Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 2 Nov 1920, p. 1

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] i Fr OUR NEW FALL HATS Have Arrived. Colliers Toggery s RE EN AS ST @ YEAR 87: NO. 268. A The Daily British Whig KINGSTON, ONTARIO. TUESDAY, VOTERS OF THE UNITED STATES ARE CASTING THEIR BALLOTS: Choosing a Successor to President Woodrow Wilson--A Big Fight For the Control of the Next Congress Ts Also Being Waged. New York, Nov. 2.--Men 'and, wo- men voters of the United States went to the polls to-day to select a new resident for four years, beginning arch 4th next. Before to-morrow morning, it is probable it will be known whether Warren G. Harding, . republican, or James M. Cox, demo- crat, has been elected to succeed Woodrow Wilson, for it is generally agreed that, barring a miracle, none 'of the,other five candidates has a chance. The choice, it is estimated, will be registered by a record vote of between twenty and thirty million persons, many of whom are women who have been enfranchiged since the last presidential election, and are voting to-day for the first time. Second only in interest to the con test for the presidency is the fight between the two major parties for control of the next congress. Thirty: four senators, thirty-two to fill seats now held by seventeen democrats and fifteen. .republicans, and two to fll unexpired terms caused by the death of Alabama and Virginia democratic senators, are being chosen, 4s well as an entire new house of represen- tatives composed of 435 members. 5 Ten States Doubtful. ? New York, Nov. 2.--In all of th forecasts that have been made of the presidential campaign, ten "states, with a total of 87 electoral votes, . have been placed in the doubtful eolumn. They are New Hampshire, with 4 votes; Connecticut, 7; Cali- fornia, 13; Indiana, 15; Montana, 4; Maryland, 8; Missouri, 18; Utah, 4; Colorado, 6; and West Virginia with » Within a few hours of the time that the voters will cast their ballots, careful, non-partisan survey has n made of the situation in each of these states classified as. doubt- ful. Four of them: Utah; Maryland, Montana 'and New Hampshire re- n an enigma. No man can fore- 1 what the result will be. In the remaining. six states, Con- fiecticut, California, Indiana, Mis- souri, Colorado and West Virginia, according to these. reports, Senator Harding has made gains, and it is believed that he will carry them, al- though in Missouri the leaders all attach an "if" to their statements o! possible republican success, thai SS "EDUCATION NOT ALL. IN. LIFE Toronto, Nov, 2. -- "Don't maké too much of education. It can become a fetish and _ crush the one who 'has' striven to attain it. The development of the physical and mental is in itself incomplete." Thus spoke General Bram- well Booth to the group of newspaper men and women who had come to intervidw him in the army headquarters on Albert street. by Ottawa Board of Health - Urges Vaccination "Ottawa, Nov. 2.--That of the 111 s of smallpox reported to the department since October 1st there pot a single case in which the pationt had been vaccinated during @ past seven years, was one of the utstanding statements made at a eoting of the Ottawa Board of ealth. . The board members again phasized the importance of vac- nation, and authorized Dr. Lomer, ead of the department, to appoint #ix or eight physicians throughout different parts of the city so that there will be easy facilities for vac- cination. PAY FOR BENTON'S DEATH. Mexico Gives Sum in Cash, and Daily Pension to Wife, 'Washington, Nov. 2.--(Qreat Bri- tain has agreed to a settlement of _ the claim against Mexico growing out of the killing of William 8. Ben- ton, a British subject, near Juarez, on Feb, 17th, 1914. Mexico is to pay $10,000 cash to Mrs. Benton and a pension of $2.50 a day as long as Mrs. Benton remains unmarried. "if" being Senator Selden B. Spen- cer's chances of re-election. President Wilson Confident. Washington, Nov. 2. -- President Wilson, it was learned to-day, is confident that the electorate will ré- turn a verdict in favor of the League of Nations in the election to-day. Those who have talked with him say that he is extremely confident that the next senate will ratify the League of Nations, and that his fight for the League will be justified in the so- called referendum, Advocates of a League of Nations among the republicans foresee the possibility of the, election of a sen- ate which might be very close, or even democratic. Such a :develop- ment, with many republicans in- sisting upon_ghe United States en- tering the league, it is pointed out, might bring about a situation in the next senate favorable to the league. Many republicans have been hope- ful because of the attitude of such men as Root, Wickersham, Taft and others that, insthe event of Hard- ing's election, there would be a movement that would compel the Senate to ratify the treaty along modifications suggested by Root and Lodge, First Place to Report. Boston, Nov. 2.--New Ashford in Berkshire county was the first Mas- sachusetts town to report its vote for president today. The tabulation was completed at 7.30 this morning and resulted as follows: Harding and Coolidge, republican, 28; Cox and Roosevelt, democrats, 6. At the last election the town gave the republi- catig' 16 votes and thé democrats 7. Another For Harding. Topeka, Kas., Nov. 2.--Incomplete returns from four precincts out of thirty-six in Topeka at eleven o'clock gave Harding 109, Cox 99. Under the double election system, the count be- gan at ten o'clock. Under this sys- tem, boxes may be closed at certain hours and new ones substituted. Overwhelming For Harding. * Boston, Nov. 2.--Norwell, a town n Plymouth county, voted as fol- ows: For president, Cox, 48, Hard- ng 409. ' * HAMILTON MAN . + SUDDENLY RICH Hamilton, Nov. 2.--Into his room in one of the local hotels here came a message that has taused Robert A. MacDonald, an employee of a local jam fac- tory to sever his connections with work for a period of time which he terms "forever." He has been established as the nearest relative of a deceased broker in Springfield, Illinois, and sole heir to an estate of $276,000 left by him. Two Minutes' Silence On Armistice Day London, Nov. 2.--Premier Lloyd George in the House of Commons yesterday stated that a two-minute silence on Armistice day, November 11th, in-memory of the great dead, would be observed as far as possible throughout' the united kingdom and the empire. At the burial on Armistice day in Westminster abbey of the unknown British soldier the coffin would bear the inscription: "An unksgfwn wur- rior", and so would be representative of all the fighting services in the great war. . ---------------------- Winnipeg Ex-Postmaster Dies. Winnipeg, Nov. 2---P. C:. Mcln- tyre, postmaster of Winnipeg for many years, died on Saturday after a lengthy illness. He wag' born at Baldersom, Ont. sixty six years ago. He came to. Winnipeg in 1880, and was a member of the Manitoba Leg- jelature for several sessions, sitting for North Winnipeg. Mr. Mcintyre {s survived 'by his mother, ninety-five years old, his widow, and several brothers and sisters. Gan. Ross Has Confidence in Commission * Looking Into Penitentiary Conditions "1 have complete confidence in the outcome of the investigation into penitentiary affairs now being car- ried on by this new commission, be- tause I believe the personnel is good." = This was the statement of Brig.- Gen. A. E. Ross, M.P.P., when inter- . yiewed on Tuesday regarding the powers and scope outlined in the let- ter of appointment that was pub- lished in Monday's Whig. - Asked whether he would appear before the commission or submit any representations upon any phase, of prison management, Gen. Ross said that he did- not think this course ; Low necessary. "What we all want," said Gen. Ross, "is to get rid absolutely of this antiquated sys- _traa-giat has heen carried ont in our fafiad.an penitentiaries from time i eworial. It will not do in this ¢ dightened sge. My views are well newn to the commission, and" 1 watch closely the davelopments, aris- tng out of its deliberations." = in an interviav- puhlishtd some' months ago, Gen. Ross was very se- vere in his condemnation of the hos- pital management, and the discipli- nary measures employed in dealing with both officers and convicts. He succeeded in securing the appoint- ment of Col. O. M. Biggar to hear the complaints of several guards that they were wrongfully dismissed. The resuit- of * th*® hearing, which took place last week, has not yet been of- ficially announced, although a report was issued stating .that the action of the warden in causing their re- tirement was confirmed. Official notification is awaited with interest. Thére is one case in which a taxi driver is involved that has not yet been heard. > During the past few days, a num- bor: of guards have tendered their resignations because of dissatisfac- tion over their treatment, and mem- bers di the :Dominion Mounted Po- lice have been pressed iiito service to keep up the police strength pend- ing the appointment of permanent guards. pion) REFUGEES FLEE BEFORE REDS Constantinople, Nov. 2. y thousand refugees flee- before the advance of .the Russian Bolsheviki in northern Crimea are attempting to find ships to bring them to this city. Allied representatives here, however, have .advised Sebasto- pol 'that there is no room in Constantinople for them. U.S. ELECTIONS LACK INTEREST IN CANADA The Lack of Strong Person= aly in the Contest or President. Toronto, Nov. 2.--From gossip round 'change, clubs, street corners and wherever men and women do congregate, it would appear that the Canadian public is a trifle apa- thetic about the great quadrennial contes{ fought out to-day across the international boundary line. The lack of an outstanding personality, the lack, perhaps, too, of a Very de- tihite issue readily comprehensible to the Canadian viewpoint, have re- sulted in notably less interest tian that displayed four years ago, when the great issue seemed to be whether or not the United States was' to enter the war on behalf of the Allies. There is also lacking the pungent, universal appeal of such a rugged, courageous personality as that of Theodore Roosevelt, who did so much to enliven the Canadian imag- ination immediately preceding the presidential campaigns. The two candidates who hold the centre of the stage to-day, honest and well 9 . |meaning as they are, lack the per- sonal authority of Wilson, Roose- velt or McKinley, and the campaign they have waged has in itself by its very nature tended to obscure for the Canadian onlooker whatever clear- cut issue there may be. BRITAIN IS 'ASKED TO VOICE DISAPPROVAL Of Generals Coptinuing Hos= tilities Against Concluding Peace With Poland. London, Nov. 2.--Assurances have been asked of Great Britain by the Russian Soviet authorities that she will not countenance the military ac- tivities of Generals Balakovitch and Petlura and the Soviet commanders, who continued hostilities against the Bolgheviki conclusion of peace with Poland. The request came through Gregory Krassin, Soviet representa- tive in London, who yesterday hand- ed a note to the British government Ag that ite the Polish oad day fi lish erals were continuing warfare, the note alleged, with the assistance of the allied powers. The note asked that Great Britain make it plain that she would not give her approval to these forces in continuing bloodshed. WILSON BLAMED FOR DECEIVING GERMANY Former German Minister Says U.S. Failure Makes Treaty Laughing Stock. Berlin, Nov. 2, ---- Dr. Eugene Schiffer, former minister of justice, speaking in the reichstag, Saturday, against the Versallles treaty, said that the German people had been deceived into laying down their arms , by President Wilson, whose failure to stand by the fourteen points, he declarei, made the treaty a laughing stock and mockery of the world. Under the covering note, the Germans, sald Dr. Schiffer, had not only the moral, but documentary right to demand revisions of the treaty. "The treaty itself," said the for- mer minister, "is a crime against the German nation and the whole world." The attack met "with apparent ap- proval from all sections. SIX MONTHS IN PRISON AND DEPORTATION The Sentence Imposed Upon the "Mystery Man" in London. London, Nov. 2.--8ix months at hard labor and deportation there- after was the sentence imposed in Bow street police court to-day upon Erki Weltheim, the "mystery man," who was arraigned in this court, a week ago, charged by the govern- ment as an intermediary between members of revolutionary circles in Great Britain and the Russian revo- Jutionists. Neither the name nor the nationality of the prisoner was known at the time of his arraign- ment. When the "mystery man' was first arraigned, he declined to answer questions and was remanded for a week. - Only 200 Inhabitants Left in Nome, Alaska .. Seattle, Wash.,, Nov." 2.--Nome, Alaska, which during the gold rush twenty years ago had a population estimated at fifteen thousand, was jeft with but two hundred inhabit- last boat of the season, sailed from there, according to passengers who were here today. The Victoria Alaska, 350 of whom were from Nome, Many of these declared they would not return. * Chocolate and Cocoa Down. " Montreal, Nov. ?.--Cocoa and chocolate have followed eoffee "and tea in their downward: trend it { was announced this morning that lo- cal manufacturers have - reduced their prices from seven to four cents a pound. e twh gen- | ants when the steamer Victoria, the brought over 500 passengers from | LIQUOR SHIPS - "ARE CAPTURED Key West And Key Bel, (Canadian Vessels, Held By US. Washington, Nov. 2.--Details of the seizure of Canadian ships by American authorities for alleged violation of the prohibitory laws have not been communicated to the federal treasury here, although in- formation has - peen received that numerous small water craft, mainly motorboats and yachts, have been held up by the customs and prohibi- tion agents at American ports - of entry from Canada. It was officially said at the office that the American government is entirely within its rights Tn taking drastic -measures to stop the flow of contraband lyuor into the United States, from Canada. Specific instructions have been sent to all collectors of customs on the border to rigidly insist upon masters of all vessels submitting to search by federal officials, and heavy penalties are provided against the ship captains in the event liquors were found other than those proper- ly included in the ship's manifest. Ships carrying liquors to Ameri- can ports are not disturbed if a showing can be made that the ship- ment is for medicinal purposes or a proper permit guaranteeing its entry is exhibited. In the event that contraband liquors are found, or in fact any of the cargo fails to be listed on the ship's manifest, the master of the vessel is liable to a fine'equal to the value of the materials. "We are not seizing any large trade vessels for liquor running, said one official of the customs ser- vice, "but collectors at Buffalo and other ports have seized a number of motor-boats and other small craft under five tons engaged in running the blockade. The treasury instruc- tions to all-collectors is to libel all vessels which are ostensibly en- gaged in this traffic. The libel pro- ceedings result in the vessels being turned over to the government and hthey are sold after the liquor is seized. Key West and Key Bell. Ottawa, Nov. 2.--The names of the vessels reported held by United States authorities on liquor running charges jmelude fe Key Avent and Bell, owned eystone Trans station ov. Nutro, and the idalton, of Torontuv: ' To Merge Returned Soldier Activities various branches dealing with <pen- sions, soldiers settlement, soldiers in- surance and other matters of direct interest to the returned men in one departmént, probably to be known as the department of ex-soldiers is said to be in contemplation at Ottawa. The department of soldiers civil re- 'establishment, while still spending a lot of money on administration, is gradually going out of business and its activities will shortly be confined tothe care of incurables. - In the meantime the pensions, soldiers set- tlement and insurance branches are being run pretty well as séparate and individual organizations. Sir James Lougheed, minister of {nterior, is still nominally head of re- establishment. It is now anticipated that a new department will be form- ed embracing all of the activities connected with the returned men. Bull Frogs Declare Winter Will be Mild New York, Nov. 2.--It's going to be a mild winter. The bull frogs say so, according to Peter Zellus, of Sta- ten Island. "The bull frogs in the pond near my home make the night melodious with their croakings and their dulcet notes.," Zellus said. "If the winter were to be severe they would be im- bedded in the mud at the latter part of September, and would not croak again until spring." Eastern Tariff Hearings. Ottawa, Nov. 2.--Sir Henry Dray- ton, minister of finance, and Sena- tor Robertson, minister of labor, left Ottawa last night for Charlotte- town, P.E.L, where they will open the eastern hearings of the Tani Commission. mg ------ yg © MAGISTRATE MIERS ot AT aact. who dropped dead in To- ronto last 2 -- Ottawa, Nov. 2.--The merging of. NOVEMBER 2, 1920. {BELIEVES MIXED MARRIAGES VALI Montreal \ Justice Reserves Judgment in Appeal for Apnuiment. -- Montreal, Nov. 2.--Without mak- ing a definite pronouncement on the issue raised before him late this af- ternoon in the Superior Court by the petition of a Protestant woman ask- ing for annulment of her marriage to a Roman Catholic on the main ground that the ceremony, having been performed by a Protestant min= ister, was not_valid, Justice Bruneau declared from the bench that it was his opinion--especially in the light of a stated opinion on the question by the Supreme Court of Canada-- that "mixed" marriages were civilly legal when performed by a competent Protestant minister. . A The petitioner was Lillian Mary Gillespie, who asked that her mar- riage to Phileas Adelaird, alias Dol- ard Decarie, be pronounced void by the court. The pair were married in 1910 by the Rev. Stewart Oxley, min- ister of Westminster Presbyterian Church, Westmount. Petitioner produced an edict of Archbishop Bruchesi declaring that in the eyes of the Church the mar- riage was null and invalid, "'thé'Ca- tholic Church not recognizing the validity of a marriage contracted by two Catholics, or one Catholic or one Protestant, in the presence of a min- ister who is a non-Catholic." This do- cument is dated February 8th, 1920. ASKS SUPREME COURT TO HAVE CHURCH RAZED Windsor Real - Estate Man | Contends Property Was For Dwellings Only. Windsor, Nov. 2.--Leo Page, a real estate man, has appealed to the sup- reme court in an attempt to have St. George's Memorial Anglican Mission at Niagara street and Moy avenue razed. The case has already been heard twice, once at the county assizes, when Justice Kelly ordeged the build- ing torn down, and a segond time at Osgoode Hall, Toronto, where Jus- tice Kelly's decision was reversed. Mr. Page, who was one of the own- ers of the subdivision when it was | first platted, contends that the pro- | perty on which the church is built is restricted to dwellings only, When the case was appealed to Osgoode Hall a verdict was given in favor of the church, on the ground that Mr. Page no longer owned property in the subdivision, and therefore was not interested. Officials of the parish declare that they will take the case to the privy council in England if necessary. Where Are ns bed Paris? Berlin, Nov. 2~--Where are the long-range German , guns which startled the world one day in 1918 by dropping shells into Paris from a distance of 756 miles? This is a ques- tion which the Inter-allied commis- sion for the disarmament of Ger- many would like to have answcred. Not a trace of these long tubes or of the drawings for their construction is reported to have been found. The gups and everything connected with them have disappeared as myster- jously as they appeared. It is believ- ed they were blown up, but the blue- prints and plans have been hidden where none will find them. CANADIAN WHEAT FOR UNITED STATES President Wilson Inaugurates Enquiry When Asked for An Embargo. Washington, Nov. 2.--Imports of Canadian wheat and flour during the first fifteen days of October were greatef than in any corresponding perjod 'in the past seven years, the Vederal Trade Commission says in a report to President Wilson. The re- port was based on an investigation ordered by President Wilson after he had beep asked by. the Chicago Board of Trade to placé an embargd on wheat imports from Canada. The commission found that 4,950,- 000 bushels ofjCanadian wheat and 65,946 barrels of Canadian were shipped into the United States during the first fifteen days of last month. This was more than three times as large as the shipments in any October in the past eleven years, :according to the report. -------------- ESPERANTO THE VICTOR 1 American Schooner Defeats Cana- dian Vessel on Monday. Halifax, N.S., Nov. 2.--Esperan- to, of Gloucester, Mass. Captain Marty Welsh, of Digby, N.8., yester- day won the concluding contest of the first series pf races for the blue ribbon of the fishing fleets of the North Atlantic. Unlike Saturday's race, Monday's contest was a nip and tuck struggle throughout, 'with the Canadian in the lead most of the way around. Delawanna ran away from Esperan- to in the light airs, but proved in- ferfor when the wind freshened, «Jack the Clipper" Robs P Girls of Red Locks' Philadelphia, Nov. 2.--The police are searching the city for a myster- fous "Jack the Clipper," who has a penchant for red hair. * He hus been driving around the city in a motor car looking for girls with Titian locks. When he sees-one he jumps from his car, clips off her hair with a pair of shears, and then makes his escape in his machine. --r---------- : Four Days A Week. Hamilton, Nov. 2.--The John Me- Pherson Shoe Company announced yesterday that, while it would not reduce its employees' wages civing to the market becoming stocked, it would be obliged to put the men on flour |. o/A CENTRAL MILK DEPOT ESTABLISHED IN » A ---- 3 9 Collier's Toggery The Only Store Where You can buy PR. HAWKINS INVISIBLE BELTS 70 BE KINGSTON The Producers And Dealers To Seek the Aid of the Board of Health--The Present Marketing Conditions / [ of Milk Are Very Unsatisfactory. GZ At a joint meeting of the King- ston and district milk producers and city dealers héld on Monday evening, it was decided to take im- mediate action toward the establish- ment of a central milk depot and pasteurizing plant in the city. Al strong committee was appointed to | deal with the matter, and the first step will be to wait upon the city board of health to ascertain whether the scheme will be given the re- quired support in the form of amendments to the milk by-laws, without which the enterprise cannot be carried to a successful issue. The members of the committee are ; James Baxter, James Henderson, Colin Rogers and A. Murton, repre: senting the | producers, and Levi Robinson, Ray Baker, Gordon Clitfe, representing the dealers. The whole situation regarding the marketing of milk in Kingston was discussed, and it was apparent it is most unsatisfactory from every viewpoint. There are thirty milk dealers, only two of whom pasteur- ize, their milk, and their equipment is able to take care of but a very small quantity of the milk. coming into the city. During the fall and winter months, when the supply is limited, the dealers can distribute all of their milk wthout loss, but during the spring and summer months, they are unable to do so, with the result that the surplus, that ought to be a source of profit, is a-loss to both the producer and the dealer. ---- Nothing Would be Lost, A central milk depot that will take care of all surplus is urgently needed. Such a plant will pasteur- ize all milk consumed in the city, and the balance can be separated and the cream sold to ice cream stores or made into butter and the skim milk utilized in several ways. Nothing would be lost. The other advantages are purer and higher quality of milk sold, the elimination of much overlapping in delivery and stability of prices. It is estimated that thousands of dol- lars are lost by producers and deal- ers in Kingston annually owing to the lack of proper facilities for hand- ling all milk produced, to say nothing of the losses due to compe- tition and price cutting by many producers during the months of highest production, when many do not really know how to dispose of 'their milk because it is a drug on the market. The only solution is to be found in the erection of a suit- able plant that will take care of all that can be produced within the dis- trict. All are fully aware of the disadvantages under which their business is now carried on, and will welcome any support given to them by the city board of health to place it upon a more business-like basis. re Contract Difficulty. One of the difficulties met by the FARMERS AVERAGE y $2.50 FOR WHEAT Final Dividend on Participa- tion Certificates to be 18 Cents Bushel. Winnipeg, Nov. 2.--Realizing that producers are anxious to know, as early as possible, the full value of their participation certificates, the Canadian Wheat Board announced it had made a careful audit of its accounts up to a recent date. The result indicates that it can pay on the final dividend 18 cents, making a total of 48 cents. This will make the prices basis, No. 1 northern, in store Fort William, $2.63, or an average price throughout the year at points of shipment in Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Atberia, of $2.50 per bushel. . The board has already distributed, on the interim dividend, about $38,- 000,000, and payment of the balanca of approximately $28,000,000 will, it is hoped, be commenced about the middle of November and completed before the end of the year. Over $60,000,000 of the foregoing will be distributed among the producers in the three prairie provinces, the bal- ance in eastern Canada and British Columbia. The interim payment was 30 cents per bushel, but at thé time interim payments were commenced, General Side of Liquor Is To Be Siopped Montreal, Nov. 2.--Armed with all the authority possible to give them and with most minute Instrue- tions, fifteen new inspectors start: ed out yesterday to take up their posts in the fifteen licensed vendors' shops in Montreal. This means that trom now on it will be impossible for anyone tp purchase a bottle of liquor in any of these stores without a doc- tor's . prescription if the new inspec- tors carry out their dutles, and it is the opimion of J .W. Lewls, chiet inspector, that they will. Hereto- fore it was possible for a resident of Ontarie or any other place outside the province to get anywhere from one bottle to a case from any of the vendors on the mere declaration that the stuff was for his own use and was to be taken outside the province Mr. Murphy has given a ruling against this. practice and from now on the hordes of visitors who have only four days a week. been wont to get a supply in for con producers in the disposal of thelr milk 'is in forming contracts. The dealer has a certain number of cus- tomers and is in a position to form a definite contract for a stipulated quantity daily. Anything over that quantity is regarded as surplus, and subject to a cut in the price, be- cause the producer is under obliga= tion to thé dealer for taking it off - his hands. Under such circums stances, the satisfactory disposal of the surplus is the all important con= sideration, and the real basis of the contract, and the dealer who under takes to accept delivery is frequents ly a heavy loser, because of his lack of proper facilities for handling it, some even being forced to pour it into the draims. The present system fis bad, considy ering the universal demand for dairy products, the prevailing high prices of butter and cream, and the quantities of ice cream imported in to the city from outside points. The dairymen recognize that. they have not developed the home market as they should have done or given to their industry the permanent char- acter it deserves. The chief cause of this has been lack of co-opera+ tion, each man looking out for him< self and often being: forced to res duce prices to secure a coveted contract. Often' contracts have changed hands two or three times in one season, owing to inability te maintain uniformity as to quality or price cutting on the part of some= one. An article liable to such" a rapid deterioration as milk cannot be subject to market conditions of that sort and the dealer must accept his losses or the people be content with inferior milk. in. The Remedy, The only remedy is to be found in the course now proposed. It will relieve the producers and dealers of all anxiety, maintain a uniform price and secure to people a more wholesome quality of milk by elimi- nating it as a disease carrier. With regard to prices, it might fairly be said that the consumers are not like- ly to be called upon to pay higher prices. substantial drop. in the price of cows, promising heifers at recent sales selling at $656 that a year ago brought as high as $100. In fact there is very little demand at the present time, and dairymen are looking for further reductions in values of milk cows. The wonder is that during! the period when the prices of dairy cattle soared, the people were not called upon to pay much higher than they did for milk. Dairymen simply had to pay the prices asked for high grade cows be- cause they were in the business and were obliged to maintain produc- tion, although there was no advance in the price of milk to warrant them paying $150 for a cow. ; perds got low did go out of business. tt was announced that the participa= tion certificates would be worth at least around 40 cents. Though no official announcement had been made of amounts handled, the amount being paid on participa tion certificates would indicate that it was about $120,000,000. . Holds Chattel Mortgage Against Smuggler's Car \ Brockville, Nov. 2.--One of the Ogdensburg cars held by the customs authorities at Prescott im connection with the liquor seizure of Wednes< day night, has been released upon payment of $213 to the customs. The claimant held a chattle morts gage against the car, which was ul by another man in the smuggling en- serprise, The other car is likely to be released today. It is learned that dur+ ing the seizure at McCarthy's dock & rowboat containing severel cases cap sized. its contents being lost. The occupants, who were good swimusers, escaped. i A ---------------- ¥ Belfast Needs 10,000 Constables. London, Nov. 2.--A proclamation was issued in Belfast authorizing the enrollment of special contables In Belfast and County Tyrone. This is the first application of the govern ment's new scheme, men will be required in Belfast, most« ly for the emergency class, = in Montreal Already there has been a' By Inspectors Some whose. About 10,000 sumption in thelr hotel rooms had better bring their own supply along. as it is now easier to get a bottle of Mquor or a case in Ontario or Vam- couver than it is in Montreal 0. T. A. Commission. Toronto, Nov, 2.--In order to give the committee of meptbers of the Ontario Legislature, which was named to investigate the enforces ment of the Ontario Temperance Ac power to compel witnesses to atl! another government commission may be named, it is learned from Premier Drury. 7 "Of course the committees has no power to summon witnesses," the premier in explaining the limita~ tions of its powers. "The committee is pot a commission, but only a coms 3 thiftke of the house, and as such can chly summon witnesses during the i# aston. 'nittee's powers was under considers~ tion, the premier said, whi =m Enlargement of the com<d

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