. o~ rHURSDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 1920. ' HTS Austin's Drug Store WINTER IS HERE See our windows and choose your HOT WATER. BOTTLE FOR 1c. PER DAY + we insure' the kiddies against cold feet at night. A Hot Water Bottle is the policy. Ask for a Kodak Catalog. -- Austin's Drug Store : opmer Kiag aad Market Square Kingstea - Phone 230 WE Saturday Night We take Photographs on Satur. day night from 7.30 to | 10.80 o'clock. THE MARRISON STUDIO Phone 1818w. 92 Princess Street. »" AER... i FS : LN W. R McRae & Co. GOLDEN LION BLOOK. tl Bargains For This Week One Toronto Wind Mill 24 Foot, in Good Condition E. Brawley Flour and Feed Man SYDENHAM, ONTARIO. PATTON'S DYE WORKS (Late Montgomery's) Kingston's Only Dyer. Dry Cleaning a Specialty. Phone 214, 849 Princess St. DID YOU EVER TRY WNagniai's winger Marmalade, Wwagsta's ppie Murmaiade, agetafl"s Bramble Jelly. We also bave . full line of reliable makes other £ Marmh- Baek, Tam Sad Jellies tor sais = Bon Marche Grocery . Cor. King and Earl Streets License No, 5-27149 . Phone 1544. Watches and Clocks Repaired Dye G. W. LYONS are guaranteed for one year. Call or 'phone and your or * der will be promptly attended A Quick Relief for Headache » THE DAILY BRIT \ 4 ISH WHIG. 5 ed Kingston and Vicinily A headache is frequently by badly digested food; the gases acidsresulting therefromare which in causes headache, nepralgia, rheuma- tism, etc. 15 to 30 drops of Mother Seigel's § will correct fanlty digestion ord relief, BUILDING ? REPAIRS OR ALTERATIONS? Estimates given by O. Aykroyd & Son | 21 Main Street, Phone 1670. DR. A.W. WINNETT DINTAL SURGEON. Corner of Johnson and Wellington Streets Phone 863 REPAIRS! REPAIRS! Welding is not a side-line with us We guarantee our workmanship. All broken parts made as sirong as new, Water Jackets and Crank Cases weld- ed without heating. KINGSTON WELDING SHOP 43 FRINCESS STREET. Angrove's: Repairs Seales, Talking Machines, Bicycles, Baby Carriages, Lawn Mowers, ete. We do repair work right and guarantee satisfaction. 197 WELLINGTON STRERT W. H. STEVENSON HORSE SHOER snd BLACKSMITH. Waggons and Trucks Repaired. Prices moderate, TEMPERANCE HOTEL YARD QUEEN STREET. FOR SALE An excellent - farm of 150 acres, good building, splendid land. Another farm of 100 seven miles from the $4,500, W. H. GODWIN & SON Real Estate and Insurance 89 Brock Street! Phone 424, LAL TR | acres, | | city -- throw away your old on. We renovate all kinds and make them as good 88 new, « Get our prices. Frontenac Mattress Co 17 BALACLAVA STREET " Phone 2106w a Firewood Large quantity of sound Rallway Ties tor sale cheap. All tents reduced to clear. We need the room, 1. Cohen & Co. 275 Ontario St. Phone 837. A Shower Bath In The Tub The Knickerbocker Shower Bath Brush connects to any faucet and gives a real. shower, shampoo massage--all in one. It is unequalled in shampooing. Special prices this week at:-- Prouse's Drug Store THE BUSY DRUG STORE (Tee Cream Bricks always on hand) to Note change of address: "Phon 166. 267 Princess St, : Qur Motto: "QUALITY AND SERVICE" FRIENDSHIPS Corner of Pine & Cowdy Sts. Orders called for if desired. > MONEY-SAVING BARGAINS 20 p.c. Off All Our ~ OVERCOATS | #pleidia color combination of Browns, Greys and other shades of Tweed Overcoats-- half belt, form fitting and all the latest styles. ~~. Phone 469. al Creamery Butter oh keen vay wos BOC per IDC hand-picked Beans Cnet nesasss3 1b. Tor Se. All Jams reduced. y Closed on Wednesdays at . 1 pm. : B; O. SMITH, Manager. Regular $30; Sale price $24.00 Regular $35; Sale Price $28.00 Regular $45; Sale Price $36.00 Call in and satisfy yourself that' the above are genuine bargains. 1. ZACKS 1 PRINCESS STREET As a matter of fact, it Isn't so much what your neighbor thinks of himself as what he thinks of you that counts. i We Save You Money, Our stock of gents' furnishings | ready to wear clothing, and made to | measure suits are the best values in ihe city, Prevost, Brock street. | Visited in Kingston, | Mrs. and Mrs. J. C. Béecher and | Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Coates motored | from Brockville and spent the week- lend with Mrs. A. E. Dowdall, Wil- lam street, i | . To Preach at Burnbrae. | Rev. Dr. R. J. Wilson will preach {anniversary services at Burnbrae on | Sunday next, Professors Jordan and {Watts will occupy his pulpit in his { absence, { -------------------------- Dies After Collision. David Pitt, aged sixty-five, Pitts- ton, injured in a collision with a motor truck on the provincial high- way, near Prescott, last Monday, died i.. the Brockville general hospital of his injuries. A Few More Days Only, Have your hand read by scientific palmist, Here only few more days. Has read the hands of hundreds of distinguished men, including Mar- conl, Bernhardt and Laurier. Room 3, Randolph Hotel. Hours: 10 to 12; 21065; 7 tod. Terms: $1.00. A Young Man Drowned. Charles Sandford Fleming, promi- nent in Ottawa athletic and social circles, wa8 drowned in Lake Meta- gami, on Thursday. His parents live in Ottawa. He was twenty-seven years of age, a erandson of the late Sir Sandford Fleming and a nephew of Walter Fleming, Kingston, Trying to Raise Barge. The barge Acadia, Montreal, which is equipped with a derrick and other lightering apparatus, is at Brockville to endeavor to raise the barge Hobo- ken, owned by the Ogdensburg Coal and Towing Company, which sank at the J. R. Bresnan and Son wharf dur- ing the early part of September. Queen's Led the Way. Dean A. L. Clark, of the Faculty of Applied Science-at Queen's, writesthe Toronto Globe to say the course in engineering physics at McGill is not the first thing of the kind in Canada. There has been such a course in the Faculty of Applied Science at Queen's for two years, and students have al- ready graduated in this work, and a number of others are enrolled. Put Coal Oil in Radiator. Now is the time when the 'drivers of automobiles try to secure some- thing which will keep the water from freezing in the radiator. On Tuesday, a traveller who has work- ed in western Canada, stated that he put coal oil in his radiator. He states that last winter he drove his car when the temperature was fifty degrees below zero. Hydro Man Badly Burned. Edward A. Hogle, Belleville, has been brought to the General hospital here suffering with severe burns sus- tained at Napanee, He was burned at a switch in the Hydro station, a short circuit causing flames to burst out, which affected both his hands. his face, neck and ears, and burned his clothing. He is doing as well as Those Nasty Little Pimples THAT COME ON THE FACE ARE CAUSED BY BAD BLOOD Many an otherwise beautiful and attractive face is sadly marred by the unsightly pimples and various other skin troubles, caused wholly by bad blood. Many a cheek and brow cast in the mould of beauty have been sadly de- faced, their attractiveness lost, and the possessor of the '"pimply face" rendered unhappy for years. Their presence is a source of em- barrassment to those afflicted as well as pain and regret to their friends. There is an effectual remedy for these facial defects and that is Bur- dock Blood Bitters, the old reliable medicine that has been on the market for over 40 years. It drives out all the impurities from the blood, and leaves the com- plexion clear and healthy. Mrs. Jsmes Willlams, Waterford, Ont., writes: --My face was covered with pimples for nearly a year. I used different kinds of remedies to | get rid of them and finally thought there was no relief. A friend drop- ped in one day and told me I should try Burdock Blood Bitters, 1 did so and. used three bottles, and found the pimples were all disappearing from my face, and now I have a clear complexion again." B. B. B. is manufactured only by the T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toron- to, Ont. > ; HEALTH OFFICIALS WARN THE PUBLIC With the memory of the epidemics which have swept the continent the past three years, health officials are everywhere advising the public 'to treat any case of cold, however slight, promptly. They point out that ne- glect, even of a simple cold, is liable to lead to dangerous forms of disease, Jnany of which are considered contag- ous. keep a box of Grip-Fix in the house. As soon as the first signs of a cold appear taking the remedy. It works quickly and, if taken prompt- ly, will feve even a bad cold in a single night. . @rip-Fix 'contains in capsule form "just. the d your physician might prescribe-- irin, Phenacetine, Qui- nine,' Salol, Caffein C'trate, Cascara and Camphor \ Monobromate. Noth- ing is known to the medical profes- sion which will break up colds or grippe quicker. | It is sold in capsule form for convenience in taking and also to give prompt action. ® Grip-Fix fs sold by all druggists at 35 cents per box. Get a box to-day and keep it handy around the house. In Lon ape than $35,000,000 are paid an y in salaries to tea- chers, - Bear this warning in mind and/ may be expected. not be affected. Extend G.W.V.A. Club. The Renfrew G-W.V.A. has de- cided to admit associate members on {the same terms as men who have 'gseen agtive military service, Every such member must be recommended by a veteran, and his candidature will be passed upon in the usual | way. It has also been decided to throw the club rooms open to the women of the town one-day every month. eet . | The Late Mrs. W. G. Fallis, | On Saturday a message came to Brockville from Quebec announcing | ne death of Grace Howland, beloved wife of Capt. W. G. Fallis, a well- known commercial traveller of Brock- ville. The late Mrs. Fallis had been in Quebec visiting her grandmother, Mrs, Maxwell, for about two weeks, and when apparently in the best of health. She was only twenty-two years of age. eee enna A Lad Was Hurt, » The big memorial gun "made in { Germany." and standing in front of {the Smith's Falls Town Hall, caused its first casualty in Canada on Tues- day when Edward Pennet the ten- | year-old son of Mrs. Wilfiam Pen- nett, was hurt .while playing with other boys around it. A part of the big affair fell on the hoy striking him on the breast causing injuries pecessitating his removal to St. Francis' Hospital. J Newsome-Spry. At the Wall £.reet Methodist par- sonage, Brockville, Wednesday, Nov. 3rd, the pastor, Rev. G. W. McCall united in marriage Miss Georgena ' Spry, younges: daughter of Mr. and ' Mrs. C. D. Spry, Easton's Corners, to Hyle Newsome, only son of Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Newsome, Plum Hollow. | The bride was assisted during the | ceremony by Miss 'Beryl Newsome, a'ster of the groom, while J. W, Leahy acted as groomsman, The bridal couple left for Watertown, Syracuse and other points in the United States. On their return they will reside in Plum Hollow. eimai m------------ Pleasing Incident. A pleasing incident occurred in First Presbyterian cnurch Sabbath sdnool, Brockville on Sunday, when | Charles J. Hay, a faithful teacher, officer and superintendent for 'over thirty years, was summoned to the platform to receive one of the happy surprises of his life. Master Bob Stewart, recog 'zed as the wilver- tongued orator of the school, in happy epigrammatic phrase, voiced the hearty congratulations of teach- ers and sck lars to Mrs. and Mrs. Hay on having reached the twenty-fifth anniversary of their wedding day. They were honored with beautiful flowers. Welfare League O A meeting of the Young Women's Welfares League was held at Carle- ton Place on Thursday to consider the opening of a club rogm for the young girls of every denomination. The women are anxious to assist in this purpose if the young girls will co-operate with them. C. F. R. Tay- lor has offered to rent his rooms in the Taylor Block, formerly the Odd- leaving her home was His eyesight will | fe11ow's rooms to this club, for the sum of $20 per month. Other rooms ! were discussed but this one had the preference. It is the intention to furnish and equip these rooms, making them comfortable for the use-of the girls any evening during the week and on Saturday after- noon, 2 room where the young girls may take their knitting and fancy work and meet together, and en- joy several games, besides the more | prattical---that of learning cooking, | sewing, etc. ' The Late Mrs. Taylor. . 1 | or ity Taylor, widow of Charles | E. Taylor, formerly of the Bank of ~ Lump Coal Good, soft, Lump Coal, suitable for grates and for steam purposes. . + S. ANGLIN & CO. Weodworking Fuctory snd Lumber Yards, Bay and Wellington Streets, KINGSTON, Ont. Office Phone 60. Factory Phone 14.6 : British North America, and daughter i of the late Hugh Fraser, Kingston, died Tuesday at the home of her daughter, Mrs. F. W. Birkett, 190 Somerset street, after an itlness of five years, caused by @ _ paralytic stroke brought on by the Hews of the death of her son at the front, witile | serving with the C.E.F. The funeral service will be held Thursday at St. George's Cathedral, Kinkston, where | Mrs. Taylor was an active member all | her life. Mrs, Taylor was born in Kingston sixty-eight years ago and was the granddaughter of the late Robert Drummond, who was interest- ed in the building of the Rideau " BULBS We stil] have a large assort ment at prices that are right BASKETS See our shipment from Japan. Not too early for Christmas "A.D. HOLTON + 880 PRINCESS NIKKET - Phone, 6061; - ae canal, Mrs. Taylor is survived by four daughters, Mrs. F. W. Birkett, | 190 Somerset s'reet, Mrs. R. J. Ridout, Toronto, and at present in San Diego, Cal, Mrs. W. C. Carrier, | Ottawa, and Mrs. G. E. Francklyn, | Ottawa, and-one son, H. P/ Taylor, of | the Standard bank, Toronto. ee eee Companies Tell of Outlooks# Speaking of the outlook for the | lumber dealers, the Pembroke Lum- ber Company says: We are only | operating five camps this year as ompared with six last season. The | rews at the present time are about | two-thirds of the required number, | and they are filling up very slowly. | Labor is scarce and the grade is | very poor. In fact, we have never | experienced a year similar to. _ this | one as regards campers. Wages are from $1 to $15 a month higher | and camp supplies are still advanc- | ing over last year's price, with the | probable exception of oats. Our | stock of lumber on hand at present i is very small, and will no doubt be | entirely used up before the end of | the present year. The Colonial Lum- ber Company, Pembroke: We are op- | erating the same number of camps as last season, but the labor supply, although very short a year ago, is | worse this year, with the result that | the log output in the Ottawa Valley | will probably be very much less than last year. Wages for bushmen are | higher than a year ago, and in many cases supplies are selling at higher priges. All our lumber in last sea- son's cut has been sold and a con- siderable quantity has been shipped green from the saw. The quantity of lumber stored in facturers' yards is, we believe, very much less than last year, and owing to the rates of wages being paid, cost of supplies, etc., we cannot but feel that prices for lumber such as we manu- facture, namely, white and red pine, are bound to advance. SAYS MARKETS YAWN oh "FOR CANADIAN GOODS F. C. T. O'Hara Rebukes Mer= chants Who Pass Informa= tion on to United States. Ottawa, Nov. 18, -- Canadian firms who have passed business in- quiries on to firms in the United States are critically handled in the annual report of T. C. T. O'Hara, deputy minister of trade and com- merce, made public, Mr. O'Hara makes a strong plea for building up Canada's foreign trade through Canadian channels. "Not infrequently," Mr. O'Hara says, '"'caSes are brought to the at- tention of the department of Cana- dian firms before whom the depart- ment has placed information as to purchases desired abroad who have referred such inquiries to firms in the United Sttaes. In such cases the 'department has removed the names of such firms from its lists of Canadian export firms so that no further information will be furnish- ed them." Complaints have also reached the department from foreign buyers that upon their placing an order with certain Canadian manufac- turers to purchase goods manufac- tured by them they have been re- ferred to agencies in the United States and informed that such United States agencies handle all their foreign business. In some cases foreign purchasers have there- upon refused to place an order. Mr. O'Hara urged the purchases only of goods made in Canada or in the empire. Canadian exporters should get away from the long- standing practise of relying upon foreign commission houses to find a market for their goods. 'There is a yawning market," Mr. O'Hara adds, "in .almost every country in the world for'Canadian goods." a-------------------- "Eternal Mourning" Ordered in Hungary ---- Berlin, Nov. 18.--According to a despatch received from Budapest, "gternal mourning" has been ordered Hungary as a consequence of the 'peace of humiliation." Upon the mo- tion of Marquis Pallavicini in the National Assembly, following the ra- tification of the peace treaty, a reso- lution was passed rdering the "'eter- mourning." The resolution provides that until the thousand-year-old realm is res- tored the black flag shall float con- tinuously above all public buildings as a sign of matio'al mourning and to keep the memory of the peace of umilietion constantly before the eyes and fresh in the minds of the people of Hungary. ; Wise is the man who ig as atten tive to his wife as he was when she was his sweetheart--only her relat- jonship to him has changed, not her nature. {For Stomach Trouble them strong and healthy by taking Vital Tablets, the great French rem- France May Resume Relations With Vatican Paris, Nov. 18.--A resumption of diplomatic relations with the Vatican was discussed at length today in the chamber of deputies, which recon- vened after the holidays, Command- ant Noblemaire, former military at- tache of the embassy in Rome, de- livered an address favoring a resump- tion of relations, while M. Heriot, mayor of Lyons, spoke in opposition. It is expected that a test of strength of the Leygues cabiret will be had on a vote oh the question next Friday. i Children are like jellies--as they are moulded so they will turn out. HEADQUARTERS FOR ROBES, BLANKETS, and MITTS, MEN'S and CHILDREN'S MITTS and GLOVES A SPECIALTY. W. H. COCKBURN & CO. Corner Wellington and Princess Street. Phone 316. YES, We make Mattresses--so do lots of other people. We give you the goods in QUAL- ITY, COMFORT and DURABILITY. Everybody doesn't do that. We haven't any wild-cat prices to quote, but we can offer you the best value obtainable in our line of Beds = Springs Mattresses, Comforters Pillows Blankets, Etc. Ask for the "COMFYDOWN ** Made for people who want a superlative Mattress. Kingston Mattress Company SALES ROOM FACTORY 136 Princess Stree 556 Princess BStreed Phone 2283. Phone 602w. Experts in Renovating and Remaking. 'atch Our Windows FOR SPECIAL SHOE VALUES J. H. Sutherland & Bro. THE HOME OF GOOD SHOES edy. Don't neglect yourself, Vital will ix you. Price 50c. a box, 6 for $2.50, at all drug stores. The Sco- bell Drug Company, Montreal, Que. Sold in Kingston at Mahood's Drug drivers. It will pay you well to see our Sleighs before buying. ~ McNAMEE & SLACK HORSESHOEING AND - GENERAL REPAIRING |. Phone 1217w. 54 Queen St. TWEDDELL OVERCOATS For the best values at $20.00, $25.00, $30.00, ~ $35.00,.$40.00 BUY YOUR OVERCOAT AT, - TWEDDELL"S ' 131 Princess St. _ (One door below Randolph Hotel) -