Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 2 Nov 1920, p. 9

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bmn fart ge APA Eh eee A AU Stemi esas Agent mpi teil eestor ie es ---- oo. J > BRITISH WHIG. -- THE DAILY NOVEMBER 2, 1920. -FabriKkoid Saves Money and = Labor for the Woman of the House re -- -- 'SIDENHAM CHURCH EVENT. W. F. Nickle and Queen's |: Crchestra Took Part-- | Fire in School. - ! ta yur classes were once | d. A fairly het fire had | the furnace as the | , and it js¥hought | WES In thé register, s.that caught fire. } e of sets of. lantern slides | . » Commission of Con- Ofiawd, have been shown A Gift A 10-Day Tube of Pepsodent is sent to all whe ask. See coupon. Sydenham, Oct. 30.--Wesley hall | _ ked lo the doors on Friday | when the annual tea meeting 30 pie supper was held { S, & ofo o auspices of Grace Methodist |, They were 'much | The supper was scheduled to | the pupils, as it is) o'clock, §O many | n as this that will give | Te 4 = Up he fe The Wy V4 All7} ZI § z 26 "" 7 T'S economy to buy furniture covered * with Fabrikoid--it's money saved in first cost and upkeep, and: it's labor saved in the care of the furniture. For these reasons, insist that your furniture dealer supply you with Fabrikoid upholstery--insist that he re-cover old 'furniture with Fabrikoid. The long life and low cost of Fabrikoid save money. The fact that Fabrikoid does not stretch, tear or rot, that it does not absorb water or grease, saves money. The care of Fabrikoid-up- holstered furniture is a simple part of household duties. No beating, whisking or brushing--a - damp cloth--just something to remove surface dust--and Fa:rikoid is as clean as ever. \ And Fabrikoid gives thie home an atmosphere that is only obtained otherwise by expensive leather up- holstery. For the living room, the library, the den or smoking room, there is nothing that will equal Fabrikoid for furniture covering. Insist that your dealer supply | you with this upholstery when Liuy- ing new furniture or having the old re-upholstered. . Write us today for "Fabrikoid in the Home" : Canadian Fabrikoid Limited Head Office; Montreal Halifax Toronto Sudbury Winnipeg Vancouver i | | cams before this | tables w : | By balf-past six, the hall was begin- | | with difficulty the waiters were able | tive were well pleased that such a the first | re served slightly earifer. | ning to get more than comfortably | filled, and there was no delay in get- ting the pegple to fhe tables, usually two being ready to occupy one chair. Later on, the passages between the tables became so blocked that it was to move about. However, the execu lgtge crowd attended, as the success of the "gathering was thus ensured. All near-by points were well repre- sented in the audience, and a num- ber of students from Quben's were present, enlivening things by a few college yells, to which the high school Uoys DLeartily responded. Thanks to the dec ting committee, the hail presented a very attractive appear- ance, evergreen boughs, Jack O'Lan- terns, and lighted pumpkin faces be- ing conspicuously displayed. Shortly after eight thirty, the pas- tor, Rev. George Stafford, introduced the chairman of the evening, W. F. Nickle, K. C., ex-member of Parlia- ment for Kingston. The first number on the programme was announced as a vocal solo -by Mr. Fowler, a Queen's student. After this, Mr. Niec- kle gave an address, reviewing condi- Most of the motor cars in &) Canada to are up- holstered or topped with , Fabrikoid. Phone 1750. HAVE YOUR AUTOMOBILE Put in good shape for col d weather driving. Book your order for winter overhauling now. Satisfaction guaranteed. MCALLISTER & DRAKE 893 PRINO ESS STREET Phone Res. 12403. A Heintzman & Co. " Recital to be held in | Grant Hall, Nov. 3rd and will be supplied by ae . Piano will be used at the ALMA SIMPSON 0 ---- A ---- i So" The maringr's compass was invent- ed about the year 1302, by Flvio Golia, a citiven of Amalfi. It was about halt a century Jetore naviga- tors had sufficient faith in the com- | ass lo venture {nto strange and dis- tant seas, solely relying on its guid- i ance. tions as left by the war, particularly the financial position of Canada, in relation to the national debt. He | stated that he had no patience with | those going about the country saying | that Canada's debt was so small as to be disregarded. The national debt was large, being about two billion of dollars, and only thrift and economy of the Canadian "people would save this country from going deeper, and would help to pay off a part of it. The programme continued with or- chestral selections, cornet, trombone, and piano solos. The orchestra, com- posed of students from Queen's, ren- dered numbers which were much en- Joyed by the. audience." The cornet and trombone solos by Mr. Ross and Mr. Mahaffy, respectively, contribut- ed much of the pleasure of the even- ing to the listeners. Mr. Davidge de- monstrated by his selections that he was well acquainted with the piano. Next, the chairman introduced Rev. A. W. Stewart, Harrowsmith, who spoke for a short time. Rev. W. S. Lennon, chairman of the.Kingston district, was announced as the "heavy speaker" of the evening so, to live up to his reputation, he preached a ser- mon, but not the regular 'modern kind. This sermon was a negro one, preached during the early part of the last century, and was given as an ex- ample of the brilliant oratory of the time? hen he proceeded to his own speech, a discourse on philosophy. He sald that everyone had some philoso- phy, which was only one's views of lite, and it could be learned outside of a oollege. Appealing to the young men, he asked them to take a ser- fous view of life, and not to fling it away altogether in pleasure. He dis- puted the statement "All's well that ends well," stating that although we thought we had done well in making the Germans sign the armistice and peace treaty, yet the danger was not over, and would become -greater if Germany should recover too soon. The local Anglican minister, Rev. EK. G. Kirkpatrick, was present and was called upon to speak for a few minutes. As the last speaker of the evening, Rev. G. Stafford appeared. He confined his remarks. to -thank- ing all those who had taken part in the programme, and also those who had contributed by their efforts to make the affair a success. After "God Save the King" had been sung, the gathering dispersed. It is likely that the receipts will total over $200, 80 th 3 nothing to fear financially. slight sensation was caused on Friday morning at the public school, by a blaze breaking out through a register in the second room in charge of Mrs. Young. Water was quickly poured on it, and the flame was soon extinguished, The alarm was given, however, and a few of the citizens rushed up to the school prepared to fight the fire if it should prove ser- fous. The high school students just across the street. were notified and they also went hurriedly over to see what the commotion was about. No serjous damage was done, and inside "DANDERINE" Stops Hair Coming Out; Doubles Its Beauty. A few cenus buys "Danderine." Af {er an application of "Danderine" you tan not find a fallen hair orany, dane druff, 'hesides every hair shows new lite, vor, brightness, more color and thickness, NI cm A fo. an nt outiook to the future citizens Hallowe'en was not allowed to pass by without the youngsters ang older ones too, taking advantage of the opportunity to do considerable mis- chief. While no real damage was done, there was a lively time for a short period on Saturday night, EVEN IN ANCIENT ROME "] suppose you are delighted with your husband's elevatigis to the Sen- ate." "Not so very. It's a bother. It takes me nearly ail night to find the pockets In his senatorial toga." FELT AS HE WAS She: When you attained that re- markable altitude, how did you feel? Aviator: Out of sight! == NOW She: | suppose you enjoy the so. clal whirl as.much as ever? He: | don't see any whirliabgut it | singe prohibition went into effect. WAR AND POLITICS "Do. you know that the pen Is mightier than the sword?" "l know that the gum shoe Is mightier than the steam roller," REBUKING FATHER Dad: Come on, kid, let's go for little spin In the machine. y . | wish you wouldn't re- ning on the street think it's mower. ; lm JUST THE THING Bug: Hey, get one of these matoh Nerok cues and play a game of bil ards. 4 PREPARED. NESS Fm told that Timid is dread. fully afraid of I» 9) | Wo Fo IG HL } a . - WHY THEY MISSED IT Rusty Ribs: They do say dat ity knocks at every man's once in his life. Car Bill: Well, these old trains make so darned much noise that you couldn't even hear it if it did. The secret of life is fellowship--- "| common work inspired by a common faith and hope. Without fellowship, this world is hell. With fellowship it is nothing less than heaven, - Some -people's idea of taking life easy seems to be making it hard for See These Results "Learn what clean teeth mean See the results df the new way of teeth cleaning. You will know at once that they mean a lifetime of cleaner, safer They are quick and decisive, teeth. Millions of people employ it. And the glistening teeth seen everywhere show what it means. See what it means to you. A film combatant Most tooth troubles are now traced to film «sto off. Film clings to teeth, that viscous coat you fee enters crevices and stays. | The ordinary tooth paste the film remains--much of i less damage. Nearly all people or less. It is the film-coat that/ discolors, not the teeth. 'It holds the acid in contact with the teeth to cause decay. Millions of germs breed in it. They, with tartar, are the chief cause of pyorrhea. 80; despite the tooth brush, all these troubles have beech constantly clean the teeth feel after using. Film is the basis of tartaf. which ferments and forms acid. increasing. New methods now ears of searching, has m. All have been proved Dental science, after found ritw wavs to fight REG oes not end film. So and may do a cease- suffer fr epsadeni The New-Day Dentifrice by many clinical tests. They are so efficient that leading dentists everywhere advise them. These methods are combined now in a dentifrice called Pepsodent. It has brought a new era in you to try. ects. teeth cleaning. ' This is the tooth paste we urge 'Watch the new effects The use of Pepsodent at once reveals miny new One ingredient is pepsin. One multiplies the starch digestant in the saliva, to digest starch de- om it, more ke easily cling. with all modern once. posits that cling. the saliva, to neutralise mouth acids. Two factors directly attack the film. One of them the teeth se highly polished that film cannot '! Pepsodent is the new-day tooth before was done. , One multiplies the alkalinity of complying ements. It does what never ou should learn its benefits at Send the coupon for a 10-Day Tube. Note how Mark the absence of the viscous film. Watch the teeth whiten as the Every one and a week coupon now. A scientific film combatant combined with two other medern requisites. Now advised by leading dentists everywhere and supplied by all druggists in large tubes. _ Ten-Day Tube Free ® THE PEPSODENT COMPANY, Dept. B, 1104 8, Wabash Ave., Mail 10-Day Tube of Pepsodent te TTT ess isestsstssssr nase Rsn tana ed film-coat disappears. in you family needs Pepsodent daily, prove this to' you. Cut out the Chicago, IL Only ene tube to a family. Help Your Digestion When acid-distressed, relieve the indigestion with Ki1-M0oIDS Didsolve easily on tongue--as pleasant to take as candy. Keep your stomach sweet, try Ki-meoids MADE BY SCOTT & BOWNE MAKERS OF SCOTT'S EMULSION -- i ttn LATE HILLIARD GREEN. A Prominent Resident of Verona Died on Oct, 204. Newboro, Oct. 30.~~A gloom was cast over the surrounding country on Wednesday, Oct. 20th, when it was learned that one of the best and favorably knowa residents had pass- ed away in the person of Hillard Green. His death occurred sudden- ly after five days of pneumonia" De- ceased had heart trouble for the past fifteen months. He was a son of the late Mr. and Mrs. William Green, North Crosby, where he was born fifty-seven years ago. He married in" 1900, Miss Amelia Harrison Clear Lake, who survives, also two children, Harold, seventeen years old, and Rhea, nine years. There also survive four brothers and two sisters, Benjamin, Berryton, Ansley, Newboro, James and Edward Har- lem, Mrs. William Hutchings, : Ed- monton, and Mrs. Joab Hutchings, Harlem. The late Hilliard Green was whole-hearted and had many warm friends, In politics he was a staunch Conservative, and in religion a Meth- odist. The funeral took place on Friday afternoon at 1.30 o'clock to Newboro Methodist church. The ser? vice was conducted by Rev. Mr. Bradford. The cortege was one of the largest geem here for years, showing the esteeffi in which the de- . of home baked food comes when second helping is offered. Tires Tires Tires | Try Our $17.00 Tire at W. H. COCKBURN & CO. Corner Wellington and Princess Street. Phone 216. ceased was held, The pall-bearers were: Felix Monally, Norman True- love, Charles Hull, Samuel Prit- chard. The body was buried in the family plot, Newboro. The friends who attended the funeral from a dis- tance were: Benjamin" Green and John Berry, Berryton; Mr. and Mrs. Kidd and family; Mr. and Mrs. El- mer Harrison, Gananoque; B. Deane and family, Ivy Lake, GODFREY NEWS BUDGET. Missionary Tells of His Work in North Saskatchewan. Godfrey, Oct. 30.--The threshing machines of E. Campbell, A. Kenyon and A. Leslie have been kept busy since early fall. Friends of this community were grieved to hear of the critical illness' of W. Kennedy, who is now in Smith's Falls. Miss Eva Craig, Verosia, called on friends here before leaving for Michigan. Mr. Wood preached in the Presby- terian church on Sunday evening, and gave an interesting account of hig work in North Saskatchewan, or- ganizing Sunday schools, Russel Gray, Smith's Falls, is spending holl- days with his mother, Mrs. J. Gray, after undergoing an operation for appendicitis. J. Beatty, Vancouver, is with his parents here. Miss Alice Giles and Miss Elsa Craig, attended the teachers' convention held in rn Sydenham. Miss Mildred Godfr Kingston General hospital, is spe ing some time at her home here. On Thursday evening a number of friends of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Howes gathered at the home of F. Howes and welgomed them home from thelr honéynroon trip. A miscellaneous shower was given and all enjoyed & pleasant time. The banquet eld under the auspices of the ~--Orange lodge, Piccadilly, was largely attend- e C. D, Godfrey is at A. Manson Petworth; Mr. and Mrs. E: MoRarehs and Miss Helen, at James Hill's; B. J. Blaney and Miss M. E. Giles, visite ing friends in Colebrooke. Roy Gods frey made a flying trip to Toronto recently. Herbert Hill at 8. D. Godfrey's; G. Clarke at Joseph Storms' recents ly; Mr. and Mrs. Bért Howes, Ha and Misses Mary and Margars Howes - motored to Tamworth am Sunday last, calling on frignds thers, Miss Ethel Moon has returned from Kingston; Mr. and rs. George Moon apd party motored to Enters prise to attend the marriage of thelr son, Howard. Friends of Mrs. Wil liam Clark are pleased to hear of hep recovery from as severe attack influenza. The last straw usually gets blamed for the whole load. the The appear- ance, texture and taste of food raised with . is bound to be pleasing in every sense. and because of its unif ical Send name Magic Way™ Of Which are Ty healt 3 y earned 's Perfect and satisfactory > is an econom- leavener, n and yesulss, has justl : ation of being Powder. and its repu- Baking and address for free copy of "The entaining . selected i illustra in colors. ee PS E.W. Gillett Company Limited. Toronto. Canada many $

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