Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 6 Nov 1920, p. 11

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Help to sie Prospesiiy Canada enters upon a new era--an era of GREAT POSSIBILITIES. It is her op- portunity to develop--and every Canadian can help to insure continued prosperity-- by SAVING. Start today, and save! Open an account with this Bank. Idterest paid at current rates. STANDARD BANK OF CANADA Head Office TORONTO KINGSTON BRANCH, J. F. ROWLAND, Manager. TRAVELLERS' CHEQUES Convenience, security and economy are secured by the use of Travellers' Cheques issued by this Bank. They enable the bear- er to identify himself and are readily converted into the current coin of any foreign country. 3A THE CANADIAN BAN OF COMMERCE ' PAID-UP CAPITAL $15,000,000 RESERVE FUND » $15,000,000 KINGSTON BRANCH--R. T. Brymner, Manager. '4 new standard grade, $13.00. Asked for His Reasons for ing Life Insurance with The Manufac- turers Li e, one of eur large Policyholders cogently replied : -. lst--"In case | do not accumulate a competence, nd Ie wilh moe Beno. | knw ny if not me objects ity, as . my Life will supply sufficient funds for _ their needa' dnd --"Life losurance is always the first asset \ eaized onus. if at my demise, the time is not opportune spose of m' assets, ; utors will not need to ny waa ore ready money." igs 3rd--"k is the only way | can make 3 uly Sure providing for my _ #th--"l is the very ossence of good Manufacturers Life .M."G, JOHNSTON, Branch Manager, 3.4 Kingston, Ont, with full par. am. yous of | THE EASIEST GAS ENGINE TO OPERATE AND CARE FOR The farmer wants an engine that is simple and reliable, that will do what he wants it to do without constant tinkering afid adjustment. * : Ge 'He gets such an engine when he buys an Alpha. The Al- pha is a thoroughly practical engine. It is designed and built to do its work day in and day out under the varying conditions + 1t Is called to meet on the farm. It is dependable at all times. One big feature of the Alpha is its low fuel consumption, Whether you are using gasoline, aleohol or kerosene, the Alpha is a tuel saver. ; ; DE LAVAL SEPARATORS | 471 Princess Street Phone 1015w. THE DAILY B. THE MARKET REPORTS GRAIN QUOTATIONS. Montreal. Montreal, Nov. 5.--Oats, dian Western, No. 3, 35ec. Cana- Flour, Rolled oats, bag 90 1bs., $4.25. Bran, $40.25. Shorts, $45.25. Hay, No. {2 per ton, car lots, $31 to $32. | Winnipeg. | Winnipeg, Nov. . 5.--Wheat--No. 1 Northern, $2,31; No. 2, $2.30%; No. 8, $2.25%; No. 4, $2.17%; No. 5, $2.06% ; track $2,203; Saskatchewan, $2.29%; Alberta, $2.29%. Oats--No. 2 C. W., 687%¢.; No. 3 C.W., 62%ec.; extra No. 1 feed, 623%c.; No. 1 feed, 603gc.; No, 2 feed, 573gc.; track, 653%c. Barley----No. 8 C.W., $1.16%; No. 4 CW. $1.11%; rejected, 84%e¢; feed; 847%c; track, 31.0815. ¢ Flax--No. 1 N.W.C., No. 2 CW, 32.76%; N $2.40%; condemned, track, $2.80%. Rye--No. 2, C.W., $1.79. Toronto, Torénto, Nov. 5.--Manitoba oats --No. 2-C.W., 68%¢; No. 3 C. For @2%c.; extra No. 1 feed, nbt| quoted; No.:1 feed, 60%¢.; No. 2 feed, 673%c.; all in store, Fort Wil- liam. Northern wheat, new crop--No. 1 northern; $2.31; No. 2 northern, $2.30%; No. 3 northern, $2.25 No, 4 northern, $2.17%; .all store, Fort William. American corn--No. 32 $1.23, nominal, track, prompt shipment. Manitoba' barley, in store, Fort yellow, Toronto, Manitoba, v "in Mail +If you cannot con- i veniently visit our [gro office we shall be glad [ff | to receive your is [8 | and conduct your | banking business by mail; : Deposits received mail will be b acknowledged, a other business will re. ceive immediate gnd careful attention. { 1B Paid-up Capital § 9,700,000 Reserve «= 18,000,000 Resources = 230,000,000 | THE BANK OF | | NOVA SCOTIA A. N. Lyster, Manager, KINGSTON : Willlam--Ng. 3 C.W., $1.16%; No. 4 CW, $L11%; rejects, 84%¢c; feed, 84%ec. Barley--Ontario malting, $1.10 2, $2.05 to to $1.15. ' Ontario wheat--No. $2.10, f.0.b. shipping points, accord- ing to freights; No. 1 spring, $2 to $2.05. Ontario oats--No. 2 white, nomi- nal, 62c to 64c, nn to freight outside. Rye--No. 3, $1.7), nominal. Ontario flour--In jute bags, gov- ernment standard, prompt shipment, delivered at' Montreal, nominal ; not quoted. : Manitoba flour--Track, * Toronto, cash prices, first patents, $12.40, second patents, $11.90; third pat- ents, $11.30. : Mill : feed--Carloads, Montreal freights, bag included : Bran, per tom, $38 to $40.25; shorts, per ton, $42 to $45.25; feed flour, $3.25. Hay, loose, No. 1, per ton, $38 to 3 baled, track, Taronto, $30 to 32. delivered Chicago, Chicago, Nov. 5.--Wheat--No. 3 red, $2.19%. Corn--No. 2 mixed, 89% to 90%c.; No. 2 yellow, 90% to 92c. Oats--No. 2 white, 55% to 563zc.; No. 3 white, 533% to 54%ec. Rye--No, 2, $1.70 to $1.73.- Barley, 9bc. to $1.05 Timothy seed, $6 to $6.50. Cloverseed, $12 to $20. Pork, nominal. Lard, $19.05. Ribs, $14.50 to $15.76 Minneapolis. Minneapolis, Nov. 5.--Flour un-| changed; shipments, 63,050 barrels. Bran, $31 to $33. Wheat--Qash No. 1 Northern, $2.09 to $2.14; Decem- ber, $2.04; March, $2.06%. Corn | --No, 3 yellow, 85 to 88c. Oats-- No. 3 white, 503% to 51% ec. Flax-- No. 1, $2.72% to $2.74%. . New York.' New York, Nov. 5.--Flour dull; Spring patents and Kansas straights $11 to $11.60; Spring clears, $9,256 to $10; Winter straights, $10 to $10.50. Hay--steady; No. 1, $2 to $2.10; No. 2, $1.90 to $2.00; No. 3, $1.75 to $1.95; shipping, $1.55 to $1.75. Hops quiet, state, 1920, 50 to 55c; 1919, 40 to 45¢; Paéific Coast, 1920, 47 to 6l1c; 1919, 45 to 48c. LIVE STOCK MARKETS Toronto. Toronto, Nov. 6.--Heavy steers, choice, $12 to $12.50; choice butcher $11.50 to $12.50 medium butcher, $9.75 to $10.25; common butcher, $7.50 to $8.50; light, common, $6 to $7; heifers, good. to choice, $9.50 to $10.50 do medium, $8.50 to $9; stockers, 700 to 800 lbs., $8.50 to $9.50; feeders, 900 1bs., $10 to $10.- 50; heavy sheep, $5 to $6.50; light sheep, $7.50 to $9; butsher cows, choice, $8.50 to $10; do medium, $6.50 to $7.50 do good, $6 to $6.50; do light, $6.50 to $7.60; canners and cutters, $4 to $5.50; bulls, cholce, heavy, $8. to $10; spring lambs, $13, 50 to $14; calves, $15 to $16; do' medium, "$10 to $12.10; hogs, fed and watered, bid, $18.25; dooff cars, bid, $18.50; do f.o.b., bid, $17.25; do to farmer, bid, $17; do sows, $6 off. & Montreal, Montreal, Nov. §.----~Cattle--But- cher J, 00d, $9 to $10; medium, 8.35; commons $5.50 to $7.- eifers, choice, $9 to um, $7 to $8.50; common, $4.50 to $6.76 tcher cows, choice, $7.50 to $8; medium, $5 to $7; can- aa $3 to '$3.50;. cutters, $4 to 4.50; ogna bills common,+$4 to $4.50. Soe veal to $15 medium $11 to $12.50; grass $5 t- $6, Ewes, $4 to 37; lambs, goou, $12.50 to $13; common, $8 to $11. Off car Netghts, selects, '$17.50. Sows, $13. 35 Buffalo. . East Buffalo, N.¥{, Nov. 5.--Cat- tle--Shipping steers, $13.50 to $16.- 50. butchers, $8.50 to $12.50; year- lings, $13.50 to $15.50: heifers, $6 to $11; cows, $2.50 to $9; bulls, $6 to $9.50; stockers and, feeders, $5.- 50 to $9; fresh $60 to $120. --Heavy, mixed, yokers; light do and Digs, $14.25; few $14.35; roughs, $12 to $12.50; stags, 38 to $1 J Lambs, $8 to $14.50; yearlings, § to $10; wethers, $7 to $7.50; ewes, 3 to $6.50; mixed sheep; $6.50 to . Chicago. - Chicago, Nov. Ro-Cattle, bulk Steers, $10 to $15.50 butcher cows mostly $5.50 to $10.25; 'caniners, cut- ters and bulls strong to. 26 cents er; bulk canners and cutters, $4 to. $5; stockers and feeders 25¢ high- calves steady to strong; best cows and springers, |, Calves, $6 to' $18. Hogs 1 vealers, $13.50 to $14. Hogs, top, $13.60, out of line; practical too, $13.50; bulk of sales, $12.75%te $13.35; pigs, 15¢ to 26¢ higher; bulk desirable 100 fo 125-pound pigs, §13.40 to $13.50. Choice fed western and native lambs, $13.75; bulk na- tives, $12.75 to $13.50; choice year- ling wethers, $12; choice native ewes, ewes, $7.25; bulk native ewes, $6.50 to. $7.26; feeders strong; top feeder lambs, $13.35. GENERAL TRADE. Butter, Belleville and Kitchener, 65 to 68¢; Chatham and Hamilton, 70 to 76e; Kingston, 60 to 68c; London, 60 to 65¢; Owen Sound, 58 to 60c; Port Hope, 60c; St. Thomas, 73 to 75c¢; Stratford, 52 to 60c; and Woodstqck, 60 to 75¢ per pound. Eggs. Belleville, Kitchener, Stratford, 70c to 76c; Chatham; 63¢ to 68¢; Hamilton, 90c¢; Kingston; 65¢; Lon- don, 66¢ to 75¢; Owen Sound, 60c to 63c; Port Hope, 65¢; St. Thomas, 68¢ to 70¢;.Woodstock, 68¢ to 72¢ per dozen. FowL Belleville, Stratford and Wood- stock, 30¢ to 36c; Kitchener, 32¢ to 35¢; Hamilton, 46¢c; Kingston, 38 to 45¢; London, 30¢ to 32; Owen Sound, 20c to 25¢; Port Hope, 36c; St. Thomas, 38c to 40c¢ per pound. Potatoes. Belleville, $1.50; Kitchener, $2 to $2.25; Chatham, $a.86 to $2.50; Hamiltoa, $2.26 to $2.50; London and St. Thomas, $1.50 to $2; Owen Sound, $1.25 to $1.50; Port Hope, $1; Stratford, $1.50 to $1.75; and | Woodstock, $1.75 to $2 per bag. Wheat. oA Belleville, $1. 90 to $1.95; Kitch- + ener, Hamilton, Port Hope, Stratford and Woodstock, $2; Chatham, $1.90; Kingston, $2.10 to $2.15; Owen Sound, $1.75 to $1.90; and St. Thomas, $2 to $2.10. per bushel. Oats. Belleville, 62¢ to 65¢; Kitchener, 61c to 64c; Chatham, 55¢; Hamilton, 70¢; Kingston, 65¢ to 75¢; London, 61%c to 623%.c; Owen Sound, 60c;" St. Thomas, 66¢ to 70¢; Stratford and Woodstock, 60c per bushel. Barley. Belleville and Port Hope, $1; Kit- chener and London, $1.20; Chatham, $1.90; Hamilton, $1 to $1.10; King- ston, $1.15; Owen Sound, 80c to 86¢; St. Thomas, 95c to $1; Stratford, 95¢; and Woodstock, $1.10 per burhel. « A Weak, Sickly Folks Regain Health Quickly By New Remedy! A BLOOD-FOOD NOW MANUFAO- TURED THAT ACCOMPLISHES Lots of people that were thin and miserable for years have recently been restored by this simple treat- ment. All you have to do is take two little chocolate-coated tablets with a sip of water at the close of each meal. The tablets, which, by the way, aré called "Ferrozone," are in reality a perfect food for blgod. They con- tain exactly those elements your blood lacks when it becomes thin, weak, and unhealthy. is just i5e time to use Ferro- gone; it excites splendid appetite, gives digestion splendid ald, supplies nourishment for all weak organs. At once, you feel buoyant and strong. Nutritious "courses through your veins, supplies strength, makes you tingle with animation and am- bition. ' 'No more headaches None of that tired languor. You feel like doing things because| Ferrozone completely renews and Ons week alter asing Faerosoue ou new, you'll apprec RITISH WHIG. {ing sermon for the THE KINGSTON MARKET Kingston, Nov. 6th. Dairy Products, Creamery butter, 1b. .,.. Dairy butter Whey butter .. Butter, rolls Eggs, fresh, .e QOleomargarine Cheese 63 to 68 sess e cde Poultry. Chickens, dressed, 1b . Hens, dressed, Ib Meats. Beet : Porterhouse steak, lb. .. Round steak, 1b. Rib roast, 1b. Boiling cuts, 1b. Western carcase, cwt .... Western hinds, cwt .. Pork : ' Loin roasts, 1b. . Rib roasts, 1b. Pork chops, 1b, .. Hogs, live weight . Hogs, dressed, cwt, Bacon, breakfast Lamb: Fronts, 1b, Hinds, Ib. Leg, 1b. Loins, 1b. . Chops, 1b. Mutten, Ib. Vegetables. Beets, bunch Cabbage, head .. Celery, burch ... Lettuce, bunch New potatoes, peck .... Carrots, bunch Potatoes, bag ... Fruit, Bananas, doz ........w Grape fruit . Lemons, doz. .... Oranges, doz. ... Cod, 1b. Eels, 1b. Filets, 1b. , Finnan haddie, 1b, .. Haddock, fresh, 1b .... Halibut, 1h Kippers, pair Perch, Ib, .. Pike, 1b. Rockfish, 1h, Salmon, 1b Steak, cod, Trout, salmon, 1b. Hides and Wool... Beef hides, No. 1. ...:.... 8c ptr 1b. 25 to 35 each Deacons Horse hides Tallow, No. 1 No market for wool. Barley Bran, Shorts Buckwheat, bush. Hay, baled, ton Hay, loose, ton cwt. Corn. yellow feed bush: 1.50 to $1.60 Flour, standard (Gov't) cwt. 6 Oats, local Straw, baled, ton Straw, loose, ton Wheat, local 47.00 47.00 1.15 33.00 to 35.00 . 32.00 7.25 J. 10.00 to 12.00 10.00 THE MAN ON WATCH Scotland appears to agree with the view that the church in the past has been dealing too largely in negatives, and that prohibitory laws are not the thing to make people sober. With flowers blooming in Novem- ber, why should fruit not hoid up its end? \ The Portsmouth Philosopher draws attention to the fact that the de- mocratic party, which pwt liquor pro- hibition into effect in the United States, has been thrust out. The Dean of Ontario announces that prayers for the dead are all right. Some churches do not believe it, but they are wrong. Even many good Presbyterians now believe that prayers. for the dead are all right. Portsmouth wants" all the privi- es that the citizens of Kingston enjoy. They want to use our eleciric- ity, odr gas and Jur water. "There is Halliday's constituents. They believe inthe old-fashioned quality of neigh- borliness, borrowing when yeu can have not strawed. city. Whereas the applause may only show Kingston's desire to get all pos- sible for the money. : Over at Queen's they are now on to the co-eds for holding their tea and to draw money from the cahdidates. The ladles are getting to be real poli- ticians. ; Have ~you ever met with the "alarmist" doctor, who fears you have {lls that will carry you off if . study of him, for he's as bad as a quack doctor. court house carelaker's posi- tion * amalgamsted with that of sheriff, or treasurer or clerk. He holds. the only safe job up there. 'A Scotch legal luminary is declared #0 have said that it take more than an act of parliament to keep the Scots from the dram. Here is a question that would make an interest. of St. Andrew's Society to before the brethren when they go to church on the evening of the 28th, --THE TOWN WATCHMAN. People are a3 anxious to agree with @ genius as they are to disagree with a crank, o | physician and took his medicine and 5 | After taking two boxes of "Fruit: | THE DAIEY MISERY "OF ILL-HEALTH Three Years of + Relieved by "FRUIT-A 1IVES® 159 Avenue Pius IX, Montreal. "For three years, I was a terrible sufferer from Dyspepsia and my general health was very bad. T consulted = faithfully carried out his instructions bat I did not improve and finally th. doctor told me I could not be cured. At this time, a friend advised m: to try 'Fruitetives' and I did sc Prive, 1 was greatly relieved; an gradually this marvelous frui medicine made me completely well My digestion and general healt: are splendid--all of which I owe t "Fruit-a tives". * GASPARD DUBORD. B0c. box, 6 for $2.50, trial size, 25c At all dealers or sent postpaid b: Fruitatives Limited, Ottaw~ - REPAIRS! REPAIRS! Welding 1s not a sfde-line with us We guarantee our Werkmanship. All] broken parts made as strong as new, | Water Jackets and Crank Cases weld- | ed without heating. KINGSTON WELDING SHOP 43 FRINCKSS STREET. Perhaps, if there was a woman in the moon instead of & man it wouldn't get full so often. OF TAR & COD- nothing backward about "Jimmy" | borrow----and of reaping where you | When Kingston audiences loudly ! encore visiting musicgl artists, the | aforesaid artists go forth and declare | that Kingston is a genuine musical | sale just before the A. M.S. elections' you do no tlook out. Well, make a hs, Cold 11 Ringston Cement Preducts Factory Maxers of hollow Las pe Proof Cement Blocks, Bricka, Sills, Lintles, and Drain Tile, also Grave Vaults. And all kinds of Ornamental Cement work. Factory: cor. 'of Charles and Patrick streets. PHONE 730W, Mgr, H. F. NORMAN v FOR SALE GOOD, CIMAN coAL. A. Chadwick & Son i New location: Corner Ontario and West Sta. Phone 07. ¢ An excellent' farm of 150 acres, good building, splendid land. Another farm of 100 acres, seven miles from the city -- $4,500. W. H. EODWIN & SON Real Estate and Insurance 89 Brock Street. Phone 424. Davie & Barrett PLUMBING and - TINSMITHING Now is the time to have your Fur- nace repaired before the cold wea- ther wets In. See us for prices, 203 WELLINGTON STREwWT Phone 688. »~ - 'MATHIEUS SYRUP | About the sloppiest thing we see on the boulevard is a high heel run down on the side. NAINA ii a) -- 4 LIVER OIL s, Grippe, Bronchitis, Con Whooping Cough, Asthma, Etc. MATHIEU'S SYRUP isa sovereign the curative properties of TAR TIVER OIL. : Colds, when neglected or badly treated give rise to consequences of sich a grave character that you should not risk using inferior preparations. MATHIEU'S SYRUP is the only enuine rémedy whese ser ouiation has caused to crop up many ON SALE EVERYWHER virtues of COD tonic combining the strengthening of doubtfinl value. 3 they do whole milk. ~ calf, costs less than half - . Is Different Yes, it's unlike any calf meal on the market, "1st. It's different because it's better. 2nd. Every ingredient is a pure feed of recognized "phony" products of unknown worth. tain anise, or any appetizer. Calves eat it as greedily as | value, no It does not con It does not scour; blood flour is one of the impartant ingredients, which insures freedom from scours. Easy to feed, no boiling, just mix with warm waser, It is balanced just like whole milk. Calves thrive from the first on Purina Calf Chow and it periods. It is used by many of the best dairy farms in the country to raise the 6th. But it is cheap enough 10 use on any as much as milk feeding. So casy to feed that boys of Wholesale and Retail Distributors. W. P. PETERS Wholesale . . . ..........Foot of Princess Street Retail SS PiRSie se aeanivieie.s . vasmawd 17 Brock Street 2

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