Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 2 Nov 1920, p. 10

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Your Opportunity! You've decided to take a | | few days' holidays and go after the winged game When out shooting there's nothing worse than an ill-fitting Coat. It makes both you and your aim pretty poor. 'We have just what you need. A. VERY GOOD JACKET Light in weight but warm, and. there's : outstandi layer of the Kingstc plenty of room for odd things you want gistanding player of the Kicgston to carry. They come in colors which harmonize with your surroundings, and the price is very reasonable. If you wish, we have the heavier MACKINAW COAT--very roomy, in all sizes. They also come in assorted colors; and are very attractive. "Prices are exceptionally attractive. Drop in when You are passing and let us show To Be Allowed to Continue in Major them to you. . When you do go on that trip, you also.need an Eveready Daylo--the light that says "There It Is." No missing your path or falling in ruts if you get "passing out of one of these DAYLQ'S. We recommend any model--they are all good. Come in, even if it is only to look around. Store Hours: 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. Saturdays 10.30 p.m. ~SHOP EARLY TREADGOLD SPORTING GOODS CO. 88 PRINCESS STREET ; 3 Telephone 529, "THE FLACE TO GET THAT RECORD" MARADERBUNENNERRNEA ENE RRENY TEny . " Correct Evening Wear Mushroom Shirts, Reid's Dress Ties, Arrow Collars, Dress Vests, Dent's Gloves, Silk Handkerchiefs, Silk Scarfs, Shirt Studs and Cuff Links. See Window Display rar The Club 112 Princess St. Phone 1372;. wi "NOTICE Cleveland, Hyslop and Humphrey Bicycles ----At Reduced Prices---- Bicycle Tires and Auto Traction Tread Covers. Special prices. See window display. Carpet Cleaning and Laying. H. MILNE 272 BAGOT STREET NO THE HOME OF THE MAXOTIR ES Phone ONE IS SURE ow Safe His Tires Are Unless MAXOTIRES a 284. ONTARID ST. t=? Duty is what - others. nt we - expect from THE D AILY World of Sport BRITISH WHIG. | McGILL'S VICTORY NOT SATISFACTORY Superiority Over Queen's Not Shown in Decisive Way. Montreal Gazette: Although Mec- Gill won, their victory was a dishp- pointing one, as it was not as nearly decisive as was looked for by fols lowers of the team. While McGill used a line player for the line plung- ing, Queen's adopted different tac- (tics, The visitors 'used McKelvey, jone of their half-backs, for all the (bucks and end runs. At line piung- ing McKelvey was marked too close- ly to gain ground, but he invariably gained by end runs. He was the Rugby Game Here, With a lead of eight points, Me- Gill II. will journey to. Kingston next Saturday for the return game. The team that makes the greater number of points in the two games will play Western University four- teen of London for the title of inter- mediate collegiate champions. SPITBALL PITCHERS Leagues, | There is little Woubt that the; code of baseball playing rules will not be subjected without further changes. The "dead ball" rule 'and the bounds" rule were long ago eliminated, and the "inten- tional pass" rule is virtually a dead jletter, as pitchers who are deter- mined to pass a batsman have found a way of doing so, even without re- sort to the "bean' ball. The suggested change in the pitching rules allowing the use of rosin or talcum by pitchers merely | for the purpose of drying the hands, i while favored at first by the league presidents, was, upon second thought, denied apparently in fear that this concession might open the door to abuses of the privilege and to furt demands by the pitchers, 'a vast majority of whom have been benefited: rather than handicapped by the new pitching rules. One pitching rule will, however, be changed, if not now at the close of the season, and that is the one- year tenure of the 'spit ball' pitch- ers, . These, instead of being elim- inated at the end of the season, will be allowed to continue as long as nature permits, the restriction ap- plying only to new pitchers coming into the major leagues. This means further service for Quinn, Coveleskie, Shocker, Doug- las, Grimes, Doak and the rest -- most of them first class workmen of excellent reputation, and pitchers whom their clubs could not replace for love or money. An amendment to the National agreement rule limiting the number of players a club may carry from September to May 5th to thirty-five men, has been agreed to, and hence- forth a club may carry forty players. This will permit a club to carry just 80° many more young players, and was made necessary by the extraor- dinary number of minor league play- ers purchased this season in view of the fact that there will again be no drafting for another year. It also serves to show the utter contempt sional game of golf at Colwyn , ue oe oe "ee oe 5 ee BRINGING UP FATHER into which the National Association rule against the emp! ent by minor clubs of optional agreement players from the major leagues, has fallen: : HOCKEY TOURISTS Need for Investigation of Manitoby Conditions. The Toronto Globe says: "The Manitoba Amateur Hockey -Associa- tion has pledged itself to a-thorough, fearless investigation of the players within its jurisdiction. The difficulty of substantiating rumors and charges of underhand practices by spurious amateurs is very great. Aotion can- not be taken on hearsay accu The Ontario Hockey As in a similar position to its s ganization in the west, Ifs-attention is repeatedly called to the conditions not in accord with the spirit of the genuine amateurism which it is en- deavoring to maintain, Whenever and wherever, there is proof of the wil- ful transgression of its rules by clubs or individuals, punitive action is im- mediately, taken. '" 'Tourists' who merely comply with the August 1st residence clause are not ended to players' certifi cates because of that fact. The O. H. A. is under no obligation to issue certificates to any player. Certificates are issued at the discretion of the association, and the# application of any player may be dismissed," even though that player be eminently qualified in every respect. There is record of a player whose application was dimissed, and who brought ac- tion in the courts to compel the O. H. A. to issue a certificate in his name. The plaintiff was beaten. That decision strengthened the hands of the association as some players will undoubtedly learn when applications for certificates for the forthcoming season are made." R. C. A. SOCCER TEAM DEFEATS SHIPBUTLDERS The R. C. A. defeated the Ship- builders by a score of 4 to 0 in a friendly game of soccer at the cricket field on Saturday afternoon. The re- sult shows conclusively that the R. C. A. team was not crippled by the removal of "C"" battery and the loss of four good players. They make footballers at the R. C. A., and know- ing the high state of excellence at- tained, the fans would like to see them meet some of the outside teams. OTTAWA AND HAMILTON STILL IN THE RACE There's a new complexion to-day on the championship race of the Inter-provincial amateur footnall union. Both the Ottawa and Hamil- ton teams are back in the champion- ship race, and there is a possibility of a two or three-cornered race for the Big Four title. Varsity Hockey Club. The annual meeting of the Univer- sity of Toronto hockey club was held in the Hart house and with the ma- terial 'on hand prospects are again bright for a successful season, Last year Varsity woll the intercollegiate championship and were inte the Al- lan cup finals, they losing out to the champion Falcons. The champions are intact this season and with Rod Smylie and Stanley Brown of the Dentals, and other new players to choose from they should be even stronger this season. They will again be presented in the intercollegiate and the O.H.A. THE PREMIER RELAXES. Despite the intricacies of the Irish situation and the min- ing erisis, Lond George still finds time to relax in an'occa- Bay. FRANCIS NELSON WILL | OFFICIATE AT TIA JUANA Francie Nelson; of Toronto, who for the past few years has been the Canadian Racing Association's steward at all race meetings in Can- ada, has been engaged by Jack At- kin and James Coffroth, of the Low- er California Jockey'Club, to act as presiding judge of the impending meeting at Tijunna, which will be- gin on Thanksgiving Day and run 103, days or more. Mr. Nelson is known all over Canada and the United States as one of the! most efficient racing officials in the game. For three or four years he was pre- siding steward at Hot Springs. Last winter and -the winter before he served in the same capacity at Jeffer- son Park, New Orleans. Last fall' after the death of Wiillam P. Spur- geon, of Washington, Mr. Nelson served as the representative of the Southern Maryland Agricultural As- sociation in the stand at Prince George's Park Bowie. Harry Mor- rissey, whose starting- in Canada through the past won wide commen- dation, will start the horses at Tiju- ana. Mr, Coffroth and Mr. Atkin have not yet decided who will be Mr. Nelson's associate in the stand at Tinga, Who Are The Men Behind. Chief interest in the Dempsgey-Car- pentier fight now centers on speculia- tion as to the identity of the myster- ious Cubans who are said to have of- fered a fortune for the bout, Tex Richard and his fellow part- ners will not talk, and the principals and their managers dény any know- ledge of the Cubans. rR Jack Keans, manager of the cham= pion, said that a Cuban tobacco mer- chant of the island, Marcus Gonzalos, had offeréd him $100,000 to put Dempsey in the ring with the Spanish heavyweight, John Padron Sarchez, but Jolin was knocked out by an Eng- lish half-rater shortly after the offer was made, Don't waste all your flowers on the dead. Throw a few blossoms to the live ones once in a while. Weak, Nervous Children Quickly Gain Strength Under Following Plan Nervousness, just like weakness, is a family predisposition. We inherit tendencies to disease just as we in- herit physical resemblances. The strain of study, social duties, work at home--these all tend to make ner- vous troubles among children. No wonder that St. Vitus Dance, Epil- epsy, and constant headaches have become alarmingly common. Pale, | nervous, listless young people are | met everywhere. it is nothing short of criminal for parents to neglect signs of weak- | ness in their children. By ignoring! the slightest symptom of nervous or | mental strain, you may condemn ' your child to life-long invalidism. If any member of your family com- plains of headaches, fear of going in- to dark places, give them that won- derful tonic, "Ferrozone." Strength oi body and mind, hardy nerves, abil- ity to study with comfort, all the at- tributes of health quickly follow the use of Ferrozone. It establishes strength, color, endurance, vim--does this by filling the whole system with nourishment and tissue-forming ma- terials, It's because we know the enormous good that Ferrozone will do, be- cause we are sure every child and even grown folks, will be permanent- ly benefited, that we urge you to give it a trial. All dealers sell Ferrozone in 50c. boxes, six for $2.50. ] Cuticura Soap wee The Healthy ---- Shaving Soap NOVEMBER 2, 1920. T the first soothing stroke of the Ever-Ready Razor, it's your friend for life! There never was and never will be a keener, cleaner-shaving razor than the 'Ever-Ready'--and more money simply can't buy a more efficient outfit than the "Little Barber in a Box." At all stores $1.50. EVER-READY SAFETY RAZOR CO, LTD. Britain Street, near Sherbou 78s Spent, Torente, Canada an Upholstered in Velours, Tapestry, Heather, Extensidn Couches. R. J. Reid The Leading Undertaker sad Furniture Dealer @mbulance Phone 577. 280 PRINCESS STRERY HAVE YOU TRIED THE 50 WATT MAZDA WHITE LIGHT Prices reduced--splendid for reading. | HALLIDAY ELECTRIC C0. The Home of the "MAZDA" Cor. King and Princess - - Phone 94 . *F. MacKay has resigned the po- | neral managership of the John Mor- sitions of secretary and treasurer of Willys-Overland, * Limited, Toronto, td accept the vice-presidency and ge- row Screw & Nht Co., Ltd., and the vice-presidency of the Ingersoll File Co., Ltd., of Ingersoll. BY GEORGE McMANUS - NOW IT% WORSE Ory. | CANT Bven iT our OF MY ROOM - : atime ------------------ a To Li

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