Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 30 Oct 1920, p. 2

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THE DAILY BRIT HIG. ISH WH re em er sli I . ERPS # i | = R.M.C. SALARY INCREASES INCIDENTS oF THE" DAY lh Sb BET YL = Work, Try Chadwick's Foal, PHofe I) Charm - tea 'is econotgiéat ted: By. a recent order-in-council, the | iJ civilian professors at the Royal Mili- | More cups to: the. spound. tary College are granted substantial | W. Swaineiplano tuner, orders at | NOW ON SALE i : BRI Lado increases in salaries, as shown ip the {McAuley's or 'Phgne 564W. to] ' Pianos tungést Phone 1544 S| > 5 : for FOURTEEN OF AMERICA'S BEST CONTRIBUTORS Lindsay. Ltd. 4 Gil Minimum Maximum Bishop. Macdonell, Alexandriz:| g | Director 6f studies § . - $ 5,100 | continues extremely -weak. B: . i i . ) ' oA - Rex Beach: James Oliver Curwood: Meredi th Nicholson, Joseph C. Lincoln, P. G. Wodehouse, Arthur Somers Rhiche, W. Somerset Maugham, E dgar A. Guest, Fannie Hurst, Frank R. Adams, Thomas Burke, Dana 'Gatlin, John Galsworthy and Royal Brown, I tin -- THE OCTOBER COSHOPOLITAN | | i { = -- :E -- Si followifig schedule, retroactive 5 | April 1st, 1919. > 200, The Bishop of Ontario will hold a# prol. of Mathe 1,250 | confirmation at Selby an Sunday. | Professor of I hy 4,200] At Austin's" Drug = Store--we | and ( hemistry ur "" || have a fresh stock of Neilsons | Associate Professor { chocolates. cnelis 3,300 | h { = 4 Ragin... SBOE. 3 00 | R. R. F. Harvey and Peter Fair | Associate Professor | take part in a recital in Napanee on Engineering Crna 3,300 | Nov. 11th | A9Zactate Prolesaoy 'a After six meomths rental we will Noses, Br fessor allow mdney paid-in rental te apply | I ABS & * ¥FTFOIess | ~ y. in y Mathematics . . 3,300 { on purchase of piano, C. W. Lindsay | The following rates shall be effec-| "5 tive from the date of approval by | Council: | Secure your copy early to avoid disappointment. SATURDAY BOOK AND MUSIC SALE Popular Music . . . . . Two for a Quarter. Popular Copyrights Special, Ninety Cents Each. LATEST AND BEST SELLING MUSIC Avalon, Love Nest, Feather Your Nest, Hold Me, Hiawatha's Melody of Love, Irene, Young Man's Fancy, Alice Blue Gown, Venetian Moon, Paradise for Two, I'm in Heaven When I'm in My Mother's Arms, Where the Sweet Daddies Grow, Tell Me Little Gypsy, Bagdad, Rose of Washington Square, Swanee, Sahara Rose, Just Like a Gypsy, Love.Boats, Let the Rest of 'the World Go By, Sunny Southern Smiles, Dardanella Blues, Kitty Kelly, Dance-O-Mania, So Long 00 Long, Isle of Golden Dreams, etc, etc. " _ -- = -- == == -- -- = -- re] --_-- -- _ _ = -- -- a a Dead = a ---- 3,300 Harvey J. Milne and Abraham | Shaw tok part in a R.A.M. chapter | | of instfuction at Napanee and spoke | at the banquet, - Brig.-Gen, Ross is io speak before Es the Napanee Historical Society on 560 | Nay" 1%th on "Progress of British | | Military Service in War» RK | Owihg to thd, heavy wind, the |} Steamer City of Dresden and the Director of studies $4,980 $5,520 Professor of Mathematics . Professor of Chemistry ,b6 | Associate Professor | English ... .. .. 3,660 | | Associate Professor Engineering .. .. | Associate Professor French ... Associate Professor Mathematics . « 2.940 Instructors in mathematics, Wolf Scarfs-- $10 and up- Wolf Muffs-- $10 and up Raccoon sets-- $20 and up Marmot sets-- $1 0 and up Black Fox Stoles-- =| $25 and up Black Fox Muffs-- =| . $25 and up John McKay, Limited THE FUR HQUSE 149 to 157 Brock Street, Kingston, Ontario. | Minimum Maximum | | | 3.349 4 3,660 schooner Katie Eccles were unable to | clear across the lake Friday night. : ? Mrs." J. B. Phillips, Frontenac |i Fo i fis Fl e College Boo fore 3.660 | Brockville, where she attended the [BE" 3 . an | funeral of her uncle, the late R. Ww. | 4 : 8.660 | Copeland. | Rs . h eN8l-| Qur range of heavy overcoats for}! 4 neering; physics, English, Fre hand men and boys Ha the best. value in 5 Telephone 91 9 chemistry will her after receive fre {the city. Boys' $8.00 to $15.00, [BF 4 / $2,340 to $2,820, and the professor imen's $18.00 to $27.50 Prevost. | k of engineering from $2,849 to $4,- Clothing House. Brock street. | 560. | A beautiful pulpit has been placed | It is stated that the in St. Alban's church, Ameliasburg, military staff will also re the gift of St. Luke's church, King- creases through the ston, of which Rev.. deP. Wright is | partment. rector. The gift is highly appreci- ------ ated. UNDER NEW MA NAGEMENT. -. Open Evenings Permanent ceive in- militia de- Magistrate Farrell held a two-mi-! nute session of the Police Court on | 3 : o Saturday morning. James Mullin, ar | Strand Theatre. Good as Ever and a rested "d pin of a train from | Little More. " ; , Montreal, was remanded until Mon- | Everything maintained at the . Mrs. William Jamieson, 47 Lower | | Bagot street, received word that her | i | two sons, Gordon and William of Cif | Battery, R.C.H.A., had arrived in} "| Winnipeg on Friday. The battery left here Tuesday morning. - { Same high standard as usual and a few more improvements." 'is the'slo- | 820 of the Strand Theatre at the be- ginning of the winter season. 'Under the new manager, H RI Hitchin son, this popular motion picture | | house is giving tha'th "atre patrons' The joint industries committee of of Kingston a fine service, The New| the Board of Trade and. City Council manager comes to Kingston from the | has endorsed the request of the hotel Combination Houses, the Strand | company for Clarence Park as an Theatre and the Regent Theatre at | hotel site, the council releasing its Toronto. He has had a wide experi-| lease from the government. | ence in theatrical work all over this| At a meeting of all ranks of the continent and can be depended upon | 4th Brigade Canadian Machine Gur to carry -on and perfect the g00d | Corps, it was decided fo have train- | work of the 'former manager, | ing two nights each week. On Tues. George Wilson, who has "gone to | day evening uniform will be worn Windsor. and drill carried out; Thursday will The 'new manager has started in { be spent in playing indoor baseball | at the local house with an improve- | and other games. ment which jas been at once noticed A -------- and favorably commented upon by " r theatre fans. This is a unique spoi- More Prizes For K.C.I. | Members of the K.C.I. rifle team light whic throws an oblong piteh of light on the orchestra without in- | that successfully defended the King's terfering with the normal darkness | challenge cup before all comers in of the. hous#'for the pictures. The or. | Toronto this .month; were also the | | chestra is now plainly in view in this | winners of other coveted trophies | §! oblong which produces an effect as (in the Dominion rifle matches, Ca- clear-cut as a phot raph. - At the |det Emery won a silver cup and | spoon; Cadets H. Puff, Paul Cun- Children's Light Blue Cashmere Hose-- "Little Darlin rand" --sizes 6} and 7 only. $1.25... . "rR Tonight, Sle, oair Ladies' Imported French.Kid Gloves--black--size 6 only. $2.00 Ime; ieee. +++ ++i... Tonight, half price--$1.00 Babies' Waterproof Pants-- special Velie Model 48 Compare this car with any Light Six, similarly or more highly priced, and be convinced of the superior value of the VELIE. teeeieleinin sine araintnzare; BOC, 34 to 42. 69c. line for 49c. Front Lace Corsets--Pink or White: broken sizes, 20 to 30 -- lines; to clearat ,..... _. seins vive ae $3.75 Children's Corset Waists with Garters--sizes 19 to 26; $1.25 line for Fate maie aie le tiaieie nt te ssa OBE, Men's Fleece Lined Undérwear . . . ... ® iene ia re rere is 986, cach MONDAY--300 YARDS OF DRESS SERGE All pure wool; full 54 inches wide: CONTINENTAL ENGINE White Cotton Corset Covers--sizes --TIMEEN AXLES AND BEARINGS. --FOUR-BEARING CRANK SHAFT. --BLJUR STARTING and LIGHTING. --BORG & BECK CLUTCH. Other details to correspond. - KENDRICK & VANLUVEN DISTRIBUTORS Phones 1888 and 81. $5.00 same time the light"is so controlled $4,500--Colborne Street -- 8 rooms; B. and C.; electricity, two lots. $4,800-- Albert Street-- brick; seven rooms; hot water heating; hardwood * floors; possession May 1st. Rental $360. ; $8000--Aberdeen Street -- 6 rooms; furnace; electricity. Frontenac St.--brick; 7 rooms; hardwood floors; furnace; electricity. $8100 -- UNION STREET -- brick; rooms; all. ims provements. > . $4600--VICTORIA STREET-- brick; 6 rooms; furnace; electricity; verandah. FARMS FOR SALE McCANN Real Botaty and Insurases 86 Brock Bt, Phone 326 or 631 System of Business Ee ly cash and carry basis, Specials! ee ere cee EE 'On and after November 1st, our business will be run on 'a strict- Watch this space for our J. Cullen ALFRED and PRINCESS STS. | | NOTICE Changing Our that the main Body of the house is not changed at.&H and there is no re- flection to interfere with the clear- ness of the pictures on .the screen. For Hallowe'en the Strand has been specially decorated. Streamers of bunting stretch hither and thither and the traditional black cat of the season arches its back and spits de- flance at the grinning pumpkins with their man-in-the-moon faces. The lobby is'a mass of Hallowe'en de- corations and' the spirit of the oe- casion meets one at the very entrance to the theatre. The front of. the theatre presents a very pretty pic- 'wearing two different pairs of Glasses--one for distance and an- other for reading ? If so, try a pair of the invisible bifocals and you will wonder 'how you ever got along without them. Perfect vi- sion*for all distances in one lens-- that's the idea. Consult: 1S. Asselstine; DOS 302 Kina Sow. * Phone 1019w. | ture, 'especially | Special screenin at night when the | shining marble stands out in brilliant relief. 'The lobby is glowing and in- Viting to the passerby and the whole | 23Y8 always found them arrangement - presents an picture which promises rest, tion and amusement within. alluring recrea- ing season are of the very best. The almost all the pictures booked at 88 before their res lease and has arranged for the very best selections from a wonderful ¢ole lection of film plays. This series has already started and, as a special feature, several large film extrava- ganzas will be presented throughout the season, A new play of Mary Pickford's and "Humoresque' wiil. be two of the first of these. The Strand theatre is indeed for- tunate in securing Mr. Hitchinson as manager, and although he may ozly be here tempora rily, many movie fans have already expressed the wish that he be .left here for this season at least. Good service is the secret for institutions and organizations cater- ing to the public:and the patrons of the Strand Theatre are receiving lots | of it. 1 -------------- WEDDED IN NEW YORK. The MoGeechan-Kaminski Nuptials --Bride a Kingston Girl. Miss Millie Kaminski, daughter of Mr. and Mrs: Kaminski, Queen Street, was married from: the resi- dence of Judge Hunt, Brooklyn, N.Y, to Cornellus K. McCes an,' New York, at the Church 'of Our Lady" ot Victory, the Rev. Father J, Jerome Reddy being the . om- clating priest. The 'bride was charm- ingly gowned in a suit of brown silk chiffon, with a brown beaver hat, and carried American beauty roses, and wore the groom's gift, a diamond pin set in platinum. The bride is a graduate of St. Catherine's Hospi- tal, Brooklyn, and the groom a ris- Ing young lawyer. After the honey- moon, which will be spent in Atlan- tic City, Mr. and Mrs. McGeechan will reside at the Commodore hotel, And will come up to Kingston later to visit the bride's parents. -------------- Since oi De advt. in this pa- per, we have sold over one dozen Banner Pipeless furnaces. New homes, old homes, homes that never could have had a furnace of the old fashioned kind without complete re- modelling, homes without big cel- lars, homes or stores of any size or plan can now have all the comfort that comes from a fine heating sys- tem. . Estimates cheerfdlly given on these at Simmons Bros.' Yeliow Hardware, Princess street. The pictures arranged for the com- friends, + | w in ital treatment." REW manager has personally viewed | who require hospita | | { | i | | i | | uinghanr and C. Vokes won silver spoons of the second class. Alto-|f gether, the Kingston lads did splen- | fi didly and Lieut.-Col. G. H. Gillespie | and the instructor and staff of K.C.I { have cause to be proud of their per--| fl formance. The boys shot in four | I matehes at ranges of 200 and 500 yards. /' Co ends the Hospital. Rev. A/E. Smart, Tweed, writing | in the Tweed News on' the highs standing of : the Kingston General | Hospital says: "For a number ot | years I have had close personal |} knowledge of this institution and | efficient, | reasonable in their . charges, and | most---kind and courteous in their | treatment of patients and their | I commend the institution, without any reservation to those | make a nice, serviceable House Dress or s 6 best shades-- Navy, can buy this $4.00 lin PICTORIAL QUARTERLY FOR WINTER. Newman & Shaw "The Always Busy Store" e on Monday good, heavy weight; will uitable for outdoor wear-- Burgundy, Myrtle, Black. 'You for only (sis ale eivio ev nin ower $2.95 Copen, Seal, -------- To Fortify the System Against Grip. | Take GROVE'S & B. Q. "tablets (Laxative Bromo Quinine tablets) | which destroy germs, act as a tonic and laxative, and thus prevent Colds, | Grip and Influenza. Ask for GROVES | L. B. Q. tablets. Look for E. W.| GROVE'S signature on box. 30c. ! eee 2 "The "Hat Store" £ A a | Kingston : 3 then in poor heaith, but did not rea- an PSs { lize the end wa8 so very near. SR { Miss Fox was a member of the Me- | tly interest- CHOOSE ONE TONIGHT { thodist Church and greatly ! ed in the various activities of church SUITABLE FOR THE LONG | life and especially of the Woman's WINTER DAYS AHEAD . . , | Missionary Society, of which she was {IY 2% The Late Miss J. E. Fox. On Friday morndiy,' Miss Jennie E. Fox, daughter of 'the late Rev. | Thos. and Mrs. Fox, died after a { short ilingss at the home of her sis- | ter, Mrs... Elmer Dgvis, Sydenham | street. Mifs Fox had resided for sev- ral years im .Toronto énd came to a life member. A woman of sweet and gentle disposition, she was most patient in her affliction, and met each, day of suffering and weakness with: cheerful courage and unshaken faith in her Redeemer, Three sisters, '1: Mrs. Jacobs, Lincoln, Nebraska; Mrs. onto, together with twol brothers, Dr. W. H. Fox, Chicago, and Rev. J. W. , Aurora, Ont., mourn the part- ing with a beloyed sister. Burial will take place in Mount Plégsant ceme- tery, Toronto. What Queen's Girls Do. J Queen's Journal :. The Columbia Spectator reports that the women of Northwestern University have de- cided to beat the high cost of liv- ing by earning more money. Among pr A things, they shine shoes, manictire nails, shorten and press skirts, shampoo hair and darn stockings. 'And our poor Queen's girls do all these things without any idea of remuneration. ---------- . In our immense stock we show evory conceivable kind of a Hat or Cap in' all the desired | "styles and at the right price. MEN'S CLOTH HATS $3 to $4 MEN'S VELOUR HATS NEWEST CLOTH CAPS . - $1.00 to $3.50 --BUY TO-NIGHT-- Appointed Superintendent. Miss Jane Campbell, daughter of John T. Campbell, Fineb, has ac- ly @# month ago. She was' Davis, this city; and Miss Tox, Tor- |] Johnson St. Large brick rooming house; 16 rooms; 11 bed rooms, with basin and cold water in each room; hot water heating; electric light; gas; 2 bathrooms; 3 balconies; entrance from two streets. Revenue $100.00 per month, A bargain at $6,200, HOUSES: TO RENT, "E. W. MULLIN & SON Kingston Home. Fluders- Buyers aad Sellers of Real Estate, Phones 539w and 539). JOHNSTON and DIVISION STREETS, COME HERE SATURDAY + FOR SHOE VALUES Men's Boots At oes virenias einen $4.98 Men's Boots at : ; $5.95 Men's Boots at $6.95 Black and brown; narrow and wide toes; all Sosdysar welted soles; regular values up to 00. 3 : Tne seshayviv eng So SLE BY A A TE EN Steve J. Martin "Shoes of Merit and Distinction" ir Phone 2216, {cepted a position as superintend {at the. Hotel Dieu Hospital. George Mills & Co. She trained at : ; . Post-Graduate Hospital, New . Furs--Hats--Millinery York city, and has been night super- ETES------ OT Here Well, Hardly. 495 {New York Bun) Every one, including the mine owners, is now fighting coal graft. But has any one heard of the prices | ? (Vancouver Province) Mahitoba has a bumper potato crop and the high-class cafes may discontinue last season's custom of serving the tubers as dessert, 5

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