Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 19 Nov 1920, p. 16

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wo et THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. _ FRIDAY, Novem 10. 1988 MAI ; a | . Marjah, the Mystic. Up till the time the Whig went to | | Marjah, the mystic, master mind | press on Friday afternoon no word reader and crystal gazer, who is fea-| had been received regarding the {tured in the Mystic Magic Melody steambarge John Randall, which : | | COMMENCING 10 O'CLOCK | | With South Bay Friday mornfiig; but | ( - | Revue, which comes to the. Grand | cleared from Oswego on Tuesday { "My children, you shall find con- . 9) +4 |tentment and peace, comradeship | it was stated there that nothing was ( : f|and good will through thine own | known as to the whereabouts of the , { heart. Love truly, hold kindness in | missing vessel. In local marine {thy thoughts for your fellow men circles it was felt that the boat ' and women ; gird yourself with might have taken shelter in South A IHG theatre for three days commencing | noon . for Beileville, loaded with ; | your courage to go on, will to work | Bay or Timber Island. ee -------------------- a ---- Sa-- -- Z \ 1 be - "The John Randall LE i . ' | - { + Theatrical | Sill Miss 3 r 4 \ | Monday, sends the foliowing mes-| coal. |sage to the people of Kingston : The Whig was in communication {ambition -to - progress--thus shall There is also the belief that the | you. attain the greatest Boon upon | members of crew may have been { earth-----Happiness." able to make their way to the Ducks 1 . During his engagement Marjah | and that they are safe. A heavy gale > D F {will endeavor to answer your ques-| is still blowing, and it has not been <5 » | tions on business, investments, love | possible for any search to be made. affairs and questions of a personal -------------- ve Pr Oa a Cc a age V * |and private nature. In addition to| GREAT CROWDS AT BAZAAR | As . : | | Marjah will be. presented Ovette, the e 4 | {miracle man, in his famous weird Drawings for Fii.cs--A Dansant on | \ oriental interpretation '"The Temple Saturday. . fof Joss," and Hutt's Harmony|. The House of Providence bazaar | by : { Hounds, proclaimed by critics as|was, the scene of a tremendous 2 Nn 1S aper { Jazzland's premier colored jazz or- | gathering on Thursday evening. The .i chestra.--Advt. | euchre was an unprecedented suc- cess.. In the Ontario hall there "Yes a large au-| and some of the names. of (A hn P The opportunity of the season to Sram en bathers. 8 save on Smart Coats for Women a An a | SEE TB, & 0 p08, 3B ard Misses, Tire are boots back a, | lose said "Yes; t ¢ i day afternoon and evening all of : &S models with belts; deep, self ma- N rey Hea hy poverty, are: | Inaiieg daw I os hho Bisce, terial collars; also a few with beau- --Slashing reductions. ere i vee vile of Donslu/ present wien the Be inners tiful luxurious Fur Collars, artisti- "Nothing Reserved HR a, isles Vane i ruining hi her prizes, Toprusening. $100; cally tailored of high-grade fabrics g : ball 2 Dusiness SoSvouisy io) Veauul fumed oa china ab at. in the most popular styles and col- . ' ittle tenément house, Min Berry and | trgcted such widespread attention. : . Mothers should read it. vis husband find themselves in a [After the drawings Bedford, the orings for winter wear. ' losing fight against poverty, Ted anetionesr. will suction off -all of Li. - € articles unsold. . . . i iin, Dash sueret Jatal | Ihe ariiclen EE0l0: fe will ou 1a 35 models--include such fabrics as Silvertone, 'Velour, --Every 0 y shou read it. uation for Min, she ¥ ¥ J ! working to even notice that her hus- | and dance from 4.30 to 7.30 p.m Whitney Cloth and Black Plush, with handsome f ured band is neglecting her in his fight |Special "grrangements have been > ' £ --The Greatest Sale we have ever had. against poverty. Margaret Vane con- (made to meet the rush during the linings. The most favored colors: Taupe, Brown, Navy, fides her disappointment to Paul dinner hour and again at supper Derreck, Margaret promises Derreck | time in the evening. It is expected Copen, Green, Heather, Grey and Black. 4 : : i 2 4 + he will run away with him, Her hus- | that the footballers and fans will . * ie , me) aT of ay shock, when he | patronize the bazaar. Misses SIZES .. ..s ais Ve. * se esas 15, 16, 17, 18, 20 hears of Margaret's plan. Min is A Trem - 's SIRE happy until Leach makes several ad.| LIVINGSTON'S ANNOUNCEMENT Women's Siost aiid 360.00 35, 38, 40, 42 vances to her, which are repulsed. ormer riced u 0 " each. Trying to express his emotions by | Of a Big Sale of Men's and Boys' yp P brute force Leach embraces Min, and Furnishings, ! SATURDAY cise. on $39.50 a struggle ensues, " powerful cli- In this issue of the Whig, C. Liv- max to this photc » embodies a|ingston & Bro. announce slashing twist in the machi ai! . ; of fate that | reductions in their entire stock. * ® 9 om ston will thrill you wi. '.s realism. A Their object is to try and assist in 1 Suestlon de Ww Bumanity as been bringing the clothing and furnishing answered in gripping plcturiza- | pysiness back to mormal conditions. F ded 1847 tion.--Advt, Every garment and article carries ity a c anne ec e al x e S oun . ae rT----" original price mark in plain figures, STEAMER STORMOUNT n verythin uring thi le is and every g d € this sa i . . BROCK STREET IS TO BE SOLD HERE | subject to a discount of twenty per q (All First Quality) cent. Mothers should take advantage Underwriters Take it Over-- [of this sale to clothe the boys with | : MEDIUM SIZE ; LARGEST SIZE " * Richardsons Bu Its a good warm suit or overcoat. This If Off Your Route Grain Been sale also includes made-to-measure | I P \\ ¥/ 1k "" ' clothing, including blue serges, made $3 | 5 PAIR 3 75 PAIR t Pays to Walk. ' up in Livingston's best style. Th . The steamer Stormount, which > struck the rocks at the entrance to | Féputation of the Livingston cloth | \ ) by 1, while loa ol sl hile london fT ff should Just when the weather creates a demand for extra bed- with grain for Montreal, and was induce everybody to take ladvaniese : - ® 3 Ushtored abi sivaged bj ibe Deu} indice sterbody ad} ding, we offer you an extra fine quality of Flannelette pany, Kingston, was damaged to the Blanket at greatly reduced prices. The 11-4 or med- extent of about $75,000. She has been| Mothers' Allowance Commission. | : : Bl k . . taken over by the Underwriters dnd Kingston has been selected as one | lum size Dlanket, was formerly priced at $4.00 a parr. will be"sold at Kingsion. She will |of the six places to be represented | i 7 : robadly be laid up Ic. repairs dur-| when the 'first payments are made. Talia or largest size Blaniest, was formerly priced ing the winter and wili Le ready for | for the Mothers' Allowance Commis- | = a . 1x. 1 1 the opening of navigation next sea- | gion The six places ed op Bp 1 pa ou may have your choice of White or Sr son. She is owned by the Canada first payments are Kingston, Hamil- | Grey in both sizes, with borders of Pink or Blue } [Seansnine Limiid the. Stormount ton, Guelph, London, Owen Sound | SATURDAY'S P ® { would have been a total loss. The| 20d Woodstock. The Mthore aL. = RICE-- "eee 11-4, $3.15 pair lowance Commission is | captain of this tug saw the plight of | . { ; best to expediate matters and each ses ess. snes 12-4 $3 75 air | the Stormount as he was leaving the . WHI Sere msideratidh in ; ' . P . " e i Morrisburg canal. He re-locked Limited through and went to its assistance, | ue course; and if the application has i succeeding in pushing it into fifteen | the approval of the commission, pay- feet of water. Only for this, the Stor- | ments will be made by the treasurer. B | C f - mount would have sunk in fifty feet ee -------------- of water and- been a total loss, as it Will Summon Offenders, f ] ] t SA 1 U RDAY would have been necessary to have| On Friday morning, Chief of Po- ~ c oO or €rISs . a g olown it up in order to clear the |lice Robert Robinson stated that he channel. was going to see that citizens who FORMER SATURDAY 4 persist in neglecting to clear their 8ody Washed Ashore sidewalks of snow comply .with the PRICE . city by-laws. From now on, people 500 lbs ea May be Capt. Beapre | \' iow the snow to remain on the $5.00 $3. 50 EACH : i 3 walks will be summoned. . : | The decomposed body found on the ¢ " . A A : lake shore at Sandy Pond, N.Y., Tues- Tea and Salo, Pretty Comforters. double bed size, with fillings of soft t a new price day, by Elmer Tryon, a fisherman,| q.o branch of the W. A. will G ia D dC . f . : nay be that of Captain Charles Beau- hold a tea-and sale in St. George' eorgia Lown an overings o good quality Chintz, ---- -- thi 1 | pre, Kingston, wh ded -th : \ 1 . . : Black---our own blend- this Tea is sure to | 0; Kingaion, who Sommusded the Hall on Saturday, Nov. foun, trom floral and Paisley designs; well assorted colors; will give please--it possesses good looks--it possess- | peared mysteriously last year carey. (3 10 6. splendid satisfaction. Size-66 x 72. . ? . {ng Ww our men and one woman. Cj es fine cup quality--it possesses a taste in- |B" a hy -|, 'At Chicago on Friday wheat fell Pq y P | ent eta re pint 7 @ max os Lo to §$1.733% for December delivery. SALE PRICE . $3.50 EACH viting ... : + 306. Ib. (tnd vter fo sppearinde of having Corn vat off thres Dai for De 5 Ibs. for . ..$1.40 101bs. for ...$2.70 | Te aier for some time as oll] E : : : . {only a small portion of the face re- ue bark ot die ash tee Tama! . E h dl NEW FRUITS AND PEELS a ae oun a ane to" Salen | Years id. whoa it becomes mena 12d | 22 onn Lai aw on, L.td. may serve to identify the body. furrowed. y serve Wo atify the body The aspidistra, sometimes called | For Xmas. Baking. | THE FLAG INCIDENT the "parlor palm", was introduced | . HAS BEEN CLOSED |i, s,,5"d from Japan and Cina |= HHI TTT THA sm 1,000 Ibs. Finest Creamery Butter . 59c¢c. 1b. Police Investigation Shows an DAILY MEMORANDUM: Old English Mincemeat .........25c.1b. [} Malian and Not Ger-" ™| 015 st bogs, Fire vishe dees " Anderson's Pure Lard ...... ... 3 Contderavte"sactzment porated | HANSON, CROZIER & EDGAR E00 OO {in certain quarters in Kingston on = 3 » lo - 1 Armistice Day, when it was reported rKi E SE 4 Sail a BE TERS For The Next D n floa a , = z The matter -- taken up by rer Market Square, Kingston ex ance {ans and Chief of Police Robinson was I | Instructed to investigate the matter. DIED, 3 ; He found that the flag compl t | BRITTON--In Toronto, Nov. 19th, StewingCuts ..............:.. Wad 10t'® Gorman Tlas Dus ar tre | PF Toth: Bron Some Bridioy. Jui, UL cue cupleaie Luurt of ontario, : Pot Roasts Wi 5 $ 35d, fhersion, 42 Allies sign; Funetal SE aston Junction to I : i : Sale of Evening 2 lai . So as to make it possible for all T3570, 'fain on Monday, Nov. 22nd, Sirloin Steaks Bltrrrssnsasr vary AD the students to attend the Varsity- READ At Wawanesa, Manitobs, on Roiling Cuts 1 Queen's intermediate rugby game on Nov. 16th, 1920, Chaves 1. Kerr. - ae Saturday morning, Principal Bruce Funsisl from the residence of W. A. Ovenitoasts................. {Juylor has declared a- holiday at| - SaNYen its Universiy Ave Sut. Rolled Roasts . . se b . Half-Holiday at Queen's. Cataraqui Cemetery, on arrival of Pumps [ 3 $3 C= Ladies' Fine Patent Pumps-- full Louls Wood heels; turn ==2 sole; mostly all sizes and wid ths; same shoe in Mat = : n < the university. It is expected that Cataraqut C . RibRoasts ,...............:..28c. 1b. [kbs cree aren cow ood, that eat Cemetery. Hamburg Steaks .............. 18¢ Ib ill attend the inwrmediaty fixture. JAMES REID EL : It is stated that potatoes are seil-| The!Old rirm of Unde:takers. Dripping ................2%.1b, ing at Westport for seventy-five| 204 and 256 PRINCESS STREET " Chopped Suet . . . . «..25¢c. Ib." |} cents a bag. When the new provin.| ___ ¥iioue 147 for Ambulance cial road from Kingston through and D. widths; Kid Lined that place is completed, produce from OBERT J. KelD Some very pretty Buckles to Eo with these Shoes, making : gE : E w/ CHICKENS--FOWL---DUCKS + AR tps distor wt come dere. | _ She beating Suteriuker. z that woty Maraeive; Tio Som E : = LOCKETT'S | r ; . . if has rented her farm, as stated in the | > > , At special prices, 3 to 10 p.m. | Bath Road news in Thursday's issue _M, P. KEYES LE Patent and Kid Pumps with Military Heels; Turn Sole; CO. i | of the Whig. i _ UnGertaker anu Embaimer. A at half-mast at the | vmdertaking Parlors, 228 Princess Flags were City Hall and Court House out of Phones: 458---459. Wholesale 1767. ee By, emery of Le iste Brockville. footballers have asked (the G.T.R. to give them 'a car to come to Kingston on Saturday. t i 1

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