Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 18 Nov 1920, p. 14

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THE TET a i A or inter Underwear FOR MEN PENMAN'S PREFERRED Shirts and Drawers . . . $2.00 garment Heavy weight . . .....$2.50 garment STANFIELDS ...$4.00 garment $6.00 garment Shirts and Drawers Silk and Wool UD SOUGHT BY POLCE {On a Charge of Horse Stealing and Collecting an Account. An eleven-year-old lad, who has | been causing the police a great deal {of trouble during the past two {years, is being sought by the police. It is very likely that the jad will be charged with horse steal- ing. According to the information | received, this lad has a mania for {stealing horses. The parents of the |lad have done everything in their | power to correct his bad habits, but | their efforts have been without re- {sults. On Wednesday, Mrs. Tyo, | who resides on Princess street, re- I ported that her horse and waggon | had been stolen. It was found some | hours after it disappeared. This is not the first time that Mrs. Tyo has had trouble with the lad. Only the other day when he was with | Mrs, Tyo's driver, the lad heard | Mrs. Tyo tell him to call at a cer- [tain place in Kingston and collect | a bill which was owing her, In less | time than it takes to tell the tale, the lad made his way to the store, saw the lady in question and ad- vised her that he had been sent by Mrs. Tyo to collect the account. The lady gave him an order to go to the treasurer of the society which owed the bill, and collect. ed upon the treasurer he was offer- ed a cheque in payment but he refused it, and secured the money: Inspector Pollie, of 'the Children's Ald society, informs the Whig that about a year ago the lad went into |a pasture field, secured a horse and drove to Odessa. He was unable to get a halter so he made one of a plece of hay wire which he found in the field. One time, when the inspector of the Children's Aid society visited the home, he found that the father had put a chain on the lad's foot to keep him in the house, but he re- leased himself. When he wait- ------ DAILY BRITISH WHIG. In Regard to Killing of Mor- = « al J nspector at St. i . Boniface, Man. dict was returned last night by the coroner's jury investigating the death = of Alexander McCurdy, provincial = morality inspector; who was slain in =| the course of a raid on the Stock =| Yards hotel at St. Boniface. The ver- = dict was to the effect that he died == from the effect of a bullet wound in =| the head fired from the weapon In == hands of a person or persons un- =| known. "Curley" O'Neil, one of the = alleged slayers of McCurdy and the = other victim of the tragedy, James = Uttley, was not called to give evi- = dence. O'Neil was arrested in Moose- EE Jaw and brought to the city yester- |= day. It was stated that he will be |= called when the inquest. into the |= death of James Uttley, which will be |= held next Tuesday, is held. Conflict- | =| ing evidence given last night by Mrs. | =| Christina Johnson, the woman who Lr. was found in the bedroom of one of = the murderers, has added to the mys- | =| titylng nature of the case. Es TERE FRIDAY . SPECIAL SALE OF pied 100'CLOCK NAVY TRICOTINE SUITING $3.90 YARD 150 yards of all pure Wool Tricotine Costume Cloth--de- cidedly smart and effective stylish Suits, Dresses or Skirts may be fashioned from this number. The dye absolutely reliable; weight, heavy. The regular selling price $5.50 yard. Navy only. Width, 56 inches. FRIDAY ...... $3.90 YARD WOOL PLAIDS AND STRIPES A beautiful variety of Novelty Skirt ings. The rich colors would harmon- ize so well with your new Coat; 56 inches wide. PRICE ....oocoviaeine, $3.50 UP WOOL JERSEY $35.50 YARD This All Wool Jersey Fabric so fash ionable for the one-piece dress or separate~Skirt will give splendid wear, The colors are: Black, Brown, Taupe, Sand, Copen, Pekin Blue, Grey and Burgundy. 54 to 60 inches wide. » ¥HURSDAY, NOVEMBER 19, AN.OPEN VERDICT EY All Wool Broad Cloths . $5.50 YARD - $5.95 YARD = $6.75 YARD Here you will find a wonderful range of Fashionable Cos- tume Cloths. . The shades include all the season's demands and their pricings are most inviting. The colors: Navy, Copen, Royal, Grey, Taupe, Burgundy, Amethyst, Rein- deer, Brown, Scarlet, Henna, Wine, Sand and Black. (54 inches wide) Special Sale I tra Wool Combinations .. $3.50 : - " » I bells" Tonight. Stanfield's Combinations $5, $8, $12 The a dinning enter- . : tainment corps, "The Dumbells," are Wolsey Combinations $6.50, $12, $18 "esse ue THEO. FEILDEN Director of the Imperial trade pro- | paganda organization, who is making a tour of Canada, looking into trade con-| 3 ditions. playing a second season in Canada and are now on a coast to coast tour, INSTRUCTION SCHOOLS presenting a second edition of their AT MINING CAMPS Joyous musical revue, "Biff, Bing, | Bang," with the same great cast and ER chorus of soldier-actors that made | Dr. W. L. Goodwin, Kingston, | Asked to Act as : ® ® - , S the '"Dumbells'" the great favorites om S on S which they were in France and now . are in this country. Encouraged by Founded 1847. BROCK STREET "If Off Your Route It Pays to Walk." ithe phenominal support accorded his first venture as a regular theatrical producer, Captain Plunkett has used more scope in the staging of his sec- ond offering, and has built and as- sembled a production that is equal to that of any of the big American musical shows that are seen in Can- ada. The same song revue idea, which proved so successful last year, has been retained for the first part or the entertainment. This is followed by a forty-five minute version of Gil- bert and Sullivans' favorite opera, "Pinafore," which the "Dumbells' Principal. The Ontario department of mines has again decided to establish schools of {instruction at various mining camps, and Dr. W. L. Good- win, formerly dean of Queen's fac- ulty of applied science, has been re- quested to act as principal. He will leave on Monday next for Belleville and Toronto, when the location. of the various schools will be deter-| mined. It is Iikely that one school will be located at Belleville, one at Ma- doc, and one or two in the Cobalt | and Porcupine districts, also in the | LEE ALE WOOL VELOUR Well adapted in quality and weight for the Coat or Suit and the price consistent with quality assures you of extra good value. The colors: Navy, Pekin Blue, Copen, Grey, Taupe, Old Rose, Burgundy, Wine, Brown, Sand. 54 inches wide. PRICE ...... $5.50 to $6.50 YARD ALL WOOL SERGE $2.50 YARD In a nice, fine Twill, dress weight; a Cloth that will give wear and stand its color. The shades: Navy, Copen, Pekin, Brown, Burgundy, Grey, Rus- set, Taupe and Black; 40 ins. wide. PRICE .s....uiesnis $2.50 YARD presented with such success in Mons | port Arthur and Fort William and | at the close of the war. Thi¥ will be| Sault Ste. Marie districts. These | followed by a typical sketch of life mining schools were of great ad-| ! behind the lines in France. Thid at- vantage prior to the war, and were traction will be seen at the Grand very useful for prospectors: | Opera House for three days starting tonight with a special matinee Satur-| Apmenia Has Rejected day. radve. The Turkish Ultimatum At The Strand. "Flattery is like champagne--de- Constantinople, Nov. 18.--Armenia Hghtful while taking but sickening in | has rejected the ultimatum recent- its after affects." Thus does Norman {ly présented by the Turkish na- Talmadge, the b witching little mo- | tionalists, demanding that the Ar- tion picture star, describe that gentle | menians establish a Soviet govern- art whose use has been in vogue ever | ment under Turkish protection. | since man could speak and woman The Armenians declared that the | would: listen, "Flattery has toppled | acceptance of the conditions would thrones, changed history, separated | be equivalent to the loss of Armenia's thousands of happy couples, peopled | sovereign rights. the underworld 'and divided king-|. - ete doms," continued Miss Talmadge. | Salada Tea Reduced 15¢. a Pound. Nor is its art exclusively used by Every effor: is being made to sup- mere mon. "Women have used it with | ply the retail dealers with Brown telling effect as witness the wily Cleo- | Label "SALADA" 'at the reduced patra and other professional royal price of 55 cents per pound. How- flatterers." And it is this same theme | ever, it will take some little time be- HHH Fashionable Coatings That will appeal strongly to the woman or miss in need of a Winter Coat at a very moderate cost. New fabrics: -- Silvertone, Polo Coating, Duvetyne, Whitney Cloth and Wool Velour. Shades: --Navy, Brown, Copen, Burgundy, Sand, Taupe, Grey, Reseda; also Scotch Tweed mixtures; 64 inches wide. ; ... $4.95, $5.50 to $7.50 YARD THE DELINEATOR SPECIAL RATE ....$1.50 YEAR Mrs. Dunbar, a representative of The Butterick Publishing>Company, an- nounces a special offering only during the next few days of her visit to _ Kingston. 12 copies of The Delineat or Magazine that comsists of Short Stories and the latest fashions, priced at half of the regular $3.00 a year rate. Every woman should take ady antage of this special rate and sube scribe or renew her subscription now. Ne | Limited FISH FRIDAY Ego 2.000 Ibs. British Columbia FRESH FALL SALMON TTITTHI TIT that makes "Yes or No" Miss Tal-| fore all have it in stock, in ite of madge photoplay, instructive as well | every exertion on the part of the as entertaining. In it the audience So mpaty. as they have tens of thou- | is shown the male flatterers at his nds of customers throughout Can- | == deadly work. both in the home of | ada from the Atlantic tq the Pacific. |= | wealth and the humble tenemeént--it ---------------------- et same 22¢. 1b. |. shows the male vamp in evening Trades Council Euchre Party: | clothes and tue pursuer in livery-- The Trades and Labor Council A NEW FISH TREAT | both deadly and dangerous, It | held another euchre party on Wad- | Delicious--Salmon Smacks--dainty | graphically describes how two women nesday evening. Miss Doolan anil | FRESH CAUGHT SEA and LAKE | in opposite stations of lif> accept the | Miss Bird won the ladies' prizes, and | attentions of this type of man. This E. Rollowe and D. Hartman the gen- | picturization of a subject vitally in- tiemen's. Fresh Haddock Fresh Herrings Fresh Pike . . . .. HELE CAREER TAA ELLE TIT IRA $ Tohn Laidli & Son, Lid. | teresting to cll women will be shown !at the Strand taeatre, tonight and | Friday and Saturday.--Advt, -------------- The earnings of the Canadian Pa- cific Railway for the week of Nov. At Griffin's. 7th to 14th, show an increase of Though Louis Bennison plays a an a = I ™ Se. = n x -- = i BE = consumption 'oysters substantial- ly. Do not over- LG look the improved quality and service. $1,694,000, ag compared with the {hardy westerner of crude and un-| SOrrésponding week of a year ago. 'conventional methods in his newest Called = Straight," which will be | Dp TiP¢!ls in "Biff, Bing, Bang." Grana shown at Griffin's to-day, Friday and Ses top of Three, right hana [could hardly find anything crude Res . . \ : i |e meany of the smiling star HANSON, CROZIER & WDCAR OOOO A Ip ed Straight"is a picture brimful of , ERS F : E situations that reveal the screen y : : or ] he Ne xt Dan C eC . Sealshipt Oysters Sane and fortune. See Louis Ben- 7 : : , ' have increased the" |} ranch to er A Oe eta in. : ng feature we are a on Ry showing the second episode of "'Pi- : ghia Ad { Geo, B. Seitz and Marguerite Cour- on, Derbyshire P umps tot, which opened with such great i ; } E--At Sydenham, ! 193, by Rev. Ysorgs f : E-- a nde ' Ladies' Fine Patent Pumps-- full Louis Wood heels; turn \ Sol din b alk. . kgs GH bees iis svi. $3.05 Patent and Kid Pumps with Military Heels; Tarn Solo; C. Haddies, Fillets, Bloaters, Kippers, Ciscoes, - dea : Re |B : Ma. Some very pretty Buckles to go wkh these Shoes, making . Boneléss Digbys. 5 : S ' Bi : ! . them very attractive. Prices from . Phones: 458--459: Wholesale 1767.. Bentzwood production, "The Road DAILY MEMORANDUM, Saturday, the most exacting critic | corner for prohabilities. ; intense the action, "The Road Call- P cow-puncher at his best. "The Road 2 1 traight" leads straight to Market Square, Kingston hison transferred from a western : : ¥ . a ioleren thedral, on Wednesday, Nov. 17th, S l f E i of |¥ Ta. on 9 this WE Ki ale or ren ng irate Gold," our new serial starring nyt nt 3 Ba Soh sole; wostly all sizes and wid ths; same shoe in Mat SMOKED and CURED and D. widths; Kid Lined. .. . ... as sun ininius $5.03 Parsley, Lettuce, Celery, Chickens, Fowl, 4

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