Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 30 Oct 1920, p. 4

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-SAUCE 'Made in England every drop, and enjoyed all over the world. One Quality One Size One Price Grocers keep H.P. on their bandiest shelf, it sells so freely. oo WO SoA RMI aa ay THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. BOOKS 'NO DEFENCE, By Sir Gilbert Parker. The Copp Clark Co., Toronto, Price $2. Dyck Cakhoun is the only son of an irish nobleman. In the story he is one of the two main characters. He is typically Irish, bold, serious and gay by turns, slightly inclined to reckless dissipation, utterly free from any base vice, endowed with a rich wit, blessed with great foredight, and carrying a-head which knows how to use the good.qualities he possesses | but 1s once'in a great while prone to be carried away by the more reck- | less side of his nature. Shella Lyn, unknown to herself the laughter of Erris Boyne, a traitor | and rascal whom Calhoun is suppos- | ed.to have murdered, is also typically IIrish but yet - wonderfully herself. Which means that although general- iy Irish; she was in a class by her- self 'as 'girls go. Dyck Calhoun -4 | thought 80, which is one of the rea- rince George BHotel TORONTO In Centre of Shopping and Business District 250 ROOMS 100 with Private Baths EUROPEAN PLAN OANADA SEIZES AUTO Three Ogdensburg Men Escape From - 'the Police, Ogdensburg, N.Y., Oct. 30.--Can- adian customs. officials seized two cars from Ogdensburg containing M- quor, near MoCarthy's brewery wharf just west of Prescott. The cars were seized under a customs regula- tion which forbids machines entering into Canada for touring purposes to be used for commercial purposes. The cars contained fourteen cases of whiskey, twq cases of champagne, fourteen sackd tlfed with quart bot- tle of whiskey, and ten gallons of alcohol. One car was unloaded by the oustoms officials and placed in charge 'of Chief of Police Jackson, who started to Prescott with the three Ogdensburg men. On the way the three men leaped from the car and made their escape. . The Canadian officials declared the three men were from Ogdésiis. burg, but their names werd not ob. tainable, < ------------------ He doubts nothing whe knows ne. thing --Portuguesy Proverh, | sons why she plays the leading lady's part in the story, : Lord Mallow is a capable Irish peer, | Once a young man about Dublin and later Governor of Jamaica, enemy of Calhoun, suitor of Sheila Lyn, and almost totally lost in love of himself, | Which pushes his large number of { line qualities to the rear, Michael Clones, tine old Irish re- | tainerdot the Calhoun family, who fol- lows Dyck though thick and thin and | zroves on many -occasions that he is worth his weight in gold. : Mrs; Lyn, mother of Sheila, a wo- | man not exceptionally strong, and yet strong enough to rid herself of a | man who had proved himself unwor- | | thy and to protect her daughter from | the disgrace of his name. There are many other characters | appearing here and there in the nar- | { rative but these are the main ones. Take them all together, mix among them some of the sweetest and some of the bitterest things of life, help it | { out with the conditions of the time in | { Ireland and elsewhere, and then stir- { ring it all up together you have this { latest story of Sir Gilbert Parker's. ------ GLEN OF THE HIGH NORTH Pasa | By H. A. Cody. Toronto. |" Tired of the work of reporting mi- j.niature tragedies and dull social af- | fairs for a newspaper. Tom Reynolds | stats out to find something, with a | wider scope for his physical and men- tal talents. As is usually the case in the affairs of men, his decision was the result of a glimpse of a pretty face which moved him greatly. That, coupled with a story of mystery and large possibilities started him to- wards the Yukon, but it was moutly the pretty face. One evening, as re porter for a newspaper he was idly watching a ship about to set sal for the north. One hour. later he was on | tho ship as was also the girl with the face that effected him so strangely, Both were bound for the north, she for semewhere, and he for the sams plase as she, : Into (he stery, and playing quite McLelland & Stewart, "DANDERINE" Girls! 'Make 'It Abundant! : \ anwediately after a "vanderine" massage, your hair takes on new life, lustre and wondrous beauty, appear- ing twice as heavy and plentiful, be- cause each hair seems to fluff and thicken.. Don't let your hair stay lifeless, colorless, plain or scraggly. You, too, want lots of long, strong, beautiful hair, A 35-cent 'bottle of "Danderine". freshens your scalp, checks dandruff and falling hair. This stimulating "beauty-tonic' gives delightful 8 Jar Ft in It, eomes ga optimist, a goo, bs of 22 Jody, 0 eo 0 Rp aad BmOROus savings of the to thin dull, fading hair that youth ful brightness and abundant thick- ness--All druggists! PA tre northland which make the hook all the more interesting, With the wis- dom of age and experience he knows how to pick out ail the good things in life and hold up to the great disad- | vantage of anything that is not good. Joy fairly radiates from his person and he is cheeriness and comfort per- sonified. Fortunately for Tom Rey- nolds he became a friend of this nor- thern disciple of cheer. But, to return to Tom Reynolds, the pretty face kept appearing, dis- appearing and appearing again for many months in which he had adven- ture, thrills, experience, danger and fellowship brought home to him in many forcible ways. In the end the pretty face came to stay, which was enough reward for Tom, but not Guite all he got. The book is a fine story of the Ca- nadian Northwest and the Yukon gold fields. ---------------- A MIGHTY MEAN OOMPANY. "Wall, ye see, the company that built this road was considered mighty mean, an' ground the men down to the last cent. One day a big blast went off before its time, an' a feller was blown high into the air. Every- body thought fer sure that thar wouldn't be a speck of him left. But strange to say, in about fifteen minu- tes he came down pat on his feet, an' but fer a few bruises an' a bad shak+~ in' up he was as chipper as ye please. He got another shock, though, at the end of the week which nearly put him out of bizness." The old man paused, and a smile oversproad his. face as he gazed though{fully out of the window. 'Yos," he continued, it sartinly was somo shook, an' no _mistake, When he want to the office to be Dai for Bis oaks york, he jound 9 Smpuny ooked two-bite far the fifteen minutes he was absent ea that air-trip when the ganic disease." "Then what trouble 7" " It is your nerves, the 'which control the action gans such liver, the all le to ple an "I never thought I was "Well, I "That is just it. nervous system is affécted that are tive hth are dition of your netves. pt nt a POI - pi in the di = tionine the y= you are strong, all right, and I find after a careful exdmination that there is no indication of or- does seem to be the of the vital or as the heart, the stomach, the the ridness, etc. This i3 salled the iC nervous system. not a ar for strong, h -looking suffer from this form of nervous How do you act in-' the dentist's y keel over in a faint." Jour 8 c Food ?" rt. Your diges- ved tion &f the food and the func. the vital organs. digestive fluids in the stomach, the filtering of bile from the blood by the liver, "But I Am Not Nervous, Doctor, See How Strong I Am" the purifying of the blood by the kidneys a functions controlled by slowed up and "While examination shows that there no organic disease, the action of these internal nerves is nerve tonic." "What Food" of. " nervous.' exce "How "I never thought of that" le realize the y the nerves 'The flow of Ltd., Toronto. nature of A. you bpy. system. Consequently when the nervous energy runs low all these processes are organs is weak condition of the about Dr. Chase's "There is nothing better that I know 'I find res oy ment. It tak a . "time 8 and vigor to. nervous system." long will I need to use the Nerve or ---- and many more are the sympathetic nervous you suffer accordingly. because of the exhausted nerves. You need a good Nerve ice everywhere I go of the = of Jia 0 'Ii Th ve But an Look 'for . Chase, | I Save Your Hairl |; I blast went off. Now, whet d'ye think of that?" --From "Glen of the High North," by H. A. Cody. SOCIAL REFORM AND THE WORKINGMAN --BY JHE-- REV. CHARLES STHLZLE «= Christianity and socialism are radi- cally different. Christianity works from within outward. Socialism WOTks from without inward. Christ- lanity believes in .character first, knowing that good environment will follow. Socialism believes in environ- ment first, hoping tist good charac- ter will result, Wien I told this to a labor leader recently, he asked me very earnestly: "Haven't we tried the 'character first' idea long enough?" I asked him it he hdd ever tried it. He ocnfessed that he gad not. He saw the poimt aad changed the subject. ialism and the labor umions are just now having a fierce fight, the Sociallsts cipfming that the labor union is a hindrance to progress. It is generally supposed that when men vote for municipal ~ownership that they are' socialists, but this is not necessarily true, and it is for this reason that socialism has been credit- ed ly bélong to it. a . . In the popular mind, socialism and anarchy are synonymous terms, but there is a very decided difference between these systems of social re- form. The socialist believes that all mat- bers pertaining to society should be controlled by law; that the posses- sion and acquisition of property, should be largely vested in society; that 1s, the state. While he believes in the abolition of the trust end the department store, as at present con- ducted, the socialist practi ally em- courages combinations of this sort, believing that the time will arrive when industry will be so combined and systematized that society will see the advisability of bowing out the .men who have perfected it, and itself taking control e indus- tries. This will mean actical soc- lalism. } ta Many believe that the introductiox of this system wpuld restrict the 1i- berty of soclety's most useful citizens and destroy ambition, because men will not be compensated for their self-denial in business and profes- sional life, excepting as they are sat- istied with the honors that society a following that does not realy: ----that is, the state--will confer upon them. There will be comparatively little difference, under this_system, in the monetary value of the services of the physician and the hod-carrter, | for instance. The physician must be satistied with the consciousness that he has simply done his duty toward mankind, even though he is not re- warded with his usual fees. His sal- ary as a servant of the state--and all men will be' government employees under soolalism--would mot permit him to purchase fine paintings and costly books, for these would be own- od by soslety for the good of all. One can readily see that this sys- tom culls for a high type of manhood, snd that the naturally selfish heart of man will need to Anarchy, on the other hand, means {who has been oppressed by a despotic the abolition of all law, since, as an- ists claim, law is the source of all evil in buman society. Some men say that it means, practically, unlimited license. This is hardly true, however, While in a sense every man may do as he pleases under its regime, he is restricted in his acts by public senti- ment. If he is out of harmony with society, he will be boycotted. into righteous living. This, in a measure, is done in every community today. It is a well-known fact that the unwrit- ten law is sometimes stronger than that passed by the legislature, and that when the written and the un- written laws come into comflict, and the written law has become obnox- vails. One need only refer to the so- called "blue-laws" of our cities to prove the above statement. But an- archy takes it for granted that men have a natural desire for that which fs right and good, and that public sentiment will be strong enough and 8 enough to keep the world pure and in harmony with right prin. ciples. ' ® . * It is génerally su that the anarchist is a man wifo seeks to over- throw government through the use of pistol and dynamite. Tolstol was an anarchist, bat he believed in the doctrine of non-resist- ance. The so-called anarchists who dynamite our buildings would do this whether they were k/>wn as anar- Chists or sot. They do it because of the fremzy that eeises them under certain conditions of society, and be- cause of the wickedness of the natur- al héart. - Anarchy is essemtially non-Chris- tian. It does not regard God, it des- pises the church and characterizes its ministry as non-producers, evi- dently ignoring the fact that the mi- nister is a teacher of morals and eth- ies, which (forces certainly have a 'Place in an ideal community. . . * There are shades of belief in both socialism and anarchy, and the shad- Ing becomes 30 fine sometimes that it is 4 difficult matter to tell just where socialism ends and amarchy begins, While anarchy distinctly -ad- But the average workingman 1s not am anarchist, He despises the man who advocates its dootrined. As povernment at home, | who now feels bitter against it governments, Songs for Every Girl in this November List No mers offering of Starr-Gennett Records is just filled with love melodies--musical stories 'that bring thoughts of "the only girl"--or memoriés to her. There has seldom been a more popular collection of records--*'Popular" because there is. something for every taste--romantic, classical, ultra-modern from today's "Down 'the Trail to Home Sweet Home" back to yesterday's "Home Sweet Home", Read the list and you are almost sure to find TELL ME LITTLE field Follies 1920--Composed by Irving Serlin--Sung by Elliott Shaw, Baritone Solo, YOU'RE THE ONLY GIRL THAT MADE ME CRY--Composed by Fred Fisher- -Sung by Cresent Trio, Voeal Trio, Orch. Acc. HIAWATHA'S MELODY OF LOVE---Com- poded by Meyer and Bryan and Mellinger-- ng by Chas. Hart, Elliott Shaw, Tenor, K Baritone Duet, Orch. Acc. APPLE BLOSSOM TIME---Composed by Von Tilzer and Fleeson--Sung by. Chas, Hart and Elliott Shaw, Tenor-Baritone Duet, Orch. Acc, r= ANYTIME, ANYDAY, ANYWHERE MED- [ MY GIRL FROM LONDON TOON--Comic LEY lm: on Na Da-¢ ampeed by.. Senge Billy Wiliams, * ortlander and Weslyn--Played by arry E Raderman's Orch, (Medley Fox Trot.) lO |S HOME TO-NIGHT--Comie KISMET (Fox Ti t)--Composed by Henle: Oren Brot. mercer by Healere [a SONG~--Cello Solo--Mr. Auguste something thadappeals. GYPSY--From Zieg- WAY DOWN BARCELONA WAY~Jentes 10" and Fisher--Collins and Harlan, Barone and Tenor Duet, Orchestra Accompaniment. TIDDLE DEE WINKS--Handman and Kil- gour--Flo Bert, Contralto, Orchestra Acc, THE WEE HOOSE AMONG THE HEA. FHER--Scotch Comic Song--Hector Gor- on, . MAKE UP YOUR MIND MAGGIE Me- ENZIE--Scoteh Comic Song -- Hector on TAKE A PAIR OF SPARKLING EYES Sulllvan--Wiifred Clayton, Tenor. I'LL SING THEE SONGS OF ARABY-- Clay--Wilfred Clayton, Tenor. ~Played by Green Bros. or -- JEAN MEDLEY (Fox Trot)--Intro: So Lon, ME SW > Oo Long--Composed by Brooke: Plats oe HOME SWEET HOME--Clle Solo--My( Green Bros, Novelty Band. Xylophoie Duet uguste Van . : PR NE SLOAMIN..Vocal Duet, Miss HARA ROSE MEDLEY (FoxTrot)--I tro: imble an r. A. Wiederhold. Cuba--Composed by Clarke and' Donariirg: THERE'S A COTTAGE IN YMA- Played by Paradise Novelty Orch, HONE-- Baritone Solo, Mr, Stanley Kirkby, HOLD ME (F. Trot)--Composed by Hick- IN THIS HOUR OF SOFTENED SPLEN. ac payed | by Cordes Orch. 0 DOUR --lanrumental Quartette, Foden's t, -omposed Fie! ral al A Paradise Novelty Oren." | oF FROLIC BERGERE--Royal Court Orch. MARION (YOU'LL SOON BE MARRYIN' "HOLD THOU MY HAND (Sacred)--Bari- ME)--Composed by Ingham, McConnell, tone Solo, Mr. Robt. Carr. . Krengle and Smith--Sang by Nailard and WHAT "WILL YOU DO WITH JESUS? (Sacred)--Duet, Miss E. Tours and Mr, 13 Terall, Tenor-Contralto, Duet, Orch, y WOND'RING --Composed by Lee David. Robt, Carr, Orchestra 10° 4623 $1.00 120° 307 $1.65 12° + 3018 $163 AGAIN (Sacred)--M te. OUR GOD IS MARCHING (Sacred) Mixed Quartette, { CASSE NOI PT. 1--(T Ag MoE Pr Ferm Miniature Overture. H.M. Scots Coad Ba. TRAIL TO CHILI BEAN---Composed Solo, wn--Sung by Billy Murray, Teno THE ARGENTINES, THE PORTUGESE AND THE GREEKS--Composed by Mor- pa and Swanstrom--Sung by Arthur Col. ins, Baritone, Orchestra Accompaniment, TALKS ON PROHIBITION-- Monologue by Von Tilzer. r Sung by Harry Mann, Tenor Solo, Orch Ace, [od BE WITH YOU TILL WE MEET -- Mixed DOWN THE HOME SWEET HOME --FEmest Ball--Bell and Sharpe, Tenor-Baritone Duet, Orchestra Acc. * WHEN HONEY SINGS AN OLD TIME SONG--Carey--Ballard and Lennox, Tenor. . Soprano Duet, Orchestra Accompaniment STARR COMPANY OF CANADA, Limited LONDON, CANADA COHEN Comic edian. COHEN TALKS ABOUT THE LADIES Comic Monologue by Monroe Silver, Com by Monroe Silver, Com. 12° $072 $1.00 lous, the unwritten law usually pre- ] These Famous Records Are On Sale At Smith Bros., Jewelers, Limited Complete Noveinber List | - Brandram's Genuine B-B White Lead IT POSSESSED UNUSUAL QUALITY --THAT'S WHY IT HAS SURVIVED same as that used in the 18th century--and it is to note that this is the only patented process of white lead manufacture that dates back to-s0 early a period. It is unrivalled for covering-capacity and dur- ability--the finest, whitest pigment you can use, either for white paint or as a white base Tor tinted paints. This is the white lead used in B-H "English" Paint and other B-H products. KINGSTON, Ont. is the SiR H -

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