Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 17 Nov 1920, p. 14

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THE DAILY BR ITISH WHIG. WEDNESDAY, NOV, 17, 1esv. All the new models in ~~ Winter Overcoats The Second Floor of our Store is filled with good, warm WINTER OVERCOATS Waiting your approval. The best lighted showroom in Kingston. See Our Winter Overcoats at $25.00, $27.50 and $30.00 and up. Livingston's Founded 1847. BROCK STREET "If Off Your Route It Pays to Walk." Anderson Bros. Limited THURSDAY CHEAPER PORK FRESH PORK ROASTS 3lbs.toblbs.each .............32¢c.]b. Select Pork Chops .............35¢c. Ib. PORK SAUSAGE Oxford ........... .... LittlePig............. .32¢. Windsor ............ ........:28¢. . .35¢c. . .45¢. 1b. . . 8c. 1b. + % 9%, Country .....:... Sern. es Sweet Pickled Bacon, sliced . . Fresh Pork Liver .......,..... 500 lbs. Sweet Pickled Corned Beef 20c. Ib. (Cabbage free with orders) Grocery Department Just received New Currants, New Raisins, New Peels--every requisite for Xmas. baking. _ BAKING POWDER 1 Ib. tins--our own special ........ 28ec. Phones: 458--459. Wholesale 1767. Theatrical | + "The Dumbells" Coming. The seat sale" for the "Dumbells" second edition of "Biff, Bing, Bang" is now open at the Grand Opera House theatre box office. The "'Dum- | bells' engagement in this city has { been limited to three days commeénc- ing Thursday, Nov. 18th, with & spec- tal Saturday matinee, and fgmember- ing the capacity houses which prov- (ed the rulé when they were here last season, it would be well for all | those who contemplate seeing the new show to be on hand early for their reservations. The new show has | been staged along similar lines to that offered last year, and the cast !and chorus remains the same, with she addition of some new members | who joined late in the season. i - A special feature of the new per- formance is a forty-five minute ver- '|sion of Gilbert and Sullivan's ever | popular opera, "Pinafore", in which | Ross Hamilton, the famous Marjorie, appears in the role of Josephine. frida has been included in response to the many requests received from | the boys who saw it when it was gi- | ven at Mons.--Advt, | At the Strand. Fannie Hurst's most appealing | story, ""Humoresque," will be shown {at the Strand theatre to-night, at | the seven and nine 'o'clock perfor- {mances. Two _shows will be run on | account of thé hundreds of our pa- | trons, whom we could not accommo- 'date on Monday and Tuesday even- | ings and their request for two shows, | Wednesday evening. Our patrons | have been very pleased with the { masterpiece, "Humoresque," to the | extent of seeing this celebrated | story over again. It is a tale of | youthful genius and mother love, | with the scene laid chiefly in New | York's Ghetto and Fifth avenue, | Miss Hurst, as is well-known, is | right at home portraying with a realistic touch the characters of New York's humbler inhabitants, |and "Humbresque" is said tb con- |tain intense heart appeal. Humor {and pathos are deftly mingled in the picture, Alma Rubens is the | feature playdr in "Humoresque' |and Gaston Glass and Vera Gordon |are also included in the cast.--Advt. | Coming to the Strand. Few photoplays in recent years | have offered such decided contrasts 'as "Yes or No," the latest offering {of Photodrama at the Strand | theatre, Thursday, Friday and Sat- |urday, in which - Norma Talmadge { plays both parts, the story shifting | from one to the other with startling | rapidity. In the home of Margaret | Vane we see the social elite fritter- | ing away their time while a moment | later, whisked by the magic of the | moving picture camera a few blocks | east, we encountered Minnie Berry, | laboring amid poverty to keep her |home and babies in a manner | worthy of the love of her devoted but preoccupied husband. Of course | Miss Talmadge handles both roles, {and she does it with a rare skill |and charm. Both of her characteri- | zations are excellent, her beauty contributing much to the enjoyment of the picture. Even as Minnie Berry in gingham and with hair be- draggled this delightful little act- ress is good to look upon, while in the gorgeous wardrobe she has equipped herself with for the part | of Margaret Vane her beauty is ir- resistable. In making this picture unusual care has been taken to | taithtully reproduce the settings. In | the Berry home the scenes are actu- {ally "shot" in a tenement. Several | of the settings for the end of the picture are actual scenes in one of the famous homes of wealth.-- Advt. At GAffin's. Tonight will be the last opportu- nity to see the splendid programine whioh has been pleasing large audi- .ences at Griffin's "during the past two days, and is headed by the Bell Ringing Male Quartette, These four young men have created reputation in Kingston as they have in othef places by their splendid rendition of catchy songs and music, and every person who has seen them so far has been delighted. Our feature picture "Old Lady 31" is another delightful item of interest. Emma Dunn plays | the leading role in this rainbow co- medy of life that shows old age mel- lowing with the blessed happiness of | childhood. The play is rich in human | nature, with no end "of absurd | though undeniably natural comedy, and filled throughout with the wist- fulness of love in old age, this come- dy drama is an attraction you will feel more than glad you have seen. The last episode of "The Whirlwind" completes one of the most~interesting programmes shown ait this theatre in some time. Be sure and see it this evening.--Advt, FAREWELL ENTERTAINMENT | | To Rockwood Soldier Patients Who Leave on Thursday. | The Knights of Columbus gave a farewell entertainment to the sol- dier patients at Rockwood hospital on Tuesday evening that was great- ly appreciated. A delightful musi- cal programme was rendered by tal- ented artisis. Those taking part were: Miss Helen Corrigan, Vickery, Miss Madge Devlin, Mr. Pollitt, songs; Mr. Kettlé and Lieut. W. G. Bailey, duet; Misses Simpson and Corrigan, violin duet. Frances Devlin was accompanist. Cigarettes, cigars, confectionery and other refreshments were distributed among the men. The patients go Ste. Anne de Bellevue, Que. on Thursday. . 4 The Quebec Waterworks ~ Strike is Settled | Quebec, Nov. 17.--The strike of the linemen of the Qu "Water- works Department, which has held Up repairs to a forty-inch water pipe since last Thursday, and occasioned a walkout of other exterior employ- { ees of the department, was settled yesterday. The settlement came when the departmeny agreed to the workers' demand for an arbitration In the Supreme Court Tuesday the 'Kerr case wus settled by the payment iof $1,000 to the by Mr. Dinioety, Mrs. Hogile, : | $200 From Event on Mr. | Miss to | ZION CHURCH HOLDS | A TEA AND CONCERT | The Ladies' Guild Netted Tuesday: {| The Ladics' Guild of Zion church, | Pine street, whose fame for their | successful entertainments has goue | abroad through the city, scored the | best success yet at their dinner, sale | and concert on Tuesday evening, net- ting, as the result, $200. Mrs. Wil- | lam Harris, the president, with her | band of enthusiastic workers, pro- I'vided an excellent diner, and af- terwards Mr. McKie, of Queen's, took | the chair and a splendid programme | of vocal and instrumental music, re- | citations, ete., was enjoyed by the | large audience. The piano used was {loaned by the Lindsay Company, | | and the hall was beautifully decor- | | ated by the firemen, under the direc- | | tion of Chief Armstrong. | | Mrs. Harris, Sr, one of the oldest | and most honored members of bd congregation, was at the door tak- ing the tickets. The Ladies' Guild | had charge of the work table, Me: | F. Irwin and Miss Irwin sold the home-made dainties, with other la- dies assisting them, and Mrs. Whit-' field and Mrs. Bundage were im | charge of the prettily-decorated | candy booth. Rev, Edwin and Mrs. | Burgess, who are doing a splendid work in this part of the city, were on hand to add to the pleasure of the evening. Prof. and Mrs. W. G. Jor- dan were among those present, A WITNESS CLAIMED HE WAS OFFERED $5 To Give Evidence for a Man in the Police Court. Two Jewish citizens' aired their | troubles before Magistrate Farrell in police court, Wednesday morning, one charging the other with assault, | but after all the evidence in the case had been taken, Magistrate Farrell dismissed the charge. C. M. Smith | appeared for the plaintiff and T. J. | Rigney for the defence. Part of the | | evidence was secured at Tuesday's session, and the remainder on: Wed- | nesday. The plaintiff claimed that the defendant spit in his face and | also . hit him, but this the accused stoutly denied. A witness, who was caller, caused a mild sensation when he stated dur- ing the course of his evidence, that the plaintiff in'the case had been talking to him and that he had of- fered him $5 to come to court and say what he (the plaintiff) wanted him to say. The witness, who was present when plaintiff and the accused had some trouble, swore that he did not see the accused commit an assault on the plaintiff. 'He just told him to go away," said the witness, STORMOUNT COMING Steamer Jeska Made a Quick Trip to Oswego and Back. The steamer Stormount, which had trouble below Morrisburg re- cently, was at Iroquois on Wednes- day, and is being towed to Kingston by two of the Montreal Transporta- tion Company's tugs. : The steamer Jeska, commanded by Capt. James Kirkwood, made a very quick trip to Oswego for this time in the season. The vessel finished dis- charging her cargo at Rockwood hos- pital, cleared early Tuesday morn- ing and loaded coal at Oswego and was back in Kingston again late, at night and just in time to escape the big snow storm. Capt. Malcolm Shaw of the steam- er, Jex, arrived from Oswego with coal late on Tuesday night, and was just in time .to escape (the show stormy, Kingston Pojice Complete Their Course in First Aid Th members of the Kingston po- lice took the last of the series of lec- tures on first aid on Tuesday after- noon, in the police court room. In all, five lectures were taken, and the members. of the local force have made splendid progress in the work. The classes taken by the police gave special attention to cases of asphxia- tion and drowning. Ottawa city council endorsed the two-year term for members of coun- cil at the 'meeting last evening. DAILY MEMORANDUM: See top ot Page Three, right hand corner for probabilities. Dgn't forget Nov. 18th, 10 am, Auc- tion Sale at Marrison Estate, Cataraqui village. - Mausical-and Dramatic Entertainment, | Orphans' Home, Thursday, Nov. 18th, at 3.30 p.m. Tickets, 25¢.; ing tea. HANSON, CROZIER & EDGAR PRINTERS Market Square, Kingston BORN. ANGROVE-- At .Mofitreal Maternity Hospital on Oct. 29th, 1920, to Dr. and Mrs, R. Angrove (nee Vera Dick), S.C.R. Hospital. St. Anne de Bellevue, a gon, John Harvey. GRENIER----In Hotel Dieu, on Nov. 16th, 1920, to Mr. and Mrs. Alfred A.| Grenier, a daughter. { '(Montreal and Ottawa papers please > copy). OE includ- IN MEMORIAM. . ~ In loving memory of Mr. Nicholas Turcotte, who died Nov. 17th, 1919. --Sadly missed by his wife children. JAMES Kk The Old Firm of Undeitakers. 254 and 256 PRINCESS STREET Phone 147 for Ambulance " KOBERT J. KktD The Undertaker. Phone 877. - 230 Princess Street. M. P. KEYES dertaking Parices, 228 Princess SL ncess and RT CTT TC TITS, ee r-- = ET al J HITT LY HELE | LOW PRICES ON "BEAUTIFUL SILK Thousands of yards of fashionable Silk suitable for all oc- casions--street wear, the afternoon frock and the evening dress, at prices which sound like old times. 40 INCH CHARMEUSE 36 INCH MESSALINE In a wonderful selection of dark an- tumn shades, and the lighter tints for evening wear. The colors: Flesh, Coral, Sky, Maize, Pumpkin, Rose, Alpine, Navy, Bargundy, Taupe, Sand, Copen, Delf and Black or White. SPECIAL VALUE ... A heavy weight that will make beau- tiful afternoon and evening dresses. Colors: Sand, Pearl Grey, Navy, Ma- rine, Taupe, Nickle, (Cocoa Brown), and Black or White. PRICE ...$3.75, $4.50, up to $5.93 $3.00 YARD SWISS TAFFETA SWISS MESSALINE (36 inches wide) , fA oe 36 inches wide) A beautiful, Chiffon finish, pure Silk a Chiffon Taffeta--the make that will wear. The colors: Jade, Copen, Delf, Nigger, Burgundy, Sand, Taupe and Black. A:BARGAIN An inexpensive Silk that will make a good, practical dress and the shades are all new. Colors: Burgundy, dark Brown, Dark Copen, Myrtle, Navy, Pearl and Black. NOTE THE PRICE ....8$1.75 YARD $2.00 YARD Heavy Black Satin "rrict Thursday $2.35 yard PRICE $3.50 Don't fail to see this bargain in beautiful French Satin, if not in need of a dress for present use. It will pay you to buy for future requirements. This Silk has a beautiful Charmeuse finish, guaranteed to every buyer for two sea- son's wear; 36 inches wide. THURSDAY ....... ............... 8238 YARD WHITE HABUTAI (86 inches wide) . A heavy quality White Tub Silk -- suitable for a hundred and one "aif- ferent purposes. This weight sold in the regular way $1.50 a yard. THURSDAY ...........98¢c. YARD STRIPE HABUTAI (36 inches wide) A number of color combinations; in stripes of various widths; a Tub Silk suitable for Men's Shirts and Ladies' Blouses. Reg. price $2.50. THURSDAY ........ $1.73 YARD NAVY GEORGETTE Regular price $2.75 THURSDAY ......... $1.65 YARD Only 150 yards of this indestructible French Crepe will be sold at this ex- tremely low price; 40 inches wide; navy only. Price THURSDAY .. WASH SATIN (86 inches wide) In White and flesh--a most heauti- ful quality; just right for making pretty underthings. There is only a limited quantity of each shades. PRICE .... fii saves... $1.65 YARD tesesces. $2.00 YARD THE DELINEATOR SPECIAL RATE .................... $1.50 YEAR Mrs. Dunbar, a representativ e of the Butterick Publishing Company announces a special offering--good only dur- ing the.next few days of her visit to Kingston. 12 copies of The Delineator Magazine that consists of short stories and the latest fashions. Priced at half of the regular $3.00 a year rate. Every woman should take advantage of this special rate, and subscribe or. renew her subscription now. John Laidlaw & Son, Ltd. TESTA TRI Tamm Ti nil TTT I EEOC ORO 0 For The Next Dance Sale of Evening Pumps Ladied' Fine Patent Pumps-- full Louis Wood heels; turn sole; mostly ail sizes and wid ths; same shoe in Mat Patent and Kid Pamps with Military Heels; Turn Sole; C. and D. widths; Kid Lined Bome very pretty Buckles to go with these Shoes, making them very attractive. Pricesfrom ......... 75¢. to $6.00 LOCKETT'S ever.

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