Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 18 Nov 1920, p. 2

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: -_ THE DAILY BRITISH Fur Coats NATURAL BROWN MUSKRAT- best quality; fitted; some large collars and cuffs of Hudson seal $199.00 French Seal Box and Semi-Fitted: style box ,or semi- Sale price large Shawl Collar -and' Cuffs of Alaska Sable. PRICE $199.00 SALE Hudson Seal Coats All Self Fur or trimmed with Beav- er, Grey Squirrel, Mole, Alaska Sable, Australian Opossum; large Crush Collars and deep Cuffs; beautifully finished and lined with fancy Silk Brocades and soft Silk linings. $250.00 up John McKay, Limited THE FUR HOUSE 149 to 157 Brock Street, Kingston, Ontario. ll variet Used Pine Lumber Several thousand feet of 2" Pine now beihg removed Yrom the Elevator, foot of Gore Street. : This is nice Soft Pine, of godd lengths, easy to work and is very cheap. Also several tons of 4" and 5" Nails at a bargain. S. Anglin & Co. OFFICE PHONE 66 Victims of Procrastination ! There are thousands of men who have made up their minds 10 take insurance, but who for a ¥ of reasons procrastinate. As ten per cent. of ali deaths Are due to accidents and many men apparently 'of yound health die suddenly, the danger of delay is apparent, but there is a great. st danger thon this, the danger becom! uninvurable, which an unexpectedly as an accident, Last year over 25,000 waited sixty days too long, that is, sixty days after they could have obtained life Insurance their ne so do mo ended from In. ® Pass a aati medical examination, afactory FOR SALE LIFE, FIRE AND ACCIDEN "INSURANCE 5 Phone or See, J. 5. R. McCann 86 Brock St. Phone 3820 or 621 SOAP, SOAP, SOAP Surprise--10 bars Comfort--10 bars Sunlight--10 bars . P. & G. -- 10 bars 8 pkgs. Old Dutch ...... 8 pkgs. Ammonia ....... Palmolive--38 for | Castile--2 for | | | men SPECIAL 800 tins Cinch (15c. size) Bc. gach 800 tins Soclean (2bc. size) CASH AND CARRY ALFRED and PRINCESS STS. You Might Save a " Dollar on Glasses --and lose a million dollars worth of eyesight! ; TEL __T~¥ou cannot measure the value of good : Syesight in dollar and cent calculations. ou should not purchase eye service on a * merchandise basis. "--When you need Glasses, go to the best ometrist you can find. Have an ac- | curate test made, then take his advice re- -- garding the style of Glasses best fitted for your case. Get the best service that you * can--and when you do all that you will come to us. "OUR SERVICE 'IS THE BEST" ¥ ! os J. S. Asselstine, D.O.S. Phone 1019w. [Hor | 'Address Given at Y.M.C.A. by Rev. A. Perry Park, . Delhi, India. The foreign work committee of the Y.M.C.A. conducted an edjoyable | "Indian evening' at the loca] associa- {tion rooms on Wednesday. Follow- Ing supper, served by the woman's auxiliary, the president, E. W. Skin- ner, introduced Rev. A. Perry Park, |. B.A,, who for the past six years has been the Y.M.C.A. general secre- tary -at Delhi, India. Mr. Park gave some enlightening and interesting information, as to the political, egco- a 2|1y Appreciative of value of organiza- | EVEN | tion, and tHe merits of those whom |she entrusts with responsibility. The I | Zeal shown in all of the departments | | bears testimony to devotion | Surrounds her. INCDENTS OF THE DAY Racy Local News and Items of neral Public Interest. Try Chadwick's Foal. Phone 67. Pianos tuned. Phone 1544 C. W. Lindsay. Ltd. Joseph Hodge, piano-tuner, phone 8W, or McAulev's book store. Regiopolis 'College \ 4 Yeni ov. 22 { | nomte and social condition" of that Beh anday evening, Nov. 23nd, at '] | important country of the east; whose \j | ready and noble response in the re- cent great war had aroused the ad- miration and respect of all other British subjects. There was a time when an expression.like the '"un- changing east" was generally ac- cepted, but that time was no more, | for the ter#h "everchanging east" would be now applicable, owing to if | the tremendous reaching out after |] |development and western il as that which "should make civiliza- tion. Ir a country like India, where self-government was being doled out, 50 to speak, on the installment plan, there was a demand for the kind of force not such as some denominated the i] | world safe for democracy' but rath- er that forée that would "make de- mocracy safe for the world." Mr. Park, in enumerating some of i the features of the two great relig- | fons of India, pointed out that they did not provide the moral fibre and stability that would meet the criti- cal situation, but Christianity and its ideals were rapidly being looked if | up to by many leaders of India. This latter truth was bornc oue by the expressions of some of the Indian |§ | students (when referring to a cer- If | tain action), for instance, "That was if | evidence that '§ | munities, which had the benefit not a Christian thing to do." This Christian standards in few com- of surely pressed | were being recognized { Christian contact, § home the need of further extension. There was also a demand for "'wo- i] | man suffrage" in India, despite the I | il | fact that ninety-five per cent. of In- jdian women were not literate in any | language, and manhood suffrage Is also strongly meeted in this country wkere only ten per cent. of its men | can read and write. The work of the {Y.M.C.A. anlong Indian troops has [intensified the, desire for the | YM.C.A. in 'the Indlan cities and { villages, of which there are 270,000; | whereas .at present the "Y' js op- | erating in only 250 of these, but | with entire satisfaction of Indian | government, who particularly ap- | prove of its system of co-operative { banks, which are rapidly assisting {the poor Indian peasant to unload | his burden of debt. | Mr. Park remained in the city to- | day in order to try and interest a {number of business men, in a finan- l'elal way, to assist in Can:da's share {in the foreign work budget for 1920, | which amounts to $100,000. BIG CROWDS AT BAZAAR The Event in the City Build- ings Proves a Great Attraction. Wednesday evening saw the re- cord broken in attendance at the | House of Providence bazaar in the city hafi'\ The booths were crowd- fea from 4 p.m. until late in the even- | ing, and the patrons were delighted | with the quality of the articles sold. | They consisted of sueh articles as ta- ble covers, doilies, cushions, cushion | covers, work bags, chatelaines, com- {forters, spreads, and = many - other beautiful fancy articles. The dance [1a the city hall in the evening proved | @ great attraction, and the ball room (and the corridors were, thronged. f This evening, instead of the dance, Ithere will be euchre games. At the | last euchre 360 people were seated | at the tables, and one hundred tables | will be available this evening. On | Friday evening, there will be a dance, and the patronessés will be Mrs, M. S. Grace, Mrs. D. Millan and Mrs. W. C, McDonald. The ice cream booth is in charge of Mrs. W. Madden and Miss M. Mad- | den, and Miss Mildred McMen is on the staff of the country store. A booth that has been found a great attraction, is where the chil dren's toys and dolls are sold. .The demand for kewpie dolls is so great | Ii that the committee engaged on this work, finder Sister Genevieve, has had to wire for a special supply. On Saturday special kewpie dolls will be available for McGill, Varsity and Queen's students and football play- (ers. They will be interesting sou- | venirs of the championship game Played here on that day. The demand, following the an- nhouncement that meals would be served from 12 to 2 p.m. and from 5.to 7 p.m. was so great that spe- cial efforts have had to be made to accommodate the crowds that came to patronize them. On Thursday, Friday and Saturday the manage- ment is in a position to supply all comers. On Friday both fish and meat courses will be on the menu. On- Saturday afternoon there will be a tea and dance, and the patron- i Portsmouth taxpayers save two per cent by payir 7 on or before Nov- ember 20th, T. I Ellis, 'Gananoque, has been chosen chairman of the Allowance Board of Leeds county. After six months -rental we will allow money paid in rental to apply 23 Purchase of piano, C. W. Lindday Mrs. William ANt, Madoc, came to Kingston to undergo an operation. She was accompanied by Mrs, Comer- ford. R. A. Caughey, of the penitenti- ary staff, is confined to his home, since Tuesday, with an attack of lum- bago. > The steamer Stormount, which had | trouble below - Morrisburg several days ago, arrived in port on Wednes- day night. The Calvin residence on King street is to be refitted and in May next will be occupied by H. C. Welch, manager of the shipbuilding works. | On Thursday morning a local gro- cer reported that he believed that | the price of sugar would not take another drop. The wholesale price for cane sugar was $12.23 and Wéllace- | burg sugar, which was beet sugar, | was $11.75, | The patient that wandered away | from Rockwood hospital on Monday | aight, and for whom a general search Was carried on for two days, was lo- mouth, on Wednesday night, and re- | turned to the hospital. Owing to her | condition fears were entertained for | her safety but she was taken good | care of, THE RETAIL MERCHANTS | -- | Will Wait on Police Commissioners Regarding Protection, The board of police commission- ers will hold a meeting shortly, and will take up the request of the re- | tail merchants, who are asking that | the business section of the city be | glyen more police protection. Re- ! presentatives of the _ Retall Mer- chants' Association will wait on the | commissioners in regard to the mat- | ter. | It will be recalled that at the last meeting of the retail merchants, the | question of additional men for the | police force was under discussion, and it was decided to take the mat- ter up with the police commission- ers. Frank J. Hoag, president of | the Retail Merchants' Association, is | quite active in the interests of the | association. : For: Colds or Influenza. and as a Preventive, take GROVE'S L. B. Q. tablets (Laxative Bromo Quinine tablets). Be sure you get the genuine. Ask for GROVE'S L. B. Q. tablets: Look for BE. W. GROVE'S signature on box. 30e. --iiimmnse Don't tell a man that you are as €00d as he is; show him that you are better. a | 3% PRICE SALE Ladies' Hats Friday and Alumni din- | § Mothers' | fi | cated at a farm house beyond Ports- | Saturday [fl that | i { Il We now have sample books, finest lines of Christmas Cards in there is ample time for ordering and delivery i < |} The best selected stock ever shown in this city, the finest manufacturers'in America. while the stock is new and fresh and whil ity to inspect the line, For Xmas for your inspection, of the two Canada. See the books now, as n time to send overseas. GENERAL CHRISTMAS AND NEW YEAR CARDS representing Make your selection now e you have ample opportun- x The College Book Store Telephone 919 Open Evenings Friday Bargains 500 yards of Striped Flannelette--mill ends--1 to 12 yards -- nice quality; regular 35c. and 40c. a yard. . Friday Bargain 25¢. yd. 300 yards of White Cotton-- Friday Bargain ;........0...... «eee. .25c. yard able for family use. A clearance in oddments of Ladies' ; newest styles, but in broken sizes only. Friday and Navy Lustre Special 10 dozen, Ladies' White Flannelette Drawers--good quality-- open style only; nearly all sizes. F riday ~~ S * See the elegant range of Lad jes' Eiderdown Ki pretty designs. UNDERWEAR for all the best shades and as tis on Carpets, Floor Rugs, Oilcloths and Linoleums, 36 inches wide--nice weave; suit- Skirts, includings Black ovata aha isnt ies i estan $50 ** sess nae monas; in all the Specially priced on F riday ... $6.50 family at reduced prices, BIG DISCOUNTS --$6.50-- - Our prices are al- ways attractive, Try us and see, {i SERIOUSLY INJURED | Lady Hurt By Falling Down Stairs at Bat Bath, Nov. 17.---Mre. Webster, Belleville, is visiting at D. H. Robin- | son's, G. W. Cuppage is visiting | Iriends in Toronto. Mrs. Pinney | and daughter, Hinch, are visiting at Charles Vanaistine's. Miss Agnes For- wand, Syracuse, N.Y. is with the 2 Forward. Mrs. Mary Nelson stil] 'continues very low. Mrs. Chas. Vanalstine was seriously injured by falling down stairs on Friday even- ing last. Also on Saturday morning last | Fletcher Young was very badly burns [bi about the head and arms when a blowtorch, which he was using, set fire to some gasoline near by. The many friends of both Mrs. Vanalstine |and Mr. Young hope for their speedy | esses will be Lady Macdonell, Mrs. | R. Bruce Taylor and Mrs. J, 8. N. | Leslie. Rev. Mother Clement, when inter- viewed Thursday, expressed her warm appreciation of the manner in which the bazas: Was being sup- ported. @ regretted that owing to the hurry and bustle occasioned by hours of activity, the ladies were of- ten unable to make personal knowledgements ALL SALES FOR CASH George Mills & Co. Furs--Hats--Millinery recovery. Red Cross Appeal. The Canadian Red Cross is asking Canada to help in the appeal the British Red Cross is sending out to all. parts of the Empire for help for the war sufferers of Europe. In Pol- and typhus is raging and doctors and nurses are few for the needs. There are 4,000,000 orphans to be cared for during the coming winter. This is an Empire wide appeal, and ft 1s hoped Kingston will respond gener- ously as usual. The Yolowing donations are ac- aged fifty-nine, a Napanee, the Hotel Dieu on deceased was the victim of & very few days before painful accident a from the roof of a barn when he fel] he was working and was Co., undertakers. On Friday the town hall at Ban- croft was destroyed by fire with sanlents. oe blaze Spread to Dr. Embury's buildings and di consid- le damage. erab Newman & Shaw "The Always Busy Store" A FEW BUNGALOWS LEFT ® ON LOWER PATRICK STREET--for $1100--¢ rooms; toilet; | newly painted. Get one while they last. TWO CHOICE LOTS ON ELLE RBECK STREET = (near Kin, Street); 52 x 156 each---at a bargain. : i | i if | i | | i TO RENT--A detached brick dwelling on Alfred street: to rent; possession at omce. 2 E. W. MULLIN & SON Kingston Home Finders. Buyers asa Sellers of Real Metate, ° Phones 539w ana 539). JOHNSTON ang DIVISION STREETS, an November Special Sales Featuring * Big Girls' High Brown Bals *, Men's Gunmetal Bals--Good. -- semi-brogue type; low year Welted Soles; norrow Men's Brown Winter Calt Bluchers; waterproof sole; a $10 value; all sizes .» $0.93 Steve J. Martin "Shoes of Merit and Distinction" Phone SB16, Woman's Kid Bals -- brown buck tops; military and Louis heels; all sizes Mrs. A. Blan A quiet wedding was solemnized | daughter of Mr. and in St. Michael's church, Belleville, | chard, and Edward Hout, Tuesday, when Adele, youngest | dria, were married.

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