Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 6 Nov 1920, p. 10

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muEnEN Now For The Winter with its long cold evenings, when there's nothing nicer than to sit in your home and hear the latest in song and dance hits, along with the old tunes, played on your Phonograph. ), If you haven't a Phonograph, you need one. If you have one, perhaps you are thinking of getting a better one: Remember that we 'will take your present Phonograph in part exchange of* any better instrument you pick out. Come in and let us shew you the which we 'many different models, have 6 show -- from the lowest priced model to the very highest, you will find we have the best. YOU CAN PAY MORE, BUT YOU CAN'T BUY BETTER, KINGSTON HEADQUARTERS FOR McLAGAN PHONOGRAPHS, COLUMBIA GRAFONOLAS AND THEIR RECORDS You are sure of getting a Phonograph that's'real- ly worth while if you get yours here. If you're not ready to buy, come in anyhow. It costs nothing to.see them. Columbia and Brunswick Records The best stock between Toronto and Montreal. Come once and test our service--you'll come often! 5 Store Hours: 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. Saturdays 10.30 p.m. ; --SHOP EARLY-- TREADGOLD SPORTING GOODS CO. 88 PRINCESS STREET ; 1 Telephone 528, "THE FLACE TO GET THAT RECORD" ' Se-- ik ON ACCOUNT OF THE GAS BEING, 30 HIGH, IT PAYS TO HAVE YOUR HOUSE WIRED FOR ELECTRICITY. H. W. NEWMAN ELECTRIC CO. Phone 441. 167 Pringess Street -- TT ---- OVERCOATS Maker--Fit Reform. Small, but choice selection. Prices right. fy Inspection invited. >, HERA THE DAILY BRITISH W ee -- a -------------------------- H1G. In the World of Sport Promoters Deny Dempsey Will Meet Jess Willard Promoters of the Dempsey-Car- pentier heavyweight championship bout denied that this contest would be preceded by one between Dempsey and Jess Willard, The return match between the present and forme title holders is scheduled to take place March 17th, according to a statement made by Dempsey in Mont- real yesterday. : It is' known, however, that "such a match has been in the making for some time and a definite announce- ment is expected to follow the formal #Mgning of the Dempsey-Carpentier contract, which has been set for Fri- day. Willard and many of his sup- porters have been clamoring for a re- turn battle against Dempsey, but ten- tative arrangements made several months ago to bring the pair together again were sidetracked when it was seen that there was a reasonable choice to match Dempsey and Car- pentier. It is stated on good authority that the contract that Dempsey and Car- pentier will sign in this city on Fris day will permit Carpentier to engage in fistic battles in Europe and Demp- clash next summer, Neither can in- vade the puglistic territory of the other prior to the championship fight. A clause will provide that in case either Carpentier or Dempsey is de- feated previous to their meeting in the ring, the contract which they are expected to sign Friday will become null and void, | ANOTHER INTERNATIONAL YACHT RACE IS PROPOSED Paul Hammond, of New York; Guy Lowell, of Boston: Paul Lrexel, of Philadelphia, and E. W. Stewart. of New York, have challenged British yachtsmen to a race, which, it is hoped, will .become an annual event, says the Daily Mail. It has been suggested, according to the news- paper, that the first race be held in British waters next summer, and thereafter alternately in United States and British .waters: « The challenge, it is said, virtually has been accepted on behalf of four | prominent English yacht clubs, by a- well-known yacatsman to whom the challenge was sent. The London Mail understands that Sir Charles Allom and W. P. Burton, captains of the Shamrock IV in the America's cup races last summer, are among those interested in the challenge, GIANTS TRAINING SCHOOL FOR BASEBALL MANAGERS The release of Johnny Evers by tha New York Giants to permit him to assume the management of the Chi- cago Cubs adds another to the long list of players who have been let out bx John J. McGraw in ofder that they might accept an opportunity to be- come manager of a major league club. McGraw traded Roger Bresna- han to the Cardinals twelve years ago when Roger was wanted as, a manager, and since that time he has released Wilbert Robinson to Brook- lyn, Charley Herzog to the Reds, Christy Mathewson to the Reds, Pat Moran to the same club, Georgé Gib- son to the Pirates, and now Evers goes to the Cubs. a [) Increase in Racing Values. In England, pressure for an in- crease of racing values seems to have told, at least in the cases of three of the great classics--the Epsom Derby and Oakes, and the Doncaster St. Leger, In the announcement of these famous races for 1922, notice is given that besides the usual sweep- stakes, $15,000 will be added to the Derby, $10,000 io the Oakes and 0,000 to the St. Leger. = Of recent years the Derby and St. Leger have been of the guaranteed value, each of $32,500, and the Oakes of $25,- 000. The new departure means a welcome increase in the sums that will reward the winners beginning with 1922. The values of the Two Thousand Guineas and One Thousand Guineas have always been made sole- ly from the sweepstakes. Whether this practice is to be adhered to, or whether they, too, will be given sub- "stantial < Increases through added money, remains to be revealed. They close for entries annually in Novem- ber, while the other three races close ia July. Avoid Harsh Pills! Doctors Condemn Them Most pills unfortunately are harsh and drastic; they cause inflamma {and great discomfort. Rather like nature is the way a pill should act, (mildly but effectively. Science hau established hothing more satisfacto: as a family pill than the old reliable pills of Dr. Hamilton's, which for 'WOMAN TEACHER BELIEVES IN BOXING TO DECIDE DISPUTES While Miss Alice M. Hogge, Princi- pal of Webster school, Chicago, be- QUEBEC FRANCHISE g GOE§ TO HAMILTON The announcement made ' here + leves in a resért.to fistic prowess by that Hamilton is to get the Quebec means..of club franchise in" the N.H.L.,, and } geeciiny difficulti have been ex-|that the league is to be made up of 'ha d, she is heartily in accord | Toronto, Montreal, Ottawa and fw school authorities who seek to Hamilton, is good news for the out corporal punishment in the 'hockey fans, and has set at rest the = imany inquisitive minds that have ogge recently referred a been for so long wondering what | { box t between two of her pu-|Was going to happen. The official | { Pils. The Contest was staged in the announcement was made by Percy | | school basement, after she had made, Thompson, the Hamilton manager | j évery effort to adjust their differen-|0f the Arena, and it is further stated i | ces. The story came to light when that all credentials are tucked safe- | {the mother- of the vanquished boy ly away in the company's safe. | filed complaint against the principal. | With the Quebec franchise, Ham- i { "Ip spite of the fact that I advo~ ilton gets all of last season's play- | cate boys resorting to their fists!ers, and everything else that goes | | when they can settle their differen-| With it--but, as one fan sald, a lot i i {more luck as to winning champion- j2a [8 No other way, 1am Qecideqiy| more And the whole idea is looked | [ross tae poral punishment, {upon with favor, the one of being | { "It has been a custom with me in| able to buck this sporting bunch ot | Webster school to insist on knowing) Toronto suiting all ot Hamilton's | k owers. j ¥out evely Soles! nat Sake Dace) It will be noticed that the circuit | I insist on being permitted to pass on | 18 the same as composes the present | | the merits of the cause first, and if rughy doings, tending to make the {I fail fo adjust the differences I-al-|TFivalry alf the keener. -Of course, | her pupils, when gil' other | ways give my permissfon for them to sey in the United States before their | 2°% | -------- | U. 8. LADY HOCKEYISTS ARRIVE IN ENGLAND The Philadelphia girls' hockey team has arrived in London to meet {women teams from various parts of England. The team -of fifteen mem- bers is captained by Miss Elizabeth Cheston. Considerable interest is shown in the matches here, as the |standard of woman's hockey in Am- | erica - is uikuows, this being the first time 4 women's team has been matched against English players. The first game has been sche- duled for Thursday, when the Phila- delphia girls will meet the Surrey {women's team at Wimbledon. Games have been scheduled in all parts of England until November 23rd. The team crossed on the Caronia, and landed at Plymouth. The members have been practising intensively since their arrival, and are hopeful of victory. MAY BUILD HOCKEY RINK IN NEW YORK CITY It now looks as if a hockey rink might be built in New York with Ca- nadian and mostly Montreal capital. Since Scanlon, the former manager of Bobby Mclean when the latter went to Norway, seems to have thrown in his lot with the Canadian hockey association forces which are supposed to have their headquarters in Toronto, Thomas Duggan, Manag- ing Director of the Mount Royal Are- na, is said to be prepared to heard the New York winter sport lion in its den. He is reported to have enough Ca- nadian and Montreal money promis- ed to erect a fine rink in the United States metropolis and it is stated that heswill shortly go there to make the preliminary arrangements. New York is reported to be skating crazy. EXPECT $5,000,000 FROM DEMPSEY-CARPENTIER FIGHT The latest from New York is to the effect that New York will get the big battle, the'Dempsey-Carpentier affair, and that all this Havana talk was camouflage to keep political oppon- ents of Governor Smith off the track until after the election. An arena Is to be built seating 100,000. Price: will range from $10 to $200, the ave- rage being about $50. That means that the receipts will be $5,000,000. The arena and expenses will cost half a million. Dempsey will get $390,000. Carpentier $200,000, and the pro- moters will pocket the other $4,000, 000 minus the Boxing Commission's percentage--if they fill the place. ugby Interference Rule; Torogto Telegram: According to 2 number of well informed rugby men, there will bg a movement at the next ax) ual meeting of the In- terprovincial rugby union to do away with the four-yard interference in- troduced by the Big Four and col- lege unions this season. It is claim- ed -that the teams take too many liberties with the four yards, and usually stretch it about that far again. A But let it be hoped that before next season rolls around Hughie Gall will be successful in reviving Canadian. Rugby Football Union, hav ing a general conference of represen- tatives from all three unions, and agree on one set.of rules that will embody the good points of the two codes now in operation, and have a rule book printed to 'be distributed freely to every club, senior, inler- mediate and junior, so that every- one will read and learn. ¢ Far Ahead. Looking Ty |. Hamilton Spectator: The announcer ment has been made that the Inter- provincial union will return to its | tish | Hamilton will have its senior O.H.A. [team as last season, and possibly an intermediate, It will be only a short while to the opening of the { Arena, all the heavy work having | | heen accomplished. | BRITISH FOOTBALL TEAM bP COMING TO CANADA sAccording to information received {in Toronto soccer circles to-day, a {team composed of well-known and | popular old country players will visit | Canada next summer Jack Johnson, the referee, during his 'trip "overseas, amd from which he only recently returned, broached the subject of a Canadian tour in the presence of a number of Scot- proefssionals. The players jumped at the idea like a "Cock at'a Grosser," and the outcome was per- mission from the Scottish Football Association to undertake such a tour. The team, if everything pro- gresses. according to a provisional programme, will be made up of pro- minent players selected from league club$§, and in conformity .with a rul- ing of the D. F. A, will for purposes of the tour, take the name of a Scot- tish club yet to be decided on. All the players ask is bare expenses, which may amount to perhaps $20,- 000. It is to behoped that this Bri- tish' team will visit Kingston. NEW Al IIFICIAL RINK FOR OTTAWA NEXT YEAR Ottawa will have a new rink for next year, and will have an artifi- cial ice plant, and what's more, C. H. A. hockey will be played in that | city the winter after this. The site for the rink has already been select- ed, and enough money has been | raised by Ottawa people to give the | capital an up-to-date arena. In fact, | those behind the project do not want | any outside capital. This year those behind the C.H.A. i approached Ted Dey, of Ottawa, re-! garding securing his arena for hock- ey purposes, but the nothing doing sign" was hung out when it came to talking business. Had the pro- perty been freehbld and a long lease obtainable purchase o fthe Dey rink might have been considered, but as the lease has only about three years to run as a business proposition it was out of the question. er ------------ CONDEMN ALLEGED AMATEUR LEAGUES At annual meeting of Vietoria, B.C Senior Hockey Association, a resolu- tion was passed condemning the do=| igs of the Saskatchewan Amateur Hockey association and the Big] Four Hockey league of Alberta, which are charged in a Zesolution | with making no attempt to conduct their senior leagues along amateur lines. --, Minor leaguers, it is said, if there | is agreement for a joint National | Commission to govern all baseball, would likely favor J. Cal. Ewing, ot Oakland, and Dan O'Neill, president of the Eastern League, for their two members. At least these names have been among the earliest suggested. BIG MOUTHORGAN mez GIVEN Eiskls i -- . PH SATURDAY; NOVEMBER 6, 1020. Living Room Furniture TABLES -- Oak, Walnut, Mahogany -- latest period de- signs. BOOK CASES -- Walnut or Section- al. PEDESTALS=in Oak, Walnut and Mahogany. Jardiniere stands ~ to match. CHESTERFIELDS and EASY CHAIRS. ; R. J. Reid Leading Undertaker - - Phone 577 USED MOTOR CARS PALMER ¥ COR. BAGOT AND QUEEN. HAVE YOU TRIED THE 50 WATT MAZDA WHITE LIGHT Prices reduced--splendid for reading, HALLIDAY ELECTRIC C0. The Home of the "MAZDA" Cor, King and Princess - Phone 94 -- BUY 1934 VICTORY BONDS at 93 YIELD 6.25% You will reap a nice profit a little later and | assure yourself of the above yield for a long period of time if you wish. Bongard, Ryerson & Co. "The Home of Good Investments." 237 BAGOT STREET. PHONE 3728. Robertson's, Limited We Are Showing the Latest Production of Ceramic Art, the New ORIFLAMME WARE Dazzingly brilliant with color and fascinating with its opale- cent reflections. It is the result of a new and wonderful discov« ery of an English potter. 2 Oriflamme ware fulfills the sound condition of ;the highest art. Na two pleces are alike. . : The old bronze and old gold effects produced with this dall metallic surface are at once. artistic in the highest degree, the flame in the furnace transmits at will the modern creation. CALL'AND SEE THIS LINE . forty years have had a premier place in America. Dr. Hamilton's Pills are very mild and can be effectively used by the aged, by children, and indeed by men and 'women of all ages. No stomach or bowel! medicine is more reliable. No remedy for indigestion, headache or biliousness is so effec- tive, so mild, so certain to quickly cure as a 26¢ box of Dr. Hamilton's old code of rules next session and | that interference play will not be' allowed again. Of course oné man | cannot settle that point, and no changes can be made until the union ' has sanctioned them. The cry in some quarters is for going even farther and adopting the forward pass, which has proved so popular in the Ameri- can game. . fil if Robertson's, Limited 75-76 PRINCESS STREET Get busy right Be Syst call on I, E TRust ou, Dont deh now, with these MONEY. Write The Gold Medal Co., § CRAWFORD & WALSH " I ------ « NASH) BrINGING UP FATHER : HELLO MGs YOu 4O00NE! . THAT LITTLE £0 YOU MEAN TO TELL Mg © | JGGS- PLEASE DONT ACT. LIKE You &LUY BEAT You YOU COULDN'T Li SPEAK 50 DIS RESPECT- ue? . FOWY OF THE DEAD: 1. = RECO In --WE TO-DAY. Dept" KWS2X 811 Jarvis St, To

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