THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. - GRAND, NOVEMBER 9410 | #2BGRAND | ---- na ony | THE PEOPLE'S FORUM 0 7 BIG SPECIAL PROGRAMME enous armsts. HV ESMOND and EVA MOORE 15--REELS BEST PICTURES--15 ~ With Entire English Cast and Ppoduction in the Famous | 132 . a : : . Domestic Comedy Earl Williams m "THE LAW DIVINE" | WHEN A MAN LOVES fonpensn apvenisivg mars, TO LET. FOR SALE. First insertion, le. & word. Each con: secutive insertion thereafter, Baill oo, oor oo i TED : ONE NEW OLDSMOMILE TRUCK. AP- PRICES: ...Evenings, 30s. to $2.50, Ned. Mat. ...50c. to $1.50 O Henry Feature Sent 3 word, Mintmum sbasge for ea Roo FOUND Ply to A. Giever, *ats now on sale i s : 80 cents. ONE FURNISHED FRONT ROOM, FoR | SATURDAY AFTERNOON, ON APPLE B LARD BARRELS, V 4 The above rates are for cash oniy; - 4} : | Union street, a khaki mit- . , © BArRUIM'S -. BaKery, Big . Comedy when aa : ed they are-double. lady, at 357 Johnson street. | tenon 311 y have same fod Tiere. » . # t y SVEN met at Whig Office. = GRAND'S ORCHESTRA FRAME HOUSE; SEVEN ROOMS; CEL. AUTOMOBILE TOFS AND CUSHIONS; HELP WANTED. lar and shed. Apply 106 Victoria | | pADY's BLACK SILK BELT ON Celuldid for curians. Juasoa's A Ma .30 { Union street Saturday. Now A x Brockviile. : tat 2. Evg at 7.30 GIRL TO WORK IN CANDY STORE.| FURNISHED ROOM. ALL CONVENL. | at 73 Lower Alfred. ty on ee Ground floor Ie. Apply 286 noesg street. 5 Tniv: { a : W UVEBEC HEATER IV GUO : J : 20c. ANY SEAT Balcony .....20e, > wd 2 brite Bl had Daiversity Aven a ROSARY, ON ORDNANCE ST, . ton; &ise ron bed; ole. APP WOMAN COOK AND DINING ROOM | above Sydenham, Friday. Ap- PE a eau. \ -n girl. Apply Carlton Hotel , FIRST CLASS ROOMS AND HOARD;' 11Y 'at thig office. - COMMENCING all improvements; centrally locat-| Fram DWELLING AND FIVN GENERAL SERVANTS" APPLY AT ed. Apply 243 Brock Street. FOUND ARTICLES ADVER- aGres OL Mid, dead CILY units. AP+ once to Mrs, J.C. Stewart, 7 Cen- TISED PFHER © Ply EK. Waiawn, 143 Nelson, Be Careful What tre street. * SEVEN ROOM HOUSE WITH STABLE, : URSDAY, NOVEMBER 11th LIE sultable Tor teams or Apply HE Cw, mUAmet Man, WITH COUR) ' LAUNDRESS, WILLING TO TAKE Norman, corner Patrick and Charles van Lave dl OF Gul. APPLY Wik J You Eat 1 work home. APply 53 West streeq, Streats. Anfone finding anything and a OS gin s or phone 2330. : Wishing to reach the oWuer may - STORAGE FOR FURNITURE Ae | d y reporunig the lacts to A Faw TUAS OF Watls CANMOTS JOHN McARTHUR Presents . ' WANTED, A GIRL TO CLERK IN A werchandise; clean aud dry. Mcs The British Whig. 'Ihe adver. Suu dDupal Leels. apply Jedivg WAGSTAFFE S grocery store; steady. Apply Box Cann, $6 Brock street. FPhone'3lé dg -- Usement will be printed in this ima, Lasiblagui, Phuc «800 Se Soe 128, Whig Oirice, or 62} | cuiumn free of charge. tx Tr "i'ound articies" Ques nol Re Chk Rar y AR FINE OLD ENGLISH A MAID FOR GENERAL HOUSE-| FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED |< clude lost dogs, cattle, Lorses, a iy LUNG CA AY work. Apply to Mrs. R. J, Gardl- rooms for Mght housekeeping; gas | ete.' These, if lost, may be. ad- ABW hits ae Ww oy Lrotaess LO, MINCEMEAT ner, 68 Jonnson street. , dnd electricity; heated by furnace. | vertised for in the 'Losi' column, Jul pie. . Wea ; a ns ee eet 183 Colborne Street. | . GOOD GENERAL; TWO IN FAMILY. | | COU] oa . + on gs | - . | ---- y ¥ FRONTA! Is pure and wholesome, Da reny ve in thetavHght, 152 | A FURNISHED HOUSE, WITH ALL| '=--------------------------l vam LUT, waiss sour \ P h me, University Ave, in the evening. LE modern improvements; Ossession sem 2 grrr) watdunnid Steel; | Decomber 1st. Ap . Carroll | LOST. Eatate. " ply Agency, 86 Brock Street. | A MIDDLE-AGED WOMAN OR GIRL | { he : | sa B " a SMALL FARM, 43 ACRES, ON YORK to assist in housework; one to sleep | LARGE FRAME HOUS 2, IN3 RIDEAU GOLD FRIENDSHIP BRACELET, ON AuMG, AVUT Julies wust Of Odessa; Home, MEIeITEq Apply 244 Street, with goud yard, shed and all # Colborne, Division or Brock streets lair vuldinBa. APY J. MB, DUve, rementas in ] , | apraverL sta) ghldiale psaey i on Friaay. - Reward for return te ul Preliises. IMMEDIATELY, COMPETENT LADY | ie - ee Whig tae : MSL AND BAPT YAK DoOK-Keeper for oCal oilice. Per! ODE SK >: > | " - % apa Nasal A manent position: Buvd shiery, if| * Mob N ROUSE; ALL LIPROVE- | ("01508 85..58 PICKING UP PAR- AVE ui bushi uot aed, Ui Lae OMY Ee $ $8) | satisiactory. Apply Box C-8, Brit. | Blreet Car: ossession Nov. lst cel, Saturday, Oct. $0tn, in Laid Leib OL Sulit UIGEIIG, BOyuile ul 2 4 ish Wihig. ' ! Kent $35.00 PuSSqas Ph me 325170. law's, has since been tdentined, will Lr. Lake, api Jonlison Sireet, CIY. % y : a * one 2. . he kinaly return and save trouble. GENLANE GMAFHUMULA AND TEN ' Jy - : 1 -- .. 3 55 : GIRLS BETWEE: THE AGES OF | © ary airy roses: yous su cian] | OCTOBER 30th, A GENTLEMAN'S |" seicotioas; yout cui shore tases. v S e fourteen and eighteen; light work; Key. Frost's "City Storage, ¥93 signet ring, letter E. Valued only ders, $6 cush, §1 por week. QW, ? + > # steady employment, Appiy® §. Queen street. Phone 536; res. 989w. as a4 keepsake. 5 reward for re- Lindsay, Limited, 421 Frincess St : 4 4 [55 Oberndorner, Cigar Factory, On- y turn to Mrs. M. Bridgen, General - ! . v tario street. SEVEN ROOM HOUSE TO LET IN Grocery, 230 Ontario street. PURE BHED REGISTERED SCHROP. - . > : y , Biire ram at Very redsvnAvie Price, --with-- lights, Soon Mulia, With electric] A BROWN OTTER NECK PIECE BE- Appiy J.D. Morris, Lemuines > , v : eat tween St. James Church, Union Ful, roertsmouia, oat. Paone . . Bt TE Apply H. Butler, 101 King street 3 . 3 3 JEFFERSON DEANGELIS, Cellbrated Comedian | \CTULIS 18 BOW open for| "= tirmmemsnmn aun aor Vea Fide sede Tht lS weB | SEI :] » ebrate median , S12 leville Goneral Hospital, Belleville, COMFORTABLY FURNISHED BED. Taylor, University Grounds. Pairs, 1 pair Cinnomons,' ¥ Pairs L HANA SHIMOZUM, Famous Japanese Prima Ont. Apply to Mrs. Wills, Cor, Sec- room and sitting room, suitable for BLAUK HAND PURSE, CONTAINING XOorxshires, 2 pairs crest, § young: + Donna and Incomparable Cast of Principals : 5 the Kingston Company, Peavul, Ont 38 Queen Street, ons Or two SBN! omen, sentially. Jo- bilthead with name and address Holers. APPLY 6 to 6.40 pan, at Ad / so = : ply 137 Wiillah Street "ood: Ape sum of money, Griffin's Theatre, or Union Streec west. . gan : on Princess street, Friday. Please . . A wh = aC $ Gun Brigade FEPEFPEPPR EPP PPPOIPEP IIPS | BED ROOM AND SITTING ROOM; IN return to_or notify No. 1 Raglan MEN AND WOMEN'S CLOTHING, ie: Yol- Road or Winig Office. O0UBe IurnIture, specialise 1a mille + fine residence; near Queen's Col & tary bovis; Duy ai Aibos rooms * # Smart boy, saleslady and shoe | lege; hot water heating and electri + Salesman. Sutherl 5 re i yp 3 : 1 LOST IN QUTUBER BETWEEN THE bald BUvus; Dighest Prices paid, : e Sutherland Shoe store. o | city; to couple; no children. Apply Town of Napanee ahd Kinghorn oof Routhure. raons 1a ay as - An - Offi 11 b duty at' 3 p SUPER CHORUS --SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA ATIOUFI cath re ty a ime TSOP a Fis, Nuis ee am Ano ss Selo ining L360) Ne Suet desirous of joining this unit. D JARGE. RE room, suit- Finder please notify W. 4 Jenkins, | Wis MAVE PUR SALE ALL KINDS . . Direction of MAX BENDIX The Parade nights are Tuesdays and| TED GENERAL. able for married couple. Next door 43y Johnson street, Kingston, unt. §vud second hand furniture ) Thursdays at 8 p.m. * . to boarding house. Hot water heat- | === REE atuves. Auy jes sUl Auving ste ing. Apply to 435 Princess street. MINAN And furpiiure to dispose vf, we Ww FINANCIAL, pay Digaest prices. J. LAO J a " | MOUSE WANTED; 6 OR 7 ROOMS; c Sow. Thursday Evening: THE MIKADO. 4. JA90 eash. Write Luther Snyder, TWO FRONT AFARTMENTS, ESPE. 224 Yrincess sireel Fhgue Jevuwe . Gen" Delivery, City. clally furnished for light bouse- | SUHANGE & STRANwG INSUMANOK HARD COAL COKE, $0.00 'TONj 3 , Zeepingi gas Jor Souiiag any Ligat, agents; stahiiaied «5 A86U; only uns ana i, gens 86g. 'extra; wa N= > . : 2 e oneer Apartments, n the most relia le Cowpanies repre- C. ' Friday Evening: THE CHIMES of NORMANDY ueata, ArATISYT, on tunes CSCW Bs TA | Ente batt nile | lvl WSEAS locality. Apply Box L-3, Whig Of-| ONE LARGE UNFURN ) Shpoaiie alch Will screen up Labo lbs Jus Whig Of-| ONE LARGE UNFURNISHED ROOM Fhone 16118. YES: 344 University: i with Kitchenette and gas for cook- : : ing; hot water heating; first floor.| FRONTENAC LOAN AND INVEST- W. U. Bruton, 281 University. Saturday Matinee: The PIRATES of PENZANCE -- S Also garage suitable for carpenter's ment Society; incorpurateg - 1¥sl. rob a ] WANTED TO RENT A MEDIUM. shop or storage. Apply 386 Queen President, W. F. Nickle, K.C.; vices| NINETY-FOUR ACRE FAM, ON sized house; centrally Jocated; no street or Phone 1370M. president, A. B. Cunningham. lake shore, 1m concession krneste £4 4 s LL " 3 children in amily, Apply Box Aj, i ued elt a tari LWOWil, oie mue irom Colin's May 4 Saturday Evening: THE BOHEMIAN GIRL. _||§ PO NOT GO ALONG WONDER Wig Office. FURNISHED ROOMS, IN GOOD LO. Do URIs ALS asin asad miles Them Ringsun: trans ing if your eyes need attention cality, on bathroom floor; furnace; debentures; morigages purchased; bvuse; good ouibullatngs; also 1) 0 : SECOND-HAND UPRIGHT PIANO ee 5. hs for Sovking; Invesiment bobdg fof dle; deposits a tame loti SSIs ene one, ba - i suitable for ght ousekeeping. o d iat lowed. % Ouse Bou ngs. - PRICES: --Evenings ........,500-81.00-81.50-82.00. Box Seats, $2.50 ur Optometrist has the experi Yor cash of in part payment of new (No children). = Apply Box UJ, hang nurses allowed. Piy eo. Saundercook, Colhn's Bay, Saturday Matinee ..25c-50¢-75¢-81.00-81.50. Box Seats $2.00 ence and equipment to discover Pines and graionglas. C. wv. Lind Whig Office, ence street, Kingston. snone 1107 r. 2--3. . 13 8 Street. Seat Sale Tuesday. Mail Orders Now. this important fact. STORE, ALSO LIVING APARTMENTS, PERFECT, COLUMBIA, = DAYTON, sve KTANCELOD Mud Viciory Bicycies, ais & A corner Princess and Barrie streets. WANTED--MEN AND BOYS 70 PAD. Will alter to suit tenants, Also HEU 80 a adlnber of dies wud gents' ronize J. W. Curson, barber. * Men's new frame house on Montreal usea iicycies and motoruyive, REMEMBER nd boys" hair cut, #0c, Shave, ilo, street. Apply I Cohen & Co. 275] .... ._.o reavnoed prices. Special Aiiention sors honed 5c. 236 Ontario St. Ontario street. Phona 837, CUNNINGHAM & SMITH, BARRIST. Eivha to all bloycie aid bavy cars You can never get another pair hear Brock street. E bre ans Seiloners. 8 & naings Works, $71-373 King aleve hy ERSONAL treet, ngsion. . unaings or $72-313. 2 of eyes. r N * : DIRECTION JOHN AND PETER VV. GRIFFIN ham. Cyril M. Smith. Nei ' 3 INOGRAPHE HAL M@LKS, WARTS,. BIRTH- THREE PURE BRED RBGIST GRIF F IN PICT URES SE arurT. marks Sule anes soipe HOS | AMBNosp suRA. BA; emis) THATEEUAS BAND, RESHERMER hd \ Migs Madge Edgar, expert steno- moved permanently. Satisfactory an King any Brey. pi ae 50n of Pauline rleterje, ond of the TE : grapher, open for stenographi glasses fitted and furnished after most famous Hoeistein cow, & MONDAY, TUES DAY, WEDNESDAY R of any description. Firat Cass ok others have failed., Goitre removed, Bank. Money to loan, Phone 1994. aistriot aha irom BIER Prodi : ° . ger Suaranteed. 'Rates remsonable. Spe- 35 years' experience. Dr. Eimer J. uams. Tnese Aeilers are rising MATHESON LANG 14th EPISODE 4 ' cial rates can be arranged. Phone Lake, Eye. Ear, Nose, Throat, Skin, D . years of age and bred to fre i ---- « arly next a . Ae Of the Wonder Serial Street. HOW TO HOLD CIRCLES FOR DE- a 8008. Toundst ion -- rrr ig 321. White's Insurance Oitice, Bago The Distinguished Mak Actor Consulting Optometrist veloping Mediumship 'at Home, by BA, LDS, D.DS, Ply to Geo, i. Gurren, Béth, unt. Dodge Tounng. Ww h \ A. E.. KNAPP in a Vivid Screen Version of a . PRIN 5 JE; pubilsned by the Al niaush oitice 468 Princess Nireel Fhone 132 PRINCESS STREET Ickerstaff street, Boston, Mass. . Reo Roudster. 4 AGENTS WANTED, . Spiritualistic information ' by a 8 a - wed Molaughlin, bod A iD. spiritualistic leader," lecturer and BBs, SPARKS aia Ans. VEX, vveriand Touring. "MR wu» A Christie Comedy medium urs, - . \ y Dort. a . A AGENTS 500% PROFIT GOLD LET- Larnovsky's. Phone 348 3 Mord Trucks. bh i Tie Bd Pr ters for sLores, ollice Windows; eas- iB : ! ny oy a : All in d shape, rea th S32 Amusing Pieturistition of 3 ¢ Rs 4 | | Balad; wii nut wash offi tree SITUATIONS VACANT. FURNITURE FINISHING 20d AR. 58 DUNE Nr oh Tay ae ro Great Stage Success i PICTUREYJ | ey * BLUE GARAGES, LIMITED ; Wells, Chicago, Ill. - - ; BUY LIFE INSURANCE FS $3 PRIVATE CHRISTMAS GREETING | CALL OF DROEF A CARD TO W. DRIS. | Corner wueen & Bagot Sts. I'hene SOF. . Cards, Sample Book free. Men and -- | ? FEMALE HELP WANTED, women already making $5 up daily BATEMAN'S REAL ESTATE, . i in spare time. Bradiey-Garretsons, SIGNS -- GOOD WAGES FOR HOME, WORK. -- Brantford," Ont. : DIRECTION FAMOUS PLAYERS CANADIAN CORPORATION, Limited deroryone who ls not a profiteer We need make socks on the SE SIGNS OF ALL KINDS, GLASS, WOOD, meh pascal cont of living. ras," casily learned Auto Knitter; A Si lars of mall glarantind XY > u experience unnecessary; distanc eal; po 8, 0 Ea Overture: THE SILENT Toney 18 of small value, "Al av: immtserial posiiiveiy no ctzvate"| FowER, SON AND DREVER, amour | Srisdchily" Welton Whi denned | esse--novnLE Back, VENEER) € a thorifles are agreed that grad. ing; yarn supplied. Particulars 3c. tects, Merchants' Bank Chambers, hg Shaw, at 208 Princess Street, rooms eaen. & The Bohemian AVENGER ually normal prices will be re- samp Dept. 6C., Auto Knitter Co, corner of Brock and .Weilington ingston. vi NG -- CONV ". oronte, streets. = Girl ; Atored; "As spon sa'the supply ia ; FOR SALE OR TO RENT. oe ocatioa "hy, my a w Begin 1 L gi e G. 7 , ---- 2 . " be in to fe tn hat las isis POSITION WANTEL, CARPENTERING. MUST RENT OR SELL BAKERY IN| LOT 383x132, WITH CEMENT WOU oobi NEXy: th : il 8 AN 0 WHEN YOU WANT THE CARPENTER oh pki within ge wo futian Josh he joie y a py edy : . If you have fund h - FIRST CLASS MAN COOK: GOOD x other bakery iin te es; ullding; good chance t The Col MARY PICKFORD IN invest them in gay Often o> Apply Box 25, Whig see James"Belb, y Contraster, Temp- store doing good busines pose yourseir . 4 hulle 3 0 da; 2 This 18 the day of "chea Office. OrAry atl address 60 Arch dwelling. Apply Jack Straw | | Suds By tos Limit? Of Sheth mATeY. SiR "aE, Sa on j " s practically certain = mon . FOR SAL COMING--"HUMORESQUE Ta have 'grostsy, increased' Tn LAND SURVEYOR, UPHOLSTERING R SALE. : x UE""--COMING e &nd you Ww receive for . #2, FRAME HOUSE your cheap money, currency that Se, C.E, 0.8 UEBEC HEATER; ALSO PIPES, AP. | $3400 Bp 8 ROO will doubtless nave a greatly in. D. a8, MEL panes, Rt On:| CALL OR DROP A CARD T0 Ww. a.| *Y ply 20 O'KNI street. 8 Sane lights; bh. 2nd \ tatis : good creased purchasing power, hd Surveyor. Kingston Of- Gavine, upholster, 216 Bagot at T! fice: Walkem & Walkem, 93 Clar- A "COUNTRY CLUB," 4 PASSEN = here are many other reasons GER, 700 RO A for buying a polley to day. No ence street F. W. HAROLD TOR YOUR UP. 3 wire wheels; tires; newly | #1! FRAME HOUSE, JOHN sm P A Ne - LTCM, other Investment is safer and }olatering and, general sepaizing. palmed and Svemnuied, Your oar RouvGa CAST & rtain of satisfactor: re- ave orderg at or ro & car [0 Pi - mer, | $3,500] A ROOMS; earl eshit, . . 4 Think i YOT---r Ov De- NOTICE 104 Clergy eer Pp corher Bagot and Queen streets. toilet and stable. EE Tr : ORGANIST AND DIRECTOR HORSE SHOER snd BLACKSMITH. Side Ow o ncrease your insur. Euchre Party of Louise Lodge; No: 7 . "po x QUEEN §T, CHURCH Yassons aug Trucks Retiree THE MUTUAL LIFE ASSUR. 19, Daughters of Rebekah, Jahave besw PAINTING AND PAPER RANGING MUSIC. 3,500FOR $ HOUSES, CONCESSION cen modern ANCE OF CANADA edneaess LUE, 3 Teacher of Singing and Plane. TEM OE HOT Y WATERLOO; ONT, has been postponed. WHEN = WANTING PAINTING OR a : 4 : PERAN EL. YARD 0 > " BERTHA HILL, Paperhanging done, dro; d to DAISY JOHNSON, A.T.C.M., TRACHER 00K 0) Studio: 24 Division St. Ph 67a, ~ QUEEN STREET, J \ S Ro ht Ree, Sec. A Mounier" 84 Arch Art . 3 youn and Theory. Fuviis pre. ») Teoma, toilet and Sin iouUsEs, . i . . 0 nservatory ----- A on : . : % examinagions. Studio: 307 Colling- BATEMAN, 60 BROCK ST. ° PHONE 610. | |' , nad wood street. Phone 1339W. * 195 Wellington Biroen Etageton M agazines Ir y Harrisons NG FURTHER Am Angers = i E Goonion Good Hemsshermtng, ee. CONFECTIONERY oa a ROBBERY | { | | i Ww Bosk, Picture Play, Photo Play, Top $3.50 per load--cut in stove lengths victoky i Fos sALR, MONEY $2,000--FRAME HOUSE IR IN PORTH. Hor > ® a3 Sp Noteh, Adventure, Argosy, Classle, Life, | § PUFF PASTE, SWEET PASTE, glars at 1 "the Olty. AND CAKES A SPECIALTY Literary Digest, Newspapers, ote: ---- | Judge, " del¥utey of all kinds made to or- S ; 9 " Up till noon on Monday, there | | : El DER i ASE yous Grocer for our goods. been no further artests made in end orders to 248 Division St. sensational fur x | or at Bake Shop, corner of Rag- 1 we : ' 300 PRINCESS $IREET Jan Road and York Street. A EH as. ~ ' » . . Owposlic Tubiie Utilities. Phone 1383t " ie : 9 em A SL Tote [MEET TREN iit Foot Gf Joliiach Struct WE O FFER the session Province of Saskatchewan 20 Year 6% Gold Bonds, due 1 £t Oct, 1940. Price 96.62 and interest, yielding 6.30%. This is the first loug-term Provincial Issue since 1914 ang is a most attractive investme nt. City of Sarnia 6% HYDRO-BLECT RIC, DEBENTURES 1€21-1930- Matutitles. Lov wes vt vie. Price. to yield 6% % 5%. i sh Make BEDFORD The Auctioneer, * - Phome 1721 or 1438. , One of the newest lines of study ' ol added to the curriculum of the Uni- -_ i8 DAK of POR Dives Tas aghtocn 931-1949 Mat 7 rk. . S " soil physics. , wi 1931-1940 Maturities ... ... ... ... Price to yield 6% % belfeved that the man working fal! < ng undertaken in an effort to overcomo . : foof had one or more of his he 'arming conditions. d & Co pals hidden some, place, giving him og i © owners of the Boston schoon- Ww en . the signgls~and that in this way he a {} Ws ay a or Josie de Costa have issued a chal: George Ba : ? was able to his escape before lenge for a race or series of races Avesuneut brokers 'Genera insurance |} the police arriv Ee ane ro Da a : sHONK ¢00 =: 3 + 111% BROCK STREET? there ihe of Ap Femi veg of i il sacs 3 8 - o \