THE 'DAILY: BRITISH WHIG., o TUREDAY, NOVEMARR 9, 1080. ---- --_-- the Realm of W omen~--Some nie: iting Features nN ARN TE > -- WAS " \ y--the secret of ERN2S world uccess wide" s has been its delicious flavor Remember -- Nothing will do but FRY'S A " " hy it i it alii we ill ne gil } | il » pot ul) i li ll SH Ji ili, 4 aT ori h, "ll v ii i i am or | I Hp il hil] of I Minne" | po" I rr y "A i . fe J bo 2 & i i { 4 3 ff ih fin ig / hd | wr al 4 mv i W fy i I ut # wi Hh on 4 i 4 pn: J d il Ta "A if i Hi i i / i il bee ar il yl if I d 0 Ne ji gp il ul) hy aR Ww i il ill "THE CARE OF SILK GARMENTS | 11 Mar Sheen of | | Vigorous Brushing wi Fabrics--May te © at Home. ry Cleaned In these daye of the II hooves ail foofake the best the work of a if dozen in the wesent-day wa nust be kept in the dition { It is easy enough to keep a wash dress loc and fresh, ishing will mar | of velvet or a very soft brih. You may dry-clean liquids out-of-doors where there will be no danger of an explosion. advisable, however, to send since he has special this work. For cleansing washab'e silk gar ments, use suds of a pire white goap or soap chips and cold er lukewarm water, washed In such suds, rinsed in water of the same temperature and wrapped | in a bath towel to absorb the extra | and then pressed with a | warm iron they will not turn yellow | moisture, for a long time. Silks should be pressed only with | a mederately hot iron. Never place the iron directly upon the fabric. A plece of cheesecloth should be placed between the silk and the iron. In | fact, the iron should be: used as little | as possible either in the making er | afterward. The dressing 'in new silk socks er stockings tends to make the threads break, hence they should be washed | before they are worn. | You may often remove wrinkles from a silk dress by hanging it over"assbath- | tub filled with water hot enough to | make steam. The frock should then be hung to dry where nothing will teuch it. GREEN IS STILL IN FASHION Color Is Effectively Employed in Many ! " Medels Turned Out by Ex- clusive Milliners. | Green is still a fashionable shade, if one may belleve what the modiste tells you. This coler is effectively employed in the pretty model made of a combinatien of two tomes of green. The hat proper is a small { mushroom shape, the brim of apple green horsehair edged with a narrow band eof light green organdie--the crown, of the same soft organdie. A | large fold @f the green hair braid is swathed abeut the crown aad fastened on the left in a large loop. Another summery-looking Shape is made of sapphire-blue horsehair, ex- ceedingly- shiny, trimmed with a wide ribbon of self-temed velvet. A lovely novel touch is given by the large, pale. colored rese hand painted upen the ribbon and placed directly im fremt. The shape itself is what ene might ét. t be | | i ware of | 'lothes, Since one or two dresses must | Le. those dresses | best possible com- | | your silk gar- | iments at home If rou are careful to | use gasoline and other inflammable | itis | the bet- | ter frocks to the professional cleaner, | appliances for | If' your white slik waists are | Does Anyone ever get too much" Sleep 0 Stmmens Limited, 1990 HE energy you can afford to spend * today is just what you stored up last night in sleep-- and no more. What you need for deep, sound, restful sleep is a quiet, steady bed--a bed, spring, mattress and pillow that invite every nerve and muscle to relax. * * * HE Simmons Metal Bed is noiseless. Just as the sleep-in- - ducing Spring is a Sim- mons "Waldorf," of specially tempered spring coils. Fine Springs that fit the contour of the body and support the spine in a straight line, in- suring perfect circu- lation and restoring the ' energy used up in the fatigue of the day. Simmons Felt Mat- tresses are the result of twenty-five years' study of equipment for sound, natural sleep. Made of pure, new cot- ton in clean, sun-lit factaries. Usedinthou- sands of 'fastidious Canadian homes. And Simmons Pil- lows, which rest the head and neck exactly as they need to. be rested. Simmons Limited i is specializing in Twin Beds. One sleeper does not disturb the other or communicate colds and other infections. Simmons Steel Beds, Brass Beds, Springs, Mattresses, Pillows and Children's Cribs are the most popular sleeping equipment in Canada today--in the stores of leading mer chants right here in town, at prices little if any higher than for the ordinary, And when you are selecting your Sime mons Beds with an eye to their appearance in the room, you will sec that Simmons has for the first time tablished beautiful PW authoritative design in Metal Beds. A Sleep 1s a big subject! Write us for the booklet, "What Leading Medical Journals and Health Magazines Say about Separate Beds and Sound Sleep." Free of charge, SIMMONS LIMITED TORONTO WINNIPEG CALGARY call a version of the Napoleoam style, the brim turned up sharply ia front dewn- The "COLONIAL" Design 19%1--Ia Twin Pair Made of Simmons new Square Steel Tub «seamless, smooth and beausif uly hme pENuuisical italy ou enameled in the accepted Degota The Simons pated reseed "steel noiseless ks. Easy n casters, Your choice of Twin Pair Ying Fotis Width, Specially pleasing in Twin Pair, SIMMONS BEDS Built for Sleep INFANTS - DELIGHT IT S Woanr and back, the sides curving wards Ia sweeping, jaunty limes. We alse see many Breton shapes. These are, so to'speak, practically un- trimmed. One charming little model is very youthful and beioming. It is a sort of saucer-shaped type, the brim relling up smartly and gradually frem the face a little higher to the left. It is combined in straw and taffeta, the latter material forming the crown and a nmarrew band" about the brim. The sole trimming is an ader [= able cocarde of taffeta and sapphire blue picet gresgraia ribbon te the left of the crown and placed sauelly high, but Elose te the taffeta founda- tion. About the raised brim at the very edge rums an original lattice work efféct of the picot ribbon, finish- ing in a wee bow at the back. op The irund "PRIMUS" is your guarantes of purity end quality. L. CHAPUT, FILS & CIE, Limités, 3 MONTREAL niin i ape gi BUY 1934 VICTORY BONDS at 93 YIELD 6.25% You will reap a nice profit a little later and assure yourself 9 the above yield for a long period of time i Bongard, Ryerson & Co. oe) 3 = "The Home of Good Investments." © 287 BAGOT STREET. PHONE 1728. N= . There are some people Who con- trive to get hold of the prickly side of everything, to run against all the sharp , corners and disagreepble things. Half the strength spent in fhe. would often set things rig you wish. ra - THE DAINTY CRerE CASSULK Five Roses * Flour W. P. PETERS Office and Elevator foot of Princess Street. Phone 51 or217 -. - . Kingston, Ont. ,JOVIN TAYLOR & CO. ED © Dae 3 Teme, Ou ton and send it to ug-- Pe Te. This A for a FREE trial tablet of INFANTS.-DELIGHT.