Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 30 Oct 1920, p. 12

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The World's Greatest Phonograph VALUE! : ty of Amberola We don't ask you to buy an Amberola without Investigating other phonographs--we welcome Sor fon. But we toa Jua not to any phomogra, fore you bave listened to Edison's New Diamond AMBEROLA . Compare the pure tons of the Amberola with the shrillness sod metallic sound of commer- ng-lasting with fragile "talking machine' records. e your choice. That is all wo ask. Payments arranged to suit your convenienrns, The J. M. Greene Music, Co., Limited. Princess Street. "The Home of Good Music" ~ CALLS WILSON 'A Touching Picture of us. | President, Broken ln | Health. | Washington, D.C., Oct. 30: ~--Some | Intimate pictures of the personality | of President Wilson as revealed in! his dadly contact with his private | | secretary were given by Joseph P| Tumulty, in an address at a Demo- | cratic meeting at Bethesda, Md. | Secretary Tumulty said he | thought it fitting that "just before | the curtaln rises on the last act," he | should "modestly step out from ob: | |scurity In the wings,' and "tell the |audience a few things about- the leading actor in this great drama of | | thE" past eight years, the stormiest | jand most pregnant. period in all the | | history of the world." 1 i * In vivid language Mr. Tumaulty | contrasted President Wilson's pre- | sent physical condition with his vig- | or at the time of the declaration of War. "Two pictures are in my mind," sald Mr. Tumulty. "First the house | of representatives crowded from floor to gallery with expectant throngs. Presently," it is announced | that the president of the United States will address congress. There | straight, vigorous, slender man, ac- | tive and alert. He is sixty years! of age, but he looks not more than | forty-five, so lithe of limb, so alert of hearing, so virile; it is Woodrow Wilson, reading his great war mes- sage. 'The other picture is only three | and a half years later. There is a parade of veterans of the great war. | They are to be reviewed by the pre- sident on the east terrace of the White House. In a chair sits a man, your president, broken in health, but still alert in mind. His hair is white, his shoulders bowed, his figure bent. He is sixty-three years old, but he looks older. It is Woodrow Wilson Wounded Salute Wounded, "Presently in the procession there appears an ambulance laden with wounded soldiers, the maimed, the halt, and the blind. As they pass they salute, slowly, reverently. The president's right hand goes up In answering salute. I glanced at.him. There were tears in his eyes." The wounded is greeting the wounded. Those in the ambulance, he in the chair, afe alike casualties of - the great war." \ Commenting on the .president's feelings with regard to -his "wounds," Mr. Tumulty continued: "I do not believe in his heart Pre- sident Wilson regrets his wounds. I fancy he realizes no man could die in a greater cause, but I do some- A CASUALTY - THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. ey SATURDAY, OCTOBER 30, i620. HARLAND DIXON AND EILEEN CHRISTIE With "Jack O' Lantern' which comes to the November 1st, for one night 'only. House, Monday, strange that when a man has been seriously wounded in his country's service he.should be met with "sneers steps out to the speaker's desk a and calumnies from his countrymen. | "I think already the better nature of America is awakened. Those who have joined in the chorus of calum- nies begin to grow ashamed of their unchivalrous conduct; begin to re- sent the tricks of politicians which beguiled them into base ingratitude. "Woodrow Wilson will soon make his exit from- the political stages. I am human enough to want him to livé for many years, not only for the sake of his personal friends and the great books which he is going to write, but also #o see the vindication which is sure te come." Every family tree .%s more or less dead wood. : PILLS nt NX P 0 IANA 5p SIA 8g LL Yl NHL Ll LS J ie ] | ll times wonder if it ever seems to him (your choice), package needles an terms if desired. No need to be without, music in the home these long evenings. Please and you Have the means of producing 1,000 songs and oth that is a mere "song." The J. M. Greene Music STORES 35 Parana IG AT. BELLEVILLE, 1000 SONGS FOR A SONG Here's how to manage it: Just-come to the Greene Music Store on Saturday or Monday and secure one of these-- 12 ONLY, BRAND NEW PHONOGRAPHS, COMPLETE WITH 12 SELECTIONS, PKG. NEEDLES AND BRUSH, FOR, ONLY - $39.50 These Instruments will play all records, are handsome table design with closed top, in fumed oak, With sound reducing leaves, and will be sold on Saturday or Monday only. d record brush, for the very low price of only $39.50. Complete with 12 selections Easy These instruments will positively er music of all kinds 'for a price 12 ONLY, IN THIS SPECIAL OFFER. Co., Limited PRINCESS STREET KINGSTON AND-BARRIE. "HE CHILDREN'S Dr. A. S. Vogt, head of the Toronto Conservatory of Music, says: "After the beginnings of reading, writing, arithmetic and geo- graphy, music is of greater educational value than any subject taught in schools." Music broadens the minds teresting and entertaining. When you find out how easy it is t LINDSAY on your own terms, you will want to the advantage of a musical education, which perhaps you have missed. Come in and talk it over with of children and teaches them to know and look for the beautiful. It helps the child to grow up in- ww EDUCATION" 0 secure a PIANO give your child or children - us. Grand Opera LABOR SITUATION GROWING GLOOMY Few 'Requests for Men and Hundreds for Employment in Chicago. ter for the laboring man is foreseen in Chicago and its .vicinity. Wages have dropped and the prospects are they will continue to drop. Hundreds of skilled and unskilled laborerg have been laid off in Chicago and there is practically no demand for labor of any kind. This, in brief, is the summary of the labor situation in Chicago as winter approaches. The summary is made by officials of the Chicago office of the Illinois Free Employ- ment Agency. Signs of growing unemployment in Chicago ¢ropped up in many quarters. One large department store reported that more than 200 appli- cants for clerical jobs kned up at its employment office this morning. It had not experienced any such rush in the last eighteen months. On the west side in Chicago slackness of employment in the garment in- dustry is also growing. "The 'prospect for labor for the winter is most gloomy," said Charles D. Preble, of the general advisory board of the Illinois Free Employ- ment Bureau. "We are getting few requests for men and hundreds of requests for jobs." All grades of labor from highly- skilled down to common day-labor- ers, and including office help and stenographers, are affected. TO STUDY TRADE AGENCIES ABROAD 8ir George Foster Will In- vestigate on His Trip to Europe. Ottawa, Oct. 30.--Sir George Fos- ter will give some attention during his forthcoming trip to Europe, it is understood, to the question of the future organization of Canadian gov- ernment agencies in Great Britain for the encouragement of trade. For a long time Canada has had her trade commissioners and com- mercial intelligence service in Great Britain, During the war special conditions led to the formation of the Canadian Trade mission. The particular work of the Trade mission is now practically completed and there has been some talk of overlapping between its functions and those of the trade commissions ers. Comment of this character has been increased, no doubt, by the fact that exchange rates and other con- ditions have militated of late against the success of efforts to promote trade between Canada and Gread Britain. - mea FILES LIBEL SUIT AGAINST AN EDITOR Franklin D. Roosevelt Accuses * Providence Journal of Cir=- culating False Charges. New, York, Oct 30.--Franklin D. ~oosevalt , Democratic candidate for he vice-presidency, filed papers in 1 suit for $500,000 against John R. Rathom, editor and publisher of The Providence Journal, and Scott C. Bone and Edward B. Clark, manager for the Republican national commit- tee, charging the defendants with cir- culating false and defamatory libel. An editorial in the Providence Journal charged that Mr. Roosevelt, while secretary of the navy, had se- 1uestered or destroyed navy depart- ment records and that he had sought personally to return to the ships of the navy men convicted of various crimes. Mr. Roosevelt made public denial of the charges, and then Mr. Rathom sent him, a letter outlining specific cases refefred to in the edi- torial. The letter also was published in the Providence Journal. Mr. Bone and Mr. Clark are made deféndants because it is charged by the candidate that they circulated the letter widely as Republican propa- ganda. ; 150 TONS OF BALLOTS All 'Ready for the New York City Voters. New York, Oct. 30.--By nightfall next Tuesday, 150 tons of ballots will have been stuffed into the ballot boxes of New York City. mate was made by the Board of Elee- tions, which announced that 6,500,- 000 ballots, three for each of the 1,- 367,935 qualified voters, have been printéd at a cost, for printing- alone, of $200,000. a A machine has been invented for winding motion picture films so they can be shipped by mail or express without the reels upon which they usually are wound, ' and assistant manager of publicity | shown in Blue Kid, i Worth While Saving On Women's Shoes Special Lot Women's Oxfords Welt Sole; also Black Vici Kid plain toe and toe cap. All sizes. and widths. Reg. price $12.00. || Now $8.45 | J. II. Sutherland & Bro. | HOME OF GOOD SHOES \ i Chicago, Oct. 30.--A gloomy win- | o yg! One lot of Women's Black Vici Kid High Shoes; both low and high heels; light and heavy soles. Goodyear Special price $5.95 HEAVY MEAT EATERS HAVE SLOW KIDNEYS Eat Less Meat If You Feel Backachy or Have Bladder Trouble. No man or woman who eats meat flushing the kidneys occasionally, says a well-known authority. Meat forms uric acid which excites the kid- neys, they become overworked from the' strain, get sluggish and fall to filter the waste and poisons from the blood, then we get sick. Nearly all rheumatism, "headaches, liver trouble, nervousness, dizziness, sleep- lessness and urinary disorders come from sluggish kidneys, The moment you teel a dull ache in the kidneys or your back hurts or if the urine is cloudy, offensive, full of rediment, irregular of passage or attended by a sensation of scalding, 8top eating meat and get about four ounces of Jad Salts from any phar- racy; take a tablespoonful in a glass of water before breakfast and in a few days your kidneys will act fine. ' "This famous salts is made from the acid of grapes and lemon julce, combined with lithia, and has been used for generations to flush and sti- mulate the kidneys, also to neutralize the acids in urine so it no longer causes irritation, thus ending bladder weuknnss. Jad Salts is inexpensive and can- not injure; makes a delightful ef- fervescent lithia-water drink which everyone should take now and then to keep the 'kidneys clean and active and the blood pure, thereby avoiding serious kidney complications. Terrible Weeping ECZEMA ra. Hares, lon, after going South to find relisf, finally cured by a local remedy, , "To have suffered with weeping eczema of the hands, so bad that my hands were helpless =to have and tried remedies, without re= lief--~to given up work and come So for help--to have cured complete} a bottle of D. D D.* This is the nce of Mrs. Hayes' letter, 23 Sunset St., Hamilton, Ont. Cases can be sent you from yout own vitinity, Write for Canadian testimonials, or secure 4 Te 3 bottle of D bo today. ond MOMmEn you Tine oer oa pt pmament? 16 you reliefom wi rel question, $1.00 bottle, Try D. DB THe Totion for Skin Disease Mahood's Drug Store, Kingston | ACurefor Pimples "Youdon'tneed mercury, potash { or any other strong mineral to 9 cure caused by poor blood. Take Extract of Roots-- druggist calls it "Mother Scigel's Carative i will clear up as fresh as a baby's. - Rwillsweeten your stomachand | y regulate your bowels" Getthe 4 genume. 50c.and $1.00Bottles. 4 At drug stores. b This esti- i regularly can make a mistake by|f nn E, pr wel cee II USED MOTOR CARS My prices are down. You will save at least $100.00 if you buy mow instead of waiting till Spri ng--all overhauled and tested. PALMER COR. BAGOT AND QUEEN, FORDSON TRACTOR WHEN you can't plow till it rains, That's when a Farmer Needs a FORDSON and rain is late in coming-- VanLuvenBros. Ford Sales and Service 34-38 Princess Phone 1609. : A ttc cco com cn a tn . HORSE SENSE in horse feeding. blood, hair and : - of bide making. as well sen Nitrogen free extract, which and ehezgy. There i Wholesale and Retail Distributors. W. P. PETERS Wholesale .............Foot of Princess Street Retail SS RADARLS LO 1504 18 ii 0 0 somone. 1 17 Brock Street '

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