. 9 7 THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. RED BLOOD EL THE GREATEST NEED Men's Shoes Ladies' Shoes Nearly All Ills Are Due to Poor, Wat- | $4.95 $4.9 5 'ery Blood--How to Improve Ladies' Black Brogue laced Boot; all sizes; extra value ..... $4.95 | SATURDAY, OCTOBER 30, 1020. ENGAGED MAKING SURVEY RICH, Of Kingston to Decide What Settlement Work is Necessary. Ee er -------- -- 2 Hallowe'en - Novelties MASKS, CAPS; 'APRONS, FAVORS AND TABLE DECORATIONS Everything that is needed for*Hallowe'en 'parties for the little folks and grown-ups J 1 Its Condition. With a view to the improvement of | m7, pan a healthy condition the the. conditions of life in the city of | yan body requires a constant sup- (Kingston, a tommittee was recently ! ply of new, rich blood. Nearly all formed of public-spirited and sympa- | +} ills from which people suffer arise thetic citizens for the purpose. of.en-' ¢rom one cause--poverty of the gaging the services of a "settlement" | p1,54 If the blood is rich and red it expert from a large American city, ansorbs nourishment from the food { who would make a complete Survey .ypich passes into the stomach and | of Kingston and submit a report that gigeributes that nourishment to the will form the basis'0r any action that prain nerves, muscles and all the may be recommended to the city organs of the body. When the blood council if such a course might be 5 weak and poor 'in quality it can- deemed expedient and desirable. not do its natural work of feeding The persons named are: Mayor H. (heshrain an" body, and the result is C. Nickle, chairman; Prof. M. B.'goakness ant disease. | Baker, Miss Mae Chown, Mrs. A. 8.1 Headaches and backaches, loss of | Ferguson. . A Boston woman, highly appetite, poor digestion, nervousness, | == recommended for this kind of special "pimples and unsightly blotches on the work, was engaged, and has been skin, all indicate that the blood has quietly at work during the past two ' pecome impure--that it is not doing! weeks. She has utilized the knowl- jig appointed work. If this condition 'edge of local branches of social ser- is not rémedied it will grow worse vice, and the utmost co-operation has : and worse, and a complete break- | been given to assist the committee gown will eventually occur, To bring in the work. It is hoped to improve about a healthy condition of the the general health of the people, and bj1o0d no medicine can equal Dr. Wil- by the education of young mothers, liams Pink Pills improve conditions surréunding-child life, bf removing the handicaps to bg . CT ES Three styles Men's Black Kid Lac ed Boots--narrow and round toes; all sizes; extra value «i vues wiv bis os ves siennian 34.95 Abernethy's: Shoe Store I ERAS --at-- R. Uglow & Co. AAA AREER ---- HH (ET Bee 4 reaches every part of the body bring- |W. H. STEVENSON HORSE HE strength of your eye muscles may have in- creased or decreased during the past two years and you should ascertain. the facts. Our optometrist skill- ed in his profession can tell by the proper scientific tests whether you need 'older' lenses, '"'younger" lenses or if you can begin to discard glasses. Our low prices are no indication of the high professivaai character of our work. J.J. a The House of Better Glasses Opposite the Post Office Phone 69090. KINGSTON. SHOER and BLACKSMITH, Waggons and Trucks Repaired. Prices moderate. : TEMPERANCE HOTEL YARD QUEEN STREET. Richelieu Pearls In all lengths up to thirty-six | inches with platinum and gold claps. These Pearls are guaranteed to endure a hot boiling bath and retain all their fine quali- ties. Priced from $12.00 to $75.00, Kinnear & d'Esterre Jewellers 100 PRINCESS STREET Phone 336. Marriage Licenses Issued, BURGLARY INSURANCE Now absolutely essential, Rates-- C. 8, KIRKPATRICK 36 Clarence Street Angrove's Repairs Seal Talking Machines, Bicycles, Bar Aria E ee Lawn Mowers, ete. We do repair work right and guarantee tisfaction. i 197 WELLINGTON STRERT New Designs in Table Lamps | folk too, on this speeial occasion, | part of the programme, there will be vigorous physical development. This can be done in many ways. First, | there is the improvement in housing conditions and habits of living. It is known that there is a deplorable ig-/ norance on these subjects, and it has taken the settlement workers of large American cities many years to im-| prove the conditions of life theres It is recognized that in order to stamp out the causes of crime and | fimmorality, it is necessary to apply { the microscope to the surroundings | of the people. While the prime objeet of the Kingston committee, according tp in- formation obtained by the Whig, is {the physical well-being of the peo- ple, it is hoped that many other im- provements will come as a result. During the influenza epidemic, many persons engaged in rendering assist- | ance, who had never before mingled with those less Tortunate, were moved to compassion by what they learned and have since been endeavoring to bring about a remedy. For many | years settlement work has been per-| manently carried on By social or- ganizations with the co'operation of civic police and boards of health, and the Boston lady now at work in Kingston has had much valuabte ex- perience, TO-NGHT 1S HALLOWE'EN {Many Parties Planned While Youngsters Will Play Usual Pranks. To-night's the niglt--the night of all nights with the little folk, and also for a great many of the older folk. Hallowe'en! My, how the youngsters enjoy the fun. Kingston youngsters will follow out the usual practice. They will "dress up" and go the rounds of the houses, playing the usual pranks. So if you hear your door bell ring to- night, or a "tick-tack" at work on a side window, you will know that the youngsters are out enjoying them- selves. And yes, you had better have Some sweets ready to give the young In addition to the "dressing up" other special "doings," in the way of parties and. dances. The night prom- ises to be a lively and jolly one, The police do_not expect any ser- ious trouble. Nof in many years have ifg.with it new health and increasing vitalfty." Thousands have testified to the benefit they have found in the use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills when run down in health. Among those is Mrs. Bertha Kendall, Darling avenue, Toronto, who says: --"In the summer of 1918 I was in poor health. My appetite was variable, and I was weak and unfit for work, and I suf- fered a great deal from . nervous headache and palpitation of the heart. A lady friend recommended | Dr. Williams Pink Pills which 1 used with splendid results, as by the time I had taken six boxes I felt like a new woman. I think Dr, Williams Pink Pills are worth their weight in gold to every nervous, sick woman, as they cure quickly and save big doc- tor bills." Dr. Williams' Pink Pills may be had from any dealer in medicine, or by mail at 50c. a box or 6 boxes for $2.59 from The Dr. Williams' Medi- cine ko. Brockville, Ont. Our October Outing, 1920. Four of us composed the party, All 'accounted hale and hearty, Doing life's alloted part : Yet in need of recreation, So we planned a brief vacation, To be spent near nature's heart. As no hydroplane was handy, We engaged a -boat--a dandy, As admiring sport would say--- And before the sunset hour Reached our cottage far away. [Many fleet-wing'd ducks and plovers Came to serve the nature lovers, Adding to their food supply, While the easy task of rowing, ' Mid the gentle breezes blowing, Made the days go gaily by. From the blinds we daily builded, Ere the sun the waters gilded, With a rippling pathway bright. Ducks that feared to light or hover, Our decoys oft flying over, We shot down in rapid flight. Sometimes they indeed alighted, And as they arose affnighted Fell before a fatal .aim. So, it really did not matter Where, or * how, they scatter, The result was quite the same. When the billows were not rolling We along the shoals went trolling, But the number, size and weight Of the fishes safely landed Izaak Walton has commanded Never, never to relate, chose to | STUDENTS! We carry a stock of Refijls for Loose Leaf Note Books Dance Programmes and Invitations : A Specialty Printing of all kinds Phone 292 for our representative to call BRITISH WHIG (Incorporated) Next General Meeting FRIDAY, NOV. 5th, 1920. A ------ ee ee | treet the Daily Whig will be greatly ap- preciated and of much interest to those who provide for.families and are interested in the reduction of the cost of living. We also congratulate Mr. Cullen on his enterprise and fore- sight in studying and commencing this system which has met with phe- nomenal success in many of the cities of United States and Canada. JAMES REID Phone 147 for Service. hei ission =%, : : Is to. make new, rich blood, which TO A Good Night's Sleep Place one of our soft, silky KAP OC MATTRESSES on a Way Sagless Spring and you will be assured of a good night's sleep, The Leading Undertaker. a -- ICE CREAM Of the very Best Quality We make a specialty of serving the e "rt - best and purest Ice Cream. Call in and-we feel sure you can prove this yourself. SAKELL'S NEXT. TO GRAND OPERA HOUSE » the police experienced trouble on Just Arrive Hallowe'en, because the celebration has been carried on in a | Bs any bla. 4 |And lest Nimrod be offended We will call the story ended Doubting not that many a duck Has escaped our ammunition, And is glad that our ambition Did not bring us better luck. Kingston, Ont. W.W.W. and there has been no trouble. few years ago-there was considerable : trouble, Hallowe'en. is the season of goblins, blagk cats, and the one time in the year when the youth of the land feel free to let themselves out for a real good time, and carry out any "stunts" in which they might wish to _take part. At the" parties many couples will dance or play games un- der the spell of magic light of the candle in a pumpkin, surrounded by typical Hallowe'en decorations of black and yellow. The young folk will, on their rounds, content them- selves with rattling "tick-tacks" on the windows and ringing doorbells, in as much as there are few fences and gates left and the number of CHAMBERLAINS 'For Lame Back, Lame * Shoulder or Stiff Neck You will find nething-more satisfactory than Chamber- * lain's Liniment. The heal- ing, penetrating oils of this wonderful remedy will af- ford quick relief and greatly hasten complete recovery. H. W. NEWMAN ELECTRIC CO. + 167 Princess Street. NEW PLAN TO BE INAUGURATED J. Cullen Takes New Departure in Grocery Business. One of Kingston's leading grocers, J. Cullen, who has been in business on the corner of Alfred and Princess Streets for the past fifteen years, plans to inaugurate a new departure in the grocery business on November 1st of this year. On and 'ifter that date Mr. Cullen will conduct his busi- Used Pine Lumber 850. and 650. """ * Several thousand feet of 2" Pine now WasEonS Chat might be rar ister O8 | date Mr. Cullen will conduct bie busi. being YemoVv ed from the Elevator, foot o barns, has considerably decreased. LINIMENT he says that such a system will save G St eet - his custome ore x . EE lity Mr. Cullel has made a careful CUT THIS OUT This is nice Soft Pine, of good lengths, A recount of ballots in the recent study of the cash-and-carry system as easy to work and is very cheap. St. John county, N.B. election is or- [used in Toronto, Ham#iton, London dered. and a great many other Canadian i) "" : : : Alsp several tons of 4" and 5' Nails at a bargain. ; PURITY BRAND FREE RUNNING TABLE SALT THE SALT THAT SATISFIES MADE IN. CANADA OLD ENGLISH RECIPE FOR CA- ' TARRH, CATARRHAL DEAF- Alfred Miers, police magistrate of | cities and he has estimated that he Windsor, died while visiting the |can save his customers almost enough parliament buildings, Toronto. to pay their light and water bills. U.S. Secretary of State Colby 1in- | The reason for this is ause the It timates the recognition of the | new system é&liminates the expense Mexjcan government is near, \ of delivery, of keeping accounts, of ou know of some one who is troubled with Catarrhal Deafness, TT S. Anglin & Co. x. OFFICE PHONE 66 A ne You are nos 'Tag when BaoTolt 's_Oint- 'Skin dria. waiting sometimes .in vain for the payment of bills, and also reaps the benefits of careful buying and a quick turnover. The prices which Mr. Cullen will be able to offer will be a great inducement to the thrifty housewife in fighting the high cost of living. go We are sure that the bargains quoted twice a week on page two of head noises or ordinary catarrh, cut out this formula and hand it to them and you may have been the means of saving some poor sufferer perhaps from total deafness. 'In England scientists for a long time past have recognized that catarrh is a constitu- tional disease and necessarily requir- es constitutional treatment. Sprays, inhalers and nose douches are liable to Irritate the delicate air passages and force the disease into CHARM TEA 'is put up in Kingston and is specially blend~ ed to suit the conditions of Kingston and dis- trict. Try itl : a the middle ear, which frequently means total deafness, or else the di- sease may be driven down the alr passages towards the lungs which is equally as dangerous. The follow- ing formula which is used extensive- Special Values In Footwear ' = 1 Hi = rE = p: Ss a Men's Brown and Black Calf Boots--._ in recede and broad toes; excellent quality and value .............$5.75 Women's Highcut Black or Brown - Shoes, with Louis or Military heels $4.95 Several odd lines in Children's Shoes at greatly reduced prices. Allan M. Reid, ~~ SHOE STORE i att > -Gill 11, winning the round 39 to 2. 'and bottles reproduced, filled up the the Medic TWICE TOLD TALES | News of Kingston TEN YEARS AGO. R. M. C. Cadets again defeat Mec- A big fraud has been unearthed in Montreal, in connection with "Three Star" Brandy. A man had the labels, "crocks" with interior brandy, and then sold it as the real thing, Kingstonians are again warned by - Health Officer to drink only boiled water. \ John Theofeld leaves on Monday for Calabogie, which he and a couple friends will make their headquart- ers for a hunting trip. Ralph Johnstone, fying a Wright aeroplane, broke the world's altitude record yesterday. He increased the record height by 528 feet TWENTY-FIVE- YEARS AGO. Cab drivers say that the past sym- mer has been one of the poorest in long time for their trade. ! One citizen suggests that the un- dertaker who filled the office of the negligent clergyman the other day, be presentéd with a gold watch. He says he has his contribution ready. Rather serious it seems that, in spite of the fact that Queen's players are gentle as lambs, Osg: went home last week like the remnants of the Light Brigade. EF The shareholders of the vehicle works held a meeting last night, but will not announce the result, Tory propaganda is stirring up so many stories locally against the Lib- erals that the situation has become ridiculous, . ly in the damp English climate is a constitutional treatment and should prove especially efficacious to suffer. ers here who live under more favor- able climate conditions.' 5 Secure from your druggist 1 ounce of Parmint (Double strength). Take this home and add to it 3% pint of hot water and a little granulated sugar; stir until dissolved. Take one tablespoonful four times a day. This will often bring quick reifet from distresiing head noises. Clog- | ged nostrils should Parmint used in this way acts directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system and has a tonic action that helps to obtain the desired results. The pre- paration is easy to make, costs little and is pleasant to take. Every per- son who has cal or head noises or is hard of hi g- should. give this treatment a trial.--Advt. Black Tea in } Ib, packages at 30c. and 35¢. Japan Tea in } Ib. packages at . ...... 33c. Geo. Robertson & Son, Limited f General Booth arrived in Toronto Friday night. The Salvationists, ac- companied by seventeen marched to Mayor Church presented ah address 'ot icome un. Saturday, mi ritish warships took an Italian steamer, Russia. bands, the city hall, where with cargo for Soviet the. Dublin labor council threaten remove royal portraits and paraphernalia from the walls of city hall. The emergency bill has bet law... Royal assent has been giv the measure, clothing ritish 'I government with war-time power.