Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 30 Oct 1920, p. 15

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SATURDAY, OCTORER'S0, 1080, TT TY LAR HE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. GRAND, MON, Nov. 1 | -- A ONE NIGHT ONLY . ONE OF THE BIG ATTRACTIONS OF THE YEAR Trans-Canada Theatres, Limited, and ! MR. PERCY HUTCHISON | Present (foear sr Shiocese é tJ . . . J | CONDENSED ADV ERTISING RATES: . TO LET. | E, : I oRsAE First insertion, lc. a word. Each con- | --ee ee] i ONE Nk . > Ee APS ' | nsert t | NE NEW OLDSMOBILE TRUCK, 2 eer Meme ee pe ff | FURNISHED ROOMS. APFLY. to 188 FOUND | PYRE supamos ons insertion, 25¢; three \nsefiions, | __ BAE0t Street west. al | ROSARY, conNER maGor AND | [rt CARRIAGE, NE : 0° ' treets. bout d AG 2 ' &0%cents. ONE FURNISHED FRONT ROOM, yom, 49 a Plems, abou; 8 At r The above €9 are for cash only; lady, at 357 Johnson street. Week ago. Apply Whig Of- an $ Direct from a 5 year run at Daley's l wnen ch they are double, fice E RS, 1 fame de Semmes | : : [| A Door KEY, ON THURSDAY || | HEAT RA J « Theatre, London, England, Sith the | LP WANTED Ln FURNISHED (ROVHS yor Jian morning; corner King aig | n Apply § lingwood St ibn : Amal 7 > Ayu | HEL . College St, also near car line. Ap. johnson streets. Owner may WEBER SQUARE PIANO; GOOD CON- original London cast and production. | Ply 137 Collingwood Street. have same at Whig Office aition. ® ADDIY. 130 Collin wot ne EECA s 8 A GIRL TO CLERK IN A STORE, AP-| _ 4 ' . * BLACK AND WHITE ROSARY, || ten PRIY 128 Coillagwood Sh PRICES: . .. 1.00-$ 2.00-83.00 ply at the Marble Hall, 238 Princess FURNISHED ROOM, ALL CONVEN] on Montreal Street, between A DOMINION EXPRESS MONEY OR- = Box Seats, $4.00, "¥ . Stre 5 - ences. Apply 313 University Avenue | James and Charles 1 Joe der for five dollars costs three vey - 5 eee eee or phone 852w. & may have same at 4 mes cents. | WANTED, PRINTER WITH KNOWL. street. f Dw - . AMUSICAL EXT, ii x Crows | __°F bh : | | wi Mn . G t H I Wiig 'Kihgston. APP Brien FiRsE Rats hoons $0, oARD,; FOUND ARTICLES ADVER- HOUSE FOR SALE 8 ALBERE h it. LE andD i ON ran a Te et - BRET CT ed Tr 242 Brock street i : TISED Fiang, % Hy the | ises or to ¢ NEXT WED. EVE, NOVEMBER 3rd || A- M40 - 201 GENERAL HOUSE- Comadians Dancers = { work. Apply to Mrs. R. J. Gardi- STORAGE FOR FURNITURE AND Anyone finding anything and AUTOMOBILE TOTY AND CUSHION i by Auspices: Queen's 1 niversity Choral ha THO . : WIShing to reach tue owuer may ! Amer, aS Foremost Soclety, Prince Charlie Chapter, Fer, $5 Junnson street, Serehandise; clean and dry. Me Cutia.ns. Judson's i " i . . : 32 do so Ly reporiing the Iuctg t i Celiuloid JO Fi AFAST MOVING WHIRLWIND OF JOYAND Sunpoiees | ENGAGEMENT EXTRAomory amy: | A MIDULE AGED WOW Gm GE| Say, to broek sues Phone ait | dodo i entias al UM || AVNER Erockviiie Es h INGAGEME 4 tH i p 3 3 i ise ibe Drinte 3 to assist in housework; one to sieep tisement will be printed in this I FRAME DWELLING AND FIVE 3 : prefervedd 247 IW { VICTO TREET column free of charge. | : 5 ma Sim son | at e br ervedd Apply to 2438 Naw house ox vior Ria STREET "kgund articles' a.es not ire acres of lana, near Clty mits, AN pre i ments; cén have = possession at | clude just dugs, cattle, horses, | | bly E. Wathén, 143 Nelson. H er . PRICES: ........ -50¢.-81.00-81.50-82.00-82.50. Box Seatts $3.00 -- oT p . : OR GENERAL HOUSEWORK. | once, etc. Tnese, ir lost, may ool. A HAVE FOR SALE SOME CHO in b g "RE p * GS" . 3 " } ertised tor in the "Lost J Se. ow A - "RECITAL OF SONGS» Apply to XN R. J. Wilson, corner ver Leer aud Fox trounds. J. M. 'I ats n on sale Seats selling at Uglow's | u fis tensibgton Ave. Tele-| FURNISHED ROOMS, WITH B ----------n---- bE SUT. King Dire Kingston. , »-- i | e 1485 in private family; close fo bi | ~------ ry | ' secuon. Apply Box R-30, Wh AUCTION. SALE. § | IMMEDIATELY, A MAID FOR GEN- fice, - s0afting LANGErs, Duilcys, PIPOs: : sew at A. > u, $1 Rideau BG [ | ' 1 ¥ : A ' At My Rooms, Market Square, Saturda: eral hb LX who understands | ns ITE E os App : { 7 a A or oth, ate --ay, kd t n family. Mrs. Pense, | SMALL Jou RNISHED HOUSE, ELEC- SATURDAY, A GENTLEMAN'S | _ io en 5 | Infy claim for i 1 sha lod 55 Wes eet. | tric light and gas; near city park; Enel ring; letter * Five doi-| oni LUN, GexiSs FOOT FRONTAGE, * f iaXo Salisty al - or realy why o t | ------ I | 5 minutes' walk from Post Office. lars reward. Return to Mrs. M.| NTT 008 sacdoiaid (Street; chenp 9 * {Oe at ae rritice ng Hila at FIREMEN -- BRAKEMEN --. BEGI $= | Apply 70 Wellington street. ; Bridgen, generai grocer, 240 On- | EOF QUICK Duyel. = Dalemads Kewl { , C. Mis . E : : LOST. GRAIN ELEVATOR EQUIPMENTS, 8 | Mrs. Irvin a any 1 e 1 { the following: Ebony foilet articles. 3290; er 3300 montnly. | tario street. | Estale, Matinee Wed ay, Novembe: " MN . : only (which position), Rail-| FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED | - . : nesday, November 10th | Pn AR ments, 10dicy dreses 'ay, of g ' 8, suitavle for light housy. STRING OF PEARL BEADS THANKS. | THe MUNDELL Aw rier " 0 : ' , | -- ee scan Ceping; gas ror cooking. PP Eiving atternoun, on ide L ! Cres ul puipvuod laad, wi . Another Trans-Can ada Triumph | « Senlette Coat, golt watch and WANTED, YOUNG LADIES, IN SPARE i83 Colborne street, or ih hickory nui grove, ag i Beit OF Netia Ohbro, pay uire ul t to s chain, and other articles. it ErY for Xml | s------ eee, 1 (between Miadie Road and Lr. Lake, s6( Junhsva street, ay. i . = -- THE DISTINGUISHED ENGLISH ARTISTS LER AY, AUCTIONEER, ards Cont WhiaPPLY in per- | A MODERN HOUSE; ALL IMPROVI- Lis), inuer Kindiy re- 4000 SLIT OF A 1-4 AND 1% ANOH oncert A 30, Whig Office. housekeeping, bathroom gon; sas GENUINE GRAFMONOLA 4 ", ' . C or cooking Apply 396 Princess FROM THE PREMISES OF JOSEPH! SeleCUIGUS, Your own clivice, $45.90, With Entire English Cast and Pro duction, in the Famous Domestic § £ . 1 Com edy | Ti sd N b 2 d laundry; references re J 2 $ g : 3 dry; quired. Apply | SOLID BRICK RESIDENCE, 18 flank; white strip on head, 3 . ue ay, November Zn Mrs. Haywood, 24 Frontenac, near Clergy street; 9 rooms; electric ule; Finder kindly send | ONE DELIVERY TRUVK, CADALAO ng hy I i '. Fuplis pre- y hoot an ieese IRG- Queen Street. Phone 536; res. 989w. of Violin and Theory. .- to cauren, school ald caeese r ~ » | : red tor "Toronto Conservaiory ply Michael . Faw Direct From Wyndham's Theatre, London, Eng., Where It Ran For The Annual Public Meeting phi Rink Shudio: SF 'Coiling. ory by to Micnael M. riwier, PRICE: Evenings, $2.50 to 850c.; Matinee ..81.50 to 25c. --qf the-- are goud pay. Work sent! lege; hot water heating and elect i- | rat Sale Saturday, Novemb er Gth. Mail Orders Now. Gates pald.. Send | £itv; to couple; no chiidren. Apply | A new Chevrolet Truck, 1 ---- - ---- I » Whig Office, I 8, two minutes' walk from + 10 Whig Office and receive re- | 9 ! eet ---------- Slreet car; possession Nov, 1st rd. | Plye, in guoa condilivn. Also - & C0 KE CHUR H | MARRIED MAN 10 WORK ON FARM Rent $36.00 a month. Phone 2261;. z === | Quantity of all Kinds of vaives, Ap= 3 ! by the ; work consists of mixed | Ply KE. BE. Waiaen, 143 Nelson 86 ° . i Lor particulars apply to| FURNISHED ROOMS FOR LIGHT STRAYED. | : , y AND TEN sireet, No children. Anderson, Barriefield, on Sunday, | derius, §o casa, §1 per week. CW, MAID, EXPERIENCED GENERAL; NO Oot. 20th, a ror caw whongay, | Lindsay, Limited itl Princess St | Union. Telephone 1706. light; 3 piece bath. Phone 94, or - v re Chassis, §iov.' Une Heo--yvuring | 逢 » .@ Pou) I Ri tslepltone 179 cail at Woove alter 6 pun. 2 Jnformation to above address, car, 3200. both 1n goud conditivn, 4IN THE CHURCH HALL { . Apply boyds Garage, 129 Lrock Come and enjoy an excellent pro- || A YOUNG GIRL TO ASSIST IN HOUSE- MUSIC. sircet. gram for 23c. | work and care of chiidren. Apply | STORAGE FOR FURNITURE, CLEAN Eu | to Mrs. Johnston, 20 Alwington dry, airy rovms; your own lock and . ¥ i rie Hl FIFTY ACRES OF FARM LAND IN, CAAA ree er------ nue, r of Union, or phone key. Frost's City Storage, 203] DAISY JOHNSON, AT.C.M.,, TEACHER lot Zs, Lownsuip of Kingston; close | ] » i33 Three Seasons Nine a0 DO PLAIN AND | BED ROOM AND SITTING ROOM; IN a een Thvne 3M. Wing ai. home, whole orf fine residence; near Queens Col- | em TEETER TETETTCTTTT Tee ' . . particula Nat 1 3 fr ' 3 : » SHR] Particulars. Nationa Box P-30, Whig Office. IRE Ge < : ; B model, 3850.00. Junn Mehay, Lid, a ' «= | SIGNS OF ALL KINDS, GLASS, WOOD, | = ; ' J | Orphan's Home and Widows Med, M00 ALi RINUS Grav WOOD, | 8 most sti 3 \ --~-- ~ . ste IECRLT > | > ---- ------ a Rh rh ------------ | THREE-ROOMED FURNISHED FLAT gold leai; posters, suvecards : ete, | - - ): Fri nd Soci NURSES WANT = FOR CLASS A on bathroom FUR suitable for prusticaily writien and designed jy i * Hide 1€ e accredited spital, giving three- light housekeeping; hot water by Shaw, at 106 Princess Sireet, | 7 4 year gene nursing course. i heating and electric light. Apply Kidgston. se | CHUICE CRETONNES IN FIVE AND will be held at the Home, home. Liberal allowance. Gradu- to 6% Lower Union street, -- ER len yard iengius. rrice 34.95 for ates now getting $45.00 to $50.00 EN ANNE Lye yarus, blvadard «& Long, Up= NOVEMBER 1st, 3.30 p.m, weekly For information, write DENTAL, ning sirevt, ning t y. boisterers, 84 ublic cor , : Garfleld Park Hospital, Chicago, 111. | TWO FRONT APARTMENTS, ESPE. JL KEPaIrs quicaly execuled, MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY \ Rabie Sordisliy Bviten Sr iP: 59, 11} clally 'furnished for light hone E. KNAPP BA, L.D.S. D.D.S. Spars quickly Xe ef iil )é served. ------------------ L keeping; gas for cooking and light, office 268 JFrincess Street. rnone A FEW EASY CHAMS IN FINE 52. s . --F1 $20 AND UP MADE WEEKLY BY OUR at the Floneer Aparunents, az and 652. grade 'lapestry wi eXCuplionaisy ENA an eee eee | agents, 'men and women, fn saan 214 Division street. Phone 1434w. - po low prices. Ask.kidds of repairs P bli Lib B Il . time, day or evenings, selling the DRS. SPARKS AND SPARKS, DEN. executed QUICKLY. Stoddara & as ublic Library bulletin] best and largest selection of Per~{ 2 . ee tists, 159 Wellington street, over Long, uphowsiers, 377 King street, sonal Greeting Christmas Cards, at| ™D 1ARGE, WELL - FU RNISHED 'arnovsky's. Phone 346. Kingston. . | - - . POPUlAr prices. Ma nificent sg 2 ront rooms; bath room Q0r; hot III |= BOOKSWOR BOYS AND GIRLS book frie. No enSnincen Bampie Water heaung; opposite boarding ® | SBT : 4 ri house; te sasonable, A S 3 REN : IN? LOTHI PARRY Fox Bursese y ¥. Does not interfere with reg. louse, terms reasonable, pply FOR SALE OR TO RENT MEN AND WOMEN'S CLOTHING, Old Granny Fox--Burgess, T W. ular work. A few agency appoiny. 435 Princess Street, just above 1). : : | nouse iurhiiure, speciitse in: Mille | Spartan Twine--Perkins, L. F. nents 2 open. Service guaran- Vision street. MUST RENT OR SELL BAKERY IN| | jary Louois; buy au Kinus Scand \ o sr 8, L PF. eed. odern Art Company, Man- 584, | OW to ill-health, N nid Buoas, highast prices paid. . Christmas Stortesp' ufacturers, 122 hiShmbeny Wes: DWELLING, COR. WILLIAM AND ine ia i] Ten re. | Routbard, Poone 1023. 239 Prine The Rollicking Romance of ® Virts ous Vamp--She Batted a .1000 in the en Bas DLC Frag" al : Toronto. : Wellington streets; » rooms; hot store doing good ¥ business; cess Street Besuty League, { Gooa Oud Stories--Smiih, Emm x cen 3 Lie places; x cel. dwelling. ppl Noble Bond, | . | ynder G . . . . cellar; pos sion November p ¥ -- ------ rollin Bnd WANTED GENERAL, 1st. $50.00 per. month. kW. Odessa, Ont WE HAVE FOR SALE ALL KINDS OF 8 e y 0 wiohnston, C. Mullin & Son. Phones 539w And | NINETY-FOUR ACRE FARM, ON §00d secuud hand furniture and 393 > 1 | Fai EXTRA! . "HE MARRIED HIS WIFE» | Raliway Children---Nesbit. ® ui . | R . a 3 arid] > " i 3 &) IAG 539j. BLUVES. ALY peiaun usSiuk Stoves a y AC intie C {| Ring-necked Griz pr, . A LIGHT, ONE-HORSE SPRING WAG.| _ %9 am -- lake shore, '1st concession Ernest & BABE RUTH A te Comedy | A Te Be voi EB BON. "APPLY 10 BOX 5-30, Whig Of- | Tre town, one mile from Collin's Bay, | + any Urhiture to Stspose 3 we >i 3 wb Fairy Tale Xe¢ . CL nee, * = eight miles rom ingston; Ne ny Th 0. 6 Of the Sensutional Serial | Bun a Wila Rah PI WY, : PERSONAL. frame house; good outbuiluings. 334 Princess street. Phone 1800w. in Actual 1920 Games "THE WHIRLWIND» | Queen's Hostage 'omstock, OW MEATED APARTMENT, OR THREE : Rlso 135 acres, Sate location, large po | Pipes of Clovis- I lan, G Of Lour brigng, airy rooms, in good WHEN ORDERING GOODS BY MAIL stone house and good outbuf dings PERFEOT COLUMBIA DAYTO | Eskimo Robinson Crus >a Ry | locaugy. Apply Box les, Wailg Ut- a wr Apply Gep. Saundercook, Collin's oh % : 3 » ! 4 bo send a Dominion Express Mon y > 9. 9 ses Priuceton. and Viciory Bicycles, al. { fice. Wininton MXhres 5 Bay: Phone 1107 r. 2-2. 80 4 number of laGies and gOALE How he knocks his Home Runs > my Snell, R, J. | order, : pe------ t LIST used Isic) Cleg and CHGIOTCS ive, #b ADIAN CORPORATION, Limited ~ = 9 10 RENT OR BUY, A MEDIUM-SIZED | BACHELOR, 33, WITH $35,000 WOULD reduced prices. Specias at ution ¢ marry. Z-Box 432, League, Colum- LEGAL. given to all bicycle and bady cape farm. in Kingston district, with bus, Ohio. 1 8 riage repair work, Mulier's Bicycle TO-NJGHP : light sotl, Pax Uo0Y oum prefer. PLEASE WHITE To r= | CUNNINGHAM & SMITH, maAmniot| Works, 371-313 King street, Phone THOMAS MEIGHAN { - y s hd --. | PLEASE WRITE TO THIS LONELY ers and Solicitors, 75 Clarence 1032w. MUNICIPALITY OF THE VILLAGE OF | SKCOND-HAND UPRIGHT PIANO girl; Jag Lnoome for twos Box 55, Foose Jon Son B. Cunning- | --ine-- PORTSMOUTH for cash or in part pay ment of new Dodge Tounng. : ns : i a grarcnolas. C. W, Lind- | TT a : : , . : : toadster. { , Notice is hereby given that I have Pianos an 4 . RETIRED RANCHMAN, 60, WORTH AMBROSE SHEA, B.A, BARRISTER Reo I ater. "THE PRINCE CHAP" 1 ders | transmitted or d« livered to the persons Say Linited, 121 Princess street. $50,000, will marry. Y-Box 325, and Solicitor, Law office, corner god sel.augalin na wonderful story of hearts ana | mentioned in Section. of tt I | a mms Cor. Club, Ft. Wayne, Ind. of' King and Brock, ovér Royal Yveridnd Touring. ---- happiness "Ae | Yoters' List Act, the copies rec ired by WARTEDMEN AND BOYS "10 BAT. momar Bank. Money to loan. Phone 1999, | Pray Jane. 'ka y V - & | the said Secti bes rans ronize J. . rson, barber, CNS) REFINE VIDOW; WEALTHY UT ee Or ucks. : STRAND PRESENTATION--MOND AY, TUESDAY, and WEDNESDAY { or ony ared otto be rd anamitted $24 boys nalr cut, ide." Shive, lug | REHINED Winey or ALTHY, BUT = E All in good snape, réady for the road, With bare fists he ruled--FEiam Harn Ish -- toughest sourdough in the Tog sald Act of All bersons apbear- Razors honed gio. 438 Ontario St, May, 128, W. Bay, Jacksonville, ARCHITECT. and cn Le LOUKNHL On easy terma, \ he las ed As BLUE GARAGES, LIMITED Yukon--Master of Men, but a eraven before a Woman's Smile. He is the Roll' of the s Corner Queen & Bagal (its. Phone ser, | Hero of Oxford, aid municipality . >, VEE AN EVER CHI. | ions for members of the Ie [| LADY, 25, WITH MEANS, WISHES TO POWER: SON AND DREVE ROHL No : . *| Assembly and at Municipal ons, | PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER marry. H-Box 1134, League, De~ he > Felling TE A TR € ° » 9 | and that the said list was first posted | . ® troit, Mich." : She: o7 Brock and Wellington BATEMAN'S. REA'y ESTATE, | up at my affice at Ports uth, on Tues | Miss. Madge Edgar, expert steno- Fro ee ree | __ Bireets, aes soc aman FOR SALE 3 day, September 25th, 1p 0, and remains plier, open for stenograpnic work {| IF YOU WISH A PRETTY AND WEAL- i ¥ BONDS vt FUR SALE, MONEY ORD. there for inspectio vlRny description. SU CIASS Work thy wife, write Lillian Sproul, Sta " VICTOR . And I hereby call upon all voters to Buaraniced. Rates reasonable. Spe- H., Oleveland, Ohio, enclosing FOR SALE, to 1a A powerful plcturization of Jack Lo ndon's masterpiece--the world's su- take immediate proceedings to have cial rates can be arranged. Phone stamped envelope. NUE EG een oe preme novel of the frozen North, w ith an all star cast, including Mit Any errors or. omissions corrected fo. 421. White's Insurance Omfice, Bagor QUEBEC HEATER IN GOOD CONDI- $4200---DOUBLE BRICK; VENEER) ¢ chell Lewis, cording to law. Street. MARRY « MARRIAGE DIRECTORY tion; also iron bed table. Appiy rooms each. nites mas. : : JAMES SCALLY, z | With photos and descriptions, free: 17§ Sydenham Street -- COMING! SPECIAL TRACTION MARY PICK 3 Clerk. EE ---- ED ---- bay when married. The Exchange. TB 'G_ © 2 0--~BUILDING LOT; CONVENIE 3 ! ih A T Xo MARY PICKFORD IN "SUD a 190ated at Portsmouth, on O¢ tober 25th, | ha = Dept. '604, Kansas City, Mo. UYBRLAND TOURING seah, MOUEL 85 location. ny a 20. AGENTS WANTED, MARRY FREE PHOTOS, BEAUTIFCL| drives Ah 500d 48 now: only been L -- . A H T 9 8 pply tc A errno im ig NEN AND RONEN, Nor To Tavs MARR Jo 'descriptions ann ALTIFUL Mr. Aréhur Callahan, Dverlany Gar LOT Sixt, Narn cEMENT FOUN. | IN A) iN, 2 'O CANVA » 3 ' age. Phone 1410. dation 24x30, an oice ready for Book Your Passage Overseas but to travel and appoint loca) rep- pay whed married. New Plan Co. 5 bullding; good chance to build for : @ ¢ -- 3 Y v hE Meet Me At Elder's KINGNUT This F guarantecd nut ana ith © good nF, 301: Banas Bity. Mo, - TE aA LITY CHRTAIN-_SWEDEN. yourselt, : 3 . A "all or for Xmas, wih ~ guarante rst year, with goo Erin " borg's great work on Heaven and -- . 5-1 Fa h chance tq make $2600 & YOUR 'FUTURE FORETOLD: SEND . y A ! . UREA ' and ex- Hell, and a real world beyond 2,000---FRAME HOUSE IN FORT ! F. CONWAY: wee penses, Sate age and qualifica- dime, birthdate Sor truthful, reli- Over 400 pages, only 2ic. postpaid. mouth. iy Sg . Watch our window. New, stock of The N "Bre e "| O¢can Steamship Ticket Agent Winston xperience unnecessary Hazol Hause, Box 215, Dos alg IL A. Law. 436 Euchd Ave. Toronto ut- , Cal. > . samme Winston Co. Dept. G Er ------------------------------------------ pt -- 2 BO " SS eSHIT: Miuukins a eves MR swe sme, = $1,000 Cash Securos SAGRTIAND, MOLI, 8 moons KOLA PIPES ......... In classy shapes. . >, Phone 1197. POSITION WANT,» CE aS UAINTED WITH MAR. [Fine 100-Acre Farm Noar 817; 200d stable, See the CIGARETTE HOLDER at 25c. For Eating and Cooking rlageable people. Send 2c stamp for See the CIGARETTE CASE at ...50c, Sold op a Money Back y - - information. Jalif . . Good" neighbors and only 5 minutes' PY ~ oe SE, P lt FIRST CLASS MAN COOK, REQUIRES informaty up, Soll a Sores walk to RR statfon; 60 acres loam | F1/700--~FRAME HOUSE, JOHN ST, eat] ' * position; well recommended. Ap- ele fields; big crops oats, hay, e C.; alfdlfs } pg A Nesbit, LTCM, ply Box M-26, Whig Office. Angeles. grown nearby; 20-cow Spring: watered $3,500---ROUGH CAST; 11 ROOMS; MARRY WITHIN SIXTY DAYS, BEND | Pasture, homa-uas wood; 5-réom . toilet and stable. v : - ha oto $25iails this do 209 PRINCESS STREET 8 + 24 Division St. Phone 13 3. || PAINTING AND PAPER RANGING ahd other farms Ontario, Nota Scotia $3,100--FOR TWO FRAME HOUSES; ¢ Paperhanging done, drop a card to country; established 15 years; thou- Farm Agency, G. A. BATEMAN, ; | oneanis Morn : Brick Veneer Dwelling; Living Room: Dining Room ana 3 ro Km pUHOIRMASTER || CALL OR DROP A CARD To w, J MOLES, WARTS, MIRTH. Stationary tubs; im fact, modern in every Particular, , Leave order, at or drop a card'tv 35 years' experience. Lr. Elme J Guarantee. GANIST AND DIRECTOR FURNITURE CLERK, WITH THREE no oney for oup new, guaratitee| Maple shade; 13-cow barn: of her Rt ik, | Abewta and 33 States. Page 5 ; toil * Opposite Public Utilities. Phone 12831. MARRYTIOR SPEEDY - MARRIAGE, Abe i rated cas FRonia] teilef 428 eleairly sigh, nm . ee, ; : : ] 306° AF. M \ y 5 Frank Weaver M Bac A. Mounteer, 84 Arch street. ea. wishing carn ma nlasoh, sex- Chambers, Toronto, Ont. Banning 150 Wellington Street Kingaton -» ' - Kitchen on first floor; French doors leading into living room Chvmcy, ='S PRESBYTERIAN Javine, upholater, 716 Baggt ar marks. s<in cancers. scars, etc. re- : ° 3 and dining room from hall, also to private verandah; grate in. 236 Barrie Street, Phone 1897w. W. HAROLD FOR YOUR Up. ned Befmanent y. Satiaractory 1 00 finished. Immediate possession. LAR ' wali Clergy @ Lake, Eye. Kar, Noso, Throat, Skin ; B- 3 veloping Mediumshi at Home, by THE J.K. CARROLL AGENCY DOMINION EB NEY OR: rankiin Ac. Thoms tsb . um. ry me: best an most successful 2 ence and equipmen vi resident, cesstul Club." Mrs Ball, Box 55s, 20 Year 69% Gold Bonds, due 1st Oct, 1940. Price - 56.63 Dmant 30 discover : : For Serap Iron, Metals, Rags and ¥ ebentures; morigages pu: Ed i] : ome THADW, en. 2057, ! active investme - " received and interest allow, y is 'a most attractive me nt, Ria REMEMBER C. Cartwright, mAnSger. F. F, MILLER, Wap. Se. Cu. OL3, The Auction eer M. ROSEN & C0. 3.0, a 3 . * » v 5 . WW " Citg of Sarnia of eyes. CARPENTERING. Shee straw ™ & Watkem, "33 Clas 1931-1940 Maturities ... ... *+m we. Price to yield 6% % street. Phone - : oALL on DROP A CARD TO W. DRIS. hold effects and will purchase 1 R. J. Rodger, oh ELDER'S ASK YOUR GROCER QUEEN 3%. CHURCH rite BTN VERY | reer pian. Soli feiss sae makes a prices: hho Jick | S3S0R--TOR 3, HOUSES, CONCRssioN » : Teacher of Singing-qnd Plano, Co. Desk 46, Marshall, Mich, ~ | casn; baiance Sasy terms. Details this WHEN WANTING PAINTING OR absolutely the best, largest In the a pew, dhustjated eamalogud . . : ' ial desériptio v ' For Sale--Kensington Place BUECIATITT: ra tyre, ot TPHOLSTERING. Reliable Clip Aira. Wr bot? ox os DUCTION, PIAN o Oakland, Calif. liging room; hardwood floors throughout; all glass deor knobs, holstering and general repairing. others have Tatied Tarnimtd aha ; $3.50 per load--cut in stove len ths ! FINANCIAL. HOW TO HOLD CIRCLES FOR Dn : P gins XPRESS Mo F. A. omas, pages, A ; - J ders are on Saie in five thousana 2.00; published by the author. 2 'e * ° Phone 6 and 874. 56 Brock Stree | shame sone 3 Jas, Swit & Co. - Limi . . 4 ; : y > 5 ik Shiritual tic leader, lecturer and 4 o DO NOT GO ALONG WONDER- t ice. A nr, LONELY; YOR mESULYTS, Foot of Johnson Street = WE OFFER i IR 1 yam evernent memos, Qe ; a: amen Hon wish EL P rovince of Saskatchewan Our Optometrist has the expert President W. F. Ni ce ence; descriptions free ry, Spas. NT : : j b JF : i deserve on Bex tn] Auction Sales | hichest PRICES PAID oney issued on cit Oakland, Calif. ---- ; 4 and interest, yielding '6.309%. this important fact. EoDot jek. Tuunisiyal and 3 ? we ek, Bramay Fone "" This is the first long-term Provincial "Issue since 1914 and : = . investment bonds for sale LAND SURVEYOR," . 2 . oi . street, Kingsto LS, M, ~ You can never get another pair Se = arf Lana Barvers ings, Ont. "Gn: Phone 1721 or 1428, JMO RIDEAV STREET 8% HYDRO-ELECT RIC DEBENTURES : tk ; WHEN YOU WANT THE OARPRATER | NOTICE : " . : : oe | r . x 1921-1330 Matuiltles ,, ........... Prise to ield 6% % LR Ly FURNITURE FINISHING Highest prices paid for honse- A Reo Bus 3 John St all or part, i Prices. - Room for 12 people; win make : A good singe or any other pure Ge B 3 : (London Dally Chronicle) _ . | American public also, like the Brit- Phone 1045w. ponei fu Dept der--81,6/i:.00. org e awden & Co. Consulting Optometrist | Just as manufacturers in Jhis ish, is exhausted after a long period 807 Priucess St. Cor. Chatham St. § rand Ia 1 ys , . : country cannot continue to sell their | of high prices; so that the manufac- os o " - Investment Brokers General Insurance prices in E turer there, as here, can mo Jonger| =, means HONE 400 3 3 : 132 PRINCESS STREET ; vg : (ang | : 111 RT ; > tind h customers who are will 8t. Catharines Standard raises . 3 BROCK sTREE - - te or me amas Who are Wii | price to three cents atter Novem. | J. TURK Phone 705 recently prevailed. > > a The bave Dor lst.

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