hr R ji THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. ONDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 1020. -- The First Bark + Hickey's We are- depending upon the enormous sale of this--the Best of all Cough Mixtures-- to enable us to keep it at the old price of 25 cents. All other mixtures have advanced to 35 and 40 cents, but we want the price and good quality to remain the same as before, Get it for ua quarter at Best's The Popular Urug Store. Phone 0590. Open Sundays. Keeley Jr, M0... | The Return Genuine Whithy Jet We have now the finest assort- : ment of High Grade Je Necklts we ever had. . These are extra rich in cut and finish and of 60 inches length. -- S$ | Day Kingston, Nov, 8.--(To the Edi- | | LETTERS 10 THE EDITOR Armistice jf tor) : Will you allow me the privi- lege of your columns in order to urge upon the citizens of this city the necessity of the proper obser- vance of Armistice Day. Consider for a moment what this day meant to a war-weary country. Two years ago when hostilities | ceased, this city went wild with joy. r years and "And rightly so. For fon three months we had been engaged in a life and death struggle with an unscrupulous foe; sixty thousand ll | of our very best lay dead on foreign ll soil; our coufitry had been bled not | only of money but of the very best {manhood in it; ordinary business | had been umset; and every one | keyed up to the highest pitch. No wonder there was rejoicing on every ,side--it was but the relaxation. The point is, have we relaxed too Have we forgotten all this . I | day means to our country? Have we || forgotten what our debt is to those j who lie in Flanders' fields; our debt | to the relatives of those lads who | gave all they had that Canada might live ? If so, then was their sacri- | fice in vain. Veterans are united in regard to NEEDS ONLY SPARK oe FOR CIVIL WAR German Minister of Defence in Pessimistic mM Berlin, Nov. 8.--"A mere spark fs Germany now," according to Dr, Ges- sler, minister of national defence, in openly discussing the critical internal ed at a political armament rage in Germany, both sides claiming they are acting only in self-defence. The great danger of such organization is that it results in mass organization. "In the last analysis there {§ only one way for getting over the worst: namely, the common sense of the German people. But this is impaired by all manner of danger, by the steady deterioration of our economic situation, by the increasing lack of employment, by the senseless luxury of the newly rich, and by the contin- ued fall of the exchange value of our mark." ' Minister 'Gessler warned German organized labor, particularly the min- ers, that it could not prevent France from occupying the Ruhr district if Germany does not fulfil lier obliga- tions under the treaty. "So long as we fulfil our obligations there is ev- ery hope of avoiding any occasion for such an occupation." + I | i outlook at Leipzig." "We have arriv- | Co sufficient to explode a civil war in |= PROBS: Tuesday, south-east winds; showery. < EE ------------ STEACY"S LIMITED # SAI D0 Wf EIA "LAST SUPPER" ROOM CAUSE OF DISPUTE Sultan of Turkey Said to Have Presented it to the italian King. Athens, Nov. §.--Uisposal of the supper room at Jerusalem which was the scene of the Last Supper of Christ and His disciples has recently been the subject of considerable dis- pute. It has been stated that the Sul- tan of Turkey has presented it as a personal gift to the King of Italy. The view of the Greek Orthodox Church is that, since the room is a sacred one, and is, in fact, the most ancient sanctuary in Christen- dom, its disposition should be left, not to a Mohammedan power, but to the British High Commissioner for Paléstine, Sir Herbert Samuel; ll | the recognition of this sacrifice, but We have never seen anything | our federal 'government has not yet fl set aside a national memorial day, finer and anyone needing 8 ll ana since this has not been done, Necklet of this kind would do | | let us in this city at least recognize Is one of co-operation our duty and pay our respects to the ones who died that we might live; last. and let it be done on Armistice Day. | | Let it indeed be done properly, let | us have the entire day as a holiday, well to pick one up while they We have always believed in the policy of co-operation, and Insure Against After Regrets by Using Glasses Prescribed, Made and Fitted by Keeley Jr, M.0.D.0. The optometrist of to-day to do good work must mot only be 850 King Street equipped with the best mechan- : | fcal apparatus but must have | : that know! in its use = WHICH ONLY LONG EXPERI. ENCE CAN GIVE. have proof positive that the buying public appreciates our effort. This i | | memorial services. | A memorial service is to be held | in the cricket field, weather per- : : : . ns ket Helg, eather per. firm in every sense of the word is a Co-operative Society. We share | be there, and I hope "this occasion { will be one that will lorig be remem- {bered in this city. Let us all be {there; let us turn out in full | strength to do honor to "Our Glori- | ous Dead," and to the "Blessings of i Peace." Let us bring our offerings-- wreaths, flowers, flags, anything --_, = TEE: ithat is suitable for the occasion-- mothers and fathers who gave your (ang it is urged that, as a Hebrew, 1HOMAS COPLEY hernsters who Save Your fathers, |and therefore, strictly natural In re. Telephone 987. 30s and daughters why gave our | 18 fost ble 16 | wants anything done lu (he ea ®= | fathers, fraternal societies, churc es | tery line. Estimates gives on all |and veteran organizations; let none | Greek, Roman and English Churches. of _repiirs and mow Work: a enaera| of us be missing on that day. And a Arte ve he Shop: | don't forget the lads who returned to Canada and who lie, notiin Flan- x 'ders' field, but in our own ceme- DAVID SCOTT teries, Let nothing but sickness keep any away on that day, and our Cana- dian people will surely remember Plumber the debt they owe to the lads who Gas Work a ra a van. Address fought and died. 14% Tenntenar ateest, Phone 1277, or at least one-half day for these Jewelers Limited our profit alike with our employees and buying public, and we believe Zosbtiand ise. , ourselves to be in an unique position, being to our knowledge the only firm in Canada carrying out this policy, which is a plan that labor has been eagerly seeking for, How We Do It Every customer purchasing at the Steacy store SAVES 5% on A ORR It is this combination of mind and mac of experience and equipment that makes Keeley's service unique in Kingston. STOCK MARKETS. Quotations Furnished by Bongard, Ryerson & Co., 2387 Bagot Street. will receive prompt attemtion. 28 Queen Street. every cash purchase through the medium of our merchandise dis- re count stamps, which are given with every regular cash purchase -- Charlerol coal fields, which became effective Tuesday, has spread to La Louviere region, involving 55,000 miners in the strike. New York Stocks. : . . . i YEH) S00 Gin, ote say iat ull getting goods of the highest quality at the same price as quoted else- veterans are invited to meet at the Great War Veterans club roves at oi ee ----------------------------r] | | 9 45 a.m, and march with the band -- RR , crf 14th Regt.,, P.W.O.R., to the . crifket field, for the memorial ser- | , vife. Brig.-General A. E. Ross, C. M.G., our honorary president, has kindly consented to take charge of the parade. " J. W, CONNOR, President, King- ston Branch, G.W.V.A, FIRST--Examine them carefully, handle them, and by their appearance, finish, balance and feel even an amateur should be able to judge their quality. SECOND-- Judge them by reputation. THIRDLY -- Test their efficiency and wearing quality by actual use for an in- definite time. LASTLY--ask any good Carpenter, Me- chanic or Builder and they will all tell you to go to the Old Reliable Hardware x petition were run off at the Catara- | Dominion Textile ... Store for any Tool you need. JL Gui Club's tink on Saturday afte | Dominion Fy. & Stel: 60 - erst a i f| noon with' keen competition to the | National 'Breweries . 54 2 : very end. In the ringer competition, | N- ¥. Exchange .... Mrs. R. Keith Hicks won the prize |Riordon errseiin donated by Miss Mabel Richardson. |Steel of Canada ,... 62 Big Busy Hardware, Kingston. PHONE 287. - - . - BROCK STREE?R In the final round, there were twen- | Spanish River ...... 89% W. A. Mitchell, Manager Hardware Department Opening, Closing. 651% where --less a saving of 5%. s Am. Internat, Corp.. 66% Smelters 57, Baldwin Locomotive.107 % Bethlehem Steel "B" 64 CPR... ..124 Central Leather .... 394 Crucible Steel ...,.114 General Electric ..,.137% International Nickel .165% International Paper . Marine .. Marine Pd. Mexican Petroleum New Haven Northern Pacific ... Ohlo Citles Gas .., 38% Willys Overland ,.. 89 Reading Our Employees are vitally interested in this business -- every employeeis a partner and shares in the profits through the medium of our bonus system. C.L.C. Wish to Meet R.C.A. Soccer Champions pn There is still much talk among the soccer enthusiasts and some mem- bers of the C. L. C. are reported as being prepared to challenge the R. C. A. champions and holders of the | British Whig cup, the winner of the exhibition game to be played on the jericket field to be paid the sum of | $26 DY the losing team. Commenting : the report, a prominent mem- ber of the R. C. A. team stated that they were prepared to meet the C. L. C. if the stakes were raised to "er: man on the team. This $207 1, wai ape that the winning team woth. feceive $275. Canada Steam. Pfd, .... 72 offered Ladies* Golf Finals, Cons, Smelters 21% The finals in the ladies' golf com- | Dominion Steel Our salesforce, besides being the highest salaried retail force in Kingston secure through efficiency a bonus rate of from two to, twenty dollars additional a week payable twice yearly. This assures Royal Dutch (N.Y.) Southern Pacific ... St. Paul Tobacco Products Texas Pacific ...... 23% U, 8. Steel .......'85 for both the customer and the firm maxifhum efficiency. It gives to our employees full renumeration for the best they have to offer and to' HH TTT Canadian Stocks. Bragilian ..... «oo 35% Brompton «oc U8 Canada Cement . b7% Canada Steamships . 55 the firm increased business--and its turnover even after sg as to in- sure a reasonable profit for ourselves. The bonus is figured on a sales-cost percentage basis. Efficiency Is The Keynote Of Success 58 10g Tuk] TONSA, Daere More two | Spanish TIVSF coxa S44 and it's through that policy and initiative in merchandising, truth in Her score was 5-4-3-4-5-4-5-4-4, with First Canadian Fellow total of 38. . In the finals of the ladder compe- Jn Oxford University Montreal, Nov. 8.--The news of tition, the players finished in the the election of the first Canadian to following order: Mrs. Hicks, Mrs. Welch; 'Miss Crothers, Mrs, Givens, be made a fellow of the University of Oxford is contained in a cable Miss H. McKay, Miss Redden, Mrs. of congratulations from Lord Milner, Dalton, Mrs. E. H. Pense, Miss Rich- ardson, Miss N. Macnee, Miss Leslie, Mia Ta Nos. Miss Gordon. Mis, Me secretary of state for the colonies, to Mrs. Henry Hill. ' the governor-general of Canada. Mrs. W. R. Givens | The name of the mewly elected a aptured | Ay Exiwors 'Corbett, a Rhodes scholar for Quebec in 1913, and originally of Qu'Appelle, Sask. most games in the ladder series, and, therefore, wins out. ' He is appointed to All Soul's College, Oxford. . « 'advertising and honorable dealings with the general public that we complete to-day 39 YEARS of service to the public. To celebrate the event--we offer A: Five Day 20% Discount Sale The public demands it and this institution was founded on public service, 'Take full advantage, as this is positively the last sale of its kind this year. Every department is represented. 's Net. All goods are included, except those articles already on special -IN MARINE CIRCLES Futility of Action, Washington, 8,~~Declaring that fifty Congressmen, who were "inconsiderate and hostile to organ- ized labor," were defeated at the polls last Tuesday, Samuel Gompers, president of the American Federa- tion of Labor, in a statement issued, said that the result of the election "completely justifies the futility of separate party action on the part of The steamer George King dis- charged a cargo of coal at the loco- motive workiy and cleared for Erie. The steamet Jex cleared for Char- lotte on Monday to load coal. © The steamer Mapleton passed down on Monday morning, The tug Thomson and barges Na- dine and Davie cleared for Montreal. May Close German Schools. London, Nov, 8.--Consideration is being given by the German gov- ernment of the advisability of clos- ing the German FOR ONE WEEK The a aa) serial," tea- - support financially the Jombils to "The Special Prices oo os par. omg i Toms 2 * 80c. is worth $1.00 at This Sensational i Sale Event! v Oak Dining [SETHE Submaitng to Room Sets teacy's - Limited shown at the King Edward theatre, : . oem Starts' Tomorrow - "The Woman's Store of Kingston." ners raided the - Rifles and ammunt-