- & WEDNESDAY, NOV. 10, 1920. THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. ; om TORONTO MAN MAKES Now On Sale THRTY POND GAN w Or A. R. Qodfrey Was Qoing Down Hill Rapidly When He Started Taking Tanlac -- Now Feels Fine. Mid-Month List SA ~ Storm Sash Don't wait until January, give us your - measurements now. : Allan Lumber Co. EZ Phonel042. : ; ; 3; Victoria Street ; = = Since I was gassed in: France," said i Mmmm Ea Tr a as Jirat A BABOON SWITCHMAN, A Striking Example of Astwal Intelligence. From time to time Rumerous amas- ing stories have been told of the sagaoity of members of the moukey tribe; but the following secount is so particularly extraordinary that fit, would cause doubt in the minds of the most oredulous were it notrtold on the authority of Mr. W, C. Scully and the Atlantic' Monthly. "The most remarkable instance of simian intelligence that has come un- der my personal observation," says Mr. Bcully, "was that of a baboon that actually did regular duty as a awitchman at an important railway junction at Ultenhage, in the Cape Province, South Africa. The animal was owned by the man who worked the switches, but who had lost both | logs In a rallway accident. Om the platform, In his charge, were six levers, to each of which was given a name, He sat in a little wooden cabin with his understudy, and when a lever required shifting he would call out its name. At once the baboon would swing she lever over. After the baboon had been thoroughly in- structed, it was never known to make & mistake. ; "In the morning it ran its master down to the scene of his work on a little hand-car, which it shifted from the rails and stowed away. Most of the journey to the switch was down- grade, and on reaching the slope the baboon would spring on the vehicle and evince the liveliest satisfaction a8 it skimmed along by gravitation, At night it replaced the car on the rails, and, when its master had taken his seat, pushed him home again. "Occasionally the animal was brought to a certain hotel and induec- ed to act as walter. It would carry & large tray and serve the customers, but it insisted that its own portion should be placed on the tray. On en- tering the room where the guests were assembled it 'would set the tray down on the floor and 'consume its share, then walk with the tray from one guest to amother. If any one at- tempted to help himself from the tray before the baboon had finished its portion, it would become violently en- raged, and scatter the contents in every direction. The remarkable anl- mal died after a lingering illness in- duced by a blow on the back of the head that was inflicted by a drunken mean with an iron bar." Disliked by George III. Old King George III, against whose rule the American colonies suc- cessfully revolted, must have turned | in his grave a short time ago, shen his royal descendant, the Prince of Wales, was made a fellow of the Royal clety. King George, to the day of his death never quite forgave the Royal Soclety, a scientific body founded long before he ascended the throne, for seriously offending him by passing a resolution in favor of the pointed lightning conductors in- vented by Benjamin Franklin. This was during the American revolution, {and the king refused to patronize a " : | "rebel's invention." He had blunt GOOD DIGESTION ; | conductors fixed on all his palaces, | g and ordered the Royal Society to re- : :8cind their resolution favoring the 'other kind. The president, Sir John ' Pringle, replied that duty as well as Inclination would always lead him to meet his majesty's wishes as far as possible, 'But, sire," said he, "I can- not reverse the laws and operations of nature." 'Then you must resign," stormed the king. And Sir John re- signed. | i "I know it sounds unreasonable, but it's a fact that I have .gained thirty pounds since I, began taking anlac," was the statement made by R. Godfrey, residing at No. 12 Tamilton street, Toronto. Mr. God- rey is a steel worker, employed by the J. J. Taylor Safe Works. He {served in the Canadian forces in France during the war. > Ee ieee [1 1 TT DEERE OL Records Jolson Dreams of "Avalon" Across the sea where flying fishes play, that's where Al Jolson memories stray-- far away to his love in "Avalon." You'll travel with this exclusive Columbia artist when you hear him sing this latest popular love ballad. A-2995--$1.00 | pletely broke down: I never want- ed anything I ate and the little I forced down disagreed with me. I {had awful pains in the pit of my | stomach, and when I would bend {down to pick up anything off the | flour it would nearly kill me when {1 tried to straighten up again. I | bad such awful dizzy spells at times I would almost topple over. 1 felt | completely worn out all the time, | had little life or energy about me, and was so nervous I couldn't get a good. night's sleep. I had terrific headaches, and was constipated nearly all the time. I fell off in weight from one hundred and forty- eight pounds to ome hundred and eighteen, and seemed to be getting weaker all the time. Then to make matters worse I began suffering with rheumatism, and the pains-- especially in my shoulders--were al- most unbearable. ' "A'triend of mine advised me to try Tanlac, and after I took a few doses I could feel an improvement. I started to get hungry and was soon eating three. big meals every day, and instead of disagreeing with me, my food began building me up. I continued taking Tanlac and kept gaining weight until now I tip the scales at one hundred and forty- eight pounds--an actual gain of thirty pounds. I can now sleep all night' without once waking up, and in the morning I get out of bed feel- ing great. My strength has been in- creased wonderfully. I haven't a pain about me, am never troubled with headaches, nervousness or con- stipation, and the dizzy spells have been entirely overcome. I have plenty of life and energy about me now, in fact I am feeling fine. in FLOOR LAMPS, TABLE LAMPS, TEA TRAYS, BEATEN COP- every way. That's exactly what Tanlac did for me, and you may PER WORK, TOYS, REED WORK, ETC., ETC. publish my statement if you wish to, BUY YOUR XMAS PRESENTS NOW AND SAVE MONEY. because it may be the means of help- {ing others who are suffering like E. WARBURTON, I was. Phone 2277. - - - Opposite Bibby's FOR BALE. 27 Wellington St, brick and ston €,;3hot water; 'two bath easy to convert into 3 flats. 174 Barrie Street 3 Briek; Hot Water. « Brick; Hof Water. Brick; Hot W " New Brick; H Water, New Brick; Hot Water, Stone; Hot Afr. Frame; large baras. 84%, Collingwood Street ++ Frame; no furnace. King Street Large store and dwelling. Also three houses under cons truction on Edgehill street, and un bungalow om Mack Street. Buy new and have finished to sult your taste, Insurance of all kinds. Viet ory Bonds bought, sold and exe. changed. Apply toi J.0. HUTTON rooms; 31 Alfred Street S Princess Street 23 Wellington Street 46% Albert Street 67 CLARENCE STRERT home 703. HAVE YOU TRIED THE 50 WATT MAZDA WHITE LIGHT. Prices reduced----splendid for reading. HALLIDAY ELECTRIC C0. The Home of the "MAZDA" Phone 94 Cor. King and Princess - mn "VETCRAFT" (The Handiwork of Disabled Soldiers) Nora Bayes Sings The Japanese Sandman Hear this exclusive Columbia artist croon ebout "The Japanese Sandman" -- "just an old second-hand man trading new days for old"--coupled with "You're Just as Beautiful at Sixty as You Were at Swee Sixteen." : -> A-2997--$1.00 Tanlac 1s sold in Kingston by A. P. Chown, in Mountain Grove by | James McDonald, and by the lead- {ing druggist in every town.--Advt. Ted Lewis' Feature Fox-trot, Fair One Ted Lewis' Jazz Band is now. repeating in Chicago its phenomenal New York success. That's where these exclusive Columbia artists recorded "Fair One" and "Gypsy Moon," the two catchiest fox-trots of the year. A-2998--$1.00 A Few More Mid-Month Hits Sweet Mamma (Papa's Getting Mad) | rion Harris 1 Told You Seo ~e X Firewood Large quantity of sound Railway Ties for sale cheap. All tents reduced to clear. We need the room. PARMELEE'S L Cohen & VEGETABLE isle PILLS ; \ \ To Signal Distress. However well equipped with wire- {less a ship may be, an accident that results in its sinking puts an end to its distress signals, and may not even low time to begin them, leaving ita hurriedly manned lifeboats without any means of -communication with each other or with a rescue ship. An astern inventor has designed a simple and compact radio system in- tended as permanent equipment for one or more lifeboats on each vessel, says Popular Mechanics. The wire- less apparatus, used for both tele- graphing and telephoning, Is inclosed ° In a water-tight box at the stern, and grounded. through a metal plate on the bottom of the beat. To shut out extraneous sounds and add to the sen- sitiveness of the set, the operator is equipped with' a helmet containing the telephone receivers. ! An OM "Windjammer," How long is a ship expected to "live"? The question is raised by the recent return of the Victory to her old moorings once again. The vessels of past centuries had a career which seems to us moderns like the longe~ vity of the patriarchs. The Princess | Mary, which brought William of Orange to England, was in active service for more than 200 years. She was 72 years old when she arrived with the Dutch troops in Torbay. Un- der the name of Betsy Cairns she continued her labors after her 200th birthday in the transport trade be- | tween Britain and the West Indies, foundering at last off our cliffs at the venerable age of 260. Oil Shale In England. The Norfolk oil shales are entirely different, geologically, from the well- | known Scotch shales. They consist of a clay saturated with liquid petro- leum Some source below. A form of osokerite occurs with them. When A-3300 Marion Harris $1.00 That Naughty Waltz-- Violin Solo | A-2989 Eddy Brown $1.00 Your Eyes Have Told Me So~VielioSelo That Moanin' Melody~--Fox-Trot | A a tei, YOUR REASON Groceries and Meats you that Deore of the best quality at the no substitute for UNIQUE GROCERY AND Scott's Emul » i Sion JULES CAMBON MEAT MARKET 4% and 403 Princess St : French ambassador to Great Britain Fhe 3 likely to retire because of ill- Phone 530. health, Order Early for Prompt De- € o- livery. Scott's Emulsion ©. H. PICKERING, Prop. taken in time, helps 5 i Scott & Bowne, Toronto, Ont. A t,t A rng) Stiff Joints Sore Muscles Smoothed Out By Hamlin's Wizard Soreness and stiffness resulting m unaccustomed use of muscles . or too much exercise, such as ten- nis, baseball, Jott, h " give way quickly to thin, effect of Hamlin's Wizard Oil. It penetrates fast, drives out the sore- ness, and limbers up stiff, aching joints and muscles. A ieee Paul Biese Trio | 4°2009 Rose of Babylon--Fox-Trot-- Paul Biese Trio y waiian Twilight---Medley Waltz Ha ne > wmbia Orchestra | Pensacola Bay-- tx On Pu y Coluie Orchestra New Process Columbia' Records Individually inspected. Durable, delighiful, dependable, accurate in every detail New Columbia Records on Sale at all Columbia Dealers the 10th and 20th of Every Month. 1 COLUMBIA GRAPHOPHONE COMPANY, Toronto. C.W. Eindeay, Limited Headquarters for Columbia Recorde Freadeolds Sporting Goods Co. Agents for Columbia Records A-6168 $1.65 TWO YEARS AT DOORN An Anniversary That Ex-Kaiser Does Not-Enjoy. Doorn, Holland, « , years ago tonight, William Hohen- rollern arrived at the Dutch frontfer, a' refugee Emperor. Today he is leading in this little village the life of a Dutch country gentlemen, do- ing just about as he pleases and go- ing almost where he desires, about the tountryside, 80 long as he stays within the territorial limits prescrib- ed by the Dutch government. : The Associated Press correspond- ent has been told by those in close touch with the former Emperor that during the past few months William has found much contentment in the life on.his new estate here. He is sald to fee! certain that no further de- mands for his surrender will be made upon the Holland government. uple $360 20-16 167 a > CW V Al (Incorporated) Next General Meeting FRIDAY, NOV. 5th, 1920. Columbia Records on sale at | The J. M. Greene Music Co., Ltd. . 166 PRINCESS STREET FRANCE'S WAR DEAD < Are Soon to Be Transferred to Pri- vate Cemeteries, $ Paris, Noy. 10.--France's 1,000,- 000 war-dead are soon to be trans- ferred to permanent military ceme- teries or reinterred in private bury- ing grounds, at tlie option of rela- tives, er ------ It may be many months before the work is even well under way but the start is to be made soon, under auth- fective by decrees. A separate monument, of a design not yet adopted, will be put at the the military grounds will devolve up- on the government in perpetuity, Sanitation. and lack of f tion has delayed the assembling of th® bodies but it has been decided that by careful planning the work may now be done without danger to health or to industry. " Burned Herself to Death On Blazing Pile of Bedding Rochester, N.Y., Nov. 10.---Mrs. Louise A. Stout, twenty-seven, burn- ed herself to death at her home by leaping upon a burning mattress and pillows which she had just saturated with kerosine and ignited. As she set fire to the mattress she called her seven-year-old daughter to bring the baby so that she could "baptize" it. The little girl rushed out of doors with the baby and called the neigh- bors. : ority of laws passed at the last see- rafin. sion of parliament and now made ahiis head of each grave and the care of n retorted they yield 40 to 50 gallons per ton of an oil practically free from sulphur and rich in motor spirit and The quantity of shale avail- is practically inexhaustible, the amount being estimated as 2,000, 900,000 tons. This amount is suffi- cient to supply England's present oil eeds, as indicated by her imports, tor over a century. , : ° Pig Iron. The production of pig iron in the United Kingdom during April amounted to 6%1,000 tons, of which 246,000 tons were hematite, 226,000 tons basic, and the remainder forge, foundry, and other qualities. The production of steel ingots and cast- ings amounted to 793,000 tons. Hardings, will be the new U. 's secretary after March sold in the vaying exchange, freight and duty. George B. Christian, Jr., one-time 'Democrat, six years secretary to Se- nator Harding and an intimate friend United States sugar is now under- Cadadian market, since it cannot be laid down here to the retailer under 15 cents a pound, after ; 5 Williamson & Wellwood Tailors Try us for your next Suit or Overcoat Style and fit guaranteed. Our own personal attention is given to all erders. 30 MONTREAL STREET Two Doors From King Edward Theatre Reduce Bread In Guelph. Guelph, Nov. 10.--Local bakers announce a drop of two: cents per large loaf in the price of bread. The reduction will mean that a smail loaf will now cost thirteen cents. A fur- ther-drop is expected shortly. The "kind u Jute you . receive from the worl entirely up- on yourself. ponds Metropolitan Styles The Victory 'Shoe : and latest lasts and lea- thers, at reasonable p ----that is our idea of foot- Wear service. How well we have succeeded the growth of our-business is eloquent testimony. Fine feminige fashions for dainty feminine feet are now gvailable here, Store "PHONE 486.