Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 6 Nov 1920, p. 12

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re reas nstitmaianrati-------- de, : THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. sri ova. a SS --RER------ ---- ee rer ---------- =) a AUTO TAIK Pt Varidki / [WEAK AMMONIA SOLUTION [PROPER USE oF cualNs | o aint ng an arn lS ing . | SAVES MOTORIST'S SUIT | DOES NOT INJURE TIRES : : ' = : d | Even the most 'careful motorist | _ Speaking 'broadly, the proper use a : : |may spill 'a drop of the sulphuric |of tire chains suger oondinn rss We can give your car anything from one coat-of varnish jacid solution--battery men call Fn That Fn is highly . desirable, Joes . "F Fi ish." | electrolyte--on his clothes or on the | not injure the t re. To be more speci- SPECIAL-SIX SEDAN |plectrmivie op sis Siotis of a £8e {Sor iwjere tire. To be more speci- to areal "Factory Finis , and can guarantee our work. Tops re- ing its specific gravity with a hydro- [tires continuously when driving over | paired and renewed, finished a nd Ww. terproofed--in¢ fact we meter syringe. brick or concrete roads. But when | ; . » The SPECIAL-SIX Sedan makes The damage resulting trom such driving on dirt roads when they are | can do anything required ofa rea first class automotive . al those ho < an accident may be averted-if a| muddy, or on pavements when they | i an instant appeal to who [small bottle of ammonia is kept in (are coated with smow and slush, garage. : | . Prompt- | chai ink i ft road surf. car the garage where it is handy mpt- | chains sink into the so ace demand the utmost in closed ly applied where the acid is spilled, land give positive traction without i comfort and beau the ammonia counteracts its effect (the slightest injury to the tires it : ' a. ® . convenience, ty and saves clothes, shoes or a bad spot [they ane loosé enough to constantly Quick Servic Big, Clean, Accessible Shop bom Largest --it is, indeed, arare combination on the running board. change position. Chains clamped - . Ammonia may -also be used, to tightly to the tire so tiiey continually stock of Parts and Accessories between Toronto and . 1s of elegance and practical utility. clean corrosion from connections and | press in ome position soon will cut terminals of the storage battery. into the soft rubber of the tire, or at 50-H. P, detachable-head motor; » least will weaken the tire's structure | Montreal. 119-inch wheelbase, giving max. Are Motorists Selfish? materially. ,But there is no dangez of - OPEN A mum comfort for five passengers. Does auto-owning and auto-driving | this if the chains are correctly put on. f LWAYS = tend to selfishness? The loowing be ETRY Thee : Stwdebehsy Ci equipped with from the Bowmanville tatesman | ¢ SEP See * ay Tt Tiare dpa ob would seem to prove the point: Ale + . 9 vi a : minister visiting here told us that he | + HOW FAR DOES CAR ® RE) was taken to Newcastle to see a TRAVEL IN SECOND? # Bullt in Canada, friend and decided owing to the | + ue Ia ra es, 11.11 e ' great number of autos passing all % In one second a vehicle travel- day long to cliance a ride. He has a | ¢ ling 20 miles per hour will Soyer 3 : Jf different opinion of humanity since |+ 29 feet; 25 miles per hour, 3 i : that day, for many autos passed him |# feet; 30 miles per hour, 44 feet, & | Phone 567. > H. M. FAIR, Manager. KINGSTON AUTO SALES CO. with vacant seats, but not once was | + Take no changes. + : . LTD. he asked to have a ride and he + a Cor. Brock and Montreal Sts. "footed" it the entire five miles: {dd dd & $$ SEP err N Er 3 Commenting on a similar ecircum- | | I | i | | \ EE t---- stance, the Orillia Packet suggests Spark Plug Construction. - . . that this "demon of selfishness has The purpose of the spark plug is ° Maxim Batteries infected the drivers of motor vehl-|to carry tae spark to the 'raids of Velie Model 48 . cles," and adds: In towns, of course, | the cylinder and the comstruction..of rec give it is hardly practicable, in general, to (the plug in one or more p'eces does s : stop and pick up anybody and not of- | not Po any material difference so Compare this car with any Light Six, similarly or more Maxim Service ten necessary. But one might expect | long as this is properly done. How- highly priced, and be convinced of the superior value of the d ar the practice to be general on country |ever, the plug which is so made that VELIE. an e roads. It is not so, however. The |the porcilain may be removed has --CONTINENTAL ENGINE. Made-in-Canada. Barrie Examiner, referring to the |the advantage of being easias to a matter says: All owners of cars are clean, as he core may be readily --TIMKEN AXLES AND BEARINGS. The are Wot like [this, but from the number taken out and wiped with a diece of =--FOUR-BEARING CRANK SHAFT. y d of empty seats seen, it is a safe guess | waste. Ia Col & this, however It ig -- y : . : that many owners of automobiles are important roi to lose the little gas- BUUR STARTING and LIGHTING. guarantee i not concerned in giving a lift to less | kets, because w'thout them the piag --BORG & BECK CLUTCH. Also fortunate persons who have to use | wil. leak when replaced. [.:3 also Other details to correspond. the. 'Shank's ponies.' fmportant to see that the points are pe all our repairs, I EE -- properly spaced---a trifle less tnan L the thirty-second of an inch. The ANL EN T our What Is A Chauffeur? the thirtysecond of an inch. The KENDRICK & V UV ny ' -- f= The first man to dub a motor dri- come in contact with emery cloth or DISTRIBUTORS Free Testing Service i | ver a "chauffeur" must have had-a sandpaper, or the glaze will he REMOVAL NOTICE sense of humor, for the word has no taken off and the life of tha plug | Phones 1888 and 81. J connection at all with motoring, but will be shortened : Repairs, Washing and Storage. || 110208 literally "one who makes a . o o Ome 1910 MeLanghiin Ton: things warm." (The word is, of Hood Dulls First. Robinson&Wilts Ire ie bal Seay for lire French). The name was ap- Due to the various degrees of 8 BANE 4 Phone 1894w. || Plied to @ band of criminals who in- temperature undergone by the hood fested France in the 18th Century, | oo the machine, this part is first to Auto Repair Shop is now located . ~ | and carried on in much the same WaY | 100 its fine finish Especially after a Es at MARTIN'S GARAGE as do the villains in our modern film " - ' J in, when the water is likely to 3 : SE serials. They wore masks, dressed | ™ t - 0 CLERGY STREET FI I I II | TY) y s the warmth, ve wT OTT&W N | themselves in fantastic costumes, Seren the Bova, due os hy of the | Wi A ® Bagot Streets. lard ttention Now |- 1 - AN Muda Ak youay ax AurononnE REPAIRING Ss mes blackened. thelr faces. car, the hood sheuld be wiped dry | 0 a . was Tax Service In Connection, their chief object, and to make their |*® 3000 88 the car is in the garage. PHONE 1192w, Phones Shop 1030. Res. 1537J. victims disclose hiding-places tKese Waste Onuses Trouble. IX) ETT RAILWAY | BROCK STRERT brutes used all sorts of horrible tor- X y| tures, It Was from one of these for. |, JT Cotton waste is used to clean /[l wyyy, save you annovance axp EXPENSE LATER ON SYSTEM the engine, often OUR SERVICE and ADVICE are the result of years of battery "=> | tures--that of binding a person and hen the toasting his feet at a roaring fires ticks go Je PAs and Wien he experience. We most strongly recommend great care in keeping |i AGENCY = that they got the name "chauffeur." your battery well charged while car is in use, and WINTER DRY S AV § N (C) (®) N ! i 8 [3 -_ Te on rr ow the Jus) 1 { STORAGE for it immediately when car is laid up. ' : Our workmen are experts--our charges most reasonable, FOR ALL . - Smell of Rubber. the flow altogether. Cotton cloth, | (C] udrdnteed 3500 m iles If you smell rubber burning, it is |therefore, is better for this purpose. Send them to us--Kingston's only Battery Specialists, ' : Hime to gat Yery busy and find the Te Poa : short circuit. For usualy the smell Tire Preservative. Economy Tires are reconstructed with three plys |of burning rubber comes from a hot Painting tires with liquid rubber, | WILLARD SERVICE ST Ply wire somewhere causing the rubber | to which whitening has been added, y ATION of additional fabric, which gives you the assurance | ine. is i to smolder. Feel all the | gives them an attractive aopearance Phone 1340. lands iation given your family here or friends going to or returning from 3500 miles more. Our adj tmen wires until you come to the hot one. | and helps to preserve then of and : adjus t guarantee The location of the short circuit is! are many tire-painting eS = EE ------ the Old Counvry. % of 3500 miles goes with every tire, easy to detect in this way, and hav-| on the market, some of them intend- ee A SN A AN Nn ee or information and rates apply to ; Ing localized the trouble it is usual-| ed to fill small cuts and scratches CP. and T. A G.T. Ry. Kingsto Sise Ties Tubes |!¥ fairly simple to see exactly where | as well as give the shoe a better ap- Ontario. Open day sad miskeo™ xh sew mw [the trouble originates. pearance, When sealing over cuts Prone 99. Bak WE 4 -------- and bruises these preparations ald Bx Nn 4% tend to keep moisture from working BE 1 | 7s pes cw 3341909 teie ne tate the ferrin T ne . An excellent compound for the - WHY DO THEY DO IT? >» ention is made b . deposit on each tire and $1.00 on each tube-- +f JUIrOss you m ¥y Cleveland, Hy slop and Humphrey Bicycles f . stirring five pounds of whitening into -0.D subject to your examination of goods. Why s{6p the car in the middle #1," art of gasoline, After mixing . ight-side or cliicnm. | + Of {he"btreet to "chin" with a + At Reduced Prices---- thoroughly, add a quart of rubber fried ? + t. Any cold patch cement will When overtaking a car ¢ | SoTen y ] : : ; why try to pass it without sig- & 39 i Apply With a bruh Hie Bicycle Tires and Auto Traction Tread » HASIOw, by (Fodestrian: Why cross ¢ % Te Te Covers. Special prices. See window display. Dec. 8 (Christman Salling) Saturnie usy thoroughfare as oui & " vs ' Dec. 30| Feb, 18 Mar. 30 Cc d » Blooming!""---sometimes ' it's a . . Jon you were in the middle of a iis Siang term, SOMBHE LS Hog over Carpet Cleaning and Laying. os Saar Lila i WLy park your car an sucha ¢|ID8 plant, and again it may apply = Nov. 13|Dec. 11|Jan. 15 " " ' to tires. NEW YO " That the "other fellow" can't : When the rubber tread on an auto Nov. When traffic is stalled at | Sasing changes color it is said to ® a Nov: : Stree! intersections why block + bloom. This Vang Wat the Tub. ; A hay a | pe N, Y, PLY, and ER. the pedestrian's right of way? # ber turns a sta¥ish white Ah 3 212 BAGQI SIREET Nov. 25|Jan."4[Feb.'s ........ ..Caronla Why turn out of a waiting lings | light yellowish cast. Although | : N.Y., CHERBOURG & and "jam" the on-coming 4 Ploom" is seldom noticed on a tire Nov. 23|Dec. 14/Jen. 25 .....Aquitanis traffic? * That is Neh in solos, it ime > Nov. 18{Dec. FH 20 .....Imperator W shows on black treads, espec i " N. Y, PLY, CHER. HAMBURG HES mite the Shima 3 the tires are allowed to remain ia os Dec. 9|Jan. 18{Mar. 1 terse. Saxonis the direction? & | Storage, -- ; . y N. Y, NAPLES, PATRAS, DUBROVNIK : : . of : Nov. to AND TRIESTE PEEP EPD PPI PS VS 3 Cycle Prices Still Up. _ a CII Nov. er vue Italy = v otorcycls prices will not wollow For rates of passage, freight fare Xoo Ate 3% | in the wake of the recent egunvaL oh Our Golden Jubii 1 ther particulars apply te Yoon ashes trend of automotive prices. This fact r en eo 920 ROBER has been 'definitely stated by every N - ) = THE T REFORD 60. tn. manufacturer in the cycle industry, nd ATS Trades ssc in Co The High Cost of PEP P FPP ese ECONOMY TIRE CO. Dept. 211 11-13 Jarvia St, TORONTO nt rts, arn, EPP REE B PPPs Pere Tires Tires Tires "Try Our $17.00 Tire at W. H. COCKBURN & CO. = - One Gane of Bac fe AG aE Ty backfire or "pop' back through y f uxuries ; - ' § the carburetor may fhdicate insuf- = ficient intake valve tapper clear- TO EUROPE ance. If the intake valve does not el - . QUEBRC T0 LIVERPOOL close, the burning charge escapes + Nov. 10{*Dec. 15 ....Emp. of Britain through the valve and ignites the 1 NOV. 20 ....oiusiveiaiass Vietoriang incoming change in the manifold. or Nov. 27[*Dec. $0 ..Emp. of France The loss of compression thus causes 5 A AEA AVERTOUL, loss of power, and the gas blows. ov. 20{*Dec. visessan i back - through the carbureting sys- ov. 2 ta. i Mega | tem for the time being. 1 : MONTREAL-GLASGOW Nov. 26(*Jan. § . MONTREAL---HAVRE---LONDON Grampian NY eT Fe Less ! a ng at the same time Nov. 15, Corsican | \ 3 2 , mysterious cause of an engine miss- 4 % thee alijan. 3 arena nnas y Daneet Sula ing B18 Water ib ihe car- Nov. 13(*Dec. $1 Scandinavian | WHEN you can't of Any Medicine in the Weeld, buretor. When trying other causes be: Nov. 13D AS Sold averywbors te Cond. Is bomen, 7%, St. of skipping, try draining the car- ° *--From St. Joha, N. B, slow till it rai neal ark wom of fhe fui tn re A 1 auis an fg es form . . om plow till it rains, : : Es parmdbi i 1 KIN STREET EAST x and rain is late in : +f a wel | os 3 " : ied | oo RL | {| || ORDER YOUR FALL toning. : il a SEN a il ca en | for ¥ : SUIT NOW ! [NES ta aad pick gut whe cloth mow for your new Bait. ; We make both Ladies and Men's Suits. rices reasons Youu can aiso ng in © apd we will make it up you, | VanLuvenBros. [| [== Ee [I "3 | tm 5 ; Ford Sales and Service 34-38 St Phone 1609. : . " " x i yy . : Surselves when sgifishness has been Saretore Jot ue dwell in yoim

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