Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 17 Nov 1920, p. 11

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WEDNESDAY, NOV. 17, 1920. ey Storm Sash' Don't wait until January, give us your measurements now. Allan Lumber Co. = Phonel42. § ; ; ; Victoria Street EAA Sr. | Slashing Prices in Tires, All First Tires TEETER . FESR Carrying a . Fusrantoes of from 4,000 to 6,000 miles. While they last x at $17.00. . Other sizes equally cheap. VULCANIZING A SPECIALTY 284 ONTARIO STRET - - - - - PHONE 2050. If Your "Victory Bonds" . Were Burnt or Stolen They might prove a total loss. So with Stock Certificates Promissory Notes and other Negotiable Securities. Do not leave Valuable Papers at home or at-the office, where there is always danger of fire or theft. - Keep them in a Safety Deposit Box in the vaults of this Bank. The highest measure of security and 'protection against is afforded. at a small annual rental, "THE MERCHANTS BAN Head Office: Montreal. OF CANADA Established 1864, FARE VERONG ARDEN BRANCHES, ayMountain Grove open Safety Deposit es to rent at Kingsto, See our latest design of New York Floor Lamps H. W. NEWMAN ELECTRIC C0. Phone 441. 167 Princess Street Te We have neither time nor room to \ : devote to, READY-MADE OVERCOATS Say and intend to get rid of our stock. These will be sold at cost price. High class goods which we guar- antee, Come in and see them. eo § CRAWFORD & WALSH : Bagot and Brock Streets, ' EY 1 Hn HET EN -------- Hh No. 2, 85c; C.W., No. 3, 79c. Flour, t ii Man. spring wheat patents, (firsts, 10c. ll The Ford Coupe is one of the most useful ~ cars built, Its convenience is readily ap- parent--a roomy, yet compact body, super- ior riding qualities, comfort in all hi nS Among its special distinction the has a tiaearec appearance that makes it an outstanding car. You may purchase [ff one on a monthly payment basis and enjoy {ii it while you are paying for it. dy ll Ford Sles and Service ~~ 34.38 Princess : Phone 1609. VanLuvenBros. | OO I | $7; mixed sheep, $6.60 to $1. - Markets Reports $12.20. Rolled oats, bag, 90 Ibs. | $4.05. Bran, $40.25. Shorts, $45.25. Hay, No. 2, per ton, car_lots, $30. LIVE STOCK MARKETS, Toronto. Toronto, Nov. 16.--Heavy steers, | choice, $12 to $12.25; choice but- | cher, $11.60; medium butcher, $9 to $9.50; common butcher, $7.50 to $8.50; light, common, $6 to $7, ., medium, $8.50 to $9; stockers, [700 to 800 pounds, $8.50 to $9.60; feeders, 900 pounds, $10 to $10.75; light stockers, $7 to $7.50; heavy sheep, $6 to $6.50; light sheep, $7.- 50 to $7.75; do., culls, $3 to $5; butcher cows, choice, $8.50 to $9; ido., medium, $6.50 to $7.50; do. good, $6 to $6.60; do light, $6.50 to $7.50; canners and cuttets, $3.25 to $5; bulls, choice, heavy, $7 to $8.50; spring lambs, $13 to $13.50; do., medium, $10 to $12.10; hogs, fed and watered, bid, $16.50; do., oft cars, bid, $16.76; do, f.0.b., $156.50; do., to farmer, bid, $15.25; do., sows, $5 ofr. Winnipeg. Winnipeg, Nov. 16.--Wheat--No. 1 Northern, $2.09; No. 2 Northern, $2.07; No. 3 Northern, $2.04% ; No. 4 ® o 5 = n g - ° Oo & e 5 o "» © ae > oo o $1.89; No. 6 Northern, $1.79; track, Manitoba, berta, $2.033%. Oats--No. 2 C. W., 63%¢c; No. 3C. W., 57%¢; extra No. 1 feed, 587%<c; No. 1 feed, 64%e¢c; No. 2 feed, 51%c; track, 673c. Bar- ley--No. 3 C. W,, $1.12; No. 4 C.W., $1.04; rejected, 8134¢; track, 983% c. Flax--No. 1 NW.C., $2.84%; No. 2 C. W,; $2.30%; No. 8 C. W., $1.99%; condemned, $1.94% ;track, $2.30%. Rye--No. 2 CW, $1.65. ' + Chicago, Chicago, Nov. 16.--Wheat--No. 1 'hard, $1.89 to $1.90; No. 1 mixed; $2. Corn--No. 2 mized, 84%e¢c; No. 2 yellow, 84%c to 87%c. Oats-- No. 2 white, 61%¢c to 523 ¢; No. 3 white, 483c¢ to §lc. Rye--No. 2, $1.58. Barley--78¢ to $1.09, Tim- othy seed--3$5.560 to $6.50. Clover seed--4$12 to $20. Pork--Nominal. Lard--$19.80. Ribs--$13.50 to $15.50. Buffalos Buffalo, N.Y., Nov. 16.--Cattle-- Shipping steers, $13.4 to .$14.50; butchers, $8 to $12; yearlings, $13 to $14 heifers, $5.50 to $10; cows, $2 to $9; bulls;™$5 to $9; stockers and feeders, $5.60 to $8.50; fresh cows and springers, $50 to $120. Calves--$6 to $18.50. Hogs--Heavy, mixed, yorkers, light' do., and pigs, $13.60; roughs, $11.60 to $12 ;stags, $8 to $10. Sheep and lambs--Lambs $8 to $13.60; yearlings, $7 to $10; wethers, $7.60 to $8; ewes, $3 to Minneapolis. Minneapolis, Minn," Nov, 18. Flour unchanged to 10c higher; in carload lots, family patents quoted at $9.25 to $9.50 a barrel in 98-Ib. ¢otton sacks. Shipments, 69,615 barrels. Bran--$32 to $33. "Wheat--Cash, No. '1 Northern, $1.77% to $1.82%; Dec. $1.72%; March, $1.76 %. ~ Corn--No. 3 yellow, 88¢ to 90c¢; oats, No. 3 white, 44%c to 46¢c; flax, No. 1, $2.31 to $2.32. Montreal. Montreal, Nov. 16.--Cattle--But- cher steers, medium, 8 to $8.75; common, $5.50 to $7.74; butcher hei- fers, medium, $7 to $8.50; common, $4.50 to $7; butcler cows, medium, $4.60 to $7; car.ders, $3; cutters, $3.60 to $4; ' Jdogna bulls, $4.25 to $5.60. Good seal, $13 to 315; grass, $5.50 to *.. hkiwes, $4 to $6.50. Lambs, #s0d, $12.50 to $12.75; com- mon, ¥s to $11.50. Hogs, off cay solids, b4c; prints, 55¢; dairy, 50c. weig'.s, selects, $16.50; sows, $12.- Eggs--No. 1, 62c per doz.; selects, 50 T0c doz.; specials, 85¢ to 90c. Lard--In prints, 32¢ 1b, Shortenings--Prints, 26¢ per Ib. Ham--Large size, 49¢; cooked, 65¢ GENERAL TRADE Montreal. Montreal, Nov. 16.--Butter--No. 1 solids, 55¢ 1b.; prints, 56¢ 1b.; No. 2 2 Winnipeg. Winnipeg, Nov. 16.--Cattle--But- cher steers, fair to good, $7 to $9; 1b. females of s grading, $6 to $6.25 Cheese--Old, 31c per 1b.; new, 27¢c and choice, $4.60; best reeder steers, | 1b. $7.60 to $8.68. Handful of lambs Bacon--Windsor boneless, 57¢ per were disposed of ai $8.50, while a|lb.; breakfast, 48c to 60c per lb. lew mutton sheep changed hands at| Dressed poultry--Milkfed chickens, $6. Hogs--Selects, $156.50, to $15.76. | 42¢ to 45¢ per 1b.; fowls, 35¢ to 58¢; 4 Northern, $1.99; No. 5 Northern, |, Saskatchewan and Al-1° THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. w is something mighty comforting and satisf about "OLD CHUM" Tobacco; a sort of ; restfulness that pipe smokers have come to associate with this friendly smoke. dan "OLD CHUM" is an old, old chum with all pipe smokers. It has the perfect tobacco taste--the mellow richness-- and men know that they can be chummy with "OLD CHUM?" all day long and that the "good night pipeful" will be as sweet and cool as the one enjoyed just after reakiast. For years and years "OLD CHUM" has been Canada's favourite pipe tobacco and today is more popular than ever. Canada's Favorite Pipe Tobagco. geese, 30c; turkeys, 67¢; ducks, 40c¢ per lb. Beans--Canadian hand-picked, $5 per bushell; peas, $4.75. Dressed Hogs--Fresh killed abat- tolr stock, $20.50 to $30. Flour--First patents, $12,20 bbl.; Chicago, Chicago, Nov. 16.--Top heavy steers, $17; bulk natives, $9.75 to $13.76; bulk western steers, $8.25 to $10; butcher cows mostly $6 to $7.75; canners, 25¢ lower; heavy calves off more. Hogs--Top early, $18.25; hard to beat, $13 late, bulk, second patents, $11.70 bbl., ex-track; strong Jukes, F11.30 SB), ime 12.40 to $12.10; pigs mostly 35c| heat flour, choice grades, $9.75 ad higher; bulk desirable 100 to| 330 PL; broken lots, $10.50 to $10.- 130-pound pigs, $12.50 to $13, West. |- Millteed--Bran, $40.25 per tom, ex-track; shorts, $45.25. Rolled Oats -- Standard grades; | ern lambs, $12.60; bulk native, $11.60 to $12.26; fat sheep, steady; $4.20 per 90-1t . bags, delivered to trade. \ Hay----Baled, pe." top, in cdr lots, top ewes, light, $5.76; buik natives, $6 to $5.50; feeders steady; top feeder lambs, $13. : No. 2 Timothy, $3. No. 3 Timothy, $28 to $29; clover 'mixed, $24 to $25, ex~track. Potatoes--In bags of 90 Ibs. $1.- 50 to $1.80, ex-track; mixed potatoes, $1.26 to $1.40 per 90 Ib. bag. GRAIN QUOTATIONS Toronto, Toronto, Nov. 16.--Manmitoba oats --No. 2 C.W., 63%¢c; No. 3 C.W,, 57 %c; extra No. 1 feed, 56 %c; No. 1 feed, 64 %c; No. 2 feed, 5134¢; ali in store, Fort Willlam. Northern wheat, new crop--No, 1 northern, $2.09; No. 2 northern, $2.- 07%; No. 3 nonthern, $2.04% ; No. 4 northern, $1.99; all in store, Fort William. American corn--No. 2 yellow, $1.- 19, nominal, track, Toronto, prompt shipment. . Canadian corn--Feed, nominal. Manigoba barley, in - store, Fort William---No.. 3 C.W., $1.12; No. 4 C.W., $1.04; rejects, 813c¢c; feed, 81%ec. " Barley--Ontario malting, $1 'to $1.06] side. Ontario wheat--No. 2, $1.96 to $2, f.0.b. shipping points, according to freights; No. 1.spring, $1.90 to $1.95. Ontarip oats--No. 2 white, nomin- al 60c to 62¢, according to freight out Buckwheat--~Nominal. Rye--No. 3, $1.80 to $1.65. Ontario flour~--In jute bags, Gov- ernment standard, prompt shipment, delivered at Montreal, nominal, $7.- 75. Manitoba flour--Track, Toronto, cash prices, firat patents, $12.90 sec- ond patents, $12.40; third patents, $11.80. Mill © ferd--Carloads, délivered Montreal freights, bag included: Bran, per ton, $38 to $40.25; shorts, per ton, $42 to $45.25; feed flour, $2.75 to $3. Hay, loose, No, 1, per ton, $38 to New York. New York, Nov. 16.---=Butter, firm; receipts 6,413 tubs; creamery, high- er than extras, 66%c to 66c; extra (92 score) 64%e to 65c; firsts (88 to 91 score, 48c to 63c¢; state dairy, finest tubs, 61c to 62¢; good to prime, 60 to 60; packing stock, current make, No. 1, 34c. { Eggs, steady; receipts, 8,398 cases. Fresh gativefed, extra firsts, 83c to 8Bc; first, 77¢c to 81c; state, Pennsylvania and nearby western | helinery white, first to extra, 88c to | $1.05; brown extra, 90c to 93¢; gathered brown and mixed colors, first to extra, 77c to 88. Toronto. : Toronto, Nov. 16.--Butter, choice, dairy, 46¢ to 66¢c; do., creamery, 60e¢ to 63¢; margarine, 1b, 37¢ to 40¢; eggs, new laid, doz, 76¢ to £1; cheese, Ib., 86c to 46c; chickens, spring, 1b., 40c to 46c: fowl, 1b., 3%¢ to 38¢; ducks, spring, Ib, 43¢ to 47¢; turkeys, 1b, 60c to 75¢c; apples, bar- rel, $3.50 to $5; apples, basket, 30¢ to 60c; oranges, doz., 30¢ to 75¢; grapes, basket, 66c; pears, 11-qtss 60 to $1.25; lemons, doz., 10¢ to 26¢; artichokes, small measure, 20¢; beets, bag, $1.25; carrots, bag, $1; cabbage, each, 5¢ to 10c; caulifiow- er, each, 20¢ to 25¢; pumpkins, 18¢ to 86c; celery, 3 bunches, 25¢; egg pants, each, 10c to 1c; leeks, bundle, 40c; lettuce, head, 20; on- HAVE YOU TRIED THE 50 WATT MAZDA WHITE LIGHT \ Prices reduced--splendid for reading. HALLIDAY ELECTRIC (0. The Home of the "MAZDA" Phone 94 Cor. King and Princess - - Davie & Barre PLUMBING and TINSMITHING ther sets In. See us for prives. 208° WELLINGTON STRAERY Plone Now ia the time te have your Fur- nace repaired before the told wees Boyd's Garage 129 Brock Street HAVE YOUR STORAGE BATTERY LOOKED AF- TER BEFORE COLD WEATHER COMES. IT WILL FREEZE, IF NOT FULLY CHARGED. EXPERT MAN IN CHARGE OF BATTERY DEPARTMENT, $39; baled, track, Toronto, $30 to: lons, 100-1b. bag, $2; potatoes, bag, $32, $3; do., peck, 50c; parsley, bunch, bc to 10; peppers, green, basket, 75¢ | to $1; radishes, , 5; spinach; peck, 40c; squash, each, 15¢ to 20e; urnips, bag, $1; vegetable marrow, Montreal. Montreal, Nov. .16.--Oats, C. W. wi, INCREASE PURSE FOR | : GREAT PAS DOG RACE The Hudson Bay Dog Derby o|1921 will ikely be held early March, for a purse of $2,500, if 1 E sf=5 i] f § dates back to 600 B.C., oldest outdoor game « : \ i No ~ | AUTOM oti in [i Hl car this fall will be otras " Now is the time to purchase that car for next year, for mary reasons, which we can not only explain, but are in a position to ! For example: we guarantee the price of every new car that is d. or even ordered » against any decrease in price as far as difference een the present and new price. ; tr, we have the best value in the car line that has offered in this city. Cars were never so reasonable as they the present moment. And you will find that the prices have led already, and that t e purchaser of a real good reliable in the Spring of I July. jot, and in the event of a decrease we further guarantee to re- | e the year even if he takes ~ into consideration the fact that the car must be wintered. Let us have With Jou on the ater apd think it over. We have the value Blue Garages, Liiaj ted | £

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