; 7 _THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. 2 = & TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 1990. RAILWAY HY RTT RST AGENCY FOR ALL STEAMSHIP LINES Special attention given your family or friends going to or returning from the Old Country. For information and rates apply to J.P. HANLEY, CP] ana T. A. Ontario, Q.T. Ry. Open day and night. Bone 99. Sn a NCHO R HOR-DON ALDSON © REGUAAR sriVICES MONTREAL--GLASGOW Céssanara PORTLAND--GLASGOW Dec. 9-- (Christmas Sailing) ..Saturnia Dec. 30|Feb. 18/Mar. 30 assandra Jan. 15/Mar, 11{Apr. 20 ..... ,- Saturnia N. ¥., GLASGOW, (via Moville) Nov. 13iDec. 11{Jan. 15 Columbia NEW YORK--LIVERPOOL Nov. 1 'i. Vasari ....Carmania Dec. 4lJan. 1 K. Aug. Viet! N. ¥, PLY. and CHER. Nov. 25|Jan. 4|Feb, 8 .......... Caronia N.Y,, CHERBOURG & SOUTHAMP'N | Nov. 2/Nov. 23{Dec. 14 Aquitania Dec. 9jJan. 13 Imperator N.*Y., PLY, CHER., HAMBURG Det. 9 \ Haxonia N.Y, PATRAS, DUBROVNIK AND v 1 TRIESTE Nov. 9--calling at Naples ....Pannonia N. Y,, NAPLES, PATRAS, DUBROVNIK | AND TRIESTE i _ Nov. For rates of passage, freight and fur. | Sher particulars apply to local agents or ! THE ROBERT REFORD CO., LTD. , Giemeral Agents Itana| QUEBEC TO LIVERPOOL 3|Nov. E of Britain .. Yictorian MONTREAL--LIVERFOOL 6/*Dec. 10{*Jan. 15 ,. , 80i*Dec. 24 .... Nov, 24{*Jan. 7 .... etagama MONTREAL-GLASGOW . 26[*Jan. 6 ... .s Preto MONTREAL--~HAVRE~LO rian . S4}*Jan. § s. 11jJan. 2 Montreal--Southampton--Antwerp Nov. 13{*Dec. 2 ..Scandinavian Nov. 19M Dec. Grampian *--From St. John, N. B. Apply local 8. 8. or Railway Agents or 1 KING STREET EAST TORONTO, ONT. ..Corsican GET YOUR SLEIGHS REPAIRED NOW Try one of our "Patent Bob- sleigh Couplings. It will please you. Our make of Bobs all have them, McNAMEE & SLACK The Repair Shop. Phone 1217w. 54 Queen St. | TNT ------ : REMOVAL NOTICE Robinson& Wilshire Auto Repair Shop is now located at MARTIN'S GARAGE 110 CLERGY STREET All kindy of work promptly at- tended to." - PHONE 1192w, WOOD . Sawed in Stove ' Lengths BOOTH'& CO., Foot West' Street Phone 133 || lated sugar. Kingston, | VEN trifling injuries, unless prop- erly treated, are likely to start festering and poisoned sores. Heep Zaw.-Buk always handy. It heals like magic in cuts, burns, and scalds. In sores and old wounds it cures thorough- ly by driving out poison and disease. Zam-Buk is a unique healing sub- stance derived from a scientific blend- ing and €oncentration of certyin herbal oils and essences of high/medicinal value in skin aMecNons. / Zam-Buk contains no trace of mal fat, nor of any mineral like zinc, : cury, etc., found in ordinary oint ments ined is Zam-Buk ho the anleriing Bases where 3 destroys the germs of cczema, ulceration an, shindisease. Ready for any eme Buk is the one safe, antiseptic fms you cannot sitord to be without. Cail on chemist to-day and Phat it pen- ur BUGOGOUOG00E BOO vince George BHotel TORONTO In Centre of Shopping and Business District 250 ROOMS 100 with Private Baths EUROPEAN PLAN SAM. NH. THOMP GUCUGOOOOCOG) OH --t | | ~| that "Mr. Dierks" was known to | em GROWING DEAF WITH HEAD NOISES? TRY THIS A A A A If you are growing hard of hear- | | Ing and fear Catarrhal Deafness or if | | you have roaring, rumbling, hissing | noises in your ears go to your drug- | gist and get 1 ounce of Parmint | (double strength), and add to it 1 pint of hot water and a little granu- Take 1 tablespoonful | four times a day. This will often bring quick relfef from the distressing head noises. | Clogged nostrils should open, breath- | ing become easy and the mucous | stop dropping into the throat. It is | easy to prepare, costs little and is | pleasant to take. Anyone who is | threatened with Catarrhal Deafness {or who has head noises should give { this prescription a trial. --advt. . | -- HLTA, IRC ERENORIR BE SUSPICIOUS. OF TENDER GUMS. Be suspicious of any tenderness or bleeding of the gums. This is usually the first stage of Pyorrhea--an in- sidious disease of the s that de- stroys the teeth undermines bodily health. Gradually the gums become spongy. They inflame, then shrink, thus ex- posing the unenameled tooth-base to the ravages of decay. Tiny open- ings in the gums form gateways for disease germs to enter the system. Medical science has traced many-ills to pest infecting Jes in the gums weake: y Pyorrhea. They are now known to be a fre- uent cause of indigestion, anaemia, rheumatism and other serious cod- ditions, So watch carefully for that first tenderness or bleeding of the gums. Try Forhan'#jmmediately. It posi tively prevents Pyorrhea (Riggs' Dis- ease) if used in time and used con- sistently. Prost it And in --preventin| guards against other ills. For the Gums) cleans teeth scientifically as well. Brush Maxim Batteries give Maxim Service and are Madé&in-Canada, * They are guaranteed. Also all our repairs. Try our Free Testing Service Forhan's your teeth with it, It keeps the teeth ite and clean. white If i has already set'in, inet hag Ju and ib t a dentist immediately for special treat- ment. Cholee Lamb and Veal. Please Rave your orders in early, - - a got Streets. Polo, which dates to 600 C., is about the Same played today. est outdoor {| QUICK'S Y"ESTERN MEAT MARKET | 113 CLERGY STREET? . Phone 2011. Beautiful Spy Is: Dead IZZIE LOUISE WERTHEIM, lashionable demi-mondaine, once celebrated. in the gay night life in Ber]in and later "queen of the German secret sere vice," has died in the criminal lun- atic asylum at Broadmoor, She was sentenced at the Old Bailey on Sep- 1 { Tracian | tember 20, 1915, to_ten years' penal | servitude, but after two years she lost { her mind, and during the Jast few | months had been so violent that at- | tendants were almost constantly { with her. y $y | The death of Lizzi closes another sordid chapter of the German spy | system. Her accomplice, George T. | Breeckow, alias Reginald Rowland, who asserted he was an. Amefican | citizen, was executed in the Tower | of London on October 26, 1915. : Lizzi Klitze's connection with Eng- | land -began in 1902, when she was | famous for her beauty and notorious | for her conduct. She was described | then as | with: lustrous brown eyes glowing in | a peach complexioned face and a {mass of gleaming hair." | | Lizzi came from a highly respected { famliy snd- was well, educated, but | her guiding principle during her en- | tire career was to enjoy herself. She | was "playing the game" in Berlin tn 1 1902 when she met Bruno Wertheim, | them about 23. She learned from Fim that he was the scion of a wealthy | British family whose connections in "a charming little woman Her | 'erowning: glory', was her greatest | i | Joy even up to the time of her death. England dated back about fifty years. | Lizzi's charm and wit made Wer- theim passionately devoted to her | and he brought her to England and | made her his wife, as a: result of { which he was cut off from the family fortune. The romance endured only | & year, when she began to drift back to her old life, and her demands ups ! on his purse caused a separation. The beginning of her connection spy system was' with the German never definitely fixed, but it is known that not long after the. war began | her beauty, her profession and her British citizenship by virtue of "her marriage attracted the attention of Steinhauer, head of the German spy system. In June, 1915, Rowland arrived in London. He was a slender, looking young man, who passed as a traveling salesman for a Dutch firm known as Dierks & Co. At that time | | he said he was English. | the British officials as a recruiter of | German spies attricted suspicion to | him, His first duty was to find | Lizzi and give her directions to | travel around the north of Scotland and get information on the move- | | ments of the Grand Fleet. His work {was to transmit the information she gathered. First she said she wanted to have a "good time," and the pair became marked for their extrava- gance around London. When his money gave out she left for Scotland. She was the brains of the pair and worked daringly. At one time she tried to make the acquaintance of one of the directors of the British naval policy, but was received only with amused indifference. She play- ed her part well, and in Scotland got before her wiles. mitted the information by using se- cret ink and writing between lines of regular business letters to his firm. The British secret service men be- came active when he received a re- mittance for a sum which they knew to be the salary of a spy for .a month. Then the plot in his cor- respondence was discovered. When he was confronted by detectives who said that Scotland Yard wanted to check up his passport he clearly showed his fear, a fear which never left him, and he confessed, but he 'and it was largely. owing to this fact that 'at her trial she escaped with only a prison sentence. A search of Rowland's belongings revealed her address, and the secret service men wi for her to return. She game about a fortnight later and Was arrested. She showed great fortitude and courage, and the off- clals could not draw a confession from 'her. When Rowland became aware of her capture he made a more complete confession, in which he told of his early life in Germany and America; where he said his real name was George Breeckow, He did not implicate her, but letters from him to her furnished enough evidence for her conviction, + For years Lizsl had taken drugs and the hardships of prison life goon began to wreck her constitution and distort her mind. She lived in great suffering, but always maintained her jcold dignity and admirable nerve j until she developed periodical fits of { violence. She was in the asylum | nearly three years before the end. -------- Motor - Alcohol, "Motor alcohol," a substitute for gasoline, made from molasses on the Hawalian sugar plantatiens, which | burned for the recovery of potash, is & new automobile fuel which fit is said gives more power, greater mile- age, easler starting, and more.free- dom from carbon than gasoline. Hawall has molasses: stnough avail- able to produce 9,000,000 gallons of "motor alcohol"--enough for all the automobiles on the islands. ; -------------- Canton. Canton is the chief Chinese admin- istrative and commercial city of South China. - It is situated inland from Hong Kong ninety-five miles by water and 112 miles by rail, and is located in the fertile Canton delta sountry in which converge the West, North and East rivers. trade Canton ranks th aese ports, being ex: by Shanghal and Dairen. - ADRIANOPLE. . i Anotlier Historic Happening In an Ancient City. "The. entry of Greek troops into Adrianople is an event inf secular his- tory falrly comparable to the inves- titure of Jerusalem by Allendby's army, for this Turkish city has for nearly 2,000 years been a weather vane of world politics," says'a bul- letin of the National Geographic Society. "The rebuilding of the ancient town :by Hadrian, whe gave it his name, signalized a high point in the power of the Roman Empire. The deélins of. Rome was foreshadowed some fwo centuries later when - the -Goths defeated Valens there and made their first break through the Roman frontier.. "Next Adrianople was the setting for the Turk's advent into Europe. There Murad I. established himself, planned the capture of Constanti- nople and sent out expeditions to subdue various Christian peoples. For 2 time the European capital of the Sultans, Adrianople was relegated to be the chief bulwark of Constanti- nople. - There Turk first met Slav, and there the Russiavs finally forced their way to the Black Sea by a treaty which also loosened, the Turk- ish hold on the Caucasus and com- pelled "recognition of the independ- | ence of Greece, } "Adrianople {s on the Maritze, | Hebrus of Grecian legend, wher Orpheus was dismembered by the | Traclan women, also celebrated, | under its later name, in Bulgarian | song and 'story. It is 137 miles by | rail northwest of Constantinople. | "To-day the city wears its past | glory with a sort of shabby gentility, | with no pretension of prosperity, but | less squalor than the usual Turkish | city. It possesses the grave of the | first Murad, or Amurath, who was | assassinated in his tent after he had | vanquished an army of Christian | allies on the field of Kossovo. | "A mosque bearing the name of | Sultan Balezid recalls that monarch, | whose first official act was to order | the execution of his brother, who | was the first Ottoman ruler to call | himself Sultan, whose conquests | finally were checked when he was | taken prisoner by Tamperlane. But | CS Storm Sash Don't wait until January, give us your measurements now. Allan Lumber Co. Phone 1042. Victoria Street It hes 2 new and de- a --, licious flavour, distinct nn. -- quite distinct from any other sauce you have ever had 'before. ee 1s made in England andenjoyedall over the world. ; $ 3 3 ¢ == == a= = == =m == = = ¢ = = = = == = > = £ : = . --- = == em == = --= = = » $ ~~ - FOR SALE. 27 Wellington St., brick and ston e; hot water; two bath easy to convert into 3 fats. 174 Barrie Street . Brick; Hot Water. 377 Alfred Street .... ++ Brick; Hot Water. 413 Johnsen Street .. Brick; Hot Water. 34 Alfred Street ... ew Brick; Hot Water, "S Princess Street .. ew Brick; Hot Water, 25 Wellington Street . Stone: Hot Alr. . 468 Albert Street ..... + Frame; large barns. N4%4 Collingwood Street . «Frame; no furnace. King Street .. Large store and gqwelling, Also three houses under coms truction om Edgehill street, and a buagalow om Mack Street. Buy now and have Snlshed to suit Jour taste. Insurance of all kinds. changed. Apply toi J. 0. HUTTON rooms; ---- - ~ - ------ 2%" Young Men ou Don't Get Bald Cuticura Does Much To Prevent It Viet ory Bonds bought, sold and ex- 67 CLARENCE STREET Phone 708. 2] a Ordering Suits -- TTT, MWS to-day requires the most careful con- irritation, } : . sideration. You may also require expert Dandruff, itching, scal etc., point to an unhealthy condition of the scalp, which Jeads to thin, advice as to good | Information from young men who fell | Rowland trans- | - made. every attem$t to shield Lizal | has been allowed to run to waste or | 'the architectural masterpiece | Adrianople is the Selimiek, product of a Greek tribute-boy's genius and relic of the reign of Selim fI., | Louis XV. of Turkey. 5 "Yearly the Turks would seize certain number of sons of found they had acq bridge builder. They allowed him to | follow his bent, and the Shahzadeh, | at Constantingple; the Suleiman, at Stamboul, and the third famed mosque at Adrianople, were given to posterity. The Selemich rests upon | the highest hill in Adrianople, and | four lofty minarets tower far above | = massive dome, | "Formerly Adrianople was a thriv- ing commercial city. But its foreign | trade was reduced greatly within the last fifty years by Russian penetra~ | tion into Turkey's dominion and by tariff barriers of Balkan states. It of | the x their | Chritsian subjects, and in Sinan they | uired a skilled | | | was over, and being the only diner | 1s on the railway from Belgrade and | | Sofia to Constantinople. | 'Bazaars line narrow streets, and {it has been said that these, In pre- | War days, with their' Austrian €rockery, German iron pieces, | French jewelry, British textiles and | American phonograph to do duty {as - 'barkers," contained. 'nothing | Turkish save the dirt.'- The city's | population 'is a eonglomeration of | Turks, Greeks, Jews and Armen- | laps." ee imiea-- Why Draughts Give Colds. | Many doctors have told us that chilling the surface of a body, as by | a draught or a cold douche, cannot {cause a cold or cough. Nevertheless | many persons know only too well that | they do catch cold whenever they sit |in a draught. A group of Italian | physicians has been studying this | | Apparent contradiction, and one of | | them--Dr. Goeattt--reports that the | temperature of the expired alr rises | or falls as that of the skin rises or { { falls, and does not correspond. to the | | temperature. of the As the Hood. skin is chilled the'surface blood ves- | | sels contract and the expired air be- | j comes cooler. That there must, there- | { fore, bea close nervous connection be- tween.the vessels of the skin and the | | vessels of the air in the lungs is de- | {termined by the blood in these | veasels and when these contract the {air becomes cooler. It may be that | the sudden constriction of these ves- {sels favors infection by the germs {that are always present in the throat, -------------------- The Ebullioscope. Prohibition has developed an ap- | paratus known as the ebullioscope, | which shows accurately the boiling | points of liquids and which brewers {find useful for making offhand de- | terminations of the alcoholic strength {of the brew while the product is still {in the plant. Anot instrument, { known as. the cryoscope, which works jon exactly the opposite principle, {showing the varying densities of li- |quids at the freezing point, is used |for ascertaining the quality of milk, ---------------- French Textiles. The. textile industry of France em- {ployed about 188,000 men in 1914, jof whom only eight per cent. had re- |turned by July, 1919. Last Decem- ber, however, more than 33 per cent. (were back at work, or about four Umes as meny as in July. Six times [88 many miners were at work in De- | cember as in July, and twice as in hardware and metal factories. Usually the Way of It. She: Seandalizing knows about it. Some people take i jher part and some her husband's." Mere Man: "And a few eccentric individuals mind their own busi. ness." Benevolence. "Then you have no sympathy for the deserving poor?" asked a man who was collecting for charity. "1?" replied the rich man. "Why, sir, I have nothing but sympathy for them." It is now believed that Sir Thomas White wil lhot have t oresign his seat because of aecepting the paid office of arbitrator for the govern- ment to fix the value of the Grand does not effect the independence of parilament act. - It has been decided by the Polish government to open subscriptions to the long term Polish loan. . "Everybody Trunk. Lawyers say that acceptance: of a statutory grant as in this case | | I falling hair and prémature bald- ness. Frequent shampoos with Cuticura Soap and hot water do much to prevent such & condition, especially if preceded by a gentle anointing with Cuticura Ointment to spots of dandruff and itching. S, 2 Ointment' 80¢, Sold choy: 02 % en gon : it. t. . Barat Slee Taking ¥recautions. He was lunching in a downtown restaurant after the roonday rush thought that he would have quick service. A half-hour elapsed and still no sign of food. He watched the clock and when the hands pointed to three o'clock he could stand it no longer. "Waiter," he called, "what time does this place close?" "We are open until midnight," the waiter replied. In a voice of much concern the diner then asked: | "Will you be eareful not to lock | me in?" " i ------------ Ome of the Few Things, A woman went into a New York drug store the other day and said the would like to buy a washbotler, That may sound strange, but the strangest, the almost unbelievable part of it is that the druggist ree plied: ' "lI am very sorry, madam, but J do not keep washboilers." a ---------------- INDIGESTION 'GOES, GONE! ""Pape's Diapepsin® at once fixes Your Sour; Gassy, Acid Stomach Stomach acidity causes indiges- tion! Food souring, gas, distress! Won- der what upset your stomach? Well, don't bother! The moment you eat a tablet or two of Pape's Diapepsin all the lumps of indigestion pain, the sourness, heartburn and belching of gases, due to acidity, vanish--truly wonderful! Millions of people know that it is needless to be bothered with indiges- | tion, dyspepsia or a disordered stomach. A few tablets of Pape's Diapepsin neutralize acidity and give relief at once--no waiting! Buy a bux of Pape's Diapepsin now! Don't stay miserable! Try to regulafe you stomach so you cah eat favorite foods without causing distress. The cost is so little. The benefits so great. 4 McLaughlin Motor Cars. Reliable used Cars. Sedan Tops for any make of car. Auto Tops, Slip Covers, Up- holstering. Painting and Varnishing. Vulcanizing and Tire Sectioning. t » AEE SEER the wearing qualities of certain Cloths. After 35 years in the business we claim to be able to advise in this direction, I t costs nothing to call and have a talk on Woollens with us. RAWFORD & WALSH Tailors -- Bagot and Brock Streets. OS A " Sm-------- I H - US AnH; Ty > | WHEN you can't That's when a Farmer Needs a FORDSON ; plow till it rains, and rain is late in coming -- | VanLuvenBros. Ford Sales and Service 34-38 Princess Phone 1609, Oxy-Acetylené Welding. Prest-Q-Lite and Battery Service for all makes. Storage for Cars. : General Overhauling. - Samson Trucks, Tractors, Plows and Harrows. a Open Day and Night = Blue Gar ages, Limited \