3 -~ yr "THE MOST MYSTIC OF ALL M ISTIC NIGHTS, WHEN WITCHES AND PUNKIN HEADS WALK ABOUT--HALLOWE'EN" . For that Hallowe'en party, there's nothing like a few good Columbia Records to liven up the evening. _ We have records for the children as well as the grown-ups. From Children's Stories to the latest in operatic and dance hits. You'll find we are here with the big stock--ready to serve 'you quickly. Res 5 >: HERE'S A FEW SUITABLE ONES: -- Children's Songs and Games--Parts 1 and 2, Prince's Orchestra; . 10 inch : A2133--%1.00 Pickanny Blues and Pretty Little Cinder®la--Medley Waltzes; Prince's Orchestra; 12 inch A6162--8$1.65 "AVALON," sung by Al Jolson, and 'Japanese Sandman" hy Nora : : BAYOH «vfs vv cnersnns $1.00 each Don't forget! This is the store where most people buy their records. The Maid Of The Mountains These Columbia Records were recorded in England by the Home Or- chestra of the show---Daly's Theatre Orchestra, and original artists -- one reason why they're so good. Maid of the Mountains--Waltz; and Maid of the Mountains, Nocturne-- Daly's Theatre Orchestra | R935 Maid of the Mountains--Selection No.~1; and Maid of the Mountains, Se- lections No. 2--Daly"s Theatre Orchestra R936 ~ A Bachelor Gay-- Baritone Solo; Live For To-day-- Baritone Solo: Thorpe Bates R937 Dirty Work----Duet--Laura De Frece and Mark Lester; and I Understood-- THE DAILY BR ¥ ITISH WHIG. | In the World of Sport OTTAWA HOCKEYISTS FALLING IN LINE With the opening of the hockey season tWo fhonths distant, the Ot- tawa Hockey Club hag started sign- ing its players. Contracts are being offeréd to all the members of the Stanley Cp team of last season. One of' the Otttawa officers said to-night that four were already under con: tract, and that they would again have their team intact. Sprague Cleghorn has not 'vet signed, and is sald to be negotiating with the pro- motors of the Canadian Hockey As- sociation. None of the other Ottawa players take the proposed new league seri- ously, and most of the telegrams are now in the hands of the Ottawa club officers. Evidently the man- oeuvres of the C, H. A. are not worrying the Ottawas. One of the Ottawa players received a telegram from a R. C. A. officer stating that Hamilton would be in the Canadian Hockey Association. In this -con- nection .an officer of the Senators said: : "Hamilton wag admitted to the National Hockey League over a month ago. They have already paid a big installment on. their franchise If St. Patrick's are refused ice at | the Toronto Arena they will play their games at Hamilton." ORPEN-SENDS A CHECK TO MAN O' WAR'S OWNER A. 'M. Orpen, of the Kenilworth Jockey Club at Windsor, in a long- Laura De Frece, Comedian Get the Habit: "For Records, try Treadgold's First" Store Hours: 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. Saturdays, 10.30 p.m. TREADGOLD SPORTING . GOODS CO. distance telephone- conversation | from his home in Toronto with one lof his representatiyes, said that a | cheque representing the purse won {by Man o' War by his defeat of Sir | Barton. was On its way. to Samuel | D. Riddle, owner of the champion | racer. This statement result of a report that Mr. was made as the Riddle interview with the mining man of the north, who states that hockey players are hopping around like crickets, and that offers are being made to them that would shame a bank president... The foregoing is typical of stories that have been pre- viously circulated, and they consti- tute a bunch of contemptible lies. Our residence date is Oct. 1st, and I feel certain that there will be more north this season. This association would appreciate if some of the scandalmongers who originate these yarns would come across with straight facts and name concrete cases." > BOXING IS LEGALIZED Boxing is on a new basis in Massachusetts. For the first time in a quarter-century professional matches are open to public partici- pation 'under legal sanction, and it is no longer necessary for a man who wishes to see a bout to first join a club over the meetings of which referees have been the mod- erators' and boxers the only members who had the floor, Th¢ familiar an- nouncement in' introducing fighters that "both are members of this club" is heard no more. The new order of things is the re- sult of-a law establishing a state boxing commission, and stipulating some of the conditions under which the sport must be conducted. Thes provide for ten' round bouts, the rounds of three minutes each, to be conducted by clubs licensed by the commission under bonds of $5,000. Decisions are given by the referee #1d two judges, licensed by the com- mission. The members of the board, four days .after their appointment, laid down supplementary regulations un- der which each judge is required to than five new senior players in the IN MASSACHUSETTS | SCARCITY OF MEN FOR PROFESSIONAL HOCKEY Discussing the season's National Hockey League prospects, Kennedy, managing owner of Montreal Canadiens, said. the only thing that will prevent the extension of the N. H. L. circuit next season will be the lack of players. This, there- fore, should be a fine chance for clever amateurs, he contended. Another well-known hockey auth- ority states, however, that clubs and business and financial houses offer such wonderful inducements 4n the way of easy and highly paid positions | to amateurs to play hockey for them that it pays them better to semain amateur. NOT A CHIEF. Tris Speaker Disappointed the Che- mong Indians, {| Tris Speaker, "Chick" Halford, Leslie Nunamaker and the Peterboro members of the party that spent the last 'ten days at Idyl Wylde, ' Rice Lake, Ont., returned to Peterboro yesterday, and the manager of the Cleveland Indians and the party from Cleveland returned to their home city. H. Clay Folger, who was in the party, has already returned to Cleveland. The Mississaugas, and the Che- mong Indian reserve, near Peterboro, were disappointed when they learned that Speaker and his party would not have time to visit the reserve, as had | been intended. All 'week the red- skins had been preening their cere- monial feathers and roles in anticipa- tion of making Speaker a real chief of the tribe. To Fight in Havana, 'The bout between Jack Dempsey and Georges Carpentier for the heavyweight champienship of the world, will be held in Havana, Cuba, {had not received the money for the write and sign his decision and the. it was announced. victory. 1 some time had been required settle the affairs for .the meeting [and to get the bank draft necessary, | |as the purse was to be paid in Am- | the lerican money. He sald that | cheque was mailed to Mr. Riddle a | day or two ago, and had probably been received by him now. SECRETARY OF N.OH.A. GETS AFTER SCANDALMONGERS H. P. Charlton, secretary- of the Northern Ontario Hockey Assoecia- Mr. Orphen explained that referee decides if they disagree. Un- | to der the commission's rules there can of the contest was made be no draw. BISONS CHANGE HANDS. The Buffalo' International Base- ball Club, Buffalo, has been incor- porated at Albany, with an author- ized capital of $200,000. The incor- 'porators are: J. H. Meahl, R. K. Robertson and C. A. Lannin, of this city. . It is understood that J. J. Lannin has withdrawn from the Buffalo Selection of Havana as the scen® by Tex | Rickard, Charles B. Cochrane and | William Brady, who stated they had |received an offer of such proportions from a syndicate of Cuban capital- ists that it was finally determined the championship battle would be staged in Havana. The Virtues of "Goff." J. Stitt Wiseon, formerly soblalist | mayor of Berkeley, Cal., sums up the | virtues of golf as follows: "I know of All Studcbaker Case are equipped with Cord Tirer--ancther Studebakerprocedent Bromma] ®This is a Studebaker Year™ KINGSTON Auto SALES CO. Cor. Brock and Montreal Sts. Built in Canada, SAVING ON TIRES EIEN: Le10 lo Ne TIES Economy Tires are reconstructed with three plys of additional fabric, which gives you the assurance of 3500 miles and more. Our adjustment guarantee of 3500 miles goes with every tire. ~ 88 PRINCESS STREET 3 1 Telephone 529, "THE FLACE TO GET THAT RECORD" 3% ? club, and that there will be a change | no game so exacting on truthfulness, in the management before the open- | honor, integrity, courage, generosity ing of the season of 1921. George! and friendship in victo or defeat. tion, in a statement"said: "I note in. g s f one of Toronto's a- recent issue o e # $0 © Size Ties Tubes Mxd SIL 2.% Size Ties Tudew Every moment of golf isa demand dxf WN B® 5 | 10 SSEEENENENNNEENERREENNRERNENEARAE ; icon see of en of Toronto' PI A A NIN a. ports and Divanette | | Upholstered in Velours, Tapestry, Heather, Extension Couches. R. J. Reid The Leading Undertaker nad Furniture Dealer Ambulance Phone 577. 280 PRINCESS STREE) \ SACRA SL CE Phone 1988. Open Nights 20% Discount OFF LIST PRICES ON ALL TUBES and 3 . PNEUMATIC FES WHILE THEY 'SUDDABY BROS. Cor. QUEEN and WELLINGTON Keeps Children Well Makes Them Robust HERE IS GOOD ADVICE FOR THE HEAD OF EVERY FAMILY Rapid growth, work at home and in the school-room, are sure to tax the strength of every child, and often prove the beginning of a chain of weakness that lasts through life. Give your sofis and daughters a fighting chance! Give them good home surroundings, fortify them with' education--but above all else do everything possible 'to insure for tiem perfect health in years to come. in no way can you destroy weak- ness and build up health so surely as with Ferrozone. It's the concen trated nourishment in Ferrozone that enables it to do so much good. It contains the very elements that are needful in building up bome and sinew, in vitalizing and strengthen- ing the blood. The appetite Ferro- zone brings will gladden any par- ent's heart, and when color, spirits, vim, and energy increase day by day then you know what grand.work Fer- rozone is doing. Because it makes 1d keeps you healthy, because it is sleasant, harmless and sure to do snormous good---you and your chil- dren should use Ferrozone every day. 30ld by all dealers in 50c boxes, six for $2.50. Maxim Batteries give Maxim Service and are Made-in-Canada. They are guaranteed. Also all our repairs. Try our Free Testing Service Kingston' Battery Service Co. Cor. Queen and 'Bagot Streets. (Hooks) Wiltz, who has been pilot of the Bisons for some years, is ex- pected to go to one of the major league clubs in an advisory capacity and as scout. Collins To Manage Yankees? According to sources close to the New York American League base- ball club, Eddie Collins, of the Chi- cago White Sox, will succeed Miller Huggins as manager of the Yankees. It is generally understood that the midget manager has run his race as boss over Babe Ruth and the Bam- bino's supporting cast. Collins began his baseball career in New York city, being a member of the Columbia University team before going to Con- | nie Mack's school at Philadelphia where he remained until he was sold 'to the White Sox. He has always been rated as one of the greatest sec- ond basemen in the history of the game and one of the brainiest play- ers, «There is no questioning that he would be an ideal selection, but can you imagine Comiskey disposing of Collins after what transpired last month? Neither can we. Engineers Win in Practice Match. Yesterday afternoon the stalwarts of Science '23 and Meds. '23 gather- ed on the Lower Campus in battle array for nothing more dangerous , thin @& game of rugby. The saw- bones strove mightily and with great valour but the sturdy and persistent engineers wore them down and at last won out by a score of 3 to 0. Many fine players appeared on hoth sides and the game did not lack interest at any stage. The kicking (with the feet) was good and both the medi- cals and the science showed a strofig tendency to commit petty larceny on the ball. However this bit of light- fingered work only added interest to the game and both sides are eager for another meeting in the near future. What Next? Hamilton Herald: If the Tigers defeat Argos here on Saturday, and the Scull Big Fouf championship it will 'be a rather hollow victory. Hamilton's would regard it is such, at any rate. There would always be the feeling here that the best team. in the union didn't win, Attell Willing to Testify. Abe Attell told a Montreal news- papet that no extradition proceed- ings would be needed to make him ! 80 back to the United States to tes- tify in the baseball scandal case. "When I am ready," he said, "I will £0 back of my own free will and tell all T know." When" troubles start they come then go on and wip the | on a man's skill and chargctér. His brains must h the end or his club and across the field, with accuracy and precision. And every hour on the golf links is a test of honor and train- ing of character." Britton Defends Title, Jack Britton, welterweight cham- pion, will defend his title against Jack Perry, of Pittsburg, in a twelve- round no-decision contest at Louis- ville, Ky., November 8th, according to announcement. 2x4 128 2.06 xd 13.00 0 Sdxdd 1325 LE Sx 136 3.0 3x5 1.7% 410 5x8 16.00 4% 1x He.se "0 bile AWD Sixd 11.00 im 2x4 1.2% 2.86 Bad 11.5 2% Send $2.00 deposit on each tire and $1.00 on each tube-- balance C.0.D subject to your examination of goods, When ordering state whether straight-side or clincher, Non-ekid or plain tires same price. A 5% discount is allowed when full amount accompanies order--you save eallection charges. Reliner free with every tire. one's way like a string of beads. - ee J ae ECONOMY TIRE CO. Dept. pi+ 11-13 Jarvis St., TORONTO | CAN'T STAND THIS VM CONNA, OUT. TODAY - and $5.00 IN CASH PRIZES "COTH-ACHE ANY LONGER WE IT PULLED