Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 8 Nov 1920, p. 16

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x TT ¥ THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. 'MONDAY, NOVEMBER 8 1 sisi ee -- Founded 1847. -Livingston's Fine Custom : Tailoring WORTH WHILE SAVINNG No. I. Blue All Wool Indigo Dye Cheviots ' No. 2 Blue, Clear Cut, Botany Worsted, All "Wool, Fast Dye. No. 3 Imported Tweeds All Wool, winter weight ; The above Suitings are good value at $75.00 But our prices have been revised to meet the present market conditions, and we will make any of above Suits to your measure for $59.50 Livingston's BROCK STREET "If Off Your Route It Pays to Walk." | Theatrical LE At the Grand, Earl Williams, the talentéd star of Vitagraph pictures, will be seen |at the Grand to-night in one of the best features de has ever produced, "When a Man Loves"-is the title, {and no better feature 'could be chosen for this star. The story is | a delightful one, having a charming | love story running through many | thrilling scenes, and the splendid | photography adds to this picture the | touch that makes it distinctive. There is an extra attractive O. Henry two-reel picture, "Telema- chus Friend" that {s unusual in that | the ending is totally unexpected. | There is also a special Big V comedy entitled "Squeaks and Squawks," with Jimmy Aubrey in the leading | role. The .Grand's orchestra have | arranged a - special musical pro- gramme of the latest popular and operatic selections, and the entire bill will be seen for to-night only. ~--Advt. ¢ "The Law Divide." Following the phenomenal success achieved by the all-Canadian tour of "The Maid of the Mountains' under the auspicés of Trans-Canada Thea- tres, Limited, the same organization now present for the entertainment of Canadian theatre-goers one of most successful comedy lits known to the English-speaking stage of the last decade. H. V. Esmond and Miss Eva Moore, wao occupy to-day a unique position among British play- ers and who have scored a larger number of comedy suceesses than any other actors known to the British stage, will present their latest war comedy success entitled "The Law Divine," which will be the attraction at the Grand Opera House Tuesday and Wednesday, - November 9th and 10th, with gq special matinee on Wednesday. This play, which attracted thousands of men from Overseas, in addition to capacity audiences throughout a phenomenal London run, deals in a most enter- taining manner with a domestic pro- blem which has had its parallel in every British dominion that con- tributed troops to the great war. Mr. Esmond and Miss Moore will present "The Law Divine" with the original London production and the original London company. No more attrac- tive theatrical entertainment is in sight for the Canadian 'stage during the present season.--Advt, Royal English Opera Company. Direct from a phenomenally suc- cessful engagement in San Francis- co, where it proved the sensation of the season, Royal English Opera Company will be seen at the Grand Opera House for three days, com- mencing Thursday, Nov. 11th, with a special matinee on Saturday, present- ing light opera selections from its extensive repertoire, with lists of principals ' headed by Jefferson De Angelis, Hana Shimozom|, unequalled in the history of the comic opera stage. Among the leading people will be found, in addition to Mr. De Tngelis, Hana Shimozomi, such no- So af [| Anderson Bros. Limited t ; i» : Home-Keepers Toke advantage of Special All Week Sale! 3,000 Ibs. Finest Creamery Butter 59c. Ib. 1,000 Ibs. Borieless Windsor (Smoked) Bacon; sliced; reg. price 65¢c. .60c. Ib. 1,000 6 Ib. sacks fresh milled, Rolled White Oats . . .. . .. .45¢. each 2,000 bars Canada Price Laundry Soap Box $8.75. DELICIOUS COFFEE Quality blend; fresh ground daily .50c. Ib, $+ are treecsecce.. Shs for $2.25 BLACK TEA = vv. .50¢, Ib. 5 Ibs. for $2.40- Quality blend is good tea | Chickens and Fowl : At Special Prices This Week ~ Phones: 458--459. Wholesale 1767. tables as J. Humbird Duffey, tenor; Edward Quinn, baritone; Detmar Poppin, besso; - Edith Benmin, so- prano; Eunice Gilman,soprano; Char- lotte Eliot, soprano; Greth Drew, so- prdno; Marie Horgan, contralto; | 8am Burton, baritone, and Clara Irene Gray, contralto, This' city has Yiways been devoted to standard light opera and it is seldom 'in these days of "jazz" musical shows that one of the few great organizations which present fine lyrical works of a past generation favor us with a visit that the coming of the Royal English Opera Company, is a most interesting event and the management of the | theatre is to be congratulated on its | enterprise. Included. .in the list of ' plays, presented by the Royal Eng- lish Opera Company are "Trial by Jury," "The Pirates of Penzance," i "H.M,S, Pinafore," '"The Chimes of 9 i Normandy," "Fire Fly," "The Mika- do," "The Bohemian Girl," certainly ' 8 most formidable list, Mai] orders 'are flow being received for the local engagement. --A~ vt, -- At Griffin's. The unknown is always fascinating and the western mind can little fa. thom the Oriental and his ways of reasoning. It is to this element of the | fascination of the unknown that we | can trace the present day popularity { of the drama with its Oriental sett- | lng, There have of late been many | photoplays dealing with the inscrut- i ability of the Chinese and Japanese as contrasted with the American cha- racter, but there was no really great photoplay coming nearer home and dealing with the contact of the Bri- ton with the Oriental until the pro- | duction of "Mr. Wu", a remarkable photoplay dealing with Anglo-Ch{n- ese life, This picture will be shown "at this' theatre today, Tuesday and Wednesday. In-this unusual story, we have all the elements of the life of ( British ocespancy in Chinese terri- tory. "Mr. Wu," is L. Chang Wu, a "Chinese trader, philosopher and: aris- tocrat, upon whose unhappy contact with the Godfrey family, the story on -Lany, th English actor, is seen in the role of "Mr. Wu",,and his portrayal of the | Chinése merchant prince is sorbing one, and he carries EE hi EIERRESE in | | Straw a likeable personality, the | di happily cast, He makes of Jae) For the last four days of the wee the management are happy to an- ounce the soming of Mmsy Pickford In "Suds," otherwise known as "The Tail of the Shirt." That all may have the pleasure of seeing "Cana- de's Little Sweetheart," the Strand will have the usual daily matinee and two complete photoplays Wed- nesday evening and. would request our patrons to watch cour advertise- ments in the newspapers for the | daily time of shows. Great interest | is being shown 1. the contest for the | Amateur Photographers, who have entered in the competition for the | prize of tickets the Strand has offer- ed for the three best photographs of Crawford's grocery window display of "Suds." All Amateur Photograph- ers are welcome to enter this conm- test.--Advt, i TH INCIDENTS OF THE DAY Racy Local News and Items of noes Public Interest. - --r ; Try Chadwick' Coal. - Phone 67 ADH. euchre party on Tuesday evening. . Pianos tuned. Lindsay. Ltd, The' Kingston police are making good progress in their first aid stu- es, Jos. Hodge, piano-tuner, 868W, or McAuley's. Rev. W. T. G. Brown preached -at Collin's Bay and Westbrook on Sun- day. Last week seven cases of diph- theria were reported to the medical health officer, Jurymen 'are being summoned for the December sessions to open here on Racomber 14th. If you have not yet used DALY'S GOOD TEA and COFFEE, get some. At MAHOOD'S. J. M. Sherlock, a former Kingston singer, is to direct the Toronto Uni- ® . Phone 1544 C. W phone Ire a = == --_-- = = = = = -- . w# REAL LOW PRICES ON selling only. 36 inches wide. Former price $3.50 yard . ... 300 yards, heavy, rich, Navy Blue Duchesse, SILK AND VELVET Navy Duchesse TUESDAY, $2.00 yard made in Switzerland. This is an Opportunity that rarely presents itself to the woman or miss in need of an extra good dress Silk, marked ata very deep reduction for Tuesday's v $2.00 YARD SWISS MESSALINE 36 ins. wide . $1.75 yard | A number of beautiful Fall shades, versity Glee Club. After six months rental we will allow money paid in fental to apply 2 purchase of piano, C. W. Lindsay td, t Council 20, Chosen Friends, will meet on Friday evening, Nov. 12th, instead of Tuesday, as previously an- Bounced. < "A Friend has left with the Whig $1 for the Red Cross fund to be used for the care of orphans, a result of the great war. William Calvert, Stuart street, for- mer guard at the penitentiary, was taken seriously ill on Monday, anad is a patient at the General Hospital, G. Y. Chown and Dr. Ryan were in Guelph on Friday consid>ring what to do with Speedwell hospital there. It has been used as a soldiers' hospital, It will likely be turnéd into an asy- um. 4 Jakov Toshiech and Yovan Yocock, the two Serbians who 'were sen. tenced ten days ago Mr Toronto to seven years in penitentiary for an assault on a young girl; were brought here on Saturday. Both men still protest that they are innocent, Miss Jennie Conklin, Watertown, N.Y., aged sixty years, dropped dead at her home on Saturday, following an attack of heart trouble. She was born in Kingston, the daughter of the late Thomas and Mary A. Conklin, The greater part of her life was spent ere. Lt.-Col. G. H. Gillespie, 0.c.c.c., left for Toronto Monday to attend the annyal meeting of the Strathcona Foundation. Thé result of the meet- ing is likely to have important re- | sults with respect to the training of the High School Cadets in military drill and rifle shooting. ' ------enn Palmistry, Have your hand read by scientific palmist. Has read the hands of hun- dreds of distinguished men, includ- ing Marconi, Bernhardt and Laurfer, Room 3; near sitting room, Randolph Hotel. Hours: 10 to 12; 2 to 6; 7to . Terms: $1.00. cn DAILY MEMORANDUM, fit Council, 8. urling Club, 8. See top of Page Three, right hana corner for probabilities. Annual meeting of Bible Society, St James 8. 8. to-night, at 8 o'clock. La Salle Chapter mmage Sale, on Wednesday morning, in Market House. Lggax Data Sheets, Files, Books, etc. Ful'®,e in stock. Sole agente. The Jackson Press, 171-176 Wel ing St. . Greeting Cards with itial, Monogram or Crest. Oome in afld see our line. The Jackson Press, 171-178 Wellington street, 3 HANSON, CROZIER & EDGAR PRINTERS BORN. ATKINS--In Summerland, B.C. on Oct. 29th, 1920, to Mr. and Mrs. Jas, A. Atkins, a gon (Donald Ade der). COBURN--In West ont, Oct. h, to Mr. and Mrs. George Coburn, a son. HAGAN---In Westport, Oct 20th, to Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hagan, & son, SMART---On Nave: ber 7th, 1920, at 472 Brock ar ® ton, to Mr. and Mrs. C, A. aries sony Hote gus J. & 1 Dieu, Au, k manag MacDONELL---4, MacDonel), or Bank of , in a good, reliable, Swiss Messaline Dress Silk will be placed on sale Tuesday morning... The colors: Myrtle, (Saxe Blue), (Silver Grey), Wine, Nigger, Copen, Taupe, and Marine, \ "Tuesday ... $1.75 yard CHIFFON TAFFETA That was considered good value a month ago at $3.50 yard, will be placed on sale first thing Tuesday morning' at an irresistible price. The colors: Nigger, Jade, Copen, Del Peacock, Sand, small quantity of Black. 36 inches Burgundy, and a wide. Tuesday . . . . $2.00 yard 7 Extra Heavy Habutai Silk $1.45 YARD The unsettled conditions of the Japanese Silk market pre- sented a low quotation on this No. |2 White Habutai Silk. This low price, however, rem ained only long enough for us to take advantage of conditions and we are now pass- ing the savings along to our ¢ ustomers, whom we would advise to buy and buy freely. Our former shipment was sold at $2.75 yard. TUESDAY ONLY .....: ..... $1.45 YARD rr COSTUME VELVET $3.50 Yard A beautiful heavy Velvet suitable in quality and weight for the Suit, Skirt or Frock; guaranteed fast colors; twill back and chiffon finish, *Colors: Myrtle, Amethyst, Grey, . Navy, Plum, Burgundy and Black. 32 to 85 inchés wide. < GEORGETTE CREPE (40 inches wide) Indestructible Crepe ~-- Black, White, Navy. SPECIAL ... $2.00yard John Laidlaw (48 inches White. PRICE ONLY. = = = = E = S : = ES ES gE E i E --- - - XT LL -- SILK DRESS NETS Colors: Pink, Coral, Or- chid, Electric, Rose, Ger. anfum and Black BLACK VELVETEEN Fast Pile; Chiffon finish; reliable dyes; 22 inches wide. PRICE . . .8$1.00, $1.25, $1.50, $2.00 YARD * COLORED . VELVETEEN 15 shades takes in the wide range of this Chiffon Velveteen; all fashion. able shades to choose from; width 22 inches, : . CORDUROY VELVET (27 inches wide) Colors: Nigger, Champagne, Rust, Copen, Navy,' Coral, Smoke and Black or White. $1.75 yd. RICE, & Son, Led. wide) or $5.95 Big Girls' Black Calf Lace Boot--Mil;. tary heel and perforated tip. Size 3 to 7 . -------- LAA TUESDAY ECONOMY DAY ERI Tr A Fo Tm: FIVE DOLLARS, NINETY-FIVE HII CENTS This is splendid value. Lockett's HTT i [38 * ox

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