ATC ticamertc TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 1920. Austin's Drug Store ~---- | p | 4 p | J > HOT WATER BOTTLES LS --and--- FOUNTAIN SYRINGES - of best quality A good 'one lasts longer and costs less than half a dozen cheap bottles. We have a fresh stock of NEILSON'S CHOCOLATES SEALS LLL lS Austin's Drug Store | Corner Klag and Market Square < Kingston - Phone 230 - r 2d bbb bbb bb ed bbb bb bbb idg AeNENANENNNDO ERNE Saturday Night We take Photographs on Satur. day night from 7.30 to 10.30 o'clock. THE MARRISON STUDIO Phone 1318w. 92 Princess Street. CEMssNERERREENRR CW. R McRae & Co. | GOLDEN LION BLOCK. Brn FOR SALE GOOD, CLEAN COAL. A. Chadwick & Son New location: Corner Ontario and West Sts. Phone 67. hingston Cement Products Factory Makers of Hollow Lawip- Proot Cement Blocks, Bricks, Sills, Lintles, and Drain Tile, also Grave Vaults. And all kinds 6f Ornamental Cement work. 2 : Factory: cor. of Charles and Patrick streets. PHONE 730W. Mgr, H. F. NORMAN Bargains For This Week One Toronto Wind Mill 24 Foot, in Good Condition - E. Brawley .__Flour and Feed Man SYDENHAM, ONTARIO. PATTON'S DYE WORKS (Late Montgomery's) 1 SCOTT'S GARAGE I I STAB " BUILDING ? REPAIRS OR ALTERATIONS? Estimates given by 0. Aykroyd & Son 2! Main Street. Phone 1670. DR.A-W.WINNEIT DENTAL SURG EON, Corner of Johnson and Wellington Streets AUTOMOBILE REPAIRING Ford Cars a speciaity, Taxi Service:in connection. Phones: Shop 1035. Res. 378 BROCK STREET 'Repairs, Washing und Storage. Ome 1913 Mclaughlin Tour- ing car for sale cheap for a quick buyer. 208 BAGOT STREET Phone 1804w. * REPAIRS! REPAIRS! Welding is not a side-line with us We guarantee, our workmanship. All broken parts made as Strong as new, Water Jackets and Crank Cases weld- ed without heating. KINGSTON WELDING SHOP 43 PRINCESS STREET. : Kingston Co-operative Society, Ltd. PROVISIONS--MEATS FRESH FRUITS LIPTON'S TEA only 60c per lb. We close Wednesdays at 1 p,m. B. O. SMITH, Manager. DID YOU EVER TRY Wagstafi"s Ginger Marmalade, \Wagsiail's Fiuneapplie Mar Wagstafl's Bra We also have .. other reliable makes of Marma- lades, Jam and Jellleg for able al: Bon Marche Grocery Cor. King and Earl Streets License No, 5-27149 Phone 1844. "MATTRESSES Don't throw away your 0.48 Mattresses. ' We renovate all kinds' and makes them as good &» new. Get our prices. Frontenac Mattress Co 17 BALACLAVA STREET Phone 2106w It pays to save Your Newspapers, Magazines and acrap. material---we. are paying good prices. YOU MAY NEED Plpes for water or fencing or a tent for next summer. Call on ua. I. Cohen & Phone 836.8 7. 267-273 ONTARIO STREPP Watches and Clocks Repaired teh Ye G. W. LYONS are guaranteed for one year. Call or 'phone and your ore der will be promptly attended to Note change of address: 'Phon : 1866. 267 Princess St. Jagson's Only Dyer. Dry Cleaning a Specialty. Phone 214. 349 Princess St. FOR SALE An excellent farm of 150 || acres, good building, splendid. 4 land. 3 - Another farm of 100 acres, seven miles from the city -- $4,500. W. H. GODWIN & SON ~ Real Estate and Insurance 89 Brock Street. Phone 424. Davie & Barrett PLUMBING and TINSMITHING Now is the time to have your Fur- nace repaired before the cold wed. ther sets In. See us for prices. 203 WELLINGTON STREET Phone 688. Em Our Motto: "QUALITY AND SERVICE" FRIENDSHIP' For Choice Groceries and Provigions --2 STORES-- 210 Division Street. Corner of Pine & Cowdy Sts. Orders called for if desired. Don't Cough NYAL'S PINOL EXPECTORANT will relieve you of that troublesome cough and ticklidg in the throat. It soothes and heals the inflamed tis- sues of the throat and bronchial tubes. It is especially good for re- cent coughs and colds, and every household should have a bottle in Y For sale at-- Prouse's Drug Store Opposite St. Andrew's Church. . «Phone 82. ' NEILSON'S ICE CREAM BRI Always on hand. Phone 863 | ELLIOTT & WILLIAMSON | re THE DAILY BR a, iris ITISH WHIG. : Kingston and Vicinity pry Another War Memorial. A monument which is to serve as a memorial for the fallen soldiers of t townsiip of Edwardsburg is be- erected in front of the municipal t Spencerville. The base,is now ate, E Home For Aged Kull. re are at presenti fgwenty-five 1.and gwenty-four 'mien in the | Home for thglAged. The limit of ac- commodation is for fifty-two. Here- after the General Hospital will not care for incurables from this home. Cheese Sajes, Perth, 439 at 2415¢. Belleville, 1,255 at 23 %cq, Cornwall, 1,447 at 24%ec. London, 510, no sales, 3 %e to 23 %c offered. i Engagement Announced; Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Wilson, Carle- ton Place, announce the engagement of théir daughter, Pansy Pearl, to Ross Parker Dowdell, son of Mr, and Mrs. Samuel Dowdell, Westport, the marriage to take place this month. : Died At Pembroke. Mrs. Ludgate, an aged lady of Grattan, near, Eganville, suffering from cancer, died at Pembroke Gen- eral Hospital on Tuesday evening. ! 8he was seventy-six years old and was the mother of Anthony Ludgate, Pembroke. Municipal Bonds Sold. = The issue of $37,500 municipal six per cent., ten installment debentures to cover the cost of the censtruction | of the addition to Prince of Wales | school, Brockville, has been disposed | of to the highest bidder, Messrs. A. E. Ames & Co., Toronto, at 96.09, Mothers' Pension Board. Mothers' Pension Board for Ren- frew county as finally appointed by the provincial commission is compos- ed of: P. S. Inspector McNab, con- { vener; Thomas McKibbin, Eganville; | Mrs. "Julia Mallon, Pembroke; Geo. F. McNabb, Arnprior, and Mrs. Eli- zabeth Davidson, Beachburg. Partnership Dissolved. The dissolution of the firm of Ad- ams & Brintnell, furniture dealers and undertaking, Trenton, is announ- | ced. Mr. Brintnell will remain in | Trenton and in the establishment with which he has heretofore been identified. He will remain in charge of the undertaking department, Falls Down Shaft. Buster Cartwright, employed in the furniture department of the Beach Manufacturing Company, Win- chester, fell backwards twenty-five | feet down an open elevator shaft at the plant. Picked up unconscious, he was found to be suffering only from cuts about the face and héad and se- vere bruises on one leg. Education Association Organized. Following an address by Rev. W. M. Morris, Orangeville, secretary of the Ontario Trustees' Association a branch of the Educational Associa~ tion was formed in Renfrew, Mrs. Jas. Reid, Admaston, is president, Mrs. A.W. Easton, Renfrew, vice-presi- dent, and J. M. Briscoe, Northcote, HEADACHES MAKE LIFE MISERABLE. Headaches are one of the most ag- gravating troubles one can have, and it is hard to struggle along with a head that aches and pains all the time. Headaches seem to be habitual with many people; some are seldom, if ever, free from them, suffering continually from the dull throbbings, the: intense pains; sometimes in one part, sometimes in another, and then again over the whole head. There is only one way to get relief from these persistent headaches, and that is by going direct to the seat of the trouble, for unless the cause is removed, the headaches will still continue to exist. The fact that Burdock Blood Bit- ters keep the stomach, liver and bowels toned up is proof enough to show that it will eliminate the cause of the headaches. » Mrs. Harold Lanain, Owen Sound, Ont., writes:--*"My system was run down and my blood out of order. I suffered a great deal from severe pains in my head," which made me feel very misetable. After having tried other remedies I purchased-a bottle of Burdock Blood Bitters, and was very glad to notice a decided im- provement in my health, so I took another and am glad to say that it has done me an'enormous amount of good. I have recommended ft to my friends, who were 4n, a similar con- ditien, and they all say it is a won- derful remedy." s B. B. B. is put up only by The T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont. LADIEST LOOK YOUNG, DARKEN GRAY HAR Use the Old-time Sage Tea and Sul- phur and Nobody Will Know, Gray hair, however handsome, de- notes advancing age. We all know the advantages of a youthful appear- ance., Your hair is your charm. It makes or mars the face. When it fades, turns gray and looks streaked, just a few applications of Sage Tea and Sulphur enhances its appearance a hundred-fold. ; Don't stay gray! Look young! Either prepare the recipe at honie or get from any drug store a bottle of Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur. Com- pound," which is merely the old-time recipe improved by the addition of other ingredients. Thousands of folks recommend this ready-to-use prepa- ration, because it darkens the hair beautifully, besides, no one can pos- sibly tell, as it-darkens so naturally and evenly. You moisten a sponge or soft brush with it, drawing this through the hair, taking one small strand at a time. By morning the gray hair disappears; after another application or two, its natural color is restored and it becomes thick, glossy and lustrous, and you appear years younger, | et -- The executive arrange a "series of nt points 'in 'the socretary-tr rer comnitiee wi 3 meetings at diflert inspectorate ' Had a Fine Garden. The flower garden at the C.P.R. depot, Renfrew, has been once more | awarded the first prize offered by the | company for the best-kept grounds ih | the Chalk River division, The garden | has -been developed by Edward Wil- | liams, baggage master, and makes an | exceedingly attractive appearance, Going to Vankleek Hill, | The Arnprior high school is to lose | the services of' Miss. Hall, who has | been on the staff longer than any! other member. She is a capable teach- | er and the board are willing to in- crease her salary a certain amount, but the Vankleek Hill board have of- | fered her $2,000 a year @a§.a mini-| mum and she has: asked the local | board to accept her resignation to | take effect the end of"Wovember. Re-organizing Brockville Regiment. Major G. J. McManus, G.S.0., M.D,, | No. 3, who has been in Brockville.on | duty in connection with the re-orga- | nization of the Brockville Rifles (for- | merly the 41st Regiment), returned] here on Monday. Speaking of the re- organization of the militia in the district, Major McManus stated that good progress was being made. The personne! of the administration of all of the units has been completed. Heard a Good Address. A banquet was given' to the mem- | bers of St. John's congregation, Pres- | cott, on Thursday night. Over 230 | members partook of the good things | provided. The address was delivered | by Canon Fitzgerald, Kingston, a | forceful and entertaining speaker. His remarks were listened to with keen interest by the large number present. New Butter Maker. A new butter maker is now in charge of the factory of the Arnprior Creamery Co. T. G. Lewis who with, Albert Robinson organized and start- ed the business, has resigned and his place is taken by R. H. Lowry, a gen- tleman who is well known in this community as a butter and cheese expert. He is a graduate of Kingston Dairy School. The Late Robert Barr. David Barr, Renfrew, has receiv- ed a) letter notifying him. of the death on Oct. 16th, of his brother, Robert, at Grafton, North Dakota. The deceased was born on the Barr homestead in Horton, one of a fam- ily of thirteen children and the sev- enth who has passed away. The late Robert Barr was born on Oct. 27th, 1847, so that at the time of his death, he lacked only thirteen days of be- ing seventy-three years old. Property Disposed Of. The Wylie property on Mill street, Almonte, purchased by thé municipa- lity along with the Wylie water pow- er and equipment is to be disposed of to the proprietors of the Yorkshire wool stock mill for $3,000. An agree- ment was reached regarding the price, and only awaits the formal ap- proval of the council. The town. re- T0-DAYS FASHION By Vera Winston. . ---- cnn This Beautiful Coat is Made Effec- tive by Its Blouse. In many of the handsome coats for the winter season' a certain blousing effect is introduced in the back of such models. This style note is emphasized in the coat that is pictured here. An exquisite piece of. beige duve- tyn is chosen for the fashioning of this interesting wrap. Designed with a soft, draping collar, it is elabor- ated with broad silk braid in the same pleasing shade. The sleeves show a rather un- usual cut, for the bell-shaped cuffs are modified by pointed tabs that are buttoned on their outer edges. A tam of, smartly draped black velvet completes the picture, Controlling Skidding Car. To prevent losing control of a quickly in th¢ same direction fin which the car is skidding and close 'the throttle. Leave the clutch in. Do not apply the brakes. If they are applied and caused the skidding, disengage them before turning the wheels. When the car stops skidding right the front wheels quickly. If the car is to be brought to a sfand- stil pply the brakes very gently and .gradually with the clutch dis- skidding auto, turn the front wheels | | engaged. in the river. Tablet Unveiled At B. C. I. On Oct. 29th in the Brocky iegiate Institute a bronze tablet unveiled by Judge McDonald in the presence of a repr ative gather- ing of citizens, It is bhonan.of. pu- pils and ex-pupils who answered the country's call during the war, and in memory of twenty-eight who made the supreme sacrifice. N. G. Somer- ville, chairman of the Board of Edu- cation, presided, and addresses were delivered by Mayor Lewis, Lt.-Col. R. A. Bowie, and Hon. George P. Gra | ham. Had Happy Time. Mr. and Mrs, W. F. Earl, Athens, | entertained a number of their friends on Friday evening last at their cozy home on Mill street. There were five tables of five hundred in play, the prize winners being Mrs. W. C. Ar- nold, Mrs. D. L. Johnston, Mrs. C. C Slack and W. B. Percival. After the serving of dainty refreshments, Mr, and Mrs. E. Taylor were given a jollification when it was learned that |] it was the eighteenth anniversary of their wedding day. The evening was altogether a delightful one. $ Died At Rochester, N.Y. | The death occurred of W, H. John- | son in Rochester, N.Y., at the home of his son Dr. Ira T. Johnson, on Oct. 23rd, The late Mr. Johnson was cone of the first bridge tenders on the Murray Canal and later took charg of the C.N.R. station, Trenton. The remains accempanied by his son, Dr. Ira, Rochester, and Norman W., Cle- veland, were brought to the home of his son, T. J. Johnson, Trenton, on Sunday. After a short service at noon on -Monday the body was taken to Salem Church and after the service. were laid away in Salem cemetery, | Mill In Good Order. { The new flour mill at Douglas is | in running order again and the dis- | tricot can now boast of one---of the most up-to-date institutions of the! kind in the Ottawa Valley. The work of remodelling the structure, enlarg- ing the building and putting in mod- ern machinery, has been in progress since. last April The other day when the water power was turned on and the machinery started every- thing was found to be in first-class | crder and the equipment in all of the departments ran with the 'regularity of clockwork. Major-Gen. Morrison Here, Major-General E.- W, B. Morrison, master general of ordnance, Ottawa, | accompanied by Col. Houliston, dir- | ector of engineering services, arriv- ed in the city on Monday afternoon | and they are the guests of Major- | General Sir A. C. Macdonell, com- | mandant at the Royal Military col- | lege. Tuesday morning they witness- | ed the cadets at work, the senior | class ride, artillery drill, P. T. ete. | Afterwards an inspection was made of the buildings. Major-General Mor- | rison commanded a brigade in the] old first Canadian division and was | later in command of the Canadian ar- | tillery. | WHY HAVE CATARRH! So Dlgarecat' to Yourself and All ; About You. . - | Catarrh is generally conceded to | be a constitutional disease. There- | fore it requires a constitutional remedy like Hood's Sarsaparilla which reaches évery part of the sys- tem by thoroughly purifying and en- riching the blood. This medicine re- moves the cause of the trouble, which if not checked may lead to | more serious disease. | In 46 years of use and test Hood's | Sarsaparilla has relieved - many cases as told by voluntary letters of | commendation. Why not get a bot- tle to-day and give it a trial? It | combines economy and . efficiency. Keep Hood's Pills on hand as a fam- | ily cathartic. for Voiles, Linens, ~ Batistes, Cottons Do not think of LUX as a cleanser for only georgettes, chiffons, tricolettes, crepe-de-chines. The bubbly LUX lather 'means double life to anything you can wash --anything that pure water will not harm. Chiffon or linen, it's, all the same -- use Brantford Red or Green 'Slate Shingles make a handsome roof and pleasing to the. eye. They can be laid very quickly and last a long time. . They can be seen on some. of the best roofs in this district. . S. ANGLIN & CO. Woodworking Fuctury and Lumber Yards, Bay and Welltugtos Streets, RINGSTON, Ont... Office Phone 60. Factorz Phone 14.8. a a I ------ Chrysanthemums-That Hallowe'en Party What a delightful combination? We/ are showing the large varleties in quantity, sprays of Pom Poms are no less attractive: Call and let us deliver your selection, or' 661 is our phone No. You won't be disdppointed. WE STRIVE TO SERVE, A. D. HOLTON 880 PRINCESS STHKET - - - Phone, 661; Res., 2086W. while the TWEDDELL'S OVERCOATS For the best values at $20. 00, $25.00, $30.00, $35.00, $40.00 BUY YOUR OVERCOAT AT TWEDDELL'S 131 Princess St. > (One door below Randolph Hotel) Our Chief Ambition is to manufacture and sell the highest qual- ity possible in bedding, and maintain our reputation as "makers of high grade Mat- tresses" solely on the merit of our products. Our "COMFYDOWN" Mattress. is a wonder, and our "LUXURY" spiral spring is no less wonderful as a unit of comfort. We specialize in these essentials, but'we of- fer itents of special consideration in BEDS, SPRINGS, MATTRESSES, PILLOWS, COMFORTERS, BLANKETS, etc., and we cordially invite you to visit us at our Sales Room. i Kingston Mattress SALES ROOM' 186 Princess Street Phone 2283. Experts in Renovating and Company 556 Princess Street Phone 602w. Remaking, Women's Gunihetal' and Patent Leather Boots, buttoned or laced, Louis heel and. : ~ low heel; all sizes in the lot for .... $2.95 H. JENNINGS KING STREET