Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 2 Nov 1920, p. 2

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. : THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. : + _ TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 2 10. Tem rT a en rm » ee -- INSTALLATION AT QUEEN'S INCDENTS OF THE DY jr ------ 'of Prof. McFadyen to Chair of | Racy Local News and Items of [heim | eer e= If November and December Magazines 1 Try Chadwick's foal. ! Try the best package Tea--CHARM | : W. Swaine, plano tuner, orders at | . NOW ON SALE he o. | Sunday. : I Cosmopolitan, Good Housekeeping, Pictorial Review, Family Journal, Vanity Fair, Fashionable { t in convocation hall, in connig- | i AY" het akd : i . : ' : ' night in convocation ha annual |. The. Whig will" bulletin to-night | Ji Dress, Modern' Priscilla, Harper's Bazaar, Hearst's, Red Book. Green Book. ? : . 4 " 9 fay He an Erni Alumni [he Tesits. of the elections in ne | ' C | {ivoustion Rev A aon, Nap Pianos tuned. Phone 1544 C. wi 3 LATEST: SH EET MUSIC : / -~ IM | : Be Lindsay. Ltd. of presbytery, presided, and there' was p x . in . . a "" ; s . - The Hits from "Maid of the Mo untains. and " Jack O'Lantern" # The installation of Prof. McFad- ij | Yen to the chair of New T estament | y ; : s | | Language and Literatyre in Queen's | McAuley's or 'Phone 564 W, } 1 'ol ¥ the King | Brig.-Gen. Ross spoke at a: Navy { Theological College. by the Kingston | Léagne To le in Heltorios vy Presbytery, took place on Monday | © eeting . ! " i : it The firemen were called to a chim. | fi 2 7 large attend ce. addition | N } i NOVEMBER FUR SALE Do ase ant yin A Bo% |e fire at 106 Barrie street about | i ; jon the phattore. Principal Taylor, ln.50 Tuesday morning. No dam-|[ Avalon, Feather Your Nest, Love Nest, Hold Me, Smile Dear, Smiling Through, La Veeda, A Annousieing the Read) ustment of Fur Prices |§ | Bishop Bidwell, Rev. W. T. 'W ilkins, Lantern views of life in the West Young Man's Fancy, Irene, I'm in Heaven When I'm In My Mother's Arms, Anytime, Anyday, are if | clerk he Kingst resbytery, G. | : ' ; | clerk of the sgsion pres] Watson, | Indids Islands, by Harold Jones, in where, You Ain't Heard Nothing Yet, When Honey Sings an Old Time Song, Venetian Moon, My Isle fl } { M. Macdonnell, fee > Ova i 25 p.cC. Reduction Off 1 Prof. W. G. Jordon, Rev. Dr. Db, 'M | Gospe! Hall, Wednesday evening, § i of Golden<Dreams, So Long 00-Long, Rose of Wash ington Square, Whispering, Just Like a Gypsy, Tri i Bordon; Be ee poxekisnon, | ° oss: ao Hastion. who -under- | Poli, Pip Pip 'Toot Good Bye-ee, Alice Blue' Gown, ~My Satara Rose, Tell Me, Little Gypsy, In Ola Ken. | Lachine, 1ehec, side hed ,. tic | a N ani , : | | Tht ica ei A Ad went an operation for appendicitis | i tucky, Just Like a Rose, Danece-0-Mania, ete., etc, | Fur Piece in Stock | Prot. H. T. Wallace, Prot, W. Mor. | In the Hotel Dieu .on Wednesday | y 3 || gan, Rev. Dr. Dyde, principal of | last, is progressing favorably. 7 ) | Queen's Theological College, and After six months rental we. wil} Frof. MoFadyen. Prayer was offered | allow Toney paid in rental to apply Because we always buy early, our Raw Skins {by Prof. Morgan and Principal Tay. [on purchase of pase, cw. 'Cinele] | cost us away below the high peak reached in § [55 Tear, Jordan 3 ison" con: |W. 1. Way, Kingston, spent ser- incted the induct: » 'S visiting his ther, - Lost ngs sales. The present discount of fc 1 the induction Seremony, te nold D. Wray. and other of his old Canada's greatest daily newspaper. The College Book Store Telephone 919 ~ - Open Evenings- - i + . relerk of the Kingston preshytery, i rings our Furs In many cases lower In A Rev. w. 1. Wilkins, reading the au- | friends in Picton, : 3 th if h d f ki il | thorization for the induction from | Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Graham, rice than if they were made up Irom skins j the minutes of the General Assembly, | Kingston Mills, are guests of Mr. ' : | of Ri > at y/and Mrs. W. J. C. Bowey, a the | gy ught at to-day's prices. Compare our furs Ty ger rer, Balanivae, Doysatar of 5 | Centennial Hotel, Broouviie. ~--compare our prices. You will find our Prices ff livered the charge to Prat. Mcray. | There has been fusiaried 15. tun | p : o7 1 h | den, but' on account of illness, was |OPerating room at the are from 25 to 50% lower than out-of-town Il 3:2, buon present, and the charge | SPocial ight = donated by Mayor was dellvered by Rev. Dr. Gorden, | Nickle, W. F. Nickle and the city I ouses. . {§| The latter, in his address, extended | doctors. . The Montreal street pavement - roe, i| McKAY, FURS from the standpoint of [fs warm weicome to Toe lors 1s onireal steel 3 Sent . ij | #01, and took occasion g Gr * quality style and value, are second to none, fact that Prof. McFayden was taking | ¢itY engineering department gets a > ' 2 . . | the chair vacateq by Prof. Ernest|few odd days of fine weather the | wk All Furs marked in plain figures, | Scott who had filled the position with | work wit aad, rv tickets.) ry . ' distinction. ® refund on lottery Kets, | ! Reduced Prices are for cash only, i "We welcome you on account of | bought for the Ford car, is proceed. | : i] | the important task in connection with | iDg rapidly at the G. W. V. A. head- » AIA) f | which you hav 0 " id | Quarters, and most of the money You have-comé to us," said | JOHN = py | Dr. Gordon, "that of training men in taken In bas been paid out. ' | the ministry of the Word--the Word | _Charm Tea is economical Tea. which still, as of old, make men wise | More cups to the pound. J | unto salvation. No department in the Wiliam Black, one of the best ww . college is of greater importance an known citizens of Belleville, died | | LIMITED ! [ that in which you will serve," Sn Dundas Breaing He, way Jory ; 149-151-0157 Bro ck: ST | MePaydog on, Fomarked that Prof. Belleville as a boy. FOR WINTER'S CH ILLING BREEZES KINGSTON ONTARIO ckayden came to the college with 0} . {If | experience in teaching and preaching Howard Kelly, superintendent of in India. the Frontenac Moulding and Glass! \ i , A nme you to your task," said | WOrks, since the plint was started | ' Big range of Children's Wo ol Sweaters -- Copen, Carnation | Dr. Gordeg, "and trust that you may [in Kingston, has resigned, and has . . . 2 : | Bot only find joy in your work, bu: | been succeeded by James Davis, [ Rose and Combination colors; all S1zes, ....,..rn "le ale etarale; $4.95 up [ that there may 80 forth from these| Our range of heavy overcoats for | ¢ enric ; 50 | d b he best val in | : ' : . halls, that are now enriched with so | men an Bore $500 oy Tlie in Ladies' Wool Sweater Coats --beautiful range of newest styles, V Ii M d 1 48 many hallowed memories, men who [the hrs 0 0 iso Sr 0. % will prove themselves to be wisely in- | ns , 0 $27.50. V | : ; e 1€ oO e | structed in the things of the king. | Clothing House, Brock on and in the most popular colors S89 ss x ure lrinieie'n st njeasns $8.50 up dom, to the prais d glory of © resignation of E. Pp, - | . Compare this car with amy Light Six, similarly or more Eves 3 ee aud glory of the icks jas secretary of the. Belleville | You ought to see our elegant showing of Fancy Wool Scarfs highly priced, and be convinced of the superior value of the Prot. McFayden delivered a bril- | Chamber of Commerce has been ac- | > VELIE. / Hant address, taking occasion to ex- |ceptéd. There have been differ- | at . tot nan by antl tae, Fre aie re eran .. $1.95 a " 7 y he direc- i ~--CONTINENTAL ENGINE. { tend sincere thanks for the warm re- | ences between him and t | . ' . nbn ception extended to him by Dr. yn. | tors, Children's Wool Tams in Brushed Wool effect: rs: ~--TIMKEN AXLES AND BEARINGS. an tended ty ar Sue | oN ot 2 quality tea when you | ush ool effect; all colors; Pp ylor, mbers of the | i | at . sae aady Me pares sv nn spaiiee severe SLTSND --FOUR-BEARING CRANK SHAFT. staff, the presbytery, and y | buy Charm. : FOUR-BEARING CRANK HAF? friends. ARDY Le PPAR William Liston, infant son of Mr. ~BIJUR STARTING and LIGHTING. | 2 $5 : . ' . ' . i . - 1 , ; «(8nd Mrs, Patrick Liston, Chatham | o ORG A Sg ad I less tha, two montis, he Jolt thas be 20d Wis. Pacrivk" Linon, Chatham | Children's and Misses Three piece sets, including Scarfs, Mitts, | \ Other details to corres nd, country, so warm had his welcome | the funeral took place on Monday | . ; b po boon ade, He regaraad 1 ay oS | tm aie Seok Bisce on Mona Tam or Toque; all Colors............. vv suis i $3.50 per set up fig", honor, indeed, to be selgeted to | 103 to St. mua. a Children's Pullover Sweaters--button on the shoulder -- a] KENDRICK & VANLUVEN colone' at Queensc" © d1°UEuished | Tho proceeds of the GW. DISTRIBUTORS Prof. McFayden gave his address |COmmittee in charge expected a Sizes in white, grey, navy, red PA sede Isuvenvia. ve $2.50 up : . over to th ti { S much larger amount but many who | § oy . . : Phones 1888 and 81. fe study oh ew Ho sslons ad [had promos tempt tags were un- Ladies Spencers--all Pure wool in white, rose, turquoise, was listened to with keen interest |able to do so. { throughout. He relforien at oro The meeting of the Portsmouth mauve .....,. i. St eae teeta tn Sua "ty. $3.50 each length -to some phases of his work | Sthoal Board, called for Monday Ww. h . : pointed ont, io, New Testament, he evening, did Got take place bevausy || armth producing Underwear for all the family, pointed out, was a missionary book. | there was mo quorum. Those pre- 5 . A person engaged on the Mission | sent were F. Nicholson" (chairman), i . pi v|and Messrs. Johnston and Graham. Pictorial Quarterly for winter , _ sis oie al 1s iateleiniereretererare: 25€ ---------- $4,500--Colborne Street -- 8 y , wi Regidpolis Alumni Society. rooms; B. and C.; electricity, nessed his death and his resurrection. The Regiopolis College Alumni 4 two lots. The new testament presented some | Society has been formed with these hard thinking and deep theology, officers: Honorary president, Arch- 4 a, vi Albert hh TT bricks | TEA The service closed with the bene- | bishop Spratt: president, Rey. : he oh : Oe Q Pu or | diction pronounced by pr. Dyde, Father James Nicholson; vice-pre- ¢ 2 : Sat gs iar oo Rom; 500 lbs., regular 50c. At the theological conference on |sident, Dr. "Quigley; -secretary-trea- $36 ion May 1st. Renta Monday afternoon, Prof. McNeil, of | surer, Dr. Kane; " special .com- |! 35¢. 1b. Queen's University, spoke on the sub- mittee, Dr. E. Crowley, S. J. Martin ¢ i! $3000-- Aberdeen Street -- ¢ i | Ject, "Religious Toleration--An His. and Earl Kane, . ' rooms; furnace; el , [ torical Sketch," €¢ 9" ms; furnace; electricity, | SUGAR On Feaw' woraing, the ore. The Always Busy Store 85,500--Frontenac Bt.~-brick; gramme included an address on 7 rooms; hardwood floors; 1000 lbs . 17¢ 1b " Matai T To Cure a Cold in One Day. furnace; elect? i pr TU i pollo, Thor Jehovah," by Rev: N. Take GROVE'S L. B. Q. tablets urnace; electricity. M. Leckie, Kirkwall; an address on Lane GR Quinine * tablets) $0800--Rideau street; frame: - BUTTER David, the Significance of Hig | (LaZative romo Quinine tablets). four tenaments; and 7 Work," by Rev. A J. Wilson, Nap-| Ask for GROVE'S L. B. Q. tablets. f00ms; W, C. Rented $756, Finest Credmery anee, and an address from Canon Ww. lok ore W.'GROVE'S signature 5 F. Fitzgerald on "The Bible In Edu- . : . ARN FARMS FOR SALE cation," with a discussion Jeg by a me------ A MARRIAGE EVENT. | Rev. J. 8. La Flair an ~ W.T. GQ. 4 Baral: S r and Rev. W, T. Gg 2 During the pr : on Sunday A Chaffey's Locks Girl Married to a $5000~buyg a new, solid brick d welling on Bagot street, with 3 } Th f in aya oore's house a ens was Montrealer. rooms; furnace; E. light; three piece bath; possession at > conference will continué Wed- struck by lightning and Miss Lucy Chatfey's Locks Oot. 28. The once. ' nesday and Thursday, with corning, | suffered quite a severe shock. 4 ' lar young $6000--Buys a semi-detached atone dwelling, with hot water heat. ov : | evening sessions, and| Mie azel Yates, Athens, has Nodding of Dy Jur_yopy Rn, . jugs ahi; three piece' bath, Possession at once: io ' es, Miss RI ne, of. 100--buys a solid brick il ; . Eeal Netate and Insurance Salon on Friday. Dele | gone to teach in a school near Bed- daughter of Mr. and Mrs, WB With atile; furmere dN 11 gh inion treal Strest; 8 rooms " king lunch and tea to é- i Ps st. oreas [I i CASH ANDSARRY #i5 ther each day at oy ee ford Mills. Fleming, and Mark Hazleton Kieran, $8000---buyg that desirable dwelling on corner of William and Wel. Brock Phone 820 ALFRED a i 3 at 1.15 and 6.18 Hed * Montreal, was solemnized at 330 a. Poeinkton streets; 8 rooms; hot water heating; two fireplaces. .m. Nn m., Monday, in St. Columbanius TO RENT Ww brie, 3 ' y } k bungalow Chath street, ---- church, Elgin, by Rev. M, O Hanlan, rooms: Pe nmrie E. light; bath i oud ih 8 2 Miss Elsie Michaels assisted the bridéd . Possession at once. €71i bath room and nardwooa Roos, BiG STORM ON LAKE / ? : while James Kieran, brotlier of tho VESSELS IN SHELTER | | | groom, atfonded the groom. The : - Lo ey iH LR bride walked with er father by E. WwW. M The Steamer City of Ottawa | [I a J de. she was given In marriage, . & SON eared fl The bride and bridesmaid were gown- . ol But Had to | in silk embroidered navy velvour Nitguios Jat Piudens, Buyers and Sellers of Real Estate, Return, ) tan ' cloth .and French hat of taupe chii- 30w 3. JOHNSTON ang DIVISION STREETS, | ' | fon velvet, and carried arm bouquets { Ose of the Jorst gales of the ff of English roses tied with white rib- foason is raging on Lake Ontarto ll Son. After the ceremony, the wedd- roday, and vessels have been com. be [ing party, the Immediate relatives, | pu . o _--- pelled to seek shelter. | as wo op A to the bride's home where a -- - The steamer City of Ottawa clear- | [f sumptuous breakfast was waiting for ed for the west on Tuesday morning, | i 4 | them. Baskets and vases of all at 6 o'clock, but when one hour out, | |i % ™ kinds of beautiful flowers lent their em Ir found' the wind so strong she was | if charm to the adornment of the vari- a a Qe compelled to put back into Kingston | . THY || ous rooms of the home and every Va for shelter. available window held white cosmas The steamer Arabian cleared for | ff . | §| and asparagus ferns. Favors for the 2 Montreal, and was the only vessel to | [i || guests were pleceg of 'the ornate bri- get away, i fl! dal cake tied with white ribbon. a - The steamer Wolfe Islander had a | ! Mr. and Mrs. Kieran left on the . very rough time on her first trip afternoon train for Ottawa and other i | over to the city on Tuesday morning. | eastern points, on their return they 's hy will reside in Montreal. . Ry . - Steamer Glen Allan Ashore, : . : : wearing two different pairs of = | word was received here that the [ff WHERE IS THE BEST PLACE mo. Jail ducks are beginning to W. 's Black Kid Bals--b buck Gl one for dis ce and an- {Steamer Glen Allan, bound trom [ff TO BUY YOUR FURS ? fl | come, and the hunters are making omen 8 Dlac 1 als--brown buc asses--o ] tan n | Lake Superior ports to Montreal, Hi | ready to capture them. Miss E. Smith ¢ : ilit d I . h 1 z d 1 . other for reading ? If so, try a pair | With ag 000 bushels of wheat, ran [fll The only way to answer the if » Lhe Juest 2 Si io lia Kes- | Ops; military and louis hee $; good- ooking Sa. vu 7 | aground at Farran's Point e 8 s Il . ressing fav. : : : : of the invisible bifocals and you "ll Ogdensburg. * Polt, cast of ll question is to Took vung tor | fable with Miss M. A. Curran, Port Shoes and Shoes that will give satisfactory hth | - A claim: -- ope, as teacher, i i will wonder how you ever got : Foun: We ol Eo mug har. hia locality wel- wear. All sizes, Special . . . .... . $4.75 al with t th P £ t vi i Hallowe'en Party. ~----Biggest Stock. comed the fine rain of Tuesday last, | §i ' - ' ong ou em. eriec h4 ad 4 A very: enjoyable time was spent | Ji $i + So they can finish their fan plough- sion' for all distances in one lens-- at the home of Mr. ard Mrs. F. W. --Biggest Variety. ing. There is a large staff of men [Jf » : alae dl Slayton, 86eNelson street, on Satur, Store: at work here building a new concrete teve . artin that's the idea. Consult: {day evening, when their 'aaughier --Biggest bywash, which will improve to : : : : . Full, Sertained a Bumber of her (lf «Best Values, Doauty ] the pl stoundings. or f "Sho fM 2 d Dist; ep ; . 'nds at a masquerade ty. The am n is the guest of Dr, : " Distinctio : rooms were prettily fond and err. Mr. and Mrs, James | ocs 0 ent an n blended beautifully with the ecos- Lansdowne, Mrs, ps - : tumes worn by the guests for the of M; . WL . - occasion. ' Games ang dancing were |} . - -- worn: ---- . e U)s . indulged in, and after supper being hh wy v - A vy served prizes were awarded to the | with a painful Be guessing and pea-nut | | ! while pulling a gun out of { . At the Brockville General Hospl- | resided in that village. , Her maid - 392 King Street. P hone 1019w. ; 'Jj contests. _The evening ended with | - The gun went off the shot | tal on Saturday night the death oc- name was Miss Mary Ann Marsha) $08 : vi the singing of the National Anthem. | || BOE through the hand. He is getting | curred of Mrs. George D. Shaver, Charles Yates has disposed of his { ' : All thanked the hostess for the en- on as well as can be expected, put Lyn. The late Mrs. Shaver was born | farm in the vicinity of Sheldon's Joyable time spent. " gl! will be laid np for some days. _ lat Lyn Seventy years ago and always Corners. . ' Abs FRR AT »

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