Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 8 Nov 1920, p. 12

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x y hite Shadows (Copyright, 1920, by The Century Company; published by special arrangement with 'The McClure Newspaper Syndicate, In The South By FREDERICK O'BRIEN - Seas the flight of these schooner griffins had struck me in the solar plexus. of imagination. "Accept them as stations of the cross," said the priest. "This life is but a step to heaven." 1 replied with some comments in- dicating my belief that cockroaches belonged on a still lower rung, and going in an opposite direction. "I know those blattes, those sali- gands," he said with sympathy. "They are sent by Satan to provoke us to blasphemy. I never go be- low." When eight Is sounded the hour of four. I got upon my feet and in the mellow dawn saw a pano- rama of peak and precipice, dark and threatening, the coast of Fatu- Biva And ue, suttante ot omol with copra and soto and Soria. th Marasssane, 43d" he harbor TT, Jieeed mpselt _culivaipg Wich dhe first white men Who saw 1 here. I laid out several plan- ihe islands Sushored over three hun- tations, and once shipped much cof. The priest and I, with the super- la Ma 200d, 180, iis nab, Io, cargo, went ashore in a boat at six . E A othe and Toes" 3 "vach 'a 7,07 tog and ul one." grew smooth and inviting as that of Atu- scale. I raise only & lle pou € ona. A cance was waiting for Pere "There pony aiid w able. Olivier; he climbed into it at once, bodied men here, then. I used to roy his black, wet robe clinging to him, r ere, iy ded to y and called "Adios!" as his men |OPiUm from the nese labor-con paddled rapidly for Hanavave, tractors and from smugglers, and where he was to say mass and hear give it to my working people. A pill confessions. hd once a day would make the Marque- Lee and I took a road lifed with | 5808 hustle. But the government a wall of rocks and passing many Sopped 3 {EDL ay that the book sorts of trees and plants entered bi 14 5 wo Jahseaz, el yon an enclosure through a gate. Pilly - a T After a considerable - walk |®iS¢Where soon, Chinese, perhaps. through a thrifty plantation, we Thea tvs Taumstam Srgug] ty were in front of a' European house, go 350 3 Jousmnd tome, 1 Mink which gave signs of comfort and 30%: one taste. At the head of a flight of The dire lack of copra-muking, stairs on the broad veranda was a tree-planting, or any form of profit- man in gold-rimmed eye-glasses and able activity is lamented by all a red breech clout. His well-shaped bald head and punctillious manner ni Shee, depopulsicd would Baw ® commanded attention in bor, which to him has ever been an 1 unprofitable expenditure of life and 1 was introduced to Monsieur did not gain in his eyes even when Francois Grelet, a Swiss, who had his toil might enrich white owners lived there for more than twenty p11 {mis of plantations. Since every man had over been Farther away thas |BAd a bisce of land that yielded cop. a few miles. Not even Tahiti had |F® enough for his simple needs, drawn him to it. Since he arrived, and breadfruit dnd fish were his for at the age of twenty-four years, he the taking, he could not be forced had dwelt contentedly in Oomoa. to work except for the governmen After we had chatted for a few |iR Payment for taxes./ momenty he invited me to be his | The white men of the islands, like guest. thought of the Roberta | ®XPloiters of weaker races every- and those two kinds of cockroaches, | Where in the world, were unwilling the Blatta orientalis and the Blatta | 10 share their profits with the na- germanica, who raid by night and | tive. They were reduced to pleading by day, respectively; I looked at{ With or intoxicating the Marquesan Grelet's surroundings, and I accept- | tO procure a modicum of labor. They ed. While the Roberta gathered | Saw fortunes to be made if they could what copra she could and flitted, I | but whip a multitude of backs to became a resident of Oonmfoa until | bending for them, but they either such time as chance should give me | could not or would not perceive the passage to my own island. altuation from the native's point of view. : Twenty years before my host had a planted the trees that embowered Now, my acquaintance is a man of his home. With the Swiss farmer's | university education, a quoter of love of 'order, he had neglected | Haechel and Darwin, with "survival nothing to make neat, as nature had | of the fittest" as his guiding motto made beautiful, his surroundings. since his Jena days. Says he, spec- "I learned agriculture and dairy- |ially when in his cups: ing on my father's farm in Switzer- "The whole system of life-develop- land," said Grelet. "At school I| ment is that of the lower providing learned more of their theory, and | food for the higher in ever-expand- when I had seen the gay cities of | ing circles of organic existence, from Europe, I went to the new world to | protozoen to steers, from the black live. I was first at Pecos City, New | African to the educated and employ- Mexico, where I had several hun-|ing men. We build on the ribs of the dred acres of government land. I steers, and on the backs of the lower brought grape-vines from Fresno, in grade of human." , Grelet went one day in a whale- California, but the water was insuf- ficient for the sterile soll, and I was | boat to Ota, a dozen miles away to forced to give up my land. From { collect copra, and I was left with an San Francisco I sailed on the brig | empty day to fill as I chose. The Galilee for Tahiti. I have never, house, the garden and the unexplored finished the journey, for when, the | recesses of Oomoa Valley were mine, brig arrived at Tai-o-hae I left her | with whatever they might afford of (and inttalisd myssit on the Butice, entertainment or adventure. Every ia small t § schooner, and for a|new day, wherever is an aa- Sutched 38 the Roberta pitched and | year 1 remained aboard her, visiting venture, but when a, enigmatic When the ragged cook brought |all the islands of the Marquesas the first dish I protested a lack of and becoming so attached to' them hunger for any food. My ruse pass- thas § bought land and settled down ~ ed for the moment, but was exposed | v : ax by a flock or swarm of cockroaches, | Grelet looked about which scenting food, suddenly smiled. > sprang upon the table and upon us, It isn't bad, hein?". leaping and flying into the plates| It was mot. From the little cove and drawing Corsican curses from | Where his boat house stood, a road Capriata and Norwegian maledic- 5Wept windingly to his house tions from Lee. I did not wait to through a garden of luxuriant ver- "800 them ' throwing the invaders dure. from the battlements of the table jn-| Cows and goats browsed about "fo the moat of salt water and spilt the garden, but Grelet bammed pigs _wine below, but quickly though t0 a secluded valley to run wild. feebly, climbed to the deck and laid One ef the cows was twenty-two myself beside Pers Olivier nor could Years old, but daily gave brimming cries that the enemy had been de-| buckets of milk for our refresh- feated and that "only a few" were ment. Beef and fish, breadfruit flying about, summon me below | and taro, g9od bread from American ee n. . = flour, Tum, and wine, both red and . Pere Olivier and I stayed prone | White, with bowls of milk and green all night in alternate pelting rain! t Socounats, 'were Always on the table, + and flooding moonlight, as a fair & cigars, packagés of the wind ot us along at six knots | vertible Scaferlati Superior tobacco, an hour. Padre Olivier, between and the Job papers, a a dozen ~ haps, recited his rosary to take his pipes. No king could fare more . mind from his woes. 2 had no Suh | Jorally than ts Swiss, io Suting as beads and prayers, an wenty years never e for- =~ aytesn ttle island of Fatu-Hiva. ' I sailed from Tai-o-hae on an un- known port ,carried by the schooner Roberta, which had brought fhe mare from Atuona and whose skip- per had borne so well the white banner of Joan in the procession that did her honor. . The Roberta was the only vessel in those waters, and, sailing as she did at the whim of her captain and the necessities of "trade, none knew when she might return to Nuka-hiva, so I could but accept the opportunity she offered of reaching the southern group of islands again, and trust to fortune or favor to return" me to my own island of Hiva-oa. . I pulled myself aboard by a top- ping-lift, climbed upon the low cabinhouse, and jumped down to the 'tiny poop where Jerome Capriata held the helm. This Corsican, with his more than sixty years, most of them in these wilers, was a Marquesan in his in- tuitive skill in handling his schoon- er in all weather, for knowing these islands by a glimpse of rock or tree, for landing and taking cargo in all seas, The super-cargo, Henry Lee, a Norwegian of twenty-five years, six of which he had passed among the islands, set out the rum and wine and a clay bottle of water. He .in- troduced me §o Pere Olivier, a priest of the mission, whose charge was in the island of Fatu-hiva. From him I learned that the Roberta was bound for Oomoa, a port of that island. That I had not been given the vaguest idea of what our first land- fall would be was indicative of the secrecy maintained by these traders in 'the competition for copra. The supply being limited, often it is the first vessel on the spot after a har- yest that is able to buy it, and cap- tains of schooners guard their movements as an army its own dur- ing a campaign. The traders trust one another as a cat with a mouse trusts another cat. ' Th priest was sitting on a ledge 4 below the taffrail, and I spoke to him in Spanish, as I had heard it was his tongue. His buenos dias in reply was hearty, and his voice soft and rich. A handsome man was Padre Olivier, though in sad disor- der. His black soutane, cut like the woolen gown of our grandmothers, was soaking wet, and his low rough shoes were muddy. A soiled ban- dana was about his head. His finely chiseled features, benign and intelli- gent, were framed by a snow-white beard, and his eyes, large and lim- pid, looked benevolence itself. He was all atfability, and eager to talk about everything in the world. © The rain, which all day had been falling at intervals, began again, and, as the Roberta entered the open sea, she began to kick up her heels. Our conversation languished. When the super-cargo called us be- low for dimmer, pride not appetite made me go. Padre Olivier was pros- trate on the deck, his noble head on a pillow, his one piece of lug- gage, embroidered with the mono- gram of Jesus, .Mgsy and Joseph, the needlework of the nuns of Atu- ona. "I am seasick if I wade in the Sunt," said the priest, in mournful est. The Roberta's cabin was a dark and noisome hole, filled with demi- Johns and merchandise, with two or three untidy bunks in corners, the alr soaked with the smells of thirty years of bilgewater, sealskins, cop- ra and the cargoes of island traffic. 'Capriata, Harry , and I sat on boxes at a rough table, which we cause of Europe, the characters and re- cords of their members, or discuss the quality of Caruso's voice as compared with Jean de Reszke's though he had heard neither. "You should have seen this island when I came," he said. "These na- tives die too fast. Ah, if I could only get labor, I could make this sand people. I could load the ships morning is added the zest of a strange place, it muat be a dull man who does not thrill to it. him and ani, a laughing, beautiful girl of six- teen years, and the two were cared for by Pae, a woman of forty, ugly and childless. Hinstiaiani was her Pae had been red when Girelet, whose bad been for eign- , took the girl. But with the birth of , Pas became re- conclled, and looked after the wel- faré of the infant more than the vol- atile young mother. ! After break Vi 5 2 8 BESEEESE 5 Ait Feiis its, g l £E g 8 of it "=F I H Souk $ie : i ih ii TH i ( ; £ : # of ii valley produce enough for tem thou- 0 as any in the, horanpipe, Scotch, and the metropolitan - overhanging Atuo- | water forty feet above. We climbed side of the river, but from one near- er the track a voice called to me, "Kaoha! Manihii, a tata mai! Greet- Ing, stranger, come to us!" The hut, which, by measurement, WAS ten feet by six, held six women and girls, all lying at ease on piles of mats. It was a rendezvous of gos- sips, a place for siestas and scandal. ne had seen and hailed me, and when I came to their paepae, they all tiled out and surrounded me, gently and politely, but curiously. Obviously they had seen few whites, The/six were from thirteen to twenty years of age, four of them strikingly beautiful, with the grace of wild ammals and the bright, soft eyes of children. Smiling and eager to be better acquainted with me, they examined my puttees of spiral wool, my pongee shirt, and khakl riding- breeches, the heavy seams of which they, felt and discussed. They discov- ered a tiny rip, and the eldest insist- ed that I take off the breeches while she sewed it. As this was my one chence to pre- vent the rip growing into a gulf that would ultimately swallow the trous- ers, 1 permitted the stitch in time, and, having nothing in my pockets for reward, I danced a jig. I cannot dance a step or & a mote correct but in this archipélago I'had won in- ter-lsland fame as a dancer of strange and amusing measures, and a singer of the queer songs of the whites. Recalling the cake-walks, sand sifting, pigeon-winging, and Juba- patting of the South, the sailor's | the eword-dance of the ver- sion of the tango, I did my best, while. the thrilled air of Oomoa Val- ley echoed these words, yelled to my fullest lung capacity: There was an old eoldiaer and he had a wooden leg, And he had not tobacco, so tobacco did he beg, Said the soldier to the sailor, "Will you give me a chew?" Said the sailor to the soldier, "I'll be damned if I do! 4 Keep your mind on your number and your finger on your rocks, And you'll always have tobacco im your old tobacco box." . Dancing and singing thus on the flat stones of the paepme of the six Fatuhiva ladies, I gave back a thous- andfold their ald to my disordered trousers. They laughed till they fell back on the rocks, they lifted the ends of their parcus to wipe their eyes, and they demanded an encore, which I obligingly gave them in a Jone I had kept in mind since boy- It went with a Kerry jig thet my grandfather used to do, and if grand- father, with his rare ability, ever drew more uproarious applause than I, it must have been a red-lptter day for him; even in Ireland. My hearers screamed in an agony of delight, and others dwelling far away, or passing laden with breadfruit and bamanas, gathered while I chortled and leaped, and made © mountain-side ring with MarqueSan bravos. With difficulty I made my escape, but my success pursuéd me. "Menike haka!" came the cry from each house I passed, for the news had been call- ed over the distance, and to the far- | acy. thest reaches of the valley it was known that an American, the Ameri- can who had come on the Roberta, with a box that wrote, was 'dancing along the route. I was met almost imffiediately by score of men and women who had left the gathering of fruit or the du- ties of the ld to greet me. Fafo, the leader, besought fue ear- nestly to accompany them to a neigh- boring paepae and dance for them. A belated -shrinking from renown, however, made me reject his pleas, and perceiving a pool néar at hand, I softened refusal by a suggestion that we bathe. The pool, I learned was famous in the valley, for one could swim forty feet in it, and on XIIL-Grelet, the 'White Man of Oomoa The European Who Could Not Make His Dreams of Wealth Come True Be- the Marquesans "Die Too Fast" Under White Rule. been his as a young man in wars against neighboring valleys. For an hour we waited and smok- ed, hearing from time to time the clamor of men and dogs in the thic- kets below. The common way of hunting boars, said the chief, was to chase them through the woods, and kill them by throwing tomahawks at them. This method allows the hun- ter to have a tree always within a short run, and about these trees he dodges when pursued, or if 100 close- ly pressed, climbs one. It is danger- Ous sport, as only a cool and exper- lenced man can drive a kmife into a vital part of a boar in full career, and no wound in non-vital parts will cause the desperate beast even to falter. s Gradually the cries of the men and the barking of the dogs grew nearer, and, suddenly, bursting from the bushes some distance down the trail, We saw ten bristling hogs. They had been driven upward until they reach- ed the artificial shelf, and behind them hounds and hunters cut off all escape. "Apaul Ala oe a!" shouted the rear guard as the boars took the trail. "Lo! Prepare to strike!" The three siayers gripped their clubs and braced their feet. I saw above the chief, who was the last ot the trio, Where he planted his feet, the path was most Darrow, so that two could not pass. His knife was in his pareu, which, to leave his legs unhampered, he had rolled and tuck- ed in until it was no more than a G-string. "Peo! Pepo! Huepe! Pyope!" yel- led the scouts, in the "tally-ho!" cry of Marquesan, and the boars struck the trail with hatred hot in their eyes and with gnashing tusks. The three slayers were five hun- ied feet apart. The first struck at all ten, as singly they rushed t him. Three he etopped. The Hs man laid prostrate four. The three remaining were, naturally, the fit- test. They were huge, hideous, snarl- ing beasts, bared teeth bleaming in a slather of foam, eyes bloodshot and vicious. The old chief saw them com- ing; he saw, too, that I had shrunk to a plaster on the wall while he fac- ed the danger like a warrior ia the spear-test of their old warfare, "Air! Air!" he said to encourage me. His club of ironwood, its edge sharp and toothed, he grasped with both hands; he widened his foothold and threw his body forward to with- stand a shock. He calculated to an inch the arrivel of the first boar, and swung his u'u on its head with preci- sion. The boar crumpled up and fell down the hillside. The second he struck as unerringly,. but the third he chose to kill with his knife. He laid down the u'u and drew the knife with one motion, and, as the powerful brute rushed at him, step- ped aside in the split second between his gauge of its position and its leap. His knife was thrust straight out. It met the boar with perfect and deli- cate accuracy. The beast fell, quiver- ed a moment, and lay still. It was a perfection of butchery, for one slash of those tusks, ripping the chief's legs, and he would have been down, crashing over the elitr, and dead. I was almost in chants of admiration for his nerve and accur- "Ah, if this had been war, and these had been enemies!" The dead boars were sling on poles, but a half dosent had to be left on branches of trees for the morrow, Bue, the elder woman of old, received us joyously. / master's absence she had become a different being from the sulky, con- rary one I had seen while he was at bome. Usually she and Hinatiaiani, the mother of the baby, ate thelr food squatting beside the ©00k- the other side the hill rose straight, | the banena-trees with the this rocky face and dived into the water again' and again, rejoicing in ts coolness and in that sheer pag delight of the dive, when in the air "| man becomes all animal freed from every restraint and denied every safe- guard save the strength of his own muscle and nerve, We saw at last, on the edges of thezbank, one. of Grelet's dogs whin- ing for attention. CONSTIPATION. There are few, if any, complaints more common than hemorrhoids, or piles, as they are commonly called, and scarcely any which eause more trouble, annoyance and misery. pains which accompany them cause misery which is beyond description. Ointments and suppositories may w| two quarts of creme de menthe and great king, and stron heart to a bottle of absinthe, so that the mice chase the wild bull. He steers a with the big cat away played an un- whaieboat with a finger, but no wave corking air right merrily. can tear the h All was now a bustle of prepara- Long bas he been in Oomoa, just and tion for the feast. While many pre- brave and gefierous has he been, and pared the earth-oven for the pig, the bis rum is the best that is made in head cook made fire in their primi- | the far island of Tahitf, tive way, using the fire-plough of | So passed the night and the rum, uran-wood braced against a pillar of the veranda. Meanwhile the oven was ' dug sides and bottom lined with Stones, and sticks piled within it for the fire. A top layer of stones was placed on the flames and when it had grown red-hot the pig was pulled and | innumerable dewy foweérs, and at ia- bauled over it until the bristles were tervals in the chanting I heard from removed. The carcass was then car-| the darkness of the bay the sound of ried to the river, the intestines re- a conch-shell blown on some wayfar- moved, and inside dnd outside thor- ing boat, - oughly washed in a place where the current was strong. The overh was made ready for its emptied cocoanut-shels, and the reception by removing the upper lay- swollen green man postured er of stones and the fire, and placing | me like some horrid tigment of & banana-leaves all about the bottom |dream. I roused myself again. and sides, in which the pig, his own had locked up the song-makar, interior filled with hot stones wrap- all the tattooed men slumbered ped in leaves, was placed, with native they sat. I woke again to find sweet-potatoes and yams beside him. | garden green and etill im the More léaves covered all, and another layer of red hot stones. A surface of dirt sealed the oven. The yams, potatoes, bréadfruit, and other accompaniments of the pig chicken were all ready at . o'clock, when orles of delight sum- , moned us idlers. The earth had been "Guddamme!™ he said to me cleared from the oven, the leaves re- | one stempt at our oultured ' moved, and the pig was lifted into uage, and put his bedy deep in & the air, cooked to a turn, succulent, pool steaming, delicious. The feast was spread in a'clearing, so that the sun, ewinging in the west, might filter his rays through the lofty trees and leave us brightened by his presence, but cool in the shadows. For me a Roman couch of mats was spread, while the 'natives squatted fn the comfort of men whose legs are nat- ural. morning, and the veramda vacant. The Marquesans -ware all ia the river, lying down among the bould- ------ Don't Mention It. | A Scottish parson, still on the under side of forty, was driving home fron. an outlying hamlet, when he overtook a young woman. He recog nized her as the maid of all work at a farm which he would pass, so he pulled up and offered her a lift. Mary gladly accepted lis 'offer,.and they chatted pleasantly all the way to the farm gate. Ny sir," she mid, as she "Thank you, gat down. "'Don't mention it, Mary, Don's mention it," he told her, politely. "No, I won't," Mary obligingly as sured him, The women waited upon us, pass- ing all the food in leaves, in cleanly fashion. Pae herself, though hostess, could not eat till all the men were satisfied for the tapu still holds, though without authority. Knives ror forks hindred our free onslaught upon the edibles, and there were co- coanut-shells beside us for washing our hands between courses. Pae furnished a limited goantity of rum for the fete, and a cocoanut- shell filled - with namu was passed about. Every one was already enthu- siastic, and after epveral drinks of the powerful sugar-distillation pipes were lit and palaver began. I had to tell stories of my strange country, of the things called cities, large vil- lages without a river through them, #0 big that they heldtini tini tin{ tini mano mano mano mano people, with single houses in which more people worked than there were in all the fa- lands. Such a house might be higher than three or four cocoanut-trees stood one on the other, and no one walked upstairs, but rode in boxes lifted by ropes. "How many 'men to a rope?' asked | > p ; In a Bad Way. "I'm telling you the truth when I say that I was much bappler when I was poor." . "Then why don't you let your mile lions go and be poor again?" "That would be of no use. I'd still feel miserable thinking of those poo fellows cursed with money." Without Pure Blood Health Is Impossible Owing to faulty action of tie kid neys and liver, the blood becomes fill- ed with disease germs that imperil health. The first warnings are backache, dizziness, headache and lack of en« ergy. Act quickly if you would avoid the terrible ravages of chronic kid« ney complaint, Get Dr. Hamilton's Pills to-day; they cure kidney and liver troubles for all time to come, No medicine relieves so promptly, cures so thoroughly. For good blood, clear complexion, healthy appetite, use that grand health-bringing medis cine Dr. Hamilton's Pills, Get a 35¢c. box to-day. and Sterage. | aghitn Tours. cheap fon Williamson & Wellwood #Tailors Try us for your next Suit or Overcont, Style and fit guaranteed. : The old men toldeme about their | battles, much as at a reunion of the Grand Army of the Republic the ve- terans fight again the Civil War. Excited barking of the dogs an- nounced the arrival of Grelet with several men. They had rowed all the way to Ola and had sailed back ar- riving by chance in time to share the way to Oia and had sailed buck the abundance of our feast. After the twelve-mile pull in the blazing sun and the tollsome ' journey back by night this feast was their reward, and all their pay. Pae, reduced once more to sullen servitude, poured the rum, generous, portions of it in -cocoanut-shells which the newcomers emptied as they ate, hastening soon to join the other guests on the broad veranda, where late at night a. began. Half a dozen men, tattooed from toes to waist and some to the roots of thelr hair, sat on a mat on the floor, naked except for their pareus, the yellow of which shone in the oil-lamps in tening dark was far gone with almost as large as those | we Doors From King Edward Theatrd ant. He was a grotesque Rr . 'The blue of the { Repairs, Washi ; One 1915 Mel. We are sure we have just what you were looking for in Antique Furniture whether

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