Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 24 Nov 1920, p. 12

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THE DAH. Y BRITISH WHIG. WEDNESDAY, NOV. 24, 1020. 12 MY t---- 'g Bethel Wins at Basketball. In the third game of the senior 8.8.A AA. at the Tuesday Sydenham pf ee -- EILS MEMORIAL ENTRE OF ATTRACTION] "Vel remota: nove Show Being ' In Memory 'of Olden Town- Is th Pouitr S : "Held in Tne Arm= | ship Soldiers Who Gave | Their Lives. m1 | errno 8471 Bd: DRINKS voc} to Splendid Result of the House : of Providence Event BELFAST GINGER ALE Last Week The Best Madé in Canada. -- : ENGLISH GINGER BEER Club Soda. The House of P RE | realized the PURE APPLE CIDER (JUST IN) 477.66, perha = of mo declare that his team 4 game at the ked the played ouries. asium on C..'M D Brig.-Gen unveiled a hip of ( , on Tuesd vas most impre rddresses were A. 'E. Ross, MPP, wards, M.P., Rev... Mr and R, C | Rev Mr. Buckler , Hamburgs, Qd+~ W. D. Black, MP. P.. presided, and 1d Bantams. Te | in opening the proceedings, referred d are: Valley | Yery feelingly to those who had lai . Brockville, O1- | down their lives for their country and | empire, and whage I Ory was per- | petuated By the cere ny. A fine |, dav ver the f rial th started, | musical programme was rendered, i ane ay a nels} urns their 'work and they will be engaged | and "The Last Post' was sounded | fiz the Doth ving a rn ry wrsday. George | by the piper in a most impressive | Fat CW OLN Ie So-D he result: arimes, and KR. E. | mahner. ancy Work. Table eee 7 i 3 Aprons 351.96 8 : s.lver cups donated b} George Robertson, a and | | Refreshments ,003 On account of the storm raging | Admission receipts 210 throughout 'the day, she had not pance 390 , are the judges, and | ; Ice Cream best exhibit; E. P. Jenkins, best col- | Cigars 5. Cloak Room 130. that-| \ a \ the towns ah ytr G.( ever show i by I . --AT-- ompson_ Botting Works | OFFICE: 20: PRINCESS STREET. ELEPHONE 304. Nothing but imported maleriais used in the macutacturiag of these goods er realized in ¢ the city of Kingston. mes for the generosity the citizens and their feelings for] | those in..need., Elsewhere in the | Whig, Rev. Mother Clement, superior | i of the House of Providence, expresses | her grateful acknowledgment and her thanksito all who contributed to the great success realized. 1 The com worked is not de- f the season, t that the w nter play | trophy. ~ 1 8€ favor league promises g as the teams matched. The te were as follows Kennedy, R Wilson and W. Bruce m --- McKinnon, Thomas, ock and Woods Art Dean 14 in : quality i The largest Wyan- be Eu are ; for the ims The to inter Cwpry las! of 1 ang t stman and 1o-rns, S S.( st night Bethel Godwin, Sydenh Moore, 1 Refer K.(.I. Basketbally at 1, at a m of the K who game, tae Ontario ssociation this wanting the tra- rn F - a an ae UN Talking Nach: aiking [ches All kinds of Phonographs re- paired, cleaned, recharged sad adjusted. Main and governor , Pprings for all makes in stock. Quik service, expect workinane ship. ' J. Hl. PATRICK 14 SYDENHAM ST. I'hone 2036J. cornwa . Catharines, Galt, Cobourg, termediate points. On Tuesday, the judges all ittee e De i Junior Basketball Series. Although te sigr The Advantage | of our Patent Coupling om Bob- ||| sleigha Is a wurprise te all drivers. It will pay yon well to see our Sleighs before buying. McNA...& & SLACK il HORSESHORING AND | GENERAL REPAIRING i Phone 1217w. 54 Queen St. | es vi ednesday and Roberts St. C Ket, Kin P' D. Lym. is precident 241,30 311 117.2 20 on street and Methodists, | have come forward with a team, The president of the association has sig gested that seven games be played, andy the teams winning four out of the seven will be declared the win- ner of the D. A. Shaw trophy. The first game will be played at the "Y" on Saturday evening,.commencing at seven o'clock The executive will decide whether or not there will be five or seven games wag decided s will be played teams out of town. On iday next, a game will be played Belleville, and the following Fri- ill go to Ogdegsburg, from awa day Lhe team w N.Y. The election of officers re President, J. W. Strader; dent, J. Kennedy; er, L. McKay; m j Otto. | i 2 , B. 0. whitney ' { Figs Pond >. Munsie, chair- oe . w committee, ge Nov. 24 --The steambarge Isabel- | ; 1 +} Seas yy .ty i | Lottery Tab! 379 Jet Hon of Les horns; AsSociation 2b la H., of the Hincki ne, arrived Jone Je bin $24 Lest "cock, hen, cockerel and pullet; i; nor on M with coal for the | pn i y ot or S. Corbett, best collection of , Port on Monday 'wii | Rebecca at the Well 211. > coveted trophies to be Candy 3386. ited: bar- tavier Coal ' oT COPADY | 1 1.2 red roc Rhode Island Red cup for yior Loal and Lumber Company. pharmacy 142 presi- 86 ------ er | best collection of Reds; W. R. Givens, | for best Lantam show; Department Girls' Basketball Series. ; ) Ant ) ~~ | of Soldiers' Civic Re-establishment, yesterday, an Several of the Sunday schools which have basketball teams in the | 8.8.A.A.A. basketball series have suggested to the president that a girls' basketball league should operated in connection with the as- sociation. On Tuesday, the president got in touch with several of the schools, with the result that three hdve stated definitely that they are prepared to enter a team if a league if8 formed. First Baptist, and Sydenham street Methodist are the schools whioh are prepared to enter. A meeting of the executive. will be called immediately to ar- range this matter. Wolfe Island's Intentions. A member of the Wolfe Island hockey team, holders of the Ed wards trophy, over which there is 80 much talk, when asked on Wed Edison-Dick MIEMOGRAPH The Perfected Duplicator, Edison Waxless Stencil. A Great Business Builder. Ask Lor demonstration. J. R. C. Dobbs & Co. 41 Clarence Street, Kingston, Typewriter Headquarters. Life Insurance. be | Bethel | {and Mrs. (and did a thri ,, were the | * A SUCCESSFUL SALES i Was That of the Queen Street Methodist Church Ladies. | In spite of the very disagreeable weather on Tuesday afternoon, the Ladies' Aid of Queén street Metho- dist church held a most successful | tea and sale in the parlors of the! church, the proceeds amounting to $235. At the door to take the] small entrance fee were Mrs; Van | Winckel and Mrs. Dennett Then | the v ors were greeted - with a kindly welcome from Mrs. R. 1. Mec- Lelland, the president of the Aid, W. 8. Lennon. The work- table, with its splendid array of use- ful ard pretty art'cles, was in charge of the convéners, Mrs. Warren, Mrs Armstrong and Miss Henry, with several ladies 'assisting them. The! vellow and white candy booth had! Mrs. McBride and Mré, H. Law as saleswomen, while Mrs. Clow and| Mrs. Wilson sold the very attractive | hom--made bread; cake, eto, Mrs. | H. A. Lavell and Mrs. Robert Craw- ford had a lovely collection of knitted aritcles at the woolen table, ving trade during the | afternoon. Near the door many pretty things were sold by Mrs. W.| H. Cockburn and Mrs. Joyner, who convenors of the laneous booth At the tea table, where the guests were given delici- ous tea and cakes, Mrs. W H. Wormwith_ and Mrs. Glover poured tea, with' Mrs. Stewart Crawford, Mrs. Langdon, Mrs. Fred Clow, Miss I'orear Lavell, Miss Gladys Lennon, | Miss Bertha Bassam and Miss Doris | MclLelland assisting them. The | table was lovely with big golden | chrysanthemums and the , same | flowers were used for decoration. Rev. W, S. Lennon was present to | chat with the visitors and extend to | them a hearty welcome. ! utility. pen barred Rocks as judged by "King street adjoining the old Ameri- { Co., W. Cockburn & Co., George Bliss, miscel- | { bell Bros., United Grocery Co. { Harrison Co. E | Steacy's Ltd., R. H. Toye, Col. Kent, | ; & Shaw, S. Green, W. J. |Ous vantage points, and some fairly | home. | where the bonds are. best bird show; Smith Bros, jewel- lers, best collection of Wyandottes other than white; Scales cup, for bést the Hogan test; Shutter cup,. best l.ght breeds; Dominion Bantam As- soejation, Money and other special prizes are offered 'by the following: McGowan Mig. Co.,, W. J. Crothers & Co., J. White, McFarlane & Wood, J. G. Pat- terson. Jack Elder, R. B. Percival & | Elginburg, C. Parks, Pappas Bro., | Halliday Electric Co., W. F. Me- | Broom, E. E. Kane, Canadian Poul- | try Review, F. W. Coates, Simmon | Bros, Allan M. Reid, W. R. McRae & | Co., Jas. Crawford, Chas. Quick, W.| Peters & Co., J. Y. Parkhill & Co, R#J. Reid, W. Eves, Maple Leaf Mill-! ng Co, N. R. Grimm, Geo. Masoud, Perey Graham, H. Jennings, A. Raw- son, Fenwick,' Hendry Co., k ngston | Milling Co,, W. G. Craig & Co., .T.| Sackell, Midland Shoe Co., G. E.| Conkey Co., Mahood Drug Co., Austin | Drug store, Dr. Chown, W. J. Lee, ! United Cigar Stores, Mrs. Goodwin, | William Twigg, J. Gilbert, Geo. L.| Van Horne, H. J. Guy, Ben Davy, I. | Zacks, Star Fruit Store, B. Lipman, J. H. Sutherland & Bro. J. Cullen, A. Glover, Dan Couper, L, T. Best, J. B. od, W. G. Craig & Co.; F. Bid-| ulph, James Reid & Co., Robertson srocery Co., S. Oberndorffer, Cn + T. FP. | | | J Metcalfe, Jumes cleared this morning. | Shorudy after noon | alarm of fire was responded to by | the brigadé. The fire was located in | the upper storey of the building on can hotel (now owned by Vair & Warwick, late of Kingston, who have converted it into a garage). The fire | had not gained much: headway and | the brigade's chemical extinguishers were sufficient to smother the flames | before much damage had been done. lower flat was not damaged. The building is owned by the estate o the late George Peck and is well cov- ered by insurance. Under the auspices of the Ladies | | Auxiliary of the local branch of the 'D Great War Veterans' Association, a. very enjoyablé masquerade party | and tea was held in the veterans'| club room in the Acton building on | King street last evening. | The ladies of the congregation of | St. John's church conducted another | well attended and very successful | progressive euchre on Monday even- ing. | The local factories, dependent on | water as their motive power, Power Company. Yesterday being many of the workingmen of the town, Lottery Tickets | Lottery on Watch Lottery on Guitar | | Receipts from donations | The stock in the store part in the | Total receipts Has Not Confessed, But special despatch I, orem werg | denied the report that John Dough- |compelled to close down yesterday |t¥, who wag arrested yesterday, had {on Account of the shortage of the confessed to the theft 8 e | supply from the Gananoque Water [bonds belon | his an off-day for | reads the despatch, said: 'Jack has |made no confession. | Money for Badges | Doll Table | Ton of Coal ,055 46.57 766. $ 8,008.36 | and 10,469.30 $18,477.66! executive sale of tickets Those compasing the ¢ | committee were: Mrs. T. A. Keenan, ! | president; Miss J Dwyer, | dent; vice-presi- | Miss J, Brown, secretary, | OUGHTY KNOWS WHERE | SMALL'S BONDS ARE Says | Bonds Are in | Used Pine Lumber Several thousand feet of 2" Pine now being removed from the Elevator, foot of Gore Street. This is nice Soft Pine, of good lengths, easy to work and is very chean. Also several tons of 4° and 5" Nails at a bargain. 'S. Anglin & Co. OFFICE PHONE 64 § Toronto. | Toronto, Nov. 24. --According toa | received by the Oregon City, Austin Mitch- Toronto police department, of missing ging to Ambrose Small, Detective Mitchell, employer. It there is a Richardson & Sons, B. W. Rober: Several parties of duck hunters left | confession to be made, he will make Newman Arnie, Geo. Thompson, Dr. Winnett, Collingwood Shipbuilding Co., L. W: Williams, W, Harkness, J. B. Wal- | kem, A. Williams, T. Carson, H.| Harkness, F. J. Hoag, -Geo. Robert- | son & Sons, G. Hunter Ogilvie. ! Every person entering the armour- | | ies is entitled to guess the number ot | good bags were secured. TWO YOUNG MEN One Was Q@Given a Year at Burwash--¢ her Given {during the early morning for vari- | it through h a PASSED BOGUS CHEQUES | 20y parti is lawyers when we get However, he says he knows In answer to direct question, he admitted they {are in Toronto, but refused to give culars." Civic Coal Yards Shows Deficit. Brantford, Ont., Nov. 24.--A _--_-- eee --_---- bombshell was hurled into tha coun- RAST To Will Willard Attention Now WILL SAVE YOU ANNOYANCE AND EXPENSE LATER ON OUR SERVICE and ADVICE are the result of years of battéry experience. We most strougly recommend. great care in keeping your battery well charged while car is in use, and WINTER DRY' STORAGL for it immediately when car is laid up. . Qur workmen are experts--our charges most reasonable, Send them to us--Kingston's only Battery Specialists. AS WILLARD SERVICE STATION 19 Brock Street Phone 1340. I. LESSES, Prop. - For Women Women fre giving ever-increasing attention to business affairs a p empioyed in Banks, insurance and olher institutions earning sub- stantial salaries. The result is that many are to-day in positions of re- sponsibility and have relatives or friends 'dependent upon them, who under former ditions, would themselves be The ideal policy woman is an endowment such as Is fssued by The Mutual" Life of Can- a Chance. . cil chamber, when the fuel committee reported 'that the city wood and coal yard to date st )ved a deficit, after | Clarence Milligan, said to belong to | making all allowances, of $20,048, | ber in the bottle was 1,006. He won a Kingston, were, 'on Monday, appre- | and urged that the yard be. closed as | beautiful 'trio of white single comb |hended at Napanee * on charges of | soon as possible, for the longer it { Leghorns. : | passing worthless cheques and were | Was open the greater the deficit | ae government display io attract |on Tuesday, convicted.before Magis- { would be. Discussion was héaded off | g 8 B a . } Fe | il 1 % ho Late John Keily. ~ | Among the prize winners announc- jirate Rankin ren was pentoncu joa Monday. John Kelly, one of the ed at the poultry show on Wednesday |. Co Sivan a suspended sentence st ~ highly respected reside of | were F. Biddulph and Clugston Bros, | : . most" highly vheBin passed aw at | Kingston, White Wyandottes; Hol- | STOCK N or] Kisgstoy towne ns atiornool. | and Bros, C. H. Boyce Kingston, and | TOCR MARRETS, 3 fte : : s i - The deceased was only ailing L¥o | DoE IE hits, Leg. Quotations Furnished bY gneara, days, and although in his ninety-| p..J "'y' geil Figinburg, is the TorN0n & Co, 237 Bago: first year, he weak, pH Radsy at | largest exhibitor of game fowl. Sires remarkably smart. e-was lr : ' fy Smith's Falls, but resided during the New York Stocks. past thirty years at Glenburnie, beans in a bottle and the winner is announced" each evening. Tuesday {night F. Whalen was. the winner, | guessing 17100, when the actual num- | Two young men, C. G. McFee and | [=] de & ------------------ | 'A new children's shelter for Grey | | county was opened at Owen Sound. ! A et tastiest mt PILES: i= | Dr. Chase's Ointment will relieve you at once | and afford lasting benefit 60c. a box; all Mrs. Ambrose J. Small Opening, Closing. | Souiers of Edmateen, Bates & Co. Limited, -- t 1 » | foronto. X free ou m where he was known as an industri Returning to Toronto | ee vaper ad enciose 3. stamp to pay postage | ous farmer, and was highly respect- | -------- } Baldwin Locomotive 96 ON NA tr ---- sagan | od for his integrity. He Was a Ro-| Now York, Nov. 24--Mrs 'Am-|Dahinae o ono. ex man Catholic "in religion and a|y,.o5. J. Small, who is visiting her | Bethlehem Steel "B" § staunch Liberal in politics, always |gister-in-law, Mrs. J. C. Walsh, at | Anaconda taking a keen interest in the political { College Point, Long Island, was com- | CPR .. contests of Frontenac. The surviv-| municated with this morning by tele- | Crucible Steel ing members of the family are three | phone, and stated that she is leaving | General Motors Odd a. The Endowment Policy is payable at the end of a certa n term of years "if the assured be then IIving. so that by means of such a policy provision can be made for the needs of later life. Should death occur during [the endowment term' a substantial les- tate is left . The endowment policy protects one's estate, encourage saving and affords a. moderately , profitable 'and absolutely secure in- * vestment, Reserve enough from your salary to carry an Endowment. S. Roughton 60 BROCK ST. PHONE 610. ing, or ud ing Piles. No surgical oper ation required, therefor : CWVA Your Chr'stmas Piano or Phonograph | tonight for Toronto. Mrs, Small stat- | International Paper a eu -- ¥ * Harrison's Tulip Cakes and Pastry Shoppe Almond Cut and Pastry a Specialty. Pastry order. Send orders.to 240 Division Street or to Bake Shop-- CORNER OF RAGLAN ROAD AND YORK STREET of all kinds made to ------------ A AA po Have You | sons, Thomas, North Dakota; John, | township of Kingston, and Patrick, |at home; and four daughters, Mrs. Hentietta, Perth; Mrs. Weller, Ar- | ed that the only informat* | Doughty was a telagram which she on she had | Marine Pid. | received regarding the arrest of John Mexican Petroleum Missouri Pacific |doch; Mrs. Appleton, Toronto, and received from Austin P. Mitchell, of | New Haven | Miss Susan, North Dakota. The fun- {eral is.to take place to St. Mary's | cemetery on Thursday, under the , direction of S. S. Corbett, undertaker. YOUNG CASE UP ON DECEMBER 2ND Aged Man Who Was Arrested By the Provincial Police. | Jams Young, of Kaladar, arrested on a charge of murdering" his wife, whose skeleton was found in the ruins of their house following a fire which destroyed it, will appear be- fore Magistrate Rankin, of Napanee, the Toronto detective department, yesterday afternoon, from Portland, | Ore., informing her of the arrest, | AN INTERESTING CEREMONY. F } | Unveiling of Tablet in the High | School at Cornwall, | t The unveiling of a tablet in the! | high' school at Cornwall, on Tuesday night in memory of the ex-pupils of the high school there, who died in the great war, was an interesting | event. Lisut.-Col. Magwood presid- | | ed and introduced 'Lieut.-Col. H. E. | | Pense, of Kingston, who unveiled the | tablet. Others who took part in the | ceremonies were: Dr. Weaver, Major | | 8. M. Gray, Mayor Felterly, and | | Lieut. W. F. Stewart, of the 21st Bat- | Northern Pacific Philadelphia Co, Reading Braziligh Brompton Canada Bread Canada Steamships . Canada Steam, Pird.. Cons. Smelters .. Dominion 'Steel . Maple Leaf National Breweries .: New. York Exchange. 13% Spanish River 83% Japan Pools Rights in Railroads. Tokio, Nov. 24. --Japan has pooled her rights in three railroads in Chi- | ! (Incorporated) Next General Meeting FRIDAY, NOV. 5th, 1920. -- The Telgmann School of Music Piano, violin and other stringed instruments; elocution and dra- matic art. ~ Pupils may begin at any date. Terms on application. Engagements for concerts ac- cepted. 216 Frontehac Street. Phone 1325j. It is time to come to Lindsay's to select it. You will get better service now than later on towards Christmas, plus the first choice from our wonderful Christmas stock. Whatever you purchase will gladly be stored free of charge, and delivered later, on Christmas Eve if you like. In our Kingston store you can make your selec- tion from the following cele brated makes: Heintzman & Co., and Lindsay Pianos and Player-Pianos, Columbia Grafo- nolas, Sonora Phonographs and Co- lumbia Records. 121 Princess Street -, maugston the talion, The school children ca | na with the sations making up to |Yook par: singing "O God, Our Help | consortium, which will play a dom- | inant role in the financing of Chinese | on Saturday, charged with murder, 'and the cas® will be remanded Funds to 2 5 a -- ------ a E---- Invest? We are offering the First (closed) mortgage Bonds of one of the best known indus- "trial corporations in Canada. "Yield over 7 p.c. and payable in U. 8. funds, in- creasing the interest yield bs the amount of the exchange A high grade security that will strongly appeal to you Let us send you particulars ) Pp The Montreal Securities § * Corporation, Limited § itapha Kemal Pasha, Dec. 2nd next, Further Prop Announced I In the Price of Flour | On Wednesday afternoon, when | asked by the Whig if there had been | a drop-in the price-of flour the -King=1 ston Milling company stated that there had been. a drop of twenty-five cents a bag of ninety-eight pounds. When asked if they thought, there | would still be a further decreaSe, the representdtive of the company stated | he. believed there would, pro- p> northern 'wheat continued to that vidin drop ; | A Ideal ret&il grocer stated that the | I price was down. White Rose which used to sell at $7.00, sow selling at $6.50, Five Rose was $7.00, a decrease of 50 | Christian School Burned, { Toko, Nov Ati officigld report | says that Japanese troops have burn. | ed the Christian school near Chang- tao, it having been said that it was found to be a nest of Korean outlaws. It is reported from .a Turkish | source that Erivan, tne capital of | Armenia, bas Leen entered by the | Turkish nationalist forces of AMus- | in Ages.Past;"" "O Canada" and Kip- | ling's Racessional: The following, whose names ap-| pear on the tablet, were in the 21st Battalion: Lteut. F. T. Pendergast; B. A. Gillles, H. W. Kittle, J. E. Me- Lellan, L. F. Eastman, J. R. Mathe- soy. Post ToASTIES engagements, says the newspaper | Nichi Nichi, ix discussing the coa- sortium arrangement. Thess are the Tainan-Shunteh-Fu, Keami-Hu- | show and Toa-Je rajiroads, and the newspaper questions whether Japan's -- sacrifices is not-too great: | At the County Council meeting! Wednesday afternoon, she auditor | ldrew the membérs' attention to the! fact that six of the townships owed | the county treasury gver $23,000 of | the taxes of 1919, There is an agitation in the Unit- | ed States to prevent betfing and the, dissemination and publication of race | Course news, \ Gov. Smith, of the state of New| York, has issued nn order prohibit-| ing boxing in state armories by other | than soldier contestants. ~ i The Greek government has Wecid- | ed that the plebiscite on the return of former King Constantine shall be held on the electoral lists. ' | Admiral Callaghan, commander in | the Nore, at the mouth of the Thames | during the war, is dead in London. Osgoode Hall will have a team in either senior or intermediate series of | the Ontario Hockey Association. | I i | | | { Units of Gen. Seminoff's army have surrendered to the Reds. be 4 Sa x ad ES Ns So 8 5 SMART SHOES AT $7.95 A BIG SAVING for women who want chic, snappy lasts. To-day's fashions make footwear a con- spicuous dress essential; conditions make it one of the most expensive items. Our styles artd prices solve the "high cost' problem; our big stock provides a perfect fit for every foat. Phone 436w

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