Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 18 Nov 1920, p. 12

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a LY BRITISH WHIG: rr < A FEW SUGGESTIONS TO THE EARLY | Clgrmmns THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 3020. : THE DAI gin -- tt EL SPORTING NEWS |*™=*"**%s siti" Wisse Spracklin To Be "Two Places, in Which it Might | { | Have Secured | Shelter. Bright for Varsity, The Toronto 'Telegram says: Things certainly look bright for| Varsity. They look brighter than at | any time this season. And if the Blue and White do not trample over | .the Sons of Shaugnessy at Kingston | on Saturday, there will be no ex- cuses to offer. Harry Hobbs will be back at quarter and Westman will start at left middle. That will give Coach Cassels the same line as started against McGill in Toronto But the backfield will be strength- ened. ' Frank Sullivan and Warren Snyder are battling for the centre- half position, as it seems almost cer-| tain that "Joe" Taylor will not play. | Taylor's specialty is punting, but he | is not that much better than Sulli- | van or Snyder. In the other phases | of the game Taylor does not mea- | sure up to the other two. He is not | aggressive and seems unable to] stand up under hard punishment. rom here it looks as if Frank Sullivan will get the assignment to do the kicking, and if he does "Red" McKenzie will most likely be | placed up on the second line of de-| fence when MeO) has the ball, leav- ing Sullivdn Breen to handle | the punts. | Over 1,000 From Montreal. | Montreal Star : It is estimated that over a thousand will leave on | Saturday morning and there will not be much difficulty in disposing of the pasteboards allotted ta Mont- real. All of the men on the local team claim to be in the best of shape... Flanagan has been careful not to overwork himself and he ap- pears to be in better condition than he has been for the past two years. "Bo6""' Anderson has recovered alto- gether from the severe game he played against Toronto and he may be depended to put up his usual con- sistent game. The rest of the team is traveling along at its usual stride and it is hoped that that will be just * a little too fast for the Blue and 'White. Kingston General Hospital Settles an Action Toronto, Nov. 18.--Edith Louch, Gananoque, was scalded through the negligence of a probation nurse while she/ was recovering from an operation in the Kingston General Hospital, This morning Justice Rose approved a settlement of the action brought by Miss Louch against the hospital board, whereby Miss Louch will receive $1,435 when she be- comes of age in 1923. : .Hood's Sarsaparilla Makes Food Taste Cood Creates an appetite, alds digestion, purifies the blood, and thus relieves scrofula;, catarrh, the pains and sches of rheumatism and gives strength to the whole system. Nearly 60 years' phenomenal sales tell the story of the great merit and Success of Hood's Sarsaparilla. It is just the medicine you need now, Hood's Pills help--fine cathartio, - Up til 2.30 o'clock this (Thurs- day) afternoon, no word had been received in Kingston regarding the steambarge John Randall, reported missing on Wednesday. The vessel cleared from Oswego on Tuesday noon, loaded with coal for Belleville. In marine circles here on Thurs- day, 'it might have taken shelter at Timber Island or South Bay, and every ef- fort possible is being made to get trace. of the coal carrier. The vessel was under the command of Capt. Harry Randall, of Seeley's Bay, and the latter had a crew of three men: John Brady, of Newboro, engineer; Harry and Gilbert Smith, Seeley"s Bay; cousins of Capt. Harry Randall. The latter is a son of Capt. John Randall; of the steamer Buena Vista. Capt. Randall sailed the steambarge John Randall for eight years, and the vessel was then taken over by his son. The captain on the missing ves- sel and. his entire crew are unmar- ried. All are well-known in marine circles, and their many friends are hoping that the coal carrier is in | some place of shelter. TRADE AGREEMENT + fo WITH RUSSIA + --_-- <* London, Nov. 18.--Premier # Lloyd George stated in the # House of Commons today that # the cabinét had decided that a + draft of the agreement to carry % out the July arrangements for + trade with Russia should be pre- % pared, and he hoped it would be + ready for submission to the Rus- # sian government in a few days. + + Aldo SIP Per PT PtP PRISON COMMISSION TO VISIT NEW YORK And Learn Something About United States' Prison Management. Ottawa, Nov. 18.--Many import- ant changes in the administration of the Canadian penitentiaries are like- ly to be made as the result of work now being done by the royal "tom- mission, named by the governmeiit some time ago, to draft new regula- tions for the penitentiaries, Several sittings of the commission have al- ready been held, and some valuable suggestions have been received from all classes of Canadian officials. The commission, before drafting Its finding, will visit New York and learn what it can from people re- sponsible for the administration of United States penal institutions. In this connection, it is pointed out that the United States offers a very wide field for observation, because each state is in charge of its own prisons, and many have features of prison management which might profitably be adopted by Canada. The first exclusively rabbit ban- quet in the province was served at Chatham by the Rabbit Breeders' Association to business men. Benny Leonard, lightweight box- ing champion, ~ stopped Harlem Eddie Kelly in the fifth round. a 'COOL WEATHER DRINKS | BELFAST GINGER ALE The Best Made in Canada. ENGLISH GINGER BEER" Club Soda. PURE APPLE CIDER (JUST IN) seein lone Thompson Bottling Works | OFFICE: 204 PRINCESS STREET. Nothing but imported materials used in the manufacturing of these goods. TELEPHONE 304. The Distinctive Gift The Columbia Grafonola is sure tQ bring real joy and Christmas cheer to every heart and home. Beautifully finished, 'scientifically designed, the Columbia Grafonola with its wonderful tonal qual- ities is the distinctive Christmas gift. Come in and let us show you what a splendid Yuletide gift the Columbia Grafonola will make. 'Hear it played and you will appreciate why this in- strument can't fail to add to your Christmas cheer and bring lasting joy. Be sure to call. - Ask us to demonstrate the Non Set Automatic Stop. Never stops before it should. Always stops at the veryend. Nothing to move or set or measure. No other phonograph has it --no other phonograph can get it. It will take only a few minutes"to see the Columbia " Grafonola and lear it THE J. M. GREENE } SIC CO. LTD. > Home of Good Music--Princess Street. 'Stores at Peterboro, Lindsay, Belleville, Kingston, Barrie. was' stated that the vessel | Placed on Trial Toronto, | Spracklin, tor, who shot and killed Beverley | | | Trumble recently during a raid on} | the latter's hotel at Sandwich, will be placed on trial on a charge of | "killing d slaying' Trumble, 'de- i spite the fact that the coroner's jury decided that he did it in self-defence in the performance of his duty as license inspector. This decision was announced by Attorney-Géneral | ence with Crown Attorney Rodd of ! Windsor. After a preliminary hear- ing, Mr. Spracklin will probably be allowed out on bail until the S8and- wich assizes about six months hence. STOCK MARKETS. Quotations Furnished by Bongard, Ryerson & Co., 287 Bagot Street. New York Stocks. Opening, | Closing. | 29 121 | Allis Chalmers 2914 {American Car Fndy..12113 | Anglo-French Bonds | American Locomotive 821 | American Sugar 96% {Am. Internat. Corp.. 49 Am, Sumatra Tobac'o 72 | Smelters 47% | Baldwin Locomotive. 96% i Baltimore & Ohio .. 38 | Bethlehem Steel "B" 6 | Anaconda C. P. R Central Leather Crucible Steel General Electric Genéral Motors Lackawanna Steel Marine Marine. Pfd. Mexican Petroleum Missouri Pacific Northern ' Pacific U. 8. Rubber Southern Pacific Studebaker Sinclair Oil Texas Pacific Westinghouse U. 8. Steel Brazilian Brompton Canada Bread Canada Cement "ax |Canada Steamships . Canada Steam, Pfd.. Cons. Smelters Dominion Steel North Amer. Pulp National Breweries New York Exchange Steel of Canada Spanish River 21ST BATTALION DINNER. Progress Made in Arrangements F¢ Reunion on 26th, At a special meeting of the 21st Battalion Club, held in the G.W.V. A. rooms on Wednesday evening, progress was made in the asrange-| ments for the reunion of the ex-mem- | bers on 'this service unit. The event | {will take the form of a dinner at the | British-American hotel on the even-| ing of Friday, Nov. 26th. It is ex-| pected that a large number from out- side places will be present. The Ot-| tawa, Toronto and Peterboro clubs | are arranging to send representative bodies. Brig.-Gen- 'W. S. Hughes; D.8.0., first O0.C., will preside. Among the guests to be invited are Major-Gen. Sir A. C. Macdonell, K.C.B.,, CM4G., D.S.C., Brig.-Gen. W. B. King, C.M. G., D.S.0., Brig.-Gen. A. E. Ross, C.B., C.M.G., Mayor Nickle, W. F. Nickle, J. M. Farrell and P. C. Ste- venson, Ottawa (trustees: of the battalion fund), representatives of 2nd Battalion Club, R.C.H.A. Club, G.W.V.A. and A. and N. Veterans, PATIENTS LEAVE. Soldiers Depart From Rockwood -- Praise for Dr. Ryan. The transfer of the seventy-four soldier patients from Rockwood hos- pital to Ste. Anne Bellevue, took place Thursday, and the men said | farewell to Dr. Edward Ryan and all | of the officials who had been so; kind toward them during the stay at the institution, They were ac- companied on the G. T. R. train by officials of the Department of Sol- diers' Civil Re-establishment and they will find accommodation equally as good as that furnished at Rock- wood. As stated previously in the Whig, the removal of these patients was required by the policy being car- ried out by the D.S.C.R., which is caring for soldier patients in their own hospital. All patients in civilian institutions are being sent to Ste. Anne Bellevue, those at' Brockville leaving that place at the same time. The men had the highest praise for Dr. Ryan: when taking their leave. ~MEIGHEN AT TORONTO: Premier To Speak at Aylmer¥Om urday Night. Sat Toronto, Nov. 18.--Hon. Arthur and his party are expected to arrive here from Winnipeg this afternoon. It is understood that the government { leader will have important confer- | ences with local stalwarts of the na- tional Iberal and conservative party. { To-morrow night, the prime minister | will address a mass meeting at Mas- | sey hall, and it is thought that he | will receive a delegation of return- | -d soldiers. On Saturday night, Mr. | Meighen will wind up his campaign { for the government candidete in East Elgin by speaking at a meeting in Aylmer. { BL ------------------ pes Jerussiet Artichokes. ery, lettuce, parsley, leeks, win- ter radishes, etc., at Carnovsky's. ------------ Walter R, Kerr, St. Paul, Minn,, (arrived in the city to-day to attend ,the funeral of his late brother, Raney this morning after a confer- | . Ties Every girl knows that she will want a few Ties. We have a lovely line of Swiss Silks to choose from -- $1.50, $2.00, $2.50 to $4.00. (EVERY TIE BOX FREE) STE - Gowns, Bath Robes " ad Smoking Jackets AllEnglish make. Prices to suit your purse. Silk Hose Everybody knows that Silk has taken a drop in price, so Silk Hose are a little cheaper this year; we have all shades. Prices . . . . $1.00, $1.25, $1.50, $2.00 Leather Belts: Just what the Young Man always We have all kinds to show the young lady -- black or appreciates. brown. $1.50--82.00 sl CHRISTMAS SHOPPER Gloves We are well stocked with English Gloves--unlined, silk lined, wool lined and fur lined. * Prices $2.50 to $8.50 How about the Scarf? Whether it be Silk or Wool, we have a good line to show you and at prices that will appeal to you. $1.50 to $6.00 Meighen, prime minister of Canada, |: GEORGE VANIIORNE 213 PRINCE SS STREET. White Enamel. WE L, T.F. our complete stock of « Sweepers), ata discount of 20% 20 BUFFETS IN GOLDEN and FUMED OAK. ARE TAKING OUR KNOCKS NOW AND GIVING OUR CUS- TOMERS THE ADVANTAGE OF LOW PRICES. "TURN ABOUT --ALL SALES FOR CASH-- HARRISON CO. IS FAIR PLAY" THIS IS YOUR OPPORTUNITY! COMMENCING Wed, Nov. 17th, and continuing until Sat, Nov. 27th we will offer our complete stock of RUGS, CARPETS, LINOLEUMS and OILCLOTHS-- in fact, everything on our Carpet Floor, (with the exception of Hoover This will mean an actual loss on some Knes of merchandise. Our stocks are too heavy, and we intend to reduce, giving our customers the advantage. We will also include in this Sale. BEDROOM FURNITURE, in Walnut and Mahogany, Ivory and 15 WHITE SEWING MACHINES. ¥ Limited BOY WINS POT O' GOLD Reaches His Rainbow's End When Judge Says "Finder's Keeper." Newcastle, Ind., Nov. 18.--Owner- ship of $1,300 in gold found buried in a farm near Oreensboro six months ago by Levi Todd, a fifteen- year-old boy, was settled yesterday Charles E. Kerr. Mr. Kerr is con- | nected with the Credit Reference | Company, St. Paul a, in the Circuit Court here, J Saute deciding that under an old house young Todd drove | Viekery's mother had buried it, and i co.., Gordon McKay & Co.. Murray- : his pick into an earthenware jar con- | that Mr. Hardin's ownership of the taining the money, and then started a Shree corasred fight for its owner- ship. : Mrs. Clara Freeman Vickery, of this city, claimed the money was part of her mother's estate, and John Har- | din, present owner of the. farm, sought an interest as owner of the land did not give him owmership of the monoy because he was Ignorant of its existence. Three Years in Prison. Toronto, Nov. 18. --George Simp- son was sentenced Lo three years in, & udge | Montreal hockey players, are report- 'finders are land. The Judge gave the money to'Coatsworth in the sessions on five ed to Rave moved to Hamilton. : its youthful finder, holding the evi- charges of theft from the Dominion While excavating Jor a Besement|dence was insufficient to show Mrs ! Automobile Go. George H. Hees & ia paste diamond. * ' 2 " . Poptsmouth penitentiary by Judge Kay, Co., and McDonald and Willi- 'son. The thefts, the crown said, rand when 'accused's igearched goods ; were found. valued at $3,000 Dufresce and Bouchard, two . It doesn't take much dough to buy were over a period of three years, * house was |

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