OUR NEW FALL 'HATS Have Arrived. Collier's Toggery J . - 3 » Collier's Toggery The Only Store Where . You can buy DR. HAWKINS INVISIBLE BELTS The " YEAR 87: NO. 266. / Sf KINGSTON, ONTARIO. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 30, 600,000 MINERS VOTE TUESDAY The Welsh Miners Are Chief Opponents of the Peace 4 Scheme. © London, Oct. 30.--Tle whole body of British miners, 600,000 workers -altogether, will decide next Tues- day whether to accépt the govern- ment"s compromise offer of settle- ment and thus end the strike, or to remain firm on their original de- mands. * The danger spot is still in South Wales, where the hotheads are strongest, and the moderates are hopeful rather than confident, of ac- ceptance of the settlement in the forthcoming miners' ballot. . Two factors make powerfully for peace; one is the obvious fact that Bolshevism and all extremist talk and action is losing favor more and more with the general laboring com- munity here. It is un-English and makes small appeal to any beyond about one-third of the wage earning electorate. The second factor is that labor consigns itself to a political wilderness in England for the next decade if it now fails to respond to the apparent readiness of the best capitalist andsof parliament to re- establish 'industry all through on the basis of mutual good will and co- partnership. The Only Way Out. That is, admittedly, the only way ituation which the coal strike h brought to a positive impasse. [Léading indus- trialists who, rep, centres of the n relate how many millions sterling have already beem lost during the last month by cancelled shiipbuild- ing, engineering and other con- tracts Germany and Belgium meanwhile are hives of bustling, profitablé in- dustry, they are securing large Brit- ish orders. Austin Chamberlain, chancellor of the exchequer, will shortly have to inform parliament that the strike and industrial uncertainty have al- ready knocked the bottom out of his revenue estimates. His budget for the current year must be recast, and the expenditure estimates for next year, 'whigh are now being prepar- ed by the department, must be fur ther drastically reduced. New educational schemes, which Involved one hundred millions sterl- dng annually, will probably have to be deferred for three or five years, and elaborate health and transport reforms be rigorously curtailed. TO MAKE RETIREMENTS IN CIVIL SERVICE The Service to be Reor- _Aganized--No More Sinecures. Ottawa, Oct. 30,--A lot of people on the payroll of the government' throughout the country. are likely to be laid off as a result of the re- - organization of the civil service at Ottawa and throughout the country, now being conducted by a subtcom- mittee of the cabinet, with the Chi- cgao firm of Griffenhagen & Co. as experts. 'It has long been a reproach that civil service is overmanned, and the reorganization now under way will, it 1s skid,"do away with this condi- tion. Thousands are likely to be laid off, but the list will be confined to the holders of sinecures and those whose record is that o@ incompe- tents. FARMERS PROSPERING Hon. Robert Comments on 'Western Situation. Toronto, Oct. 30.-- "If Manitoba had voted on the same questions as British Columbia in regard to the liquor trade," said Hon. "Bob" Rogers, who is in Toronto, "it pro- bably would have made the same de- cision as British Columbia. "Of this year's crop, the western farmers haye shipped 40,000,000 bushels to lake ports, of which 35,~ 000,000 bushels have been sgid, and + for-it-the return to the farmers was _ greater than ever received before," 'was Hon. Mr. Rogers' comment on the agricultural situation In the west. . Ot the Manitoba 'govérnment, he sald that "it is still in the balance, but hanging on." He affirmed his continued belief in the necessity of a properly regulated tariff to insure Canadian prosperity. ___ John Hoffman, who broke into the City Hall jewelry store, Toronto and stole $3,000 worth of jewels © was sentenced -to two years in peni tentiary. e + wa nn STATE OF SIEGE IN MOSCOW REPORTED Paris, Oct, 30.--Disorders in Moscow' have attained = such serious 'proportions that the Russian Soviet authorities have declared a of siege, cording to the Stockholm cor® respondent the Echo de Paris. : Wholesale of Wran- gel sympathizers being made in the Soviet capital, the correspondent's despatch said. FISHING SCHOONERS CONTEND FOR HONORS Race Off Halifax Harbor Be- tween American and Cana- dian Contestants. Halifax, Oct. 30.--Qhosting easily along in a 'gentle southwesterly breeze, with eve stitch white canvas gleaming in. the morn- ing sun, the Esperanto and Delawa- na, representing respectively the Am- erican and the Canadian fishing fleets, are contending off Halifax harbor this morning for the blue rib- bon' honors of the north Atlantic. The eyes of most of Halifax and some parts of Gloucester and Boston were fastened on the Delawana, as she swept.grandly across the starting state ac- of arrests are line leading by thirty-two seconds..| In a thirteen-knot breeze the vessels were logging over nine knots an hour ,and it is considered probable that if the wind held they would be able to finish the forty-mile course in the time allowance of nine hours. Galt Church to Have : Educational Director Galt, Oct, 30.--A new departure in church circles here. is shortly to be- made, by Knox Preshyterian church, wich, permit, will employ a director of re- ligioug education. A canvass for funds will be made in November, and the new official's duties will be to superintend the Sunday school, teach an advanced class, load a teachers' weekly study, conduct a teachers' training class, and organ- ize the activities of the young people. Costs $1,000 to Produce Efficient Telephone Girl Chicago, Oct. 30.--It costs $1,000 to produce a proficient telephone girl in New York. This was the state- ment of William P. Banks, chief counsel for the Chicago Telephone Company, in his closing argument at the valuation hearing before the State Public Utilities Commission. The company's attorney talked of "going values," which aré part of the valuation of $97,002,056, placed by the company on property that cost it $63,977,000. Among the items of "going values" there is one of $8,000,000, being the estimated cost of training 8,000 tele- phone operators of the Chicago dis- trict. NEWSPAPERS AND CRIME Publicity Prejudices Citizens Against Murderers. Hamilton, Oct. 30.--Crown - At- torney 8. F. Washington, K.C., told the Ontario Public Service Commis- sion, which held a sitting, that he thought newspapers should 'not be allowed to publish anything about a criminal case until the day of the trial, as 'too 'much .publicity inter- fered with the work 6f the police." "You wouldn't-object to the papers publishing thé bare facts," one of the commissioners asked. "Not the act of such a crime hav- ing been committed, no," replied the crown attorney of Wentworth county and Hamilton, "but a murder occyrs, and the front page of the i filled with every grandmother's tale and gossip. This sort of thing is bound to influence the jury in such a case." mh WAVE OF SERIOUS CRIME Seventeen Murder Cases in Ome On- > tario District. Simcoe, Oct. 30.---Mr. Justice Kel- ley, who is presiding at the assizes here this week, and who sentenced Lorne Helmer to prison for eighteen months for manslaughter in ¢onnec- tion 'with the death of James A. Learne, farmer of Walsingham; Ont., commented upon the wave of serious ¢rime that has been passing over a part of Ontario. His Lordship stat- ed that since September 20th, there have been no less than seventeen murder cases entered for trial, the murders having occurred in the sec- tions of thé province north and west of Toronto. Mrs. Donald MacMillan, Goshen, dropped dead while making some purchases in a Renfrew drug store, 3he was sixty-seven years old. Hon. J. D. Reid, Minister of Rail- vays, who is abroad on a holiday rip, Is not expected to return be- ofe' the end of November. The Government Regulates the Funeral Of Late Lord Mayor MacSwiney At Cork Cork, Oct. 30.--The body of Ter- ence MacSwiney, late lord mayor of this city, arrived here on board an admiralty 'tug late yesterday after noon. The tug, whose flag was tiown at half mast, docked at the customs house quay. Enormous crowds lined the oppgsite quays and nearby bridges. Government au- thorities in Cork immediately noti- fied Deputy Lord Mayor O'Cal- laghan and the Bishop of Cork that 'no , military display: would be per- mitted at the funeral of MacSwiney, and that neither drilling uniforms nor republican army ges would be allowed. Only the Irish republi- can flag in the procession, it was | stated, must be placed on the coffin, and he procession must not exceed a quarter of a mile in length. Troops will line the route to see that these regulations are obeyed. 7 The funeral party, which refused to board the packet, "Rathmore" at Holyhead, les, arrived in Cork shortly befor® seven o'clock last night. The mourners were accom- panied by Arthur Griffiths, founder of the Sinn Fein, and Count Plun- kett, a well-known Sinn Feiner, and member of parliament for North Roscommon. A delegation from the city council met the mourners at the station. v The funeral will be held on Sun- day from the Cork city hall. # of roundy when finances will | "EXCISE POWER | Amendmeit to Home Rule Bill Los By 156 to London, Oct. 30.--The British House of Commons, by a vote of 156 to 37 has defeated an amend- ment to the Irish Home Rule bill giving the proposed two Irish par- liaments complete control over levy- Ing pf customs and excise, with safeguards to be provided prevent- ing the Irish parliaments from rais- ing tariffs against each other or against England. The amendment was moved by | Col. Walter Guinness, a member of lan old Unionist family. Speaking {for the government against the i amendment, S. A. L. Fisher declared | it would be impossible' to have sepa- jrate excise and customs boards for {this country and Ireland, and im- | possible to have two fiscal systems {for Ireland. | After the union of Ireland has { been "accomplished; then the wholes | question might be reviewed, "he sug- | gested. Sir Samuel Hoare, supporting the amendment, said that if Ireland was refused conrol of her own finances, the Home Rule bill was "camou- flage." He said the government { should put life into its fiscal clause {or drop the bill altogether and go {back to an intelligent system of | Union government. { J. A. R. Marriott declared the {amendment was against the whole system of federalism and supported | separatism. | Gen. Seely stated that if fiscal au- | tonomy were not conferred upon {Ireland immediately the bill, when |it became .a law, would be a dead | letter in five-sixths of Ireland. Murray MacDonald resisted the proposal of fiscal autonomy because, he said, it would enormously exag- gerate the differences already exist- ing between north and south Ire- laud, and would result temporarily in completely severing connections between ireland and England. Another amendment moved by Major Hills, providing that excess profits duty should be placed unuer the control of the Irish parliaments, was negative without division. ------------------ 'NOT IN WARDEN'S HANDS Penitentiary Charges Out- come of Departiient of Justice enquiry. All appears to be quiet at the Portsmouth penitentiary Warden Ponsford is. on duty, and although he applied for leave of absence he does not know when he will have the op- portunity to get away from his oner- ous duties. Asked about the prosecu- tions against guards in connection with trafficking with inmates and the wholesale pilfering of govern- ment property recently reported to bave taken place with the assistance of a local second hand dealer, he sald he could 'give no information, as the cases -were not in his hands at all, but were the outcome of an indepen- dent investigation carried on under direction of officials of the depart- ment of justice, Ottawa. Something may develop along this line any day that will create no less interest than the recent rioting and escapes of the two "prisoners in an automobile. While many things connected with fhe prison have been disclosed, no- Bolly appears to be able to name the party responsible for the escape of the two -prisoners, and it is stated that no guard had been placed direct ly in charge of them, but that they were employed outside' the supervis- ion and over-sight of any officer, This appears to have been a complete disregard of regulations, which state that "No two or more prisoners shall at any time be employed outside of the sight or easy hearing of an offi- cer." Superintendent Hughes said that there were many old-time off}- cials who were past rendering use- ful service, and that during the past two years they were gradually being Freplaced by younger men. Seventeen in aH had been retired. He attributed the recent strike and uproar on the part of the prisoners to the firmer en- forcement of discipline. Resentment was shown when prompt obedience was enjoined upon guards and pri- soners alike, and when a clean-up was instituted the anger of all was shown in many WE. a t---------- DEARER ELECTRICITY ° to 35 Per Cent. Toronto, Oct. 30.--Incredses of rates ranging from 11 to 35 per cent. are announced by the Toronto and Niagara Power Company, form- erly the Toronte Electric Light Com- Ber to- become effective December . Higher labor costs, increased costs of materials, higher taxes and workmen's compensation rates are the reasons given by the company for the increase. be The Hydro-Electric Commission of Toronto has not been taking on any new customers for some time owing to power shortage. STEAMER KEYWEST RELEASED. Vessel Went on Chatagee Shoal in Lachine Lake. The tug Frontenac, of the Don- nelly Salvage. and Wrecking Com- pany, released the steamer Keywest, of the Keystone Transportation Com- pany, which went ashore"in a gale at the Chatagee shoal in Lachine Lake. The vessel fas taken into La- chine. Toronto Company Increasés Rates 11 PRINCE PAUL who has been chosen He is now living wit , "ex-King Constantine, | S MAKING - STEADY PROGRESS Government Official Says All Revolutionary Activities Have Ceased. York, Oct. 30.--Gomex Morin, secretary to General Alva- rado, Mexican minister of finance, who is here to turn the local Mexi- can financial agency over to M. Pes- queira, says conditions in Mexicq are greatly improved, and that the jm- provement is progressing steadily. Crops are large, mineral and oil pro- duction and export are New in entire harmony in the working-out of a sound fiscal policy and the coun- try's transportation system is being steadily pushed forward according to a comprehensive scheme. "Termination of all revolutionary activities has made it possible to go ahead with the financial and indus- trial .deyelopment of Mexico." Mr. Morir said. "At present, there are not twenty men armed against the government. The transport of com- modities and minerals fs now pos- sible without military escort, and this- fact has so greatly reduced the cost of transportation that many en- terprises which formerly could not 'be worked economically are now be- ing developed profitably." Mr. Morin thinks the government terest on its debt and says no new borrowing is contemplated for the immediate future. The railway de- velopment, which is one of the most important items, will be under gov- ernment supervision, but the develop- ment elsewhere, he thinks, will be largely private. "Tn this respect, he pointed out, many rich Mexicans aré coming to New York for financial as- sistance. 3 ADMIRAL COUNDOURITIS Formerly Greek Minister of Marine, who has been appointed regent for Greece. He is Sympathetic to the En- tente. - NO RISE IN THE PRICE OF COAL IN OTTAWA U. M8. Interstate Commerce Commission's Recent Order Will Have No Effect. Ottawa, Oct. 30.--According to an official of the Board of Railway Com- missioners for Canada no word has been received im Ottawa regarding the coal order issued by the Inter- state' 'Commerce Commission at Washington suspending the priority given to shipments to Lake Erie ports. The coal supply will not be affected to any extent here, and the 'order applies chiefly to the Cleve- land popl, which handles sufficient cars to supply the north-western states, and also Canada, with coal. The official stated ghat in view of e ington order, but, should any- countered, sufficient coal coul obtained from Alberta. = The Interstate Commerce Commis- sion also issued an order last June getting aside cars sufficient to sap- ply the immediate needs of toe north-western states and Canada, unchanged here. * ; -* + SILK AGAIN DROPS + ON JAPAN'S MARKET : * : > A Tokio, Ogt. .30.--The . Yoko- ¢ & hama silk exchange was closed # yesterday when prices. dropped & below the minimum fixed by 4 the buying syndicate. The offi. & cals of the exchange are in con- 4 sultation with the government + regarding the situation. The # general depression in the silk $ + industry is continuing, * * wy * PEPER FIED 000 Wi nl increasing, | the banks and the government are | will shortly resume payment of in-: the present fuel stdcks no shorta is expected to result from Wak en-| d be Coal prices are expected to remain); C2PPEEIEL RET O20 00) . 1920. HARDING BET 'Wall Street Man Ready to Wager $1,000,000 For Brokers. New York, Oct. 30.-- The most sen- sational development in election bet- ting thus far 'came yesterday whe Milton G. Schwerin, president of the Wall Street financial bureau, at 15 "Whitehall street, announced that he had been commissioned by a coterie of Wall Street brokers, members of the stock exchange, to wager $1,- 000,000 on Harding and Coolidge at odds of 10 to 1. ¥ It could not be learned that any part of .this money had been placed. | Many of the supporters of the Demo- cratic nominees have expressed a willingness to accept odds of 8 to 1, so that if the Schwerin offer of 10° to 1 is what Wall Street calls "a firm bid," there should be little dif- ficulty in placing the $1,000,000. So far as the odds were concerned in the betting, the only change was that in reference to the gubernator- fal contest in which Judge Mill# be- came a 233 to 1 favorite over Gov- ernor Smith. AUSTRALIA'S DEBT IS $700,000,000 This Immense Burden is Car= ried by a Population of Five Million. London, Oct. 30.--Speaking at a luncheon tendered to Governor Kell, of the Australian Commonwealth Bank, Austen Chamberlain, the Chancellor of the Exchequer, that while he could not welcome ers of short money under the present circumstances, which would make them competitors with ° himself in Great Britain's hour of need, they would always have the British Gov- ernment's good-will when they in- vited investors to take up long term issues for the development of... .the Commonwealth. Mr. Kell mentioned that the Commonwealth's total in- debtedness was $700,000,000, and was carried by a .population of 5,- 000,000. This was a greater burden fore the war. Canadian and Proud of It, Greenwood's Spirited Reply Londem, Oct, 30,--The incident of a recent debate in the house of com- mons was the spirited retort by Sir Hamar Greenwood, ehief secretary for Ireland, to-Joseph Devlin, Na- tionalist M, P.ij«who had spoken of the Irish administ¥atioh as that of a Canadiaw'chief secretaww,"Sir Hanar declared that the record of Canadian empi®Pe history was one to be proud of, and no part of the empire was more favorable to home rule. He re- gretted, and hoped every newspaper Tif" Canada would repeat-his statement --that the first Canadian in the _po- should be attacked because he was a Canadian. ty : Hér Faith is Shaken In Doctor's Evidence St. Thomas, Oct. 30.--The dig- nity of the law was sorely tried for a moment today at the fall assiZes session in the court house and Mr. Justice Rose indulged .in a hearty laugh when an Indian woman who was being examined as a witness in & civil suit over the disposition of an estate gave evidence concerning a dead relative directly opposite to that sworn to a few minutes before by a prominent doctor of the city. "Do you mean to contradict a doe- tor's statement?' asked the counsel. "Sure, replied the witness. "A doctor is liable to. say anything. One of 'em told me I was going to die twenty years ago, and I am not dead yet." CANNOT APPEAL, The Ontario Decision in Ottawa Li- quor. (ase. : Ottawa, Oct. 30.-- The fight which has been waged by the George estate to upset a decision of the local po- lice magistrate, by which more than $30,000 worth of liquor was seized, and the George estate fined $212 for having liquor in a public place, ended with the intimation from Attorney- Genesal Raney that leave to appeal aad been refused. After the conviction had been registered here; Mr. A. E. Fripp, K.C., acting for the George estate, applied to the Attorney-General, who alone had power to deal with the matter, for leave to appeal, but this has been denied. The decision of the Crown maip- tains the stand taken by McLaughlin that no one has the right. to conduct liquor agencies within the province of Ontario with- nses from the ' license com- , Which cancelled all those in i in April last. . x of Cars A , Is Reported for eat {7° Ottawa, Oot. 30.-- While the wes- tern movement of grain is on the whole regarded as satisfactory, there being no signs of congestion, daily by the government as to the shoriage of cars. In the majority of cases they are from the smaller points of shipment. All complaints | When received are at once referred to the department of railways, which Js co-operating with all the railways in an eff to. have the ¢rop moved with as little inconvenience to west~ ra larmers as possible. OF 10,T0 1 said | Australian corporations as borrow- | than was borne by Great Britain be- | sition of chief seeretary for Ireland | Inspector | Daily British Whig TAX STAMP PROTEST COMES FROM WEST | | Unnecessary Time and . Expenditures. 1g protests for the have been | { Reginh, Oct. 30.--Str against the use of star cellection of the luxury forwarded to Ottawa by t {and Saskatoon and provincial organ-| | izations of the Retail Merchagts' As- | sociation. | The retailers regard this method of collection es unfair and unbusiness- {tike. It is believed to be unneces- | sary, since under the new s i licénsing the merchants n can escape making returns and paying the | taxes, | | Objection against the proposal is Iso urged on the ground that it will 18 Ia out considerable sums of money in order to 'keep on hand stocks of! stamps of different denominations. It will also result in the waste of a i good deal of time, for no matter how {busy the merchant is he must stop | to affix the stamps to the bills and | perforate them. Too Much Espionage; | 'Quits Liquor Business Montreal, Oct. 30.--D. R. Mur- phy, K.C., general administrator of the province of Quebec prohibition law, had an interview with the Ili-| censed vendors of this city vesterday,! and informed them that they should sell liquor not more than forty-three ounces at a time, on medical certi-! ficates, according to the law, and that they must strictly'observe that | law, As a direct resylt of this, the es-| tablishment of the St. James Wine Company, carried on by IL. A. Wil- son, one of the most prominent liquor men in the province for many years, {and against whom there has never | | been a breath of suspicion of break-| | ing the law, was closed today. | Mr. Wilson stated that, rather than | { carry on business under what prom- | | ised to be an aggravated condition ot | |-espionage, he preferred to give it | up altogether, | | | ($4422 FTFS TRB F400 LJ] {# RASPBERRY BUSH YIE1 # THREE OROPS IN SEAS DS DN hd ---- {#% Owen Sound, Oct. 30.--A. G. | % Mitchell, Third avenue east, has | % a raspberry bush that is beating { % all records. It has just come ac- | # ross with its third crop for this "4 year. It bore the first crop in | 2 July, and the second crop early + in September. LEA EERE EEE SER EERE | { Bhp SP bee beped | Professor Loses Life by Falling Inte Deep Mine ' rere ul Peekskill, N.Y., Oct. 30.--Prof, | . C. Schmidt of the Hackley School, Tarrytown, fell 275 feet into | a deep shaft of the abandoned Mani- | { tou copper mine in the sight of | | Ernest Piercé, another teacher, and | 60 students. | Pierce reported the-accidént to the | police yesterday. ' He sald no report | was previously made, because the at- | tention of all was taken| up with the | attempts at rescue, Shortly 'before noon Willis Delamater of Peekskill | was lowered into the shaft in an at- | | tempt to recover his body. There was | {water in the bottom Jf the sliaft The two teachers were instructing the students in geology at the mine when Prof. Schmidt Tost his bal- | ance and fell. No Need of Change. Indianapolis, Oct. 30.-~Speaking { here Governor Cox, of Ohio, Demo- | cratic presidential nominee, attack- | ed the Republican pléa that the | country needs a 'change' of admin- | istration, He asked his audience whether they wanted to change to | "tax révision by big politicians, dnd | control of government by men led | by Lodge and Penrose." | The candidate declared that he had { made good his pre-campaign predic- | tion that he would drive his oppon- ents out of the front trenches by i' mid-October. He -ciaimed to have idence that the people of the Unit- | &d States were eager to go into the League of Nations. ' "My opponents gmake their fight on the League issue and upon me," sald Governor Cox. 'They have fail- ed in their attempt to divert the is- { sues. They have been compelled to |- recognize that Cox is the capdidate, | and no longer can they continué their | assault upon President Wilsén whom | they have pitilessly belabored for { months, even though they knew he | was sick and unable to defend him- | selt." | Boy Steps on Nail; Lockjaw Ingersoll, Oct. '30.--Blood-poison- ing and lockjaw, -which developed from a"wound inflicted by stepping {on a nail, caused the death of Wal- | ter William, the ten-year-old son of { Mr. and Mrs, Courtney Fleming. Ser- | fous complications developed gn Sun. | day, since which time the condition | of the lad had been dubious. Lock- Merchants Say System Entails | | jaw set in on Wednesday. WGILL TOOK THE HONORS In the Intercollegiate Field Meet--Sutherland, RM. C., Won Mile Race. Toronto, Oct. 30.--McGiil Univers . SL ¢fity won the intercollegiate track and = of field meet here yesterday with sixty- two points, Varsity was second with fifty-five points. darthiug, McGill, -showed splendid form in the 120 yard hurdles, and | necessitate the merchants putting gestablished a record for the event of 16 2-5 seconds. McGill had the best balanced team, and was able to win the day, Tors onto coming close behind. R.M.C. and Queen's did not send a full team, while Manitoba was given no points, not being a member of the eastern union. In actual wins McGill took 51 points, Toronto, 41, Mauitoba, 17, R. M.C,, 9, and Queen's, 0. Of 14 events, including the relay, McGill won first place in the 100, | 220, 440 yard races; the pole vaulty high jump, broad jump, huirdles and 16-pound hammer, eight in all, Uni- versity of Toronto won half mile, three mile, relay race and shotput; R. M, C. won the mile run and Ma- nitoba the discus throwing, Toroanto and McGill were the 'only represen- tatives that qualified for the team prize. . Cadet R. D. Sutherland, Kingston, representing the Royal Military Col lege, won the mile race, time 4.46. He was also third in the 440 yards run. Bigelow of the R.M.C. was secs ond in the three mile run. Cadet Su- therland is a son of Ex-Mayor R. D. Sutherland, this city. LB WHERE IS GREAT REPUBLICAN FUND? $3,042,892.32 Spent So Far 0,000 More to be Spent. Chicago, Oct. 30.--The task of carrying their standards to the polis on Nov. 2nd will cost three and a half million dollars, according to a writ- ten statement made to the United States senate sub-committee on cams paign expenditures by Fred W. Up- ham, treasurer of the Republican 'National Committee, today. The cost of carrying on Senator Warren G., Harding's campaign cost the national committee up to Octo= ber 24th, 3,042,892.32, according to Upham"s statement, About $400,000 is yet to be spent in a "mopping-up" campaign between that date and No- vember, the report said: The state- ment was made on the of the Senate sub-committee that 8 urers of the national committees of both the major parties give an ac- counting of moneys raised and spent 3, i in- the presidential campaign. It was ! submitted to a representative of the committee. Against this expenditure the Republicans face a deficit, which may run close to half a million deol« lars. Up to Oct. 24th, only $2,731, 211,68 had been raised by the coms mittee for the presidential campaign. This represents a difference of more than three-fourths of a million | dollars between funds raised and ex pended. At ldast a quarter of a mile lion more 1s expected to raised, Between Aug.. 26th and t. 27th; the Republicans raised $1,985,543. The largest single contribution te the Republican presidential campaign came from the Harding and Coolidge chib-of Tulsa, Okla, which sent in a- check for $10,000, The Hamilton club of Chicago, was second with §6,* 120,50. British Munitions' Suit ' Against U. 8. Concern, New York, Oct. 30.--~King George V. of Great Britain, is the plaintiff in 3 suit filed against Manning, Maxe well and Moore, Inc, for an accounts ing in connection with alleged overs charges resulting from munition cone tracts given the Remington Arms Coy by the British government in 19186. The plaintiff charges that the des fendants were engaged by the Rems ington Company to purchase machine ery for use in the manufacture of 24 000,000 Fifies contracted for by the British Government. Under the agreement, the complaint alleg Manning, Maxwell and Moore we to receive five per cent. of the value of the machfpery as compensation. It is alleged by the plaintiff that the supplies were billed at higher prices than the actual value, the exact gx» tent of which has not been defer ained and the accounting is asked tg decide this. 9 % Heroics Turn Out Pretty Costly, Paris, Oct. 30. --Germany must deliver 276,000 tons of shipping 2 the Allies as compensation for (he sinking -of «- the German fieet i¥ Scapa Flow, the. Reparations Come mission decided. John {~ Gananoque, Oct: 30---~The town | wis shocked last evening when the | report was circulated that the body of | John Gibson, Stone street, highly re- j pected resident of this town. for many years, where he conducted a disposed of to T. I. Eil's, had been { found drowned at Tremont Park. Mr. Gibson has owned -the Tremont | House on that island for a number of years. During his residence here { be made a name for himsel! as a koe { and energetic business man, esieem- | oa by the entire commutity, for his Ainherest honesty and uprightness. In Als younger days Ms. Gilson resided ¥ Gibson, Cations Found Drowiet I Fell Into the River At Tremont Park for considerable time in the ne ghbor hood of Kingsion, 'and was known and esteefied throughout thal section. : Yesterday afternoon he went | the island to do some clearing work. When he did not return at some complaints are being received | bakery business which he recently | o'clock his son went across, found his father lying in the right at the shore. It is supposed had a weal spell and fell off # wharf or out of his boat. Gibson was seventy-one years of Twoi-sons; (ieorge, Gananoque, William, a student in Queen's nu cal college, 'Kingston, survive, sides his wife. George Gibson, street, ia a brother, Zig rh Y3