = = 1 --- = =3 = == --_-- -- == == --_-- = - = -_ = = = E = = = -- present season-- luxurious in handsome | fabrics and trimming and most uncommon 2 in their expert needlework. Fashioned of = Bolivia, Wool Velour, Imported Tweeds, Heather Cloth, Silvertone and Seal Plush. For wear with separate Furs or with the fashionable deep collars of Australian Op- possum, Skunk, Taupe Nutr ia, or natural Raccoon. The colors include all the want- ed fashiongble shades; all sizes for Women and Misses. > Priced ...... $39.50, $45.00, $49.00 and up to $140.00 THE DELINEATON | Right now, only $1.50 a Year. Regular price $3.00 a year. Please all for your December number -- Eo = -- John Laidlaw & Son, Ltd. ; a vs an) EERO cnt sont RTO ny = Ii Poor Taste! Everyone admires the beauty of the novel strap Pumps for Fall and Winter. But they are not in- tended for wear in unpleasant weather. Not only is one's health jeopardized by wearing them when it storms, but not being made for such year, they'll be ruined quickly, adding unnecessary expense. There are good-looking shies made to stand winter's hard wear, which will save both health and money for you. he family NOW! Best Get your Rubbers for t LOCKE A quality only. - Sold at:-- ge I's § rw. HHI

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