Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 10 Nov 1920, p. 15

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WEDNESDAY, NOV. 10, 1920. .. : THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. Grand, Nov. 11 124, 13 || EHCP || [2 | THE PEOPLE'S FORUM [2 SATURDAY. MATINEE , Last Appearance THE ROYAL ENGLISH OPERA COMPANY || HV. ESHOND ad WITH JEFFERSON DE ANGELIS AND HANA SHIMOZUMI EVA MOORE } Corse; a : : 4 : BALE. Thurs.: "The Mikado." Fri: "The Chimes of Normandy" : JPR OENSED. AY ERs nATEs, 10 LEy. hii : Sat Mat: 'The Pirates of Penzance' Sat. Ev'g: "The Bohemian Girl." wes Nene : secutive Insertion thereafter, naif PRIVATE ROOM AND BOARD. 153] FOUND NE SEW LLbsaomLE TRUCK. AP PRICES: --Evenings . ..50c. to $2.00. Sat. Mat, . ...25c. to $1.50 sent a word. . Mintmum charge for Queen Street. | : on MON- - 1 9 one insertion, 25¢; three insertions, ! ON PRINCESS STREET, h PPLE BARRELS, LARD BARR Seats now on sale. ££ $0 cent .| FURNISHED FRONT ROOM; SUIT.! day evening, parcel contain- A LE BARRE hs Lann 1 RAMLA i , | The above rates are for cash only; able for ong or two persons. Ap-| ing boys underwear. Owner | 'When charged they are doub ply 260 Queen stregt. can haVe same by calling at Princess Street. a . Sati ; : | TE EE : : 3 BG 7 : re AD cusHiON With Entire English Cast and }| HELP WANTED. FURNISHED ROOM, ALL CONVENI- | A PARCEL OF FANCY GOODS AVIHMUBILY ao aL JHiay T . . 3 J on Monday night, on Princess ¢ DIRECTION JOHN AND PETER F. GRIFFIN Production. { . 5 ~ Shook Apply 313 University Avenue | on Ee AY Be Auto Tops, Brockville. di GIRL TO WOWK IN CANDY STORE. . : q 5 } same at William's Drug Store, - - i} PRICES 50c. to $2.50 Apply isu Princess street. y HOUSE; 6 ROOMS; 3 PIROE BATH | piling ton sirest. © raams DhstsirG i an : lectricity and gas. Appl r A Sy N A a $ Dy = \ || WOMAN COOK ANU UINING ROOM Setinieity 50 gas. Apply s on Brock street. Owner may ply E Watden, 143 Nelson. Apply Lariton Hotel | have same at 103 Clergy st WHITE CARROTS 406 Montreal street. 8 . i Bea A > girl. A FEW 1TunS oF MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY aa A CAPABLE MAID) ABLE TO cook. FINJE CLASS ROOMS AND BOARD ) A BROWN MAKABOU ° NECK Sha Saat Deets, o - Apply J All improvemenis; centrally locat- Be noite Juther oF Al Grant, Calaraqui. Pooae 2367 KR 3 . ADply to: Mrs. .Cappon, 26 Barrie ed. Appl Brock Street. MATHESON LANG ot, Ha RPISODE street. ; Pply 243 may have same at 388 Karl UNE LUT, wexisd FOUT ' PRUNT, : e Wonder Serial . . STORAGE FOR FURNITUME AND street. . : treet; . 4 8 WANTED, A Giki TO CLERK IN A erchandisc; clean wud Gry. es SATUKDAY AFTERNOON, ON ta suas aL pen rey The Distinguished English Actor THE WHIRLWIND J T 4 Bivcery store, stewdy. apply Box nm, $¢ Brock sireel, Phone 326 Union street, & kbaki mit- a in. a Vivid Sereem Version of a a & -6, Whig Uliice. or 621. : { i nay have same . YH : : NL. at Whig Office. SMALL FARM, 43 ACRES, ON YORK Great Angle Chinese Play WILD AND WE TERN n = | A GIRL UR WOMAN FOR WAITRESS;| FURNISHED AND CNEL KNISHED | KOA, Lour auiles west of Otesshy : : 9 . ; Foua wages, Ho ail the huing- Doms fot Jigar houscusepine; gas FOUND ARE ICLES CADYENR: lair VuLGings. Appiy J. B. obesy : "hiiatia Com ; : { d d 12 M sion Gener uspiial = &nd electricity; feated by furnace Tide FRA Tiki % "MR. WU" kA Chit tie Comedy 'Wanted 12 Ladies and 12 Men oe Sag : haw 1 avo ibaa ob prviises . 4 a ON 7 tak art in a . ANAL) ros werk aL Joust. i. op . T SE | Wisning LW reach the vwWuer may Whe This ANS LAFPLUCIKARD BEAVER An Amazing Plctarization of a X to ey does ie APPIY to To s FRIVATL GARAGE, STORAGE FOR do su Uy reporung the facts tu Coat, irst Chas COMUMIVD, B80 So G s 8 * COTY : 2 . . *" Pr d gem SE Jennsen des Sars; re usuliable, one arier | Tae British Whig: ine adver. top desa. Fuvk® ve of chil at dade ire S e, 4 et : rio 'hone Zuav; " ' 2 : toi a wie CLIC : 1 Orel JSlake. Success PICTURES Moving Picture' 0 ution GOOD GENERAL; TWO IN FAMILY, 5 p.ma 104 en one | Waemene Swill De Srinieq in tuig livay IuieCilic Co. {RP Ly Mis. RC. Cartwright, iss | "ound articies' aves nog Ar. CE Live WnArUUNULE AND | Sy y clude lost dogs, catlle orses, - SEACCUILLS, Juul uwil Glvile, 830 mouern improvemen.s; pussessiun | etc. Thewe, if lost, hay ACiius, §0 cas, 3i per week. CW, J E : 3 axa December 1st. Appiy J. K. Carroll | . or Losi eolu: Lindsay, Luaiivd, 111 Frincess St. GRAN 1 GIRL OR MIDDLE-AGED WOMAN TO Ageney, 66 Brock street. i Yertised tos jo the Lo oe ny help witn Luusework. Que to sleep CROLEC Being, NU. 5 312i; IN BXe ON MONDAY NEXT bt Loe Preferred. Apply "243 wpouaci FOR ¥ URNITURE, CLEAN, | == Lene CULGILOR, $10.00 80 20M. Apply to-morrow inoraing te Broca street ary. airy jovwis, your own lock and | Paves aliv & Guluver Of [Tuliva Pigs Perforniances . a Key. krosi's City Storage, 299-3005 Lutes APPLY eVedugs, 2 8 Gis To aT Mary ickfor n Mireel ravne sis res born | : hn Wo EVE] : ourteen ana eighteen; lig: Ey a N KING STREET, OR WELLINGTON - Seven " NB | your pho , street address and Zourtes 2 3 Nee gat worl; SVEN ROUM HOUSE TO LET Iv, ON Misg 5 SE oe Nag, aN aTuN CANALA ANG IS PROVINCES; 38 and In Her Latest "SUDS : | phone number. Y,. erp en Facto" oF Porisquouin; nited with eiectric San Pier aie Dura ane vuiudies by SAOrtt ADA LOUNNY, 38 . 9) y | ' ' . lgois;, good cellar. Kent, §i:i.u0. STE Cola Bre OWL Mw ivecy; Dalgail 0 QaMcls Nine | Big Photoplay TR PR SRE . abe' i Buden Tor Ril WIG Prmcess sireet. Ba Jumrapoul TENA a Lush ¥ i " ur plhvue lbasw, . a x . ES " 2 ON PRINCESS STREET, ON MONDAY NEXT ROCK DRILLERS STILL WANTED | LARGE, BIGHT, FRONT BED ROOM Alverncon, Mesh Purse. Monugiuiil 4 COUNTRY CLUB," 4 PASSEN iliuediaiesy 10F Smail mine near Or bed sitting room; well turnisned; ot "D, N.--with sum of mvc. o Wile Wheeis; + NeW ures; Rewly H . Be C ful What \ ation. Site bo : moaein conveniences; -hot water 1 this oiice ' ' amoresque i are Hulrey Sudliv Sldle Saperience hipaing he Heward for return to dice. Piiiiied wind overneuivd. Yous ong 3 f | anu. Whges 'bagected. Appiy Mace heading; eleoiric igat. Apply 2.9 3 § -- A | Lidlin we) elNbADE C0, To odir Divisicn street. Paone 2isuw. LhREL Bs puit pajmieat. reuuer i \ " vs ; GUIlIEr Dugul ALU Wueen SLEGSLE. A PERSON SEEN PICKING UP PAR- l 1 ont, TOTES YouEat ! TAD rN TEATET aR] hie. E03, | FURS Ia;| 4 FEUSOL ME Beri Yn LAP: LADY SLPERINTENUBNT AND A$e uitadle Ior iia. acusekeeping. Ais law's, nas siice been identined, will| MEN AAD WOMEN'S AN 5 20 IND Unluli.. . d roomsiall con- he Kindiy retuin Sid seve trouule, CLOTHING An{ superiniendent for tne Lel- AOUae sulldiluiy, speciblise ia Suis -- " ' ienc t , } p ; | WwW TAFFE leviiie Generas ciosplial, Belleville, Jeniences. J. nifett street, off lary Louw, buy all Kinds seconds . Ww. H STEVENSON AGS S UBL APpiy to Mes. Wills. Cor. Beg Pivision streel, near Princess. RENTER UAN paby boy ay A pra tag vo Pearl A. Neshit, LT.CM, || W. H. ERE, Ga AE pt Semi per oom en, 4 gmyriaave| | SE | INE ING 3 Believille, Ont. Test. | FINE OLD ENGLISH rma Soca ea cially furnished for ilgnot Bouse . a : Suas dtivel, ORGANIST AND DIRECTOR HORSE SHOER and BravusuITH, we Keeping, kus Lor COOKibe and ee as @ keepsake. $b reward lor re " ke 1 " Waggons d Trucks epaired. QUEEN 8ST. CHURCH | | { ION FAMOUS PLAYERS CANADIAN CORFOL. Ni 'WIN TIME OF NOW SHOWING GEORGE W. BROW IRIDGE : At Box On the Grand. Leave! GIRLS BETWEEN THI AGES oF ube - ~ X | To be taken on the stage at Luiversity Ave. in the eveuing, A FURNIMHED HOU Sil, WITH ALL { ! | | i , ° CEME the 4 : } turn to urs. M. Briagen, General Pra erate. MINCEMEAY TEACHERS WANTED. - at las bivueer Aparuneais, 212 and Grocery, $90 Ontario sireet. Wh HAVE FO SALE ALL BINDS OF rices mode e Teacher of Singing and Plano. TEMPERANCE HOTEL YARD 414 Divisiun street. Phone 1434w, JAru ron saLy Ab. ia or Studig: 24 Division St. Phone 1167J. QUEEN STREET. Is pure and wholesome A TEACHER FUL 3. 5. NU, 8, CLAREN Bluves. AL) PoisVil war vo ved . ' Se oY Lh Ne 'URNISaED ROOMS, IN GUO LO. s , po > + J ih sun aun LUWNSUAP. Salary, tue a year, ¥ ity, on a FA Yn Lo A PARCEL OF STAMPED FANCY MUU Surliiude Lo Qlspobe of, we Will ky ay y POG ) . e Wels - igus Plicua J. Tavmpeu, APPLY, st&lug quailhcations and eleciric ligat, E48 tor Cooking; | Euods, corner of rrincess and Pay Uiguese de ™ | eiperience, tu Lrvin Martin, Ferg. suitadie fur light housexcepiny | uugiun; Monday afiernuuh, Piease 48s Flicess atregl., Fhoae 1vw, ------ : i leiga, Unt. . pb A recur tu sis. FPolte Fancy | . Book Your Passage Overseas ~~ e-reauummuureemg rly me | AN laren apply BU peti lo is Muiery ei > 1 This Fall £ Xmas, with NOTICE 10 MEMBERS OF 8 ; 2361). HAAKD COAL CUKE, $95.00 TON » 'all or for Xmas, 1 1 TE VE. ee eM --pm-- Lls asiu us doc. eXire; sw 5 Il |] WANTED GENERAL, EIGHT ROOMED HOUSE, 50 LIVING. OF mani rea Ta Sula} F. CONWAY | CHOSEN FRIENDS ston avenue, electric lignts and im- | BETWELN PORTLAND AND SYUEN- JEL Ul skip vad unscreviiud wl by, Ocean Steamship Ticket Agent | 9 U HOLSW WANIEL; 6 OR 7 Rooms; provements, goou yard and out- nam" road corner and ailaraqul, Wii Will sciesa up Levee los, | ' i | #000 casa. write Luther sa, der, buildings. Pusscssion ec. 1st. Ap- lagy's DECK puise, collaiiilig uve Lliviie dail. Judd 34 Lniversty, \ Len. Deilvery, City. ply at 246 Colevine Street" Fhone duiiass In Gils aud &Uout vie AOI W. L. Bruun, ded Vaiversivy. order are requested to att 1 a grand 2048 w. lar in cusnge and A quanlty ot ' raily on FRIDAY EVENING, Nov. 13th BA thkAS a - RII. Bliaps. rliuer.Can Keep ue wmpney Cigarette Cases, Pipes and Cigers. NOTICE OF APFLICAT 0 in ey room of new Orange Hall, HEATED Al TUENT, OR THRs DW BLLING, $15.00. PER MONTH, IN. Bud relurn buiance 10 Walg Uiice. | NINETA-FOUR ACRE FARM, ON Dr. } + GQM.B, of amilton; Dp ur loar (i, airy 100s, In gow cludes water, Rideau street, near] a = lane slwie, l8L Cvucessivii nfnestY Everything for the smoker ate 1 Gvae Organizer lucauly. appiy BOX Led, W ig vI- Barrack; improvements; yard; hei | LU, vue dine Ifa Cuaigs say x friend is a smoker-- for his " s Tom All Lines, 239 BAGOT STREET, Members of the three co Christmas present, see our stoek of Phone 1197. rde | ill ad Ss tI nen s. Music fice, eXcCelient velar; inmediale pusses- STRAYED. Segui bien Livin sangsull; Leng 'S FOR DIVORCE { v r Son if Smred, ADply eveniugs. 216 | Livaeas, VA VuluULGIIEe, 80 468 >. BEL > Ww AMEY, C. C. A NTR wh ANT niversity Avenue. | STRAYED ONTO MX PrISHISES, LOT Buits, swdic suiekivg, eige stond EL NOTICE is hereby given that KEN- 'our . 20. WANTED . TO , RENT A MEDIUM. 5 EE ra atime o,- CUI 44, ToWhsaip ul Fecuand; "ude miu gOUd vutuuliuiugs. Apd NETH HUTCHINSON DUNLOP, of the | wen A ct ae house; centrally locaied; no| gNE LARGE UNFURNISHED ROOM uur milies nordi-east of verona, vn PUY GeV. Sauuuercous, Uoskii'e bay, Ps {CESS STREET City of Kings In the County f| \ Cliluren in launly. apply Bux Ab, with kiichenette'and gus for cook- Hin Falis roau, (wo buiis. Uwaer Livi AVE Te Sin 200 PRINCESS i Frontenac, in the Province of Ontario, Whig Litice ing; not Water heailug; first fAeor, | May hve sa PY PAY ilig expenses, Opposite Public Utilities. Phone 1383%. | Giectric Craneman, wi" apply to the a -- - Also garage suitable for carpenter's | JusePa Alberison, &. I, Veroua. % EO erin Asein nome | Papliament of CANada, at (hr ners as SLLOAU-AAND UPRIGHT PIANO Slop or ELOr&ge. Appiy ide Queen | gio =Sm=s | PEAFLCT, COLUMBIA, DAYTON, t | sion thereof, for a Bill of Divorce from Yor CABA OF ln pari pe) nient ui anew street or Phone 1270M. cre Aliucelull abd viciwry Bioycies, als his wife, LAURA MARY DUNLOP, of | Applications will be received by the blancs and graicnoias. C. W. Lind- a a FINANCIAL. BU 4 LUiber Of «a oa BLA ged the City of Kingstén, in the County of | undersigned for the position of City 28y Limited, 121 Princess street. PERSONAL Habu DIC) Gish Glu wav evivg ein, & ® ' Tr Harrison S nienan in the Province of Duiany Engineer for the City of Kingston un- WAN D--MEN AND BOYS 70 PAT Feduiced prices opel fan. Married woman, on the ground of | til Wednesday noon, Nov. 17th, 1920. A TN AB y a AT op ol ; . 0 BivEl WW mil BICY Ge wad Dab, y , adultery and desertion "ay wou : 3 And DoYE BRIE CaLooerher, Men's| MAIR, MOLES, WAN1S, BIRTH. | STRANGE & STMAMGG INSURANCE Like Ceumil WOLk. wunels hia racua ITN T 3 2 Applicant. to give qualifications, ex- ' . ™ " 5 ded La ° ) ; x V2 3 > SMITH, eta eT - : . and boys' hair cut, 20c. Saave, : CRNCers, SC : - agclis, cBlavdaied (a iabv; uiuy W 8 Sided a, : Yo raY & SMITH, perence, refefeinces, and state the heyy aay som, 236 Ontario ve Doth Ae pcers: roe Lue lust lelavie culupanics repres NA phy 30-212 Bing situa, Dated at the City of Kingaton, Prov. | 80Unt of salary expected. fear bLrock street. - Glasses nited and furnished after belied, Liiice si Lieve sree, ince of Ontario, this 27th day of W. W. SANL eet Others have failed. Goitre removed. thpuaite tue pos: oii i; August, 1920. Kingston, Nov. 10th, 1920 i 35 years' experience. Dr. Eimer J. | =e Lodge Tounag. RE 2 N 3 e : 3 PUFF PASTE, SWEET PASTE, | Lake, Kye, kar, Nose, Throat, Skin. FRONTENAC LOAN AND INVLST- Reo ne, | TNA rpnin | ' RIpEA . > AND CAKES A SPECIALTY N T CE OF APPLICATION 1sPORTANT AUCTION SALE! PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER, x meut Sociey; Wourgdraied | (sel Uveilang svuling. | 2 1 { y ' 'resident, W. I Lackle, K.C.; vices - Pastry of all kinds made to or- 0 il [ora " : 4 Era sess Agar. expert steno. BITUATIONS VACANT: eo WE ata KC vices , ey bere der. ntique and Modern Paurniture at 207 | Mouey issued on city ang asin All lu gova suape, ready tor the roady . Prine Stifeet, ~ y Of any description. First ciass work BC P, 3 e 8 Aa your Grocer to. our goods. FOR DIVORCE errs man || Site Tal MIRAE 96 aise compres neg S40 Btn dy CIEE | AR at Send®orders to 240 vision St., . {| ¢i&l rates can be arranged. une ) x $= & A A : of Mahogany chair, Helntzman Plano : ; ; 4 o Women aircady making §5 up daily investinent bonds tor sic; aepusits | Cor ps vs 8 ah Bake ee nt Rag Notice 1s hereby given that Rosetta! value $1380 00 mahogany table and Santee Tusuranes Gaive, Hugs i in spare time. Bradiey-Garcetsons, Feceived ANG JuLres Ailowed. kn | mornel MUCed & Lusi Sis. Faume SeT, lan Road and " Hood, sot, the City of Dita wa, in the | chairs, malogany chest of drawers, iba ag Brantford, Ont. C. cartwrignt, meuager, 37 Clare 0 © eton, in the Province of | walnut dinine ) uite. hs i en ence street, Kingston. BATEMALN'S REAL ESTATE, TT 4 ontarlo, will apply to the Parliament ea ab 5 Cra 5 a} bed- Nii TECT Ea a Rie 2 8 of Canada at the next sessicn thereof, | noo 2 ssuite hd Ta h > Eh TREY. abs A ARCHI Ee for & Bill of Divorce from her hus- | Ladroom id ki cabinet, elu AGENTS WANTED, : LEGAL. VICTORY non rare MONBY band, Alexander Hood, teamster, of the and library table, easy chairs, = arm - POWER, SON AND DIEVLR, ARCH. to Loan City of Kingston, "Ontario, on the | chairs. Josti. r_ upholstered: "grane | AGENTS 3W% PROFIT GOLD LKY- tects, Merchants' BALK i haimbern Ready For Nd ALY the Province ot| fether clock, value $500.00, china cab. fers fur Stores, viice windows, eas gorner of Brock -and Weilington) CUNNINGHAM & SMITH, 8ARRISI. #1200--DOUBLE BRICK; VENEER) ¢ inet, oak seotional book cases, china ily applied; will uot wasa off; tree . os 0 rio, t 17th ot u .D. ARAN 3 323 A oni \ streets. erg aud Solicdurs, 75 ciarend rooms eaca. Ona , this 17th day August, A and glassware, biankets and be dding, sampies. Ach *L Sign Co. 846 XN. Buieel, aingsivn. "A. B. Culniag- : . ' . ; = = ---- = Pictures, hand carved oak book cds Wels, Chicago, iL JARPENTERIN : Christmas J. I optic t electric table lamp, ea OORT. Kite nL ~ nN NOT x - 3 CARPENTERING. ham. Cyril M. Smith. #530 BUILDJNG LOT; CONVENIENY oliettar for an + v % t EN AND WOMEN, 0 CAN Cativtm \ articles th®ils, garden. tools and other but to travel and appoint SANYAL, VHEN OU WANT THE OARPEATER ' > e articles : 8 : -- Busin \ Ten tirey, Mid uppe; p see James Selby, Contractor. Temp. | AMBROSE SHEA, B.A, BARRISTEK = 4 €8s the Atietioneer. EAATan oe Fh ad, penivs Orury change of address 60 Arch rs Tl Bw Slits yi OTe aL, Wien vkusNy Ve 21, > 4 N 1K, 0 - t 24x50, CoAlce Lo make $2,600 dnd expenses. Street. Phone 635J. ank. Money to loan. none 193y. buliding, ged cudiice to build fi Our stock is superb--Ilarger ) Slate age and Quailications. Kx. pia yourseir. NU # perience unnecessary. Winsten Co), IP ™ { : -- ver. You are . : : 3 1.45. Tore \ .UPHOLSTERING. PUliNALULS bANsouANG and better than eve 5 Uepi.-G., Trento. 2 na $2,000--FRAME HOUSE IN ronrg invited to inspect it. Don't wait fi x : " WANTE CALL OR DROP A CARD TO W. J.| GALL 0M LROF 4 CAKD 10 Ww. Dis. mouth. for the rush that fuvariably Y ny 4 FEMALE HEN WANTED. Gavine, upholster, 216 Bagot st. oli, 2é John Street. » i a aaa $2,400~FRAME HOUSE; ¢ nooMS and C,; hot Sqimes the week before Chirist=") 5 : : ; JB GOON AGES FOR HOME WORK |p ww. ganoLD FOR YOUR Dp. GN §48; electrie lights; 8. mas. b 5 N D Po We need you to make socks on the ¥ Folaterjng and genera) UR SIGNS . wir; good kikble, 2 J . atc fast, easily-learned Auto Knitter; Leave 'orders at or drop a card to av h R & 3 : experience unnecessary; distance ae varly Shoppers have the ly imimatérial; positively no canvass- best assortm . y " 3 ing; yarn supplied. Particulars So, | -- mas Ti pa la s ar tc., : rue { h not + b A ar ay BC. Auto rare POSITION WANTEa>. » EE toaiiyPmors, snovc ss $3,600--~ROUGH CAST; 11 ROOMS; Many articles we have canno a J i { I Toronto FIRST GRASS MAN COON. aton by Shaw, at 308 Princess Sire, tollet and stable. he duplicated. Recruiting 2 references, "Apply Box 2-5 Whig|__ Kingston oy A Small deposit: will sscure IS Dow open ior » SURVEYOR, 1 Stee h gs $3.500--FOR 3 HOUSES, CONCESSION. - . ~ a ¥, No- pm . : FOR SALE 'O RENT, -- your purchase for later deliv the Kingston Cogpany, I hereby proclaim Thursday, No ¥. F. MILLER, Ap, Se. Ci, 05s PAINTING AND PAPER HANGING $3,100--FOR TWO FRAME HOUSES, vember the 11th, from 10.00 a.m. to 3 : " ry. ' D.L.S, M.E.LC,, Napanee, Ont. ---- ST RENT OR SELL BAKLRY IN rooms; todet and electric is ony 12 a.m, a public half holiday, and rea- terio Land Surveyor. Kingston Of-| WHEN WANTING PAINTING on | MV 7 a PAD oh ELL, BARERY IN 0 0 e Ehts, * s d Quest that -all citizens shall observe fice: Walkem & Walkem, 93 Clar- aperhanging done. Srop a card to other bakery 'Within. ten miles; G. A DATEMAN Machin i a intai , is ence gtreet . A. Mounteer, 84 Arch street. store acing good business; aiso 159 Wellington § R. J Rodger, e Gun Briga Ie the same apd maintain a two minutes \ a a | SIRSEE Boul Pusiness; ais] 138 wellingion Sieve Mingste O . Jewel SIGNS OF ALL KINDS, GLASS, WOOD, a 2 3 etc. large or small, guaranteed as | THI00--FRAME HOUSE, JOHN "n silence period from 11.00 a.m. till sa, Ont 11.02 am. in commemoration of ' = -- DENTAL. or An Officer will be on duty at the "Armistice Day" ENT, : in order that all MUSIC . Armouries each evening to enlist those 'may renew the great outburst of f. Ic i 2044 F eal < A. B. KNAPP BA, LDS 132 PRINCESS STREET desirous of joining this unit. Ing of heart and mind, which follow=| {- . DAISY JOHNSON, AT.C.M.,, TEACHER 4 Priaceds Sires! Phone: arhs Parade nights are. Tuesdays-and ed on that great day which ended of Violin and Theory. " Pupiis pre- -- ursdays at § p.m. | the world's war. Let us all return z Cxaminations Stadio' Sor Comins, Sranm lin FAR) -- | thanks again for all that day meant ; . . wood street. Phone' 2329W. Carnovsky's. Phone 346. . ' {and pray for wisdom, so that inter- For Sal Kensington Place | national affairs ef the world may be Con | ana peace. on a basis of compromise ¢ a . and peace. We ask all citi 8- S Brick Veneer Dwelling; Living Room; Dining Room and p 2 Silitns to as y y . » R { semble at the Cricket Field to take } : ? ' 3 Kitchen on first floor; French doors leading into living room part in the ceremonies, and repeat . ; : and dining room from hall, also to private verandah; grate in our manifestations of great joy. Lest - re ; living room; Jardwood Bouts Pirouthout; all glass Joo knobs, we forget. : stationary tubs; in fact, modern in every particular, Newly | HUGH C. NI. . : finished, Immediate possession. c CBE, or : . = Well prepared .........$10.00 per ton Mee ui Jas. Swift & Co., - Limite THE J, K. CARROLL AGENCY ED TENDERS. addressed to the CAN'T BLAME HER Foot of Johnson Street if Phone 68 and 874w. - 56 Brock Street : WE 0 FrER "TH SEER RRL Sa See Foe oon of ahaa o senething hse A Province of Saskatchewan ni SE ne pi : Auction Sales ° Kingston, Nov. 9th, 1920. AEG ------ . 5 th t its ural Mi 20 Year 6% Gold Bonds, due 1 st 'Oct, 1940. Price 96.42 Route No. 3, from the Postussre- Oren : and interest; yielding 6.30%. . ! igi Pleasure. " : Xe | | Iam the best auctioneer in Kingston. ad notices containi furth - p 4 R > This is the first long-term Provincial Issue since 1914 'ana formation us to"conditions of propsed % AY ; ! Make me prove = is a most attractive lnvestme mt, - - of fender as oa cen And, bikini forma : ne Auctioneer ist a Sine a | 1 | BEDFORD The Auctioneer, Cc t 0. ON kL : » City of Sarnia A TE = 29 = oi . 08 ce Inspector. o- . - y < FLOUR DROPS NOW. i Post Of! pect: Office, % > 6% HYDRO-ELECTRIC DEBENTURES io om Nore ons Dities, gd © la. Selling Belew ile $10 1921-1930 Maturities .... .u ceammn Price to ylold 6% % ' oS Caw. te 1931-1940 Maturities. ... wow ioem «.. Price to yield 6% % * North Huron United Farmers have | i . s Nines. Minn., Nov. 10.--For formed a company to carry on poli ! ab 4 ; the first time In almost four years . v ) ' & Co "Tue G t Public Ut ies : flour sold under the $10 a barrel Geo o Bawden e Galt Public Utilitie - } : . here rge . mission has decided to put up Riis Ed THE WAY IT APPEALS a ahs pov ar In 3 3 a Hydro station. S a Mrs. Talkington: | declare! There's neither truth noe poetry Ir all 35 to 75 cents yesterday, making the es tmen t Brokers s General Insurance he States lite Insurance com. tis aan: 1 quant. | heard one once that | liked. It was about | TA06® Of prices $9.65 to $10 a barrel. ; ~ ie oy i Nowa in: Canida the deadly female of the speeches. Pi ; ig Tre Baty duling in wheat is giver |

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