Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 30 Oct 1920, p. 8

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THE ee DAILY BRITISH WHIG. SATURDAY, OTWGEMERT TW, OR ---------- - - meget In the Realm of Women---Soine 1 Good at any hour of the day Baker's Cocoa is especially dood in the evenind a short time before retiring. Its flavor is delicious, itsaroma most attractive, and it is condu- cive 0 restful sleep being in any sense of the word, a narcotic -- pure and wholesome. Absolute} IC] TTT without ITI TC TT TT Sawed in Stove Lengths BOOTH & CO., Foot West Street ealler or an unexpected in- vitation you can feel con. fident of always applaring at your best. In but a few moments it renders to your skin a wonderfully pure, soft complexion that is Gouraud's Phone 133 Our Motto: "QUALITY AND SERVICE" FRIENDSHIP'S For Choice Groceries and Provisions 2 STORES-- 210 Division Street. Corner of Pine & Cowdy Sts. Orders called for if desired, Oriental Cream LURE) 4 RF RTE) EY FET AA AA Aan Don't Cough , NYAL'S PINOL EXPECTORANT will "felleve you of that troublesome cough and tickling in the throat. = It Soothes and heals the inflamed tis- sues of the throat and bronghial tubes. It is especially good for re- cent eoughs and colds, and every household should have a bottle in it. For sale at-- Prouse's Drug Store Opposite S¢. Andrew's Church. : ¥ Phone 82. » ~ NEILSON'S ICE CREAM BRICKS Always on hand. a "» THE "LIFTUP (Patented) ALL BIAS FILLED CORSETS Signed in conformity with the pr Anatomy. The "Iiftup™ a patented Invention with Don"slip elastic inside belt, gently Sup- 0rts the abdomen, and is very beneficial US after an operation involving an Poominal helatun, oo tive in re- Ng those physical alments from which many women suffer, Write us NOW, for useful hints on fitting and self-méasurement. Frese Upon request. * BIAS CORSETS LIMITED 42 BRITTAIN STREET TORONTO Do- You would be glad to quote you on Need : your Furnace overbauled for the cold weather? We have « fumpetent staff of workmen who are at your' service. Give us a call and you will get prompt attention. We are agents for the Celebrated HECLA FURNACE and LEMMON & SONS ---- installation. * KINGSTON y NY real in "the day's _- Coffes'is areal help work. J is 8 natural i exhausted nature 's jor the great war it was the fight ith sod wes fd doth 1 . TR NEVER a I NE CV OWT ey a) add and man's and e en ag Te of by nee oo 2 3 Ln Tt Co ee } | | 1 ! | | Told in the Twilight { halla > Aas Ma street, entertained at bridge on Wed- nesday in honor of Mrs. Thure Head- man, who is to her friends' regret, leaving Kingston, and Mrs. Earle, (who, with her husband, Prof. Earle, is being welcomed to Queen's College. i There were three tables in play, and iat the tea hour a few more people jcame in to meet the guests of honor. |At the pretty tea table, with its centre of golden marigolds, Mrs. . [Earle made the tea, with Mrs. G. W. IMylks, Mrs. W. Clifford Clark, -and | Miss May Chown, as the tea room |mssistants. Altogether it was a de- {lighttul little party, as pleasantly in- | formal as Mrs. Reed's entertain- {ments always are. q i * . . A pleasant evening was spent at the home of Mr. and 'Mrs. Clarke Al- fron. 580 Ossington avenue, Toronto, | on Tuesday evening, when a few friends were gathered together in honot of their guest, Mps. R. W. Allen, Kingston. The feature of the evening, which was taken up chiefly with progressive euchre, was the pre- sentation of the royal prize to the guest, who was successful in winning the coveted prize. Polevys the eu- chre, refreshments were sefved in the dining room, which was prettily de- corated with autumn and Halloween combination. A brief musicale to con- tinue the cheerfulness until mid- | night, bringing the delightful even- ing .to a close, was- an appropriate conclusion. . - » Mrs. R. J. Rodger, Miss Mowat and Miss W. Gordon were guests at the luncheon given by the Ottawa Chap- iers of the I. O. D. E. this week in honor of the visiting members of the provincial executive. Her Exce'lency the Duchess of Devonshire, Lady Pope, Lady Eagan, Lady Perley, Lady Borden, Miss Joan Arnoldi, National President of the I. O. D, E., were among those present. » . * Mrs. Cuthbert Gummer, Colling- wood street, entertained at supper after the Hambourg concert on I'hursday evening in honor of Messrs. ~~ | Jan and Boris Hambourg and Signor | Guerrero, who are very popular vi- | sitors in Kingston. The other guests included Mrs. Bruce Taylor, Dr. and Mrs. A. B. R. Williamson, Prof. and Mrs. A. 8. Ferguson, Dr. and Mrs. Dyde, Miss Chrissie Dyde, Miss King, Prof, and Mrs. Keith Hicks and Prof. Bovadani. . . . . Mrs. Flanner, Lower. Albert street, entertained at tea on Thursday after- ncon when her guests were mem- bers of the cuiiege set. Mrs. O. D. Skelton and Mrs. Arthur Clark were in charge of the tea, assisted by some of the younger guests, Col. Beaman, D.S.0., entertained at dinner at the Country Club, on Thursday evening. The guests in- cluded Major and Mrs. Austin Gilles, Capt. and Mrs. Sidney McCann, Mrs. Howard Penhale, Miss Kathleen Car- ruthers and Capt. Harold Brownfield. . * *. Mrs. George Searle will receive in her new home, 399 Brock street, on Thursday, Nov. 4th, from three to six o'clock. - » * » Mrs. C. H. Myrick, 218 Sydenham 'street, is in Chicago visiting "her aunt, Mrs. C. P. Ebey. Miss Mary Wright, who has been with her brother, Rev. J. de P. TODAYS FASHION By Vera Winston. RATE IR lf GAZ IR TP ee : YOY MALLE BY Decidedly attractive is this sven- ing gown of white satin and net, It Is particularly suitable for its Shimmering fois au tht -- s m a ted tunic of white net. yo A delightful tou. vealed 1 the garland Toses are of a delicate pink silk with light green leaves. The fichu of white net is aped about the shoulders so that a eas- ing neckline is achieved. In the rear some clustered roses mark ends of Wright, Albert street, for a couple of weeks, has returned to Ottawa. Miss Edith Mowat, Toronto, is the guest of her cousins, the Misses Mowat, Johnson street. Miss Black, Montreal, is the guest of her uncle, Dr. Torrence, and Mrs. E. 'F. Torrance, Alfred street. A. D. Cartwright, Ottawa, will spend the week-end with his mosher, nteresting Features CONCENTRATED pa A cup of OXO before going into the cold or damp is a splendid safeguard in a cold catching weather. Rigen Cement Products Factory Makers of Hollow Damp- Proof Cement Blocks; Bricks, Sills, Lintles, and Drain Tile, also Grave Vaults. And all kinds of Ornamental Cement work. Factory: cor. of Charles and Patrick streets. PHONE 730W, Mgr, H. F. NORMAN Lady Cartwright, Union street. Miss Emma Pense, West street, will leave for Toronto early in the week. * Mrs. Rooney has come up from Lyndhurst to be near her son, Cadet Rooney, R.M.C., and is at 126 Un- ton street. ' . Mrs. Good and Mrs. Belard, who have been with Col. and Mrs. Hill, "Blmhurst," motored back to New York on Friday. There have' been several little bridge parties given in their honor during their short stay. in town. : Mrs. W. E. Macpherson, College street, has returned from a short trip to Toronto. Next week she and her children will go up to Toronto where Prof. Macpherson has taken a house at 98 Moore avenue, Moore Park. Mrs. Lothrop, Boston, Mass., is the guest of her son, Prof. Lothrop and Mrs. Lothrop. Mrs. R, R. Wallace, who spent a few days this week with Mrs, Con- stantine, "Bolton Boyd," Earl street, returned to Hamilton on Friday. * * Prof. and Mrs. Thure Headman are leaving for Toronto early in the week. They will be much missed among the college set, among whom they are very popular. Mrs. H. B. Munroe, California, is visiting her parents, Mr, and Mrs. John Macdonald, University, avenue, * + 0 Miss W. Gordon, Hingston, while in Ottawa for a few days was the guest of Lady Kingsmill. Mrs. Arthur Brophy, Ottawa, en- tertained at the tea hour in honor of Mrs. James Rigney, Kingston. Mrs. Phelan, Kingston, is the guest {of Mrs. Henry Kavanagh, Montreal, who entertained informally at the tea hour on Thursday in honor of her guest, - * " J Mrs. James Elder and Miss Ardelle Elder, Villa St. Claire Apartments, with Miss McLean and Miss Myrtle Beaton, motored up to Hamilton on Friday, where they will be guests at the marriage of Miss Muriel Putman [to Leonard O'Connor, Toronto. Miss | Putman is a neice of Mrs. Elder, her mother being Miss Florence Beaton, an old Kingstonian. - Prof and Mrs. Earle have taken rooms on Frontenac street, Mr. and Mrs. Cornelius Berming- ham, Barrie street, left on Thursday for California to spend the winter at their Riverside home. . * . Mrs. Campion, of Kingston, is visit- ing her daughter, Mrs. Dowsley, of Spadina avenue, Toronto. Mrs. Ogilvie will be in Toronto for the wegk-end from Kingston and will be the guest of Mrs. James Ragas. Mrs. Ogilvie 'is on her way to L friends in Bermuda. . * . Rural Dean and Mrs. Byers, Stirl- ing, Ont., anuouncs the engagement of their. youngest daughter, Dorothy Buell Moore, to Robert Ross Dougan, Newburg, the marriage to take place early in November in St. Johm's church, Stirling, Mr. and Mrs. James Bickham, Rid- edu street, announce the engagement of their second daughter, Mary Ag- nes, to Edward A, Bostridge, son of Mr. and Mrs. C. Bostridge, Toronto. The marriage to take place quietly second week in November. A barking dog was never a good hunter.-<--Portuguese Proverb. _ Contempt is usually worse borne than real injuries.~--Latin Proverb. ---- Their presence is a con your type of skin, To cleanse rough Woodbury's Facial Soa: thoroughl y, alwa ter. If possible, Ey ble to this 'disfiguring trouble, use the following : treatment, Apply hot cloths to until the skin is reddened. Th y skins lia the face en with a washcloth work up a heavy lather of p and rub it into the with an upward se with clear hot eldnthe Solel the bet. rub your face irty carefully, already formed, the washcloth in seconds with a piece of ice. Dry To remove blackheads substitute a flesh brush for "SCOTT'S GARAGE Repairs, Washing and Storage. One 1913 Mclaughlin Tour. lug car for asle cheap for & yulek buyer, 298 BAGOT STREET Phone 1804w. DR. A.W. WINNETT DIEINTAL SURGEON, Corner of Johnson and Wellington i Talking Machines All kinds of Phonographs re- paired, cleared, recharged and adjusted. Main and governor springs for all makes in stock. Quick service, expert workman- J. M. PATRICK: 149 SYDENHAM ST. Phone 20563. GET YOUR SLEIGHS REPAIRED NOW 'Bry one of our Patent Bob- sleigh Couplings. It will please you. Our make of Bobs all have them. § McNAMEE & SLACK The Repair Shop. Phone 1217w, 54 Queen St. Making Your Choice You MAY find it ifficalt to choose your new Stole and Muff from our 1920- Style Book of Furs but it will be only because of the enormous variety of splendid examples of Holt, Renfrew Style . Quality « Value €Our pictures suggest two effective sets, one of soft, rich Squirrel, the other a smart Fox Set of rare beauty, They are only two. If you wish to see scores of equally handsome sets write » tO our nearest store, for a copy Beok of Furs, Lin ted) Blackhieads are caused by excessive oil collecting dirt in the Jo of the skin, that you are using the wrong method of 'cleansing for the treatment above. Then special the blackheads. Keep your skin free of bl attractive skin that Woodbury's brings. find Wood York and Perth, Ontario, thie drapery. fingers with a handkerchief and press out the above treatment and gain the clear the regular use of Get a cake of Woodbury's Facial Sos and begin tonight the treatment Burr skin pod You will "son sale at any drug store or toilet goods counter in the United States or Canada. A 25 cent cake will lst a month or six weeks, The Andrew Jergens Company, Cincinnati, New of our Style wé&Ca protect the ackheads by

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