Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 13 Nov 1920, p. 14

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14 ePePeILReRL ILI Lees Rheumatic Pains Are relieved in a few days by drops of Mether Seige!' oo rcs the lime and acid S accumulation in the muscles and joints so these deposits can be expelled, thus relieving pain and soreness. Seigel's Syrup, also 'known as "Extract of Roots," containsnodopenorotherstrong drugs to kill or mask the pain of rheumatism ® or lumbago, it re. 2 . moves the cause. 50c. a bottle at druggists. IT ALLIS a SPAY vears of age is Ni : either a failure - or a success. BEECHAM'S ve been made for sixty years and have the largest sale of any medicine in the world! Millions use AM'S BeeCHZIIS Sold evarywhare in Canada. Is baxes, 25c., S0¢. ~ There is a prospect of Canada's war debt being discharged hy the end of 1937, One of the duties of today is to UNORIGINAL ENEMIES By. J. E to the hydro- f Ontario have ines of attack. nor and good is They ques- of the accounting. beginning of the onal and - political enemies of Sir Adam Beck started a course of whispering innuendo, which, at special times, flamed up into direct slan The least accu- sation was that Sir Adam was "crook- ed." * Charges of treason were not lacking, Lately he has been called mean Malice of more than com- mon intensity has given impulse to the campaign and malevolent 'suspic- ion has carried it on. - From system the It appeared that Sir Adam Beck was doing the public. a service be- cause he liked the work. Any greedy money-grabber has difficulty in ap- preciating such a state of mind. To such an observer Beck has been mak- ing long and crafty plans to acquire money. Similarly the politician for revenue only obseryed the activities of Sir Adam with deep concern. He cannot believe that Beck is really fond of public service, and sificere in bis appeals. Ths natural conclusion, for such a personage, is that the THE DAILY BR Middleton. : J power knight aims at high political office, "Crooks" can never be satisfied with the obvious and straightforward explanation of a man's actions. The finest tribute that has ever been paid to Sir Adam Beck is an unconscious one---the massing him of a whole army of men who have exploited the people to the last notoh, who have bled the poor by mergers, melon-cutting and fancy stock-jobbery. That the intelligence of the lead- ers of this motley company has been overrated appears in their plan of campaign. They show no originality, They plant their batteries In the same places. They lay down parallels of approach in the same position as last vear, and the year before, and the year before 'that. They are like the bluebottle, buzzing against the win- | old trail. in' opposition to | | Beck says what he means and means | dow pane. He goes head-on into the You are ing when CZEMA 35 ment for zema and Skin Irrita- tions. It relieves at once and gradu- ally heals the skin. Sample box Dr. Chase's Lieacat free if you mention this per and send 2c. stamp for postage. 60c. & X ; all dealers or Edmanson, es & Co., ted, Toronto. | Blass, and never thinks of any | {lacking in the essenti way' of procedure One would think by after twelve years----t crowd . would begin tc 1 futility of seeking to pr Adam | s of, honor, | They are baying on the old, They will have the same Success as in other years; that fs,'| none whatever, \ | The people of Ontario who have a pretty judgement concerning public | men and have shown it on many oc- | caslons have decided that Sir Adam | Not so. what he says, Against that opinion what can be advanced? Only suspic- ion, innuendo, malice and all unchar- itableness, on the part of mefi "who see that the hope of their gains is gone," so far as the distribution of electricity is concerned. While the whispers and backbiters are busy with Sir Adam Beck's pri- vate character, other critics are writ- ing to the newspapers to- question |. the official reports of the hydro-elec- tric power commission. How can this be? How can these figures be accurate? How can this be credited? Let this be said with emphasis: There is no other public service, fed- eral, political = or municipal more closely guarded on the financial side than that of the hydro-electric enter- prise of Ontario. The system of ac- | counting is scientific, modern and complete. There is a veritable cycle ITISH WHIG. of auditing. - The local system's ac- counts are approved first by the municipal treasurer's department, WN \ REY AL WN % 1" 0 = SUC and in a box of Milburn's IIE SU 0 Hy / Health "FAINT heart never won fair lady," an old proverb, but certainly a true one, and it is little in any other path of Business Controllers, Statesmen and Professional Leaders are men of stout They are careful to repair the waste caused by continual strain upon their mental and physical system. : hearts. Sually certain that faint hearts accomplish very ife. population who ignore the heart, qualify for tomorrow. ¢ ¢ wise ones who kwow the necessity of keeping the hoary youns-with a well heart there are no nervous complaints or ailments of any kind. ' then by the municipa] auditor of the | hydro-electric commission's staff, | then by the provincial auditor, and | finally by an independent private | firm, Clarkson, Gordon & Dilworth, | Toronto, whose reputation is of the | highest. | When the enemies of the hydro- | electric system write to the negs- | papers seeking to throw suspicion | upon the accounting they give no | proof of intellectual acumen. In- variably they expose themselves to ridicule. Any man who tries to blow | up the city hall of Toronto with one ! small Chinese fire-cracker i$ a fit sub- | , ject for investigation by an alienist. | ---------- ny Becroumrcdbimmannn Tm a Ee ry -) Grateful people all over Canada convey the facts of regained health through the use of Milburn's Heart & Nerve Pills. Read this one, chosen at random from thousands: MILBURN'S HEART & NERVE PILLS Mr. H. Maxwell, Woodhease Alta., writes: *'I was in the ermy whea | got heart trouble. The twe doctors told me there was little bope for me to get better. | have doctored with other doctors, but with mo relief. A year ago a friend told me to try Mitbern's Heart & Nerve Pills. 1 laughed at him at the tise, and told him they were oaly a fake, but as | got worse | thought I would try a box. I have tekea six bexes, aad cam sey thet they are the first thing that helped me, and [ feel as if | wore @ mow man. | sure cea theak them, and feel that with a fow more boxes I will be well." : seem on oa BEoEo 6 ~ To your nearest druggist is but a short distance. He will hand you the key to good health and happiness--a box of Milburn's Heart & Nerve Pills, or send 50c. and thew will be mailed direct by The T\ Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont. THE MAN ON WATCH The trouble in Ireland might be settled in fifteen minutes if the British government would just re- fer the question to the arts profes- sors of Queen's University, two of whom appear to think they have the required capsule. an my * HECLA PIPELESS FURNACE A Pipeless Furnace is a heating system, which, instead of i $n 7 As Edison's Electric Light Outshines The Candle, So Edison's AMBEROLA Phonograph Qutsings "Talking Machines" r [HE complete list of Edison's Inventions, . = that have helped mankind to live better and to better enjoy living, reads like the Arabian The Lampman_ tears that a pro . . . gsional coach would no able Nights. Isn't it easy to understand 'why the to" make Gusen's' University a. wha: ta Team eu . ning rugby team, A pho. coach | et: i x were alive aha tase pet ToT mpl pi ad STORES ss inventor of the phonograph can produce the - Be ne Ta a ELE TEENS eee SLE, world's greatest phonograph value, the Amberola? cite 8 une or sadants who oun STE me Sh s . . ay rugby an 0! out induce- 908 pleby ® door, You ve Isn't it difficult to understand why anybody ever mente to" them to come 0 Kingston, | = HRV aTS : buys a talking machine, when they can own silts Toes Sewer selves ou Wg : - a ~ EDISON S NEW DIA MOND to convince her that her husband A M B E R O L B Ee aoiiz os bums agreed with the view that after five | : years or so hubby should be turned | out. = | . : Tr It is up to the residents of Lower | The World's Greatest Phonograph Value Bagot street to see that no German | crack and break? Amberol Recor SUMMER MONTHS BRING ASTHMA AND HAY FEVER, AND THESE Dig. TRESSING DISEASES NEED EFFEQ- TIVE TREATMENT, Dr J.D.KeLLoGg's STAMAREMED WHER BURNED EMITS AN AGREE: ABLE SMOKE, THE INHALING OF WHICH PROMPTLY ALLAYS |RRITA~ TION. A TRIAL wiLL CONVINCE. YOU OF IT8 MERITS, Out at Inverary the women's in- stitute intends erecting: a tobuggan slide. It might be used for butter and egg prices. using pipes as a means of carrying beat uses one central Regis- tory With every advantage of economy and convenience, the HECLA PIPELESS FURNACE will give A Despite the verdict of a coroner's jury at Windsqr, the Sixth Conr- mandment still reads : "Thou shalt not kill." you heating satisfac tion to a surprising degree, Let us explain it to you. LEMMON & SONS 187 PRINCESS STREET A : KINGSTON That inspector who slew a fellow- Sole agents, creature apparently dees not believe in turning the other cheek. "Get the | other. fellow first," appears to be the | modern version, | The trouble with too many. child- ren is that the education of the par- Tweed is away behind the times. Tt | ents bas been sadly neglected. only now is having an appendicitis| Don't make fun of a fool unless epidemic. Up around Napanee they | YOU are in the same boat. say that nearly everybody is without | an appendix. ! -- } Ottawa and Winnipeg women are | said to use the most paint and pow- | der on their faces of any other places in Canada, Well, they haven't much on some of Kingston's face- | enamelled females. | SE) LJ URPERTewa cs g U The Lampman does not oe with the judge who suggested that | & ruralist had no business drawing | a will.. "Many a will drawn by a lawyer has to be taken to court to | be deciphered. -- "IMA WALKER" the Famous Wi. land Grand 42-pisce Set of Dolls Foi LJ Gute -- x most dal Io = bitul confection. and with 1 Just h, geand 7 tothe Beart of avery Sink 'ebe fag STS ine 0s paebags 28 wan rou, postpaid, That Alfred St. woman, who re- quired 'the eloquence of a policeman | The Angelus Reproducer The sterling qualities of the Phonola Angelus Reproducer has revolutionized ' sound reproduction. Be sure the reproducer bears the ep mark ANGELUS ~Others not HS Are you familiar with the illness'and metallic sound of "talking machines" and ordinary phonographs? Then come to our store and listen to the pure, musical tone of the Amberolal The differ- -ence is startling. Do you know the cost and bother of constantly chang- do not get their athletic material by | chance. Not much. flag flies down that way on the an- | niversary of Armistice Day or any other day. The people of Catara- | a: qut ward have 10 their nian nS L u a ncinerator, ° can be accidently i. 8 is the place for the dropped without flag of the late German empire, they are practically unbreak- able and everlasting! Would you like to own an Am l you can- not afford one? Let us prove wish --THE TOWN WATCHMAN. to you that Edison's ng music into every A Few Smiles. Why don't you attend church?" asked the minister of a non-church- going---man. "Well, I'll tell you, sir. The first | time I went to church they threw water in my face and the second .| time they tied me to a woman I've had to keep ever since. "Yes," said the parson, "and the YN 5 Ee . rl 2d ---- 8 a) LL fg i > ing honograph n es? Let home makes it possible for - You will instantly appreciate the Sweeter, us show you the permanent you to . next time you go they'll throw dirt fuller, richer tone and absence of motor Diamond Point eproducer : on you." aa noises when you listen to the PHONOLA. ; ' ' The minister was at dinner with Its the reproduction and cabinet design Way with needles! Come in and talk it over Tia a shuren whistler} the best. "" ve you seen how easily with us. Af you cannot come "Because Pa owes $12 pew rent PHONOLAS play any make of record talking une records and he says he is going.to let the | : ' rob wi rd tries Bic) every home and pocket-book. No increase : ter t each aken his | pr are 4 a solo by | - in price and no tax. ' yard playing tha other day. I asked | prices, 'The Home of Good Music" Princess Street. oe Tp RS < a X27 Horry an LQ (a 0 (4 )f of the rola that does terms! the Chaflle family, Johany spoke up that eounts. In the PHONOLA you get quired the preacher kindly. soon, write us--today. and are made in eight sizes. A size for ? church whistle for it." : kt : A Johnny, Ask your dealer to show ou a PHONOLA e C C se are ' and play a PHONOLA RECORD. If he docs . . . Ve A strange little boy was in our) - not handle them, write us for booklet and him whose boy he was and when he | > ola me, aa ve known who you | : The P honola Co. of Canada, Limited E were. You have your papa"s eyes Elmira, Ontario BRANCH O*FICES a 53 Yonge Se, Torsate and 420 Hastings St. W., Vancouver and mouth." "I bave his pants, too," ke said, as he proudly displayed his "conserva- ton™ trousers.

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