Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 8 Nov 1920, p. 4

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air PLANS DASH TO SUPPLY STATE Smugglers Defy Agents And Say Autos Will Invade ee ee ---- THE WONDERFUL FRUIT MEDICINE Every Home In Canada Needs "FRUIT-A-TIVES" Tothose suffering with /ndsgestion, (Canada. Torpid Liver, Constipation, Sick or Ogdensburg, N.Y., Nov. 8.-- While FV sous Hondhchs, Newraig is, Kid. | the federal agents are priding them- »e Zooutie, Risameiion, Poin in | selves on having stopped the flow of fects : "Pruitea-tives" gives | lquor into this country from Canada, pt relief and assures a iy bootleggers and smugglers here, who promp 3 the treatment is almost openly admit their trade, told faithtully Soll 1 some of the details of a gigantic " Prwib-a-tives" is the only medicine smuggling plot which, if successful, wade from Frwil--containing tae | Will bring enough liquor into this medicinal principles of apples, [country to stock the stite of New oranges, figs and prunes, combined | YOrk for a year. with valuable tonics and antiseptics. One of the men who hinted at the 50 a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size, 25c. plan told of the "king of bootleggers' who wields influende from the bore 3r 3 desir or sent aoutpsid by der gouth to Washington, This man, ves Limited, wa, he said, is known as "Mape" and is wv ~ | the brains behind the plot which will DONT SUFFER WITH NEURALGIA inflame the northern border. Use Soothing Musterole For weeks, the information has it, rum runners have been storing mam- moth stdres of booze across the boun- dary line for miles and miles in each direction. These stores are almost sufficient to supply the whole of the state of New York and adjoining nearby territory' with intoxicants for a period encom- When those sharp pains go shooting | passing the winter months. The last through your head, when your skull | of these movements has not yet been seems as if it would split, just rubalittle | completed. Musterole on your temples and neck. On a certain day, known only to' It draws out the on, soothes | «papa » according to the informa- the pain, givingquickrelief. [ion {he rum runners, backed by ¢ is a clean, white ointment, every facility as to automobiles, sig- made with oil of mustard,, Betterthan |, 7 money, will make their dash and does not blister. across the boundary below Ogdens- burg in the vicinity of Hogansburg, in the hope of transporting the larg- est portion of their cargo through to the large cities of the state and here distribute it. It is admitted that if such an at- tempt is carried out, lives may be lost. The fact which impels the booze runners is that winter. is in the offing and that rum running con- ditions within a very short time will .| preclude the bringing over of any great quantity of booze without de- tection, ------ SAMOAN GOVERNOR DEAD, - SBD Bis Sodode died deeds oid EAD STUFFED FROM h CATARRH OR A COLD Says Cream Applied in Nostrils Opens Air Passages Right Up. SEALE LEASE SSELAASELELESDE * TETPSe Killed Himself Just Before Inquiry Was tg Start. ~Washington, Ndy. 8.--Commander Waryen J. Terhune, naval governor of Samoa, shot and killed himself Nov. 3rd, said a despatch received at the United States navy department. The governor's body was found in Instant relief--no waiting. Your | the bathroom of the execytive man- * clogged nostrils open right up; the |sion w ir a bullet through the heart; air passages of your head clear and | The battleship Kansas was due at you can breathe freely. No more! Samoa Sunday with a board of in- Rawking, snuffling, blowing, head-| quiry to inquire into the administra Ache, dryness. No struggling for] tion of the island dy Governor Ter- breath: at night; your, cold or catarrh | hune. The court was named as a re- disappears. sult of charges made by a former - _ fet a small bottle of Ely"s Cream | assistant to.the commander, Balm from your druggist now. Apply i ------ ar 'A little of this fragr: tic, SrantTauisptiti |. AvTOMOBILE STRUCK COW. Bealing cream in your nostrils. It netrates through every air passage -- 41 y or | Vehicle Turned Over, One Occupant Being Killed. of the head, soothes the inflamed or Cornwall, Nov. 8.--Jewell White, + Swollen mucous membrane and re- af comes instantly. It's just fine. Don't stay stuffed-up | 28ed 16, gon of Charles White, of the with a cold or nasty éatarrh. St. Regis Indian reservation, was in- stantly killed when the car in which he was riding with Angus Connors, aged 18, also an Indian, struck a cow on the road between Hogansburg and Nyando and turned turtle. SPPIIPIIe Robert James, Hopetown, son of William James, passed away on Sat- urday after a lingering illness, aged twenty-seven years. Bright eves, rosy cheeks and red lips come from good ~ "digestion. _ Wridley's is a delicious ald to the teeth. breath, knee and STANFIELD'S Unshrinkable Underwear gives you every- thing that any other underwear can give you. Stanfield's gives you some things that no other underwear can give you. And you pay only what absolutely inkable underwear--made of the finest material in the world -- is worth. All good dealers sell Stanfield's. Made in Combinations and Two-Piece Suits in full length, ~~ ¥_ elbow length, and sleeveless, Jor Men and Women Stanfield's Adjustable Combinations ahd growing Children. (Patented). Sample Book, showing different weights and textures~Write | Stanfield's Limited, Truro, N.S. nn MISS AGNES MAULE MACHAR. ---- Tells How She Came to Write a Re- cent Book. Toronto Maifand Empire. Miss Agnes Maule Machar, King- ston, author of "Young Soldier . have a very special Hearts of France," writes from her cottage on the 8t. Lawrence: . "Your kind letter was forwarded from 'Kingston to my beloved sum- mer home, where I am still enjoying what seems like an afterthought summer, though some autumn glor- les are charmingly interspersed. I wish you could see the lovely views here just now of deep blue river and wooded islands beginning to wear autumn livery--a few weeks snatch ed from the grip of coming winter, "1 want; to thank you for your ap- preciative and sympatheti¢ notice of "Wreath of Immortelles" I sought to weave in honor of my brave young. French heroes. It was almost by ac- cident I learned to know them---some quotations from Alfred Casalis hav- ing caught my eye in an article by M. des Barres, which is referred to in the supplementary portion. These at once led me to wish that war let- ters breathing such a spirit ought to be opened for the-reading of our Can- adian youth; and I sént for the French publication, and never ceased to enjoy the preparation of the little volume, "You will be pleased to know that the bereaved fathers of both young soldiers have expressed to me their entire satisfaction with my idea and its execution, and that Pastor Au- guier in particular, says that it is an 'immense consolation' to him in what he had felt the mysterious removal of his beloved son from a world so much in need of such as he was, that by his published letters he may still be doing good services to the 'jeu- nesses Canadienne.' Both parties are pleased at the presentation of the two sets of' letters together, though the wrifers--es it happened--bad 'never met here below,' a fact un- known to me previously." In reply to a question as to whether she had any particular matter at heart which she would like to speak to the public about, throuh this page, Miss Machar says: "As to your last query, Yes! I 'pet scheme' NTERS RETUR N A party of Americans from Corry, old Hudson Bay trail. from a hunting trip on the two sets of horns shown measures sixty-six inches. diers re which for some years I have been pressing on public notice as oppor tunity offered, which I contend 1s a truly patriotic one---that our educa- tional system should practically ac- knowledge that its chief aim should be, as M. Arnold says, 'the cultiva- tion of the moral sense and the clari- fying of moral aims." " Ferncliffe, Gananoque, Oct. 24th. REVOLTS IN MOSCOW, Bolsheviki Executive 100 to 800 Per. sons Every Night. Copenhagen, Nov. 8.--A dispatch from Helsingfors to the Berlingske Tidende quotes a detailed report on rebellions in Moscow. It states that the 'most trustworthy troops were sent against Wrangel, giving hetter chances for the rebels. Troops that were sent against the mutinous sol- in a suburb ef Moscow joined the rebels. Owing to overcrowding of the pris- ons cloisters are now used as prisons. Tha Bolsheviki execute 100 to 300 persons every night. The gov- ernment has not yet caught the ring- leaders of the anti-Bolsheviki who daily issue proclamations urging the people to crush Bolshevist rule once for all, Three thousand employees of the Midland railway in Ireland are given a fortnight's notice of the termina- tion of service, and the railway will no longer carry livestock. The Turkish ship Gul Djemal, with ane thousand passengers. was order- ed to remain in the lower bay off New York, on acocunt of the filthy condition of the vessel Premier Venezelog of Greece has stated that if he is beaten in the elec- tiofis hie will retire definitely from the political field. William Dougan, Ottawa civil ser- vant, missing since October 21st, was found alive, having suffered jloss of memory. : The British customs authorities have seized quantities of opium on two British steamers from Mexico. Holland's parliament will consider a proposal to reduce the kingdom's army by almost half, Mr. and Mrs. F. Blanchard and family are removing from Merriok- ville to Perth, . . °° e pos Pa., on their way back One of the ig.» tr X t) Sleepers for CANADA GRATEFUL Gallant Rescue by Ship's Captain is Rewarded. ! London, Nov. 8.--At Bristol, Eng- land, Captain Gordon Grieve, of the Steamer British Isles, was presented by the Canadian government with a silver urn for a gallant rescue of the crew of the Montreal steaher Manx- man'in the North Atlantic a year ago. The crews of the rescuing boats were also rewarded. . Several sheep have been killed by dogs in Bathurst township recently. | L-- -------- PA AltA rt tn. prizes There are no tion, = th ou re sketches. to D. 8. Blaikie. will be paid for. All suggestions must be in our hands winners will be announced Any sketches or ideas we Choice Seasonable Fruits. Fancy Chocolates and Fresh Home-made Candy. We sell Masoud's Pure Ice Cream. FRUITLAND ALLAN MASO UD, PROP, 848 dn Street, : : : 3 rn mm -------- $500.00 In Cash for Three Ideas WE want an absolutely new idea or desi incorporated in all our advertising, and offer for the three best suggestions submitted-- FIRST PRIZE 'SECOND PRIZE THIRD PRIZE exacting conditions for those who wish to enter this competi which can be the following $250.00 $150.00 - $100.00 The idea we desire will emphasize Crown Diamond Liquid Paint as a pure paint of the highest standard. oi The design must be unique and never applied tp any other product. The relation of the design to Crown Diamond Paint must be apparent. Any words used to describe the idea conveyed in the design. We would prefer a design which would contain a sense of humor or a human interest subject. : . : It is not necessary to ht that will be given consideration and the ideas can be submitted in quality of the product should be part of the submit elaborate drawings or sketches, as it is the Noyember 30th, 1920, and the January 1st, 1921. Address sketches and ideas find we can use, in addition to the prize winners, Sketches and ideas submitted at the risk of the senders. If you desire any further information or details, address DUNCAN S. BLAIKIE £ . 32 FRONT ST. WEST R. C. Smith & Son, Ltd, Advertising Agency / Toronto (YE/RTHIR [RWI Ee Established 1842 wfacturers of Crown Diamond Paints and Varnishes rent Lote trent Ditats anh Xow smn oemetee RUIT, AND CANDY Phone 90

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