Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 10 Nov 1920, p. 4

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THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. WEDNESDAY, NOV. 10, 1020, Tr re \Edison-Dick MIEMOGRAPH The Perfected Duplicator, Edison Waxless Stencil. A Great Bnsiness Builder. Ask for demonstration. J. R. C. Dobbs & Co. 41 Clarence Street, Kingston. Typewriter Headquarters. E ; . . Angrove's Repairs Seales, Talking Machines, Bicycles, Baby Carriages, Lawn Mewers, ete, We repair work right and guarantee satisfaction. 197 WELLINGTON STREET Collections For Business Houses The satisfactory service which The erchants Bank renders to Business Houses, in the matter of collecting Notes, Drafts and other financial paper, is due to the numberandstrategic location of ite branches Shroughout Canada, and the efficient system orce. Spesial attention is given to collections'; returns are promptly made and credited : "» losses are often prevented by the care and thoroughness with which we do this part + THE of our work. Talking Machines AN Kinas of Phonog¥aphs re. paired, cleaned, recharged and adjusted. Main and governor springs for all makes in stock, Quick service, expert workman. ship. J. M. PATRICK 140 SYDENHAM BT. Phone 2056J. REPAIRS ! . REPAIRS! Welding is not a side-line with us We guarantee our workmanship. Al broken paris made &s strong ed without heating. KINGSTON WELDING SHOP 43 FRINCESS STREET. MERCHANTS BANK Head Office : Montreal. OF CANADA 'Established 1864, EigTON BRANCH, : . H. A. TOFIELD, Manager. » VERONA AND ARDEN BRANCHES, J. W. McCLYMONT, Manager. gency a. Mountain Grove open Fridays, : Safety Deposit Boxes ta rent at Kingston Branch. he TE = Barren HAVE YOUR AUTOMOBILE Put in good shape for col d weather driving. Book your order for winter overhauling now. Satisfaction guaranteed. MCALLISTER & DRAKE 508 FPRINC ESS STREET Phone Réb' 1246). Phone 1750. ~~ It is approaching time to con- sider winter storage of Batteries. Do you'not require your Battery properly and scientifically cared for during the winter months, in order that it may come out in Al condition in the Spring? We have every facility for doing this. Come in and we will tell you all about it. KINGSTON AUTO SALES C0. Limited CORNER BROCK and MONTREAL STS. Telephone 600. The Ford Coupe is one of the most useful 'cars built. Its convenience is readily ap- nt--a roomy, yet compact body, super- Aor riding qualities, comfort in all weather. - Among its special distinction the Coupe has a distinctive appearance that makes it an outstanding car. You miay purchase one on a monthly payment basis and enjoy it while you are paying for it. FordeSales and Service ~~ 34-38 Princess St. Phone 1609. ir | VanLuvenBros. As new. | 'Markets Reports GRAIN QUOTATIONS. > $3.50. to $4.50; J ners and cuters, $100 to milkers, good to choice, $165; milkers, common and me- | EN nitobh wheat | dium, $65 to $75; lambs, yearlings, | Toronto, Nov. 8 Northern, $2.0 $2.03%; No. 4 eat, *| Manitoba oats--No. 2. C. 166%¢; No. 3 C.W.., 601¢; extra No W.,1817.75; . $2083: No. 2 $9 to $10; lambs, spring, $11.50 to | No 3 Northern, | $12.80; calves, good to choice, $16 | $1.96%, in to $17; sheep, $5 to $8; hogs, fed and watered, $17.26 to $17.50; hogs, weighed off cars, $17.50 to hogs," f.o.b., $16.25 to * $16.50; hogs, country points, §16 to a feed, 54 %c, in store Fort William. 1916.25, C.W., { | Manitoba barley--No. 3 . | jected, 87%¢c; 1 | Fort William. shipment. | Ontario oats--No. 2 | 84c. Ontario wheat--No. 2 winter, $2 {to $2.05; Nan 2 spring,, :§1.95 to $2; I shipping points; accOrding | freights. ' Peas--No. 2 nominal, Barley--$1.05-to $1.10, {ing to freights outside. Buckwheat--No. 2 nominal. Rye--No. 3, $1.75, nominal, ac- cording to freights outside. 1$1.18%; No. 4 C. W., 81.05%; re- feed, 873c, in store J : 8 } | American corn--No. 3 yellow, $1.- common $5.50 to $7.75; b eho aCkets and Crank Cases weld- | 14" minal track, Toronto; prompt heifers, medium; $7 to §9; common, accord- | gous, $12.50 to $13.00, Montreal. i Montreal, Nov. 9. -- Cattle -- Butcher steers, medium, $8 to $9; t butcher 184.50 to $7; butcher cows, choice, 2 white, 62 to| $7.50 to $8.60; 'medium, $5 to $7; [canners, $3 to $3.25; cutters, $3.50 to $4.50; bologna. bulls, $4.25 to $6.50. Good veal, $13 to $15; me- to dium, $11 to $12.50; grass, $5 to | $6.50, Ewes, $4 to $7; lambs, good, | $18; common, $8 to $11.50. Hogs | |--=Oft car weights, selects, §17; | - Winnipeg. Winnipeg, Nov. 9,--At the opening of trading, prices on good quality Manitoba flour--$12.90 top pat-| putchers and feeders were 26 cents ents; $12.40 second patents. Ontario flour--$8.75 bulk, board. Millfeed--Car lots -- Delivered Montreal freights, bag included. Bran, per ton, $38 to $40.25; shorts, per ton, $42 to $45.25; good feed | flour, $3.25. Winnipeg. Winnipeg, Nov. 9.--Wheat -- No. {1 Northern, $2.083%; No. 2 North- fern, $2.07%; No. 3 Northern, 1$2.03%; No. 4 Northern, $1.9655; INo.!5 Northern, $1.855%; No. 6 | Northern, $1.75%; track Manitoba, | Saskatchewan and Alberta, $2.07 %. Oats--No. 2 C.W., 66%¢c; No. 3 C.W,, 60%; extra No. 1 feed, 60%c¢c; INo. 1 feed, 57%c; No. 2 feed, 167%¢; track, 623%. |. Barley--No. 3 C.W., $1.18%; No. 4 CW, $1.05%; rejected 87 ¢; feed, 87%5¢; track, $1.10%. Chicago: | Chicago, Nov, {hard, $1.92 to $1.92%; | $1.88. | 883 ¢c; No. 2 yellow, 91 to 913%e¢: { Oats--No. 2 white, 5314 to 4c; No. 8 white, 562 to 52% ec. _Rye--No. 2, $1.60%. Barley--80c to $1,086. Timothy seed, $5.50 to $6.75.-Clover- iseed, $12 to $20. Pork, nominal. Lard, 19.07. Ribbs, $13.50 to $14.75. No. 2 mixed, Montreal, Nov. 9.--Oats, Canadian | Western, No. 2, 85¢; Canadian West- | ern, No. 3, 79%ec. Flour, Manitoba | spring wheat patents, firsts, $12.10. | Rolled oats, bag, 90 Ibs., $4.20. Bran, | $40.25. Shorts, $45.25. Hay, No. 2, | per ton, car lots, $31 to $32. { Montreal, | | New York. New York, Nov. 9.--Flour weak; Spring patents and Kansas straights, $9.75 tl | 76; Hay quiet: | $2.10; No. 3, $2.18; shipping, $1.55 to $1.75. Hops quiet; state, 1920, 50 | to 55¢; , 1919, 40 to 45c; Pacific | Coast, 1920, 46 to 50c; 1919, 45 to t 47c. | | Minneapolis. Minneapolis, Nov. 9.--Flour un- ! changed to 40c lower. In carload lots, ; family patents quoted at $10-.to $10.-/ 75 a barrel in. 98-pound cotton sacks; | shipments, 73,723 barrels. Bran, $32 | to $33. Wheat--Cash No. 1 Northern {91.81% to $1.84%; December, $1.- | 763%. March, $1.81%. Corn--No. 3 | yellow, 92°to 96¢c. Oats--No. 3 white, | 4834 to 48%c. Flax--No. 1, $2.49 to | $2.50. LIVE STOCK MARKETS. Toronto, Toronto, Nov. 9.--Choice heavy steers, $12.60 to $13.50; good heavy steers, $11.50 to $12.00; butchers' cattle, choice; $11 to $12; butchers' cattle, good, $9 to $10; butchers' catle, medium, $7. to $8; butchers' cattle, common, $5 to $6; bulls, choice, $9 to $10.50; bulls, good, $8 to $9; bulls, common, $5 to $6; feeders, best, $10 to $1¥; | teders, 900 lbs; $9.50cto $10; feéd- | ers, 800 lbs, $8.75 to $9.25; feed- { ors, common, $6.26 to $7.25; can- 9.--Wheat--No. 2 Corn--No. 2 mixed, 87% to' $10.60; Spring clears, $8.25 | to $9; winter straights, $9.50 to $9.- | No. 1, $2; No. 2, " below the week-end close, while me- | séa- dium and common. grades were un- i evenly 26 to 650 cents lower. Bulk of | best feeder steers sold at $8.60 to $9.50; choice feeder steers were | scarce at prices ranging from $7.50 to $8+50. The sheep and Jimb mar- | | ket was decidedly quiet, a few good | lambs weighing up at $8.50; select | hogs opened at $16.25. Buffalo. Buffalo, Nov. 9.--Cattle--Shipp- | ing steers, $13.50 to $16.50; butch- ers, $8.50 to $12.50; yearlings, $14 |to $15.50; heifers, $5.50 to $11; cows, $2 to $9; bulls, $5 to $9; stoc- kers and feeders, $5.50 to $9; fresn cows and springers, $50 to $120, Cal- | ves, $6 to $19. Hogs, heavy mixed, yorkers, light yorkers and pigs, $15.- | 25; roughs, $13 to $13.25; stags, | $8 to $11. Lambe $1 lower, ewes, 50¢ i lower; larabs $8 to $12.75; yearlings, | | $7 to $10; wethers, $7 to $7.50 ewes, | $3 to $6.50; mixed sheep, $6.50 to | $7. i Chicago. Chicago, Nov. 9.--Cattle--Top, $17.50; bulk native steers, $10 to $14.75; bulk butchers" grades, $5. 60 to $9; bulk canners and cutters, $3.60 to $4.75; buls and calves, steady; stockers and feeders fully 25¢ lower. Hogs, top for one load, $14.20; practical top, $14.15; bulk, $13.15 to $14; pigs, mostly 25 to 60c lower; bulk desirable 100 to 130- pound pigs, $14 to $14.25. Choice | Dative lambs, $11 to $12; fat sheep, | 25¢ lower; top ewes, $6.50; bulk na- (tive ewes, $5.50 to $6.50; feeders | steady; choice light feeder lambs, $12.80. GENERAL TRADE. = Toronto. Toronto, Nov. 9.--Butter, choice, dairy, 45' to 66c; buter,"creamery,' | 60 to 65¢c; margarine, 1b., 37 to 40c; eggs, new laid, doz, 75¢ to $1.00; cheese, Ib.,, 85 to 45c¢; chickens, spring, 1b, 42 to 50c; fowl, Ib., 32 to 38¢c; ducks, spring, 1b,, 43 to 47¢; turkeys, 1b., 66 to 76¢; apples, bar- rel, $3.50 to $5; apples, basket, 30 to 60c; oranges, doz., 80 to 76c; plums, bskt.,, 50c to $1.00; pears, 11-qts., 60c to $1.25; lemons, doz. 15 to 25¢; beets, bag, $1.25; car- rots, bag, $1; cabbage, each, 5 to 10c; cauliflower, each, 10 to 26c¢; pumpkins, 15 to 25¢c; celery, three bunches, 26c; egg plants, each, 10 to 15c; leeks, bundle, 40¢c; lettuce, leaf, doz., 35 to 40c; potatoes, bag, $2.26; potatoes, peck, 36¢; parsley, ! bunch, 5 to 10c; peppers, green, bskt., .75c¢ to »$§1; radishes, bunch, 5c; squash, each, 15 to 20c¢; tur- nips, bag, $1; vegetable marrow, 10c. Montreal. Montreal, Nov. 9.--Cheese, finest Easterns, 2334c; butter, choicest) creamery, 52 to 53c. Eggs, fresh, 67 to 68c.. Potatoes, per bag, car- lots, $1.75. * Barrere May Succeed. Paris, Nov, 9.--Camille Barrere, French ambassador at Rome, is be- ing considered by the Government as the . successor of Paul Cambon, French ambassador to Great Britain, whose resignation has been announc- ed, says the Excelsior. ' HANA SHIMOZUMI With the Royal English Opera House, the last three Opera Comp days of ny at the Grand ek. : ON ACCOUNT OF THE GAS BEING TRE Te AGENCY FOR ALL STEAMSHIP LINES 8 al attention given your family or friends going to or returning trem the Oid Country. 'For information and rates J. P, HANLEY, CP. and T A GT. Ry, Kingston, Ontario. Opin day aad night. ; hone 99. SQ HIGH, IT PAYS TO HAVE YOUR HOUSE WIRED FOR ELECTRICITY. H. W. NEWHAN ELECTRIC C0. Phone 441. apply to 167 Princess Street Boyd's Garage 129 Brock Street . HAVE YOUR STORAGE BATTERY LOOKED AF- TER BEFORE COLD WEATHER COMES. IT WILL FREEZE, IF NOT FULLY CHARGED. EXPERT MAN IN CHARGE OF BATTERY DEPARTMENT. STORAGE If you want to be one of the lucky persons to have a real place for your car this winter and in the finest big garage in the city, get your name on the list now and in- sure yourself of a permanent stall on the ground floor. Positively fireproof. Open always. Steam heated throughout. Clean and Accessible. in and . Beautify we and beauty. At the cost of building, painting for protec. tion is a very economy. It is cheaper to paint than not to paint. For sxcepiional Sefviie a3 qualities be sure t with Crown Diamond Paints-- the points that have withstood all an climatic tests for over seventy-eight years, Lioyd George declined to] mons to legalise with ve To save s penty Is than it uce & bill in the House of Com- | ceased husband's brother, is to earn it. .ewl a

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