SATURDAY, OCTOBER 30, 1920. [ETRE AGENCY FOR ALL STEAMSHIP LINES Special attention or friends going to the Old Country, For Information and rates appl¥ to J. P. HANLEY, CP. and T. A. GT. Ry, Kingston, Ontario. Open day and night. hone 99. ' given your family or returning from Ge: ANCHOR BYNES RTO IY OTA) REG Cans SLRVICKES w . Saturnia Cassandra PORTLAND --GLASGOW eC. $-- (Christmas Sailing) ..Saturnia Cc. 30| Feb, 18 Mar. 30 .....,. Cassandra , 18 Mar. 11{Apr. 20 Saturnia N. X., GLASGOW, (via Moville) Nov. 15|Dec. 11|Jan. 15 Columbia . NEW YORK---LIVERPOOL Nov. 13 . Vasari Nov. 20|Dec ....Carmanja Dec. 4/Jan. . K. Aug. Vict. N. X., PLY, CHER. Nov, 25/Jan. 4|Feb. 8 .......... Caronia N.Y., CHERBOURG & SOUTHAMP'N Nov. 2Nov. Aquitania Dec. $iJan. Imperator N. Y.,, PLY, CHER. HAMBURG Oct. 30| Dec. 8 ................Baxonia N.Y,, PATRAS, D TRIES Nov. 9--ocalling at Naples ....Pannonia N. Y., NAPLES, PATRA S, DUBROVNIK ND TRIESTE NOV: IT snstsasscvecccase ss eeso Italia For rates of passage, freight and fur. ther particulars apply to local agents or THE ROBERT REFORD C0, LT. General Agents UBROVNIK AND TE grr LEZ RTT 1) QUEBEC TO LIVERPOOL 3|Nov. 27 ....Emp. of France Nov. 10{*Dec, 15 ....Emp. of Britain Nov. 20 Victorian MONTREAL-LIVERPOOL Nov. 6|*Dee. 10|*Jan. Nov. 30{*Dec, 24 .... .Minnedusa Nov, 24j{*Jan. 7 Metagama MONTREAL-GLASGOW Nov. 26{*Jan. § .. Pretorian MONTREAL--HA E--LGNDON Nov. & . Scotian Nav. Sicilian *Dec. orsican Moutreal--Southampton-- ntwerp Nov. 13{*Dec. 21 ......Scandinavian vov. 19|*Dec, 28 Grampian *--From St. John, N. B. pply local 8. 8. or Railway Agents or 1 KING STREET EASY TORONTO, ONT. Nov. watches and Clocks Repaired bye «6 W. LYONS are guaranteed for one year. Call or 'phone and your or- der will be promptly attended te ? Note change of address: 'Phon: 1866. 207 Princess St. SAVED FROM [FELON MISERY And a Dangerous Operation, by Taking "FRUIT-A-TIVES" From The Countryside, FRONTENAC | CLARENDON. Mr. Blackmore, relieving in charge of Clarenden sta- ilar agent. George Crain | James Campbell spent Sunday | home. [of flour and feed this week. Miss | May Burke is visiting Miss Helen | Moss in Kingston. Mrs. M. Moss and ' | Miss Helen have returned to King- iston; Mrs. Appleby returned with | them for- a time, being on the sick ; { list. Joseph Burke called on Cldren- -- MAS. M. J. GORSE | don friends on Monday. Isaac Kirk- © 8978 Union St.. Vancouver, BO, ham spent Sunday at home. *"I sullered with all the symptoms of Female Trouble, with chronic Con- stipation and constant Headaches. 1 had paing low down in the and sides of the body. 1 tried various remedies without relief, and thea put myself under a doetor's care and he advised me to have an operation, I refused. Then, I started taking 'Fruit-a. tives'; and from the outset, I felt better, and this medicine has completely relieved me of all my misery and suffering, My weight was only 148 pounds and now it is 168 pounds. 7 am free of pain and headaches and the terrible Constipation ; and whatsaved me from misery is the splendid fruis medicine, "Pruit-a-tives'." MRS. M. J. GORSE, B0c. a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size 25. At all dealers or seat postpaid by Fruit-a-tives Limited Ottawa, Ont. VARICOSE VEINS How To Get Prompt Relief with "ABSORBINE JR. Bathe with hot water once a da nd apply "ABSORBINE Th Rub in "ABSORBINE JR." two or | three times a day for the first two ; weeks--then every morning-----and at .- night, put on a cloth saturated with ' a solution com of one ounce of "ABSORBINE JR." to a quart of water and leave on over night. ; - After the first few applications of "ABSORBINE JR." you will notice Improvement --the throbbing and pain will cease--the veins will not be so sore to-the touch--and the skin will have a more natural appearance. Continue regularly to use * ABSORB. INE JR." and you will be free of Varicose Veins. { $1.25 a bottle--at most druggists or | sent postpaid bys W. F. Young, Inc, Lymaa Building, Montreal, a | ~ rn uticura Scap | The Velvet Touch For the Skin ot, Montreal, resets sete meeseriraressenel] A man who is satisfied with his Job never reaches the top of tle lad- der. One way to removp paint is to sit down on it suddenly and then get up again. and at Sm | ARDEN | Oct. 24 --B Barker and family {have moved from this vicinity to their new home near Collings Bay. Every {body wishes them happiness and pros- | perity, | Mrs, James Williams has been on | the < list but is improving. Mr. iand Mrs. R. Barr have moved in their | new home in'the village. Miss Hazel {Scott, is at Mrs. Hughes'. {the hall Wednesday evening and {there was a good programme, The | proceeds were $29.95. The ladies {who attended the W.M.S. convention at Cent lie report a good me ting. | G- Steel and family spent Sunday at Borden Wood's. LELAND. z Oct. 28.--Potato digging.has been completed and 4 very good erdp is re- | ported although' some claim there are } quite a few rotten ones. The thresh- ing is about done and grain turned | out excellent. M, Cochrane, Inverary, |at E. Hingey's. 8S. Dickinson is fram- ing a barn for G. Clough, Pérth Road. Mr. and Mrs. George Husband, Cole- Lrook, called at S. Ackerman's on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ora Cumpson attended service in Kingston on Sun- Clifford Kellar has returned the 2st after two months ab- i J. 3" auction 'sale was well attended and everything brought a good figure. Mr. and Mrs. R. Mc- 'rimmon, Wilmur, visited at 8. Dick- inson's, on Wednesday last. Mrs. J. Cumpson has returned from Elgin where she was visiting her daughter. ' KEPLER. Oct. 26.- past few days has to get their potato tables taken care of. The early plant- ed potatoes were unusually good; late potatoes were below the average, A concert and tea was given here last Friday night under the auspices of the Kepler branch of the W. M. S. which was a decided suceess. Quite a number are sick with colds. Hiram Wartman and wife left today to visit their daughter] Mrs, Rae Bachtel, Canton, Ohio. Mrs. H. E. Johnston and Miss Ross have retinaed from visiting friends in Toronto. Recent visitors: J. McBride and' wife, King- ston, renewing acquaintances; Miss Grant, Miss McAdoo and little broth- er and Lorne Macdonald, Wolfe Is- abled Road, at Ambrose Orser's; Wartman and daughter, Manguerite, Newburgh, and Frank McRory, and wife, Sydenham, at Herbert B¥ck's; ~ . COLONIAL "A" * Thin, without sacrifice of accur- acy. At all good jewelers. Priced ttt 3 ---------- rrr rrr -- Pe-- > TTI IT I T III T Lt rr rrr rrr Let your watch reflect your character MT OT TT Tr Tr Ir IT IT is the quality of your possessions rather than their quantity which gives the true index to your character. No more than you would consent to wear shabby, ill- fitting clothes, should you parry a watch of .obscure make and unreliable performance. When you carry a Waltham you have the satisfaction of knowing that you possess a high-grade watch that commands respect everywhere. For more than sixty-five years the name "Waltham" has received universal acceptance as the World's highest standard of watch quality. : . Every Waltham Watch embodies exclusive improvements in watch construction which \have been developed at Waltham during this lofig period. : Remember this also: an inferior watch is always a liability, while a Waltham is always an asset.- Al OVER. TIME Wy TL TIT TIT IT isaREEL a------? aa iu Be-- CET III , WALTHAM WATCH COMPANY, LIMITED MONTREAL Mabows and Distributors of Waltham Poducts ne Dinettes Sh Fastapios; Mentoun!, Canada; Waltham, U.8.A, . RT * eh l L LLL LT TTT TT TI TIT ------------ | | count of the illness of the | John Glenn unloaded a car! The W.M.S. held their concert in | The fine weather of the | farmers | And other vege- land, and Jason Orser and wife, Bath | John | JH. Green was held to the Methodist THE 'DAILY BRITISH WHIG. : eam er ---- AFRAID Regulate your stomach soyyou can | eat favorite foods without fear of Indigestion =~ - Flatulence i | - Cases | Acidity Palpitations A few tablets of Pape's Diapepsin correct acidity, thus regulatin, diges- tiongand giving almost instant sto A sch relief. Large 60c case--druga tore PAPE | Dizm i > | | Kilborne Upton, city, at W, H, Horn- | | ing's. | TICHBORNE, Oct. 28.--The rain of the last few | gays was much needed, and was very | much appreciated by the farmers as | fires were raging in many pams of | the districts. Hartwick apd Neddow | are passing through here this week | ith t hi itdit. Rev, J. i 1 | the P: hurch here on Sunday last. eorge Hamilton expect | Mr. and | | wit ] | Wood co byteriar | Mr. and Mrs, G to soon leave for the States, irude Stafford and Will Allison spent | Sunday at William Swerbrick"s. Ross | Steele, Emanard and Joseph "Allison spent the past week at home. Miss | Marjorie Steele and Roy Kennedy at | Mrs. Olston's, Crow Lake. Miss Violet Sweetman is spending "her holidays with friends in Tichborne, Miss Edna | Kennedy has returned home atter | spending the past week with friends in Hull and Ottawa, Miss Mina Stin- | son is" visiting her sister, Mrs. Todd, | Ottawa. | OS0O STATION. Oct. 28.--The fine weather has | been a great help to the farmers gett- | | ing in the fall work. The people are | overjoyed at being able to save S80 | much fuel. Mrs. Robert Johnson is| visiting friends in Toromto. Mrs. Da- | vid Webster has left to visit her par- | ents in Cobalt. Mr. and Mrs. Charles | Huffinan and daughter, Violet, Shar- | tot Lake, spent Sunday 'with Mr. and | Mrs. Joseph Warren. Miss Pearl Mac- | pherson, who has spent some time | with friends around here, has return- | ed to, her home in Haileybury. Mrs. | Thonfas Kirkham and Mrs. James | Parks, Clarefidon, spent Sunday with their mother, Mrs. W, Conboy. James Macdonald, Mountain Grove, spent Sunday at W. Conboy's. The U.F.O. shipped a carload of cattle to Toron- to on Saturday. Mrs. John Crawford is visiting friends in Kingston. Roy Thompson has returned home from Weyburn, Sask. Mrs. John Bowes and Mrs. Rev. Elliott spent Friday with Mrs. Joseph Warren. Miss Louise Lutz, Toronto, is visiting her parents here. Mrs Alonzo Kennedy, also Miss Ger-| CROSBY, | Oct. 24.--Whooping cough is pre- valent among the children of this community. Rev. Mr. Clipsham, for- mer pastor, delivered a short address on Thanksgiving Sunday. Mrs. J. Stortt has recovered from her recent illness. Mr. and Mrs. W, Coopper, Lansdowne, spent a few days at W. E. Coopper's. Miss Mildred and Sex- ton Merriman spent Sunday at-Alden Merriman's, Elgin. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Brown and family, Forfar; spent Sunday with the latter's moth- er, Mrs. J. Stout. Revival meetings &re to be held in this church for two weeks, beginning Nov. 15th. Mr. Brown, Toronto, will conduct them. The Women's Institute of Crosby are holding a box social in the church hall on Oct. 29th. Bread has dropped a cent a loaf in the local stores here. » NEWBORO Oct, :29.--The funeral of the late church on Friday afternoon, and was largely attended, service being con- ducted by Rev. Mr. Bratford. J..V. Moriarty has installed a new" pipeless furnace ix the home of Col, Stewart, (Portland. Dr. T. F. Chamberlain, Morrisburg, and Ds. M. R. Kerr Chaf- fey's Locks, were visitors in $hbwn on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Fos- ter, Charleston Lake, were in town on Sunday, guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ford Moulton. R. O. Leggett, Mrs. J. H. Scott and Mrs.Scott and Mrs. Edward Flemming were Brockville visitors on Saturday. Miss Thelma Ownes, of the public school staff, spent the week- end at her home at Forfar J. H. Scott has sold his fast motor boat to Harold Austin, Foster's Lock. Arrangements are being completed whereby Athens talent will shortly put on an evening's entertainment here, in aid of the Guild of St. Mary's church. ' Harold Bawden, Cleveland, Ohio, 1s the guest of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Bawden. Edward Landon has purchased the Nolan pro- perty on Drummond street and will take possession this week. J. G. Tobin, of 'the C. P. R., who has been our agent here for some years, has been offered a transfer to Winnipeg. «+ C. F. and Mrs. Landon are spend- ing a coiiple of weeks, guests of friends at Lansdowne and Gananoque. Messrs. Gordon and Turkington, of the Lindsay Piano Company, Brock- ville, gpent the past week in town and met with good success, placing four pianos." A number from here attend- ed the funeral of the late Thomas Bolton, at Portland, on Monday. : The Red Gods Hunting parties are putting the finishing touches to their prepara- tions for the opening of the deer hunting season. One Deseronto party is going up north of the C.P.R. to spend a month." The old Rath- bun. plains, Flower Station neigh- borhood and Lake Weslemkoon are the jumping off places .for other Deseronto people who have heard callin 11 ; «ONLY TABLETS MARKED "BAYER" ARE ASPIRIN Ss Not Aspirin at All without the "Bayer Cross" THE MAN ON WATCH By the time Doc" Ross gets | through with it, the old K.G.H. will pass afy standardization. There will | be a "'silept not only outside ! but one also insid What! 3 nt Zone ide. Poetry and poets appear to be the ruination ¢f old Ireland. Men who| write poetry should stick to, their | knitting and %void politics. Soft drinks pre down in' price. | Evidently there 'must be'a good deal | of the hard. stuff around and there- fore keen competition. The people who would deprive con- victs of a little tabacco or their mothers' 'pietures are akin 'to those would steal the baby's candy. Now that tea has been classed as a drug, aleng with strychnine and. : - RG i 4 Lampman expécts to hear : A ? Sp am waa ae i here- | - The mame "Bayer" identifies the | contains proper directions for Colds, alter tea be slid oaly on a doctor's only genuine Aspirin,--the Aspirin Headache, Toothache, Earache, Neus prescription. prescribed by physicians for over nine- ralgia, Lumbago, Rheumatism, Neuri+ ' - | teen years and now made in Canada. {tis, Joint Pains, and Pain geaeraliy. fa Always buy an unbroken ckage| Tin boxes of 12 tablets cost ai Hh i Td Tey of "Bayer Tablets of Atpirin® which ia few cents. Larger "Bayer" packages. Whatever There is only one Aspirin--"Bayer'--You must say "Bayer" Aspirin is the trade mark '(registered in Canada) of Bayer Ysanutacture of Mono- "mceticacidester of Salicylicacid. Whiler it is 'well known that Aspirin means Bayer manufacture, to assist the public against imitations, the Tablets of Bayer Company Will be stamped with thelr yéneral trade mark, the "Bayer Cross." A arr ~ tween the postoffice and the customs house, the guests in thg rear rooms will be able to toss silver on Dean | Starr's collection plates in the cathe- !dral. They will also be able to enjoy i view of. those Killarney roses of the ustoms, and also vlew Joseph Ke- 100's wilderness of flowers in the ostoffice garden, When we back on tea. clared a. harmful drug. are we going to do? -- ¢ Why should Winnfpeg afid Regina, | which voted for liquor importation, | not have. the right of self-determina- tion, as some Irish people are™de- manding. keep a family on that wage. min mri Rg miserable uplifters sitting in church councils und looking pious Ir she daylight saving question -- TRE TOWN WATCHMAN. goeg to the vote of the people of Kingston, it is very unlikely that we" will have daylight saving next year Public opinion seems to be against t ny Honorably - Acquitted. trate Bedford," Thomas Seth' Mar- écle, Mohawk, was charged with having on Sept, 7th, set fire to a building the property of Nancy Hill, an Indian woman, There was not It was quite a smart trick the jus- ice department pulled off when it appointed its own judge to decide pon. the complaint of prison'guards ver their dismissal. The Lampman's old friend "Tom" McAuley is gone to his rest, leaving kindly memories. The older genera tion has not forgotten the occasio when jhe presented the city-counci with the Ten Commandments and in formed them that they would not ge astray if they observed them. ' acle for trial and he was acquitt It is allegad that the accused made certain statements about the matter before the Indian council, which the matter with the burch? Nothing at all, but there is something the matter with those :hurch leaders who pay their employ- ees $2.50 a day and expect them to What's It against him. -- they build the new hotél be- Baking Powder is pure, efficient and wholesome, Jt is- prepared with choice ingredients, under ideal conditions 4nd packed 'in air-tight containers. That is why it does its work intheoven and does not looseits strength in the mixing bowl. Guaranteed pure and free from alum by. the makers. L. CHAPUT, FILS & CIE, Limitée, ' MONTREAL SEE ELT E TE ET TA RR. -- OE A % kilowatt DELCO-LIGHT af a greatly reduced price is offered to you. This plant generates plenty of electricity for the average requirements of the farm home, for abundant electric light, power for pumping, water and for running the machines ordinarily turned by hand. And the price is only $585 f. o. b. nearest Canadian Distributer's Headquarters. There are larger DELCO-LIGHT models for larger requirements--ar prices lower than these paid for former models of the same capacities. All DELCO-LIGHT models have the sameunexcelled riechani- cal features. They are self-cranking, self-stopping, air-cooled; have only one place to oil, and are equipped with thick LIGHT models. There is a size plate, long-lived battery. DELCO-LIGHT to meet your needs. Weite, phone or call for detailed information No matter where you live, there is a satisfied user' near you, enjoying the comforts, convenierices and labor-saving features of DELCO-LIGHT. - Over 125,000 plamts in daily usage are your assurance of the continued satisfactory and economical service of all DELCO- -- re A Usor Near You the Red Gods 8 - 8. Is it any wonder people get a pain when they see these "generous" At Deseronto before Police Magis- _ ¥ sufficient evidence to commit Masr- . caused the charge Yo be preferred .