WEDNESDAY, NOV. 17, 19%0. Grand, To-night wi HERE RCE Extra Added Attraction ! The Moving Pictures Taken at the CRICKET FIELD ON ARMISTICE DAY Also "MAKING THE MOVIES" showing how the movies are made, with a cast of Kingston's best talent--12 Ladies and 12 Men. OLIVE THOMAS in, "DARLING MINE" : A Story of Romance, a 5-R eel Photoplay and other Reels PRICES . ... Matinee, 28c¢., any seat. Evening .25c., 85c¢., and 8Oc. DIRECTION JOHN AND PETER ¥F. GRIFFIN t . Special An nounecement | BIG FEAT URE ACT THE" BELL RINGING MALE QUARTETTE A quartette of clever young men, ap pearing in fumeful voesl melodies, - Bell Ringing numbers of real merit, Pe haracter Sketches and original Speciality productions. FEATURE PICTURE OLD LADY 31 | A Master Plcturization of the SELECT COMEDY Great New York Stage Buccess, Emma Dunn | CIEE 15th AND LAST EPISODE of the Great Serial THE WHIRLWIND =H E DAILY BRI PR TISH ~ W-H1 6G. N J Thurs, Fri, Sat NOV. 18th, 19th and 20th Saturday Matinee CAPT. M. W. PLUNKETT presents The. Third Division "DUMBELLS" BFE BING!! BANG Becond Season's Sensation. " 50c. to 81.50 725¢, to $1.00 Seats now on sale \ \ ' THE PEOPLE'S FORUM Each cun- First insertion, lc. a word. naif c Secutive insertion therearier, cent g ward. one iuserilon, 2a¢; 59 cents. The above rates a wnen charged Lh HELP WANTED, A WOMAN COUK WANTED, Lariston nutel, Princess 5 GIRL 10 CLERK IN CONFECTIONERY store. Apply Allan Masoud, Prin- Cuss Street. . taree ingeruons, : APPLY A YOUNG GIRL ABOUT FIFTEEN Yedrg of age to assist with light housework. "Apply 18 Markiana Street > WANTED GENERAL, PLAIN SEWING BY THE DAY. AP. Piy lod. invisivn siureet, FAMOUS PLAYERS CANADIAN CORPORATION, Limited a Tonight Seven and Nine The Season's Greatest Success! UMORESQUE", Canadian Pacific N'y. Co's TELR GRAM DIRECTIO! "H 57 rd um 21 5.15 p.m, H. R. Hitehinson, #7. The Strand Th eatre, Kingwton Unable get Humoresquie Thursday. Demand for production so great suggest two complete shows Wednesday, so all may see this mas- ter-plece. __ BRANHAM. Teronto, Ont, 16-20 Book Your Passage Overseas This Fall or for Xmas, with F. CONWAY Ocean Steamship Ticket Agent All Lines. For the removal of manure: 36 horses. Apply: -- QUARTERMASTER, R.M.C, Phone 3310w. Phone 1197. | AUCTION. SALE | Marrison Estate, Cataraqui Village, 10 o'clock, Thursday, November 18th Valuable antique and modern furni- ture, comprising bedroom, parlor and dining room suites; maple, ash and uarter cut oak; 200 year old Grand- ather's clock; biiliarq table; piano; or- &An; phonograph: Brussels, Smyrna and Axminster Rugs; inlaid linoleum, etc.; also 2 horses, harness; garden and farm implements. etc. For urther in- or nation, see posters, or communicate WM, MURRAY, Auctioneer. Phone 801J, COUNTY OF FRONTENAC TENDERS Bealed Tenders, marked Tender on the envelope, 'will be received at the Office of the County Clérk Court House, Kingston, up to 12 o'clock noon, on Monday, the 32nd day,of Nov., 1920, for the undermentioned supplies, for the County Gaol, from December Bist, 1920, to December $ist, 1921, both days inclusive: -- " Bread, Barley, Oatmeal, Corfimeal, Sugar, Salt, Pepper, Beef, Pork, Mut- toh, at per Ib.; Milk, Molasses, at per 841; Peas, Beans, Carrots, Potatoes, Turnips, per bus. bred Brown Family Soap and Life Buoy Boap at per Ib, hand threshed, Straw at per cwt, The whole of the above supplies to be of good quality, and to be delivered && the Gaol promptly when required, subject to the approval of Governor of the Gaol. Tenders will be received for parts of the above supplies and security will be required for fulfilment of contract. The lowest or any tenller not neces- sarily accepted. J. W. BRADSHAW ~ County Clerk. Kingston, Ont, Nov. 12th, 1920. w 4 bn § The Western Union Telegraph an- nounces completion of Arrangements with the German telegraph admin- istration for handling cable traffic between Germany -and the United States. A Furniture Storage | bright, - airy also lots clean spaces. IN MAIN BUILDING Frost Storage Co. 200-805 Queen St. 'Phone 526 Mail Contract SEALED TENDERS, addressed to the Postmaster General, will be recelved at Awa until noon, on {day the 24th tember, 1920, for the conveyance of His Majesty's Mails, on a proposed con. tract for four years, six times per week on the route Harrowsmit Rural Mail Route No. 3, from the Pe master-Gen- eral's pleasure. Printed notices containing further in- formation as to conditions sed lank cont may be seen and b rms abil? obtained at the Two vacant; rooms, of dry, of tender Pr Office of Harrawsmith, ana at the oat fice of the Post Office Inspector. 1 . Eanalik ost ce Inspector, Post Oftjce Inspector' Office, Peston Kingston, Novembe; 9th. 1920. vr Addison B. Parker, Watertown, N. Y., is being discussed by politicians as a possible appointee as secretary to Governor Nathan L. Miller when he takes office January 1st. ay ES WE OFFER Province of Saskatchewan 20 Year 6% Gold Bonds, due 1 st Oct, 1940. Price 96.62 d interest, yielding 6.309. his is the first long-term Provincial Issue since 1914 and is a most attractive investme nt. . City of Sarnia' 6% HYDRO-ELECTRIC DEBENTURES 1921-1930 Maturities ,.. ... ssoasw Price to yield 6% % 1931-1940 Maturities ... mrin wom ooo Price to yield 6% % . George Bawden & Co. Investment Brokers General Insurance \ 239 BAGOT STREET, | Tenders Called For | Be Careful What YouEat ! WAGSTAFFE'S FINE OLD ENGLISH " MINCEMEAT Is pure and wholesome. Separate sealed tenders will He re oelved at the office of the undersign- | | ea up to 3 pm. on the | | | | | | ! 24th Day of November, 1920 for the following Supply and delivery of Five hundred (500) cubic yards of sand for genaral use. Supply in pit or Supply and delivery of One Thousand (1000) ¢ sand for Asphalt Paveme Specifications and all will uhdersigned. nts H. 8. DICK, - % : Actg. City Engineer City Engineer's Office, Kingston, Ont Attention To Automobile Owners Bee us for vour winter over- hauling $nd storage. Used Cars for sale. Central Garage EYRE, P rop. Phone R. M. 335 King St. 2185, ibic yards. of information | be furnished at the office of the Buildings, Ready For Christmas Business of stock is superb--Ilarger and Petter than ever., You are invi #d to inspect it. Don't wait for fhe rush that invariably comes the week before Christ- mas. The early shoppers have the best assortment for selection. Many articles we have cannot be duplicated. A small deposit will secure your purchase for later deliv ery. R. J. Rodger, Jeweler 182 PRINCESS STREET i ENTLEMEN BOARDEWS WITH il privade tamdly. Appiy eveas 5, »3 York St T™O G Pr HEATLD AVARTMENT, OR THREE OF luur DIigLL, ally rooms, in svu locany. Apply bux Lj, W nig vi fice TO RENT A house, centrally in fanuiy., MEDI locaica APPIY BOX 4 WANTED da ren ilice. : ee et tee ete eeett WANTED COMFORTABLE FURNISII- ed bL mi, Dy Wan in steady cin- neal Princess ang King. Box J-i8, Wn g ee et ttt ett eee SECOND-HAND UPRIGHT piano fur cash vr in PAIL payuient of new planus and graivaclas, C, W. Lind- say Limited, 121 Princess streei. UN WANTED--MEN ANDO BOYS 70 PAT- ronize J. W. Curson, barber. Men's Rud boys' nair cul, 20¢c. Bnave, ive. Rasors honed 26c¢ 448 OUniario st, near Bruck street. s BY TWO GENTLEMAN, A PARLOR OR bed sitting room; central kuc cians Quay, Box L-17, and ¥ 5. APPLY PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER, Miss Madge Edgar, expert steno- Brapuer, open for slenogiapaic work of any description. First ciass v guaranteed Hatleg reasonabie, Clal rates c be arranged. Faone 321. Watte's urance Lidice, Bagog bireet. | | | | FEMALE HELP WANTLD, GOUD WAGES FOR HOME WOOL =| | We need you to make socks or fast, e y-learned Auto experiend immaterial; ing; stamp. p | | ' * | doronto. yarn supplied, rar Dept. oC, Auto hunitter SITUA' ee tee ee m------ PRACTICAL NURSE, OPEN FOR EN- Bepement. Appiy at once (oo box h-17, Whig Office. LAND SURVEYOR, | Fu F, MILLER, B.Ap., Sc, C.E., D.L.S, M.E.1.C., Napanee, Unt. 'On- tario Land Surveyor Kingswep Ot- tic Walkem & Walkem, $3°Clar- €nce street | { I -- MusIC. | DAISY JOHNSON, AT.C.M,, TEACHER of Violin and Taeory. Pup Toronto Studio; 3 Phone 2 pared for examinations. woud street. TO CLEAR RUGBY FIELD | OF SNOW ON THUASDAY | There win "be Accommeda= tion for 6,300 People" at .the Game. Oa Wednesday afternoon, Mayor ! Nickle stated that he had been in | conference with Prof. Lindsay Mal. | colm about clearing the snow off the campus at 'the Queen's athletic | grounds so that the field would be {in good shape for the Varsity-McGill {game on Saturday. Prof. Malcolm | stated that he - would walt until | Thursday morning to eee the condi- {tion of the weather, and then it is | likely the snow will be cleared off. It is stated that there aré about four nches of snow on the playing field. On Monday and Tuesday, carpen- ters were very busy building the ad- ditional grand stands. Up until Tuesday evefiing there were suffici- ent seats for 3,100 persons. It is | expected that the two hundred foot {grand stands being - built at the | rorth-west side of the field, which | will hold 1,200 people, would be com- pleted by Thursday noon. Another | The Best Security on Earth The Mutuasl-iife Agent who hand you a Mutudl Life policy is one of theebest fridnds you will ever have For although the 1 of Canada ig a "business" it beneficent business, Mutual Life Insurance protects your family and your home; it increases your credit; it gives you peace of mind; it ensures to the children an educa- t live to provide ur personal ef- 2 a few things that & Mutual Life Policy means. A Mutual policy is also one of the best of all securities for "There is noth- ing eise in the elvilized world which approaches even remotely the se- Surly of toa established Hfe in- surance office.", In addition to its security the Mubual is conducted on a pre-emi economi able and 4 tem. oal, equit- "The People's Company" THE MUTUAL LIFE ASSURANCE © ©O0. OF CANADA S. Roughton 60 BROCK ST. PHONE 610. stand is being built at the north-west side of the fleld and some three | hundred seats are beeing brought {from Lake (intario .Park. Other | stands are to .\e erected. It is stat- led that there w'll be room for 5,300 | persons at the gane. | The Board of Works is making ar- | rangements to place a quantity of | broken stone on the roadway lead- | ing into the field. 'The trafic will go {ia by way of Union street and will | all be brought out by Earl street. . Campaign at Ottawa. The Ottawa Citizen of | hag the following: A campaign has | been undertaken by ths General | Alumnae Association of Queen's Uni- { versity to raises $30,000 to complete the fund of $160,000 for a women's building. This building is to be a | combination of a Woman's Union and a residence. A very flne site near {the university hag been held by the | trustees for some years, for this pur- | pose. The fund was begun same {years ago under the presidency _of Dr. A.B. Marty, but its completion | wag interrupted by the war. The | present campaign to raise the Otta- 1 wa share of the necessary $20,000 is i under the direction of the local alu- The League of Nations in session at Geneva, will not con- sider covenant changes to please the United States senate. The woman who escaped from Rockwood asylum on Monday was assembly, located at Robinson's Point, | mnae association, of which Dr. J. H. Putman, chief inspector 'of public schools, is president, and requires the sympathy of all the graduates and supporters of Queen's University. The campaigh commitlee met last night in the Carnegie Library and inaugurated the local drive." | conpExsED ADVERTISING RATES: i Minimum caarge fur { 0.8, Tuesday | TO LET. | ie | PRIVATE ROOM AND BOARD, 184 el { Queen | | AGES; NUMBER 2; FIVE | Apply 47 Rideau Street. } ROOM, ALL COON Ni. piy 343 University Aveiiue w A SMALL ; . Pivv onta, Johnson sireet. A FLAT ON THE GROUND FLOOR; Ri80 One or (Wu uniurnisaed rooms. 202 William Street. { 45 ARCH sT,; Apply 68% EK | FIIs CLASS HoOmMS AND BOARD; | | Bil lmproveuienys, cenlrRily ivcats ed. Apply 243 Brock Street. 5 ROUM HULSE AT $15 PER MONTH, Possession cau be had at once. Ap- Ply R. Chas. Beil, iv Cinrence si. FLANITLRE AND Clean sia ary. aue- Fave Jiv STORAGE FOL Livrcaandise; | 0 BIVCR alveel. | Can rol. a A sufi AND A LARGE HOLS, "isd Al URLUrTisaed lad of 4 Tous Apply to Liss mcs'nee, eur. Fine | &La Vowdy sireets. | NASM ED ern il WITH ALL Pussessiun A. Carron Moudlsg, 3 8 APpiy J. Agelivy, 38 Brock street. STORAGE FOR FURNITURE, CLEAN, ary, aify roculs, your owa ves ana Hey. Frost's Ciily Dlorage, Lvv-svo ! Nuveen Slresl. ravne alu, res. yayw, i | YWo rRoar AFAMTMANTS, USP. | Clay furnisued for. ught Bouse heeping, gud Lor Coekiliy and liga, 81 tae Llneer APArUucULS, 44d aug =i4 Division stieel. Phone 14.4w, FURNISHED HOOMS, IN GOOD LO- Cality, on bainrvom oor; iurnace; eieUitiC lighi; gas Iur Quokiug, Sullabie fur MUEOL BuuScheeping. tho cadlaren), Appiy Box U-i, Wag ultice, HOUSEKLEPING, FUR-| B85 I(r COOKING; aii! nrg uvubié hivCaen adv ivi suse Phone | FOR LIGHT Nisaea Irocins; Culiveiile w use Prior i 408 LHViE sania y. 4.44 | | PERSONAL. -- ee. | HAIR, MOLES, WARTS, en ALATKS, Boil CANCE(S, SCurS, ic, les Biuved perinaasutay. Sauslaciviy Blasses ulicd aug LUrnished ailer Vilkelis UAVY dalicu. Guille reinoved, Su JERE gape 2. UI. kaner J, lane, Juye, Lal, Nuse, ADroal, Ski. AGENTS WANTED, | AGENTS 560% PROFIT GOLD LET- Lers Ior SL0res, OilCe WiNGuWS; eas. iy applied; wili nut wash oft; ree sampies Acine dign Co, 8486 N.| Wels, Chicago, Il AGENTS-- LIDERAL COMMISSION --| to ied 'lag sek; cumplete sock inciud exclusive lines; specially har grown only by us; id Oniy by our agents. No de- lequcuions or subs titutions 1n ¥ i your oraers. Elegant free | € Write now, to Lominion | | N s, Moutreal | { EEE mn a | | ARCHITECT. POWER, SON AND DREVER, ARCH]. | tects, Merchants' bank ( hambers, corner of Brock and Weillagton streets | sell | FOR SALE OR TO REY { - | MUST RENT OR SEL. BAB ERY iN Odessa, owing Lo No| other bakery within wn store dolog "good busi' ess; dwelling. ~ Apply Nf ble Bond, | Odessa, Ont. ts at aay | r. miles; also Annan SAURIOL-LA MAJICHE | Wedding Ceremond ¥ Arformed on | Monday Mor sing, | | A quiet but very jetty wedding | | took place on Mons ay morning at | seven o'clock, whey, Ita Margaret, | [eldest daughter of. Mr. and Mrs, I. | | La Marche, 294 J¢ Anson street, was | united in marriag/ to Louis Edward i Sauriol, M.D.C.}/, L.M.C.C., only {gon of Mr, and Mrs. A, Sauriol, of | Lancaster. The ceremony was per- [formed by Rev Father Lacey. The | young bride )j,oked very sweet in} £ juit of navy tricotine {and carried ¢ /shower bouquet of | American be lity roses. Miss Geor- | gina MefCay' supported the bride, :while D. P dan acted as _best man. After thé feceremony, the party rep: ed to the home of the bride, where a dainty luncheon was served. The groom's gift to the bride was a handsome wrist-watch, to the bridesmaid a beautiful pearl pin, while to the groomsman he gave a pair of gold cuff links. The | happy couple left on the noon train | tor i id, and eastern points, (amid a shower of confetti and good { wishes. Many costly and beautiful | gifts were received, bespeaking. the {high esteem in which the wonng | couple are held by their wide circle jot friends. Dr Sauriol 1s one of the {most popular and capable graduates { her travelin 'FOUND WOOLLEN scar, UN PRIN. < petween Liiversity and 1 n street, RAlUrday ight Owner may have same at Whig Lilice. ON Newlin Koab, SATUR- lita, one fur Qwiier may have /. KH. Loner, i, GLASSES, ON street, WW sanesday ig. Uwner why nave 8 ai 300 University A UMBRELLA FICKRED UP IN PuUSt vitioce lovoy and number ol bread tickeds, leit in let ter box Apply estinasier James Stewart LEFT MAND nlD GLOVE, ON Brock streel;, a ciiid's glove, Owner can bave sane by calling at Whig Office. * AUTOMULILE Jal UN THE midale road: to lilisburg Owner miy have same Dy ap- I to heary uoarnes, =. #1. No. 1, Plusourg PAIR MEN'S GoEY WOOLLEN Milrs, also clilid's mitt, Uw €r can have sane by caling at 207 Frontenac street, 5th OF NOVEMBER, BE. tween Crosuy and Newboro, on hnowitoil's hud a bupch | Of keys (14) Mafked. "Hee turn to Metiopoiitan life in- | surance Co." Owner please }| notity J. N. Kuowiton, Cros- | | | PAIK Alfred Ea ying by - THE ROAD NEAR CATARA. qui. an envelope, containing a collecilon I snapshots Owner may have same at the Whig Office ARTICLES ADVER. TISED FRED, FOUND Anyone finding anything and Wishing to reach the UWiier may 40 sv LY repoiruing the facts to The Bjyitish Whig The adver. Usement will be printed in this column free of charge. "l'ound articies" dues not (me. clude iost dogs, cattle, -norses, ete. Tnese, if iost, ay be ad- vertised tor in the "Lust" columa BETWEEN AND WiIL- + & black club vag. Find- cturn to Waig uffice or tL BL. ahd receive reward. Hawmsvil er pie 635 Al HARROWSMITH AND Royal vak Lire, cover, | » MACK lIght, and license Hewara II returned tof 3 beiween Harrowsiuith &ud rarham, or Vanluven bros, Kingston, EN 1am U, BTW LN PME | ery anid sywennam | biack jeather + Culling besides a Lilis ahd siaall pearl rosary and ul BOL STR STRAYED, ONE TAN COLUKLD HOUND STRAY. | ed gn our place UWwlier may nave | Bulle by pruviiig piupeily aud pay- ng uses Alired hoppins, FOR JAL | VICTORY BOALS Fuss LEINANCLALL" (of Queen's University. On their re- {turn the happy couple will reside on Wolfe Island. The Late Mrs. C, Magowan. The funeral obsequies of the late | Mrs. Charles (Elizabeth) Magowan were held Wednesday morning, at {tem o'clock, in R. J. Reid's under- | [taking parfors, in the presence of | a few friends, after which the body | was interred in the family plot in Cataraqu! cemetery. Rev. G, A. Bell, had charge of the services, as- {sisted by Revs. W. K. Shortt, M.A, | Barry Pierce and W. W. 'Wease. | Mrs. Magowan had reached the ripe AIA HEE {old age of eighty-five years, being iborn, September 11th, 1835, near: | Elginburg, and was a daughter of | the late John McGowen and Mary | Ann Turner. 3 i Governor-elect Miller, New York | State, is strongly opposed to the pro- posed Carpentier-Dempgey bout. He | will probably ask for the repeal ot the Walker Boxing Law. | Count von Bernstorff w#l attend | the League assembly at Geneva as | representing Germans who desire their country's admission to memober- | ship. . oh Not a life was lost when the Becker | Line steel freighter! Frantis J. Wid- | lar was wrecked on Pancake shoal off Whitefish Point in Friday's gale. | The French Ministry has approved the principio of compulsory military service, : ; 1 am the best auctioneer in Kingston. STRANGE & SIKANGG INSURANCE Spoils; uSlaviisied 3 sav; uly | Lhe ost Telavie vviupalics Fepies | bilileu. Vive vo Llivlice sliewi, CPPusite Lhe post Ciice. FRONTENAC LOAN AND ment duciety; Fremident, W. INVEST. cui poratea | - NieKie, nC. vices presiusad, A. £8, Cunning hein. Aivuey issued on city ana arm | pPLupel Wunicipal and evuniy debtulures, murigeges purcuased ivesunel Ulids ur saie; deposi receivea i iilerest allowed. ii C. Cartwright, manager, 3i Clar €nce sireel, ningsion, ties, LEGAL -------------------- CUNNINGHAM & SMIUI H, BARRIST. ely ald. duilcituis, 78 Ciurence Slieel, ningstin. A. Cunniig- Cyrus Al. Smith, ---- AMBHROSE SHEA, B.A, BARRISTER ABA DSOLCIIUN. LAW Ole, curner of King and Broek, vver Hoye: Bank. Money 10 wen. Phone iyvy, ham, FURNITURE FIMSHING ----e ---- CALL UH LRUN A CAND 0 WW. Ditise ©oll, 4§ Joan Street. a Sa SIGNS SIGNS OF ALL KINDS, GLASS, WOOD, €Lig., MIge or NAAlL, guaranteed Xn Bold lear; posters, Showcards, etc artistically written aid desigued by Shaw, at 205 Princess Sireet, Kingston, PAINTING AND PAFER BANGING A A Sa WHEN WANTING PAINTING OR Paperhanging done, ar Op a card to A. sMounteer, 84 Arch sireet. 7 | Panb ali, Corner wueenm &« Bagous Sua. FOR SALE. ONE BREAD SLEIGH. APPLY BRAD- ley's Grocery, Chatham sireetl. A WMITE BABY SLEIGA AND WHITE fur carriage ruve. Apply es karl Street. . WHITE LEGHORNS, WHITE WYAN- dottes at 30 William st. Apply de- , tween § and 7 p.m. AUTOMOBILE TOPS AND CUSHIONS, Celiuloid for euriauns. Jugsoh's Auto Tops, Brockviile. UNE LUT, SExi83 FuuTl FRONTAGN, On duulh wacdvualy street; casip fOr QUICK Duyel. 'Laileuni 3 Nest Ketace. LADY'S PERSIAN LAMB COAT; SIER 43; lengina 49 nohes; selni-Otied 1a Buou eundition. apply sox iia, Wiig vdice, SINGER PATCHMER SKEWING Ma. Calne, gvva wuirking oviuer; one | Tur-ifled UVercual, pracuicuiy new! APPLY $81 Junnsun Breed. it FUB-LINED COAT, BEAVER, WITH Huuson Beal Lullar and cuits, «ls Ususl ueWw, sie 43, leagih 4v 1n0a~ e8. Appiy 83 KINE slieel. GENIN SG GRAFHUNULA AND TEN BuieCtivhing, JOUS Uwa Chuicy, $taaw. AEium, $0 Casi, §i per Week. U. WJ Lisa, Lliied, 431i Frincess $t. A "COUNTRY CLUB» 4 PASSENGER, | ® Wile Waves, 3 NeW Lies, Rewiy Paililod Eau veCiludidd. Adour ap "3 pais Paine. FBiaer, crepe GLU Qusen Silegin "wae Cus las MEN AND WOMEN'S CLOTHING; House aullliure, spcciBiiie a mile Lai) Duvis, LUy all Kinds seculis Gaul BAUS, Lig duel Drives Peis da Hodibacd. ravie Miss ses rrin- cess Diveel @ i Wik HAVE FOR SALE 4LL hINDS a Evod s00VLU Leg LutDiluie Bivve, Ady Peso bBeviug sStuved BUG Lulacuie Lo Uispuse vl, we Will Po) Lgilsi piles. u. TOewgeon, 208 Fililivess atrcel. L'Bone LSVew, Cus daha, DAR ALLE Wl Mla Visio) platen BU @ Lubes vk slic Bud golis) EU Lavy lity AlU curs vivs, al isueLLd plies ayeciay attention . "ll WILT aud Lauy care clay EPG WULA. sual es Licseid WULRS, oiav3(3 Bug siivel. raoly lvaaw, vou Lu Meuge dvuliug. eu sunusie. AVS Mie ug uiln, UVeTialia Avuliug. Uluy vwik & poiy diucks. Adi ll guvu suape, ready tor the road, BDU VBL ve MULEUL VIL Seay ulus, : BLUE GAMAGLS, Mddasl sb 'mone BOT. VALU ALLE FARM FUR SALK, ONM Auliuleu Riu Uily wcies, situdied 10 Um US Ul we ughuory, a snd Jom! VL SRL wn leuip. Ble Api is twee BAU OUOE- LEG BGS Lovin dyUenndim; CIE DULLES wie a5 LVMUWSY, ITeme Uncle, ib svud Cvuuilion, rame Loli Mau ouivs Duliaings; LWO HeVe) Aol SPEILES, & Buu yuallity © WUul, Lae, pola®ly, pusacseivu O80 Ly wiiaiimed bo subs patchascr, bog lui parcours, abeiy 0 OWHen Fadilion sautiay, nan No, 4, Dyueiis Da, ULL BATRMAU'S REAL ESTAIE, = SALE, MONKEY te Luan. 3 LOT 33x13%, WITH CEMENT FOUN dalivih 24x50, and Joice ready fo buiiaing; Bund caalice to bulid tof yYuurseis, S1400--FRAME; 5 ROOMS; plovelnenls; good lucany. NO IMs rl -- 2 $1,700--FRAME HOUSE, JOHN sT $3,000--~ROUGH CAST; 11 ROOMS] Loliel ang siabie. #3,000--1FO0R 3 HOUSES, cov sireet. i3,100=-FOR TWO FRAME HOUSKS; ¢ reomfis, toilet and electric \'gnis. TO RENT $17.00--FRAME HOUSE; SIX RO toilet und electric ight. A. BATEMAN, Elon Sireet, Mingutes Be CARPENTERING, oMS)| WHEN YOU WANT THE CARPENT! 8¢e James Selby, Contractor. iv ty Avenue. Phone 635J. EE to DENTAL. i ---- A. E. KNAPP BA. LDS, D.D. oifice 468 Priucess Sireet. 1'ho. 852. PARKS AND SPARKS, DEN: 169 Wellington street, ovel sk Phone 346. > a TI 'RING. \ DRS, § tists, mov UPHOLST -------- CALL OR DROP A CARD T™ W. & Gavine, upbolster, 216 Bagot st. HAROLD FOR YOUR hoistering and general repair! Leave orders at or drop a card 104 Clergy street. F. WwW, Split Pea Coal Well prepared . . . . . Jas. Swift & Co., - Limited ....$10.00 per on Foot of Johnson Street * Auction Sales ORD The Aictioneer, Thome 1721 or 1428, HIGHEST PRICES PAID For Scrap Iron, Metals, Rags and Paper Fock. If you CEs us we wil call promptly. i. ROSEN & (0. 140 RIDEAU STRERT & 'cember between McGill swimming teams. Pearl A. Neshif, LTCM, DRGANIST AND DIRECTOR ULEEN ST. CHURCH yy Teacher of Singing and Plane, _Sindio: 24 Division St. Phone 1167J, A dual meet will be held in De- and Yate) Meow tor I people; Will make ® good stage or any other pure pose; in best of erder--$L,8%.00 Ati JTURK Phone 705 4