. i T H E D A 1 L Y Lo " SATURDAY, OCTOBER 30, 1920. ee ---------------- a 7 BRITISH Wit, ~~... ~ : Ri mia 0 ee ---- - | dios tn the bohemian quarter of Lon |= 'Need a Winter Overcoat MORE COLD WEATHER COMING - The Overcoat Season finds us well prepared with luxurious, comfortable y Overcoats For Men and Young Men Styles and Fabrics for all kinds of weather and all purposes, $25.00 up to $40.00 ED Livingstons BROCK STREET "3¢ Off Your Route It Pays To Walk" | Anderson Bros. | | | | . 5 Limited Saturday Specials BEEF StewingCuts .................18¢ 1b. PotRoasts....,.........; .=. 720c. 1b. RibRogsts........... ........28c. Ib; Boiling Cuts: ... cov ivi: 18a Ibs OvenRoasts.................. 23¢c. 1b, Rolled Roasts... .....,.:.........28¢ Ib. 500 lbs. Hamburg Steak ........18c. Ib. Fresh Pork Roasts -: o.oo. 35¢-1b: Pickled Spare Ribs . ........:....15¢. Ib. 500 lbs. Lamb Stews. . . .. . .20c. Ib. 23 frontslamb ........... 5%: .25c 1h. Beef Dripping ................22¢. Ib. Purelard..........a ....... 32a1b, New Home-made Mincemeat . . . . . 25¢. Ib. 1,000 Ibs. prime, rich Cheese... . . -29¢, Ib. GROCERY DEPT. + 1,000 Ibs. new season's Prunes; meaty; fine flavor ........ ........15¢c. Ib. 300 6-1b. sacks Rolled Oats © . . . . 50c. each 22 boxes Canada Pride Laundry Soap. Buy it by the box . . . -$8.75, or bar 9c. 1,000 Ibs. fine Creamery Butter . . .62c. Ib. APPLES--Talmon Sweets, Shows, Straw. : . berry Pippins, Russets. Phones 458 -- 459. Phone 1767. ' "The Maid of the Mountains" To- night. 3 The greatest event in. Canadian theatrical history is the importation direct from Daly's Theatre, London, Eng., of the world famous, musical comedy, "The Maid of the tains," which comes to the Grand Opera House to-night. The story of "The Maid of the Mountains" pos- sesses real dramatic interest and shows throughout the hand of a skillful constructor allied to that of a musical collaborator, who has very | effectively reflected the story and its « main incidents. The piece, with its fascinating and daring Gypsy heroine, | never degenerates into a go-as-you- | please show, and with its picturesque | settings--in which one can trace the | master hand of Mr. Oscar Asche--* {and presented, as it is , by an all- | star company, strong in dramatic-and | vocal talent, should score a complete success on this side of the Atlantic, as it has in England. The cast in- cludes Fred Wright as Tonio and Vi- va Baron as Teresa.--Advt. "Jack O'Lantern' Coming. Before they became actors, Doyle and Dixon, who come to the Grand Opera House, Monday, November 1st, for one night only, in Charles Dilling- ham's musical extravaganza, 'Jack O"Lantern,' were just plain, every- day boys, following the pursuits of nillions of other American boys. Doyle was a book salesman, and Dixon was an elevator boy and bell hop. Even to-day the comedians could 'hardly compete with the great apitalists, but neither are they ter- ribly upset over the H. C. L., which is causing so much consternation in 80 many directions throughout the country. Mr. Dillingham's stars began their histrionical careers via minstrelsy, the school that produced many of the greatest stars of to-day. These | dignified young men know what it means to -don the spangled coat and 'high hat and '"do" the noon-day parade; they know the art of the burnt cork and all the other tricks hat go with that famous form of en- tertainment. But Doyle and Dixon did not begin in the same show. They first met af- ter they had graduated from the street parade and black-face circle to vaudeville. Like most teams on the stage, the assoclation of these lancers and comedians came about as a result of an emergency and a chance acquaintance. Fate is a big factor in the theatre, and it must have been some unknown force that nlaced these boys on the same bill in a New York vaudeville theatre. The two made an immediate hit and then and there teamed up and héve been together ever since. --Adwt. H. V. Esmond and Eva Moore. When the distinguished English :omedian, H. V. Esmond and his wife, Miss Eva Moore, acknowledged as he leading comedienne of the Eng- lish stage to-day, are seen here at the Grand Opera House, Tuesday and Wednesday, November 9th and 10th, with a special matinee on Wednesday in "The Law Divine," Mr. Esmond's latest and most successful comedy, local theatregoers will witness a per- formance which thrilled many thou- i sands London people, where it ran for [ three years. Mr. Esmond's reputa- | tion as a-playwright, who has dealt consistently and exclusively With the | wholesome things of life, is world- wide. He has set his face steadfastly | against everything that is unclean and unwholesome, and he has had his reward in the affection and loyal {support of hundreds-of thousands of English-speaking _ theatregoers. In | "The Law Divine," Mr. Esmond has | written a comedy which deals in a | most entertaining and appealing manner with a problem which, though it arises directly out of the war, is in no sense a war problem. i The entire action lies in the drawing | rooms of London society, and the | whole play breathes a fragrant at- { mosphere. | _ The production is in every detail the original, direct from Wyndham's theatre in London, The, supporting j company is the same as that which | Mr. Esmond and Miss Moore gather- i ed together in London, and the stage | settings and properties also are iden- tical. To see this play is to realize ; in one night the vast difference he- | tween the wholesome, healthy play that breathes the fragrance of clean- , minded society and the play that de- i pends for its appeal solely 'upon its suggestiveness. "The Law Divine" is a play to which you can take the whole family, and which you will leave Teeling that you have seen something that has made you laugh and done you good.--Advt, At Griffin's, Tonight Will be the last opportu- nity to see Clara Kimbdll Young in "The Eyes of Youth" in which the brilliant star is seen to. wonderful dvantage. The story is an unusually sm; and offers something new in photoplay entertainment. Some bril- dant scenes are depicted throughout ! the story as it takes you throggh ! three different caréers with the girl who looks in the crystal ball to de- cide her future. Clara Kimball Young was never more beautiful than in | this production, and she wears some magnificent gowns. Be sure and see | this picture together with the bal: | ance of our programme, which inciu- | des the final chapter of "Bound ana | Gagged," that interesting serial, In which George B. Seitz and Margue- rite Courtot are co-starred. Severat other interesting subjects are also on the programme including a Selected comedy. --Advt. At The Strand. Who said pretty motion picture | actresses don't have to make sacri- | ices? Here's Ann Forrest, one of the real beauties of the screen, wearing rags and térn woolen stockings and a most disheveled head of riotous golden' hair in "The Prince Chap," William De Mille's new production, | at the Strand Theatre this evening. Miss Forrest has appeared as lead- {bg woman for many prominent stars. She was the heroine in the Houdini case she has been a pleasant vision in exquisite costumes that represent the latest creations of the modistes' art. But in "The Prince Chap" she is a slavey around the poor artists' stu- | eo, Theatrical | IE Moun- | PRINTERS interesting one dealing with mystic- | picture, "The Grim Game." In every! { don, It is a tribute to Miss Forrest's | personal charm shat even in this rag | 88d garb she is an appealing figure.-- v . | erent | Big' Crowd to Attend | The Queen's-McGill Game | © Montreal, O.i. 30.--With the sea- | son's first fall of snow and practical | ly no wind, to-day dawned crisp and | cold for.this afternoon's match" be- | tween Queen's and McGill. The | Bame promises to be ohe of the most exciting that has yet been plaxed In the fight for the championship, for if McGill is defeated she will be out | of the running. A crowd is expect- | ed to attend, for the line-up from | McGill Unfon, where the tickets were being sold, stretched for over two | blocks at the sale yesterday. i 4 BURGLARS LEFT SAND BAC After They Had Made a Raid on Dalton's Wholesale * Hardware. ITT For the second time within a very short period, burglars secured an en- trance to Dalton's wholesale hard- ware, at the corner of Princess and { Ontario streets, some time during { Friday night. There was evidence to show that the. burglars had made {almost a complete round of the | wholesale, and a quantity of goods j were taken, including knives, flash- { lights, wrenches and other things, | but the exact amount taken could not be ascertained. The burglars went away from the building minus a dangerous looking ! sand bag, which they left on the | premises, Entrance wag secured to the build- ing in a very simple manner. - There is a small door on the princess street side of the store which is used by employe The lock on this door! was pried ol, and then is was a very | easy matter to pick the inside por- | tion of the lock with a small knife, ! In order to get into one of the up- stair rooms the burglars pulled a | yery heavy door off its hinges. { | "FALL AND WINTER SPORTS" 'A New Book on Knitting and Crocheting. ! A most remarkable knitting and | crocheting book entitled '"Fall .and Winter Sports" has just been pub- | lished by Belding-Corticelli, Limit- | | ed, manufacturers of knitting yarns, | crochet and embroidery cottons, silk threads and ribbons, tapes and | laces, needlecraft novelties and silk | fabrics. The expérienced knitter as well | as the woman who is learning to | knit will find in "Fall and Winter | Sports" a wealth of inspiration. The book is an artistic triumph. Illus- | trations are shown in color, so that | the knitter can see just how the garment will look when finished. | The color combinations 'in various | garments are unusual in the ex- | treme and very beautiful. While designed primarily for out- of-door sports, many of the gar- ments in this book are suitable for general wear, for instance, the at- tractive spencer, sweaters, scarfs, stockings, ete. All the articles shown in this book were designed and made ex- clusively for Belding-Corticelli, Lim- ited. Nothing like them can be found anywhere else. The direc- tions for knitting the automobile wrap are alone worth the price of the enire book. Then there will be found a very wonderful cape with a vest to match; a particularly fetch- ing sports costume showing tam, sweater, scarf, skirt, stockings and gloves; Teddy Bear outfit for the kiddies; a complete 'sports suit for men---and many other equally at- tractive and unusual articles, each accompanied by very clear Kiitting directions. The price -of "Fall and Winter Sports" is 15¢, which makes it easily accessible to every woman who de- ! sires distinctive knitted garments! for herself and her family. «<a Engagéiment Announced. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Stover, El-| ginburg, announce the engagement of their only daughter, Mildred Irene, to Floyd John Aylesworth. youngest son of Mrs. John Ayles- "worth, Catardqii, ths wedding to | take place earlyin Noyember. Night Classes. At Kingston Business College; rates moderate; enter &t any time. Dr. Paddon spent Friday in the city in the interests of the Grenfell | campaign. He was the guest of R. J. McLelland, Earl street. DAILY MEMORANDUM, See top of Page Three, right hand corner for probabilities. " HANSON, CROZIER & EDGAR Market Square, Kingston MARRIED. 3 BUCKNELL---NORMAN---In Kingston, on October 27th, 1920, by the Rev. Canon FitzGerald, Alice, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mra Wiillam Norman, Barriefield, to Richard Bycknell, of this city. MLYONS--In Kingston, on Oect. 28th, 1920, William John Lyons, aged 70 years. Funeral from his late residence, 281 deen street, Monday at 2.30 pm, | Cataraqui Cemetery. } Friends and acquaintances respectfully invited to attend. Watertown and Brockville papers, please copy. "The Old Firm of Undeitakers. 254 and 356 PRINCESS STRELT Phone 147 for Ambulance ~ KOBERT J. KtiD «The Undertaker. Phone 577. 230 Princess Street. M. P. KEYES Undertaker anu Embalmer, ps, 228 Princess St. 7 1830. JORN CORNELIUS Parlors: 274 Street TTT HERO O Lit IATA EO REI WIT [Hi TTT AEE TIMELY SUGGESTIONS FOR Saturday Night Shoppers Hosiery For | Ladies Hosiery For Children: : PRICE .....coii0 iii SILK STOCKINGS Women will appreciate the wide range of high class Silk Hose. We have an exact match for your new Suit, Dress or Shoes, and t heir pricings will be a very pleasing feature. = THE 12 POPULAR SHADES INCLUDE Smoke, Pearl, Taupe, Silver, Navy, Mink Brown, Sand, Palm Beach, Purple, Pad dy, White, Black SIZES 81,9, 9} and 10. we . ... $1.25 Pair Up | HEATHER HOSE Ladies' Cashmere Hose--in a mice variety of pleasing Heather mixtures, full fashioned and seamless feet. -All $2.00 PAIR EXTRA SIZE BLACK CASH- 1 MERE HOSE Wide leg, knit to form without seams; 9, 914 and 10 $1.75 PAIR LISLE THREAD HOSE BLACK Ladies' Silk Lisle Thread Hose, knit without a seam-- spliced heel and toe; double soles; 81% to 10. PRICE BOYS' "WEARWELL" HOSE A heavy rib Hose for the school boy; double heels and toes; seamless feet; '40c. to 69c. GIRLS' RIB COTTON HOSE A fine Rib Cotton Stocking fop Girls --in a good, reliable black and well shaped. All sizes. PER PAIR 40c. to 69c. BLACK CASHMERE HOSE Full fashioned, seamless feet; reli- able dyes; elastic tops; sizes 8%, 9, 9%, 10 PRICE 75c., $1.25 AND UP ~ COLORED CASHMERETTE HOSE In all the new Fall shades--Beaver, Grey, Chestnut, Black, White; all sizes. PRICE |......85c, 59c., 75¢. PAIR BLACK COTTON HOSE Ladies' fine Thread Cotton Hose -- Seamless and fast dyes; all sizes. PRICE 35c¢., 40c., 50c. PAIR RIBBED CASHMERE Ladies' Fine Rib Cashmére Hose -- well shaped; elastic finish; 81, 9, 91% and 10. .. $2.00 BOYS' AND GIRLS' CASHMERE |, HOSE A Stocking for better wear in a fine rib All-Wopol Cashmere Fast Black, and from the best English makes; all PRICED AT "5c. and up i NOTE THE PRICE Kayser's Chamoisette Gloves This | Chamoisette Glove, noted for celebrated washable its wearing qualities and per- fect fit, most suited for wear- ing right now at a very re- markably low price THE SHADES--White, Black, Nat., Pongee, Mastic, Grey, Brown, White with Black Stitch. 90c. Pair ~ ONLY .... \ KAYSER'S SILK GLOVES with their usual double thread, and four-ply finger tip, made to fit the most particular woman. range of shades include: White, Black, Pongee, Mas- tic, Grey and Brown; sizes 6, 64, 7, 71. The $1.00 Pair PLEASE CALL FOR YOUR DELINEATOR John Laidlaw & Son, Ltd. | dT TT ca ATT -- EE HHH SHIH = Rim r ------ A Glance Reveals Their Goodness Regal Shoes A shape to suit all classes--widths and sizes to fit all feet. SHOES are OO & ny J MIS REGAL undoubtedly the best Shoes made in Canada and good value for your money. Blacks, Browns and $12.50 to $15.00 LOCKETT'S A